Updated on 2024/05/31


NAGANO Kazushige
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Law and Politics Department of Politics
Assistant Professor
修士(政治学) ( 立教大学 )
Research Interests
  • カシミール

  • 南アジア

  • 紛争研究

  • 国際政治

  • Courses in charge*
    Campus Career*
    • 4 2022 - Present 
      College of Law and Politics   Department of Politics   Assistant Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations

    Research History

    • 4 2022 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Law and Politics   Assistant Professor

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    • 4 2014 - 3 2022 
      Rikkyo University

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    • 4 2012 - 3 2014 
      Rikkyo University

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    • 4 2008 - 3 2012 
      Rikkyo University   College of Law and Politics   Department of Politics

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    • 「移動する」国境——1961年ゴア「併合」問題における国際政治と南アジア地域政治の交差——

      永野 和茂

      『南アジア 民主政治と国際政治のダイナミズム(第2分冊)』   331 - 351   3 2022

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      Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:人間文化研究機構(NIHU)プロジェクト南アジア地域研究中心拠点京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属南アジア研究センター  


    • Climate Risk and its Political Impact in Kashmir Conflict

      Kazushige NAGANO

        ( 5 ) 1 - 21   3 2021

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


    • International Relations of India and Pakistan in Kutch-Sindh Border Problem: A Case Study of the Rann of Kutch Dispute and its Border Demarcation Process Peer-reviewed

      NAGANO Kazushige

      Asian Studies66 ( 3 ) 1 - 19   2020

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Association for Asian Studies  

      <p>From early 1965 to June, armed conflict between India and Pakistan broke out over the Rann of Kutch. Amid mounting international concerns over the spread of the crisis in the subcontinent, the two countries reached an agreement on a ceasefire through Britain's good offices. Shortly after, both governments submitted the border dispute to the international arbitration tribunal. After two years of deliberation, in February 1968, the arbitration tribunal awarded the final decision for border demarcation and settled the dispute.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the development of resolving the historical and territorial disputes between two countries over the Kutch-Sindh border problem. In particular, focusing on the course of the ceasefire agreement of Rann of Kutch dispute in 1965 and the process of border demarcation by the subsequent arbitration award, this study analyzes how the international relations surrounding the two parties, as well as Indo-Pakistan relations, influenced the final settlement of this border dispute. What was the reason that led to an agreement without expanding the historical confrontation into a massive war? What was the factor that brought the two countries to a territorial conclusion? In response to these questions, this paper addresses the accumulation and its influence of border negotiations between New Delhi and Rawalpindi in the late 1950s, international involvement and its impact, the intersection of international politics of Cold War and regional politics in South Asia, and the domestic acceptance for the award of the arbitration tribunal.</p><p>In conclusion, the decision of border demarcation had the political process of de-escalating conflict and drawing boundaries through consensus building. Under these circumstances, the two governments had worked hard on tough negotiations for border agreement, based on the consideration of lawyers, international organizations, and sometimes its allies.</p><p>The ceasefire agreement in 1965 was a turning point in the history of the Kutch-Sindh border problem. In this background, the efforts of the two countries to negotiate a series of government border agreements since the late 1950s, the possibility that the US-Pakistan alliance had worked to curb the Indo-Pakistan conflict, the information sharing of some military personnel who intended to restrain the expansion of fighting, and the influence of the third country's mediation ware observed. Also, the strategic decision of political leaders such as Shastri's sense of crisis for communal disturbances and Ayub's calculation to favor negotiations in the context of the international community strongly influenced the attitudes of the two countries towards a ceasefire.</p><p>The international arbitration tribunal, which based on the ceasefire agreement, was the judicial manner in nature. Nevertheless, the procedure of the tribunal showed that they played an active role in the political solution with careful consideration of the balance between the two party's claims. When the UN Secretary-General appointed a chairman of the tribunal, the United Nations formally guaranteed it. Furthermore, India, who was reluctant to confirm the award, did not reject it. It appeared that the government emphasized the standing position of India in the world despite being criticized by the domestic opposition. These points had become crucial prerequisites for the final settlement.</p><p>The award was legally the final decision, but in reality, its implementation required domestic acceptance. Indeed, it was a controversial matter in public opinion. In India, some groups contested the award and attempted to bring a case to the court. All groups are not necessarily accepted diplomatic negotiations for conflict avoidance. The conclusion of the dispute received domestic criticism.</p><p>View PDF for the rest of the abstract</p>

