Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Arts Department of Education
Graduate School of Arts Doctoral Program in Education
Graduate School of Arts Master's Program in Education
博士(教育学) ( 東京大学 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 比較教育学を研究テーマとし、異なる国や地域の比較検討を通じ、普遍的な示唆の抽出をめざしている。個人研究ではフィリピンを対象とし、共同研究ではアジア諸国を中心に比較研究を行っている。最近は、トランス・ナショナルな人の移動に関心をもち、フィリピン人の出稼ぎ・移住や、アジア諸国からフィリピンへの宗教聖職者の移動に注目している。

  • Research Interests
  • 宗教教育

  • カトリック

  • キリスト教教育

  • フィリピン

  • 比較教育

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Professor
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Professor
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2015 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Associate Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2015 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Associate Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2015 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Associate Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 1998 - 3 2006 
      College of Arts   Department of Christian Studies   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2005 - 3 2006 
      Graduate School of Arts   Field of Study: Theology   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2005 - 3 2006 
      Graduate School of Arts   Field of Study: Theology   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

    Research History

    • 4 2015 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Arts Field of Study: Education   Professor

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    • 4 2015 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Arts Field of Study: Education   Professor

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    • 4 2015 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Arts Department of Education   Professor

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2015 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Arts Department of Education   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Arts Department of Education   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    • 4 1998 - 3 2006 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Arts Department of Christian Studies   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    ▼display all


    • - 3 1993 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Education

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1986 
      The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Education

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      Country: Japan


    Committee Memberships

    • 9 2001 - Present 
      日本カトリック教育学会   紀要編集幹事

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 4 1996 - 8 1998 
      日本カトリック教育学会   紀要編集幹事

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 1 2000  
      日本比較教育学会  平塚賞 

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      Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan



    • Case Studies on English Education in Philippine Elementary Schools: Possible Lessons for Japan

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      Rikkyo University Journal of Educational Research ( 63 ) 19 - 31   3 2020

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00018987


    • A Study on the Policy on English Education in Elementary Schools in the Philippines: A Possible Lessons for Japan

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      Rikkyo University Journal of Educational Research ( 63 ) 5 - 18   2 2020

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00018986


    • The Philippines as a Center for Clerical Formation in Asia : A Case Study of Filipino Language Schools for Clergy and the Mobilities of Clerical Probationers

      立教大学教育学科研究年報 ( 62 ) 57 - 67   28 2 2019

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      Language:English   Publisher:立教大学文学部教育学科  

      DOI: 10.14992/00017613


    • カトリック聖職者のフィリピン訪問―養成中の修道者が通う語学学校をてがかりに Invited

      栗田和明編『移動と移民-複数社会を結ぶ人びとの動態』   71 - 86   30 3 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:昭和堂  


    • Filipino Migrants and Religion: Comparison of Cases in Australia and Japan

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      立教大学教育学科研究年報 ( 59 ) 3 - 14   28 2 2016

    • Roles of the Church among Filipino Migrants: Comparison between Cases in Tokyo and Sydney

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      Studies on Christian Education ( 31 ) 1 - 15   30 5 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Institute of Christian Education  

      CiNii Article


    • Controversy over Religious Education in Philippine Public Schools in 1965:Actors and Causes

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      立教大学教育学科研究年報 ( 55 ) 55 - 68   20 3 2012

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      Language:English   Publisher:立教大学文学部教育学科  

      CiNii Article


    • フィリピンの初等英語教育の現状と課題-国語・地域語教育との調整- Invited

      科学研究費補助金「東南アジアの初等教育段階における英語教育の受容と母語教育への影響」研究成果報告書   131 - 166   31 3 2008

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:山梨県立大学人間福祉学部  


    • The Establishment and the Development of Religious Education in the Philippine Public School: 1900s-1950s

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      立教大学教育学科研究年報51 ( 51 ) 21 - 34   10 3 2008

    • フィリピンにおける異文化理解教育としての宗教教育の実証的研究

      科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書   1 - 48   3 2008

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    • フィリピンの公立学校における宗派的な宗教教育 -制度展開への宗教団体の関与- Invited


      国際宗教研究所編『現代宗教2007』2007   140 - 163   20 8 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:秋山書店  

      CiNii Article


    • Styles of Christian Schools and Peace Education: An Analysis of a Questionnaire Survey in 2003 (1)

      Studies on Christian Education ( 22 ) 13 - 24   25 3 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Institute of Christian Education  


    • Peace Education in Christian Schools: Initial Returns of a Questionnaire Survey in 2003

      Studies on Christian Education ( 21 ) 110 - 115   25 3 2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Institute of Christian Education  


