Updated on 2024/05/31


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Arts Department of History, Course in World History
Graduate School of Arts Doctoral Program in History
Graduate School of Arts Master's Program in History
Associate Professor
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 前近代ユーラシアと海域アジアにおける人・モノ・文化の移動と交流をテーマとする。とりわけ、遊牧世界、定住世界、そして海域世界の相互関係に留意しながら商人・宗教人の移動や各地社会との関わり、貨幣・陶磁器・銀などモノの流通、文書様式・工芸様式・海上信仰など文化・技術の伝播に関して研究を進める。       

  • Research Interests
  • Eurasian History

  • Maritime Asia

  • Iran-Islam History

  • Chinese History

  • Mongol Empire

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      College of Arts   Department of History, Course in World History   Associate Professor
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in History   Associate Professor
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in History   Associate Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Asia and Africa

    Research History

    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Arts Department of History Course on World History   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Arts Field of Study: History   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Arts Field of Study: History   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2017 - Present 
      Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts   The Research Institute

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    • 4 2012 - Present 
      Waseda University   Comprehensive Research Organization

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    • 4 2015 - 3 2018 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts

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    • 4 2013 - 3 2018 
      Showa Women's University   Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Department of History and Culture

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    • 4 2009 - 3 2018 
      駒沢大学   文学部   非常勤講師

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    • 4 2017 - 8 2017 
      The University of Tokyo

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    • 4 2016 - 3 2017 
      Waseda University   School of Culture, Media and Society

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    • 4 2012 - 3 2017 
      Keio University   Faculty of Letters

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    • 4 2008 - 3 2012 
      九州大学   人文科学研究院   研究員

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    • 4 2008 - 3 2012 
      Kyushu University

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2011 
      Waseda University   Comprehensive Research Organization

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    • 4 2008 - 3 2009 
      The University of Tokyo   Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2008 
      九州大学   人文科学研究院   専任講師

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2008 
      Kyushu University

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    • 4 2004 - 3 2005 
      Waseda University   School of Humanities and Social Sciences

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    • イルハン朝(モンゴル支配期イラン)の公文書 Invited


      古文書の様式と国際比較   356 - 381   2 2020

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      Language:English   Publisher:勉誠出版  


    • The Maritime and Continental Networks of Kīsh Merchants under Mongol Rule: The Role of the Indian Ocean, Fārs and Iraq Invited Peer-reviewed

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient62 ( 2-3 ) 428 - 463   3 2019

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Brill  


    • ???文史料中所?的?可・波?

      四日市 康博

      《?可 波? ?州 ??之路》北京:北京大学出版社   22 - 48   10 2016

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 试论汉文史料中所见的马可·波罗

      四日市 康博

      《马可 波罗 扬州 丝绸之路》北京:北京大学出版社   22 - 48   10 2016

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 奉使波斯碑再考——元朝同伊利汗国的使臣往来 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      元史及民族与边疆研究集刊30   57 - 71   3 2016

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • イルハン朝文書行政における朱印と朱印文書:元朝印章制度の伝播と変容 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      史滴 ( 37 ) 107 - 128   3 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • ユーラシア遊牧文化における聖色「青」と「白」 Invited

      四日市 康博

      『中国陶磁 元青花の研究』 東京:高志書院   33 - 47   12 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • アジアにおける都市と周辺 Invited

      四日市 康博

      アジア都市史における平泉——平成26年度「平泉の文化遺産」拡張登録に係る研究集会 報告書   47 - 56   3 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:岩手県教育委員会  


    • Four Seals in ’Phags-pa and Arabic Scripts on Amir Coban’s Decree of 726 AH/1326 CE Invited Peer-reviewed

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Orient ( 50 ) 25 - 33   3 2015

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • lkhanid public documents from the Eurasian perspective Invited

      Yasuhiro Yokkaichi

        75 ( 2 ) 257 - 300   3 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00011018

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00011018/

    • 13~14世紀における中国-東南アジアの通交と貿易——元朝から見た西洋航路上の南海諸国との関係を中心に Invited

      四日市 康博

      昭和女子大学国際文化研究所紀要 ( 21 ) 13 - 41   3 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • マルコ=ポーロの書『世界の記述』の虚構と物語性——物語作家ルスティケッロ=ダ ピーサはその共著者か? Invited

      四日市 康博

      横浜ユーラシア文化館紀要 ( 2 ) 13 - 38   3 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 従波斯湾、印度洋西域的海上貿易看中国的外銷陶瓷 Invited

