Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Sport and Wellness Department of Sport and Wellness
Graduate School of Sport and Wellness Master's Program in Sport and Wellness
Graduate School of Sport and Wellness Doctoral Program in Sport and Wellness
Specially Appointed Professor
Research Theme*
  • スポーツ文化が持つ人間と社会にとっての意味や価値について探究するとともに、教育との関係や教育のあり方についての実践的な研究を行っている。主要な内容として、遊び文化の持つ多様な意味や価値についての社会意識論的な研究、体育科教育におけるカリキュラム論や学習指導論の研究、学校全般に関する政策論的な研究など。

  • Research Interests
  • 身体

  • スポーツ

  • 遊び

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      College of Sport and Wellness   Department of Sport and Wellness   Specially Appointed Professor
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sport and Wellness   Master's Program in Sport and Wellness   Specially Appointed Professor
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sport and Wellness   Doctoral Program in Sport and Wellness   Specially Appointed Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology  / 文化、教育

    • Life Science / Physical education, and physical and health education

    • Life Science / Sports sciences  / スポーツ社会学

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education


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    Books and Other Publications

    • 子どもが喜ぶ!体育授業レシピ―運動の面白さにドキドキ・ワクワクする授業づくり

      教育出版社  2 2019  ( ISBN:4316803840

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    • 「遊び」から考える体育の学習指導

      創文企画(東京)  10 2016  ( ISBN:9784864130844

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    • 教育支援とチームアプローチ-社会と協働する学校とこども支援-

      書肆クラルテ(京都)  9 2016  ( ISBN:9784886026552

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    • 小学校体育これだけは知っておきたい「低学年指導」の基本

      東洋館出版社(東京)  7 2016 

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    • 体育科教育

      一芸社  3 2016 

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    • すべての子どもたちを包括する支援システム-エビデンスに基づく実践推進自治体報告と学際的視点から考える

      せせらぎ出版  3 2016 

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    • 今どきコトバ事情 -現代社会学単語帳-

      ミネルヴァ書房  1 2016 

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    • 新版 体育科教育学の現在

      創文企画  2 2015 

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    • マナーと作法の社会学

      東京  9 2014 

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    • 地域・大学協働実践法

      悠光堂  2 2014 

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    • 子ども問題事典

      ハーベスト社(東京)  10 2013 

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    • 東日本大震災と東京学芸大学

      東京学芸大学出版会  3 2013 

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    • よくわかるスポーツ文化論

      ミネルヴァ書房(京都市)  1 2012 

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    • スポーツ政策論

      成文堂  6 2011 

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    • 体育科教育学の現在

      創文企画(東京)  6 2011 

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    • 教師として育つ-体育授業の実践的指導力を育むには-

      明和出版(東京都)  12 2010 

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    • 「教育支援人材」育成ハンドブック

      書肆クラルテ  10 2010 

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    • 福祉社会のアミューズメントとスポーツ-身体からのパースペクティブ-

      世界思想社(京都)  4 2010 

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    • めざそう!保健体育教師

      朝日出版社(東京)  3 2010 

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    • 小学校 体育科授業研究

      教育出版 東京  11 2009  ( ISBN:4316802445

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    • 小学校体育における習得・活用・探究の学習 やってみる ひろげる ふかめる (こうぶんエデュ)

      光文書院 東京  10 2009  ( ISBN:4770610467

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    • 保健体育科教育法

      大修館書店 東京  10 2009  ( ISBN:4469266922

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    • 文化の社会学(社会学ベーシックス第3巻)

      世界思想社 京都  7 2009  ( ISBN:4790714233

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    • 「からだ」の社会学

      世界思想社(京都)  8 2008  ( ISBN:9784790713456

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    • 「楽しい体育」の豊かな可能性を拓く

      明和出版 東京  5 2008  ( ISBN:4901933183

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    • たのしみを解剖する -アミューズメントの基礎理論-

      現代書館  2 2008  ( ISBN:9784768434734

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    • 応用倫理学事典

      丸善  12 2007 

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    • ジェンダーで学ぶ社会学(新版)

      世界思想社  11 2006 

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    • 新しい小学校体育授業の展開-カリキュラム開発と授業づくり-