    • 世界の宗教教育に関する研究状況 Invited

      市川誠, 津城寛文

      科学研究費補助金「宗教教育の日韓比較」研究成果報告書   18 - 51   12 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)  


    • An Analysis on the Catechetical Situation in the Philippine Public Schools: Based on the National Survey (2000)

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      Studies on Christian Education ( 19 ) 17 - 28   25 3 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Institute of Christian Education  


    • フィリピンの公立学校における宗教教育 ― 過去の論争と近年の動向 ― Invited

      科学研究費補助金「公教育の宗教的寛容性および共通シラバスに関する国際比較研究」研究成果報告書   121 - 134   3 2001

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    • 宗教系高等学校の入学者と卒業者の傾向についての一考察 Invited

      科学研究費補助金「現代日本における宗教教育の実証的研究」研究成果報告書   99 - 107   12 2000

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    • Religious Schools in Korea

      ICHIKAWA Makoto

      Studies on Christian Education ( 17 ) 57 - 70   3 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Japan Institute of Christian Education  


    • フィリピン


      国立教育研究所 特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」最終報告書   147 - 161   3 1999

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    • 住民参加に基づく地域開発プログラムの社会教育における役割 ― フィリピンの2つの事例 ― Invited

      国立教育研究所 特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」中間報告書II   419 - 427   3 1998

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    • American Colonial Policy in Philippine Education and Filipino Reaction: With Focuses on Religious Problem

      ICHIKAWA Makoto

      Research Report of the National Institute for Educational Research35 ( 35 ) 15 - 29   9 1997

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:National Institute for Educational Research  

      CiNii Article


    • The Establishment and Development of Religious Instruction in Public Schools in the Philippines Peer-reviewed

      ICHIKAWA Makoto

      The Japan Journal of Educational Research64 ( 2 ) 161 - 170   6 1997

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Educational Research Association  

      In the Philippines, in public elementary schools and high schools, at the discretion of their parents, children are allowed to be taught religion by instructors assigned by religious organizations. At present, several religious organizations, especially the Catholic Church, send their instructors to teach religion in public schools to those children who belong to their own religions for not rnore than 30 minuted three times a week. This practice has been followed since the start of the American regime, that is, since the beginning of this century. Describing frequent arguments over the practice and its modifications throughout this century, this paper demonstrates the following points. In the first place, the provision was modified immensely during the 1950s. Until that time, religious instruction was given only outside the regular school timetable, but in 1953 an Administrative Order issued by President Quirino permitted religious instruction to be given within the school timetable as well as outside it. The new provision was reiterated in the Education Order of 1955. This modification resulted in increasing popularity of the practice, a state of affairs which has continued up to the present. In the second place, as an issue of educational policy, religious instruction was so critical that the argument influenced personnel matters within the Department of Education and presidential election results in the 1950s. In 1953, the Catholic Church loudly accused the Secretary of Education and two other officials of having neglected the implementation of religious instruction. Later in the presidential election of that year, the Church supported candidate Magsaysay, who promised the Church that he would appoint as Secretary of Education a man representing the sentiments of Catholics. And in 1955, in opposition to the drastic change in policy, a petition was filed with the Supreme Court to test the validity of the Education Order. In the third place, the Catholic Church played an important role in the development of the practice. In its need to expand religious education and provide more opportunities to teach the Catechism, the Catholic Church insisted on liberalizing the provision. Since the Church had an influence on the result of elections, pressure from it drastically changed the policy of Congress and Presidents on religious instruction. In the fourth place, the demand for religious education has been strong among the Filipino people, most of whom are devout Catholics. The demand was so strong that at the beginning of this century many people did not send their children to newly established public elementary schools where the Catechism was not taught. This demand was especially strong in the early 1950s because of the problem of juvenile delinquency and the threat of the arm of the Communist party named "Hukbalahap".

      DOI: 10.11555/kyoiku1932.64.161

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/kyoiku/64/2/_contents/-char/ja

    • フィリピンにおける宗教教育制度の成立と展開に関する研究

      市川 誠

      東京大学大学院 博士論文   2 1997

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    • フィリピンのバランガイ・ハイスクールの成果と課題 ― 就学機会の拡大、職業教育および社会教育をめぐって ―

      国立教育研究所 特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」中間報告書 ( I ) 479 - 490   3 1996

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    • 公立学校での宗教教育における宗派間の不公平 -1965年のフィリピンにおける議論- Peer-reviewed

      カトリック教育研究 ( 11 ) 37 - 46   8 1994

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 20世紀フィリピン宗教教授制度の選択肢 -1901年法律第74号と1935年憲法制定時の議論-

