Updated on 2024/08/12


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Arts Department of Education
Graduate School of Arts Doctoral Program in Education
Graduate School of Arts Master's Program in Education
Senior Specially Appointed Professor
Ph. D ( 6 1994   Keio University )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 乳幼児から学齢期の子ども達を中心に、人々の発達と学習の過程を社会文化歴史的アプローチに立つ心理学やポストヒューマニズムの立場から研究している。家庭、就学前施設、学校、複数言語を学ぶアフタースクールプログラム、障がい者施設など、多種多様な生態学的環境に生きる人々の日常生活実践を継続的に観察し、視聴覚データ分析、相互行為分析、批判的談話分析などをもちいたエスノグラフィックな研究を行う。さまざまなワークショップを国内外で実施し、学習支援のためのアートに基づいた介入研究(ABR)も進めている。

  • Research Interests
  • Early Childhood Education and Care

  • Learning Practice Research for Children with Linguistically Culturally Diversity

  • Arts-Based Educational Research to Human Development

  • Posthumanist Approach to Learning

  • Sociocultural Approach to Human Development

  • Aesthetics of Play

  • Sociohistorical Approach to Learning and Development

  • Developmental Psychology

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2024 - Present 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Senior Specially Appointed Professor
    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Senior Specially Appointed Professor
    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Senior Specially Appointed Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2024 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2024 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2024 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Professor

    ▼display all


    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology

    Research History

    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts   Senior Specially Appointed Professor

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    • 4 2022 - Present 
      University of the Sacred Heart   Graduate School of Human Sciences   Lecturer

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2024 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts   Professor

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    • 10 2021 - 3 2022 
      University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Lecturer

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    • 10 2019 - 3 2020 
      Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University   Human Developmental Sciences   Lecturer

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    • 10 2016 - 3 2017 
      Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo   Lecturer

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    • 4 2016 - 9 2016 
      Jönköping University,   Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation   Visiting Scholar

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    • 9 2012 - 3 2013 
      University of California, San Diego   Graduate Studies in Communication   Visiting Scholar

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      Country:United States


    • 4 2012 - 9 2012 
      University of Massachusetts at Amherst   Graduate School of Education   Visiting Scholar

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      Country:United States


    • 3 2011 - 3 2011 
      University of Toronto   Ontario Institute for Studies in Education   Visiting Scholar

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    • 4 1998 - 3 2006 
      Hokkaido University   Graduate School of Education   Associate Professor

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    • 10 2004 - 3 2005 
      Kyoto University   Graduate School of Education   Lecturer

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      Notes:intensive seminar


    • 4 1991 - 3 1998 
      Miyagi University of Education   Faculty of Education   Associate Professor

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    • 4 1997 - 9 1997 
      Tohoku University   Faculty of Education   Lecturer

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    ▼display all


    • 4 1983 - 3 1986 
      Keio University   Graduate School of Human Relations   Department of Education

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 1981 - 3 1983 
      Graduate School of Education,Tokyo Gakugei University   Department of Educational Psychology   Learning

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 1977 - 3 1981 
      Faculty of Letters,Chuo University   Department of Philosophy   Psychology

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      Country: Japan


    Committee Memberships

    • 10 2022 - Present 
      Rikkyo Educational Rsearch Association   President

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    • 1 2020 - 3 2023 
      Japanese Association of Educational Psychology   Research Committee Member

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 2006 - 1 2007 
      Japan Society of Developmental Psychology   Editorial board chairman of the Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 2005 - 1 2006 
      Japan Society of Developmental Psychology   Editorial board standing member of the Japanese journal of developmental psychology

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 2003 - 12 2004 
      Japan Society of Developmental Psychology   Editorial board member of the Japanese journal of developmental psychology

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 1999 - 12 2001 
      Japanese Association of Educational Psychology   Editorial board member of the Japanese journal of educational psychology

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 1992 - 12 1995 
      Japan Society of Developmental Psychology   Editorial board member of the Japanese journal of developmental psychology

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      Committee type:Academic society


    ▼display all


    • 4 1993  
      Center of Developmental Education and Research  Center of Developmental Education and Research Award 

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    ▼display all


    • 里見実氏との出会い Invited


      里見実追悼文集「希望」を生きる―里見実がのこしたもの   352 - 355   31 5 2023

      More details

      Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Other  


    • 「記録」のテクノロジーについて Invited


      日本発達心理学会ニューズレター ( 38 ) 2 - 3   28 2 2003

      More details

      Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


    • Yutaka Sayeki (2001). Invitation to Early Childhood Education: Becoming a Well-rounded Teacher Invited

      Ishiguro Hiroaki

      Cognitive Studies9 ( 2 ) 303 - 306   2002

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Cognitive Science Society  

      DOI: 10.11225/jcss.9.303

      CiNii Article


    • 認知科学における学習 Invited


      平凡社デジタル百科事典   4 3 1998

      More details

      Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  


    Books and Other Publications

    • Arts-Based Method in Education Research in Japan.