      四日市 康博

      沈京華〔主編〕《2012’ 海上絲綢之路:中国古代瓷器輸出及文化影響国際学術研討会論文集》杭州:浙江省博物館・浙江人民美術出版社   44 - 52   9 2013

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 定海・三道崗・泉州后渚港 Invited

      四日市 康博

      季刊考古学 ( 123 ) 81 - 84   5 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:雄山閣  

      CiNii Article


    • 琉球をとりまく海域世界における港

      四日市 康博

      『海の文化遺産総合調査報告書:南西諸島編』福岡:アジア水中考古学研究所   146 - 161   3 2013

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    • Āl-tamghā (Vermilion Seal) and Altūn-tamghā (Golden Seal) in the Sphragistic System of the Il- khanid Dynasty: Compared with the Imperial and Official Seals of the Yuan Dynasty Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Eurasian Studies 10   311 - 355   9 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 元朝的浙江、福建統治与市舶政策 Invited

      四日市 康博

      李治安・宋涛〔主編〕《馬可波羅游歴過的城市QUINSAY 元代杭州研究文集》杭州:杭州出版社   141 - 155   5 2012

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Concerning the Üge of Abu Sa'id Bahadur Khan in 720/1320: Notes on A.Soudavar's Article Peer-reviewed

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Journal Nameh-ye Baharestan ( 18-19 ) 1 - 16   2012

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 近年のユーラシア史研究と貿易陶磁 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      貿易陶磁研究 ( 31 ) 1 - 13   9 2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • モンゴル帝国時代の移動と交流

      四日市 康博

      早稲田大学モンゴル研究所編『モンゴル史研究——現状と展望』、東京:明石書店   124 - 149   6 2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The Eurasian Empire or Chinese Empires? : The Mongol Impact and the Chinese Centripetal System in Maritime Asia Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Mukai Masaki [ed.], Asian Empires and Maritime Contacts before the Age of Commerce II. vol.3. 2009-2011 JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Empires, Systems, and Maritime Networks: Reconstructing Supra-Regional Historiesin Pre-19th Century Asia   2 2011

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


    • Chinese seals in the Mongol official documents in Iran :Re-examination of the sphragistic system in the Il-khanid and Yuan Dynasties Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      『吐魯番学研究:第三届吐魯番学曁欧亜遊牧民族的起源与遷変国際学術研討会論文集』上海古籍出版社   315 - 330   5 2010

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Horses in the East-West Trade between China and Iran under the Mongol Rule Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptak, Angela Schottenhammer (eds.). Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel und Kultur. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften   87 - 97   2009

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Chinese and Muslim Diasporas and the Indian Ocean Trade Network under Mongol Hegemony Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Angela Schottenhammer(ed.) The East Asian Mediterranean: Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce, and Human Migration. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz   73 - 101   2008

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The Role of Jarγuči in the Structure of Distribution System under the Mongol Empire

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Interaction and Transformations ( 4 ) 93 - 116   3 2007

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • モンゴル帝国期の国際貿易における商人と国家 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

          6 2 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  


    • 元朝南海交易経営考——文書と銭貨の流れから Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      九州大学 東洋史論集34   182 - 203   5 2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Three Bureaucratic Systems and Supervision of International Trade under the Yuan Dynasty

      YOKAKICHI Yasuhiro

      Interaction and Trans- formation3   21 - 38   5 2006

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The YUAN Government's Control and Management of the Nanhai Trade : from the aspect of transmission of formal documents and flow of trading capital

      The Oriental studies ( 34 ) 133 - 156   4 2006

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    • 元朝斡脱政策にみる交易活動と宗教活動の諸相——附『元典章』斡脱関連条訳注

      四日市 康博

      東アジアと日本:交流と変容3   11 - 32   3 2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究院  

      CiNii Article


    • 元朝とイル=ハン朝の外交・通商関係における国際貿易商人

      四日市 康博

      内陸圏・海域圏交流ネットワークとイスラム   79 - 91   2 2006

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:檮歌書房  


    • Az Sīraf be Kīsh: tejārat-e Oqiyānūs-e Hend va Kīsh dar `asr-e Moghūl (From Siraf to Kish: Kish and the Indian Ocean Trade in the Mongol Period) Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Proceedings of the International Congress of Siraf Port   125 - 135   11 2005

      More details

      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Bonyad-e Iranshenasi  


    • 元代集宁路古城遗址与“陶瓷之路” —— 研究展望以及今后的课题 Invited Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      中国古陶瓷研究 第十一辑   94 - 100   11 2005

