Updated on 2024/09/20


SASAKI Masanori
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
Center for Foreign Language Education and Research
修士(教育学) ( 九州大学 ) / 博士(教育学) ( 九州大学 ) / 学士(文学) ( 北海道大学 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Interests
  • ダークツーリズム

  • グローカル

  • 日韓関係

  • 教育人類学

  • ジェンダー

  • 韓国

  • 軍事化

  • Dark Tourism

  • Militarism

  • study of Korean Society and Culture

  • Men's movement

  • gender role

  • masculinities

  • Courses in charge*
    Academic Year 2024
    Campus Career*
    • 4 2020 - Present 
      Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Tourism studies  / ダークツーリズム

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology of education  / 教育人類学

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Cultural anthropology and folklore  / 教育人類学

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies  / 男性性

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies  / 韓国

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    Research History

    • 4 2020 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Professor

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    • 4 2019 - 3 2020 
      長崎外国語大学   外国語学部   教授

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    • 4 2014 - 3 2019 
      長崎外国語大学   外国語学部   准教授

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    • 11 2011 - 3 2014 
      長崎外国語大学   外国語学部   専任講師

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    • 4 2007 - 10 2011 
      九州大学大学院   人間環境学研究院   助教

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    • 6 2005 - 3 2007 
      九州大学   大学院人間環境学研究院   助手

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    • 9 2003 - 8 2004 
      ソウル大学校   師範大学   教育学科(交換留学)

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      Country: Korea, Republic of


    • 4 2002 - 3 2003 
      ソウル大学校   師範大学   教育学科(交換留学)

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      Country: Korea, Republic of


    • 4 1996 - 3 2000 
      Hokkaido University   Faculty of Letters

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      Country: Japan



    • 現代韓国社会の男性性―軍事主義との関係から Invited Peer-reviewed

      佐々木 正徳

      ジェンダー史学 ( 15 ) 19 - 33   12 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ジェンダー史学会  


    • South Korean Militarism : A Consideration from the Perspective of Alternative Military Service (KOUEKI) Peer-reviewed

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー研究 ( 18 ) 13 - 27   2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本ジェンダー学会  

      CiNii Article


    • National Security and Tourism : Military Culture and Dark Tourism in KOREA Peer-reviewed

      佐々木 正徳, 大宅 美里

      長崎外大論叢 = The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies ( 19 ) 63 - 80   2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:長崎外国語大学  

      This paper describes Dark Tourism in South Korea. Since the Korean War truce of 1953, a military demarcation line (MDL) has been drawn between South Korea and North Korea. In the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) extending 2km to the north and south of the MDL possession of arms is prohibited, and the entry of civilians severely restricted.In Korea, many observatories and tourist facilities can be found along the DMZ. They comprise tourist spots for reflecting on national security, and at the same time, provide spaces for making a pilgrimage into dark memory.Self-naming ourselves as 'Tourist Ethnographers' , we went to a number of these tourist spots, for example, observatories, museums, materials centers, tunnels dug by the army of North Korea, abandoned stations, war sites from the Korean War, and so on.Through these visits, we were able to discover that these tourist spots related to the Korean War comprise boundary spaces, located at the juncture between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

      CiNii Article


    • South Korean Gender Order from the Perspective of Military Culture Peer-reviewed

      SASAKI Masanori

      The journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies ( 18 ) 137 - 148   12 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:長崎外国語大学  

      CiNii Article


    • A Life of Alternative Service: A Variety of Military Service and Masculinities in KOREA Peer-reviewed

      SASAKI Masanori

      The journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies ( 17 ) 93 - 104   12 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:長崎外国語大学  

      This paper addresses the variety of military service options in Korea.Military service is one of the obligations imposed on the men of Korea.Many people, especially in Japan, are thinking that all Korean men must go through a hard and painfulexperience. However, various alternative military services exist in Korea.Until now, there have been studies that analyzed active military service. However, studies that addressed alternative military service have been rare. Studies on active service have mainly conducted their analysis from the perspective of gender, and have viewed Korea as a military culture, analyzing the influence of the military experience in the formation thereof. However, previous research has not fully elucidated the diversity of military service experiences available.Therefore, this paper presents alternative services, and considers the diversity of military service basedupon interviews conducted to men who had finished the military service as industrial skill personnel. This paper reveals that a grasp on the diversity of military service experiences is necessary in order toanalyze the phenomenon of masculinities in Korea.