      Komatsu, K, Takagi, K, Ishiguro, H, Okada, T( Role: Joint editor ,  Chapter 11 Drama Workshop with Scenario-Writing for Transnational Children What They Know in Their Everyday and School Lives)

      Brill Publisher  24 2 2022  ( ISBN:9789004514140

      More details

    • 質的心理学辞典

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  「活動」,「関係論的パラダイム」,「実践」,「社会文化的アプローチ」,「主体性」,「媒介物」,「胚細胞」,「微視発生的アプローチ」,「文化的実践」)

      新曜社  11 2018  ( ISBN:9784788516014

      More details

      Total pages:ix, 419p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 街に出る劇場 : 社会的包摂活動としての演劇と教育

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Edit)

      新曜社  7 2018  ( ISBN:9784788515888

      More details

      Total pages:viii, 219p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 公共日本語教育学 : 社会をつくる日本語教育

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  言語学習の公共性と私性)

      くろしお出版  6 2017  ( ISBN:9784874247334

      More details

      Total pages:vii, 251p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • The Routledge international handbook of early childhood play

      Hiroaki Ishiguro( Role: Contributor ,  Ishiguro, H. (2017.6) Collaborative play with dramatization: an afterschool programe of ‘Playshop’ in a Japanese early childhood setting.)

      Routledge  2017  ( ISBN:9781138833715

      More details

      Total pages:xv, 422 p.   Language:English

      CiNii Books


    • Arts-based methods in education around the world

      Hiroaki Ishiguro( Role: Contributor ,  Revisiting Japanese Multimodal Drama Performance as Child-Centred Performance Ethnography: Picture-Mediated Reflection on ‘Kamishibai’)

      River Publisher, Denmark.  2017  ( ISBN:9788793609389

      More details

      Total pages:xix, 294 p.   Language:English

      CiNii Books


    • 質的研究におけるビジュアルデータの使用

      Banks, Marcus, 石黒, 広昭, Flick, Uwe( Role: Translator/Editor)

      新曜社  11 2016  ( ISBN:9784788514980

      More details

      Total pages:xi, 206p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 新・発達心理学ハンドブック

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  発達の社会・文化的基礎)

      福村出版  7 2016  ( ISBN:9784571230547

      More details

      Total pages:xxi, 979p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 子どもたちは教室で何を学ぶのか : 教育実践論から学習実践論へ

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Sole author)

      東京大学出版会  2 2016  ( ISBN:9784130530880

      More details

      Total pages:vi, 248p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 知の生態学的転回3 倫理 人類のアフォーダンス

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  実践される文化―子どもの日常学習過程における大人との協働)

      8 2013  ( ISBN:9784130141338

      More details

    • 教育心理学 : 教育の科学的解明をめざして

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  社会歴史的アプローチからみた心の発生的社会性)

      慶應義塾大学出版会  5 2013  ( ISBN:9784766420357

      More details

      Total pages:xii, 350p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 発達に対する社会歴史的アプローチの適用事例

      石黒 広昭( Role: Contributor ,  発達に対する社会歴史的アプローチ)

      現代理論心理学「事例」事典 朝倉書店  4 2012 

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    • 状況と活動の心理学

      石黒 広昭( Role: Contributor ,  文化:多様な実践を生きる)

      新曜社  2012 

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    • 文化と実践 : 心の本質的社会性を問う

      石黒, 広昭, 亀田, 達也( Role: Joint editor)

      新曜社  1 2010  ( ISBN:9784788511866

      More details

      Total pages:ix, 248, 26p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 保育心理学の基底

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Edit)

      萌文書林  5 2008  ( ISBN:9784893471062

      More details

      Total pages:xv, 285p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 文化心理学

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  文化に対する社会歴史的発達論の視角と課題)

      朝倉書店  2 2008 

      More details

    • 教育心理学の新しい形

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  実践をしる)

      誠信書房  4 2005 

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    • 社会文化的アプローチの実際 : 学習活動の理解と変革のエスノグラフィー

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Edit)

