Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Sociology Department of Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Doctoral Program in Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Master's Program in Sociology
慶應義塾大学 ( 慶應義塾大学 )
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Research Theme*
  • 専門は都市社会学、地域社会学で、都市政策とコミュニティ・ガバナンスの国際比較を中心に研究を行っている。グローバル化の進展に伴う都市間競争の中で打ち出されている様々な都市政策が、コミュニティ形成に与えるインパクトを、国際比較の視点から研究している。とりわけ日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカの現状をふまえ、福祉国家の転換や政治状況によって変化する都市政策を背景にして、行政と企業、市民が協働(パートナーシップ)関係を取り結びながら、どのように持続可能なコミュニティづくりに取り組んでいるのか、理論的—実証的に検討している。これらを通して、日本で新しい公共性"の基盤づくりを促す都市政策とコミュニティづくりについての戦略とヴィジョンを示していくことを目指している。

  • Research Interests
  • Community Development

  • Civil movement

  • Urban Sociology

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2012 - Present 
      College of Sociology   Department of Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2012 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2012 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2010 - 3 2012 
      College of Sociology   Department of Sociology   Associate Professor
    • 4 2010 - 3 2012 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Associate Professor
    • 4 2010 - 3 2012 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Associate Professor

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    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology  / Sociology

    Research History

    • 4 2012 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Sociology Field of Study: Sociology   Professor

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    • 4 2012 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Sociology Field of Study: Sociology   Professor

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    • 4 2012 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Sociology Department of Sociology   Professor

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    • 4 2010 - 3 2012 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Sociology Department of Sociology   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2010 
      University of Yamanashi

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    • 9 2008 - 5 2009 
      Harvard University

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    • 4 1999 - 3 2002 
      日本学術振興会   日本学術振興会特別研究員

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    • - 3 2002 
      Keio University   Graduate School, Division of Sociology

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1996 
      Ochanomizu University   Faculty of Letters and Education

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      Country: Japan



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    Books and Other Publications

    • 都市社会学・入門

      松本, 康

      有斐閣  9 201( ISBN:9784641220157

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      Total pages:xiv, 311p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 都市のリアル

      吉原, 直樹, 近森, 高明

      有斐閣  8 201( ISBN:9784641173927

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      Total pages:ix, 250p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 分断社会と都市ガバナンス

      西山, 八重子

      日本経済評論社  2 201( ISBN:9784818816695

      More details

      Total pages:xvi, 312, 4p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • イギリスのガバナンス型まちづくり : 社会的企業による都市再生

      西山, 康雄, 西山, 八重子

      学芸出版社  4 2008  ( ISBN:9784761531645

      More details

      Total pages:269p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 自立支援の実践知 : 阪神・淡路大震災と共同・市民社会

      似田貝, 香門

      東信堂  2 2008  ( ISBN:9784887137974

      More details

      Total pages:xxvii, 342p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 改訂版ボランティア活動の論理

      西山志保( Role: Sole author)

      東信堂  25 4 2007 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • ボランティア活動の論理 : ボランタリズムとサブシステンス

      西山, 志保

      東信堂  4 2007  ( ISBN:9784887137530

      More details

      Total pages:xi, 277p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 講座地域社会学 第3巻 地域社会の政策とガバナンス

      玉野和志, 三本松政之他( Role: Joint author)

      東信堂  10 5 2006  ( ISBN:4887136803

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


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    Research Projects

    • Cultural Strategy for Urban Regeneration: Typology of Creative Cities

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MATSUMOTO Yasushi, YU hai, JANG wonho, NAHM kee-bom

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      4 2015 - 3 2019

      Grant number:15H03415

      Grant amount:\11180000 ( Direct Cost: \8600000 、 Indirect Cost:\2580000 )

      The creative city policies have been attracting worldwide attention as a strategy for regenerating cities since the 2000s. This study focuses on three cities, Yokohama, which adopted a creative city policy in 2004, Kanazawa, which was registered in the UNESCO creative cities network in 2009, and Hamamatsu, which called itself as a creative city since 2007 and joined with the UNESCO network in 2014. This study revealed that: Yokohama City, without historical background of a feudal city, utilizes contemporary art in order to regeneration of the central waterfront area; Kanazawa City as a typical traditional city aims to revitalize through protecting local traditional crafts and reserving historical townscape; and Hamamatsu City, having a major instrument industry as one of its economic base, makes an attempt to adapt to deindustrialization by promoting the city as a town of music.