      ニチブン  5 2006 

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    • スポーツ科学事典

      平凡社  3 2006 

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      Routledge(UK)  12 2005  ( ISBN:0714682934

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    • 社会文化理論ガイドブック

      ナカニシヤ出版(京都)  6 2005 

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    • 教養としての体育原理

      大修館書店(東京)  4 2005 

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    • スポーツ・ジェンダー学への招待

      明石書店  7 2004 

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    • おもちゃと遊びのリアルー「おもちゃ王国の現象学」ー

      世界思想社(京都)  6 2003 

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    • 現代メディアスポーツ論

      世界思想社(京都)  12 2002 

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    • かかわりを大切にした小学校体育の365日

      教育出版(東京)  8 2001 

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    • 交叉する身体と遊び

      世界思想社(京都)  5 2001 

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    • スポーツで読むアジア(共著)

      世界思想社  2000 

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    • スポーツ文化を学ぶ人のために(共著)

      世界思想社  1999 

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    • スポーツファンの社会学 共著

      世界思想社  1997 

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    • 高校野球の社会学-甲子園を読む-

      世界思想社  1994 

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    • Sport Education Oriented Life-Long Sport


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    • The Learning-Process of Physical Education Oriented Life-Long Sport


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    • The Method of Physical Education on"Science of Sport"


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    • 「視ることば」と身体の「自己指示化」 -高度情報化社会における再帰性に焦点づけて-

      第28回日本スポーツ社会学会  3 2019 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 02社-11-口-05 教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ指導の実態調査Ⅰ—教育支援センターの施設・体制・設備に着目して

      原 祐一, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2019  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2019 - 2019





    • 02社-11-口-06 教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ指導の実態調査Ⅱ—指導員の意識に着目して

      松田 恵示, 原 祐一

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2019  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2019 - 2019




    • Artificial Intelligence and Education in Japan

      11 2018 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 教師教育研究の射程を問い直す

      日本教師教育学会第 28 回大会公開シンポジウム  9 2018 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • A Survey on Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence among Teacher Training Students

      2 2018 

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      Event date: 2 2018 - 2 2018


    • 経済的支援を要する中学生に遠隔地から学習支援を行う学生の教職観に関する実践的研究

      山﨑 浩一朗, 北澤 武, 田嶌 大樹, 周村 諭里, 古家 眞, 朝倉 隆司, 松田 恵示

      日本教育工学会研究報告集  3 2017 

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      Event date: 3 2017 - 3 2017


    • 子どもを支援する人材の育成

      第6回アジアオセアニアキャンプ大会  9 2016 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 触れる映像環境(image)は教育に何をもたらすのか -再帰的/視覚的経験構成の微視的政治学-

      第68回日本教育社会学会大会  9 2016 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 第25回日本LD学会大会発表論文集

      9 2016 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 「弱い絆」と「強い絆」の強みと弱み ―公立中学校における教育困難性のケーススタディ―

      第67回日本教育社会学会  9 2015 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • スポーツにおける排除と包摂 : 公立中学校の教育困難性の現実

      第66回日本体育学会大会  8 2015 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Future of "Sport for All"

      7 2015 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 公立中学校という現実の持つ現実性―教育困難校におけるアクションリサーチを通して―

      第66回日本教育社会学会  9 2014 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 公立中学校という現実の持つ現実性 : 教育困難校におけるアクションリサーチを通して(IV-11部会 【テーマ部会】中等教育における格差・貧困問題と支援(3),研究発表IV)

      松田 恵示

      日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録  2014  不明

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      Event date: 2014 - 2014



    • 教育と玩具文化

      世界おもちゃサミット第三分科会 指定討論者  6 2013 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 現代の子どもにとっての遊びとはなにか

      第19回日本こども社会学会ラウンドテーブル(シンポジスト)  6 2013 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 小学校教員の体育科学習指導に関する意識調査 職能意識と教師の成長の視点から

      第63回日本体育学会  8 2012 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • グローバル社会における教育と武道─伝統をめぐって─

      第63回日本体育学会体育社会学専門領域シンポジウム  8 2012 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • Digital Sports – Is “Wii” Sport?