      北大路書房  8 2004  ( ISBN:9784762823893

      More details

      Total pages:vii, 230p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • ワードマップ「質的心理学」

      ( Role: Contributor ,  視聴覚機器を活用するーフィールドリサーチにおける視聴覚機器の利用)

      新曜社  1 2004 

      More details

    • 日本語教育年鑑 2002年版 (国立国語研究所編)

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  フィールドリサーチにおける調査倫理)

      くろしお出版  4 2002 

      More details

    • 実践のエスノグラフィ

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Contributor ,  アーティファクトと活動システム)

      金子書房  10 2001  ( ISBN:4760892834

      More details

      Total pages:vii, 255p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • AV機器をもってフィールドへ : 保育・教育・社会的実践の理解と研究のために

      石黒, 広昭( Role: Edit)

      新曜社  9 2001  ( ISBN:4788507773

      More details

      Total pages:viii, 199p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 発達に対する社会歴史的アプローチ

      現代心理学〔理論〕事典 朝倉書店  1 2001 

      More details

    • 心理学と教育実践の間で

      佐伯, 胖, 佐藤, 学, 宮崎, 清孝, 石黒, 広昭( Role: Joint editor)

      東京大学出版会  9 1998  ( ISBN:4130111094

      More details

      Total pages:iv, 275, 7p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • シンポジアム:「学校」教育の心理学

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  開かれる空間・閉じられる時間-学びの場としての授業-)

      川島書店  4 1998 

      More details

    • New Educational Values 7 : Cultural Models of schools

      ( Role: Contributor ,  On Japanese equalitarianism)


      More details

    • AIと社会

      石黒広昭( Role: Contributor ,  コンピュータは思考を変えるか)

      同文舘  4 1995 

      More details

    • AIと社会

      石黒広昭( Role: Joint translator ,  情報技術と知識の管理)

      同文舘  4 1995 

      More details

    • アクティブマインド

      ( Role: Contributor ,  読むということ)

      東京大学出版会  4 1990 

      More details

    ▼display all


    • Rebuilding Subjectivity through Drama Making Using Kamishibai (Paper Drama)

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      33rd International Congress of Psychology  24 7 2024 

      More details

      Event date: 21 7 2024 - 26 7 2024

      Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • Expanding the concept of "learning" in early childhood: learning and pedagogical documentation

      Sachiko Uchida, Yuko Funazawa, Yoshie Shiraishi, Chika Inoue, Sachiko Asai, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      77th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education  12 5 2024 

      More details

      Event date: 11 5 2024 - 12 5 2024

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Doing research in Motion: From Deleuze's Philosophy of Becoming Invited

      Yusuke Kusumi, Ikki Tatsumi, Sohei Tokuno, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The 20th annual conference of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology  5 11 2023 

      More details

      Event date: 4 11 2023 - 5 11 2023

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Pretend act has the potential to inhibit children's exploration of objects themselves: what happens when children encounter undefined artworks in the playground?

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) 31st Annual Conference  31 8 2023 

      More details

      Event date: 30 8 2023 - 2 9 2023

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Music Expression Curriculum from an Ecological Perspective - Suggestion from Baby Studies Invited

      Imagawa, Kyoko, Maruyama, Shin, Machiyama, Taro, Murakami, Yasuko, Ihara, Sayuri, Ishiguro, Hiroaki

      The 23rd conference of Japanese society of baby science  5 8 2023 

      More details

      Event date: 5 8 2023 - 6 8 2023

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Exploring the Meaning of "Learning" in Early Childhood - Learning and Pedagogical Documentation

      Sachiko Uchida, Yoshie Shiraishi, Chika Inoue, Sachiko Asai, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      76th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education  14 5 2023 

      More details

      Event date: 13 5 2023 - 14 5 2023

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Exploring the possibility of art and learning Invited

      Takumi Agata, Yuko Nakano, Noriyuki Nishimura, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      Sig. "Art and Emotion", The Japanese Association of Cogtnive Science  12 12 2022 

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • Escape of reproduction of the concept of disability Invited

      Yusuke Kusumi, Ikki Tatsumi, Mihoko Ishiwatari, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      30 10 2022 

      More details

      Event date: 29 10 2022 - 30 10 2022

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Children's Expression and Documentation - How do children use the language of clay? -

      Sachiko Asai, Yoshie Shiraishi, Chika Inoue, Sachiko Uchida, Yuko Ebisawa, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      75th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education  14 5 2022 

      More details

      Event date: 14 5 2022 - 15 5 2022

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Deconstructing the concept of "deconstruction" Invited