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 18 ) 25 - 39   6 1993

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • フィリピンの公立学校における宗教教育, 1901~87年 ― 歴史的展開とカトリック教会の役割 ― Peer-reviewed

      アジア経済34 ( 4 ) 19 - 37   4 1993

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:アジア経済研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • 地域社会の生活と学校 ― フィリピンにおけるコミュニティ・スクールの運動 ― Invited

      東京大学教育学部比較教育学研究室 知られざる新教育 -- 比較教育学的再考察 --   1 - 16   3 1993

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    • 1987年憲法下のフィリピンの公立学校における宗教教育の実態 ― 事例調査を中心に ―

      東京大学教育学部紀要32   285 - 293   3 1993

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    • 公立学校での宗教教育をめぐる1950年代のフィリピンにおける議論 Peer-reviewed

      国際教育 ( 創刊 ) 28 - 45   11 1992

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • コモンウェルス発足以前のフィリピンの公立学校における宗教教育の制度

      東京大学教育学部比較教育学研究室 火曜研究会報告 ( 17 ) 17 - 30   10 1992

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    • [文献紹介]先進国の基礎共同体 -イタリア,オランダ,アメリカにおける運動-["Basic Christian Communities," Christianity and Crisis, Vol. 41, No. 14, 1981]

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 16 ) 115 - 120   9 1991

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 精神的な修養のための宗教教育と政教分離 ― 1950年代フィリピンの公立学校における任意選択制宗教教育の展開 ― Peer-reviewed

      カトリック教育研究 ( 8 ) 34 - 46   7 1991

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • フィリピンの基礎共同体の活動―カトリック信徒指導者の養成に着目して― Peer-reviewed

      アジア経済31 ( 9 ) 67 - 78   9 1990

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:アジア経済研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • [図書紹介]フィリピン教科書プロジェクトによるナショナル・アイデンティティ形成の評価 -教科書の内容分析と学校調査をもとにして- [Maria Luisa Canieso-Doronila, The Limits of Educational Change: National Identity Formation in a Philippine Public Elementary School, University of the Philippines Press, 1989]

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 15 ) 25 - 33   6 1990

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • [文献紹介]地域教会の教育活動とその課題 -フィリピンにおける信徒養成の事例研究-[Karl Gaspar, "The Local Church and Militant Lay Participation: The MSPC Experience," Pro Mundi Vita: Asia-Australasia Dossier, n°34, 1985]

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 14 ) 8 - 16   6 1989

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 基礎共同体についての比較教育学的一考察 ― ブラジルとフィリピンからの報告を中心に ―

      東京大学教育学部紀要28   327 - 332   3 1989

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    • フィリピンの基礎共同体 ― 地域教会の教育活動 ― Peer-reviewed

      比較教育学 ( 15 ) 169 - 179   3 1989

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本比較教育学会  

      CiNii Article


    ▼display all


    • [図書紹介] 平山篤子著『スペイン帝国と中華帝国の邂逅-十六・十七世紀のマニラ-』法政大学出版局 Invited

      カトリック教育研究 ( 31 ) 97 - 98   8 2014

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    • Remembering My Teachers Invited

      Ichikawa, Makoto

      IPC at 50: Celebrating Social Science Research and Training (Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University)   102   2013

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  


    • 「カテキズム」「国立フィリピン大学」「サント・トマス大学」「フィリピンの教育」 Invited

      『比較教育学事典』東信堂   15 6 2012

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    • 「たまたま」に恵まれた幸運 Invited

      追悼 西村重夫 Langit Tanah Airku   15 - 19   11 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  


    • フィリピン教科書解説 Invited

      『世界の宗教教科書』大正大学出版会   1 - 9   8 2008

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    • [図書紹介] 江原武一編著『世界の公教育と宗教』東信堂 Invited

      カトリック教育研究 ( 21 ) 108 - 109   8 2004

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    • 宗教教育関連文献一覧・国外 Invited

      科学研究費補助金「高等教育における宗教の扱いに関する日韓比較」研究成果報告書   111 - 123   3 2004

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    • [図書紹介] 寺田勇文編『東南アジアのキリスト教』めこん Invited

      カトリック教育研究 ( 20 ) 170 - 172   8 2003

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    • [図書紹介] 柴沼晶子・新井浅浩編著『現代英国の宗教教育と人格教育(PSE)』東信堂 Invited

      カトリック教育研究 ( 19 ) 97   8 2002

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      Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • 平塚賞を受賞して Invited

      日本比較教育学界 ニューズレター   7 - 8   10 2000

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    • サント・トーマス大学文書館 Invited

      『大学史をつくる―沿革史編纂必携』東信堂   376 - 380   6 1999

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    • フィリピン 価値教育で悩む教会 Invited

