Updated on 2024/09/05


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Science Department of Life Science
Assistant Professor
博士(生命科学) ( 東京大学 )
Research Interests
  • Chemical biology

  • Bio-imaging

  • Plant cell

  • Single cell analysis

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      College of Science   Department of Life Science   Assistant Professor

    Research Areas

    • Life Science / Molecular biology  / Chemical biology

    • Life Science / Cell biology  / 光形態形成

    • Life Science / Cell biology  / plant cell biology

    Research History

    • 4 2018 - 3 2023 
      RIKEN   Center for Sustainable Resource Science   Research Scientist

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    • 5 2012 - 3 2018 
      RIKEN   Center for Sustainable Resource Science   Special research scientist

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    • 11 2010 - 3 2012 
      University of California, San Diego   Research Associate

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    Committee Memberships

    • - 3 2023 

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    • 3 2017  
      理化学研究所  理研桜舞賞(理研研究奨励賞) 

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    • The blue light signaling inhibitor 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole affects gene translation at the initial reception of blue light in young <i>Arabidopsis</i> seedlings Peer-reviewed

      Yukio Kurihara, Chika Akagi, Yuko Makita, Masaharu Kawauchi, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Tomohiko Tsuge, Takashi Aoyama, Minami Matsui

      Plant Biotechnology   2024

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology  

      DOI: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.24.0323a


    • "Advances in single-cell metabolomics to unravel cellular heterogeneity in plant biology". Invited Peer-reviewed International journal

      Kanchana Pandian, Minami Matsui, Thomas Hankemeier, Ahmed Ali, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara

      Plant physiology   20 6 2023

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Single-cell metabolomics is a powerful tool that can reveal cellular heterogeneity and can elucidate the mechanisms of biological phenomena in detail. It is a promising approach in studying plants, especially when cellular heterogeneity has an impact on different biological processes. In addition, metabolomics, which can be regarded as a detailed phenotypic analysis, is expected to answer previously unanswered questions which will lead to expansion of crop production, increased understanding of resistance to diseases, and in other applications as well. In this review, we will introduce the flow of sample acquisition, and single-cell metabolomics techniques to facilitate the adoption of single-cell metabolomics. Furthermore, the applications of single cell metabolomics will be summarized and reviewed.

      DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiad357



    • Tracking metabolites at single-cell resolution reveals metabolic dynamics during plant mitosis. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Ahmed Ali, Mika Hiramoto, Yukio Kurihara, Yasmine Abouleila, Eman Muhammad Abdelazem, Takayuki Kawai, Yuko Makita, Mika Kawashima, Tsuyoshi Esaki, Hiroaki Shimada, Tetsuya Mori, Masami Yokota Hirai, Takumi Higaki, Seiichiro Hasezawa, Yoshihiro Shimizu, Tsutomu Masujima, Minami Matsui

      Plant physiology189 ( 2 ) 459 - 464   18 3 2022

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Analyzing only one cell allows the changes and characteristics of intracellular metabolites during the chromosome segregation process to be precisely captured and mitotic sub-phases to be dissected at the metabolite level.

      DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiac093



    • Identification of a dual orange/far-red and blue light photoreceptor from an oceanic green picoplankton. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Yuko Makita, Shigekatsu Suzuki, Keiji Fushimi, Setsuko Shimada, Aya Suehisa, Manami Hirata, Tomoko Kuriyama, Yukio Kurihara, Hidefumi Hamasaki, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Kazutoshi Yoshitake, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Masaaki Sakuta, Takashi Gojobori, Tomoko Sakami, Rei Narikawa, Haruyo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Kawachi, Minami Matsui

      Nature communications12 ( 1 ) 3593 - 3593   16 6 2021

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Photoreceptors are conserved in green algae to land plants and regulate various developmental stages. In the ocean, blue light penetrates deeper than red light, and blue-light sensing is key to adapting to marine environments. Here, a search for blue-light photoreceptors in the marine metagenome uncover a chimeric gene composed of a phytochrome and a cryptochrome (Dualchrome1, DUC1) in a prasinophyte, Pycnococcus provasolii. DUC1 detects light within the orange/far-red and blue spectra, and acts as a dual photoreceptor. Analyses of its genome reveal the possible mechanisms of light adaptation. Genes for the light-harvesting complex (LHC) are duplicated and transcriptionally regulated under monochromatic orange/blue light, suggesting P. provasolii has acquired environmental adaptability to a wide range of light spectra and intensities.

      DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23741-5



    • Method for Phenotypic Chemical Screening to Identify Cryptochrome Inhibitors. International journal

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Wen-Dee Ong, Yukio Kurihara, Natsumaro Kutsuna, Minami Matsui

      Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)2213   17 - 27   2021

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      After germination, plants determine their morphogenesis, such as hypocotyl elongation and cotyledon opening, by responding to various wavelengths of light (photomorphogenesis). Cryptochrome is a blue-light photoreceptor that controls de-etiolation, stomatal opening and closing, flowering time, and shade avoidance. Successful incorporation of these phenotypes as indicators into a chemical screening system results in faster selection of candidate compounds. Here, we describe phenotypic screening for the blue-light response of Arabidopsis thaliana seedling and the resulting process that clarifies that the compound obtained in the screening is an inhibitor of cryptochromes.

      DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0954-5_2



    • Regulatory Potential of bHLH-Type Transcription Factors on the Road to Rubber Biosynthesis in Hevea brasiliensis. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Tomoko Yamaguchi, Yukio Kurihara, Yuko Makita, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Ami Kageyama, Emi Osada, Setsuko Shimada, Hiroko Tsuchida, Hiroaki Shimada, Minami Matsui

      Plants (Basel, Switzerland)9 ( 6 )   26 5 2020

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Natural rubber is the main component of latex obtained from laticifer cells of Hevea brasiliensis. For improving rubber yield, it is essential to understand the genetic molecular mechanisms responsible for laticifer differentiation and rubber biosynthesis. Jasmonate enhances both secondary laticifer differentiation and rubber biosynthesis. Here, we carried out time-course RNA-seq analysis in suspension-cultured cells treated with methyljasmonic acid (MeJA) to characterize the gene expression profile. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis showed that the term "cell differentiation" was enriched in upregulated genes at 24 hours after treatment, but inversely, the term was enriched in downregulated genes at 5 days, indicating that MeJA could induce cell differentiation at an early stage of the response. Jasmonate signaling is activated by MYC2, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-type transcription factor (TF). The aim of this work was to find any links between transcriptomic changes after MeJA application and regulation by TFs. Using an in vitro binding assay, we traced candidate genes throughout the whole genome that were targeted by four bHLH TFs: Hb_MYC2-1, Hb_MYC2-2, Hb_bHLH1, and Hb_bHLH2. The latter two are highly expressed in laticifer cells. Their physical binding sites were found in the promoter regions of a variety of other TF genes, which are differentially expressed upon MeJA exposure, and rubber biogenesis-related genes including SRPP1 and REF3. These studies suggest the possibilities that Hb_MYC2-1 and Hb_MYC2-2 regulate cell differentiation and that Hb_bHLH1 and Hb_bHLH2 promote rubber biosynthesis. We expect that our findings will help to increase natural rubber yield through genetic control in the future.

      DOI: 10.3390/plants9060674



    • 画像解析技術を活用した“観て測る”植物科学

      檜垣 匠, 栗原(大窪) 恵美子

      植物科学の最前線10 ( B ) 49 - 50   2019

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      Publisher:公益社団法人 日本植物学会  

      DOI: 10.24480/bsj-review.10b1.00154


    • Phenotype-Based Screening of Small Molecules to Modify Plant Cell Walls Using BY-2 Cells. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Minami Matsui

      Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)1795   85 - 92   2018

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      The plant cell wall is an important and abundant biomass with great potential for use as a modern recyclable resource. For effective utilization of this cellulosic biomass, its ability to degrade efficiently is key point. With the aim of modifying the cell wall to allow easy decomposition, we used chemical biological technology to alter its structure. As a first step toward evaluating the chemicals in the cell wall we employed a phenotype-based approach using high-throughput screening. As the plant cell wall is essential in determining cell morphology, phenotype-based screening is particularly effective in identifying compounds that bring about alterations in the cell wall. For rapid and reproducible screening, tobacco BY-2 cell is an excellent system in which to observe cell morphology. In this chapter, we provide a detailed chemical biological methodology for studying cell morphology using tobacco BY-2 cells.

      DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7874-8_7



    • Chemical-Induced Inhibition of Blue Light-Mediated Seedling Development Caused by Disruption of Upstream Signal Transduction Involving Cryptochromes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Peer-reviewed

      Wen-Dee Ong, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Yukio Kurihara, Setsuko Shimada, Yuko Makita, Mika Kawashima, Kaori Honda, Yasumitsu Kondoh, Nobumoto Watanabe, Hiroyuki Osada, Sean R Cutler, Kumar Sudesh, Minami Matsui

      Plant & cell physiology58 ( 1 ) 95 - 105   1 1 2017

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

      Plants have a remarkable ability to perceive and respond to various wavelengths of light and initiate regulation of different cascades of light signaling and molecular components. While the perception of red light and the mechanisms of its signaling involving phytochromes are largely known, knowledge of the mechanisms of blue light signaling is still limited. Chemical genetics involves the use of diverse small active or synthetic molecules to evaluate biological processes. By combining chemicals and analyzing the effects they have on plant morphology, we identified a chemical, 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole (3B7N), that promotes hypocotyl elongation of wild-type Arabidopsis only under continuous blue light. Further evaluation with loss-of-function mutants confirmed that 3B7N inhibits photomorphogenesis through cryptochrome-mediated light signaling. Microarray analysis demonstrated that the effect of 3B7N treatment on gene expression in cry1cry2 is considerably smaller than that in the wild type, indicating that 3B7N specifically interrupts cryptochrome function in the control of seedling development in a light-dependent manner. We demonstrated that 3B7N directly binds to CRY1 protein using an in vitro binding assay. These results suggest that 3B7N is a novel chemical that directly inhibits plant cryptochrome function by physical binding. The application of 3B7N can be used on other plants to study further the blue light mechanism and the genetic control of cryptochromes in the growth and development of plant species.

      DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcw181



    • Modification of plant cell wall structure accompanied by enhancement of saccharification efficiency using a chemical, lasalocid sodium. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Misato Ohtani, Yukio Kurihara, Koichi Kakegawa, Megumi Kobayashi, Noriko Nagata, Takanori Komatsu, Jun Kikuchi, Sean Cutler, Taku Demura, Minami Matsui

      Scientific reports6   34602 - 34602   3 10 2016

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      The cell wall is one major determinant of plant cell morphology, and is an attractive bioresource. Here, we report a novel strategy to modify plant cell wall property by small molecules. Lasalocid sodium (LS) was isolated by chemical screening to identify molecules that affect the cell morphology of tobacco BY-2 cells. LS treatment led to an increase in cell wall thickness, whilst the quantity and sugar composition of the cell wall remained unchanged in BY-2 cells. The chemical also disordered the cellular arrangement of hypocotyls of Arabidopsis plants, resulting in a decrease in hypocotyl length. LS treatment enhanced enzymatic saccharification efficiency in both BY-2 cells and Arabidopsis plants. Microarray analysis on Arabidopsis showed that exposure to LS upregulated type III peroxidase genes, of which some are involved in lignin biogenesis, and jasmonic acid response genes, and phloroglucinol staining supported the activation of lignification by the LS treatment. As jasmonic acid-mediated lignification is a typical reaction to cell wall damage, it is possible that LS induces cell wall loosening, which can trigger cell wall damage response. Thus, LS is a unique chemical for modification of cell wall and morphology through changes in cell wall architecture.

      DOI: 10.1038/srep34602



    • Polycistronic expression of RNA silencing suppressor protects its own mRNA from RNA silencing Peer-reviewed

      Yukio Kurihara, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Minami Matsui

      PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY32 ( 1 ) 89 - 95   3 2015

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC PLANT CELL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY  

      The internal ribosome entry site (IRES) enables polycistronic expression of multiple genes from a single mRNA controlled by one promoter. In general, only the most 5' coding sequence is abundantly translated from polycistronic mRNAs in eukaryotic cells; IRES-mediated translation allows additional coding sequences at other positions to be translated at detectable levels. However, IRES-mediated translation often results in much lower protein expression than translation of single-gene mRNAs. We first aimed to improve IRES-mediated gene expression with a transient expression system based on Nicotiana benthamiana. We demonstrated that the presence of two cassettes comprised of an IRES-mediated Venus coding sequence results in higher Venus expression than one cassette. The double IRES cassette system is expected to be useful for expressing a gene of interest polycistronically in plants. Using the double IRES cassette system, we found that polycistronic expression of a reporter gene and two copies of an IRES-mediated RNA silencing suppressor gene protected the transcribed mRNA from RNA silencing-mediated degradation. This is the first report of a mRNA self-protection system from RNA silencing by IRES-mediated expression of a viral suppressor in plants.