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:紫禁城出版社  


    • 元朝新附?与海外?略 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博, 中島 楽章

      元史?从 第十?   7 2005

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:中国广播??出版社  


    • 元朝新附军与海外经略 Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博, 中島 楽章

      元史论从 第十辑   7 2005

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:中国广播电视出版社  


    • ジャルグチ考——モンゴル帝国の重層的国家構造および分配システムとの関わりから Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      史学雑誌114 ( 4 ) 1 - 30   4 2005

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Nökür and the Power Structure of the Mongol Empire Peer-reviewed

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Oyirad Studies2005 ( 2 ) 88 - 91   4 2005

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Research on the Jarruci, from the Standpoint of Political Structure of the Mongol Empire and Distribution System of Benefits

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      SHIGAKU ZASSHI114 ( 4 ) 443 - 472   2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Historical Society of Japan  

      Jarruci is generally regarded as a judge; however, the post included not only judicial duties but also management of census registers and fiscal administration. Although the relation of census registers to jarruci has not attract researchers' attention to date, it is a matter of no small importance in the structural fabric of the Mongol Empire. In the Secret History of the Mongols, there is a description of the origin of jarruci. It seems that Cinggis Qan decreed to share out people to his clan and establish jarruci at a time. It shows that the jarruci's two duties were interrelation, that is to apportion qubi (assigned territories, people and possessions) shared out among the imperial princes and to try transgressors by jarru. The nomadic groups multilayeredly formed by sharing among the Cinggised lines and dominant noyans were called ulus. One ulus corresponded to each jarruci's jurisdictional limits. Jarruci's administrative role was closely connected to the structure of the Mongol Empire composed of multilayered uluses. From superordinate ulus to subordinate ulus, sharing olja (spoils) were shared as qubi. At the connecting points of such a multilayered social structure, jarruci apportioned qubi justly, and kept order among the ulus. Jarruci investigated olja and reported the results to the qan of his ulus, then carried out the apportionment of qubi as ordered by the qan. At the same time, jarruci were dispatched from subordinate ulus to superordinate ulus to ensure qubi of his ulus. Jarruci, in other words, redistributed qubi inside their own ulus and as a dispatched offical ensured qubi outside their own ulus. Ulus and ulus, sedentary territories and nomadic territories were connected by jarruci, and thereby the Mongol Empire was able to maintain a certain degree of uniformity as a single state.

      DOI: 10.24471/shigaku.114.4_443

      CiNii Article


    • 元朝的征日战船与原南宋水军(元朝の遠征船と旧南宋水軍) Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博, 中島楽章

      海交史研究2004/1   39 - 50   7 2004

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • On the Relation between Jarγuci and Bitikci/Bicigeci : Administrative Officials in the Mongol Empire Peer-reviewed

      Yasuhiro YOKKAICHI, The Historical Society of Waseda University

        147   33 - 52   9 2002

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/2065/00052688

    • 鷹島海底遺跡に見る元寇研究の可能性——元寇遺物実見報告

      四日市 康博

      史滴24   111 - 124   3 2002

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    • 元朝の中賣寶貨——その意義およびオルトク、南海交易との関わりについて Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

      内陸アジア史研究17 ( 17 ) 41 - 59   3 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:内陸アジア史学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 元朝宮廷における交易と廷臣集団

      四日市 康博

      早稲田大学大学院文学研究紀要45 ( 4 ) 3 - 15   3 2000

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:早稲田大学大学院文学研究科  


    • 元朝の宮廷における交易——特に12人の財政官僚について Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

          25 3 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Master’s thesis  


    • オルタークの南海交易について Peer-reviewed

      四日市 康博

          25 3 1995

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Thesis (other)  


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    Books and Other Publications

    • 論点・東洋史学:アジア・アフリカへの問い158

      石川, 博樹, 太田, 淳, 太田, 信宏, 小笠原, 弘幸, 宮宅, 潔, 四日市, 康博, 吉沢, 誠一郎

      ミネルヴァ書房  27 12 2021  ( ISBN:4623092178

      More details

      Total pages:378   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 東アジア海域に漕ぎだす 海から見た歴史

      羽田 正, 藤田 明良, 森平 雅彦, 榎本 渉, 岡 元司, 佐伯 弘次, 向 正樹, 山内 晋次, 四日市 康博, 中島 楽章, 伊藤 幸司, 岡 美穂子, 橋本 雄, 山崎 岳, 杉山 清彦, 渡辺 未季( Role: Joint author)

      東京大学出版会  1 201

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • モノから見た海域アジア史??モンゴル~宋元時代のアジアと日本の交流