      国際宗教研究所編『教育のなかの宗教』新書館   261 - 263   9 1998

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    • 国民統合・道徳教育との調整が求められるフィリピンの宗教教育 Invited

      教職課程24 ( 7 ) 62 - 63   3 1998

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    • 価値教育と宗教教育 -フィリピン・カトリック教会ポジションペーパー(1992年)の抄訳と解説- Invited

      国立教育研究所編『特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」中間資料集(II)   464 - 468   3 1997

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    • 『フィリピンの教育:資料と統計』の抄訳と補足資料 Invited

      国立教育研究所編『特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」中間資料集(I)   447 - 451   3 1995

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    • [書評]フィリピンの高等教育 -21世紀に向けて-[E. Nelson Swinerton, Philippine Higher Education: Towards the Twenty-first Century, New York, Praeger, 1991] Invited

      アジア経済34 ( 5 ) 86 - 89   5 1993

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 世界の大学文書館(4)サント・トーマス大学文書館 Invited

      東京大学史資料室ニュース ( 8 ) 2 - 3   3 1992

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    • 「オルタナティブ・スクール」「キリスト教基礎共同体」「キリシタン」「シドッティ」「単位制」 Invited

      国際教育事典   2 1991

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      Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


    • カトリック教会と学校 -フィリピン- Invited

      授業づくりネットワーク ( 15 ) 76   11 1989

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    • [文献紹介]途上国の技術発展を阻むもの -工業化における従属と教育-

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 13 ) 11 - 15   7 1988

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • カトリック教会による地域教育活動 Invited

      マブハイ -MABUHAY-:社団法人日本リサール協会 会報 ( 5 ) 20   9 1987

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    • [文献紹介]地域に根ざすコミュニティ・スクールの試み -東南アジアにおける事例研究-

      東京大学比較教育学研究室『火曜研究会報告』 ( 12 ) 11 - 17   5 1987

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    ▼display all

    Books and Other Publications

    • 流動する移民社会-環太平洋地域を巡る人びと

      栗田和明( Role: Contributor ,  第6章 フィリピン人移民と宗教-オーストラリアと日本の教会にみる-)

      昭和堂  31 3 201( ISBN:9784812215470

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 文化接触の創造力

      久保田浩( Role: Contributor ,  フィリピンの教科書記述における外界からの影響)

      立教大学文学部人文研究センター  25 3 201

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • アジアの就学前教育

      池田 充裕, 山田 千明( Role: Contributor ,  第9章 フィリピン―近年の格差是正政策の成果と課題)

      明石書店  23 3 2006  ( ISBN:9784750323039

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • Educational Practice and Religions: International Perspective

      ( Role: Contributor)

      Toshindo Publishing  28 2 2003  ( ISBN:4887134827

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • Public Education and Religion in the Philippines

      Ichikawa, Makoto( Role: Sole author)

      Toshindo Publishing  28 2 1999  ( ISBN:4887133235

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other



    • フィリピンでの周辺アジア諸国出身カトリック聖職者の養成-神学校の事例から


      東南アジア教育研究フォーラム第3回研究会  30 11 2019  東南アジア教育研究フォーラム

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • アジアのカトリック聖職者養成センター・フィリピン-神学校の事例


      日本比較教育学会第55回大会  8 6 2019  日本比較教育学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Case Study of Language Schools for Prospective Religious: Its Implication to Interculturality in the History of Paulinian Education

      Ichikawa, Makoto, Sasaki, Hiroko

      17 5 201

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • フィリピンへのカトリック聖職者の移動の動向-語学学校に注目して


      日本比較教育学会第53回大会  25 6 2017  日本比較教育学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • フィリピンにおける修道者の宣教と養成:マニラの語学学校にみる Invited


      日本カトリック教育学会特別企画Ⅱ科研費共同研究「カトリック系人文主義教育と日本-イエズス会を中心に-」共催シンポジウム  14 5 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • 宗教者の養成のための移動-フィリピンでのカトリック修道士養成:通過点としての語学学校に着目して Invited


      立教大学平和・コミニュティ研究機構公開シンポジウム「流動する移民社会-頻繁な移動に着目して」  19 2 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • Makabayan のなかの makabayan 教化

      第三世界の教育研究会6月例会  30 6 201

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    • 東南アジアの初等教育段階における英語教育の受容と母語教育への影響 -タイ・マレーシア・シンガポール・フィリピンの事例から-

