Updated on 2024/05/31


OGAWA Ariyoshi
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Law and Politics Department of Politics
Graduate School of Law and Politics Doctoral Program in Law and Politics
Graduate School of Law and Politics Master's Program in Law and Politics
法学修士 ( 東京大学 )
Research Theme*
  • ヨーロッパの政治を、比較政治学ならびに歴史政治学の方法により研究する。比較の対象としては、イギリス、ドイツのような大国のみならず、北欧を含む中小国に焦点をおく。また各国研究の方法論的ナショナリズムを越えて、EU統合のもたらす「民主主義の赤字」、リスク社会と福祉国家、人の移動とポピュリズムといった、横断的なテーマを多角的に分析する。さらに発展的には、政治学における理論と実証研究の対話の可能性を拓いていきたい。

  • Research Interests
  • Political Science

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2003 - Present 
      College of Law and Politics   Department of Politics   Professor
    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Graduate School of Law and Politics   Master's Program in Law and Politics   Professor
    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Graduate School of Law and Politics   Doctoral Program in Law and Politics   Professor
    • 4 2005 - 3 2009 
    • 4 2005 - 3 2009 

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics

    Research History

    • 4 2003 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Law and Politics Field of Study: Law and Politics   Professor

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    • 4 2003 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Law and Politics Field of Study: Law and Politics   Professor

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    • 4 2003 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Law and Politics Department of Politics   Professor

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    • 10 1995 - 3 2003 
      Chiba University   Professor

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    • 9 1997 - 9 1999 
      ノルウェー・ベルゲン大学   客員研究員(日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員)

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    • 5 1992 - 9 1995 
      Chiba University   Full-time Research Assistant

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    • - 4 1992 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Law and Politics

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1987 
      The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Liberal Arts

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      Country: Japan



    • ロッカンの「周辺」、サイプの「官僚国家」− ノルウェーの民主的発展から「持続可能な発展」までを再考する

      小川 有美

      『立教法学』 ( 98 ) 33 - 20   3 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 国家の歴史政治学−レヴァイアサン2.0を超えて Invited

      小川 有美

      『思想』 ( 1107 ) 6 - 23   7 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:岩波書店  

      CiNii Article


    • Before and after Fukushima : The Politics of Nuclear Power in Time and Space Invited

      OGAWA Ariyoshi

      Global urban studies9 ( 9 ) 1 - 15   2016

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00014831

      CiNii Article


    • バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー−デンマークとスウェーデンの政治発展と包摂 Peer-reviewed

      小川 有美

      『北ヨーロッパ研究』 ( 11 ) 1 - 9   2015

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    • 戦争する国家,たたかう人々− C.ティリーの変動の政治学 Invited

      小川 有美

      『年報政治学2013-?− 危機と政治変動』2013 ( 2 ) 36 - 61   1 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The Political Myths of Compound Polities : Is the EU in Crisis far from being "United States"?

      Ogawa Ariyoshi

      St. Paul's review of law and politics86 ( 86 ) 1 - 22   10 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Rikkyo University  

      DOI: 10.14992/00004880

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00004880/

    • The Norwegian Innovation of Global Environment and Gender Politics: The Brundtland Magic? Invited

      Ogawa Ariyoshi

      International Relations2010 ( 161 ) 54 - 67   8 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS  

      As Kari Norgaard and Richard York suggests, dual development of environmental politics and gender politics. Since the 1970s, Norway has shown remarkable achievements in both environmental and gender equality policies. Gro Harlem Brundtland (prime minister 1981, 86–89, 90–96) was a female political leader who drove forward this dual development in the national and international arenas, through the introduction of gender quota in all public boards in the government, the launch of the Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation, and not least the chairmanship of the WCED (the World Commission on Environment and Development) that proliferated the idea of "sustainable development." Brundtland was both a successor and an outsider in the Norwegian democratic political culture. Historically, the Norwegian democracy had developed in the Scandinavian "state-friendly" society (Per Selle). The conventional social democratic politics depended on "planning" and centralized corporatist organizations which were unequivocally male-dominated. But it was wildered by changing political culture in the wake of the national debate on the European Community membership in early 1970s. The EC debate contrasted "hierarchical" and "centralized" Europe versus "equal" and "dispersed" Norway. The Norwegian government froze the EC accession as a result of the referendum in 1972 with more "no" votes than "yes" ones. The Brundtland politics turned out much more open to the new post-material and feminist movements than the traditional labor party and unions. In the global environmental politics, Brundtland organized the final report of the WCED (the Brundtland Report), which deliberately linked the environmental concern in the North with the problem of underdevelopment and poverty in the South ("the Brundtland Link"). Later, the idea of "sustainable development" was viewed more critically in more complicated and acute contexts of the global environment and development. In sum, Brundtland cut out an active-inclusive (John S. Dryzek) path of politics, in both the national and international dimensions, to prevent "organized irresponsibility" in the global risk society (Ulrich Beck), where uncertainty and "subpolitics" circumscribe the conventional public politics—a path which is now controversial but still innovative.