      CiNii Article


    • 男性運動団体参与者の事例から見た韓国の男性性 Peer-reviewed

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー研究 ( 9 ) 1 - 12   2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本ジェンダ-学会  

      CiNii Article


    • Trend and view of the masculinities research : To agency from socialization Peer-reviewed

      SASAKI Masanori

      Tobiume : bulletin of Education Cource Graduate School Kyushu University5 ( 5 ) 175 - 195   3 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:九州大学  

      The purpose of this paper is that I suggest a concept and analysis framework that is valid when doing an empirical research about "masculinities" in the men's movement organization. I was doing a fieldwork in the men's movement organization in Korea, so I wrote this paper to make the guideline of the research in the future. This paper takes the following composition. In chapter I, the overview of this paper is described. In chapter II, I explain that the research about concept of masculinities changes. In the recent, the research about masculinities became an area with deep relation with the gender studies, but it had already occurred from before the feminism movements. In chapter II, I try to explain the change of concept of the masculinities to the present from the time when masculinities was remarkable in the field of the science. Then, in to survey the research trend of the men's studies in Korea, I point out some problems and feature of men's studies in Korea. Finally, I consider about the concept of masculinities that it is valid when we are an empirical research about masculinities. In chapter III, I consider about the analysis framework that is valid when applying masculinities concept to fieldwork. I think that the men's movement organization in Korea has nature as the social movement organization. So, I pay attention to the way of cultural analysis of the social movement to become much utilized in the area of the social movement research. Then, I review about the effectivity of assuming that participant is an agency and to analyze a men's movement organization with the frame of the social movement as the culture in Korea. As the conclusion, I write down a view to the concrete research in the future in chapter IV. This discussion was written as the guideline to proceed with the concrete research. I don't know that the frame, which was shown here, can amend how much in future. However, this paper is the indispensable work to do an empirical research that focus on masculinities in Korea.

      DOI: 10.15017/3689

      CiNii Article


    • 韓国の男性運動とそれをとり巻く環境について

      佐々木 正徳

      国際教育文化研究4   107 - 118   6 2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院国際教育文化研究会  

      CiNii Article


    • 「韓国における男性性」研究の意義についての一考察 Peer-reviewed

      九州教育学会研究紀要 ( 31 ) 273 - 280   2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 韓国高校生の性役割意識--全州市高校生へのアンケート調査から

      佐々木 正徳

      九州教育学会研究紀要29 ( 29 ) 115 - 122   2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:九州教育学会  

      CiNii Article


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    • Hallyu Forever : Hallyu Style in the World

      SASAKI Masanori

      The journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies ( 17 ) 189 - 201   30 12 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:長崎外国語大学  

      This paper comprises a translation of the "prologue" of Hallyu Forever - Hallyu Style in the World', a publication issued by KOFICE (the Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange). Of the epic 567 pages of the original text, 24 of them have been assigned to the prologue. This paper translates the prologueincluding all tables, but excluding accompanying figures. Hallyu Forever as a whole analyzes the history and issues of Hallyu in different regions of the world, as follows: (Prologue); Part 1: China; Part 2: Japan; Part 3: Southeast Asia; Part 4: Central Asia; Part 5: United States; Part 6: Europe; Part 7: the Middle East.The main theme of the text in its entirety is how to promote national brand value through culturalproducts. Economic benefits appear to be construed as a product of national brand competitiveness, a perception which can be confirmed by reading the prologue translated in this paper. The original text focuses on how to maintain the popularity of Hallyu in the future and on how to make Hallyu a trend in as yet uncharted regions, not on an analysis such as are popular in Japan of reasons why the Hallyu movement arose. In recent years, as witnessed in "Cool Japan" strategies, it is the agenda of manydeveloped countries to connect cultural goods to enhancement of national brands. While the strategy of Korea may seem excessive to readers living in Japan, the act of relativizing the cultural strategies of Japan should prove a fruitful one.