      手嶋將博, 池田充裕, 市川誠, 鈴木康郎

      28 6 2008 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピンの宗教教育制度 -近年の動向-


      第三世界の教育研究会11月例会  10 11 2001 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピンにおける公教育と宗教-公立学校での宗教教育制度を中心に-


      日本教育学会第60回大会  28 8 2001 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピンの公教育と宗教~成立と展開過程~

      第三世界の教育研究会3月例会  20 3 1999 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 公立学校における宗教教育についての一考察-20世紀フィリピンを事例として-


      日本カトリック教育学会第18回大会  24 9 1994 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピンの地域教会の教育活動


      日本比較教育学会第25回大会  16 6 1989 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピンにおける地域教会の教育活動


      日本比較教育学会第24回大会  3 7 1988 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • フィリピン・カトリック教会による地域に根ざす教育活動


      フィリピン研究会  20 7 1987 

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    Research Projects

    • Reverse Gender Gap in Higher Education: International Comparison of Southeast Asia

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2022 - 3 2026

      Grant number:22H00975

      Grant amount:\17030000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3930000 )


    • The Philippines as a Center for Catholic Clerical Formation in Asia: A Study on Religious Mobilities for Formation

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2021 - 3 2024

      Grant number:21K02302

      Grant amount:\1950000 ( Direct Cost: \1500000 、 Indirect Cost:\450000 )


    • アジアの女子教育におけるフランス系修道会のSaint Enfance概念の影響

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      佐々木 裕子, 遊佐 重樹, 市川 誠, 大迫 章史, 坂野 正則

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      4 2021 - 3 2024

      Grant number:21K00071

      Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

      本研究はSaint Enfanceという、近代以降日本をはじめアジア諸地域にフランスから入ってきたカトリシズムの宣教会及びその影響下で教育事業を展開したフランス系修道会によってもたらされた概念でもあり、かつ、フランス市民のムーブメントであったこの言葉に注目し、これらの概念や活動が日本やアジアの諸地域でどのように展開をし、変容したかについて検討しようとするものである。特にパリ外国宣教会が当時、その拠点としたアジアの地域(ヴェトナム、香港・マカオ、フィリピン)と日本におけるこれらフランス系修道会の教育実践を比較することを目的としている。
      それゆえ、アジア各地における共同研究者との協働により、これらについて調査・検討を実施、また、各々が持つ資料のデジタル化及び比較検討などをする予定であったが、本年度においても新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響はおさまらなかったため、実際に現地を訪ねての調査の実施はできなかった。国内調査についても同様で、あいにく時期的に移動が奨励されない時期と調査が重なってしまったため、実施は断念せざるをえなかったのが実状である。 一方、今までの共同研究において協力関係を培ってきた研究者からの成果物などを得、実際には海外渡航は難しかったが現地でのこれらの問題の理解について深めることができた。


    • 近代アジアと日本の女性の社会観の形成における国際教育修道会の影響に関する比較研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      佐々木 裕子, 市川 誠, 大迫 章史, 坂野 正則

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      4 2018 - 3 2023

      Grant number:18K00082

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )



    • A Comparative Study on Influence of French Religious Congregations and Missionaries on Catholic Education in Asia and Japan in 19th Century

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SASAKI Hiroko, KUGIMIYA Akemi, NAKAI Tamako, NISHIMURA Ako, ICHIKAWA Makoto, OOSAKO Akihumi

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      4 2013 - 3 2016

      Grant number:25370074

      Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )

      It has been well known that Catholic education in 19 century in Japan was prepared by French missionaries and French religious congregations. However, most of those missionaries come to Japan not directly from France but from some Asian countries. They had experienced of educational/social welfare activities with the people in some Asian countries before they came to Japan. In this research, historical documents and materials concerning Catholic education by French religious congregations in Japan, which were lost because of natural disasters and war, were collected from the archives in France and Asian countries in order to have a whole survey of Catholic education in this period. Also the database of those materials was constructed and it leads to a possibility of international collaborative research in Asian countries on this field.


    • Comparative studies on immigrants' communities in the Pacific Rim Area: Focusing on comtemporay changes

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 


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      4 2011 - 3 2015

      Grant number:23251023

      Grant amount:\19630000 ( Direct Cost: \15100000 、 Indirect Cost:\4530000 )

      We can find many immigrants' communities in Pacific Rim area. Here, not only major migrants such as ethnic Chinese and oversea Indians, but Japanese, southeastern Asian origin peoples in US, and Africans in Asia. Even in the case of Chinese and Indians, their communities have a vast variety.
      This project presented varieties of immigrats' community in this area, and rapid changes after 2001. These rapid changes and volume of immigrants are supported by improvement of transporation, world wide communication, and money transfer. We also tried to describe immigrants' community not from viewpoint of residents but from frequent travellers.


