Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Community and Human Services Department of Community Development
Graduate School of Community and Human Services Master's Program in Community and Human Services
Graduate School of Community and Human Services Doctoral Program in Community and Human Services
学術 ( 早稲田大学 )
Research Theme*
  • 先進国主導による経済成長重視の援助や開発は、貧富格差の拡大や生態系の破壊といった新たな社会問題を引き起こしている。そのような上からの援助や開発のあり方を見直す中で認識されるようになった「社会開発」について研究している。社会開発の課題としては、深刻な子どもの労働、スラム居住者とスラム強制撤去、そして、その根幹にある農村の貧困に焦点をあて、これらの問題解決に取り組む市民社会の理念と活動および貧困層の参加実態について現地調査もふまえて明らかにしている。そのうえで、市民社会の役割や貧困層のウェルビーイング実現について検討している。最近では、グローバリゼーションの批判的検討および国際労働移動、また、ニューヨーク市における移民の現状についても研究を行っている。中でも、バングラデシュをはじめとする途上国出身者の労働実態に焦点をあてている。

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2011 - Present 
      College of Community and Human Services   Department of Community Development   Professor
    • 4 2011 - Present 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Master's Program in Community and Human Services   Professor
    • 4 2011 - Present 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Doctoral Program in Community and Human Services   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    Research History

    • 4 2011 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services   Professor

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    • 4 2011 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services   Professor

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    • 4 2011 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Community Development   Professor

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    • 4 2017 - 3 2018 
      コロンビア大学南アジア研究所   客員研究員

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2011 
      Kanto Gakuin University

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    • 11 2017  
      The Japan Society For International Development  Award 

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    • The Spread of Disparities and Inequality due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):The Conditions Faced by Essential Immigrant Workers in New York City

      Suzuki Yayoi

      Bulletin of the College of Community and Human Services, Rikkyo UniversityVol. 25   87 - 108   3 2023

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    • バングラデシュにおける社会開発とSGDs――現地NGOの子どものメイドへの識字・教育活動――


      Rikkyo ESD JournalNo.7   23 - 30   3 2023

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    • アラブ首長国連邦におけるバングラデシュ出身女性の労働実態 Peer-reviewed

        ( 23 ) 21 - 34   3 2022

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    • Syria, what happened and why it happened : Once-beautiful ancient cities that were my homeland

      Ghamra Rifai, Yayoi Suzuki

      まなびあい(14)   184 - 197   11 2021

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    • The Less Known Side of the Beautiful Atolls in the Maldives; The Actual Working Conditions of Bangladeshi Migrant Labourers

      Yayoi Suzuki

      Journal of the Institute of Community & Human Services, Rikkyo University(9)   77 - 99   11 2021

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    • A Study on the Background of Bangladeshi Migrant Labourers to the United Arab Emirates

      Yayoi Suzuki

      Journal of the Institute of Community and Human Services, Rikkyo University(8)   53 - 78   11 2020

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    • Local People's Perspectives in Social Development; An Analysis of the Contents of a Collaborative Learning Class

      Yayoi Suzuki, Zane Ritchie, Masaru Yamazaki

      Bulletin of the College of Community and Human Services Rikkyo University(22)   53 - 84   3 2020

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • A Study of the Living Conditions of Bangladeshi Women Migrants in New York City

      Yayoi Suzuki, Zane Ritchie

      Journal of the Institute of Community & Human Services, Rikkyo University(7)   35 - 56   11 2019

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • An Analysis of A Course Taught in English on Local People's Perspectives in International Culture and Social Problems in the University-wide Liberal Arts Course

      Yayoi Suzuki, Zane Ritchie

      Bulletin of the College of Community and Human Services Rikkyo University(21)   17 - 46   3 2019

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • ニューヨーク市におけるバングラデシュ出身の移民労働者


      まなびあい(11)   160 - 179   10 2018

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    • A Study of the living conditions of Bangladeshi migrants in New York City