      DOI: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.15.0120b


    • Surveillance of 3' Noncoding Transcripts Requires FIERY1 and XRN3 in Arabidopsis. Peer-reviewed International journal

      Yukio Kurihara, Robert J Schmitz, Joseph R Nery, Matthew D Schultz, Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Taeko Morosawa, Maho Tanaka, Tetsuro Toyoda, Motoaki Seki, Joseph R Ecker

      G3 (Bethesda, Md.)2 ( 4 ) 487 - 98   4 2012

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Eukaryotes possess several RNA surveillance mechanisms that prevent undesirable aberrant RNAs from accumulating. Arabidopsis XRN2, XRN3, and XRN4 are three orthologs of the yeast 5'-to-3' exoribonuclease, Rat1/Xrn2, that function in multiple RNA decay pathways. XRN activity is maintained by FIERY1 (FRY1), which converts the XRN inhibitor, adenosine 3', 5'-bisphosphate (PAP), into 5'AMP. To identify the roles of XRNs and FRY1 in suppression of non-coding RNAs, strand-specific genome-wide tiling arrays and deep strand-specific RNA-Seq analyses were carried out in fry1 and xrn single and double mutants. In fry1-6, about 2000 new transcripts were identified that extended the 3' end of specific mRNAs; many of these were also observed in genotypes that possess the xrn3-3 mutation, a partial loss-of-function allele. Mutations in XRN2 and XRN4 in combination with xrn3-3 revealed only a minor effect on 3' extensions, indicating that these genes may be partially redundant with XRN3. We also observed the accumulation of 3' remnants of many DCL1-processed microRNA (miRNA) precursors in fry1-6 and xrn3-3. These findings suggest that XRN3, in combination with FRY1, is required to prevent the accumulation of 3' extensions that arise from thousands of mRNA and miRNA precursor transcripts.

      DOI: 10.1534/g3.111.001362



    • Sucrose transporter NtSUT4 from tobacco BY-2 involved in plant cell shape during miniprotoplast culture. Peer-reviewed

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Takumi Higaki, Yukio Kurihara, Natsumaro Kutsuna, Junji Yamaguchi, Seiichiro Hasezawa

      Journal of plant research124 ( 3 ) 395 - 403   5 2011

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Sucrose plays an important role in several cellular processes since it is a general source of metabolic energy, serves as a precursor for starch and cellulose synthesis, and is a metabolic starting point for carboxylate- and amino acid synthesis. While plant vacuole is the main cellular storage pool, where sucrose accumulates to high concentrations, only a small number of vacuolar sugar transporters have been identified and characterized to date. We initially identified a vacuolar sucrose transporter (NtSUT4) from tobacco BY-2 cells and established transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell lines that overexpress NtSUT4-GFP (BY-SUTG cells). Using a model system for synchronous cell elongation in miniprotoplasts (evacuolated cells) prepared from tobacco BY-2 cells, we found that NtSUT4-GFP overexpression inhibited cell growth towards the cell major axis. Moreover, under the same conditions, we found that the cell walls were well stained by calcofluor in BY-SUTG cells than in wild type BY-2 cells. These results suggest that NtSUT4 is involved in cell shape via sucrose homeostasis in plant cells.

      DOI: 10.1007/s10265-010-0377-7



    • Acceleration of vacuolar regeneration and cell growth by overexpression of an aquaporin NtTIP1;1 in tobacco BY-2 cells. Peer-reviewed

      Emiko Okubo-Kurihara, Toshio Sano, Takumi Higaki, Natsumaro Kutsuna, Seiichiro Hasezawa

      Plant & cell physiology50 ( 1 ) 151 - 60   1 2009

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Aquaporin is a water channel that increases water permeability through membranous structures. In plants, vacuoles are essential organelles that undergo dynamic volume changes during cell growth. To understand the contribution of aquaporins to plant cell growth, we developed a transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell line overexpressing the tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP), gammaTIP. Vacuolar membranes of isolated vacuoles from gammaTIP-overexpressing cells showed higher water permeation activities than those from wild-type cells. We then examined the role of gammaTIP in vacuolar regeneration of evacuolated tobacco BY-2 protoplasts (miniprotoplasts). Vacuolar regeneration from thin to thick tube-network vacuoles and subsequent development of large vacuoles was accelerated in miniprotoplasts of this cell line. A parallel increase in the rate of cell expansion indicated a tight relationship between vacuolar development and cellular volume increases. Interestingly, overexpression of tobacco gammaTIP also enhanced cell division. Thus, increased vacuolar aquaporin activity may accelerate both cell expansion and cell division by increasing water permeability through the vacuolar membrane.

      DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcn181



    • Actin microfilaments regulate vacuolar structures and dynamics: dual observation of actin microfilaments and vacuolar membrane in living tobacco BY-2 Cells.

      Takumi Higaki, Natsumaro Kutsuna, Emiko Okubo, Toshio Sano, Seiichiro Hasezawa

      Plant & cell physiology47 ( 7 ) 839 - 52   7 2006

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      Actin microfilaments (MFs) participate in many fundamental processes in plant growth and development. Here, we report the co-localization of the actin MF and vacuolar membrane (VM), as visualized by vital VM staining with FM4-64 in living tobacco BY-2 cells stably expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fimbrin (BY-GF11). The MFs were intensively localized on the VM surface and at the periphery of the cytoplasmic strands rather than at their center. The co-localization of MFs and VMs was confirmed by the observation made using transient expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP)-fimbrin in tobacco BY-2 cells stably expressing GFP-AtVam3p (BY-GV7) and BY-2 cells stably expressing gamma-tonoplast intrinsic protein (gamma-TIP)-GFP fusion protein (BY-GG). Time-lapse imaging revealed dynamic movement of MF structures which was parallel to that of cytoplasmic strands. Disruption of MF structures disorganized cytoplasmic strand structures and produced small spherical vacuoles in the VM-accumulating region. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the vacuolar structures revealed a disconnection of these small spherical vacuoles from the large vacuoles. Real-time observations and quantitative image analyses demonstrated rapid movements of MFs and VMs near the cell cortex, which were inhibited by the general myosin ATPase inhibitor, 2,3-butanedion monoxime (BDM). Moreover, both bistheonellide A (BA) and BDM treatment inhibited the reorganization of the cytoplasmic strands and the migration of daughter cell nuclei at early G1 phase, suggesting a requirement for the acto-myosin system for vacuolar morphogenesis during cell cycle progression. These results suggest that MFs support the vacuolar structures and that the acto-myosin system plays an essential role in vacuolar morphogenesis.



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    • パラゴムノキ葉枯れ病防除の技術開発—Protect rubber trees from leaf fall diseases by scientific approaches—特集 天然ゴムバイオテクノロジー

      栗原(大窪) 恵美子, 松井 南

      アグリバイオ = Agricultural biotechnology8 ( 6 ) 480 - 485   6 2024

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京 : 北隆館  


      Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I033580259

    • 新規光受容体・Dualchromeの生物的機能解析

      嶋田勢津子, 蒔田由布子, 鈴木重勝, 伏見圭司, 陶久あや, 平田愛美, 平田愛美, 栗山朋子, 栗原志夫, 濱崎英史, 栗原(大窪)恵美子, 吉武和敏, 渡辺剛, 坂見知子, 作田正明, 五條堀孝, 成川礼, 山口晴代, 河地正伸, 松井南

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録(CD-ROM)85th   2021

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    • 新規光受容体・Dualchromeは橙色光/遠赤色光と青色光を感知する

      成川礼, 伏見圭司, 蒔田由布子, 鈴木重勝, 嶋田勢津子, 陶久あや, 平田愛美, 栗山朋子, 栗原志夫, 濱崎英史, 栗原(大窪)恵美子, 吉武和敏, 渡辺剛, 坂見知子, 作田正明, 五条堀孝, 山口晴代, 河地正伸, 松井南

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録(CD-ROM)85th   2021

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    • 海洋メタゲノムデータからの新規光受容体・Dualchromeの発見

      蒔田由布子, 鈴木重勝, 伏見圭司, 嶋田勢津子, 栗山朋子, 栗原志夫, 濱崎英史, 栗原恵美子, 成川礼, 成川礼, 山口晴代, 河地正伸, 松井南

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録(CD-ROM)85th   2021

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    • Identification of a novel chimeric photoreceptor incorporated with phytochrome and cryptochrome from marine metagenome data