    • Comparative Research on the Compulsory Education of Foreign Pupils: Legal Basis and Support Mechanisms

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 


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      11 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23402059

      Grant amount:\11440000 ( Direct Cost: \8800000 、 Indirect Cost:\2640000 )

      Brazil, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy have compulsory school attendance for all children up to a certain age, regardless of nationality. In Germany and Italy, this system is based on the notion that all resident children should be provided the minimum general education by the state. In Brazil and the Czech Republic the situation concerning the education of migrant children is even more complex. In all four countries the authorities face the common difficulty of identifying non-citizen children. On the contrary, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand as well as Japan, have no system of compulsory school attendance for children of non-citizens. This policy is based on the educational philosophy that the State is responsible for the provision of compulsory education only to country nationals. Each nation has established mechanisms to provide additional local language support, however effective systems to maintain the mother tongue of students are lacking.


    • Comparative Study on Citizenship Education and Education for ASEANness in ASEAN Countries

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HIRATA Toshifumi, SHIBUYA Megumi, MORISHITA Minoru, SUZUKI Koro, ISHIMURA Masao, TESHIMA Masahiro, NAGAHAMA Hirofumi, KAMPEERAPARB Sunate, IKEDA Mitsuhiro, INUI Miki, KAMOGAWA Akiko, NAKATA Yuki, HAGAI Saori, TAKEKUMA Hisao, ICHIKAWA Makoto, HATTORI Mina, MAKI Takayosi, MAKINO Emi

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      4 2010 - 3 2014

      Grant number:22252007

      Grant amount:\34190000 ( Direct Cost: \26300000 、 Indirect Cost:\7890000 )

      In this research, first,I elucidated the preseant situation, issues, and prospects of citizenship education in the 10 ASEAN countries by means of policy, planning, and curriculum analysis, together with a survey of awareness of students of primary school, junior high school, and high school concerning citizenship, and Delphi Survey (future forecasting survey method) to the experts on citizenship education : school teachers, university professors, educational supervisors, school directors, and PTA heads. Second, I elucidated education for "ASEANness," conceived as part of the creation of the ASEAN Community to be established by 2015. Third, I proposed citizenship education model for the ASEAN countries and a model of education for ASEANness.


    • Transformation of Christian Education in Japan-influence of foreign missionaries and religious orders

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      SASAKI Hiroko, HOSHINO Masamichi, ICHIKAWA Makoto, KATAYAMA Haruhi, NATSUAKI Hidehusa

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      2007 - 2009

      Grant number:19520065

      Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

      This is a fundamental research on Christian education in Japan, especially, Catholic education, which grew under the influence of foreign missionaries and religious orders. The main materials and historical documents concerning of Catholic schools and religious orders connected with those schools in Japan were collected for further research, which has becoming more difficult to obtain with decrease of the members of religious orders. The relations of Catholic schools and religious orders were considered especially with attention of the relations of educational activities in those schools and spirituality or mission statement of religious orders. Also it became clear that change of formation of new successors of those schools with the drop of the numbers of religious orders influenced on educational activities and contents of those schools.


    • How religion is taught in public education around the world:Comparative analyses of school textbooks

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      FUJIWARA Satoko, HOSHINO Eiki, KOMINE Michihiko, WATANABE Naoki, YUMIYAMA Tatsuya, SHIMAZONO Susumu, TERADO Junko, KAWASE Takaya, YANO Hidetake, NISHINO Setsuo, ICHIKAWA Makoto, MIYAZAKI Motohiro, KUBOTA Hiroshi, DATE Kiyonobu

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      2006 - 2008

      Grant number:18320019

      Grant amount:\10170000 ( Direct Cost: \8700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1470000 )


    • An Comparative Study on the English Language Education for Primary School Children in Southeast Asian Countries : English Classroom in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      IKEDA Mitsuhiro, ICHIKAWA Makoto, TEJIMA Masahiro, OKUMURA Shinji, SUZUKI Koro

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      2006 - 2007

      Grant number:18530659

      Grant amount:\4050000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\450000 )

      This study tries to make clear the differences in the English Education for Primary School Children in four countries, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Major objects of this study are to find the following issues.
      1) Policy and history of English education where have been
      2) Textbooks, educational materials, facilities and teaching methods in teaching and learning English which are actually used in classroom.
      3) Effective and desired curriculum and pedagogy for teaching English recommended by government or ministry.
      4) Teachers training and development for enhancing their teaching skills and capacities to adapt the new curriculum and pedagogy.
      In order to get the above information, data and materials, our members had visited primary schools, teacher's colleges and the related agencies, and to interview their staffs.
      In Thailand, the basic education curriculum was introduced in 2001 and English became a requirement from the first grader in all the primary schools.
      In Malaysia, the reform to teach the science and arithmetic in English in all the primary schools was introduced in 2003.
      In Singapore, the SEED-EL (Strategies for Effective Engagement and Development of Pupils in English Language) program will be introduced into all the primary schools from 2008.
      In the Philippines, in order to correspond to the globalization, English Language Education is valued again.