      The 3rd International Conference of TSSS(Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology)  4 2012 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • グローバル社会における教育と武道 : 伝統をめぐって(学校体育における武道必修化の意味と社会学的課題-何が問題なのか-,体育社会学,シンポジウム,専門領域企画)

      松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2012  社団法人日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2012 - 2012



    • 02社-24-口-35 小学校教員の体育科学習指導に関する意識調査 : 職能意識と教師の成長の視点から(体育社会学,口頭発表,一般研究発表抄録)

      松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2012  社団法人日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2012 - 2012



    • 教育支援人材(こどもサポーター)育成の課題

      第18回日本子ども社会学会特設ラウンドテーブル  7 2011 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 11教-26-口-31 小学校教員の体育科学習指導と研修に関する意識調査(3) : 教師の得意分野・苦手分野に着目して(11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表抄録)

      白石 翔, 原 祐一, 加賀 勝, 大堀 靖枝, 田中 聡, 白旗 和也, 山本 俊彦, 酒本 絵梨子, 荘司 謙太郎, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2011  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2011 - 2011



    • 11教-26-口-29 小学校教員の体育科学習指導と研修に関する意識調査(1) : 行政作成資料の活用について(11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表抄録)

      白旗 和也, 酒本 絵梨子, 荘司 謙太郎, 山本 俊彦, 田中 聡, 加賀 勝, 原 祐一, 大堀 靖枝, 白石 翔, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2011  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2011 - 2011



    • スポーツマンガの20年

      第62回日本体育学会  9 2010 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 地域・学校・世界をつなぐ体育・スポーツの可能性

      日本体育学会シンポジウム  9 2010 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • マナーの教育学的研究

      日本教育学会第69回大会  8 2010 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • デジタル社会における玩具のゆくえ-テレビゲームと同期する身体-

      日本人形玩具学会第22回大会  6 2010 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 若者の身体技法と「マナー」意識

      第61回日本教育社会学会  9 2009 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 免許更新制と現職教員の力量

      第60回日本体育学会体育科教育専門分科会シンポジウム  8 2009 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 教員免許更新制の内容に関する研究-保健体育科教員に焦点づけて-

      第60回日本体育学会  8 2009 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 「マナー」と他者性-シンボリックなもの、の衰退の中で「マナー」をどう考えればよいのか-

      第16回日本子ども社会学会ラウンドテーブル  7 2009 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 生涯スポーツに関する社会学的研究における「土地」概念の欠如

      第59回日本体育学会  7 2008 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Digital Sport - why did Wii sell or continued selling so phenomenally?-,

      第5回国際スポーツ社会学会(ISSA)  7 2008 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • グラウンド・ゴルフとパークゴルフ —障がい者のアミューズメントの視点から—

      第17回日本スポーツ社会学会  3 2008 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 11-11-10108-2 中学校保健体育科教員の免許更新制と職能に関する意識調査(2) : 教員の属性の視点から(体育科教育学6,11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表抄録)

      田中 聡, 加賀 勝, 小林 浩平, 原 祐一, 宮坂 雄悟, 山本 俊彦, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2008  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2008 - 2008



    • 11-11-10108-3 中学校保健体育科教員の免許更新制と職能に関する意識調査(3) : 職歴の視点から(体育科教育学6,11.体育科教育学,一般研究発表抄録)

      小林 浩平, 加賀 勝, 田中 聡, 原 祐一, 宮坂 雄悟, 山本 俊彦, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2008  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2008 - 2008



    • 「体力の向上」方策における過程論・実施論・評価論

      第17回日本体育・スポーツ政策学会公開シンポジウム  11 2007 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 体育教師の成長モデルに関する意識調査

      第58回日本体育学会  9 2007 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 中学・高等学校の保健体育教師に求められる『実践的指導力』をどう養成するのか

      第58回日本体育学会体育科教育専門分科会シンポジウム  9 2007 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 同期(シンクロ)する若者たち

      第59回日本教育社会学会  9 2007 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • テレビゲームの「ハイブリッド化現象」と子どもの遊び

      第14回日本子ども社会学会  6 2007 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 体育教員養成システムにおける政策的課題 -イギリス・ラフバラ大学の事例調査を通して-

      第16回日本体育・スポーツ政策学会  12 2006 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 体育教師という「お仕事」

