Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Community and Human Services Department of Social Work
Graduate School of Community and Human Services Master's Program in Community and Human Services
Graduate School of Community and Human Services Doctoral Program in Community and Human Services
修士(社会学) ( 立教大学 ) / 博士(社会福祉学) ( 首都大学東京 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 社会福祉の制度・政策論、実践論に関して、フェミニズムやジェンダーの視角からアプローチする研究を目指している。近年は、①子ども/女性の貧困問題、②ひとり親家族をはじめ多様な家族の支援政策、③ドメスティック・バイオレンスなど暴力や虐待への対応策、④売春防止法をはじめ性売買に関わる法制度論などに焦点をあて、実証研究を進めている。それらを通し、女性支援政策を体系化するとともに、フェミニズムの視角から社会福祉学の発展に寄与していきたいと考えている。

  • Research Interests
  • 社会福祉政策

  • 差別

  • 貧困

  • poverty

  • gender

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      College of Community and Human Services   Department of Social Work   Professor
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Master's Program in Community and Human Services   Professor
    • 4 2009 - Present 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Doctoral Program in Community and Human Services   Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
      College of Community and Human Services   Department of Social Work   Associate Professor
    • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Master's Program in Community and Human Services   Associate Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      College of Community and Human Services   Department of Social Work   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      Graduate School of Community and Human Services   Master's Program in Community and Human Services   Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2002 - 3 2006 
      Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 2005 - 3 2006 
      Associate Professor (as old post name)
    • 4 1998 - 3 2002 

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    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social welfare

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    Research History

    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services   Professor

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    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services   Professor

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    • 4 2009 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Social Work   Professor

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Social Work   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Social Work   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    • 4 2002 - 3 2006 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Community and Human Services   Associate Professor (as old post name)

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    • 4 1998 - 3 2002 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Community and Human Services Department of Community and Human Services   Lecturer

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    • 4 1995 - 3 1998 
      日本社会福祉事業大学社会福祉学部   実習講師

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    • 4 1986 - 3 1995 
      社会福祉法人ナオミの会ナオミホーム   母子指導員

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    • 4 1985 - 3 1986 
      社会福祉法人春光学園   保育士

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    • - 3 1995 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School, Division of Sociology

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1985 
      Japan College of Social Work   Faculty of Social Welfare

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      Country: Japan


    Committee Memberships

    • 4 2008 - Present 
      日本社会福祉学会   理事

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      Committee type:Academic society



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    Books and Other Publications

    • シニアシングルズ 女たちの知恵と縁

      大矢さよ子, 湯澤直美編, わくわくシニアシングルズ著( Role: Joint editor)

      大月書店  15 11 2018  ( ISBN:9784272350445

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 転げ落ちない社会: 困窮と孤立をふせぐ制度戦略

      宮本太郎編( Role: Joint author ,  標準家族モデルの転換とジェンダー平等―父子世帯にみる子育てと労働をめぐって)

      勁草書房  31 10 2017  ( ISBN:9784326654123

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 子どもの貧困を問いなおす―家族・ジェンダーの視点から

      松本伊智朗編( Role: Joint author ,  子どもの貧困対策の行方と家族主義の克服)

      法律文化社  10 2017 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 子どもの貧困ハンドブック

      松本伊智朗, 湯澤直美, 平湯真人, 山野良一, 中嶋哲彦( Role: Joint author)

      かもがわ出版  2 12 2016  ( ISBN:9784780308143

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 岩波講座 教育 変革への展望 第1巻 教育の再定義

      佐藤学, 秋田喜代美, 志水宏吉, 小玉重夫, 北村友人編著( Role: Edit ,  対談 秋田喜代美×湯澤直美「子どもの学びと育ち」)

      岩波書店  28 4 2016  ( ISBN:9784000113915

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • なぜ母親は娘を手にかけたのか ―居住貧困と銚子市母子心中事件

      井上英夫, 山口一秀, 荒井新二編( Role: Joint author ,  女性の人権保障の視角から銚子市母子心中事件を問う)

      旬報社  2016 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 復興支援ってなんだろう-人とコミュニティによりそった5年間

      立教大学コミュニティ福祉学部東日本大震災復興支援推進室編( Role: Edit ,  出会いの軌跡・出逢いの軌跡)

      本の泉社  2015 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 再構児童福祉―子どもたち自身のために

      古川孝順監修( Role: Joint author ,  女性の貧困・女性への暴力と母子生活支援施設)

      筒井書房  1 4 2014  ( ISBN:9784864790413

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 親密性の福祉社会学ーケアが織りなす関係

      庄司洋子編( Role: Joint author ,  ひとり親世帯をめぐる分断の諸相)