      DOI: 10.11479/asianstudies.66.3_1

      CiNii Article


    • 「インド・パキスタンの領土紛争と国境画定ーーカッチ-シンド国境問題の事例研究ーー」


      人間文化研究機構(NIHU)プロジェクト地域研究推進事業南アジア地域研究京都大学中心拠点研究グループ2成果報告集『南アジアにおける民主政治と国際関係』   108 - 124   3 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  



    • 暴力形態の変化からみるエスニック紛争の「長期化」問題


      『平和研究』60   183 - 188   9 2023

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

      DOI: 10.50848/psaj.600109


    Books and Other Publications

    • 『気候変動は社会を不安定化させるか——水資源をめぐる国際政治の力学』

      永野和茂( Role: Contributor ,  「紛争地域における気候リスクと政治変動:インド、ジャンムー・カシミール州の事例から」)

      日本評論社  2 11 2022  ( ISBN:4535540322

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      Total pages:352   Responsible for pages:209-229   Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『経済危機下の分権改革——「再国家化」と「脱国家化」の間で』

      永野和茂( Role: Sole translator ,  第9章「領域管理とその限界:インドの事例研究」)

      公人社  1 8 201( ISBN:4861621038

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      Total pages:247   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books



    • 執筆者コメント(第10章「紛争地域における気候リスクと政治変動:インド、ジャンムー・カシミール州の事例から」)


      『気候変動は社会を不安定化させるか』出版記念シンポジウム  14 12 2022 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • "Moving" borders: the intersection of international politics and South Asian regional politics over the Goa "Annexation" in 1961"

      Kazushige Nagano

      7 2 2022 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Climate Risk and its Political Impact in Kashmir Conflict International conference

      Nagano, Kazushige

      The Second Symposium on Climate Change Politics: The nexus of international politics in climate change and water resource  19 7 2021  Institute for Future Initiative, University of Tokyo

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Milestones in the Kashmir Politics: Protracted Conflict, Climate Change, and Disaster Politics

      Nagano, Kazushige

      JSPS-Research Project 'The Nexus of International Politics in Climate Change and Water Resource' Agenda for the Third Research Meeting  16 11 2020 

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Natural Calamities and major political change in Kashmir: Processe of undermining local administration, strengthening central control?

      Nagano, Kazushige

      JSPS Research Project 'The Nexus of International Politics in Climate Change and Water Resource' Agenda for the First Research Meeting  1 6 2020 

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Kashmir and Floods: Climate Change and New Risks on the Contested Land

      Nagano, Kazushige

      JSPS-Research Project "The Nexus of International Politics in Climate Change and Water Resource” Agenda for the Third Research Meeting  23 11 201

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Seminar Room, 3rd Floor, Ito International Research Center, the University of Tokyo.  


    • 独立インドとカシミール、そしてパキスタン

      永野 和茂

      かわさき市民アカデミー講座  13 7 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • 「カシミール紛争と1965年印パ外交:カッチ紛争と第二次印パ戦争の比較を通じて」


      人間文化研究機構ネットワーク型基幹研究プロジェクト「南アジア地域研究推進事業」京都大学中心拠点研究グループ2研究会  26 5 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 1965年カッチ紛争と印パ国際関係」

      永野 和茂

      アジア政経学会  21 10 201

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 循環・持続するカシミール紛争の構造的要因の分析


      人間文化研究機構ネットワーク型基幹研究プロジェクト「現代インド地域研究推進事業」京都大学中心拠点研究グループ2研究会  23 5 201

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    Professional Memberships


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    Research Projects

    • The Rise of China and India and its Impacts on Neighboring Asia: Dialectical Dynamics of Domestic Politics and International Relations

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TAKENAKA Chiharu, SATO Koichi, KOKUBUN Ryosei, HORIMOTO Takenori, NAGANO Kazushige

      More details

      4 2014 - 3 2017

      Grant number:26245023

      Grant amount:\35100000 ( Direct Cost: \27000000 、 Indirect Cost:\8100000 )

      The rise of China and India is the crucial issue in the Asia-Pacific region. Is peaceful rise of China and India possible? How would other Asian states cope with this new situation? This study has challenged to analyze this by bridging the fields of International Politics, Comparative Politics and Asian Studies.
      Two international symposiums were held: “Emerging New Asian Order? China’s Rise and Power Shift in the Asia-Pacific Region”(June 2015, ICAS9, Australia) and “Globalization and Civil Society in East Asia” (March 2017, Rikkyo U). Based on the latter, a new book will be edited and published in 2018.