      四日市 康博, 榎本 渉, 小川 光彦, 向井 亙, 森 達也( Role: Joint editor)

      九州大学出版会  31 3 2008 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • モノから見た海域アジア史——モンゴル~宋元時代のアジアと日本の交流

      四日市 康博, 榎本 渉, 小川 光彦, 向井 亙, 森 達也( Role: Joint editor)

      九州大学出版会  31 3 2008 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • NHKスペシャル文明の道5 モンゴル帝国

      杉山 正明, 弓場 紀知, 宮 紀子, 宇野 伸浩, 赤坂 恒明, 四日市 康博, 橋本 雄( Role: Joint author)

      日本放送出版協会  2 2004 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience



    • Globalizing Ceramic Trade of the Yuan Dynasty and Its Regionality Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on MONGOLIAN STUDIES, 2022 “Globalization and Localization of Mongolian Studies” (The Korean Association for Mongolian Studies (KAMS))  25 3 2022 

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      Event date: 24 3 2022 - 25 3 2022



    • 海を行き交う人々―海を渡ったイスラーム商人、特にホルムズ商人について Invited

      四日市 康博

      令和3年度文化遺産国際協力コンソーシアム シンポジウム 「海と文化遺産-海が繋ぐヒトとモノ-」  28 11 2021 

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      Event date: 28 11 2021 - 28 11 2021



    • Chinese Ceramic Trade of the Hormuz Merchants in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International workshop “Networks and Ties of Exchange: Trade and Merchants across the Premodern Middle East (600-1600 CE)” (Leiden University)  4 6 2021 

      More details

      Event date: 3 6 2021 - 4 6 2021

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 港市科研の目的・成果・展望

      四日市 康博

      公開シンポジウム「港市と渡海者—港を結ぶネットワーク」  30 1 2021 

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      Event date: 30 1 2021 - 30 1 2021



    • Documents of the Ilkhanid Dynasty, Iran Invited International conference

      YOKAKICHI Yasuhiro

      17 11 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • On the Qarā-tamghā (Black Seal) of the Ilkhanate: Its Meaning, Image, and Semiosis Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Designing Voices and Letters: The Mongols as an Empire of Communication  1 7 2018  中央大学学術シンポジウム「グローバル文化史の試み」

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:中央大学, 東京  

      このシンポジウム「声と文字とをデザインする ――コミュニケーション帝国としてのモンゴル ――」は、政治権力とコミュニケーション体系との複雑な関係について議論する場であり、その焦点をモンゴル帝国(1206~1368年)に定めている。この種の関係の歴史的展開は、例えばハロルド・イニスの代表作『帝国とコミュニケーション』などによって、すでに詳細に研究されている。しかしイニスの叙述は、古代から中世を経て近代に至る「西洋」の発展を叙述しながら、必要に応じて「その他」に言及するというヘーゲル的な古典史観を超えてはいない。このシンポジウムは、イニスの後は例えばフリードリヒ・キットラーへと受け継がれたこの長きに亘る議論の「脱西洋中心主義化」を図ることで、この問題に新たな光を当てようとするものである。「西洋」と「その他」とを包括し、コミュニケーション体系においても際立った多様性を見せていたモンゴル帝国は、その格好の題材となる。


    • On the Qar?-tamgh? (Black Seal) of the Ilkhanate: Its Meaning, Image, and Semiosis Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Designing Voices and Letters: The Mongols as an Empire of Communication  1 7 2018  中央大学学術シンポジウム「グローバル文化史の試み」

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:中央大学, 東京  

      このシンポジウム「声と文字とをデザインする ――コミュニケーション帝国としてのモンゴル ――」は、政治権力とコミュニケーション体系との複雑な関係について議論する場であり、その焦点をモンゴル帝国(1206~1368年)に定めている。この種の関係の歴史的展開は、例えばハロルド・イニスの代表作『帝国とコミュニケーション』などによって、すでに詳細に研究されている。しかしイニスの叙述は、古代から中世を経て近代に至る「西洋」の発展を叙述しながら、必要に応じて「その他」に言及するというヘーゲル的な古典史観を超えてはいない。このシンポジウムは、イニスの後は例えばフリードリヒ・キットラーへと受け継がれたこの長きに亘る議論の「脱西洋中心主義化」を図ることで、この問題に新たな光を当てようとするものである。「西洋」と「その他」とを包括し、コミュニケーション体系においても際立った多様性を見せていたモンゴル帝国は、その格好の題材となる。


    • Re-Examining the interaction among Indian Ocean and Eurasia in the Mongol Empire period: Was the Thirteenth-and-Fourteenth century a historical watershed of Maritime Asian History?