      第57回日本体育学会体育社会学専門分科会シンポジウム  8 2006 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 体育科教育における授業研究が持つ可能性について

      第10回日本体育科教育学会課題研究シンポジウム  6 2006 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • トランスジェンダーな身体

      第15回日本スポーツ社会学会  3 2006 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 11-20-K203-02 体育における教員の実践的力量に関する研究(2) : 教育学部附属小学校と公立小学校の教員意識の比較から(11 体育科教育学,一般研究発表抄録)

      野村 徹, 野村 圭, 鈴木 聡, 原 祐一, 宮坂 雄悟, 松田 恵示

      日本体育学会大会予稿集  2006  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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      Event date: 2006 - 2006



    • 実践的力量を形成する体育科の教員養成制度のあり方について-教師の成長モデルと現代的教育課題の視点から-

      第15回日本体育・スポーツ政策学会大会  12 2005 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 体育教師の実践的力量に関する研究(3)

      第55回日本体育学会  9 2004 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Becoming of"Sports" in Information Society : a case og Manga and Video Game in the Japanese"Sports"

      2004 PRE-OLYMPIC CONGRESS  8 2004 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 何を男女平等に

      第26回体育・スポーツ哲学会  3 2004 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • スポーツとメタファー

      第13回日本スポーツ社会学会  3 2004 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • Children's Life Style and Sporting Activities in Modern Society : A Comparative Study of Thailand and Japan

      The First International Conference and Festival on Traditional Plays, Games and Sports  2 2004 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • スポーツ・アカデミズムの立場から -今、何ができるのか

      日本体育学会体育原理分科会企画シンポジウム  9 2003 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 教育の場における「学校」と「体育」の独自性

      日本学術会議企画シンポジウム  9 2003 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • マナー問題における身体性

      日本教育学会課題研究シンポジウム  8 2003 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • 身体とは何か

      第12回日本スポーツ社会学会シンポジウム  3 2003 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Becoming of"Sports" in Information Society: Sport and Manga in Japan

      Busan Asian Games Sport Science Congress  9 2002 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Diffusion of Western- Standardized Sporting Culture in Japanese Higher Education; a case of Tennis and Judo in the Earlier 20th Century

      15th World Congress of Sociology  7 2002 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 生身の身体神話とスーパーフラットなスポーツ

      第11回日本スポーツ社会学会シンポジウム  3 2002 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • The Conflict between Ethnicity and Nationalism in Sports Globalization: Case Research into Ethnic School in the Western Region of China

      The 1st World Congress of Sociology of Spor  7 2001 

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      Presentation type:Other  


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    • AI時代の学校教育と教師に求められる資質能力(1)人間の幸福をどのように広げるか〜 AI時代の学校教育と教師に求められる資質能力(10)学校と企業の協働が一層重要に

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    Research Projects

    • 教員養成の質的高度化に向けた専門職課程のカリキュラム開発と大学教員の専門職性開発

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      下田 誠, 片桐 昌直, 三石 初雄, 高旗 浩志, 中村 和弘, 小谷 健司, 張 揚, 松田 恵示, 十枝内 康隆, 荒巻 恵子, 望月 耕太

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      4 2022 - 3 2027

      Grant number:22H01003

      Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )


    • フリースクールにおけるスポーツ活動の実態とガイドライン作成に関わる社会学的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      松田 恵示, 原 祐一

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      4 2020 - 3 2023

      Grant number:20K11385

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

      すでに明らかにしてきた「教育支援センター」のスポーツ活動は、施設・用具・設備の現状に制約を受け 「卓球」や「バドミントン」などの「ネット型」スポーツがよく実施され、概して屋内施設でのスポーツ活動となっている傾向がある。また職員と一緒になって行われる場合もよくある。特に「卓球」に関する用具・設備等が多く設置されている。「教育支援センター」に通う子どもたちや指導・支援者たちにとって、卓球は対人的ではあるものの、直接的にはボールとラケット操作という対物的な技能を使い、かつ対戦相手とネットで区切られ 直接の触れ合いがない。いわば、「弱いつながり」をゲームという一つの文脈の共有において築く「遊び」という社会的行為となっている。ここで、フリスクールは「教育支援センター」に比べて、より子どもたちの個性や主体性が、制度の側よりも大切にされる場所である。子どもたちの活動としてみた場合、「遊び」の観点は重要である。「遊び」は、その種類を具体的に指す場合と、理念としての「遊び」ないし「遊びの精神」と言って良い、意味づけ・態度のようなものとしても使われる。フリースクールでは、むしろ後者の意味での「遊び」の観点が、具体的なスポーツ活動を意味づけるものであることが、先行する研究のレビューからは見とおされるものであった。フリースクールの「空気感」である、カリ キュラムや時間への独特の態度は、「リバーシブル」な 性質を特徴として展開されている、という見方である。調査前の検討として、以上のようなことが主な観点として分析されている。