      蒔田由布子, 鈴木重勝, 伏見圭司, 嶋田勢津子, 平田愛実, 陶久あや, 栗山朋子, 栗原志夫, 濱崎英史, 栗原恵美子, 吉武和敏, 渡辺剛, 坂見知子, 作田正明, 五條堀孝, 成川礼, 成川礼, 山口晴代, 河地正伸, 松井南

      日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)44th   2021

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    • 天然ゴムの生合成に関連する転写因子及びその結合部位の同定

      山口朋子, 山口朋子, 長田恵美, 長田恵美, 蔭山杏実, 蔭山杏実, 栗原志夫, 蒔田由布子, 嶋田勢津子, 栗原(大窪)恵美子, 土田博子, 島田浩章, 松井南

      日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)42nd   2019

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    • Identification of cryptochrome inhibitor using phenotype-based chemical genetics

      栗原(大窪)恵美子, 朽名夏麿, 栗原志夫, 松井南

      植物科学の最前線(Web)10   2019

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    • 天然ゴムの生合成を制御する転写因子及びその結合部位の同定

      山口朋子, 山口朋子, 栗原志夫, 蒔田由布子, 川島美香, 嶋田勢津子, 栗原恵美子, 土田博子, 島田浩章, 松井南

      日本植物細胞分子生物学会大会・シンポジウム講演要旨集36th   2018

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    • フェノタイプベーススクリーニングによるゴム様粒子誘導化合物の探索・解析


      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録82nd   2018

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    • 天然ゴム生合成経路の独特さ,複雑さをケミカルジェネティクスで解く-ゲノムとケミカル双方向からのアプローチ-


      日本植物生理学会年会(Web)59th   2018

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    • 細胞分裂期の生体分子の挙動をシングルセルレゾリューションで知る-前・中・後・終期のオミックス解析


      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録81st   2017

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    • 植物の有糸分裂の各期における1細胞を用いた高解像度なメタボローム解析

      平元美佳, 平元美佳, 栗原(大窪)恵美子, 栗原志夫, 蒔田由布子, 桧垣匠, 馳澤盛一郎, 松井南

      日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)39th   2016

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    • シロイヌナズナにおける青色光シグナル経路を阻害する低分子化合物の同定および解析

      栗原恵美子, ONG Wen-Dee, 栗原志夫, 嶋田勢津子, CUTLER Sean, KUMAR Sudesh, 松井南

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録80th   2016

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    • 細胞壁を変化させる低分子化合物の探索・解析

      栗原(大窪)恵美子, 栗原志夫, 大谷美沙都, 小林恵, 永田典子, 小松功典, 菊地淳, 菊地淳, 掛川弘一, 出村拓, 出村拓, 松井南

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録78th   2014

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    • タバコの液胞膜型ショ糖トランスポーター(NtSUT4)の同定と機能の生理学的解析

      大窪(栗原) 恵美子, 桧垣匠, 桧垣匠, 栗原志夫, 朽名夏麿, 朽名夏麿, 山口淳二, 馳澤盛一郎, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物生理学会年会要旨集51st   2010

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    • 植物の生長におけるタバコの液胞膜型アクアポリン(NtTIP1;1)の機能解析

      大窪(栗原)恵美子, 佐野俊夫, 林誠, 桧垣匠, 桧垣匠, 朽名夏麿, 朽名夏麿, 馳澤盛一郎, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物学会大会研究発表記録73rd   2009

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    • 液胞の発達を伴う細胞生長におけるタバコの液胞膜型アクアポリン(NtTIP1;1)の機能解析

      大窪恵美子, 大窪恵美子, 朽名夏麿, 朽名夏麿, 桧垣匠, 桧垣匠, 佐野俊夫, 佐野俊夫, 馳澤盛一郎, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物生理学会年会要旨集49th   2008

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    • 液胞の発達過程におけるタバコBY-2液胞膜型アクアポリン(NtγTIP)の関与

      大窪恵美子, 桧垣匠, 朽名夏麿, 佐野俊夫, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物生理学会年会要旨集48th   2007

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    • 植物における液胞の立体構造と動態:立体再構築と動画像解析によるアプローチ

      朽名夏麿, 小田祥久, 桧垣匠, 大窪恵美子, 佐野俊夫, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物生理学会年会要旨集48th   2007