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro, GO Ummi, TOKUDOME Daisuke, ISAHAYA Yoichi, OZAKI Kikuko, MOMOKI Shiro

      Re-Examining the interaction among Indian Ocean and Eurasia in the Mongol Empire period: Was the Thirteenth-and-Fourteenth century a historical watershed of Maritime Asian History?  23 6 2018  Historical Society of Rikkyo University

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

      Venue:Rikkyo University, Tokyo  


    • Beyond "East Asian" History: Maritime Asian Sphere Viewed from the Flow of Materials in the Song-Yuan-Early Ming Transitional Phase International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro, IHARA Hiroshi, KOJIMA Tsuyoshi, TAKATSU Takashi, Oliver WATSON, MORI Tatsuya, KIKUCHI Yuriko, OGAWA Mitsuhiko, YAMAUCHI Shinji, QIU Yihao

      19 5 2018  Toho Gakkai/Institute of Eastern Culture

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

      Venue:Japan Education Center, Tokyo  

      Intent and purpose of the panel:
      The aim of this panel is re-examining "East Asian maritime history" of the conventional historical study from a broader perspective, in particular from material and spiritual cultures including ceramics, anchor stone, brimstone horse, and others. Based on these aspects, we attempt to show the new understanding of the Maritime Asian structure in the Southern Song, Yuan, and early Ming transition.

      Chair: YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro (Rikkyo University)
      Keynote: YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro (Rikkyo University)
      -Oliver WATSON (Oxford University)
      "New Views: A Middle-Eastern Perspective on Islamic-Chinese Trade in the Tang and Song Periods"
      -MORI Tatsuya (Okinawa Prefectural Universisty of Art)
      "The East and West Interaction from the 9th Century up to the 15th Century Viewd from Trade Ceramics Based on the Comparison between the Persian Gulf and Ryukyu Islands"
      -KIKUCHI Yuriko (National Institutes for the Humanities)
      "Southeast Asia and Maritime Interaction in the Song-Yuan-Ming China from the Perspective of Vietnamese Ceramic"
      -OGAWA Mitsuhiko (Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology)
      "Curtural Spheres of Wood-Stone Anchors, Wooden Anchors and Iron Grapnels in East Asia"
      -YAMAUCHI Shinji (Kobe Women's University)
      "Sulfer Raod in Asia"
      -QIU Yihao (Fudan University, Shanghai)
      "The Horse Riders Involved in the Maritime Trade: The Continuities and Changes of the Indian Landscape under the Invasions of the Mongols."
      Discussant: KOJIMA Tsuyoshi (University of Tokyo)
      Discussant: TAKATSU Takashi (Kagoshima University)


    • 元朝期の東西ユーラシアにおける龍・鳳凰図像の伝播 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      第三届形象史学与丝路⽂化国际学术研讨会  11 5 2018  中国社会科学院历史学部, 南京⼤学

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  

      Venue:南京大学, 南京  


    • Chinese Ceramic Trade on the Maritime Silk Road in the Yuan-Mongol period Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Cultural and Heritage Diplomacy Symposium, Iran  8 3 2018  Deakin University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Australia Research Council

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran  


    • Some Problems on the Ceramic Road between East and West Eurasia in the Yuan-Mongol Period Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Mobility, Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia  18 12 2017  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, European Research Council

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Hebrew University, Jerusalem  


    • Mongol Impact on Champa, Vietnam, and Maritime Asia Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Binh Dinh Ancient Ceramics - Vijaya Kingdom and Its Relationship with Thang Long Citadel – Dai Viet (11th – 15th Centuries  27 10 2017  Vietnam Academy of Social Science, Binh Dinh Province's People Committee

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Qui Nhon, Binh Dinh Prov, Viet Nam  


    • モンゴル・インパクトの一環としての「モンゴル襲来」 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      第57 回SGRA フォーラム, 第2 回日本・中国・韓国における国史たちの対話の可能性円卓会議「蒙古襲来と13世紀モンゴル帝国のグローバル化」  7 8 2017  渥美国際交流財団関口グローバル研究会(SGRA)

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Diffusion of Lion, Shizi, and Koma-Inu in Eurasia and Maritime Asia Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Workshop: Move- ment, Temporality, and Exchange: Animals in Mongol Eurasia  26 2 2017  Hebrew University, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Jersalem: Hebrew University  