    • 教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ指導の実態とガイドライン作成に関する社会学的研究

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      松田 恵示, 原 祐一

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      4 2017 - 3 2023

      Grant number:17K01718

      Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

      コロナ状況において実践的な検証に関して十分な取り組みを得られていないことから、、これまでの実績として昨年度のものに基づき再掲する。教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ活動と指導の実態を対象としたこれまでの調査から、特に不登校の子どもたちに対するスポーツ活動の持つ教育的可能性と、 それを引き出す指導のあり方について実践的な知見を得るために、調査で得られたデータに対して新たな分析を行うとともに、指導ガイドラインづくりについて の検討を行った。調査の分析から得られたものは、概略すると、教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ活動に対する特有の規範意識や学習指導の考え方であった。 教育支援センターにおけるスポーツ活動には、学校体育とはまた別な期待や認識が多く存在する。これらを、「(対人関係性の)直接性/間接性」「(環境刺激の) 強い/弱い」の2つの観点から整理し、スポーツの活動内容についてこの観点からスコープとシークエンスについて構成するカリキュラムを構想できた。学校体育 では、生涯スポーツの観点からスポーツ実践の範囲の偏りが起こらないように検討すると思われるが、教育支援センターにおいては、当該のスポーツ種目の持 つ、コミュニケーションの取り方や構造の特性などが、子どもたちにとっての教育的効果を検討する観点として求められる。教育支援センターや不登校支援にお けるスポーツ指導のガイドラインづくりには、この点から、公教育におけるスポーツ指導のオルターナティヴを提案する作業にもなり得ることを示唆できた。こ の観点から構想したガイドラインを、実際に現場で活用し、その評価を得つつガイドラインの妥当性を検証し修正する作業に取り組み始めたところとなってい る。


    • Educational sociological studies on career consciousness and support policy for dropout students in high schools

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MATSUDA Keiji, MAKINO Tomokazu, MORIMITSU Yayoi, MURAKAMI Tetsuya

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      4 2013 - 3 2017

      Grant number:25285226

      Grant amount:\7670000 ( Direct Cost: \5900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1770000 )

      The purpose of this research is to understand the background of dropout students in high school, and to examine from the new perspective about how to support. Therefore, in this research, we conducted six surveys, consisting of interviews and questionnaire surveys. As a result, it became clear that dropout students in high school are easy to select courses that rely on the resources and experiences of high school and home who studied. Also, in order to overcome the problem, we found that "capability" becomes important.Reentry is not achieved if there is no "capability,” such as human relationships with timing that translates into learning actions by the dropout.


    • General study on manner and human being formation

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KANO Yoshimasa, YANO Satoji, TOBINO Katumi, MURAKAMI Mituaki, KOGA Masayoshi, OCHI Yasusi, MOURI Takesi, SAKURAI Yoshiki, YANO Satoji, YANO Satoji, NISHIMOTO Kayo, YUKAWA Katumi

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      4 2011 - 3 2014

      Grant number:23330226

      Grant amount:\12480000 ( Direct Cost: \9600000 、 Indirect Cost:\2880000 )

      In summary, how do Japanese people relate to manners and etiquette, and how has this substantially changed? What sorts of problems have arisen as a result of the loss of substance in manners nowadays? And what are we to do about manners in order to ensure that our children and young people grow up not only participating in public life, but also doing so with dignity and learning? The scope of manners is broad – it is not unrelated to the whole area of citizenship education, which has become more mainstream over the past few years. This research not only places manners and etiquette at the forefront of the issue, it also needs to consider the subject from the following five issues: (1) what the substance of manners comprises, (2) how manners have come about throughout history, (3) what the social function of manners is, (4) how manners have been preserved, and (5) how manners have been taught.