      CiNii Article


    • The labour gap and gender in Korea: from the standpoint of culture Peer-reviewed

      佐々木 正徳

      Journal of gender studies Japan ( 12 ) 85 - 92[含 英語文要旨]   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本ジェンダ-学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 東アジアの男女共同参画推進―「海西生活文化研究会」を中心に

      佐々木 正徳

      男女共同参画の実践   10 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other   Publisher:明石書店  


    • 韓国ネット事情Ⅳ~ネット社会のこれから~ Invited

      佐々木 正徳

      子どもとメディア ( 3 ) 13 - 13   12 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other   Publisher:NPO法人子どもとメディア  


    • 韓国ネット事情Ⅲ~プライバシーの保護と可能性との狭間で~ Invited

      佐々木 正徳

      子どもとメディア ( 2 ) 10 - 10   9 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other   Publisher:NPO法人子どもとメディア  


    • 韓国ネット事情Ⅱ~ソーシャルネットワークと依存症の現在~ Invited

      佐々木 正徳

      子どもとメディア ( 1 ) 10 - 10   6 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other   Publisher:NPO法人子どもとメディア  


    • 韓流男性学への招待

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー学会会報 ( 12 ) 8 - 8   3 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:日本ジェンダー学会  


    • 韓国ネット事情 Invited

      佐々木 正徳

      子どもとメディア ( 創刊 ) 7 - 7   2 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other   Publisher:NPO法人子どもとメディア  


    • 한일 대중문화 교류와 교육의 역할

      사사키 마사노리

      교육인류학 소식10 ( 1 ) 15 - 17   3 2004

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      Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:한국교육인류학회  


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    Books and Other Publications

    • プリティ・コリアン

      石坂浩一, 佐々木正徳, 金良淑, 郭珍京, 李和貞, 岡村佳奈( Role: Joint editor ,  主として「文字と発音」編執筆、全体の編集)

      朝日出版社  1 2023  ( ISBN:9784255556994

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      Total pages:145p  

      CiNii Books


    • 日韓の交流と共生 : 多様性の過去・現在・未来

      森平, 雅彦, 辻野, 裕紀, 波潟, 剛, 元兼, 正浩( Role: Joint author ,  第2部第7章「日本における韓国教育院の役割変容」)

      九州大学出版会  8 2022  ( ISBN:9784798503387

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      Total pages:iv, 232p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 韓国語能力試験TOPIK II : 必ず☆でる単スピードマスター中級単語1200 : シーン別だから覚えやすい! : 3・4級一発クリア!

      ( Role: Joint author)

      Jリサーチ出版  8 2022  ( ISBN:9784863925670

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      Total pages:383p  

      CiNii Books


    • 韓国語能力試験TOPIK I : 必ず☆でる単スピードマスター初級単語1200 : シーン別だから覚えやすい! : 1・2級一発クリア!

      ( Role: Joint author)

      Jリサーチ出版  3 2022  ( ISBN:9784863925519

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      Total pages:383p  

      CiNii Books


    • フランスに学ぶジェンダー平等の推進と日本のこれから : パリテ法制定20周年をこえて

      冨士谷, あつ子, 新川, 達郎( Role: Joint author ,  第Ⅲ部第3章「韓国における女性の政治参加」)

      明石書店  1 2022  ( ISBN:9784750353241

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      Total pages:312p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • ミケ・ナビと学ぶプリティ・コリアン

      石坂浩一, 佐々木正徳, 金良淑, 郭珍京, 李和貞( Role: Joint author ,  主として「文字と発音」編)

      朝日出版社  3 2021 

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    • ピア・パワー:子どもの仲間集団の社会学

      住田 正樹, 東野 充成, 佐々木 正徳, 山瀬 範子, 針塚 瑞樹( Role: Joint translator ,  第8章 異性関係(1)初期と中期)

      九州大学出版会  9 2017 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • アジアのなかのジェンダー[第2版]

      川島典子, 三宅えり子, 西尾亜希子, 佐々木正徳, 喜多村百合, 香川孝三( Role: Joint author ,  韓国におけるジェンダー)

      ミネルヴァ書房  10 5 2015 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 完全!韓国語初級

      松岡 雄太, 佐々木 正徳, 梁 正善, 沈 智炫( Role: Joint editor)