      DOI: 10.11375/kokusaiseiji.161_54

      CiNii Article


    • Democratic Deficit or Democratic Diversity? : The EU-polity and Social Movements

      Ogawa Ariyoshi

      St. Paul's review of law and politics78   77 - 96   31 3 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Rikkyo University  

      DOI: 10.14992/00004789

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00004789/

    • 'Equal Oslo', 'Oslo in poverty', or 'Oslo in diversity'?: new politics of welfare and party democracy in Norway

      Japanese journal of Northern European studies5 ( 5 ) 29 - 37   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • Logic and sensibility in historical politology

      Journal on public affairs5 ( 1 ) 58 - 66   6 2008

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://opac.ll.chiba-u.jp/da/curator/900047547/

    • 越境社会と政治文化―「ヨーロッパ」は「市場」か「要塞」か,深層(サブ)政治界か?― Invited


      日本政治学会編『年報政治学2007-Ⅱ 排除と包摂の政治学-越境,アイデンティティ,そして希望』2007 ( 2 ) 66 - 82   12 2007

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Transboundary Society and Political Cultures:Is Europe a Market, a Fortress, or Sub-Political Spheres?

      OGAWA Ariyoshi

      The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association58 ( 2 ) 2_66 - 2_82   2007

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      This article examines the different views of transboundary social construction of the European Union, most vocally defined as; (a) Europe as a market society, and (b) Fortress Europe. These two major aspects complement each other to build an individualist "free movement" society.   Under Europeanization, however, there remain (c) national political cultures that preserve non-market norms such as alcohol prohibition, ban on abortion and xenophobic administration, on the one hand, and (d) unequal citizenship of the immigrants and their subaltern cultural activities, on the other hand. Such residual but active sub-political spheres reflect multi-dimensional structuring of the political cultures in Europe, where individualist, hierarchist, egalitarian and fatalist cultures mutually contest, coexist and interact.   In urban Europe, metropolitan venues and institutions such as developed in Paris, Vienna, or Belgrad have provided habitats for both mainstream and subaltern arts/music. The latter, non-mainstream scenes represent enormous multicultural sub-politics, not only based on individualization (as Ulrich Beck observed), but also on mixed political cultures and even conscious isolation.

      DOI: 10.7218/nenpouseijigaku.58.2_66

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10010693161?from=CiNii

    • ヨーロッパ政治と憲法化-法システムと政治システムの間 Invited

      小川 有美

      レヴァイアサン35 ( 35 ) 10 - 29   10 2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • Europeanization and Corruption:A Most Advanced but Irresponsible Form of Governance?

      Ogawa Ariyoshi

      St. Paul's review of law and politics64   (17) - (24)   25 12 2003

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      Language:English   Publisher:Rikkyo University  

      DOI: 10.14992/00004684

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00004684/

    • Time and Historical Politology : From the Democratization,Social Movement Studies, and Working-Time towards a Perspectivist Approach

      Ogawa Ariyoshi

      Chiba journal of law and politics18 ( 1 ) 287 - 311   7 2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)   Publisher:Chiba University  

      CiNii Article


    • ヨーロッパ化と政治的正統性の行方

      小川 有美

      『日本比較政治学会年報−EUのなかの国民国家―デモクラシーの変容』 ( 5 ) 1 - 24   6 2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 「ヨーロッパ化する党派政治空間-「第三の道」の欧州テスト」 Invited

      小川 有美

      『社会科学研究』54 ( 1 ) 67-81   4 2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 「計画の政治」と北欧社会民主主義体制の形成

      小川 有美

      千葉大学 法学論集10 ( 1 ) 587 - 628   7 1995

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • デンマークにおける議院内閣制問題と「体制変革」

      小川 有美

      国家学会雑誌105 ( 7-8 ) 587-628   4 1992

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    ▼display all


    Books and Other Publications

    • 『日本・スウェーデン交流150年−足跡と今、そしてこれから』(共著)

      年委員会編( Role: Contributor ,  (第2部第1章)「議会と政党政治」)

      彩流社  4 201

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    • 『ヨーロッパ・デモクラシー− 危機と転換』(共編著)

      宮島 喬, 木畑 洋一, 小川 有美編( Role: Joint editor ,  (第6章)「多文化主義と福祉排外主義(ウェルフェア・ショービニズム)の間− オランダ、スウェーデン、デンマーク」)

      岩波書店  4 201

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    • 『ソーシャル・キャピタル = Social capital〔福祉+α = Welfare plus alpha 7〕』

      坪郷 實編( Role: Contributor ,  (第16章)「EUの市民社会政策とソーシャル・キャピタル」)

      ミネルヴァ書房  8 201

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    • 『政治理論と実証研究の対話〔年報政治学』 2015-I〕』(編著)

      日本政治学会編( Role: Edit)

      木鐸社  6 201

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    • 『アカウンタビリティ改革の政治学』(共著)

      高橋 百合子編( Role: Contributor ,  (第10章)「ユーロ危機の政治学」)

      有斐閣  3 201

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    • 『北欧学のフロンティア−その成果と可能性』(共著)

      岡澤 憲芙編( Role: Contributor ,  (第11章)「北欧デモクラシー論再考」)

      1 201

      More details

    • 『脱原発の比較政治学』(共著)