    • A sociological study on the guideline in the design of training program for elementary school teacher for PE education considered from teacher's career

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MATSUDA Keiji, KAGA Masaru, YAMAMOTO Toshihiko, TANAKA Satoshi, HARA Yuuichi

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      2010 - 2012

      Grant number:22500569

      Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

      The purpose of this paper is to show the guideline in the design of training program forelementary school teacher for P-E education in view of teacher's consciousness about job ability. In consideration of the precedence research on a elementary teacher's job ability, itis possible to build up two hypotheses; 1) elementary teacher's consciousness has a difference according to attributes, such as age, sex, and the area, 2) elementary schoolteacher's consciousness has a difference by view of teaching profession. 19,725 elementaryteachers of 1,450 schools replied to the question paper about the four contents.As a result of this investigation, the following four points became clear. 1) The teacher's consciousness about job ability consisted of three factors. 2) The attribute of teachers, suchas sex, area, and age, changes consciousness about job ability. 3) According to the stage of a career, job ability which a teacher needs is different. These mean that all hypotheses wereproved.


    • Theoretical and substantial study on manner and human being formation

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KANO Yoshimasa, YANO Satoji, YUKAWA Katumi, TOBINO Katumi, MURAKAMI Mituaki, KOGA Masayosi, OCHI Yasusi, MATUDA Keiji, MOURI Takesi, SAKURAI Yoshiki, NISHIMOTO Kayo

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      2008 - 2010

      Grant number:20330161

      Grant amount:\7280000 ( Direct Cost: \5600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1680000 )

      We pushed forward the theory study on manner and a substantial study. As a result, the following knowledge was provided. (1) When I compared it with a law and the morality, the manner constitutes an original domain. (2) The manner (or manners) joins a person and a person together and is indispensable in participating in the public society. (3) The manner (or manners) joins a person and a person together and is indispensable in participating in the public society. (4) There are many people making much of greetings for a manner in the everyday life and there are many people making much of the scene of the meal if I narrow down a focus to manner education at the home. (5) It is prescribed what kind of manner is important by culture.


    • A sociological study on the guideline in the design of training program for junior high school P-E teacher considered from teacher's career

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      MATSUDA Keiji, KAGA Masaru, YAMAMOTO Toshihiko, TANAKA Satoshi

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      2007 - 2009

      Grant number:19500527

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

      The purpose of this study is to show the guideline in the design of training program for junior high school P-E teacher in view of teacher's consciousness about job ability. In consideration of the precedence research on a P-E teacher's job ability, it is possible to build up three hypotheses ; 1) P-E teacher's consciousness about job ability is not only about the capability of educational guidance, 2) P-E teacher's consciousness has a difference according to attributes, such as age, sex, and the area, 3) P-E teacher's consciousness has a difference by view of teaching profession. The P-E teachers of 973 schools replied to the question paper about the four contents. The contents of question paper are about teacher's attribute, P-E teacher's consciousness about job ability, job ability needed according to a career, and view of teaching profession. As a result of this investigation, the following five points became clear. 1) The teacher's consciousness about job ability consisted of five factors. 2) Job ability which teachers think it is required is the order of capability to manage a student, capability to teach a sport, capability about human relations, capability to design a class, and capability to utilize information. 3) The attribute of teachers, such as sex, area, and age, changes consciousness about job ability. 4) According to the stage of a career, job ability which a teacher needs is different. 5) The view of teaching profession, such as knowledge about the system which updates a teacher's license, and the necessity for the practical skill in the contents of training


    • A study concerning the sense of exclusion and freedom that sexual minority people experience in sport

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      IIDA Takako, KAZAMA Takashi, RAITA Kyoko, YOSHIKAWA Yasuo, FUJIYAMA Shin, FUJIWARA Naoko, MATSUDA Keiji, SANO Nobuko, ITANI Satoko

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      2007 - 2009

      Grant number:19500516

      Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

      In order to understand the experiences of sexual minority people in sport in Japan, we have conducted the quantitative and the qualitative researches. We have also studied and analyzed the guidelines created by foreign organizations. The result shown that compared to the sexual majority people (heterosexual people), sexual minority people (including lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender and transsexual people) tend to have oppressive experiences more often in Japan as well. Especially, the finding indicated that there is stronger homophobia against gay men. This study also found that, in overseas, the European Parliament, the governments, and the largest level NGOs have grappled with this issue to protect sexual minority people's right to sport.