      Yusuke Kusumi, Naomi Sunami, Mihoko Ishiwatari, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      18th annual conference of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology  24 10 2021 

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Theoretical Perspectives and Challenges of Documentation Practice: Children's Participation Using Image Media

      discussant, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      74th Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education  15 5 2021 

      More details

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Powerof Diversity Project in 2020: Arts-based outreach program for transnational children Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      University-Community Links 2020 International Conference, UC Berkley, USA.  19 3 2021 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • What is documenting for ECEC; what does an Japanese ECEC learn from Reggio -inspired Pedagogical Documentation?

      discussant, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      73rd Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education 

      More details

      Event date: 16 5 2020 - 17 5 2020

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Scaffolding the development of children with linguistically culturally diversity Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      9th Forum for Multicultural symbiosis  1 2 2020 

      More details

      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • Re-mediation of Everyday Literacy Assets through Making Fantasy Stories for Japanese Brazilian Children in Japan Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      Invited special seminar of University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA  10 2019 

      More details

      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • Arts and Education - Development of Arts -based educational research in Japan

      Hiroaki Ishiguro, Takeshi Okada, Kayoko Komatsu, Kikuko Takagi

      The 61th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology  9 2019 

      More details

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • Play with Making Fantasy Stories to Recognize Self and Reconnect to Others for Linguistically Culturally Diverse Children.

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Early Childhood Education Research Association  9 2019 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Diversity, Human Development and Opportunity to Learn: International Perspectives

      Carol D Lee, Kris Gutierrez, Nai'lah Suad Nasir, Megan Bang, Miwa Aoki Takeuchi, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      World Educational Research Association  8 2019 

      More details

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • The Power of Diversity Project in 2019: Arts-based outreach program for transnational children. Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      University-Community Links 2019 International Conference, UC Berkley, USA  15 3 2019 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • Is Art Changing Schools?

      Hiroaki Ishiguro, Takeshi Okada, Itsuro Ikeuchi, Yuriko Kobayashi, Sachiko Uchida, Hiromiki Makabe, Kotaro Takagi

      The 60th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology  9 2018 

      More details

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


    • What happens when kindergarten students draw together: Horizontal mutual appropriation among peers on learning cultural artifacts

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Early Childhood Education Research Association  8 2018 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Issues on public and private domains in language learning Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      Waseda University Graduate School of Japanese Language Education 15th Anniversary Lecture Series "Public Japanese Language Education"  18 9 2016 

      More details

      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • Dramatization with scriptwriting to hear and advocate children's voices Invited

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      Invited talk in Jönköping University, Sweden  7 9 2016 

      More details

      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • “Kamishibai” (Theatrical performance by picture cards) as mediating artifacts for imaginative literacy learning

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Early Childhood Education Research Association  9 2016 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Collective Reflection of Classroom Learning Through Improvisational Drama Play for Linguistically /Culturally Diverse Children

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Educational Research Association  8 2016 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • How to “unlearn” self, others and the world in writing.

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 

      More details

      Event date: 16 12 2011 - 18 12 2011

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Writing to unlearn understandings of self, others, and the world

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      Third ISCAR Congress Website Rome, Italy. 

      More details

      Event date: 5 9 2011 - 10 9 2011

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Speech genres for disciplining young children in Japanese nursery schools

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      European Early Childhood Education Research Association  8 2009 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Speech Genres Used During Lunchtime Conversations of Young Children

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of The Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on Perspectives and Limits of Dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin  6 2009 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Zone of Proximal Development as negotiating space: Microanalysis of the activity of disciplining in child care. Invited International conference

      ISHIGURO Hiroaki

      International congress of ISCAR, San Diego: UCSD, USA.  10 9 2008 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


    • Rethinking the notion of ‘cure’ and ‘support’ for mental disability through the reciprocal supporting community of 'Urakawa Bethel House'

      Ishiwatari, M, Ishiguro, H

      the 2nd international conference of ISCAR  9 2008 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Children’s mind in dramatization: How do cognition and emotion meet through drama play activity?

      Fujino, Y, Ishiguro, H

      the 2nd international conference of ISCAR  9 2008 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • The self and others in ZPD: From the perspective of classroom learning

      Takeuchi,M, Ishiguro, H

      The Proceedings of Thirteenth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference  8 2008 

      More details

      Event date: 8 2008 - 8 2008


    • How does a three year-old child learn to participate in a lunchtime discourse about invisible contents?