    • フィリピンにおける異文化理解教育としての宗教教育の実証的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 


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      4 2003 - 3 2006

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • Basic Research on Historical Transformations of Catholic Education in Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      SASAKI Hiroko, ICHIKAWA Makoto

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      2005 - 2006

      Grant number:17520059


      Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 )

      In Japan, there have been almost no historical researches on Catholic education. Therefore the aim of this research is to collect the resources and historical documents concerning Catholic schools and religious orders connected to those Catholic schools in Japan and to build a database of those resources. Also survey questionnaires were sent to Catholic Universities, junior Colleges, high schools, junior high schools and elementary schools and put into that database.
      Because of the limitation of historical documents of those Catholic schools, we visited several Catholic schools in Hokkaido, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, and Tokyo to have hearing investigations to take up those documents. Concerning International Catholic religious orders, we collected materials of the religious orders in the Philippines to compare with those in Japan.


    • A Comparative Study on Environmental Education in Southeast Asia : With Emphasis on the Cultivation of Global Citizen Consciousness and Ethno-Cultural Perspective towards Environment

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      TEJIMA Masahiro, IKEDA Mitsuhiro, ICHIKAWA Makoto, SUZUKI Koro

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      2004 - 2005

      Grant number:16530550

      Grant amount:\3000000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 )

      This study is aimed to clarify present situation and challenges of environmental education in Southeast Asia countries ;
      Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines, from three viewpoints as the following :
      1.The framework of formal or non-formal environmental education,
      2.The situation of reflection of value, such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, etc., and
      3.Features in the environmental education curricula, textbooks and teaching materials, and the educational method which are ;
      (1)International common feature such as global environmental consciousness,
      (2)Difference found from the viewpoint such as cultural environmental view, of value education, such as traditional culture, religion, etc., and
      (3)Difference in the educational method
      In the school education of each country, the curricula of the environmental education across boundaries consisting mainly in social studies and science are performed. NGO's activities are used for the experienced environmental education as supplementation of formal education.
      In the textbooks and teaching materials, the contents treated the religion moral value over environment are also emphasized. They are natural faith of each region, or Buddhist events in Thailand ; the Islamic or values, such as environment as a creature of God", and "human beings' responsibility for "environment", etc. in Malaysia ; and the Catholic principle of Philippines. In Singapore, there are little religious descriptions in connection with the environment in the textbooks.
      The educational method emphasizing on experience and critical thinking has many portions common in each country, and can be considered as global standard approach.
      However, cultural-religious sense of values of each country is not necessarily functioning as an effective factor for expanding global environmental consciousness.
      Moreover, there are also examples of connection between government organization and NGO (NPO) s, and extremely strong Government control, so there is a danger that only convenient environmental education for the State will be partially emphasized.


    • キリスト教学校における平和教育の実証的研究

      立教大学  立教大学総合研究センター プロジェクト研究 


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      4 2003 - 3 2004

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • キリスト教教育における平和教育の研究

      立教大学  立教大学総合研究センター プロジェクト研究 


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      4 2002 - 3 2003

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • Comparative Research on the Treatment of Religion in Higher Education in Japan and South Korea

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      INOUE Nobutaka, SASAKI Hiroko, ICHIKAWA Makoto, ISOOKA Tetsuya, IWAI Hiroshi, TAJIMA Tadaatsu

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      2002 - 2003

      Grant number:14510033

      Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )

      (1)Workshop: A workshop, entitled "Comparative Research on Religious Education in Japan and South Korea: How to treat 'Religion' in Public Education," was held by research organization members (including affiliated overseas researchers) at the tenth annual meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society in June of 2002. Based on our results of having researched religious education in since 1990, discussions were held and a new categoly was proposed, "education on religious culture," as a possibility for religious education in public schools instead of the conventional 'education on religious knowledge" or "cultivation of aesthetic sentiments". In regard to recent advanced information societies and globalization, it becomes very important that religions are to be treated as a subject of cross-cultural education. These discussions were collected into a book, a separate volume of Shukyo to Shakai [Religion and Society], which was published in 2003, and part of these papers will be translated into English and published in 2004.
      (2)Results of Student Survey: Interview surveys of the religious attitudes of students in Japan and South Korea were conducted in February and March in 2003. Survey results suggest that South Korea students take a much positive attitude toward religion than Japanese students, and students in South Korea tend to positively evaluate the religious education they have had. Moreover the surveys revealed that in South Korea, the religious beliefs of mothers had an important role in forming their children's views about religion.
      (3)Collecting Results and Meetings for Joint Publishing: In June, 2002, March, and February, 2004, meetings were held by Japanese and South Korea researchers. At the last meeting, discussions were held about publishing a volume of research papers to collect and examine our results.