    • Marco Polo's travel route and Ceramic Road between China and Iran: focusing on Hormuz and Kish (Qais) kingdoms' trade activities Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      馬可波羅与10-14世紀的絲綢之路国際学術研討会  19 11 2016  北京大学

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:北京大学, 北京  


    • The Shinan Shipwreck Viewed from the Trade Activities between Yuan-China and Japan in the Fourteenth Century Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      The 40th anniversary of the Shinan Shipwreck Excavation: Asia-Pacific Maritime Network and Underwater Cultural Heritage  26 10 2016  National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Mokpo, Korea  


    • 从忽鲁模斯商人的国际贸易看元代的外销陶瓷 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      第五届中国东海(国际)论坛:“一带一路”视野下的东海文化交流ー以东海航线和青瓷文化为视点  21 10 2016  浙江海洋大学

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:浙江海洋大学, 舟山  


    • 从忽?模斯商人的国??易看元代的外?陶瓷 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      第五届中国?海(国?)??:“一?一路”?野下的?海文化交流ー以?海航?和青瓷文化??点  21 10 2016  浙江海洋大学

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:浙江海洋大学, 舟山  


    • 有关元朝和东南亚岛屿间的交通考证 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      东亚视域下的海上交通及异域认知 国际学术研讨会  19 8 2016  南京大学

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:南京大学, 南京  


    • 有?元朝和?南????的交通考? Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      ???域下的海上交通及?域?知 国?学?研?会  19 8 2016  南京大学

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:南京大学, 南京  


    • Diplomatic relation Concerning Marco Polo between the II-Khante and Yuan dynasty Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Congress of Marco Polo and Its Impact on the Former and Today’s Silk Road  20 11 2015  International Association The Roads of Marco Polo, CSEBA, and UNESCO

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Sibenik, Croatia  


    • Ardabīl document studies and the research project between Iran, China and Japan Introduction of some new-found documents in Mongolian and Turkic writings Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      GEREGE- Values of the Asian civilization of 7-8 century of Hijri / 13-14 century  27 10 2015  The Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, the Centre of International Research and Education of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia  


    • Ardab?l document studies and the research project between Iran, China and Japan Introduction of some new-found documents in Mongolian and Turkic writings Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      GEREGE- Values of the Asian civilization of 7-8 century of Hijri / 13-14 century  27 10 2015  The Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, the Centre of International Research and Education of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia  


    • Marco Polo in Chinese sources? Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      "Marco Polo and the Silk Road" International Conference  17 9 2015  Yangzhou City goverment, Yangzhou University

      More details

      Language:Chinese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Yangzhou conference centre, Yangzhou  


    • Kish and Hormuz merchants' Trade between China and Indian Ocean under the Mongol Hegemony Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Silk Roads, Muslim Passages: The Islam Question in China’s Expansion  29 7 2015  the Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore  


    • Iranian-Islamic and Mongolian-Chinese Aspects of the Ardabīl Documents in Ilkhanid Iran International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports The Third Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH)  29 5 2015  History Programme, School of Humanities and Social Science, Nanyang Technological University and The Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH)

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Nanyang Technological University, Singapore  


    • Iranian-Islamic and Mongolian-Chinese Aspects of the Ardab?l Documents in Ilkhanid Iran International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      Migration in Global History: Peoples, Plants, Plagues, and Ports The Third Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH)  29 5 2015  History Programme, School of Humanities and Social Science, Nanyang Technological University and The Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH)

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Nanyang Technological University, Singapore  


    • The Patterns of Cities and Hinterlands in Asia Invited

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      the "Hiraizumi in Asian Urban History" workshop  2 12 2014  Iwate Prefectural Board of Education, Ichinoseki City, Oushu City, Hiraizumi Town

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Hiraizumi Cultural History Museum  


    • Two great amīrs, Čoban and Bolad and two āl-tamġā seals brought from Yuan China Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Seminar "China and Iran: The Cultural Communications along the Silk Road"  8 11 2014  上海外国語大学, 上海

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



    • Two great am?rs, ?oban and Bolad and two ?l-tam?? seals brought from Yuan China Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Seminar "China and Iran: The Cultural Communications along the Silk Road"  8 11 2014  上海外国語大学, 上海

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



    • 奉使波斯碑再考—元朝同伊利汗国的使臣往来 International conference

      四日市 康博

      “中国历代涉海碑刻研究”学术研讨会  6 8 2014  南京大学

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:南京大学 中国南海研究协同创新中心  


    • 奉使波斯碑再考?元朝同伊利汗国的使臣往来 International conference

      四日市 康博

      “中国?代?海碑刻研究”学?研?会  6 8 2014  南京大学

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:南京大学 中国南海研究?同?新中心  


    • Fars and Two Iraqs under Mongol Rule: Kish Merchants’ Trade Network in the Indian Ocean Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      International Conference: Mobility and Transformations: Economic and Cultural Exchange in Mongol Eurasia  29 7 2014  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Science Foundation, European Research Council