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of 17th EECERA Annual Conference  8 2007 

      More details

      Event date: 8 2007 - 8 2007


    • Conceptualizing classroom reading as a socio-historically heterogeneous activity

      Takeuchi, M, Ishiguro, H

      The Proceedings of nternational Society for Theoretical Psychology conference  6 2007 

      More details

      Event date: 6 2007 - 6 2007


    • Developmental transition of environmental resources for child’s feeding action in Japanese nursery school

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of The 35th annual congress of Nordic Educational Research Association  3 2007 

      More details

      Event date: 3 2007 - 3 2007


    • Dramatization in play for preschoolers in Play-shop of KODOMO project

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of The 35th annual congress of Nordic Educational Research Association  3 2007 

      More details

      Event date: 3 2007 - 3 2007


    • Socio-Historical Approach Applied to Interactions between a Feeding Infant and Nursery Teachers in a Day Care Nursery

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of the first International congress of ISCAR  9 2005 

      More details

      Event date: 9 2005 - 9 2005


    • 2005.7.2 「乳幼児の「食べ」の成立:社会歴史的アプローチからみた保育と育ち」 Invited

      石黒 広昭

      日本赤ちゃん学会 第五回学術集会教育講演  2 7 2005 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • Play-shop Report in KODOMO Project Invited International conference

      ISHIGURO Hiroaki

      “Let’s play”  29 10 2004 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


    • “When does a zone of proximal development extend?: Nurse takes a ‘sharing voice’ to imitate the voice of a child’s future”

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of 5th ISCRAT congress  6 2002 

      More details

      Event date: 6 2002 - 6 2002


    • An Extra Lesson for Language Minority in Japanese Elementary School.

      Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of 23rd Annual ethnography in education research forum  3 2002 

      More details

      Event date: 3 2002 - 3 2002


    • New curriculum for the schools of Russia: Proposals for development, implementation, and researh from an international context Invited

      Stone, L, Kbutorkoy,A.V, Kniazeza,M.M, Kryov,N.B, Ishiguro,H, Oser,F, Lucier,R

      American eduational researh association, Annual meeting. (San Diego, USA)  4 1998 

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      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • On the relation between new voices and old voices: What does a newcomer appropriate?

      Second conference for socio-cultural approach, Geneva, Switzerland.  1996 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Japanese beliefs about language usage

      Hiroaki Ishiguro, Kozue Saito

      The Proceedings of The 48th International Council of Psychologists  7 1990 

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      Event date: 7 1990 - 7 1990


    • Cultural beliefs about children's language acquisition in Japan

      Kozue Saito, Hiroaki Ishiguro

      The Proceedings of The 48th International Council of Psychologists  7 1990 

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      Event date: 7 1990 - 7 1990


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    Teaching Experience

    • 8 2022 - Present 
      Designing Arts-based Workshop on Learning Activities ( Rikkyo University )

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      Graduate seminar of developmental psychology

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      Graduate seminar of educational psychology

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      Research method for educational research

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      Undergraduate seminar of educational psychology

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      Undergraduate seminar of developmental psychology

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      Contemporary society and humans

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      Research method for psychological research

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      Developmental psychology

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      Educational psychology

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    Professional Memberships

    • 12 2022 - Present 
      American Psychological Association

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      American Educational Research Association

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      Japanese Cognitive Science Society

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      The Japanese Psychological Association

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      The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology

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      Japan Society of Developmental Psychology

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    Research Projects

    • Developing a workshop for migrant children focusing on aesthetic literacy

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

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      4 2022 - 3 2027

      Grant number:22H01017

      Grant amount:\16640000 ( Direct Cost: \12800000 、 Indirect Cost:\3840000 )


    • A study on the practice of early childhood education and care to listen to children's voices:to ensure children's rights through the pedagogical documentation

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

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      4 2020 - 3 2025

      Grant number:20H01662

      Grant amount:\14430000 ( Direct Cost: \11100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3330000 )


    • The research on learning through performace art for lingistically culturally diverse children

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

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      4 2017 - 3 2022

      Grant number:17H02710

      Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4020000 )


    • An ecological turn of knowledge: an ecological phenomenology for the restoration of human environment

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 

      KONO Tetsuya, KASHIWABATA Tatsuya, SAKO Hitoshi, KOKURYO Yoshiki, MIYAHARA Katsunori, GALLAGHER Shaun, ROY Jean Michel

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      4 2012 - 3 2017

      Grant number:24242001

      Grant amount:\52130000 ( Direct Cost: \40100000 、 Indirect Cost:\12030000 )

      This research aims at understanding from the viewpoint of the ecological phenomenology all human activity as circulative interactions between body-subject and the environment and trying to establish philosophical and theoretical ground for a comprehensive human environmental science. We have focused on the issue of how to construct a middle-scale human environment that is suitable for human wellbeing and environmental sustainability. During our 5 years research, we have achieved many splendid results, for examples a series of anthology, papers, presentations, symposiums, workshops, and invited lectures, as shown in “study results” and largely contributed to the formation of a new field of positivistic phenomenology of the environment.