      東京大学出版会  28 8 2013  ( ISBN:9784130541398

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 危機をのりこえる女たち―DV(ドメスティック・バイオレンス)法10年、支援の新地平へ

      戒能民江編( Role: Joint author ,  シェルターに辿り着いた女性たち ――一時保護所・民間シェルター利用者調査結果を中心に、制度からこぼれおちる女性たち)

      信山社  30 7 2013  ( ISBN:9784797293043

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • フェミニズムと社会福祉政策

      杉本貴代栄編( Role: Joint author ,  母子家庭対策における2002年改革の変遷と検証)

      ミネルヴァ書房  30 10 2012 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 対論 社会福祉学2社会福祉政策

      日本社会福祉学会編( Role: Joint editor)

      中央法規出版  2012 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 大震災と子どもの貧困白書

      湯澤直美, 他( Role: Joint editor)

      かもがわ出版  2011 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 子どもの貧困白書

      湯澤直美( Role: Joint editor)

      明石書店  26 8 2009 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • よくわかるDV被害者への理解と支援

      石井朝子編( Role: Joint author)

      明石書店  2009 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 子どもの貧困ー子ども時代のしあわせ平等のために

      松本伊智朗, 湯澤直美, 浅井春夫( Role: Joint editor ,  現代家族と子どもの貧困―「孤立のなかにある家族」から「つながり合う家族」へ)

      明石書店  28 3 2008  ( ISBN:9784750327556

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • 福祉政策理論の検証と展望

      日本社会福祉学会編( Role: Joint editor)

      中央法規出版  2008 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • ワークフェア-排除から包摂へ?

      埋橋孝文編( Role: Joint author ,  日本における母子家族政策の展開―福祉と労働の再編)

      法律文化社  1 11 2007  ( ISBN:9784589030528

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • コミュニティ福祉学入門ー地球的見地に立った人間福祉

      岡田徹, 高橋紘士編( Role: Joint author ,  ジェンダー・家族とコミュニティ)

      有斐閣  30 3 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 相談の理論化と実践―相談の女性学から女性支援)へ

      須藤, 八千代土井良多江子, 湯澤直美, 景山/ゆみ子( Role: Joint author ,  社会的出会いとしての相談―女性の経験と相談の社会性)

      新水社  2 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • フェミニスト福祉政策原論

      杉本貴代栄編( Role: Joint author ,  買売春の変遷と婦人保護事業の現代的展開ー女性の人権の確立と買売春の根絶)

      ミネルヴァ書房  20 3 2004 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • ドメスティック・バイオレンス 日本・韓国比較研究

      庄司洋子, 波田あい子, 原ひろ子編著( Role: Joint author ,  暴力被害女性への支援と社会福祉)

      明石書店  25 8 2003  ( ISBN:9784750317793

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 日本の男はどこから来てどこへ行くのか

      湯澤 直美( Role: Joint author ,  暴力と男性支配--判例にみる家族の権力構造-- pp.170-203)

      十月舎  7 2001 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


    • 社会福祉のなかのジェンダー -福祉の現場のフェミニスト実践を求めて

      杉本貴代栄編( Role: Joint author ,  母子寮と女性問題)

      ミネルヴァ書房  15 5 1997 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 現代の売買春と女性 ― 人権としての婦人保護事業を求めて ―

      湯澤 直美( Role: Joint author)

      ドメス出版  10 1995 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Other


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    • 研究委員会企画シンポジウム2 子どもの発達にとって「貧困問題」とは何か Invited


      日本教育心理学会57回総会  26 8 2015  日本教育心理学会

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  




    • 「就労に向け準備が必要な生活保護受給者への効果的な支援のあり方に関する調査研究」報告書 Other

      8 2017
      3 2018

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      Work type:Other  


    • 基礎自治体における子どもの貧困対策に関する調査研究報告書 Other

      4 2016
      3 2017

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      Work type:Other  



    • 『民生委員児童委員必携』社会福祉法人全国社会福祉協議会. Other

      11 2015

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      Work type:Other  



    • 書評 近藤理恵『日本,韓国,フランスのひとり親家族の不安定さのリスクと幸せ Other

      5 2015

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      Work type:Other  



    • ひとり親家族施策に関する総合的研究 Other

      1 2000

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      Work type:Other  


    Research Projects

    • 子どもの貧困の現代的態様に関する研究


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      4 2008 - Present

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 女性支援政策の構築に向けた婦人保護事業の現代的再編に関する研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      湯澤 直美

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      4 2020 - 3 2024

      Grant number:20K02249

      Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )



    • Comprehensive study on Child Poverty in Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Ichiro Matsumoto

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      4 2016 - 3 2020

      Grant number:16H02047

      Grant amount:\32760000 ( Direct Cost: \25200000 、 Indirect Cost:\7560000 )

      The aim of this study is to examine the social characteristic of child and family poverty, and policy intervention in Japan. Under this aim, it had held Large scale survey to parent and children in Hokkaido(sample size is 30,000), survey on young care leavers(1,000) in Japan, and theorical examination. Suggestions on policy context are follows. 1 Financial resources as core factor, 2 Importance of time resources, 3 Consideration to additional care in families(eg, illness, disability, elderly) is key issue to policy making, 4 Gender equality is also key, 5 Quality and accessibility of social care make influence to poverty itself.