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    • タバコBY-2ミニプロトプラストの細胞生長時における細胞骨格の役割

      大窪恵美子, 朽名夏麿, 桧垣匠, 佐野俊夫, 馳澤盛一郎

      日本植物生理学会年会要旨集47th   2006

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    • タバコBY-2ミニプロトプラストにおける巨大液胞再形成過程の構造解析

      大窪恵美子, 朽名夏麿, 桧垣匠, 佐野俊夫, 馳沢盛一郎

      日本分子生物学会年会講演要旨集28th   2005

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    Books and Other Publications

    • サステナブルとゴム : ゴム業界から考える、これからの百年

      鈴木, 希実( Role: Other ,  P16-17, P62-67)

      ポスティコーポレーション  12 2022  ( ISBN:9784910227092

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      Total pages:107p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    Teaching Experience

    • 9 2023 

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    • 4 2023 - 7 2023 

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    • 4 2023 - 7 2023 

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    • 4 2023 - 7 2023 

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    • 4 2023 

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    • 2022 - 2022 
      Special Lectures in Chemistry and Life Sciences ( Japan Women's University )

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    • 9 2007 - 3 2008 
      Life Science Experiment II ( Japan Women's University )

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    Professional Memberships


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    Research Projects

    • 植物の分裂期における細胞板形成を時空間的に制御する化合物の同定

      公益財団法人 山田科学振興財団  2024年度研究援助(女性活躍支援枠) 

      栗原(大窪) 恵美子

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      10 2024 - 3 2026


    • Establishment of a natural rubber synthesis system using undifferentiated rubber tree cultured cells

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 

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      6 2022 - 3 2025

      Grant number:22K19883

      Grant amount:\6370000 ( Direct Cost: \4900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1470000 )


    • Single cell omics analysis during plant cell division

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 

      Emiko Kurihara, Ahmed Ali, Kawashima Mika

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      6 2017 - 3 2019

      Grant number:17K19363

      Grant amount:\5850000 ( Direct Cost: \4500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1350000 )

      Despite an important process of maintaining life that ensures that genetic information is distributed to daughter cells without mistake in the division period, it is completely unknown the comprehensive molecular information based on this progression. We separate mitosis based on the chromosomal condition in detail and isolate single cell in specific phase, successfully reveal strict metabolite fluctuation in the mitosis by performing single-cell metabolome and transcriptome analysis. As a result, there was obvious metabolite fluctuation and gene expression among pro-, meta-, ana- and telo-phase. Furthermore, we extract the feature of each phase by analyzing the tendency of the phase-specific accumulation of metabolites and lipids.


    • Searching chemicals affecting plant growth using chemical phenomics approach

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 

      EMIKO Kurihara

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      4 2013 - 3 2015

      Grant number:25560421

      Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )

      Aim of this research is to increase plant biomass. I quantitatively analyzed phenotypes of the plants which are treated with a library comprising many small molecular chemicals and then looked for useful chemicals. First, I added chemicals into Arabidopsis seeds, grew them under blue light and evaluated images obtained. I calculated quantitative scores to 22 items using a newly-developed computer program. As a result, I picked up a candidate chemical, #203, of which treatment strongly increased hypocotyl length and decreased size of cotyledons. Such phenotypes were seen only under blue light but not under other light waves. Transcriptome analysis of plants treated with #203 or an analogous chemical revealed that expression changes of blue-light-related genes only in #203-treated plants hardly occurred.


    Industrial property rights

    • クリプトクロムの機能を抑制するための組成物

      松井 南, 栗原 志夫, 栗原 恵美子, オン ウェンディ, 川島 美香, 蒔田 由布子, クマール スーディッシュ

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      Application no:特願2016-205506  Date applied:19 10 2016

      Announcement no:特開2018-065766  Date announced:26 4 2018

      Patent/Registration no:特許第6835308号  Date registered:8 2 2021 



    • 植物細胞壁肥厚促進剤及び植物細胞壁分解促進剤

      栗原 恵美子, 栗原 志夫, 松井 南

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      Application no:特願2014-244940  Date applied:3 12 2014

      Announcement no:特開2015-129117  Date announced:16 7 2015



    Social Contribution

    • 科学道100冊 2019

      Media coverage, Informant


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    • 科学道100冊 2021

      Media coverage, Advisor, Informant

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