Updated on 2024/07/17


KIMURA Tadamasa
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Sociology Department of Communication and Media Studies
Graduate School of Sociology Doctoral Program in Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Master's Program in Sociology
Doctor of Philosophy ( SUNY at Buffalo ) / Master of Arts ( The University of Tokyo )
Research Theme*
  • インターネットを中心としたデジタルネットワークの社会的普及に伴う社会文化の変容を複合的に探究している。ミクロの観点からは、デジタルネイティブ世代を対象としたソーシャルメディア利用等のメディア・コミュニケーション研究、マクロの観点からは、グローバルな富・リスクの産出・分配システムの変化と日本社会の方向性を中心としたネットワーク社会論が中核であり、両者の観点を組み合わせたネット世論研究も主たるテーマである。研究対象地域は、日本、北米、北欧、オランダ、韓国、中国を主としている。文化人類学、社会学を基盤としながら、比較制度分析、文化次元論、道徳基盤理論、ネットワーク科学、文化進化・二重継承論など多様な領域との対話、並びに、理論と実証、質的研究と量的研究との対話を介して領域横断的知の生成を志向する。

  • Research Interests
  • ヴァーチュアルエスノグラフィー

  • 定性・定量融合法(mixed methods)

  • 質的調査

  • 研究者倫理

  • エスノグラフィー

  • 情報行動

  • コミュニケーション生態系

  • サイバーエスノグラフィー

  • サイバースペース

  • 社会的ネットワーク論

  • サイエンス・スタディーズ

  • デザイン

  • 人間-環境系

  • インターネット

  • 日韓比較

  • 電子提供

  • 科学社会学

  • フィンランド政府

  • シンセシス

  • 電子取引

  • シミュレーション

  • インタラクション

  • 電子申告

  • コラボレーション

  • アナロジー

  • 記号論

  • イノベーション研究

  • 社会的信頼

  • インターネット・コミュニティ

  • 米国政府

  • 文化と認知

  • 情報社会論

  • 文化人類学(含民族学・民俗学)

  • 社会学(含社会福祉関係)

  • welfare state

  • consumer society

  • post-industrial society

  • cultural models approach

  • situated cognition

  • digital divide

  • information society studies

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      College of Sociology   Department of Communication and Media Studies   Professor
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Architectural planning and city planning

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology of science, history of science and technology

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Cultural anthropology and folklore

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Cognitive science

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics

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    Research History

    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Sociology, Dept. of Communication and Media Studies   Professor

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    • 4 2012 - 3 2015 
      University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Professor

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    • 9 2012 - 2 2013 
      Yale University   Visiting Scholar

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    • 2007 - 2012 
      - 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 准教授

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    • 2006 - 2012 
      University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Associate Professor

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    • 2006 - 2007 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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    • 2004 - 2006 
      Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

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    • 2004 - 2006 
      Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering   Professor

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    • 2001 - 2004 
      Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering   Associate Professor

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    • 2001 - 2003 
      Waseda University   School of Science and Engineering

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    • 1998 - 2001 
      Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology

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    • 1998 - 2001 
      Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology   Associate Professor

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    • 1997 - 1998 
      国際大学グローバルコミュニケーションセンター 専任講師

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    • 1997 - 1998 
      International University of Japan   Assistant Professor

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    • 1995 - 1997 
      国際大学グローバルコミュニケーションセンター 助手

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    • 1995 - 1997 
      International University of Japan,   Research Assistant

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    • 1994 - 1995 
      日本学術振興会 特別研究員

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    • 1994 - 1995 
      JSPS Research Fellow

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    • 1987 - 1995 
      The University of Tokyo

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      Country: Japan


    • 1987 - 1995 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Culture   Cultural Anthropology

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    • 1990 - 1994 
      ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校大学院   人類学   文化人類学

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      Country: United States


    • 1990 - 1994 
      State Univ. Of NY at Buffalo   Department of Anthropology   Cultural Anthropology

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      Country: United States


    • 1983 - 1987 
      The University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences

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      Country: Japan


    • 1983 - 1987 
      The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Liberal Arts

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    ▼display all

    Committee Memberships

    • 2004 
      早稲田大学文化人類学会   理事

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 2004 
      Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology   Board member

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      Committee type:Academic society

      Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology


    • 2002 
      日本社会情報学会   理事、企画委員会委員長、学術委員会委員、編集専門委員会

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 1996 - 1999 
      日本文化人類学会   情報化委員

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 1996 - 1999 
      Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology   Academic Committee member

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      Committee type:Academic society

      Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology



    • 2009  

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    • 2002  

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    • 2002  
      Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, 17th TELECOM Social Science Award 

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    • 2001  

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    • 2001  
      Japan Association for Social Informatics, Excellent Publication Award 2001 

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    • 「コミュニティネットワーク」への欲望を解体する

      木村 忠正, Kimura Tadamasa, キムラ タダマサ

      106   41 - 60   31 8 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:国立民族学博物館  

      CiNii Article


    • IT技術と地域デモクラシーの活性化--「ICTの社会化」の推進を (特集 電子政府・自治体のゆくえ)