    • Research on the Formulation and Evaluation of Comprehensive Measures Against Child Poverty by Local Governments

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      YUZAWA Naomi

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      4 2015 - 3 2019

      Grant number:15H03436

      Grant amount:\10920000 ( Direct Cost: \8400000 、 Indirect Cost:\2520000 )

      This study focuses on efforts made by local governments regarding measures against child poverty and examines measures necessary to combat child poverty based on plans to combat child poverty, fact-finding surveys, measures and policies to support daily life and child rearing, and the voices of youth and single parents in the communities. The research reveals that, while plan formulation and fact-finding surveys are advancing in local governments, a) improvements are required in job-hunting support measures for stable employment and daily life support measures to make it possible to both work and rearing children, and that b) it is necessary to conduct policy evaluation based on the voices of the persons concerned.


    • 社会福祉推進事業 「就労に向け準備が必要な生活保護受給者への効果的な支援のあり方に関する調査研究」

      平成29年度生活困窮者就労準備支援事業費等補助金 社会福祉推進事業  共同研究(国内共同研究) 


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      8 2017 - 3 2018

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Towards the construction of adult basic education studies against disparity and poverty, a networking of cross-subjects collaboration.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      IWAMOTO Yohji, KENJYO Yoshikazu, KUSA Kyoko, SUDA Tomio, MORI Yasuyuki, NOYAMA Hiroshi, KUDO Keiich, SEKIMOTO Yasutaka, ENOMOTO Hirotsugu, NOGAWA Yoshiaki, OOTANI Ichiyo, NAKAGAWA Rie, OKADA Toshiyuki, SHOJI Takumi, TANADA Yohei, SAWAI Ruri

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      4 2015 - 3 2017

      Grant number:15K13191

      Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )

      There a certain public image about an achievement of the Japanese education as world No.I, however, not only many people have not finished their compulsory education in fact but also there have been no statistics to identify this fact. The reasons of not finishing school education varies. School bullying is an important cause. Those who not registered to the state have no access to school education. The issues are indeed very current, not of the past. In order to enlarge the chance to access basic education and to enable to obtain second chance for happiness we have set up a new academic organisations consisted not only by researchers of relating subject, but also by educators, volunteers and learner themselves.


    • The structure of intergenerational poverty and policy intervention in the rural city

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Matsumoto Ichiro, Iwata Mika, Toriyama Madoka, Sasaki Hiroshi, Yoshinaka Toshiko, Fukuma Maki, OSAWA Shinpei, Aoki Osamu, Fujiwara Risa, Nakazawa Kaori, Yamauchi Taro, Shindo Kozue, Konishi Yuma, Suzuki Kayo, Abe Aya, Yasuda Maki, Yamaguchi Daisuke, Fujiwara Chisa, Maruyama Satomi, Yuzawa Naomi, Fran Bennet

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      4 2013 - 3 2016

      Grant number:25285164

      Grant amount:\14690000 ( Direct Cost: \11300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3390000 )

      The aim of this research is to examine the policy intervention to intergenerational poverty in the rural city. As the result of intensive interviews to the residents (elderly, parents, mothers of children with disabilities), teachers, people living in the social institutions, following points are need to be considered as the important conditions on policy making.
      1 Local condition of labor market. 2 Making the link with Neighborhood policy. 3 Making the good quality of social resources of child rearing. 4 Effective support to children.with disabilities 5 Re-define of the school role in the community. 6 Equality of the care taking in the family. 7 Intention to the gender equal society.


    • ひとり親家族施策に関する総合的研究

      厚生労働省  厚生労働科学研究費補助金 

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      4 2000 - 3 2001

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 家庭内の「女性の性に対する暴力」防止に関する社会システム開発のための日本・韓国共同研究

      民間財団等  三菱財団 

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      4 1999 - 3 2000

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 教護院運営のありかたに関する研究

      東京都福祉局  受託研究(一般受託研究) 

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      4 1995 - 3 1996

      Grant type:Competitive


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    Social Contribution

    • 神奈川県児童福祉審議会委員

      1 1900 - Present

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    • 清瀬市男女共同参画推進委員

      1 1900 - Present

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