      本田 宏, 堀江 孝司編( Role: Contributor ,  (第1章)「リスク社会」)

      法政大学出版局  5 201

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    • 『北欧・南欧・ベネルクス〔世界政治叢書3〕』(共著)

      津田 由美子, 吉武 信彦編( Role: Contributor ,  (第3章)「スウェーデン−「国民の家」から 多層的な福祉国家へ」)

      ミネルヴァ書房  11 2011 

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    • 『政治学をつかむ』(共著)

      苅部 直, 宇野 重規, 中本 義彦編( Role: Contributor ,  (unit6)「リベラル・デモクラシーの発展」(unit7)「福祉国家の諸問題」)

      有斐閣  7 2011 

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    • 『模索する政治−代表制民主主義と福祉国家のゆくえ』(共著)

      田村 哲樹, 堀江 孝司編( Role: Contributor ,  (第9章)「EUが変える政治空間−「民主主義の赤字」か「民主主義の多様化」か」)

      ナカニシヤ出版  2011 

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      Responsible for pages:227-246   Language:Japanese


    • 『都市と政治的イノベーション〔日本比較政治学会年報・第12号〕』(編著)

      日本比較政治学会編( Role: Edit)

      ミネルヴァ書房  7 201

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    • 『ヨーロッパ政治ハンドブック〔第2版〕』(共著)

      馬場 康雄, 平島 健司編( Role: Contributor ,  (14) 「北欧諸国」)

      東京大学出版会  5 201

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    • 『社会統合−自由の相互承認に向けて〔自由への問い1 〕』(共著)

      齋藤 純一編( Role: Contributor ,  「都市・地域・自由」)

      岩波書店  11 2009 

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      Responsible for pages:104-127   Language:Japanese


    • 社会統合-自由の相互承認に向けて(共著)

      齋藤純一他( Role: Joint author ,  都市・地域・自由)

      岩波書店  11 2009 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 労働と福祉国家の可能性―労働運動再生の国際比較(共著)

      新川 敏光他( Role: Joint author ,  「ヨーロッパ化する労働運動」、268-283頁)

      ミネルヴァ書房  30 4 2009 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『労働と福祉国家の可能性―労働運動再生の国際比較〔シリーズ・現代の福祉国家3〕』

      新川 敏光, 篠田 徹編( Role: Contributor ,  (第14章)「ヨーロッパ化する労働運動」)

      ミネルヴァ書房  4 2009 

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      Responsible for pages:268-283   Language:Japanese


    • 国境を越える政策実験・EU(共著)

      平島健司他( Role: Joint author ,  「EUのインフォーマル政策システム」、173-200頁)

      東京大学出版会  17 9 2008 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『国境を越える政策実験・EU〔政治空間の変容と政策革新2〕』(共著)

      平島 健司編( Role: Contributor ,  (第5章)「EUのインフォーマル政策システム」(173-200頁))

      東京大学出版会  9 2008 

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    • 『変貌する労働と社会システム 〔手塚和彰先生退官記念論集〕』(共著)

      手塚 和彰, 中窪 裕也編( Role: Contributor ,  「北欧における福祉−労働レジームの「現代化」−デンマークとスウェーデン」)

      信山社出版  4 2008 

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    • 『平和とコミュニティ−平和研究のフロンティア〔平和・コミュニティ叢書2〕』(共著)

      宮島 喬, 五十嵐 暁郎編( Role: Contributor ,  (第2章)「グローバル化と価値・規範コミュニティ」)

      明石書店  9 2007 

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    • 『グローバル対話社会−力の秩序を超えて』(共編著)

      遠藤 誠治, 小川 有美編( Role: Joint editor ,  「グローバル化からグローバル対話社会へ」)

      明石書店  9 2007 

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      Responsible for pages:219-243   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • グローバル対話社会―力の秩序を超えて(共著)

      遠藤誠治他( Role: Edit ,  「グローバル化からグローバル対話社会へ」、219-243頁)

      明石書店  9 2007 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『ポスト代表制の比較政治−熟議と参加のデモクラシー〔比較政治叢書3〕』(編著)

      小川 有美編( Role: Edit ,  「熟議=参加デモクラシーの比較政治研究へ」、1-22頁)

      早稲田大学出版部  2 2007 

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    • ポスト代表制の比較政治―熟議と参加のデモクラシー(共著)

      小川 有美他( Role: Edit ,  「熟議=参加デモクラシーの比較政治研究へ」、1-22頁)

      早稲田大学出版部  2 2007 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 『市民社会民主主義への挑戦−ポスト「第三の道」のヨーロッパ政治』(共編著)

      山口 二郎, 宮本 太郎, 小川 有美編( Role: Joint editor ,  (序章)「市民社会民主主義は可能か」(宮本太郎と共著)(第6章)「現代ヨーロッパ民主主義と市民(シテイズンシツプ)教育」)

      日本経済評論社  12 2005 

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      Responsible for pages:165-188   Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • ヨーロッパ統合と国際関係(共著)

      木畑洋一他( Role: Joint author ,  、「「ヨーロッパ市民権」はいかにありうるか」、117-135頁)