      同学社  2 2015 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • アジアのなかのジェンダー

      川島典子, 西尾亜希子, 三宅えり子, 佐々木正徳, 喜多村百合, 香川孝三( Role: Joint author ,  韓国におけるジェンダー)

      ミネルヴァ書房  1 5 2012 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 揺らぐサラリーマン生活―仕事と家庭のはざまで―

      多賀 太, 東野 充成, 村田 陽平, 佐々木 正徳( Role: Joint author ,  ポスト会社人間のメンタリティ)

      ミネルヴァ書房  25 9 2011 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 現代韓国の家族政策

      伊藤 公雄, 春木 育美, 金 香男( Role: Joint author)

      行路社  2010  ( ISBN:9784875344230

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      CiNii Books


    • アジアから観る、考える:文化人類学入門

      ( Role: Joint author)

      ナカニシヤ出版  2008  ( ISBN:9784779502545

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    • 페미니즘에 대한 남성학과 남성운동(フェミニズムに対する男性学と男性運動)

      ( Role: Joint author)

      원미사(ウォンミ社)  2007  ( ISBN:9788955441208

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    • 子どもの仲間集団のダイナミクスを探る(ラウンドテーブル)

      多賀太, 東野充成, 佐々木正徳

      日本子ども社会学会第26回大会  6 2019  日本子ども社会学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  



    • 現代韓国の軍事主義―歴史修正主義、ミソジニーとヘゲモニー Invited


      ジェンダー史学会第15回年次大会  12 2018  ジェンダー史学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


      シンポジウム「男性史の新展開 対抗文化と男らしさに注目して」第二部での話題提供


    • 公益勤務要員からみる韓国の「軍事文化」

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー学会第18回大会  9 2014  日本ジェンダー学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 韓国の労働市場と文化・ジェンダー Invited

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー学会第12回大会  9 2008  日本ジェンダー学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  




    • 3.生活史に見る男性のワーク・ライフ・バランス : 新自由主義下の労働管理・家庭教育・アイデンティティ(II-4部会 家族と子ども,研究発表II)

      多賀 太, 東野 充成, 佐々木 正徳

      日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録  2008 

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    • 韓国における校長任用前研修の現状と課題

      元兼正浩, 佐々木正徳

      日本教育行政学会第42回大会  10 2007  日本教育行政学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 韓国男性学の現状と課題

      佐々木 正徳

      日本ジェンダー学会第9回大会  9 2005  日本ジェンダー学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 「韓国における男性性」研究の意義についての一考察

      佐々木 正徳

      九州教育学会第55回大会  11 2003  九州教育学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 韓国の高校生の性役割規範の男女差異について

      佐々木 正徳

      日本子ども社会学会第10回大会  6 2003  日本子ども社会学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 동북아시아 삼국(한중일) 교육열 양상 비교 International conference

      김지수, 남신동, 사사키 마사노

      교육열국제학술대회 제1회 대회  11 2002 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • 韓国高校生の性役割意識

      佐々木 正徳

      九州教育学会第53回大会  11 2001  九州教育学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



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    Professional Memberships

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    Research Projects

    • Masculinities and Militarism in KOREA

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SASAKI Masanori

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      4 2012 - 3 2015

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2200000 ( Direct Cost: \1540000 、 Indirect Cost:\660000 )

      The significant contribution of the project can be divided into three parts; firstly, focusing on military service, it has constructed the new conceptual model of gender order system in the context of modern Korean society. Secondly, this study has revealed the diversity and hierarchy in Korean masculinities. Finally, the project has contributed greatly to shedding light on a new role of engaging military service in modern Korea. The existing studies on the impact of the military service on Korean society and its gender order has only suggested the role of military service as a process of resocialization and/or rite of passage. However, based on the empirical findings, the research has shown that serving military service allows Korean men to acquire the label of `Self-sacrifice.'


    • About masculinity of Korean men that experienced masculinity crisis

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SASAKI Masanori

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      4 2007 - 3 2008

      Grant number:19710220

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2800000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\300000 )


    Social Contribution

    • NPO法人DV防止長崎主催『DV根絶のための連続講座』にて講演

      12 2016

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    • 長崎外国語大学主催、韓国文学翻訳院共催「第8回韓国文学読書感想文コンテスト」審査委員

      5 2016 - 11 2016

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