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:The Edmond J. Safra Campus of The Hebrew University, Givat Ram  


    • イル=ハン朝公文書とモンゴル帝国期文書様式の構造 Invited International conference

      四日市 康博

      2014年度立教大学史学会「ユーラシア東西における古文書学の現在」  21 6 2014  立教史学会

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • The impact of an official seal of the Yuan Dynasty brought to the Il-Khanid court: The case of a newly uncovered Mongolian decree with al-tamgha (vermilion seal) issued by Amīr Bolad Aqa International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      the international conference “New Approaches on the Il-Khans”  21 5 2014  National University of Mongolia and the International Association of Mongol Studies

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:the National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar  


    • The impact of an official seal of the Yuan Dynasty brought to the Il-Khanid court: The case of a newly uncovered Mongolian decree with al-tamgha (vermilion seal) issued by Am?r Bolad Aqa International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      the international conference “New Approaches on the Il-Khans”  21 5 2014  National University of Mongolia and the International Association of Mongol Studies

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:the National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar  


    • Contact of Chinese and Muslim Diasporas in the Indian Ocean Trade Sphere under the Mongol Empire’s Hegemony Invited International conference

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      The Rahmania Annual Seminar "Asia and Arabia"  8 1 2014  The Abdulrahman Al-Sudairy Foundation & Princeton University’s Institute for Transregional Studies

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Al-Ghat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  


    ▼display all

    Research Projects

    • Reaserch and Taking Photos of the Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili Shrine's attached documents keeping at the Strage of the Islamic Department of the National Museum of Iran

      Muze-ye Melli Iran (National Museum of Iran)  Joint Research(International Collaboration) 

      YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro, Daryush Akbarzadeh

      More details

      3 2012 - Present

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • 都市・港市・水系の連鎖と流通から見たユーラシア海域交流パターンの多角的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      四日市 康博, 向 正樹, 石黒 ひさ子, 麻生 伸一, 菊池 誠一, 森 達也, 片桐 千亜紀, 小澤 実

      More details

      4 2023 - 3 2028

      Grant number:23H00660

      Grant amount:\16380000 ( Direct Cost: \12600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3780000 )


    • 琉球王国の海上交通路の研究-沈船遺跡、港湾、文献資料、絵画・地図資料の総合調査-

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      森 達也, 山田 浩世, 渡辺 芳郎, 徳留 大輔, 瀬戸 哲也, 山内 晋次, 新里 亮人, 具志堅 清大, 後藤 雅彦, 麻生 伸一, 山道 崚, 四日市 康博, 砂川 暁洸, 江上 輝, 久保 智康, 柴田 圭子, 安里 進, 宮城 弘樹, 片桐 千亜紀, 山本 正昭, 亀島 慎吾

      More details

      4 2023 - 3 2028

      Grant number:23H00018

      Grant amount:\46410000 ( Direct Cost: \35700000 、 Indirect Cost:\10710000 )


    • Interdisciplinary Approach to the "Crisis of the 14th Century"

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

      4 2021 - 3 2025

      Grant number:21H00555

      Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )


    • Synthetic Research on the Document Sources of the Mongol Empire

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

      4 2020 - 3 2024

      Grant number:20H01324

      Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )


    • Maritime Networks, Islands, and Political Powers in Premodern Europe

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

      4 2019 - 3 2024

      Grant number:19H00546

      Grant amount:\44850000 ( Direct Cost: \34500000 、 Indirect Cost:\10350000 )


    • Basic research on port-cities and port-city states of Maritime Asia from the cross-regional perspectivel

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      More details

      4 2019 - 3 2023

      Grant number:19H01299

      Grant amount:\17030000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3930000 )


    • モンゴル帝国期多民族共生社会と文化交流に関する国際共同研究:イラン所蔵の多言語文書と中国・イスラーム陶磁の歴史・考古・美術史的考察を軸として


      More details

      8 2016 - 7 2018

      Grant type:Competitive


    • イラン・中国・日本共同によるアルダビール文書を中心としたモンゴル帝国期多言語複合官文書の史料集成??多民族・多言語社会の構造と官文書上のペルシア語・アラビア語・トルコ語・モンゴル語・漢語の相互関係の解明を目的として