      ミネルヴァ書房  12 2005 

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      Responsible for pages:117-135   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 市民社会民主主義への挑戦-ポスト「第三の道」のヨーロッパ政治(共著)

      山口二郎他( Role: Joint editor ,  「現代ヨーロッパ政治と市民教育」、165-188頁)

      日本経済評論社  12 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • Comparing Political Corruption and Clientelism(共著)

      Junichi Kawata( Role: Joint author ,  "The Anti-Fraud Politics in the European Union: Multi-level Disjuncture of Legitimacy and Effectiveness," pp.63-76)

      Ashgate  4 2005 

      More details

      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • EU研究の新地平-前例なき政体への接近(共著)

      中村民雄他( Role: Joint author ,  、「新しい統治としてのOMC(開放的協調)とヨーロッパ化する政党政治-あいまいな制度を求めて?」、51-73頁)

      ミネルヴァ書房  2 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • ノルウェーの政治-独自路線の選択(共著)

      岡沢憲芙他( Role: Joint author ,  議会政治史、15-30頁)

      早稲田大学出版部  11 2004 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • アクセス地域研究II―先進デモクラシーの再構築(共著)

      小川 有美他( Role: Joint editor ,  (序章)「先進デモクラシーの再構築」)

      日本経済評論社  8 2004 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • Cooperation experiences in Europe and Asia

      edited by Hoon Jaung, Yuichi Morii( Role: Contributor ,  〔Chapter3〕Making Regionalism Legitimate?: European Integration and beyond)

      Shinzansha Pub.  2004 

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    • 『EUのなかの国民国家-デモクラシーの変容』(共著)

      ( Role: Other)

      早稲田大学出版部  4 2003 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 『丸山眞男論− 主体的作為、ファシズム、市民社会〔公共哲学叢書2〕』(共著)

      小林 正弥編( Role: Contributor ,  (特論I)「「診断者」としてのヴェーバーと丸山」)

      東京大学出版会  2 2003 

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    • 『福祉国家再編の政治〔講座・福祉国家のゆくえ〕』(共著)

      宮本 太郎編( Role: Contributor ,  「北欧福祉国家の政治―グローバル化と女性化の中の「国民の家」―」、79-116頁。)

      ミネルヴァ書房  11 2002 

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    • 『福祉国家再編の政治-講座・福祉国家のゆくえ第1巻』(共著)

      宮本太郎他( Role: Joint author ,  「北欧福祉国家の政治―グローバル化と女性化の中の「国民の家」―」、79-116頁。)

      ミネルヴァ書房  4 2002 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 『アクセス比較政治学』(共著)

      河野勝他( Role: Contributor ,  政治社会論、217- 243頁)

      日本経済評論社  3 2002 

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      Responsible for pages:217- 243   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • アクセス比較政治学

      河野勝他( Role: Joint author ,  政治社会論、217- 243頁)

      日本経済評論社  3 2002 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『グローバリゼーションと国民経済の選択』(共著)

      秋元英一他( Role: Joint author ,  、「「EUヨーロッパ」の拡大―国家形成か開発協力か―」、217-243頁)

      東京大学出版会  4 2001 

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      Responsible for pages:217-243   Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • Reconstructing Multiethnic Societies : the Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (共著)

      Dzemal Sokolovic( Role: Other ,  , "The Building of Civil Society by 'Core' Europe?," pp.135-144)

      Ashgate.,  4 2001 

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      Language:English Book type:Other


    • 『EU諸国〔国際情勢ベーシックシリーズ6〕』(編著)

      小川 有美編( Role: Edit)

      自由国民社  5 1999 

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    • 『EU諸国』(共著)

      小川有美他( Role: Edit)

      自由国民社  4 1999 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


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    Professional Memberships


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      International Political Science Association

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    Research Projects

    • International Comparative Studies on Political Transformations in Consolidation States: Continuity and Varieties of Democratic Sub-systems

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2020 - 3 2024

      Grant number:20H00060

      Grant amount:\43680000 ( Direct Cost: \33600000 、 Indirect Cost:\10080000 )


    • Political System Change and Democracy in European Peripheral Countries

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2019 - 3 2023

      Grant number:19H01442

      Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )


    • The New Welfare-Growth Mix: Political Analysis of Social Investment in OECD Countries

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2019 - 3 2023

      Grant number:19H00585

      Grant amount:\44850000 ( Direct Cost: \34500000 、 Indirect Cost:\10350000 )


    • 多文化共生社会の流動化と新しい人権政策・社会政策・入国管理政策に関する国際比較

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      飯田 文雄, 辻 康夫, 米原 謙, 津田 由美子, 西山 隆行, 浪岡 新太郎, 渋谷 謙次郎, 安井 宏樹, 塩川 伸明, 月村 太郎, 小川 有美, 早川 誠, 河村 真実

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      4 2019 - 3 2023

      Grant number:19H00581

      Grant amount:\30420000 ( Direct Cost: \23400000 、 Indirect Cost:\7020000 )



    • A Study of Co-productive Politics overarching Political Theory and Empirical Research for Rivitalizing Democracy

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      OGAWA Ariyoshi

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      4 2014 - 3 2017

      Grant number:26285035

      Grant amount:\8580000 ( Direct Cost: \6600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1980000 )

      This research project explores the relationship between political incentives, institution formation and political mobilization by combining specialized fields of "normative theory" and "empirical investigation," with the aim of "fusion of horizons" of different disciplines and approaches in political science. It puts particular importance on the observation of premises, conflicts and cycles that affect formation, transformation and consolidation of incentives and behaviors of individual politicians and citizens, the complexity of which should be reexamined by normative approaches. It also addresses the issue of "democratic deficit" or democratic revitalization, which is expected to be investigated by both empirical and normative studies.


