Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Law and Politics Department of International Business Law
Graduate School of Law and Politics Doctoral Program in Law and Politics
Graduate School of Law and Politics Master's Program in Law and Politics
Associate Professor
LLM ( Duke University Law School ) / Master of Law ( Waseda University ) / PhD ( National University of Singapore )
Research Theme*
  • 民法の中でも、委任・代理など、他者の財産管理制度において管理者が負う各種の義務について考察し、財産管理制度の適切な運用方法を研究する。信託法も研究対象である。比較法では、アメリカ及びイギリスを中心とするコモンウェルス圏を対象とする。また、国際物品売買契約に関する国連条約の運用実態についても研究をしており、今後は、信託法の研究を進めると共に、国際統一取引法のあり方についても研究を進めたいと考えている。

  • Campus Career*
    • 9 2021 - Present 
      College of Law and Politics   Department of International Business Law   Associate Professor
    • 9 2021 - Present 
      Graduate School of Law and Politics   Master's Program in Law and Politics   Associate Professor
    • 9 2021 - Present 
      Graduate School of Law and Politics   Doctoral Program in Law and Politics   Associate Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Civil law

    Research History

    • 4 2013 - Present 
      Kokushikan University   Faculty of Law, Department of Law

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    • 2 2010 - Present 
      Tax College Adjunct Professor

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    • 4 2010 - 3 2015 
      Waseda University the School of International Liberal Studies Adjunct Professor

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    • 4 2009 - 3 2013 
      Kokushikan University   Faculty of Law, Department of Law

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      Kokushikan University Faculty of Law, Department of Law

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2009 
      Waseda University   Graduate School of Law

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      Country: Japan


    • 7 2005 - 5 2006 
      Duke University Law School   Law School   law

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      Country: United States


    • 3 2003 - 3 2005 
      Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Law

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      Country: Japan



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    Books and Other Publications

    • 有料老人ホーム入居契約における権利金不返還条項と初期償却条項の不当条項性判断についての一考察

      ( Role: Joint author)

      成文堂  201

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • A Trustee's Duty of Loyalty - The Contents of the Duty of Loyalty and Its Conceptual Relationship with the Duty to Perform Entrusted Business and the Duty of Care

      ( Role: Joint author)

      Public Interest Foundation Trust Future Forum  3 201

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 自己代理・双方代理・利益相反行為

      ( Role: Joint author)

      成文堂  2 201( ISBN:9784792326388

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 委任―指図遵守義務・報告義務―

      ( Role: Joint author)

      成文堂  2 201( ISBN:9784792326388

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book



    • The Problem of "Hidden" E-commerce Laws in Japan and the Possibility to Use the Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic communications in International COntracts International conference

      2016 UNCITRAL Emergence Conference  13 12 2016  Faculty of Law, the University of Macau, and the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:World Trade Center Macau, Macau SAR  


    • The Nature and Contents of an Agent's Duty of Loyalty

      Annual Conference on Private Law  8 10 2016  Japan Association of Private Law

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:the University of Tokyo  


    • Interpretations based on the Parties' Reasonable Intentions and Content Regulations of Standard Form Contracts in Japan

      Comparative Studies on Regulations of Standard Form Contracts  13 9 2016  the University of Chicago Law School and Keio Law School

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Keio Law School  


    Teaching Experience

      Law of Property ( Rikkyo University )

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      Trust Law ( Tax College )

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      Law and Society in Japan ( School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University )

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      物権法 ( 立教大学 )

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      信託法 ( 税務大学校 )

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      The Constitution of Japan ( School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University )

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      Law and Society in Japan ( School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University )

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      Intermediate Seminar ( School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University )

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      Civil Life and Law ( School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University )

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    Professional Memberships


    • The Problem of "Hidden" E-commerce Laws in Japan and the Possibility to Use the Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Comunications in International Contracts Other

      12 2016

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      Work type:Other   Location:Conference paper for the UNCITRAL Emergence Conference 2016 in Macau  


    • Interpretations Based on the Parties' Reasonable Intentions and Content Regulations of Standard Form Contracts in Japan Other

      9 2016

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      Work type:Other   Location:Conference paper for Seminar on Comparative Studies on Regulations of Standard Form Contracts  


    Research Projects

    • The Principles of Asian Contract Law

      Keio University 

      Naoki Kanayama

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      4 2015 - Present

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\33020000 ( Direct Cost: \33020000 )

      Research on contract laws of Asian countries for the purpose of creating the harmonized uniform set of rules on contracts for the Asian region


    • 代理人の忠実義務規範の明確化―民法・信託法・金融商品取引法を横断する統一規範の定立を目指して―

      More details

      4 2011 - Present

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\1950000 ( Direct Cost: \1950000 )


    • Study on Trustee's Duties of Care and Loyalty in Asset Management Schemes for the Elderly

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Taoka Eriko

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      4 2016 - 3 2018

      Grant number:16K17039

      Grant amount:\1690000 ( Direct Cost: \1300000 、 Indirect Cost:\390000 )

      In response to the rapidly aging society, there are increasing needs among the elderly for managing their assets in trust schemes in Japan. This is posing new challenges to Japanese trust law, because trusts have been primarily used by trust banks to create investment schemes in Japan, while private trusts to manage one's assets and/or leaving assets to his family members have hardly ever been utilized. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on rules on such private trusts by tailoring existing rules created based on commercial trusts. This research aims to meet the necessity by employing comparative legal study primarily on English trust law.


    • Studies on the Nature of A Duty of Care and A Duty of Loyalty Owed by A Trustee

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      4 2011

      Grant type:Competitive