    • 公立学校への宗教教育導入の可能性と宗教団体の役割

      立教大学  立教大学研究奨励助成金 

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      4 2000 - 3 2001

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Comparative Research on Religious Education in Japan and South Korea

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      INOUE Nobutaka, IWAI Hiroshi, ICHIKAWA Makoto, ISOOKA Tetsuya, TSUSHIRO Hirofumi, SASAKI Hiroko

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      2000 - 2001

      Grant number:12610031

      Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )

      1. Result of Student Survey : A survey of the religious attitudes of students in Japan and South Korea was conducted in 2000. In Japan, the sample included responses from 6,483 individuals at a total of 42 universities, colleges and professional schools, while in South Korea, 2, 160 responses were obtained from individuals at 12 similar institutions. Results of the survey suggest that South Korean students take a much more positive attitude toward religion than Japanese students, and students in Japan and South Korea tend to display more interest in paranormal phenomena such as the supernatural, the occult, and divination rather than in religion proper. Moreover, around fifty percent of students in both countries display involvement in some level of ancestral veneration or other folk customs. Results of the survey were published in both Japanese and Korean. In 2001, a follow-up survey was conducted of 5,759 students at 38 universities, colleges and professional schools in Japan, and the results reconfirmed the present low state of Japanese students' interest in religion, and the fact that about half are involved in some form of religious customs. At present, work is underway to conduct an interview survey of Korean students in order to provide qualitative data.
      2. International Symposium and Joint Publishing of Comparative Research on Religious Education in Japan and South Korea. : In February, 2001, an international symposium was held in Pusan, South Korea, and was attended by researchers from Japan and South Korea in the fields of Religious Studies, Education, and Sociology. Discussions were held comparing the history and current state of educational systems and religious education in Japan and South Korea. On the basis of these discussions, plans are currently underway to publish a volume of research papers dealing with religious education in the two countries, in collaboration with Korean researchers.


    • フィリピンの公教育と宗教

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業(研究成果公開促進費) 

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      4 1998 - 3 1999

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Research Survey on Religious Education in Contemporary Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      INOUE Nobutaka, IWAI Hiroshi, ICHIKAWA Makoto, ISOOKA Tetsuya, TSUSHIRO Hirofumi, SASAKI Hiroko

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      1998 - 1999

      Grant number:10610029

      Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 )

      1. Result of research survey on students
      We made a questionnaire survey on religious consciousness of students between April and June of 1999. The number of samples amounted to 10,941 that were gained from a total of 73 universities, colleges and professional schools. By this research, we found that the ratio who answered that they believed in religion was 7.9%. However, about 20 % of students answered that they believe in God (or gods). More students believed in spiritual beings. They tend to show more interest in supernatural phenomenon, occult or divination than religion.
      2. Comparison between Japanese students and Korean students
      We delivered almost same questionnaire to over a thousand of Korean students to compare religious consciousness and attitude between two countries. 45% of Korean respondents answered that they believed in religion. The percentage is far more than that of Japanese students. Although image of religion is not good as a whole in Japan, it is relatively good in Korea. High interest to supernatural phenomenon, occult or divination among Korean students is just same as in Japan.
      3. Discussion on religious education in Japan and Korea.
      Discussion with Korean scholars concerning religious education made clear the difference between two countries.


    • 多文化教育としての宗教教育―アメリカ植民地期フィリピンの事例―

      民間財団等  庭野平和財団 

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      4 1993 - 3 1994

      Grant type:Competitive


    • フィリピンの基礎共同体の開発・教育における役割

      民間財団等  庭野平和財団 

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      4 1990 - 3 1991

      Grant type:Competitive


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    Academic Activities

    • 日本カトリック教育学会 紀要編集幹事

      4 1996 - 9 1999

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    Social Contribution

    • 国立教育政策研究所 研究協力者

      4 1995 - 3 2002

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      1994.4~99.3 特別研究「学校と地域社会との連携に関する国際比較研究」協力者


    • 国學院大學日本文化研究所 共同研究員

      4 1998 - 3 2001

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