    • Comparative studies on political development in mainly smaller European countries and Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HIRATA Takeshi

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      4 2013 - 3 2017

      Grant number:25285037

      Grant amount:\18200000 ( Direct Cost: \14000000 、 Indirect Cost:\4200000 )

      This research project asserted the importance of comparative studies between the political development of modern Japan and that of the European non-model countries. It aimed to compare 1) the process of establishment of Party-Government in Japan with that of parliamentary government in Northern Europe, 2) the pattern of governmental changes of the Japanese Party-Governments with that of oligarchic parliamentarianism in Southern or Southeastern Europe, 3) the establishment of authoritarian regimes in Japan and Southern or East-Central Europe, 4) the formation of post-war predominant party systems in the context of centralized welfare states in Japan, France and Italy. Through nine Meetings on the Comparative European Political History, which gathered Japanese and European political historians, we have done several surveys on the relevant themes in comparative politics, the evaluation of the works of pioneers in the field of historical political science, and individual researches.


    • Comparative Research on Alteration and Reflection on Possibility of Democracy

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      YAMAGUCHI Jiro

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      4 2012 - 3 2017

      Grant number:24243021

      Grant amount:\44980000 ( Direct Cost: \34600000 、 Indirect Cost:\10380000 )

      Alteration between the conservaitve and the progressive in advanced democracies in the second half of the 20th century functioned until the 1990s. Switch between parties brought about policy shift that absobed popular will for political or policy change.
      However, development of global capitalism undermined economic presumption for political stability in the 21st century. In particular, deterioration of employment and expansion of gap have made ordinary middle class frustrated with moderate party politics. In this context, populism with extreme leaders might be threat to the very basic values of democracy and open society. Realignment of rational parites beyond traditional confrontation line might become necessary to defend democracy in the 21st cenntury.


    • Survey on the Structural Transformation of European Democracy in Multi-level Governance

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      OGAWA Ariyoshi, MATSUO Hideya, WAKAMATSU Kunihiro, SENGOKU Manabu, NAKATA Shinji, USUI Youichiro, ITOU Takeshi, NODA Shougo, ICHINOSE Yoshiya

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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23402019

      Grant amount:\18590000 ( Direct Cost: \14300000 、 Indirect Cost:\4290000 )

      This project explored the transformation of democratic structures in Europe under multiple-level governance, especially since 2009 when the Lisbon Treaty came into force but the Euro crisis was also taking place. Through our surveys sent to researchers and experts/representatives as well as our case studies on the European Union, the Member States, and some cities, we have come to the following conclusion.
      1. Cognition of multiple-level governance and belonging/identity are broadly found among both researchers and experts/representatives.2. More impacts of the EU and the Member States levels but less influence of the sub-national level are observed in many policy areas such as economy, finance, social policy, environment, energy, security, except for education.3. The opinion is divided in half about the impact of the Euro crisis-whether it will drive forward more integration or it will slow down integration to rescue it.


    • The Politics of Accountability Reform

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TAKAHASHI Yuriko, OGAWA Ariyoshi, OKAYAMA Hiroshi, KAGE Rieko, KASUYA Yuko, KUBO Keiichi, SOGA Kengo

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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23330043

      Grant amount:\12090000 ( Direct Cost: \9300000 、 Indirect Cost:\2790000 )

      What explains institutional reforms to enhance government accountability? This research attempted to address this question by examining accountability reforms which had advanced in many parts of the world. Specifically, the goal of this research was three-fold. First, we revisited the concept of accountability, and provided a clear definition in order to avoid conceptual confusion. Second, we examined what kinds of institutions had been established to generate four types of accountability: electoral accountability, horizontal accountability, societal accountability, and international accountability. Third, by focusing on the cases of the United States, EU, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Japan, and Southeast Asia, we found factors promoting institutional reforms of each type of accountability.


    • Building Civil Society in Asia and its Challenge for International Society

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TAKENAKA Chiharu, KOJIMA Kazuko, KAMEYAMA Yasuko, KURASHINA Takeshi, OSA Yukie, LEE Jong Wong, MORIMOTO Izumi, OZAKI Toshiya, ISOZAKI Noriyo, NISHI Yoshimi, OYANE Satoshi, NAMIOKA Shintaro, MATSUDA Koichiro, INADA Jyuichi, SHIMIZU Hiromu, OGAWA Ariyoshi, TOJYO Yoshizumi, MIYAMA Kenichiro, TAKAHARA Akio, YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki, FUJIWARA Kiichi, TAMURA Keiko, NAKAMIZO Kazuya, KOKUBUN Ryosei, SHIRAISHI Saya, KANEKO Yoshiki, HUH Sookyeon, SATO Koichi, KURAMOTO Yukiko, NAKAMURA Yoichi, MAKITA Rie, MAKITA Toichi, GONOI Ikuo

