Updated on 2024/08/21


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
Center for Foreign Language Education and Research
Adjunct Lecturer
Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication ( 3 2017   Rikkyo University ) / MA in Intercultural Communication ( 3 2012   Rikkyo University )
Research Interests
  • interpersonal communication

  • silence

  • pragmatics

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Adjunct Lecturer

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics  / 語用論

    Research History

    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Sophia University   Faculty of Humanities Department of English Literature   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Adjunct Lecturer

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    • 4 2019 - Present 
      Yokohama City University   School of International Liberal Arts   Part-time Lecturer

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      Notes:A leave of absence in the 2023 academic year


    • 6 2018 - 3 2024 
      Yokohama City University   School of International Liberal Arts   Visiting Researcher

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    • 4 2021 - 3 2023 
      Tokai University   Language Education Center English Language Section   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2019 - 3 2023 
      Tokai Univesity   Department of English, School of Letters   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2018 - 3 2023 
      Senshu University   School of Network and Information   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2016 - 3 2021 
      Tokai Univerisity   International Education Center   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2018 - 3 2019 
      Yokohama City University   International College of Arts and Sciences   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2014 - 3 2018 
      Tokai University   Foreign Language Center   Part-time Lecturer

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    • 4 2016 - 3 2017 
      Shonan Institute of Technology   Center for the Liberal Arts   Part-time Lecturer

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    ▼display all


    • 4 2012 - 3 2017 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School of Intercultural Communication

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 2010 - 3 2012 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School of Intercultural Communication

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2010 
      Tokai University   School of Letters   Department of English

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    Committee Memberships

    • 4 2017 - 3 2021 
      社会言語科学会   企画委員

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 9 2019  
      日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会  優秀演題賞(ポスター部門)  視線解析を用いた救急医療インタラクションのマルチモーダル分析:メンバーの促し行為とリーダーの指示行為
      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 酒井 拓磨, 中村 京太, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

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    • Action request episodes in trauma team interactions in Japan and the UK-A multimodal analysis of joint actions in medical simulation

      Keiko Tsuchiya, Frank Coffey, Kyota Nakamura, Andrew Mackenzie, Sarah Atkins, Malgorzata Chalupnik, Alison Whitfield, Takuma Sakai, Stephen Timmons, Takeru Abe, Takeshi Saitoh, Akira Taneichi, Mike Vernon, David Crundall, Miharu Fuyuno

      JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS194   101 - 118   6 2022

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER  

      Grounding is a fundamental human practice for cooperation and collaboration in a joint activity, when more than two people interact. Emergency care is one such interactive situation, and whether a trauma team can efficiently establish and increment their common ground at an appropriate timing during the complex and fluid activity of emergency medical treatment is key to maximise collective competence to best perform as a trauma team. This article investigates recurrent patterns in the grounding process between the trauma team leader and the members, comparing the practices between Japan and the UK, using an eye-tracking device. The embodied practice of grounding was multimodally described, applying both quantitative multimodal corpus analytic and qualitative interactional linguistic approaches. The analysis has shown that five grounding episodes reoccurred, most of which were more ego-centric and one of them ba-centric interactions, drawing on intersubjectivity and the theory of ba in Western and Eastern philosophy respectively. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2022.04.009


    • 日英救急医療チーム・インタラクションでの共同行為はいかに可能か 視線解析メガネを用いたチーム・リーダーの依頼行為パターン分析

      中村 京太, 酒井 拓磨, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史, 冬野 美晴, Coffey Frank, MacKenzie Andrew, 土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛

      医療の質・安全学会誌16 ( Suppl. ) 269 - 269   11 2021

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)医療の質・安全学会  


    • 救急医療チーム・リーダーは診療中モニタをどのくらい注視しているのか 視線解析メガネを用いたリーダーの視線と依頼発話の分析

      中村 京太, 酒井 拓磨, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史, 土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛

      医療の質・安全学会誌15 ( Suppl. ) 221 - 221   11 2020

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)医療の質・安全学会  


    • 依頼行為のための相互行為空間創出 救急医療シミュレーションでのチームリーダーの視線と立ち位置を含むマルチモーダル分析

      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 中村 京太, 酒井 拓磨, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