    • The research of learning communities centered on expression activities for linguistically culturally diverse children who have some roots in overseas

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      Hiroaki ISHIGURO, MATSUI Kaori, FUJINO Yuki, TATEOKA Yoko, MIYAZAKI Takashi, UCHIDA Sachiko, Y. AUSTIN Theresa, VASQUEZ Olga, TAKEUCHI Miwa

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      4 2012 - 3 2016

      Grant number:24330223

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\14300000 ( Direct Cost: \11000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3300000 )

      The project addressed issues on the learning community for linguistically culturally diverse children who have some roots in overseas. The research focused on expression activities which motivate children`s learning. The researches on the learning communities were conducted mainly in Japan besides United States of America and Canada. It shows theoretical perspective on the management of the supporting activities and their tasks. The issue of collaborative research was addressed too.


    • Ecological Details on Environment as the Foundation for Developing Language and Communication Skills

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      SUZUKI Kentaro, ISHIGURO Hiroaki, ASAO Takeshi, SASAKI Masato, SATO Yuki, MARUYAMA Shin, AOYAMA Kei, YAMAZAKI Hiroe, HASUMI Eri

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      4 2011 - 3 2015

      Grant number:23601020

      Grant amount:\5590000 ( Direct Cost: \4300000 、 Indirect Cost:\1290000 )

      With the objective of discussing how language ability emerges in infants through everyday interaction with parents playing with toys together, we analyzed video recordings of toy-based interactions between an infant-mother pair made over a 6 - 24 month period. The analysis focused on "supportive interactions by the parent with the infant," and "exploratory and performatory interaction with objects by the infant." We observed the interactive process between mother and child with toys by firstly recording the continuous progression of actions and speech by both the mother and infant. Secondly, we described the interactive development accompanying changes in the position of objects, and thirdly, we described the development of cooperative activities between both mother and infant.


    • Developing community empowerment model for supporting practice of transition

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      MIYAZAKI Takashi, ISHIGURO Hiroaki, OHTAKA Kendo, TAKEDA Ruiko, MUKAIYACHI Ikuyoshi, HUJII Atsushi, FUZINO Yuki, YOKOI Toshirio, HIOKI Masayo, NAKA Makiko

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      4 2010 - 3 2014

      Grant number:22330208

      Grant amount:\18460000 ( Direct Cost: \14200000 、 Indirect Cost:\4260000 )

      The purpose of this research was to clarify the nature of community that enables the self-independence of its members. What we have found are the followings:
      1) A community that can emancipate participants is one with a loose coupling among participants and between participants and community. We can call this function Non-determined zone. 2) Essential moments of this function are dispersibility and homology. Dispersibility refers to distributed processes organizing learning, and homology those that provide for the possibilities of sympathizing and synchronizing among independent participating agents. The conditions of making homology relate to the following: reversing dominant values, creating a new culture and the compounded structure of communities of practice. 3) The role of support staff in this space is that of 'editor' rather than designer. Each participant can become a designer of their own life story under such an editor.


    • 移行支援実践におけるコミュニティ・エンパワメントモデルの開発ー若者支援を中心に


      宮崎 隆志

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      4 2010 - 3 2012

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Experimental and philosophical researches on ecological communication and social affordances

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      KONO Tetsuya, ISHIGURO Hiroaki, OKADA Michio, KASHIWABATA Tatsuya, SOMEYA Masayoshi, MISHIMA Hiroyuki, KAYANO Toshihito, YANAGISAWA Tami, MORI Naohisa, MARUYAMA Shin

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      2009 - 2011

      Grant number:21320010

      Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\12870000 ( Direct Cost: \9900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2970000 )

      In applying the approach of ecological psychology to the domain of communication and social interaction, We have conducted experimental and philosophical researches on how communication by human bodies which are filled with affordances for interaction is transformed into conventional and normative social interactions. As shown in the below accomplishment list, we have achieved more results(papers, books, presentations, lecture series, and symposium) than expected in the original plan, and contributed to the development of this new domain.