      木村 忠正

      都市問題101 ( 5 ) 58 - 72   5 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京市政調査会  

      CiNii Article


    • Relation between the Internet behavior and general social trust/uncertainty avoidance

      FUJIWARA Masahiro, KIMURA Tadamasa

      日本社会情報学会学会誌20 ( 2 ) 43 - 55   31 3 2009

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      Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      As the Internet has diffused in society and penetrated into social daily life, growing attention has been paid to the relation between general social trust and the Internet use and behavior by researchers and policy-makers. So, many studies have been conducted; and yet, few conclusive relations have been found out so far. When it comes to the study of general social trust, the argument by Yamagishi (1998) is the most influential and most studies to pursue its relation to the Internet use rely on it. Yamagishi distinguishes trust from assurance and put them in opposition. In this paper, we a...

      CiNii Article


    • Comparative study of the information behavior at the election period between Japan and Korea : relation between the use of media and the voting behavior in case of the election of Japanese House of Councilors and Korean president

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Ishii Ken'ich, Kimura Tadamasa, Kim Sangmi, Ogasahara Morihiro, Kim Inbae

      Research survey reports in information studies interfaculty initiative in information studies, the University of Tokyo25   73 - 122   31 3 2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Relation between the Internet behavior and general social trust/uncertainty avoidance

      FUJIWARA Masahiro, KIMURA Tadamasa

        20 ( 2 ) 43 - 55   2009

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      As the Internet has diffused in society and penetrated into social daily life, growing attention has been paid to the relation between general social trust and the Internet use and behavior by researchers and policy-makers. So, many studies have been conducted; and yet, few conclusive relations have been found out so far. When it comes to the study of general social trust, the argument by Yamagishi (1998) is the most influential and most studies to pursue its relation to the Internet use rely on it. Yamagishi distinguishes trust from assurance and put them in opposition. In this paper, we adopt UAI, uncertainty avoidance index, proposed by Hofstede (1980, 1991), as the measure of assurance; besides, we take UAI not as in opposition to trust but as an independent dimension. Then we set forth an analytical framework with general social trust and UAI combined and try to find out the relation between different patterns of the Internet use and behavior and the framework. For example, we set up a hypothesis that those who are of low level of general social trust and of high level of UAI are inclined to detach themselves from involvement in social activities in the Internet and that they get access to anonymous BBS more frequently than the other types. The empirical examination supports the validity of our framework, especially, the analytical power of UAI to study different Internet use and behavior.

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10484495

    • Virtual ethnography: toward restructuring a methodological foundation of cultural anthropology

      木村 忠正

      Journal of cultural anthropology10   47 - 76   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:早稲田大学文化人類学会  

      CiNii Article


    • Panel discussion: Rethinking "innocence of ethnography" for further methodological exploration of anthropological endeavors

      木村 忠正, 野沢 慎司, 林 美里

      Journal of cultural anthropology10   77 - 101   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:早稲田大学文化人類学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 茂木健一郎と愉しむ科学のクオリア(31)日本のネット文化を変えるには

      茂木 健一郎, 木村 忠正

      日経サイエンス38 ( 14 ) 96 - 101   12 2008

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:日経サイエンス  

      CiNii Article


    • フォーラム ネット社会のガバナンス(第1回)ネット社会でせめぎあう3つの原理

      木村 忠正

      科学78 ( 6 ) 648 - 650   6 2008

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:岩波書店  

      CiNii Article


    • Socio-Cultural Differences in the Use of Personal Web Homepage and Electronic Communities among Japanese, Finnish, and Korean Youth

      SAITO Yoshitaka, KIMURA Tadamasa

      Journal of socio-informatics1 ( 1 ) 137 - 146   30 3 2008

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      Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      Statistics about the young in Japan, Finland, and Korea show that only a small percentage of people have a personal web homepage. What are the differences between homepage holders and others? We attempt to answer this question by examining empirical data and focusing on information-network environmental factors and individual factors. Results show that in the three countries, people who have higher Internet skills and motivation to communicate with others are more likely to have homepages. However, in terms of Japan alone, statistics show that those who have a homepage tend to use it at hom...

      DOI: 10.14836/jsi.1.1_137

      CiNii Article


    • Cyberspace as Socio-psychological Space : Cross-Cultural Comparison among the Japanese, Koreans and Finns

      KIMURA Tadamasa

      Journal of socio-informatics1 ( 1 ) 57 - 70   30 3 2008

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      Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      Even though IT is the same as technology, substantial socio-cultural differences exist in the way IT is interwoven into socio-cultural practices and socio-psychological configuration. This article has two objectives. For one thing, I would like to make a critical scrutiny of the way information society is conceptualized and argued. Four problems associated with the conceptualization of information society are articulated and discussed. That is (1) its historical contextualization, (2) its "disruptiveness", (3) its uniformity hypothesis, and (4) its discursive structure of rosy expectations ...