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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23243029

      Grant amount:\39780000 ( Direct Cost: \30600000 、 Indirect Cost:\9180000 )

      We have challenged to seek a possibility of the Global Asian Studies by analyzing the following issues: the volatility of nation-states, the linkage of domestic and international politics, the civil-society building and international society and the critique of theories of civil society from Asian perspectives.
      Two international symposiums were held in collaboration with Japan Association for Asian Studies: "The Role of China" (July 8, 2012) and "Asian Studies beyond Borders: Where do we come from? Where are we going?"(June 15, 2013). Between Civil Society and State: the Agenda for Global Asia will be published as a special issue of Area Studies from Kyoto University in October 2014.


    • Comprehensive research on ideas and policy of civil social democracy

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      YAMAGUCHI Jiro, MIYAMOTO Taro, ENDO Ken, SORAI Mamoru, TAKAHASHI Nobuaki, MURAKAMI Shinichiro, SAITO Junichi, SUGITA Atsushi, NAKAKITA Koji, OGAWA Ariyoshi, KOHARA Takaharu, ENDO Seiji, NODA Shogo, UNO Shigeki, TAMURA Tetsuki, UNO Shigeki, TAMURA Tetsuki

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      2007 - 2011

      Grant number:19103001

      Grant amount:\98540000 ( Direct Cost: \75800000 、 Indirect Cost:\22740000 )

      This research project tackled the most serious challenge to democracy in the age when traditional democratic politics appears paralyzed in face of tremendous difficulties caused by collapse of globalized financial capitalism. Candemocracy survive and remain relevant to public issues? Our answer to this big problem is following : We can create a new model of welfare state towards 21^<st> century crisis by placing public services for activation delivered by civic spontaneity on the basis of minimum redistribution by the traditional institutions.


    • Gender Dynamics of International Regime

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TAKENAKA Chiharu, AMIYA Ryosuke, ISOZAKI Noriyo, TODA Makiko, TAMURA Keiko, OGAWA Ariyoshi, NAKADA Mizuho, TSUDA Yumiko, AIBA Keiko, MORIMOTO Izumi, KOJIMA Kazuko, KARATANI Rieko, KATSUMA Yasushi, NAMIOKA Shintaro, NAKAMURA Ayako, KAWAMOTO Kazuko, KIMURA Makiko, NAKAMURA Yui, OGURA Kiyoko, SANGEETA Lama, ANNIE Dandavati, URVASHI Butalia, PAMELA Philipose

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      2008 - 2010

      Grant number:20243013

      Grant amount:\30030000 ( Direct Cost: \23100000 、 Indirect Cost:\6930000 )

      This project aimed to deconstruct and reconstruct International Politics and International Relations, referring to analytical concepts and theoretical frameworks of Gender Studies. We have analyzed states and societies at various stages of development from gender perspective and proposed a hypothesis of "gender dynamics" of International Regime.


    • Global Networks of Political Parties in an era of Globalisation-Party Internationals and Euro-parties

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      STEPHEN Day, USUI Yoichiro, OGAWA Ariyoshi, NAKAKITA Koji

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      2007 - 2009

      Grant number:19530112

      Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

      This research project approached the development of global party internationals, by investigating five party internationals and six Euro parties. The main purpose of this was to understand their future potential and to evaluate the normative significance of their presence. Final outcomes of this research project were twofold. One was to show a research strategy to grasp interactions between party internationals and national parties, by incorporating the studies of transformative identity politics of national parties into Oskar Niedermayer's three evolutionary stages of international political parties' fora. The other was to propose the perspective of a normative theory that interactions between party internationals and national parties were one of significant political phenomena that contributes to giving shape to cosmopolitan democracy.


    • Political and Economical Changes in the International Relations around the Balkans

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TSUKIMURA Taro, ABE Nozomu, AMIYA Ryosuke, HAYASHI Tadayuki, IIDA Humio, KIKKAWA Gen, KUBO Hiromasa, MUTSUSHIKA Shigeo, OBA Chieko, OGAWA Ariyoshi, SADAKATA Mamoru, SAHARA Tetsuya, SAKAI Kazunari, SUGAHARA Junko, TOZAWA Hidenori, YOSHII Masahiko, MASUJIMA Ken

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      2005 - 2008

      Grant number:17203013

      Grant amount:\47060000 ( Direct Cost: \36200000 、 Indirect Cost:\10860000 )


    • Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion-Crossing, Identity, and Hope

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TAKENAKA Yutaka, OKANO Yayo, OGAWA Ariyoshi, KAWATA Junichi, KURIHARA Akira, SAITO Junichi

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      2006 - 2007

      Grant number:18530090

      Grant amount:\3890000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\390000 )

      This joint research project titled “Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion- Crossing, Identity, and Hope" aims to examine the political dynamics of "exclusion and inclusion" territorially, functionally and primordially provided by the state, law, politics, religion, race, and social class contending over the plurality of nationality citizenship, community, intimate sphere, and gender. It also pursues the possibility of "politics of Hope" nurtured by the solidarity and tolerance bared not on Mammon but on the 'humanity".
      This year (2007), each investigator applying himself or herself to the study of "politics of exclusion and inclusion" aimed at completing a research paper based on his or her reports presented during last year (2006). Our final fruit was published as The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association 2007-II: Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion by Bokutakusha in December, 2007. Into this book each investigator has put his or her strong hope for developing political science over “Hope" to be opened up for the future.


    • Study on the construction of the human rights regime of international migration in EU and East Asia

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MIYAJIMA Takashi, SAKUMA Kosei, KAKU Yanchun, OHASHI Kenichi, OGAWA Ariyoshi, TSUBOYA Mioko

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      2005 - 2007

      Grant number:17252008

      Grant amount:\19240000 ( Direct Cost: \14800000 、 Indirect Cost:\4440000 )

      Our studies tried to compare the international migration politics of EU and those of East Asia from the viewpoint of human rights and clarify the differences and their problems. In recent years, the number of influx of foreign workers and brides increased considerably in Japan and Korea as well as in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. However, differing from the EU countries, in these countries the term of stay of foreign workers is short, application of labor law is sometimes limited and particularly the female workers in domestic works and care giving remain in worse conditions. And in certain countries, for example in Singapore, foreign workers are not admitted neither to marry with a national nor to acquire the nationality, and are thus forbidden to access to the citizenship of their staying country. On the other, the massive entry of Chinese workers into Japan in the name of “trainees"(kenshusei) constitute a salient migratory movement in East Asia results in the formation of a category of temporary workers working and living in worst conditions.
      Our studies, based on the field work researches, pointed out the three major factors which define the problems mentioned above : 1) too pragmatic and“national interest oriented“immigration politics of these countries, 2) non participation into or negligence of international treaties on human rights and workers rights, 3) relative weakness of the civil activities for the human rights. In these points, Asian countries should and could learn from the immigration and integration politics of EU countries, such as the politics of free circulation of person, the guarantee of the rights of social protection and the easier access to the citizenship, etc. However, nowadays European countries themselves are weakening their human rights regime of immigration and integration in limiting, for example, the right of free movement of EU citizens after the enlargement of EU in 2004 and imposing more severe requirement of assimilation upon the immigrants demanding long stay. In this sense, EU is also faced with the problems concerning the reconstruction of its own human rights regime.


    • Comparative Political Studies of Political Corruption, Clientelism and Social Capital

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KAWATA Junichi, OGAWA Ariyoshi, KATO Junko, KOBAYASHI Masaya, SENGOKU Manabu, TANAKA Zenichiro

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      2004 - 2006

      Grant number:16330025

      Grant amount:\13300000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 )

      This collaborative project is aimed to empirically and theoretically study political corruption, clientelism and social capital, dealing with Japan, South Korea, Italy, France, Southern European countries, Middle-Eastern European countries as objects of comparative study.
      We can treat the distinction between corruption and clientelism with much care, but we cannot toe a conventional line of reasoning regarding clientelism as a mere residue of late modernization. At the same time we should not take the optimistic view that corruption can be conquered by the exploits of clientelism. Very little of this kind of study has considered corruption and clientelism as structural and institutional products of interweaving forms of symbiosis and collision-course power structures that arise from the various demands of capital accumulation (capitalism), rationalization (bureaucracy), and political participation (democracy).
      This joint study analyses key aspects of the debate such as, should corruption and clientelism be evaluated as a 'lubricant' in terms of administrative efficiency, legitimate demands from the margins of society to readdress the social and economic inequality or economic development? Should they be understood as the result of a 'vicious circle' reinforced by lack of 'social capital' or 'moral capital'? What would be the effect of strengthening policing to control political corruption and could electoral reform or a decentralization of government power be a cure for all?
      Using a range of theoretical approaches and empirical proofs, all of us strive to survey the historical, institutional, societal-structural and political-cultural factors that form corrupted and clientelistic practices and to answer the above-mentioned questions.
      A symposia about comparing political corruption and clientelism offered as one panel of RC06 (Political Sociology) Section at 2006 International Political Science Association held in Fukuoka, Japan (July 10, 2006) has made important contributions to this work. We also published Comparing Political Corruption and Clientelism by Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (UK) in April, 2006.
      We are convinced that finding acquired in this joint work will contribute to make our democracies work better.


