Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Sociology Department of Communication and Media Studies
Graduate School of Sociology Doctoral Program in Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Master's Program in Sociology
Doctor of Sociology / 社会学 ( 立教大学 ) / Doctor of Sociology
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • ニュースと世論現象への質的言説分析。政治・外交に関するニュースに限らず、ポピュラーカルチャーやスポーツなど多岐にわたるメディア言説に注目してきた。そこでのナショナル・アイデンティティと他者認識の表象について主たる関心がある。文化・メディアのグローバル化に関する研究にも取り組んでいる。韓流ドラマやK-POP、そして日本発のポピュラーカルチャーのトランスナショナルな流行現象に注目しつつ、政治経済学、メディア産業論、オーディエンス論などを統合するアプローチを模索している。

  • Research Interests
  • cultural studies

  • communication studies

  • media studies

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      College of Sociology   Department of Communication and Media Studies   Professor
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
      College of Sociology   Department of Communication and Media Studies   Associate Professor
    • 4 2008 - 3 2009 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Associate Professor
    • 4 2008 - 3 2009 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Associate Professor
    • 4 1998 - 3 2007 
      College of Sociology   Full-time Research Assistant

    ▼display all


    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    Research History

    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Sociology Field of Study: Sociology   Professor

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    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Sociology Field of Study: Sociology   Professor

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    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Sociology Department of Communication and Media Studies   Professor

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Sociology Department of Communication and Media Studies   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2000 - 3 2007 
      Ritsumeikan University   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    • 4 1994 - 3 2001 
      Korean Announcer of NHK World Radio   Announcer

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    • 4 1998 - 3 2000 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Sociology   Full-time Research Assistant

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    • 4 1993 - 3 1999 
      韓国放送開発院 日本駐在通信員   日本駐在通信員

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    • - 3 1998 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School, Division of Sociology

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1993 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School, Division of Sociology

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      Country: Japan


    • - 2 1990 
      大韓民国 延世大学校社会科学大学   新聞放送学科

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      Country: Korea, Republic of



    • Cool Japan Discourse and Techno-Nationalism

      HWANG Seongbin

      Journal of Information and Communication Research32 ( 4 ) 59 - 64   2015

      More details


      10 more years have passed since the original Cool Japan essay by Douglas McGray has published. According to this essay, Japans global cultural influence had quietly grown, from pop music to consumer electronics, architecture to fashion, and animation to cuisine, and Japan became more like a cultural super power than it had been in the 1990s. While this essay has been greatly appreciated in Japan, not only by the bureaucrats and politicians but also the general public, in the reception process of his essay in Japan, his original phrase, Japans Gross National Cool, has been changed into a slightly different one, Cool Japan, which has become a catch phrase to advance numerous policies not only to boost the Japanese cultural economy but also to enhance national image in the global society based on a sort of national narcissism.<br>However, during the time of the popularity of Cool Japan discourse, Japanese electronic industry, once the symbol of 'Japan as Electronic Nation', has followed the path of decline not only in terms of production and exports value but also innovation power, in other words, the power to create 'Wow! so cool product', despite of various government strategies and policy that has been supported by techno-nationalism. That is, after all, the cool Japan discourse along with techno-nationalism has functioned as an ideology for the protection of vested interests of established industry and media conglomerates.

      DOI: 10.11430/jsicr.32.4_59

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JLC/20010529186?from=CiNii

    • 韓流ドラマの現在

      黄 盛彬

      ドラマ映像の国際交流、第19回JAMCOオンライン国際シンポジウム   2 2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • オバマ報道を考える

      黄 盛彬

      大衆文化2 ( 2 ) 79 - 88   9 2009

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:立教大学  

      DOI: 10.14992/00018594

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00018594/

    • Changes and Continuities in Media System in Post-Democratization- The Japanese Case

      HWANG Seongbin

      The News Flows in Asia, International Conference hosted by KSJCS (Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies)   29 8 2009

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Shadow of Cool Japan: A Production field of Television

      HWANG Seongbin

      The Production of Culture in East Asia-Emergin Cultural Subjects, IEAS in SungKonghoe University   29 5 2009