      More details

      11 2009 - 10 2012

      Grant type:Competitive


    • イラン・中国・日本共同によるアルダビール文書を中心としたモンゴル帝国期多言語複合官文書の史料集成——多民族・多言語社会の構造と官文書上のペルシア語・アラビア語・トルコ語・モンゴル語・漢語の相互関係の解明を目的として


      More details

      11 2009 - 10 2012

      Grant type:Competitive


    • モンゴル帝国期ユーラシアの国際貿易と地域社会の相互関連に関する基礎的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 

      四日市 康博

      More details

      4 2009 - 3 2012

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3460000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


    • モンゴル帝国期ユーラシアの国際貿易と地域社会の相互関連に関する基礎的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      四日市 康博

      More details

      4 2009 - 3 2012

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3460000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


    • 海域比較-インド洋海域世界と地中海海域世界における地域間交流の諸相

      文部科学省  科学研究費助成事業 

      羽田 正

      More details

      4 2005 - 3 2010

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\24600000 ( Direct Cost: \24600000 )


    • A Comparative Study of the Documents in East Asia before Modern Age

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SAKAUE Yasutoshi, SAEKI Koji, IWASAKI Yoshinori, HAMADA Kousaku, MORIHIRA Masahiko, KAWAMOTO Yoshiaki, NAKAJIMA Yoshiaki, ITO Koji, FUNADA Yoshiyuki, YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro

      More details

      2007 - 2010

      Grant number:19320098

      Grant amount:\16900000 ( Direct Cost: \13000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3900000 )

      In pre-modern Japan and Korea, the Chinese formats of official documents were accepted. Especially the formats of documents in Tang China were followed by East Asian dynasties. The functions of official or private documents were common throughout the East Asian world but recently revolutions and wars have often disturbed the succession of the documents in China and Korea.


    • モンゴル帝国期の国際貿易と多言語環境下の文書行政の関連性に関する基礎的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 

      四日市 康博

      More details

      4 2006 - 3 2009

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3830000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\330000 )


    • モンゴル帝国期の国際貿易と多言語環境下の文書行政の関連性に関する基礎的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      四日市 康博

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      4 2006 - 3 2009

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3830000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\330000 )


    • 陶磁器に見るモンゴル帝国時代インド洋海域世界の経済交流および文化交流の研究


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      4 2007 - 2 2008

      Grant type:Competitive


    • イラン・イルハン朝期多言語複合文書の発展的研究

      東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所  共同研究(国内共同研究) 


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      12 2007 - 1 2008

      Grant type:Competitive


    • イラン現存中国陶磁および東西交流の研究

      テヘラン大学 考古学研究所  共同研究(国際共同研究) 

      Hassan Karīmīyān, Yokkaichi Yasuhiro

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      3 2007 - 4 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 東アジアと日本:交流と変容


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      4 2005 - 3 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • イラン・イルハン朝期ペルシア語および多言語命令文書研究

      東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所  共同研究(国内共同研究) 


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      8 2006 - 9 2006

      Grant type:Competitive


    • モンゴル帝国時代における財務官僚と国際貿易商人の活動に関する基礎的研究


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      7 2002 - 6 2003

      Grant type:Competitive

      元朝とイランのイルハン朝の交渉において、 (1) 商人の召募・斡旋およびそれらの商人との関係保持の役割を果たした財務官僚、 (2) 両国の国交・通商に加担した国際貿易商人がそれぞれいかなる形で両国の国交・通商に関わり、いかなる役割を果たしたのかを分析するそのために、まず、元朝・イルハン朝の使節派遣・受入の記録を、この時代のモンゴルに関する二大史料群である漢語・ペルシア語史料から抽出して比較対照する。特に、難解な文体から従来は敬遠されがちであった『ワッサーフ史』Tārikh-i Wassāfや『集史』Jāmi‘ al- Tawārīkhなどペルシア語史料に見える各政権の属僚集団の記述や漢語文集史料に収録される墓碑銘などを参照し、派遣使節の経歴・家系、各政権における立場を確認する。もうひとつ、考察の対象となるのが国際貿易商人の動向である。漢語・ペルシア語史料やイタリア語公証人文書、モンゴル語・ラテン語などのモンゴル・ヨーロッパ外交文書などから、インド洋世界やユーラシア大陸規模で活動したイスラーム・ウイグル系商人、イラン周辺で活動したヴェネツィア・ジェノヴァ商人の活動を考察することにより、アジアとイスラム・ヨーロッパ世界を結んだ国際貿易商人の性質と活動およびモンゴル政権との関わりを明らかにする。


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