      DOI: 10.14836/jsi.1.1_57

      CiNii Article


    • Comparative study of internet use and online community between Japan and Korea

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Kim Sangmi, Ishii Ken'ichi, Ogasawara Morihiro, Kimura Tadamasa, Kim Inbae

      Research survey reports in information studies interfaculty initiative in information studies, the University of Tokyo24   1 - 47   30 3 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Comparison of internet images on the leading newspapers inJapan, Korea and Chine

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Ishizaki Masato, Ogasawara Morihiro, Kimura Tadamasa, Ishii Ken'ichi, Kim Sangmi, Kim Inbae

      Research survey reports in information studies interfaculty initiative in information studies, the University of Tokyo24   49 - 77   30 3 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Cognitive anthropology of "being ill"

      木村 忠正

      Journal of cultural anthropology7   66 - 96   2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:早稲田大学文化人類学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 「間メディア性」本格化の年 (特集 2005年--わたしたちはどこへ向かっているのか、どこまできたのか)

      木村 忠正

      NIRA政策研究18 ( 12 ) 28 - 32   12 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:総合研究開発機構  

      CiNii Article


    • デジタルインクルージョンを政策課題に(2)ITが持つ"社会増強力"の活用を--「縮小しながら成長」しなければならない日本

      木村 忠正

      あけぼの23 ( 2 ) 48 - 55   10 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:NTT労働組合  

      CiNii Article


    • SNS (Social Networking Service) Use and Interpersonal Trust among Early Adopters of College Students

      KIMURA Tadamasa

      日本社会情報学会学会誌17 ( 2 ) 23 - 31   30 9 2005

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      Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      CiNii Article


    • デジタルインクルージョンを政策課題に(1)米国・欧州型モデルに見る情報化社会の経済成長戦略

      木村 忠正

      あけぼの22 ( 11 ) 32 - 39   9 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:NTT労働組合  

      CiNii Article


    • デジタルデバイドと日本社会

      木村 忠正

      リ-ガル・エイド研究 ( 11 ) 85 - 101   6 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:法律扶助協会  

      CiNii Article


    • "Socio-Cultural Differences in the Use of Personal Web Homepage and Electronic Communities : A Comparative Study among Japanese, Finnish, and Korean Youth"

      SAITO Yoshitaka, KIMURA Tadamasa

      情報通信学会誌23 ( 1 ) 45 - 52   25 5 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • SNS (Social Networking Service) Use and Interpersonal Trust among Early Adopters of College Students

      KIMURA Tadamasa

        17 ( 2 ) 23 - 31   2005

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    • デジタルデバイドと日本社会 (特集 情報空間の多様化と生活文化)

      木村 忠正

      放送メディア研究 ( 3 ) 9 - 56   2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:丸善プラネット  

      CiNii Article


    • "Rational Ignorance" in a Society with Information Technology Innovations : Do People's Attitudes toward the Digital Divide Differ among Social Groups?

      SAITO Yoshitaka, KIMURA Tadamasa

      日本社会情報学会学会誌16 ( 2 ) 45 - 58   30 9 2004

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      Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      "Digital divide" is one of the social problems produced by recent innovations in information technology. This study examines whether differences exist in people's attitudes toward the digital divide among social groups in terms of sex, age, class, and those who use and those who do not use information devices (e.g., computers, cellular phones). The logic of our analyses is based on the concept "rational ignorance" discussed by Hashimoto (2001), which refers to people's conscious selection of "not" using information devices. This may reflect the fact that Japanese people were not so aware of...

      CiNii Article


    • パネル調査によるインターネットの利用の影響分析

      『東京大学社会情報研究所調査研究紀要』21   305 - 454   2004

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    • Rational Ignorance in a Society with Information Technology Innovations : Do People's Attitudes toward the Digital Divide Differ among Social Groups?

      SAITO Yoshitaka, KIMURA Tadamasa

        16 ( 2 ) 45 - 58   2004

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      "Digital divide" is one of the social problems produced by recent innovations in information technology. This study examines whether differences exist in people's attitudes toward the digital divide among social groups in terms of sex, age, class, and those who use and those who do not use information devices (e.g., computers, cellular phones). The logic of our analyses is based on the concept "rational ignorance" discussed by Hashimoto (2001), which refers to people's conscious selection of "not" using information devices. This may reflect the fact that Japanese people were not so aware of the seriousness of the digital divide at the time of his analysis. Given continuing innovations in information technology, it would be more meaningful to examine more recent Japanese attitude towards the digital divide. We examine this attitude by using panel data collected across Japan in 2001 and 2003. We also consider some changes between 2001 and 2003, examining whether people's use and disuse of information devices and/or status mobilization affected their attitude. Moreover, we analyze whether there is a group(s) who increased their concerns about the digital divide and, if there is, who they are. The main finding shows that there is no significant difference in people's attitude toward the digital divide among any groups, and it is also the case even if we consider the changes between 2001 and 2003 (except for a few minor exceptions). Finally, we discuss what the finding means with reference to uniquely Japanese innovations in information technology.