    • A Study on Shrinking Cities and Urban Regeneration : A Case Study of Detroit

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      YAHAGI Hiroshi, OKABE Akiko, NISHIYAMA Yaeko, NISHIYAMA Shiho, ABE Daisuke, AKASHI Yoshihiko

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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23402005

      Grant amount:\9880000 ( Direct Cost: \7600000 、 Indirect Cost:\2280000 )

      Detroit is a typical shrinking city at the post-industrial age. The urban social systems (governance) that are promorting urban regeneration could be pointed through studying the background of shrinkage and the forms of today.
      In Detroit the city government has not worked well in the urban regeneration, and the networks among institutions(universities, hospitals and so on), companies and foundations are working better and playing important roles there.
      At the same time small-size companies are born and changing the landscape of Detroit.


    • Cultural Strategy of an International City: An Empirical Study of the Creative City Yokohama Policies

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MATSUMOTO Yasushi, EGAMI Wataru, NISHIYAMA Shiho, MIZUKAMI Tetsuo, TAKAGI Koichi

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      4 2010 - 3 2014

      Grant number:22330159

      Grant amount:\8580000 ( Direct Cost: \6600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1980000 )

      Since the 2000's, the creative city policy has been attracting worldwide attention as a strategy for regenerating cities that have been declined with globalization and deindustrialization. This study focuses on the city of Yokohama, which adopted a creative city policy in 2004, examining the causes and aims of that policy and the actual processes of its implementation and evaluating its achievements and remaining problems.
      The objectives of the policy are to attract artists and designers, to form a cluster of the creative industry and to reshape the waterfront of downtown area. The processes of the policy implementation reveal that the agenda of the creative city is characterized by urban design, having a weakness in industrial policy and civic involvement, and diminishing its spatial perspective due to the reorganization of public administration.


    • Comparative Study of Social System which Promote Community Governance

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      NISHIYAMA Shiho

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      2009 - 2011

      Grant number:21730407

      Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

      The purpose of this research is to make clear social system of governance which promotes community regeneration. I pick up three types of community governance, one is govrnment-lead type of governance, market-oriented type of community governance, citizen-lead type of governance. I conclude that networking of each voluntary organization, the role of intermediary organization, supportive urban policy, asset maganegent of public lands and buildings are very important to promote community governance.


    • Empirical research on the Voluntary Action Supporting Unique "Life" and the Building community

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 


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      2007 - 2010

      Grant number:19530432

      Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )

      Now some voluntary actions for sufferers which started with Hanshin-Awaji earthquake continue for fifteen years or more. These actions don't keep the invariable form of organization and don't keep the uniform activity. The volunteers change with social situations. The keys of the reformation of organization are the firm mission to support object person's "life" and the intention to try to find out their needs completely. It became clear that the formation of organization was the way to serve the client's needs.


    • Comparative Studies on the Governance and the Sustainable Urban Regeneration in U. K., United States and Asia

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      NISHIYAMA Yaeko, YOSHIHARA Naoki, YAHAGI Hiroshi, KURODA Yoshihiko, YABE Takuya, NISHIYAMA Shiho, XU Chunyang

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      2007 - 2010

      Grant number:19402039

      Grant amount:\15340000 ( Direct Cost: \11800000 、 Indirect Cost:\3540000 )

      Citizen-led urban regeneration enterprises in Asia including Japan tend to form "the closed governance model aiming for the common good" which our research has proposed as one type of urban governance, compared with the enterprises in Western. To be "the open governance model aiming for the public good" which is another type of urban governance, Asian social enterprises need to get organizational independence and an equal relationship with the government and market sectors. Urban government policy is a key factor for them to manage the local assets and to develop intermediary support organizations.


    • Comparative Study of Sustainable Community Development promoted by Social Enterprise

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      NISHIYAMA Shiho

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      2006 - 2008

      Grant number:18730319

      Grant amount:\4000000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\300000 )


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