    • Comparative Cultural Study on Physical Culture and School Sports in Asian Countries

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SAGAWA Tetsuya, AMANO Kunihisa, FUKASAWA Hiroshi, SAWADA Kazuaki, MATSUDA Keiji, YASAKI Wataru

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      2002 - 2005

      Grant number:14208004

      Grant amount:\28470000 ( Direct Cost: \21900000 、 Indirect Cost:\6570000 )

      The purpose of this study is to research on physical culture and school sports in Asian countries. 13 researchers study at each area of 13 countries for four years.
      The results are as follows :
      1.The researches were conducted in China, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippine, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Australia and Japan.
      2.Researchers studied each theme : for example, the changes of traditional games and sports in the rural area, comparative study of school sports, comparative study of children's lifestyle, gender in sports, sports curriculum in physical education, and so on.
      3.The results of the studies were presented in English as much as possible in the Asian countries.
      4.We held an academic meeting named ‘Asian Sports Studies Forum' on September 2004 at Shiga University. Researchers participated in this meeting is from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippine, Thailand, Malaysia, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.
      5.We were made a research network between Asian countries through this academic meeting.
      6.We were studied about school sports of Asian countries from overseas students at the annual meeting in Japan. They were from Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Indo, South Korea, Myanmar, and China.
      7.Through four years studies, we were sure that it is necessary to keep and develop the study network among Asian countries for the progress of the Asian sports study. And Japanese researchers make effort more to develop the Asian sports studies.


    • Establishing mutual supporting system to support the study of the globalization of sport in Asia and the Pacific Region

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HIRAI Hajime, AMANO Kunihisa, SAGAWA Tetsuya, SAWADA Kazuyuki, YASAKI Wataru, MATSUDA Keiji, FUKASAWA Hiroshi, DATE Yoshimi

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      2002 - 2004

      Grant number:14380016

      Grant amount:\6100000 ( Direct Cost: \6100000 )

      The main goals of this project are (1)to conduct researches in the relationship between sport and the globalization in Asia and the Pacific region, (2)to communicate with researchers interested in social studies of sport and physical culture in the region, and (3)to establish research and educational links with these scholars to promote studies in sport, and globalization.
      Members of the project, went to countries in the first and second years such as Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Korea, Fiji and Australia to conduct, field researches to investigate the relationships between its sport, society and culture. They met local scholars, discussed about research topics, and established networks. Some of them started joint research projects.
      Members reported the result, of their field research at the group's seminars, which were held 3 to 4 times a year. The project invited overseas gusts such as from Thailand, Korea and China to the seminar and provided guests to introduce their views and information on sports in their countries.
      The project members organized an international forum entitled Asian Sport Studies Forum : Reading Asia and Oceania through Sport, which was held in September 2004 at Shiga University, Japan. About 40 scholars from Thailand, Malaysia the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Korea, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand and Japan participated in the forum. 21 papers were presented, 3 symposia were held and 2 artistic performances were shown. Scholars exchanged ideas and information on social and cultural environments surrounding sport and physical cultures including globalization, and discussed how they could establish network to promote studies on sport, society and culture.
      The results of the forum were published as the Proceedings both in print and CD.


    • A Comparative Study on the Function of Cultural Distribution by Higher Education Institutes in US and Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      YAMAGUCHI Kenji, MATSUDA Keiji, AKAGI Rikako

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      2001 - 2003

      Grant number:13610300

      Grant amount:\4000000 ( Direct Cost: \4000000 )