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10484291

    • ネットワーク・リアリティ-ポスト高度消費社会としての情報ネットワーク社会を構想する

      『NIRA政策研究』17 ( 12 ) 6 - 26   2004

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    • Analyzing the Effect of Internet Use by Panel Survey

      橋元 良明, 石井 健一, 木村 忠正

      The Research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo ( 21 ) 451 - 454   2004

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      Language:English   Publisher:東京大学社会情報研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • パネル調査によるインターネット利用の影響分析

      橋元 良明, 石井 健一, 木村 忠正

      The Research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo ( 21 ) 305 - 449   2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京大学社会情報研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • ネットワーク・リアリティ--ポスト高度消費社会としての情報ネットワーク社会を構想する (特集 「情報化」はくらしと社会を変えられるか--知識社会実現の戦略)

      木村 忠正

      NIRA政策研究17 ( 12 ) 6 - 26   2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:総合研究開発機構  

      CiNii Article


    • Comparative Studies on Internet Use of Japanese and Korean University Students : Focusing on the Formation of the Internet Community

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Ishii Kenichi, Kimura Tadamasa, Kim Sangmi

      The research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo20   205 - 345   2003

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      Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Comparative Studies on Internet Use of Japanese and Korean University Students : Focusing on the Formation of the Internet Community

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Ishii Kenichi, Kimura Tadamasa, Kim Sangmi

      The research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo20   205 - 345   2003

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      Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Cyberspace as Our Environment

      KIYOHARA Keiko, SUDO Osamu, ITO Mamoru, TSUNEMATSU Naoyuki, KUBOTA Fumito, TOYAMA Yoshinori, KIMURA Tadamasa, ENDO Kaoru

      日本社会情報学会学会誌14 ( 2 ) 5 - 34   30 9 2002

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      Publisher:The Japan Association for Social Informatics  

      CiNii Article


    • E-quality in the Broadband Society : Equalization of Access to the Net

      SUNAKAWA Hiroyoshi, KONO Shintaro, MAEKAWA Hideki, HARA Yumiko, KIMURA Tadamasa, HASHIMOTO Yoshiaki

      情報通信学会誌20 ( 1 ) 7 - 27   25 9 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • ネットワーク社会とデジタルデバイド

      木村 忠正

      通信工業42 ( 4 ) 6 - 14   4 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:通信機械工業会  

      CiNii Article


    • Cyberspace as Our Environment

      KIYOHARA Keiko, SUDO Osamu, ITO Mamoru, TSUNEMATSU Naoyuki, KUBOTA Fumito, TOYAMA Yoshinori, KIMURA Tadamasa, ENDO Kaoru

        14 ( 2 ) 5 - 34   2002

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    • ネットワーク社会とデジタルデバイド

      『通信工業 (CIAJ Journal)』42 ( 4 ) 6 - 14   2002

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    • Testing the "Internet Paradox" : Effects of the internet on psychologial well-being and Social Network

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Tsuji Daisuke, Ishii Kenichi, Kim Sangmi, Kimura Tadamasa

      The research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo18   335 - 485   2002

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      Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • Testing the "Internet Paradox" : Effects of the internet on psychologial well-being and Social Network

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki, Tsuji Daisuke, Ishii Kenichi, Kim Sangmi, Kimura Tadamasa

      The research bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo18   335 - 485   2002

      More details

      Publisher:The University of Tokyo  

      CiNii Article


    • 米欧アジア諸国のIT政策と日本(2)

      木村 忠正

      行政&ADP38 ( 1 ) 16 - 22   1 2002

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • 米欧アジア諸国のIT政策と日本(1)

      木村 忠正

      行政&ADP37 ( 12 ) 17 - 20   12 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • インターネットとiモード系携帯電話の狭間--PACS(ポスト高度消費社会)としての情報ネットワーク社会へ (特集 ケータイ・メール)

      木村 忠正

      日本語学20 ( 10 ) 54 - 71   9 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:明治書院  

      CiNii Article


    • 第三の産業分水嶺としての「デジタルデバイド」 〜 PACS(ポスト高度消費社会)をいかに構想するか 〜

      木村 忠正

      情報通信学会誌19 ( 1 ) 15 - 39   25 5 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 北欧におけるIT事情(3)北欧における産学の連携

      島田 達巳, 木村 忠正, 小豆川 裕子

      地方自治コンピュータ31 ( 3 ) 33 - 41   3 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:地方自治情報センター  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(3)ダイナミックな活力を生み出す産学協働

      小豆川 裕子, 島田 達巳, 木村 忠正

      行政&ADP37 ( 3 ) 7 - 12   3 2001

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • 北欧におけるIT事情(2)北欧における情報社会の特質とIT教育

      島田 勝巳, 木村 忠正, 小豆川 裕子

      地方自治コンピュータ31 ( 2 ) 55 - 62   2 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:地方自治情報センター  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(2)情報ネットワーク基盤構築と教育の情報化

      木村 忠正, 島田 達巳, 小豆川 裕子

      行政&ADP37 ( 2 ) 27 - 32   2 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • デジタル・ディバイド : 情報強者と情報弱者

      三上 俊治, ROBINSON John P, 橋元 良明, 木村 忠正

      情報通信学会誌18 ( 3 ) 49 - 61   25 1 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 「教育の情報化=e-learning」と 日本社会が抱える課題千葉大学・第2回「マルチメディア教育」講演会・教育のマルチメディア化:実践と課題

      平成12年度マルチメディア利用普遍教育開発事業報告書/千葉大学大学教育委員会   2001

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    • 世界システムの再編成としての デジタルデバイドと日本社会世界コミュニケーション年記念第16回コミュニケーション・フォーラム「IT革命と社会の調和:21世紀情報社会への課題と展望」セッション2デジタル・ディバイド:情報強者と情報弱者

      情報通信学会誌第18巻第3号   2001

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    • e-ビジネスが問題ではない

      『現代日本学原論<1>働く』岩波書店   94 - 98   2001

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    • PACSとしての情報ネットワーク社会を構想すること

      木村 忠正

      国際大学グローコム『智場』 ( 66 ) 16 - 20   2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:国際大学グローバルコミュニケーションセンター  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(第3回) : ダイナミックな活力を生み出す産学協働

      小豆川 裕子, 島田 達巳, 木村 忠正

      行政とADP37 ( 3 ) 7 - 12   2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(第2回) : 情報ネットワーク基盤構築と教育の情報化

      木村 忠正, 島田 達巳, 小豆川 裕子

      行政とADP37 ( 2 ) 27 - 32   2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(第1回) : 行政のIT革命

      島田 達巳, 木村 忠正, 小豆川 裕子

      行政とADP37 ( 1 ) 8 - 14   2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • インターネットとiモード系携帯電話の狭間

      日本語学20 ( 10 ) 54 - 71   2001

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    • E-business is not disruptive

      The Principles of Modern Japanology. Vol. 1 : Work, Iwanami Shoten   94 - 98   2001

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    • On information society as PACS, Post Advanced Consumer Society

      Intelplace ( 66 ) 16 - 20   2001

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    • Nordic countries as IT nations Part (]G0003[) : Industry-academics cooperation which brings about socio-economic dynamics

      Gyosei & ADP(public administration & auto data processing)37 ( 3 ) 7 - 12   2001

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    • Nordic countries as IT nations Part (]G0002[) : Expansion of information infrastructure and internet use in education

      Gyosei & ADP(public administration & auto data processing)37 ( 2 ) 27 - 32   2001

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    • Nordic countries as IT nations Part (]G0001[) : IT revolution of public administration

      Gyosei & ADP(public administration & auto data processing)37 ( 1 ) 8 - 14   2001

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    • 北欧におけるIT事情(1)IT国家北欧の理念と概況--どのような社会をつくり、ITをどのように使うか

      島田 達巳, 木村 忠正, 小豆川 裕子

      地方自治コンピュータ31 ( 1 ) 49 - 55   1 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:地方自治情報センター  

      CiNii Article


    • IT国家をリードする北欧(1)行政のIT革命

      島田 達巳, 木村 忠正, 小豆川 裕子

      行政&ADP37 ( 1 ) 8 - 14   1 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:行政情報システム研究所  

      CiNii Article


    • デジタルデバイド--世界システムの総体的再編成と日本社会の選択

      木村 忠正

      東京都立科学技術大学紀要14   1 - 6   11 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京都立科学技術大学学術研究委員会  

      CiNii Article


    • 共創社会に生きるポートフォリオ型自己を目指せ (e-ラーニング・ソリューションプラザ(4))

      木村 忠正

      人材教育12 ( 8 ) 74 - 77   8 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本能率協会  

      CiNii Article


    • 無重力経済(Weightless Economy)における「地域」とは?第7回国際大学GLOCOMフォーラム「岐路に立つネティズンと21世紀の産業社会」

      国際大学GLOCOM機関誌「智場」特別号   2000

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    • 「教育の情報化」の再定義と 日本の高等教育が抱える課題

      ワークショップ 「オンライン教育の可能性と限界」/日本マス・コミュニケーション学会2000年度秋季研究発表会   2000

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    • 失われた90年代と教育の情報化

      総合教育技術/小学館第55巻・第12号、6-7ページ   2000

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    • デジタルデバイド~世界システムの総体的再編成と日本社会の選択~

      木村 忠正

      東京都立科学技術大学紀要第14巻、1-6ページ   1 - 6   2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京都立科学技術大学学術研究委員会  

      CiNii Article


    • Performance measurement and IT strategy in local government-A case study of New York City

      Proceedings of Japan Association of Social Informatics 14<SUP>th</SUP>Annual Conference   141 - 146   2000

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    • 90年代後半における大学生の情報メディア環境変化

      木村 忠正

      Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology ( 13 ) 17 - 22   11 1999

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京都立科学技術大学学術研究委員会  

      CiNii Article


    • VIEW POINT 情報化のお手本は北欧にある!

      木村 忠正

      実業の日本102 ( 12 ) 64 - 66   9 1999

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:実業之日本社  

      CiNii Article


    • グローバル戦略とインターネット

      伊藤 英一, ステープル グレゴリ-・C, 山下 東子, 木村 忠正, 金田 哲也

      情報通信学会誌16 ( 3 ) 63 - 77   25 1 1999

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 90年代後半における大学生の情報メディア環境変化

      東京都立科学技術大学紀要13   17 - 22   1999

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    • 地方自治体における行政評価と情報技術戦略について~ニューヨーク市の事例を中心に~

      日本社会情報学会第14回全国大会研究発表論文集   141 - 146   1999

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    • インターネット利用と情報リテラシーの関係性

      日本社会情報学会第14回全国大会研究発表論文集   195 - 200   1999

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    • Internet use and information literacy

      Proceedings of Japan Association of Social Informatics 14<SUP>th</SUP> Annual Conference   195 - 200   1999

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    • 電子商取引の環境整備

      青柳 武彦, 柏木 昇, 木村 忠正, 木寅 潤一

      情報通信学会誌16 ( 2 ) 13 - 31   25 9 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:情報通信学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 「次の10件」に気付かない学生たち--メディアの文法とネットワ-クへの受動的意識構造 (複雑化社会のコミュニケ-ション) -- (対人関係の変化)

      木村 忠正

      日本語学17 ( 11 ) 188 - 203   9 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:明治書院  

      CiNii Article


    • 「『次の10件』に気づかない学生たちメディアの文法とネットワークへの受動的意識構造」

      日本語学17 ( 11 ) 188 - 203   1998

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    • 「体温の民族誌」


      文化とこころ2 ( 3 ) 34 - 54   1998

    • Ethnography on Fever

      Culture and Mind2 ( 3 ) 34 - 54   1998

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    • Students who do not notice"next 10"in searching

      Nihongogaku17 ( 11 ) 188 - 203   1998

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    • 電子メイルを媒介とした社会的行為空間 (特集 電子社会のコミュニケ-ション)

      木村 忠正

      日本語学15 ( 12 ) 12 - 26   11 1996

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:明治書院  

      CiNii Article


    • 「電子メイルを媒介とした社会的行為空間」

      日本語学15 ( 12 ) 12 - 26   1996

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    • 「サイバーポリティクスとしての電子メイル」

      社会言語学研究会予稿集 ( 5 ) 1 - 14   1996

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    • Electronic Mails as Space of Social Act

      Nihongogaku15 ( 12 ) 12 - 26   1996

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    • Electronic Mails as a means of Cyberpolitics

      Proceedings of Japan Socio Linguistics Association ( 5 ) 1 - 14   1996

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    • 社会的認知空間としての診察室

      「情報・メデイア・空間のデザイン」論文集、情報処理学会別冊   1 - 14   1995

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    • Examination room as socio-cultural cognitive space

      Collected Papers on Design of Information, Media and Space, Information Processing Society of Japan   1 - 14   1995

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    • New Forms of Community and Political Activities in Information Society

      NIRA8 ( 5 ) 26 - 31   1995

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    • Between the Internet and I-mode type of mobile phone

      Nihongogaku20 ( 10 ) 54 - 71  

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    • Growing Use of ICT among Japanese college students in the late 90s and is Social Implications

      Memoirs of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology13   17 - 22  

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    ▼display all

    Books and Other Publications

    • The digital divide as cultural practice : a cognitive anthropological exploration of Japan as an 'information society'

      by Tadamasa Kimura

      UMI  2010 

    • クリエイティブ・シティ―新コンテンツ産業の創出

      上村 圭介, 原田 泉, 木村 忠正, 庄司 昌彦, 陳 潔華, 土屋 大洋, 山内 康英( Role: Joint author)

      NTT出版  2 2007  ( ISBN:4757102046

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      Total pages:287  


    • ネットワーク・リアリティ―ポスト高度消費社会を読み解く

      木村 忠正( Role: Sole author)

      岩波書店  25 3 2004  ( ISBN:4000017993

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      Total pages:240  


    • ネットワーク・リアリティ~ポスト高度消費社会を読み解く~

      岩波書店  2004 

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    • 「価値システム」

      『情報社会を理解するためのキーワード』第1巻(国領二郎・奥野正寛他編、培風館)  2003 

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    • 「デジタルデバイド」

      『情報社会を理解するためのキーワード』第1巻(国領二郎・奥野正寛他編、培風館)  2003 

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    • 「『デジタル・デバイド』の比較社会文化論」

      『デジタル・デバイド~構造と課題~』(C&C振興財団編著)NTT出版  2002 

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    • 「構造主義」「認知的分業」「基本感情」など計24項目

      『認知科学辞典』(日本認知科学会編)共立出版  2002 

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    • 「医療人類学からのアプローチ」

      『「医者になる」とは~医学を学ぶ一人として~』(早川洋編著、ゆるみ出版)第2章  2002 

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    • 'Comparative socio-cultural study of "Digital Divide"', "Digital Divide: Its Structures and Challenges"

      NTT publications  2002 

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    • デジタルデバイドとは何か―コンセンサス・コミュニティをめざして

      木村 忠正( Role: Sole author)

      岩波書店  25 1 2001  ( ISBN:4000027174

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      Total pages:270  


    • デジタルデバイドとは何か~コンセンサス・コミュニティをめざして~

      岩波書店  2001 

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    • What is Digital Divide? : Toward Consensus Community

      Iwanami Shoten  2001 

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    • オンライン教育の政治経済学 (ネットワークの社会科学シリーズ)

      木村 忠正( Role: Sole author)

      NTT出版  5 2000  ( ISBN:4757140177

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      Total pages:286  


    • いまなぜドメインなのか?

      IT2001:なにが問題か、岩波書店  2000 

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    • オンライン教育の政治経済学

      NTT出版  2000 

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    • ネット・ガバナンスとは何か?

      IT2001:なにが問題か、岩波書店  2000 

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    • What makes Domain Names so important?

      IT2000:What and where the problem is, Iwanami Shoten  2000 

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    • Political Economy of Online Education

      NTT publications  2000 

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    • What is Internet Governance?

      IT2001:What and where the problem is, Iwanami Shoten  2000 

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    • ネットワーク時代の合意形成

      木村 忠正, 土屋 大洋( Role: Joint author)

      NTT出版  11 1998  ( ISBN:475710006X

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      Total pages:295  


    • 『ネットワーク時代の合意形成』

      NTT出版  1998 

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    • New Paradigm for Social Agreement in the Age of Info-communications

      NTT Publications  1998 

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    • 第二世代インターネットの情報戦略

      木村 忠正, 公文 俊平, 日本マルチメディアフォーラム, JMF( Role: Sole author)

      NTT出版  11 1997  ( ISBN:4871885410

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      Total pages:312  


    • 『第二世代インターネットの情報戦略』

      NTT出版  1997 

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    • Strategic Vision of Second Generation Internet

      NTT Publications  1997 

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    Professional Memberships


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      Japan Society of Information and Communication Research

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      Japan Association for Social Informatics

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      Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology

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      Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology

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    Research Projects

    • A Comparative Study on Privacy Concerns

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Ishii Kenichi

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      7 2018 - 3 2022

      Grant number:18KT0096

      Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 、 Indirect Cost:\630000 )

      Based on an awareness of the problem that trust in the Internet among Japanese may be low internationally, the purpose of this study was to examine factors contributing to this low level of trust and the impact of this low level of trust on Internet behavior. The results of the questionnaire survey conducted in Japan and Taiwan showed that, contrary to initial expectations, trust in the Internet is lower in Taiwan than in Japan. In addition, privacy awareness was stronger in Taiwan for most of the items. There was no significant correlation between privacy awareness and the level of trust in the Internet. However, the results of the mediation analysis supported the hypothesis that relational mobility mediates the effects of country differences on Internet trust.


    • The Information Behavior of the Japanese: Examination on It's Change for 25 Years and the Issues in Aging Society

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Hashimoto Yoshiaki

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      4 2018 - 3 2021

      Grant number:18H03645

      Grant amount:\34060000 ( Direct Cost: \26200000 、 Indirect Cost:\7860000 )

      Since 1995, we have conducted surveys of Japanese information behavior every five years. In 2020 we made 6th survey.This survey consists of a diary survey and a questionnaire survey, which measures TV viewing time and Internet usage time and analyze change over time. In addition, from the questionnaire survey, it is possible to know the changes in the Internet usage rate, the SNS usage rate, the reliable information source, and the importance rating of the information source.
      As a result of the survey, the data confirmed that the TV viewing time has decreased, especially among young people, in the last 25 years, and the Internet usage time has increased since 2000. However, the 2020 survey was conducted under covid-19 situation, and the time spent at home increased, resulting in a slight increase in TV viewing time.


    • Inter- and intragenerational comparative analysis of the change of Japanese information behavior in the structural transition of information environments

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Kitamura Satoshi, KIMURA Tadamasa, MORI Yasutoshi, OGASAHARA Morihiro

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      4 2014 - 3 2017

      Grant number:26285118

      Grant amount:\15730000 ( Direct Cost: \12100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3630000 )

      The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of age, period, and cohort on contemporary Japanese information behavior. We conducted a survey on Japanese information behavior in 2015. Also in 2015, we analyzed this data against data from 2005 and 2010. The results suggest that age and cohort had significant effects on the time spent viewing television, but that the period had no significant effect. In addition, the results suggest that while there was significant increase indicated in the period from 2005 to 2010 with respect to time spent engaged in internet use on a personal computer (PC), there was also a significant cohort effect and period effect corresponding with a consistent increase in time spent engaged in mobile internet use.


    • エスノグラフィーにもとづく情報行動研究


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      2007 - 2008

      Grant type:Competitive


    • ネット社会の展開と社会的信頼性の関係に関する日韓比較研究


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      2005 - 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 科学研究のリサーチ・パス分析-そのダイナミズムとイノベーションの質的調査研究


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      Grant type:Competitive


    • サイバー・エスノグラフィーの方法論的基礎に関する調査研究


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      Grant type:Competitive


    • Semiotic Research on Emergent Processes in Man-Environment System Design

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MONNAI Teruyuki, MURAYAMA Takehiko, KIMURA Tadamasa

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      2004 - 2005

      Grant number:16560555

      Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )

      We explored the mechanism of emergent designs by means of analyzing the design process of man-environment system from semiotic viewpoints. The main results of this research are as follows.
      1. We called the macro design process, including design, production, and life processes, Man-Environment System Design, and clarified its fundamental principles.
      2. As metaphor is the process of regarding certain (unknown) things as another (known) things, and it takes important roles in creative design processes. Therefore we constructed a database of metaphors in works of art found in an architectural magazine "Shinkenchiku", and developed various types of metaphors and clarified how those metaphors appeared in an architectural design based on structural analysis. Moreover we tried to propose some formal models of metaphor.
      3. We asked architectural students to develop design experiments using metaphors, and clarified how metaphors were generated and what kind of roles they took in emergent processes, generating unknown things from known things, by means of describing those design process as sign processes.
      4. A surprising fact C is observed (C). If A is the truth, C is a proper matter (A→C). Therefore there is the reason that A is the truth (A). Such reasoning is called as abduction. In this research, I pointed out that a an emergent process was characterized based on the structure of abduction.
      5. We showed the possibility to construct the theory of Man-Environment System Design by means of regarding all design processes including briefing, designing, and evaluation as semiosis.


    • 人間-環境系のデザインを支援するインタラクティブな設計環境の開発に関する研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      門内 輝行, 村山 武彦, 木村 忠正

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      2002 - 2003

      Grant number:14550627

      Grant amount:\3500000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 )



    • Analysis of the Digital Divide and Attenuation of Communication by the Diffusion of the Internet

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HASHIMOTO Yoshiaki, KIMURA Tadamasa, ISHII Kenichi

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      2001 - 2003

      Grant number:13410046

      Grant amount:\16400000 ( Direct Cost: \16400000 )

      In order to analyze the effects of Internet use, especially with respect to the "Internet Paradox" hypothesis proposed by R.Kraut et al. (1998), we carried out a panel survey during November-December 2003. 1246 panel respondents, who had answered the 2001 survey, were asked to reply to this second questionnaire survey.
      1)General Outline of Internet Use
      61% of the sample accessed the Internet via personal computer and/or mobile phone, which is approximately 9% higher than the rate in 2001. A remarkable change is the rise in the number of Internet users via mobile phone and the decline in the number of Internet users via computer. According to the time budget survey, the amount of time consumed on the Internet via computeris 21.5 minutes/day, occupying about 60% of the total amount of time spent on the Internet, while the amount of time consumed on the Internet via mobile phones is 15.0 minutes/day. A logistic regression analysis shows that males, young people, full-time workers, educated people, and rich people use the Internet via computers more than the average respondent, while young people, full-time workers, and educated people use the Internet via mobile phone more than the average respondent. At home, computers are most often used in the living/dining room, and computers located in living/dining rooms are most likely to be connected to the Internet.
      2)Validity of the "Internet Paradox"
      No significant influence by Internet use on the incidence of loneliness or depression was discerned. As regards communication within families, it was found that the amount of time spent communicating with family members decreased among persons who started to use the Internet newly, and that "family-unity" decreases temporarily. In relation to social networks, it was shown clearly that Internet use expands networks of distant friends. Although same analysis was made on cellular messaging services, no significant influences were found.


    • The Study of the Process and the Method of Informatization in the Large-scale Local Government

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SHIMADA Tatsumi, KIMURA Tadamasa

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      1999 - 2000

      Grant number:11630129

      Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )

      This research project examines any effects IT could made on governmental agencies. Its objective is twofold. On the one hand, this project tries to develop a conceptual model for electronic government, its vision, components, functions, change of business processes and operations and so forth. It also tries to examine the way electronic government is to be implemented on the other.
      We have been engaged in the following activities.
      1) We made a survey of literature concerning electronic government and IT strategy of administrative agencies.
      2) We conducted field research in various cities in Japan, the United States and Sweden and Finland to develop a comparative prespective. The cities where we made research include City of Tokyo, Mie Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Yokosuka City and Kakogawa City in Japan, New York City, Los Angels, Sunnyvale and Sacramento in the States, Stockhold and Kista in Sweden and Helsinki in Finland.
      3) We prepared a questionnaire to find out the way Japanese local governments think of electronic government and how they are adapting themselves to it. We sent it to 203 local governments in Japan and 140 of them replied to it. Analysis of the research is still going on; however, we have got major findings so far as follows:
      1. The way governmental agencies adapt themselves to IT heavily depends on economic situation, taxation system and institutional framework in which local government works in each country.
      2. Seniority system and lifetime employment are still dominant in Japan. It seems that highly flexible labor market and performance-based pay system will be preferable to make the most of the dynamics of IT utilization. For example, CIO of Sacramento County is an independent contractor on a three-year contract, which is quite rare in Japan.
      3. American and Nordic govenments, e.g., NYC and Sunnyvale City, *ave a long experience of performance management of administrative agencies and entire government; what is important is that they set out IT strategy in combination with performance management perspective. That is, they developed a vision of BPR and human resource management of government through the utilization of IT, which Japanese governments tends to lack.
      4. Governments in Japan are slow in realizing the importance of IT and deploying the Internet and Intranet for their operations and providing services. We have published several articles and books related to this research project already. We are now preparing a book to be published May 2001, in which we discuss the following issues: 1) the model of electronic government, focusing on electronic transaction, filing, archiving and dissemination; 2) institutional framework to implement the model; and 3) obstacles against implementation and the way to cope with such obstacles.


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