      日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集12回   38 - 38   9 2020

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会  


    • A team leader’s gaze before and after making requests in emergency care simulation: a case study with eye-tracking glasses Peer-reviewed

      Kyota Nakamura, Takuma Sakai, Takeru Abe, Takeshi Saitoh, Frank Coffey, Andrew MacKenzie, Akira Taneichi, Keiko Tsuchiya

      BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning6 ( 6 ) 369 - 370   3 2020

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BMJ  

      DOI: 10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000561


    • 視線解析メガネを用いた救急医療インタラクション分析 チーム・リーダーの視線とコミュニケーション・チャネルの確立

      酒井 拓磨, 中村 京太, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史, 竹内 一郎, 土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛

      医療の質・安全学会誌14 ( Suppl. ) 414 - 414   11 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)医療の質・安全学会  


    • 視線解析を用いた救急医療インタラクションのマルチモーダル分析 メンバーの促し行為とリーダーの指示行為

      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 酒井 拓磨, 中村 京太, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

      日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集11回   83 - 83   9 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会  


    • A leader's request and rapport in emergency care simulation: a multimodal corpus analysis Peer-reviewed

      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 中村 京太, 酒井 拓磨, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

      Japanese Association of Health Communication10 ( 1 ) 36 - 41   6 2019

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会  

      日本における救急医療シミュレーショントレーニングのチームインタラクションについて、ラポールマネジメントに注目して検討した。チーム指導者はチーム内で依頼を行う際にラポールをどのように管理するかを、utteranceとgazeによるマルチモーダルコーパス分析で解析した。その予備的な成績では、指導者は依頼にあたってgaze exchangeを伴った緩和表現、「〜しようか」と「お願いします」を使用していた。一方で指導者は、foundationドクターとの会話では緩和表現を使用しなかった。このように、タスク協力と指導の2種類のdiscourse frameが観察され、指導者はレシピエント選択を調節し、同時に同僚かつトレーナーとしての明確な社会的役割を持っていると考えられた。


    • Rethinking Silence Based on the Pragmatic Act Theory Peer-reviewed

      Taneichi Akira

      Intercultural Communication Review ( 15 ) 93 - 104   3 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00014849

      CiNii Article


    • A Study of Silence as Pragmatic Acts: Toward the Construction of a Framework for Interpretation of Silence Peer-reviewed

      Taneichi Akira

      Rikkyo University   3 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  


    • Toward an Interpretative Framework for Acts of Silence Peer-reviewed

        ( 10 ) 57 - 72   3 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


    • Reconsideration of Silence in Conversation: Toward a Typology of Silence as Pragmatic Acts Peer-reviewed

      Taneichi Akira

      Intercultural Communication Review ( 12 ) 145 - 156   2 2014

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      DOI: 10.14992/00011117

      CiNii Article


    • Silence in Japanese Conversation: A Pragmatic Analysis Peer-reviewed

      Akira Taneichi

      Rikkyo University   3 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Master’s thesis  


    ▼display all

    Books and Other Publications

    • Multimodal Approaches to Healthcare Communication Research: Visualising Interactions for Resilient Healthcare in the UK and Japan

      Keiko Tsuchiya, Frank Coffey, Kyota Nakamura( Role: Contributor ,  Chapter 8 (single author), Chapter 9 (coauthors: Keiko Tsuchiya, Akira Taneichi, Frank Coffey, and Kyota Nakamura))

      Bloomsbury Academic  23 3 2023  ( ISBN:9781350298477

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    • 救命救急医療チームのシミュレーションに見られる沈黙 -リーダーの指示に対する応答の働きと共通基盤の構築過程にもとづく考察-

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第48回大会  10 3 2024 

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      Event date: 8 3 2024 - 10 3 2024

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 視線解析を用いた救急医療インタラクションのマルチモーダル分析:メンバーの促し行為とリーダーの指示行為

      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 酒井 拓磨, 中村 京太, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

      日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会 第11回大会  21 9 2019 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • Capturing a leader's view in emergency care simulation: Developing a GUI for automatic gaze coding International conference