    • Meaning of Social Capital for Supporting Self-relience of the Excluded Youth

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      MIYAZAKI Takashi

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      2007 - 2009

      Grant number:19330165

      Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\18850000 ( Direct Cost: \14500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4350000 )

      We have focused on the following issues in this research.
      (1) What are behind difficulties the excluded youth are facing?
      (2) How should we design a support system for the excluded youth?
      By intensive analyses on support activities and system, we have concluded followings:
      (1) In the cases of the excluded youth, almost all cases, communities of which his/her life-world consists are fragmented.
      (2) To recover from such structure, a flexible and diverse community produced by supporting organization is essential. It works as a mediation to change his/her life-world and self-schema.
      (3) To design supporting system, it is important to begin not from the view points of institution, but totality of his/her life-world. In this way, we can improve "Capability"(A.Sen) in their communities


    • The study on developmental transition of child's feeding action and its support in Japanese nursery daycare

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      ISHIGURO Hiroaki

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      2006 - 2008

      Grant number:18500619

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\4200000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\600000 )


    • 心の文化・生態学的基盤

      日本学術振興会  21世紀COE 

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      4 2002 - 3 2006



    • 相互支援コミュニティ(作業所)発達プロジェクト


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      4 2001 - 3 2006

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • Study on the infant's feeding action in the nursery activity.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      ISHIGURO Hiroaki

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      2004 - 2005

      Grant number:16500501

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\1700000 ( Direct Cost: \1700000 )

      The aim of this study is to investigate the developmental transition of infant's feeding action in the day care center. It is the main task to analyze the social resources or the surrounding environment for the feeding infants. There are two goals in this study. One goal of this study is to clarify the developmental transition for the feeding infant under their specific environment such as the local day care center. There are big differences between home and day care centers. For example, one nursery teacher supports some children simultaneously at the lunch time there. A mother or a father usually supports only one child in the home. It is important to define what the social resources to help the infants' feeding action are in the day care center and how the nursery teachers want to support their children's feeding action at the lunch time. To clarify the way to support the feeding infants is the second goal of the study. Data analysis on zero and one-year-old-infants was done in the first year of the study project. I gathered zero-year and one-year infants' data which includes field notes and video tapes in the preliminary investigation held in the previous year. They have been investigated under this study in the first year. In the second year of the study project, the data for two-year-old infants are analyzed. The general discussion was done on the infants' feeding action and the nursery teacher's interventional or supportive action for them during the first two years of infants.
      The results indicate that the goal of nursery teachers were to promote infants' intention to eat by themselves rather than their nutritional achievement. The nursery teachers changed the food condition in front of infants. For example, when the infant could not grasp the big bread, the nursery teachers break it into small pieces and set them in the front table for the infant. The teacher's indirect support functioned as the guidance for infants as the way which was expected by the teacher. For example, when the infant did not eat one food, the teacher moved it in the front of the infant. The nursery teachers modified a table arrangement for infants.
      The modification was based on their estimation of the infant's feeding ability and their expectance for the infants' action. The teachers' support functioned as the device to orient children to their expected action as well as the device which promotes child's intention to eat by him/her-self.


    • Developmental Psychological Research for Language Interaction in daycare and Educational Settings.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      ISHIGURO Hiroaki

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      1998 - 2001

      Grant number:10831001

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3300000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 )

      The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of classroom discourse in multilingual classes. It is said that there is an asymmetrical relationship between language majorities and minorities there. This study focus a developmental differences in different age-groups. The fields to be investigated are a day care center, an elementary school, and university. The first field is a one-or-two-years children's class. The second one is a special lesson class for non native Japanese (Japanese Brazilian) children. The third one is a university class for second language learners. The research method is called as a microethnography or "a field research with microanalysis." The researcher went to the fields with a pen, a notebook, and a video camera.
      The main focused interactions were decided by the field notes and the videotapes. As the main results, the one-or-two years old children depends on the motor-physical aspect of language rather than semantic one so that non native Japanese is not emergent as a children with strange actions for the teacher's guidance. The teachers in the elementary school did not regulate Japanese Brazilian children to do something but tried to manage their self-regulated action. The professor in the second language class managed a group discussion rather than one-to-one personal communication. He replied to student's answers not for him or her but learners in the floor. In sum, the asymmetrical relation was generated by teachers' instructional method to manage the classroom discourse specific for a group.