    • The Legitimacy of EU Governance : theory and practice of policy-making for cross-sector horizontal isues

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HIRASHIMA Kenji, ANDO Kenichi, SATO Iwao, KUDO Akira, OGAWA Ariyoshi, ENDO Ken

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      2002 - 2003

      Grant number:14520005

      Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )

      This two year Research Project was formed by Tamio Nakamura who served as the Head Investigator for the financial year 2002. Due to his research commitment in England for the financial year 2003, the Head Investigator was replaced later by Kenji Hirashima. Nakamura is not mentioned as project member of 2003 in this abstract for this technical reason. Since substantial part of the research was completed and published in the first financial year (2002), it is fair to mention and include Nakamura's contribution to this Project.
      The European Union (EU) of today covers not only economic matters but also broader political matters, while its institutional settings remain those of the European Economic Community (EEC) established in 1957. Our starting point of this research was to examine whether the mismatch does give rise to legitimacy regulation. Those studies revealed that the mismatch did exist and it has produced grave legitimacy crisis in some cases. The legislative process of the Biotechnology products Patent Directive was particularly the case in point. Our investigation then proceeded to find any unofficial, de-facto, practices by the interested parties at the EU level that are intended to supplement the mismatch so that the essential and legitimate concerns were taken into consideration in the EU decision-making, especially in cross-sector policy issues. We have found several de facto networks and semi-official arrangements of such kind, in the areas of environmental policy and chemical industry regulation.
      Based on these findings, we finally tried to theorize the whole picture of the institutional evolution of the EU governance that tries to meet the new cross-sector policy issues. It is argued that the EU has developed two different kinds of policy input routes: official route and de-facto specialized route closely linked to, but separate from the official route. The latter grows among the repeated participants in the official negotiation. And the incremental practices of the de-facto route may be formally recognized by the Member States to form an official institutional route after several years of practice when the Member States fin that recognition beneficial to the present official EU system to keep the system stable.



      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KAWATA Junichi, KOBAYASHI Masaya, KATO Junko, OGAWA Ariyoshi, TANAKA Zenichiro

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      2002 - 2003

      Grant number:14320029

      Grant amount:\12600000 ( Direct Cost: \12600000 )

      This joint research has dealt with political corruption and clientelism of the developed countries (Japan, Korea, Italy, and the Nordic countries) and of the EU from a comparative perspective.
      While corruption is primarily characterized by its illegality, independence and horizontality aomong corrupted actors are not uncommon. On the other hand, clientelism largely takes on asymmetric, subordinate, vertical, and even legal ties.
      A line of modernization theory, not having paid much attention to the distinction between them, has assumed that corruption and clientelism reflect a pre modern social structure and could be referred to as pathologic phenomenon of the political system.
      All of us have been seriously engaged in their theoretical and / or positive researches. This academic endeavor as a whole produced the following findings : modernization theory cannot well grasp the gist of corruption problem, namely the permeated corrupted actions as "hidden" and "negative" exchanges even in the, advanced countries and the EU ; corruption appears as a variety of actions like bribery, embezzment, fraud,oblique voting, vote buying, patronage, and violated corruption among political parties, factions, politicians, bureaucrats, corporations, and organized cirmes (e. g., mafia) mainly in the interest mediation and in the eelctoral process severe punishment, strengthening legal restriction, eudcating officials morally, reform of electoral system, and decentralization of government power are not sufficiently effective for controlling corruption.


    • Comparative Politics of Social Capital

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      OGAWA Ariyoshi, YOKOTA Masaaki, AMIYA Ryosuke, NAKAYAMA Yohei

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      2001 - 2002

      Grant number:13620080

      Grant amount:\1100000 ( Direct Cost: \1100000 )

      This study is to investigate European societies and politics in terms of "social capital," an important concept in the field of contemporary comparative politics developed above all by Robert A. Putnam. Putnam assumed that a "strong society" with firm social capital like voluntary associations, mutual trust would lead to a "strong state" and a "strong economy," as have often been claimed in the American context. But our findings, based on comparison between the European Union, Germany, France, Southern and Northern Europe, show many different sets of logics behind the civil societies and the public spaces. First, in the European context, not only the social capital but also those things which can be termed "political capital" (partisan organization and sub-cultures) and "institutional capital" such as welfare states and semi-public intermediate channels (which "neo-Huntingtonians" put emphases on) have built comprehensive interdependent/interlocking structures in the public spaces. Second, Internalionalization/Europeanization has ambivalent repercussions on the social capital and democracy. In a case like Germany, the tradition of social (organization) coordination is revived partly in the EU governance structure. On the contrary, fiscal standardization and even the programs of raising civil society activities and NGOs make risk of derogation of autonomous development of civil societies in cases like Central and South Eastern Europe.


    • Commparative Study of Political and Administrative Center-Local Relations in Scandinavia and in Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KOBAYASHI Masaya, MORITA Akira, OGAWA Ariyoshi

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      1993 - 1994

      Grant number:05620044

      Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )

      The purpose of this research is to investigato the center-local relation in the Scandinavian countrics and in Japan not only in administrative dimension but also in politico-historical dimension. An important finding from quantitative data is that the scandinavian sates have experienced drastic reduction of Kommuns, which resulted in creating local governments with sufficient resources to provide universal welfare. This makes contrast with the Japanese consolidated state organzsation, which has been said to have an flexible local center-local relation but otherwise seems to suffer from irrersponsible government relations and clientelism.
      Our conclusion is that the nordic model of local government has shaped by the discretional plan of the social democratic parties. Those plan emanated from f social architecture envisaged during the war by the swedish population policy or the nowegian counter plan of the excil labor movement against Nazi-occupated regime. But the pressure for decentralization and privatization is making change on this welfare localism planned by the social democratic centralism.


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    Social Contribution

    • 世田谷市民大学

      1 1900 - Present

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    • 生活経済政策研究所

      1 1900 - Present

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