      A comparative study has done on the transformation of higher education institutions in US and Japan, focusing on their strengthening of the cultural distribution function. To test the hypothesis that higher education institution should come to distribute arts and sport events directly to the community, research projects below have implemented
      1 Research in the field of fine arts
      (1) Art museums attached to the UCLA and Yale University, which are leading institutions in cultural distribution, are selected for a case-study. Especially in Yale, its services to support school education are intensively examined. (2) By research on federal art agencies and the Getty museum, the transformation of America's art museums into educating institutions is analyzed (3) Interviews in four institutions and survey on the existing materials are conducted to review the trend of the expansion of the fine arts in Japan's universities since 1980.
      2 Research in the field of sport
      (1) Two institutions are selected for a case-study. Yale university has leaded America's college sporting culture since its beginning and our research focus is on the financial position of the sport department in relation to the whole management strategy. Springfield College has extended new sporting cultures and philosophies nationwide and our research focus is on the mission unique to the college. (2) Questionnaire has sent to local governments in Japan to survey the current trend in haw they promote sport toward learning society, how they manage partnership with local colleges and universities, and so on. (3) A monographic research has done on the transformation process of Western-rooted sporting culture in an institution in Japan.
      3 Suggestion for further research
      Short interview conducted in Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute shows further research direction. This institution is an embodiment of the Yale system for in-service teacher training. Japan's universities readily provide and extend professional development services for teachers.


    • Sports and Asia in the Age of Globalization

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HIRAI Hajime, AMANO Kunihisa, SAGAWA Tetsuya, FUKASAWA Hiroshi, KIM Hyeja, MATSUDA Keiji

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      1999 - 2001

      Grant number:11480010

      Grant amount:\8800000 ( Direct Cost: \8800000 )

      The primary goal of this research project is to investigate how the globalization of sports has been accepted (or rejected) among Asian nations.
      In the first year, each researcher was engaged in individual researches based on their research interests. Their topics included "sports and children labor", "professional sports in the Philippines", "ethnic minority policies and physical education in China", "social modernization and physical education in China", "high school baseball organizations in Korea and Japan", "sports laborers and international immigration", "modernization and children' s plays in Thai", "Chinese and sports in Singapore", "sports in Korea under the Japanese colonization", and "sports in the Philippines under the American regime".
      "Group field researches" focusing on the relationship between sports and social and cultural settings were carried on the Philippines, Thailand, Korea and China, in which members met local researchers and conducted joint field researches and seminars. Their interests ranged from Moe Thai (Thai martial arts), cock fighting in the Philippines to public interests of World Cup soccer in 2002 to be held in Korea and Japan.
      Part of research results were summarized in a book entitled "Reading Asia through Sports", which was edited by Hajime Hirai and published by Sekaishisousha of Kyoto, Japan in 2000. The group established its homepage (http://www.yone.ac.jp/asia-sports/) to extend network among scholars interested in the globalization of sports in Asia and share information and ideas.


    • The Sociology of Sports Fan-The process of transformation in modern sports culture

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      SUGIMOTO Atsuo, MATSUDA Keiji, KIKU Kouichi, KOMUKU Hiroshi, SAWADA Kazuaki, ESASHI Syogo

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      1995 - 1996

      Grant number:07308059

      Grant amount:\1100000 ( Direct Cost: \1100000 )

      We found out about the behavior of sports fan as follows :
      1) Sports fun as the Ouendan (1) There are difference between the media and the stadium as agitating cultural apparatus. (2) The Ouendan has the role as calming cultural apparatus, not to happen the violence of hooligans.
      2) Spectator sports and physical education (1) "kengaku" in the physical education has not educational means as the spectator sports. (2) It will become important to learn the attitude of sports spectators.
      3) Sports fun and gender (1) We see athletes as the femininity or the masculinity. (2) The gender in sports concern with the sports experience of sports fan.
      4) Media and Sports fan (1) The sports spectator by watching the TV.drift our bodies. (2) It is deferent to see the sport by media and stadium, so it is necessary to relate with them.
      5) The body of sports fan (1) The sports fan organize the new community in stadium by seeing the game. (2) The community consist of human relation concern with the physical communication of sports fan.
      6) The Violence and sports fan (1) The soccer hooliganizm include historical inevitability. (2) It concerned with the construction controlled violence in the process of civilization and modernized sports.


    • 生涯スポーツに統合される体育における学習内容の明確化に関する基礎的研究-生涯スポーツの量から質への転換に対応する学習内容を求めて-

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      松田 恵示

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      1995 - 1995

      Grant number:07780190

      Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )



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