    • Reforming The Curriculum-Teacgere College and Liberal Arts College

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research 

      TAKEMOTO Hideo, BRESSOUD David, TAKEUCHI Hiroshi, URYU Hitoshi, FURIYA Miyako, YASUE Masaharu

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      1996 - 1998

      Grant number:08045002

      Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\7000000 ( Direct Cost: \7000000 )

      At the Macalester College, we had conferences and discussions on various issues of the project with the staff and professors who are in charge fo curriculums on the campus and educational programs out of the campus. Resources and materials related to the curriculums and educaationa programs were also collected.
      Through the conferences and observation on the education center, we could realize situations of multidimensional information education which is well developed int the United Sates of America, and related materials were collected. Additionally, the conference on music education with Asian musical instruments, and the conference on mathematics education and analysis were held, and through the duscussions and participations in the classes, goals and possibilities of revised curriculums in universities in the States were clarified, It was really informative for us to rethink about the curriculums of universities in Japan. Another conference focusing on environment education was also held.
      What me obtained through this visit was more than we had expected. The Macalester College puts special emphasis on African and Asian cuntries including Japan to promote internationalization education. It is very suggestisve for us, especiallly when we think about tertiary education in Japan for the twenty first century. More coopetative studies on this aspect from the same point of view will be needed.
      As for economics education, images of Japanese economic system from American point of view was discussed at the conference, and various opinions on curriculum as well as money market were exchanged. Cdomputer networking system at the Macaleter College has been more developed than our system, as we expected, and it was as if we saw further developed computer networking system at our university in the near future.


    • 異文化コミュニティへの参加過程に見られる談話特性-多文化・単言語状況における教師と子どもの相互行為に対する談話分析-

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 

      石黒 広昭

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      1996 - 1997

      Grant number:08837001

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\1700000 ( Direct Cost: \1700000 )



    • 科学博物館利用調査


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      4 1996 - 4 1996

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • 電子メ-ルシステムの学習過程に関する研究


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      4 1995 - 3 1996

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • 保育場面における玩具を媒介とした異文化間コミュニケーションの実態


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      4 1993 - 3 1994

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • 生活言語と学校言語の相互作用に関する研究-小学校一年生の授業適応過程について-


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      4 1993 - 3 1994

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


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    Academic Activities

    • 中堅日本語教師研修事業評価委員会委員

      Supervision (editorial), Review, evaluation

      日本語教育学会  4 2000 - Present

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      Type:Scientific advice/Review 


    • Judging committee member for research fellow

      Review, evaluation

      Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science  7 2019 - 6 2021

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      Type:Scientific advice/Review 


    • Peer Reviewer, WERA foca Meeting 2020

      Review, evaluation

      World education research association  2020

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      Type:Scientific advice/Review 


    • Judging committee member of child studies

      Review, evaluation

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  7 2017 - 6 2018

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      Type:Scientific advice/Review 


    Social Contribution

    • Social Art Workshop

      Appearance, Planner, Demonstrator

      Art Studio Ohyama  17 2 2023 - Present

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      Audience: General

      Type:Seminar, workshop


    • Advisor, 2023 annual meeting of educational research for teachers

      Commentator, Lecturer, Advisor

      Yokohama Elementary School Affiliated College of Education, Yokohama National University  15 12 2023 - 16 12 2023

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      Type:Research consultation


    • Workshop for making a paper-drama of "My History"

      Appearance, Lecturer, Advisor, Planner, Demonstrator, Investigater

      Art Workshop of making Paper-Drama  4 11 2023

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      Type:Seminar, workshop


    • Advisor, 2022 annual meeting of educational research for teachers

      Commentator, Lecturer, Advisor

      Yokohama Elementary School Affiliated College of Education, Yokohama National University  17 12 2022

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      Type:Research consultation


    • Scenario Creation Drama Workshop

      Appearance, Presenter, Lecturer, Planner, Demonstrator

      Scenario Creation Drama Workshop  5 11 2022

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      Audience: Junior students, High school students

      Type:Seminar, workshop


    • Lecturer for lesson study

      Commentator, Lecturer, Advisor

      Yokohama Elementary School Affiliated College of Education, Yokohama National University  8 2 2021

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      Type:Research consultation


    • Advisor, 2023 annual meeting of educational research for teachers

      Commentator, Lecturer, Advisor

      Yokohama Elementary School Affiliated College of Education, Yokohama National University  25 2 2020

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      Type:Research consultation


    • Training for nursery teachers


      Miyagi Prefectural Childcare Council  2008 - 2018

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    • exective board member

      Organizing member

      Koropokkuru Sapporo: Non Profit Organazation supporting for Persons with Higher Brain Dysfunction  4 2003 - 3 2006

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