      Yayoi Suzuki, Kazuhiko Sato, Zane Ritchie

        (5) ( 5 ) 69 - 89   11 2017

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

      CiNii Article


    • アラブ首長国連邦における子どものラクダ騎手:その背景と解放への道のり

      Yayoi Suzuki

        (10)   172 - 180   11 2017

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    • A study on the relevance of poverty to international labour migration : the present situation of Bangladeshi migrants to the United States

      Yayoi, Suzuki, Zane, Ritchie

        ( 4 ) 97 - 114   11 2016

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

      DOI: 10.14992/00013073

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00013073/

    • Social Development in Rural Bangladesh: Association for Social Advancement Approach to Empowerment of Poor Women, Peer-reviewed

        22 ( 1 ) 67 - 85   6 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • Social development in rural Bangladesh: the organization for poor women by BRAC Peer-reviewed

      Journal of international development studies20 ( 1 ) 43 - 66   6 2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • Establishing an Organization for the Empowerment of Poor Women through Grameen Bank Peer-reviewed

      SUZUKI Yayoi

      Japanese journal of social welfare51 ( 3 ) 44 - 63   11 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare  

      This study aims to examine the process of organizing a shamity (village organization) which is central to the concept of providing microfinance to poor women through Grameen Bank. We also examine the changes in the lifestyles of poor women who availed of microfinance and their family members of S village in Daudkandi Thana, Kumilla District. Our research is based on the previous studies and our interviews conducted during the year 1997-2010. Grameen Bank has encouraged the formation of a shamity and the efficient use of microfinance in S village since 1991. It was not easy to organize a shamity because most of the poor women had never ventured beyond their bali (front yard) or outside the village. Moreover, until 1991, they had very few interactions with outsiders in the absence of their family members or relatives. Furthermore most poor women had to be confined within their households and be economically and socially dependent on their husbands. Marked changes were observed in women who participated in income generating activities: since they organized their shamity, they gradually increased their income, developed their skills, raised awareness and also expanded their areas of activity. Further, women's empowerment had a positive impact on their household status or role and decision making power (the right of decision-making) apart from improving the lives of their children, and the overall literacy and educational levels. We concluded that, not only the intervention of Grameen Bank but also traditional mutual support is necessary for empowering poor women and organizing a shamity in this village.

      CiNii Article


    • Feminization of Poverty and Children in Rural Bangladesh Peer-reviewed

        ( 17 ) 45 - 54   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • The Living Condition of the Poor people of Kumilla District in Bangladesh:The Impact of Model Development programme Peer-reviewed

      SUZUKI Yayoi, SATO Kazuhiko

      Japanese journal of social welfare49 ( 2 ) 135 - 149   8 2008

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare  

      This paper aims to examine the impact of Model Rural Development Programme (Japan' s ODA) on the living condition of the poor people of Daudkandi Thana in Kumilla District. Our research is based on the previous studies and our interviews conducted during the year 1999-2008. The poor people have lived in the unions, where the local vested interests have invited MRDP. They have played the role of members of Thana Central Cooperative Association in this programme. Following the experiment of Comilla Model, MRDP has also promoted a modern agricultural production method. The effect of MRDP has increased the production of High Yield Variety of Boro rice in the dry season only. However, due to the introduction of modern agricultural production methods using irrigation pump, a large quantity of water, chemical fertilizer and agrichemicals, the farmers have to bear the considerably high costs of agriculture production. If the farmers are landless or can't pay those costs, MRDP does not involve them in the programme. As a matter of fact, mechanized agricultural production always deprives the daily agricultural laborers of their work. The production of HYV rice has concentrated in the dry season. The effect of this sharply decreases the plantation of traditional varieties of rice in the rainy season. As a result of this, many poor people lose the opportunity of employment in the rainy season. Moreover, the prices of crops rise in this season and many people are forced to borrow money in ordert to purchase food during this time. The trickle down effect on the poor people couldn't be verified by our research. Therefore, the current situation has made an accumulation of mass unemployment and underemployed workers in the area and the poverty problem remained unsolved.