      Nakamura K, Sakai T, Abe T, Saitoh T, Taneichi A, Tsuchiya K

      International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2019, Taipei  19 9 2019 

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • Automatic coding of a team leader’s eye-gaze in emergency care simulation: developing a multimodal corpus with the sceneAnalysis GUI

      Tsuchiya K, Saitoh T, Nakamura K, Sakai T, Abe T, Taneichi A

      The 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference  25 7 2019 

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    • 会話に見られる沈黙の解釈の多義性:語用実践行為として捉える沈黙

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第43回大会  17 3 2019 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • 救急医療シミュレーションでのリーダーの依頼行為:受け手割当装置としてのポライトネスと視線配布

      土屋 慶子, 種市 瑛, 中村 京太, 酒井 拓磨, 安部 猛, 齊藤 剛史

      日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会 第10回大会  15 9 2018 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Analysing a leader’s eye gaze in emergency care simulation International conference

      Sakai T, Nakamura K, Abe T, Takeuchi I, Saitoh T, Taneichi A, Tsuchiya K

      The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Melbourne  11 9 2018 

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • 沈黙に対して参与者と研究者はどのように捉えているのか:沈黙行為の解釈枠組みの構築に向けて

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第39回大会  19 3 2017 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 沈黙は誰に属するのか:語用実践行為としての沈黙の主体

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第37回大会  20 3 2016 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 視覚情報の有無から見る沈黙解釈の差異:同一作成者のトランスクリプトの比較を通して

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第34回大会  13 9 2014 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 沈黙解釈の多義性について:同一会話データに対する複数のトランスクリプトの比較を通して

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第33回大会  16 3 2014 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • 発語内効力を持つ沈黙の機能:日本人の自然発話を中心に

      種市 瑛

      社会言語科学会 第29回大会  11 3 2012 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    ▼display all

    Teaching Experience

      Japanese Pragmatics ( Yokohama City University )

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      Interpersonal Communication ( Tokai University )

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      CLIL Seminars: Intercultural Communication ( Rikkyo University )

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      English and Society 2 ( Sophia University )

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      English Reading & Writing2(W) ( Rikkyo University )

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      English Reading & Writing1(R) ( Rikkyo University )

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      English Presentation ( Rikkyo University )

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      English e-Learning ( Rikkyo University )

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      English Discussion ( Rikkyo University )

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      English Debate ( Rikkyo University )

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      Advanced English 2 (Project English) ( Rikkyo University )

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      Advanced English 1 (Reading & Writing) ( Rikkyo University )

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      Basics of English (SW) 1a, 1b ( Senshu University )

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      Basic English ( Tokai University )

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      Academic English 1, 2 ( Tokai University )

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      Writing 1 ( Tokai University )

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      Reading 1, 3 ( Tokai University )

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      Advanced English a, b ( Senshu University )

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      Basics of English (RL) 2a, 2b ( Senshu University )

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      Intermediate English (RL) 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b ( Senshu University )

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      Intermediate English (SW) 1a, 1b ( Senshu University )

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      Literacy in English 1, 2 ( Shonan Institute of Technology )

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      TOEIC (R): Beginner A ( Tokai University )

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      International Topics in English ( Tokai University )

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      Academic English ( Tokai University )

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      Global Skills ( Tokai University )

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      Practical Basic English ( Tokai University )

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      Reading & Writing 1, 2 ( Tokai University )

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      Listening & Speaking 1, 2 ( Tokai University )

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      Introduction to English Linguistics ( Tokai University )

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      Small Group Communication ( Tokai University )

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    ▼display all

    Professional Memberships

    • 4 2024 - Present 
      The Japan Association of College English Teachers

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    • 11 2011 - Present 
      The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences

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    Research Projects

    • A multimodal analysis of joint actions in surgical team interactions: developing an AR simulator for resilient healthcare

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2022 - 3 2026

      Grant number:22H03318


      Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4020000 )


    • 沈黙を解釈する枠組みの構築に向けて:解釈時に参照された視点をもとに

      公益財団法人 横浜学術教育振興財団  研究助成金 

      種市 瑛

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      4 2018 - 3 2019

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive