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


    • China Image and a Self-Portrait of the Japanese Peer-reviewed

      HWANG Seongbin

      Asian Communication & Media Studies   95 - 107   4 2008

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Is it so powerful? - the Power and Positionality of On-line Journalism in Japan

      黄 盛彬

      応用社会学研究 ( 50 ) 37 - 52   3 2008

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 安倍首相訪米テレビ報道を検証する


      放送レポート   22 - 29   7 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 現代韓国広告事情

      黄 盛彬

      フジテレビジョン調査部 AURA ( 176 ) 28 - 32   4 2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本の韓流熱風

      黄 盛彬

      創作と批評 ( 2005年春 ) 369 - 374   3 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本の韓流熱風(韓国語)

      『創作と批評』2004年冬号pp.369-374.   4 2004

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 2002W杯とメディア言説―テレビと新聞はW杯をどのように伝えたか(日本編)―

      黄 盛彬

      立命館産業社会論集39 ( 1 ) 161 - 185   6 2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)   Publisher:立命館大学産業社会学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 2002W杯と日本の自画像、そして韓国という他者

      黄 盛彬

      マス・コミュニケーション研究 ( 62 ) 23 - 39   2 2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 2002W杯と韓日関係

      黄 盛彬

      寛薫ジャーナル ( 2002年冬 ) 73 - 85   12 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 2002W杯はどのように語られたか―試論『日韓比較』の比較:1996年共催決定から2002開幕まで

      黄 盛彬

      立命館大学人文化学研究所紀要 ( 81 ) 25 - 54   12 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 検証・日韓W杯報道(下)

      黄 盛彬

      メディア総合研究所 放送レポート ( 179 ) 34 - 37   11 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 検証・日韓W杯報道(上)

      黄 盛彬

      メディア総合研究所 放送レポート ( 178 ) 12 - 15   9 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 「日韓報道比較、“ニュースの温度差”」

      放送批評懇談会『GALAC』   4 2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 「韓国新放送法、何が新しいか」

      メディア総合研究所発行『放送レポート』   4 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 韓国新放送法、何が新しいか

      メディア研究所『放送レポート』第165号pp.28-31   4 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 無窮花とアリラン、そして・・・:韓国衛星放送事情

      フジテレビジョン編成制作局調査部『アウラ』第142号 pp.5-10   4 2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 社会主義市場経済体制下における中国マス・メディア界の変容-放送メディアを中心に-

      文部省特定領域研究113現代中国の構造変動『現代中国とメディア(シリーズ中国研究第9号)』   1-15   4 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 国際コミュニケーションの諸動向

      早川善治郎『概説マスコミュニケーション』(学文社)   288-319   4 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本の歴史ドラマ

      韓国放送開発院発行『放送開発』 ( 10 )   4 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 東アジア地域における広告表現規制に関する研究-メディアのグローバル化と広告表現規制変容:日本、韓国、台湾、香港、中国の比較研究-

      『吉田秀雄記念事業財団助成論文』   4 1998

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 東アジア地域における放送環境の変容-放送のグローバル化と国家放送政策:日本、韓国、台湾、中国を事例に-

      立教大学大学院   4 1997

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本におけるジャナリズム的TV番組の現況

      韓国放送開発院発行『放送開発』 ( 9 )   4 1997

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 『放送制度論のパラダイム』

      韓国放送開発院   4 1996

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 韓国マスメディア広告における"日本表現"に関する研究

      吉田秀雄記念事業財団助成研究論文   4 1996

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 東アジア地域における放送メディア動向の比較研究(その2)-放送の国際化と国家のメディア政策:韓国と台湾-

      立教大学大学院『社会学研究科論集』 ( 2 )   4 1995

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 韓国、民放ネット始動へ〜日本の放送経営に注目

      民間放送連盟『民間放送』   4 1994

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本における民営放送産業の構造

      延世大学大学院新聞放送学科『言論・社会・文化』 ( 4 )   4 1994

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 電波の越境と文化侵略論

      電通総研3 ( 5 )   4 1994

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 東アジア地域における放送メディア動向の比較研究(その1)

      立教大学大学院『社会学研究科論集』 ( 創刊 )   4 1994

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本における地上波テレビ放送番組ソフト市場の動態--市場の構造と番組の制作・流通の実態に関して

      黄 盛彬

      応用社会学研究 ( 36 ) p71 - 87   1994

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:立教大学社会学部  

      CiNii Article


    • 民主化と産業化すすむ韓国放送メディア

      フジテレビ『アウラ』 ( 100 )   4 1993

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 外国人が見たニッポンのTV-真似たくない日本放送界

      『放送批評』 ( 287 )   4 1993

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 日本における放送番組ソフト市場に関する経済学的研究

      立教大学大学院   4 1993

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


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    Books and Other Publications

    • Sociology for High school students

      ( Role: Joint author)

      3 2009 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 「韓流と東北アジアの政治」松野周治, 徐勝, 夏剛編著『東北アジア共同体への道-現状と課題』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      文眞堂  1 1 2006 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「2002W杯と日本の自画像、そして韓国という他者」有元健、小笠原博毅編著『サッカーの詩学と政治学』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      人文書院  1 1 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 『メディア社会の歩き方-その歴史と仕組み』

      ( Role: Other)

      世界思想社  4 2004 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「放送の発明」「グローバル・メディア」伊藤武夫ほか編著『メディア社会の歩き方-その歴史と仕組み』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      世界思想社  1 1 2004 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「韓国編・新世代が主導する「新しい反日」―過去にとらわれないナショナリズムの出現―」石澤靖治編『日本はどう報じられているか』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      新潮社  1 1 2004 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「グローバル化とメディア」早川善治郎編著『概説・マスコミュニケーション論』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      学文社  1 1 2004 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「メディア政策と公共性-古くて新しい課題とは」佐藤春吉・山口定編『新しい公共性-そのフロンティア』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      有斐閣  1 1 2003 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「韓国のメディアが描いた『ニッポン』」牛木素吉郎・黒田勇編著『ワールドカップのメディア学』

      黄 盛彬( Role: Joint author)

      大修館書店  1 1 2003 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 「<放送デジタル化論>の読み方」

      ( Role: Other)

      大月書店  4 2001 

      More details

      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    ▼display all


    • Terrorism and Alliance Politics- the Japanese Case International conference

      HWANG Seongbin

      Global Media and the War on Terror  13 9 2010  University of Westminster

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:University of Westminster  


    • Asia Image as "Pro or anti-Japan" and Nationalism in Japan International conference

      HWANG Seongbin

      7th Biennial PACA Conference 2009 in Malaysia  9 1 2009  the Pacific and Asian Association of Communication

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  


    • China Image and Self-Portrait of Japanese International conference

      HWANG Seongbin

      6th Asia Communication & Media Forum  15 11 2008  The Asia Media Research Center, Communication University of China

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Beijing, China  


    • Hiroshima and Politics of National Memories of the Bomb and Peace: a Case Study of 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games International conference

      HWANG Seongbin

      5th ISSA World Congress in Kyoto  28 6 2008  International Sports Sociology Association

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Kyoto, Japan  



    • Visiting Scholar Department of History Other

      9 2003
      9 2004

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      Work type:Other  


    • 立教大学大学院社会学研究科 特別外国人留学生 Other

      10 1990

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      Work type:Other  


    Research Projects

    • 中国・中国人認識に関する日本・韓国・台湾の比較研究:メディア・社会言説の分析

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 

      黄 盛彬

      More details

      4 2017 - 3 2021

      Grant number:17K02046

      Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )



    • Elucidation of the actual situation and the evalution system of"the public diplomacy" in the Cold War period of the United State

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      IKAWA Mitsuo, HWANG Seongbin, SHIMIZU Makoto, KOBAYASHI Somei

      More details

      2009 - 2012

      Grant number:21330123

      Grant amount:\9230000 ( Direct Cost: \7100000 、 Indirect Cost:\2130000 )

      The aim of this study is to elucidate the actual situation of the propaganda activity that is "public diplomacy" by the United States of America for Japan and Korea in the Cold War period, based on domestic and foreign documents.USIA (United States Information Agency) used various means of "the public diplomacy" including the foreign broadcast VOA (Voice of America). On the other hand, USIA conducted various surveys to measure effect of such publicity. In Japan, regular public opinion surveys revealed Japanese opinion to the nuclear issue and the problem of the US base.


    • 日本と韓国における周辺国認識の比較研究―複数の他者認識の相関・影響関係の解明

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

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      4 2009 - 3 2011

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\460 ( Direct Cost: \360 、 Indirect Cost:\100 )



    • A Comparative Study on Perceptions of Neighboring Countries in Japan and South Korea : Focusing on the Relations Among Neighboring Countries

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      HWANG Seongbin

      More details

      2009 - 2011

      Grant number:21530563

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

      In this research, I aimed to clarify how the perceptions of neighboring countries in Japan and Korea have been interlinked and mutually influenced in complicated ways being affected by the changes of geographical worldviews and national identities in each country. Base on reviews of the literature and the case studies, I argue that the perceptions of neighboring countries or people in both countries have been influenced not only by bilateral or mutual relation but also by multilateral relations of neighboring countries and the changes of geographical or geopolitical worldviews and national identities in each country.


    • 対中国・中国人認識の日韓比較 -他者認識をめぐる政治言説への地政学的アプローチ

      立教大学  立教大学学術推進特別重点資金(立教SFR) 

      More details

      4 2008 - 3 2009

      Grant type:Competitive



    • 「北朝鮮の日本イメージ」

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

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      4 2004 - 3 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 北朝鮮における「日本イメージ」

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B) 

      黄 盛彬

      More details

      2004 - 2006

      Grant number:16710180

      Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )



    • Comparative-Study on the Culture of Volunteerism : A research toward high school students and teachers of Japan, South Korea, and Canada.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      OZAWA Wataru, TSUDOME Masashi, SEONGBIN Hwang

      More details

      2002 - 2004

      Grant number:14402003

      Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct Cost: \6500000 )

      The purpose of this research is to investigate the both high school teachers' and students' attitudes toward the volunteering in Canada, South Korea and Japan. This survey has been conducted in dozens of high schools of Japan (Kyoto), South Korea (Seoul), and Canada (Toronto) in order to get the data for research in comparative sociology on volunteer culture.
      The Korean Research toward more than 800 students was conducted in Autumn of 2002 and 2004. The Canadian Research toward more than 350 students was conducted also twice simultaneously. The Japanese Research toward more than 800 students was conducted once in Spring 2004 because we already get the date in July 2000. The Research toward teachers was conducted from November 2004 to March 2005, and we can get 387 data in Japan, 665 data in Korea, and 60 data in Canada.
      By the analysis of these data, we can get following significant information.
      1)Focusing on impressions toward volunteer activities, students' negative impression became strengthened by the mandatory volunteering program that started from 2000 in Ontario of Canada and Korea.
      2)Many students appraise the new program in Korea and Canada Such a community learning program will be gradually accepted in the both of countries.
      3)But such a program impose a heavy burden on NPO and CBO, especially this problem causes big frictions in Korea. The educational power of these organizations and much experienced teacher in the field of volunteer activities seem to be easing the frictions in Ontario.
      4)In Japan, through the recent reform of curriculum in elementary and junior high school : Sougou-Gakushu, the rate of experience of volunteer activities becomes a little higher than before, but the quality of learning is considerably deteriorating.
      We can get useful information on the social deference of volunteering culture among these countries especially from the research toward teachers. Making the most of these useful information, we must know how to introduce volunteer education program in the curriculum in Japan.


    • 「日韓における文化交流・交易の現状と政策的課題-韓国の「日本文化解禁」措置による日本文化受容の現状と近未来展望を中心に-」


      More details

      4 2001 - 3 2003

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 日韓における文化交流・交易の現状と政策的課題-韓国の「日本文化解禁」措置による日本文化受容の現状と近未来展望を中心に-

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B) 

      黄 盛彬

      More details

      2001 - 2002

      Grant number:13710133

      Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 )



    • メディアのグローバル化と文化的規制

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      Grant type:Competitive


    • 日韓における文化交流・交易の現状と政策的課題

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      Grant type:Competitive


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    Social Contribution

    • 日本民間放送連盟賞中央審査会 テレビ教養部門 審査員

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