      CiNii Article


    • ダッカのストリートチルドレンに関する研究


      日本の地域福祉17   87 - 98   3 2004

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    • バングラデシュにおける子どものメイドへの支援ー-現地NGOの理念と活動を通して


        16   89 - 98   3 2003

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    Books and Other Publications

    • Foreign Aid and Social Development Issues in Rural Bangladesh

      Yayoi,Suzuki( Role: Sole author)

      8 2 2016 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 坂田周一監修

      ( Role: Contributor)

      誠信書房  3 2014  ( ISBN:9784414603323

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      Total pages:xiv, 320p  


    • 社会科学を再構築する : 地域平和と内発的発展 : 西川潤+早稲田大学・大学院西川ゼミ記念論文集

      西川, 潤, 八木, 尚志, 清水, 和巳( Role: Contributor)

      明石書店  1 2007  ( ISBN:9784750324692

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      Total pages:516p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 社会福祉の理論的・実証的研究

      森健一編( Role: Contributor ,  バングラデシュ農村における貧困と子どもの労働ー-現地での調査を通してー-)

      青踏社  2002 

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    Teaching Experience

    • 4 2018 - 9 2019 
      Local People’s Perspectives in International Cultural and Social Problems ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 9 2018 
      Local People’s Perspectives in Social Development ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2011 
      コミュニティ政策研究 2 (バングラデシュにおける外国援助 と社会開発、移民労働者) ( 立教大学コミュニティ福祉学研究科 )

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    • 4 2011 
      国際福祉論 ( 立教大学 )

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    • 4 2011 
      国際NGO論 ( 立教大学 )

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    • 4 2011 
      Social Development ( Rikkyo University )

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    Research Projects

    • Fostering Joint International Research: A Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Immigrant Laborers in New York City

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) 

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      10 2022 - 3 2028

      Grant number:22KK0025

      Grant amount:\20020000 ( Direct Cost: \15400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4620000 )


    • Bangladeshi Immigrants in New York City

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

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      4 2018 - 3 2023

      Grant number:18K11792

      Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )


    • A Study of Globalization and International Migration: The Situation of Bangladeshi Women Migrant Labourers

      Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2014 - 3 2018

      Grant type:Competitive


    • A Study on the Relevance of Bangladesh Poverty and International Labour Migration

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 


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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23530697

      Grant type:Competitive

      This study focused on Bangladesh international labor migration,and it examined thelabor conditions of Bangladeshi migrants in recipient countries.The effect of the background of inter- national labor migration on poverty in Bangladesh was also analyzed. Following the independence,in 1976, labor migration started in response to the demand for labor force from the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) countries.There has been a rapid increase in the number of laborers migrating to GCC countries since then,not only in response to the demand for labor force in recipient countries,but also because the Overseas Employment Policy of the government of Bangladesh encourages overseas remittances for the purpose of acquiring foreign currency.The UAE has been at the top of the list of countries where Bangladeshi migrant laborers work since 2006,and with regard to occupational category,half are construction laborers who tolerate particularly hard working conditions for low earnings.


    • Endogenous Development in Bangladesh; Research on Actual Conditions of the Rural Community in Daudkandi Thana, Kumilla District

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SUZUKI Yayoi

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      4 2008 - 3 2011

      Grant number:20530489

      Grant type:Competitive

      This study examines the endogenous development in the rural community of Daudkandi Thana, Kumilla District, where have been progressed a modernization by foreign-aids, including Japan's ODA and USAID. Although poor women have been excluded from the foreign-aids-funded rural development projects, they have been participating in the social development programme of the civil society such as NGOs, and raising their social awareness and the well-being of their family members. In this paper, we investigate case studies that prove the endogenous development theory to be valid. This approach towards development is different from approach adopted by institutions providing foreign aids which are emblematic of the modernization theory in context to their assumptions and the effectiveness of the trickledown effect.


    • Foreign Aid and Social Development for Poor People in Rural Bangladesh; The research in Kumilla District

      Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2005 - 3 2008

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Investigation concerning The Actual Situation of Child Labour and Its Measures in Bangladesh

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SUZUKI Yayoi, SATO Kazuhiko

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      4 2002 - 3 2005

      Grant number:14510210

      Grant type:Competitive

      In August 2002. August 2003, March 2004. and from December 2004 to January 2005, we stayed in Bangladesh and executed the field investigation. The field visits for investigation are as follows: UNICEF Bangladesh, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Garment Factory, Local NGOs, Ministry of Finance, Local Government Engineering Department, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Government Publications, The University Press Limited, Rubi Enterprise, Slum site in Agargaon area (in Dhaka City), Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development and Library, Kotowali Thana Central Co?operative Association, Daudkandi District office and District Statistics Bureau. Goaripur Union and its former chairman of Union Parishad, The poorer and slum site in Shorpopenai union, A member of KTCCA in Nogorpaar union (in Comilla Prefecture). The method of investigation is the way to interview with the rural poorer, the driven?out slum dwellers and the staffs of related organizations that we visited.
      The child labour, especially child domestic servant and the child labour in the garment factories, and the street children are faced with many difficulties in Dhaka city, Bangladesh and those problems are serious. As result from considering and analyzing as for the factors that caused the problems of child labour and street children coming from rural village, we think their generation are deeply related to Rural Poverty. Frankly speaking, if the problems of poorest that live in rural village are not solved, their generation will not be fundamentally disappeared. Therefore, in this time, we investigated not only the present situation of child labour and the activities of local NGOs in Dhaka, but also the influence of the already practiced aids and development on the lives of rural dwellers while staying in village of Comilla prefecture. Moreover, we tried to collect materials and the documents at the BARD library. Comilla prefecture include the region where "Green revolution" is executed as Comilla Model in advance of other prefectures and ODA of Japan granted Model Rural Development Project. However, the influence of this ODA and developments on the lives of rural dwellers has not been necessarily clarified up to now. We are writing the results of our investigation.


    • Aids to Bangladesh and the Social Development : the central subject of acquiring Literacy

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SUZUKI Yayoi, SATO Kazuhiko

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      4 1999 - 3 2002

      Grant number:11610229

      Grant type:Competitive

      In Bangladesh, since independent of 1971, the foreign countries have done various assistance and developments with an enormous sum of fund. Especially seeings as to bilateral aid, Bangladesh has been the top of the largest recipients of Japan's Grant Aid. Nevertheless, at present more than half of people in Bangladesh is in the condition of absolute poverty and about 80% of these absolute poor people live in rural areas. Therefore a lot of illiterate people exist because of this poverty and the literacy rate remains low today. This is nominated as one of the social problems in Bangladesh.
      In our study, from a viewpoint of our approach to the problems of poverty and illiteracy,we take up the rural development, the urban slum and Child Labor (especially Child Domestic Servants) as the mainly social development problems and consider the supporting system in Bangladesh. The contents are as follows. In the first place, from a viewpoint of the influence of Japan's grant aid on the rural poor people, we investigated the present situation of the rural development and the living condition of the poor and report its results. Concretely, we take up Japan' s Grant Aid for Model Rural Development Project, especially the technical cooperation and elementary schools provided through it, and consider those performance and results. In the next place, we investigated and cinsider the condition of slum dwellers' lives in metropolitan Dhaka from a point of viewing the influence of compulsory eviction policy on them. In the third place, getting the cooperation of local NGO, we investigated and consider the condition of children' s lives, leaving their household in rural areas and working in opther people' s household as live-in Child Domestic Servants in metropolitan Dhaka, and also the relation of their recruit concerned three persons such as an employer, a guardian and a guarantor.
      Some of the local NGOs actively practice primary education program for the poorest' s children in Bangladesh. It is a characteristic that the supports for eliminating poverty and acquiring literacy have been mainly undertaken by local NGOs, but the role of government has been small in doing. However, both of them have depended on Aids, which have been provided by the governments or NGOs of foreign countries or the international organization and so on. Therefore, the way of Aid has influenced greatly on them, Japan' s ODA has been asked for increased continuous supports to local NGOs. Also, the policy of Bangladesh government and the way of external aids continuous ought to give priority to the poorest people in Bangladsh.


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