Updated on 2024/08/29


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
Center for Japanese Language Education(Organization for Global Initiatives)
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Master of Arts in Japanese ( サンフランシスコ州立大学 ) / 教養学士 ( 国際基督教大学 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Campus Career*
  • 9 2020 - Present 
    Center for Japanese Language Education(Organization for Global Initiatives)   Specially Appointed Associate Professor
  • 4 2017 - 8 2020 
    Organization for Global Initiatives   Center for Japanese Language Education   Adjunct Lecturer
  • 4 2016 - 3 2017 
    Adjunct Lecturer

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese language education

Research History

  • 9 2020 - Present 
    RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Organization for Global Initiatives Center for Japanese Language Education   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

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  • 4 2017 - 8 2020 
    RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Organization for Global Initiatives Center for Japanese Language Education   Adjunct Lecturer

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  • 4 2016 - 3 2017 
    RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Language Center Japanese charge   Adjunct Lecturer

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  • 4 2014 - 3 2016 
    Tokyo University of Social Welfare

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  • 4 2009 - 3 2014 
    International Christian University

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  • 4 2007 - 3 2009 
    Rikkyo University

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  • 9 2003 - 3 2009 
    International Christian University

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  • - 5 2003 
    San Francisco State University   Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures   Teaching Japanese as a foreign language

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    Country: Japan


  • - 3 2001 
    International Christian University   Faculty of Liberal Arts

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    Country: Japan


Committee Memberships

  • 11 2022 - Present 
    アカデミック・ジャパニーズ・ グループ研究会   ジャーナル編集担当

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  • 7 2022 - Present 
    アカデミック・ジャパニーズ・ グループ研究会   幹事

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  • 7 2022 - Present 
    小出記念日本語教育学会   編集委員

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  • 7 2014 - 6 2016 
    小出記念日本語教育研究会   研究委員

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  • An Attempt of Group Presentation in Online Class:: Subject Improvement through Developmental Evaluation and Reevaluation

    KAZUNO Eri

    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods28 ( 2 ) 18 - 19   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Language Education Methods  

    This paper proposes meaningfulness of continued improvement of the Japanese subjects through developmental evaluation. Out of Academic Japanese subjects for foreign students enrolled in degree programs in their first year, presentation skills class was evaluated to have achieved the overall purpose. Hence, we decided to introduce group presentation in the class to develop collaboration skills. Reevaluation of the subject based on survey confirmed that the students had exercised various approaches to tackle the challenge of online group presentation and that they had collaborated and deepened understanding during the preparation process.

    DOI: 10.19022/jlem.28.2_18


  • Exploring Good Writing in Narrative Writing by Japanese Language Learners:: Evaluation Criteria Considered Important by Native Japanese Language Teachers


    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods28 ( 1 ) 10 - 11   2021

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Language Education Methods  

    To develop the first-ever evaluation criteria for Japanese narrative writing, this research aims to clarify points considered important by Japanese as a second language (JSL) teachers upon evaluation to explore “good writing” in narrative writing. Based on their own criteria, twenty JSL teachers evaluated ten essays by JSL learners on“Unforgettable Incident”, then answered how they decided priorities and what they considered important upon evaluation. As a result, it is suggested that “achieving goal”, “clarity of main points” and “consistency” are minimum requirements and “interestingness”, “the right amount of description”, “sequence”, and “accuracy” are also considered important in good writing.

    DOI: 10.19022/jlem.28.1_10

    CiNii Article


  • Development of Academic Writing Skills of a Chinese Exchange Student:: Particularly on Use of Quotation

    KAZUNO Eri

    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods24 ( 2 ) 64 - 65   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Language Education Methods  

    This paper reports a practice in a writing class to improve Japanese language learners' academic writing skills, and particularly analyzes papers written by a Chinese exchange student who had never learned quotations. While in the beginning of the semester, the student did not understand what type of paper was required in the course thus just reported the facts she found in the documents, in the second half of the semester she incorporated several quotations to support her claims. However, there were cases where she failed to accomplish the purpose of the quotation due to lack of accurate understanding and summarization of the material.

    DOI: 10.19022/jlem.24.2_64

    CiNii Article


  • An Attempt of a Seminar to Deepen Japanese Intermediate-low Learners' Understanding about Japanese Novels


    The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods24 ( 1 ) 40 - 41   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Language Education Methods  

    This paper reports a practice on a content-based seminar to deepen Japanese intermediate-low learners' understanding about Japanese novels, and shows the change of learners' confidence and motivation by questionnaire. Students read various short novels, from graded readers to authentic materials, and discussed the contents and shared feedback with classmates. Also, at the end of the semester, they did Extensive Reading of graded readers and had a "Biblio-Battle". The result of the survey shows that these activities have helped leaners gain confidence in reading Japanese and motivation to learn Japanese.

    DOI: 10.19022/jlem.24.1_40

    CiNii Article


Books and Other Publications

  • 新界標 日本語総合教程 教師用 第3

    敬・徐敏民, 丸山千歌, 藤田恵主編, 編集委員, 彭瑾, 池田伸子, 金庭久美子, 数野恵理, 小林友美, 嶋原耕一( Role: Joint editor)

    复旦大学電子音像出版社・上海  3 2022  ( ISBN:9787894075239

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  • 「日本語ライティングにおけるナラティブ作文の評価と教育:フローチャートを用いて」

    坪根由香里, トンプソン美恵子, 影山陽子, 数野恵理

    第62回アカデミック・ジャパニーズ・グループ定例研究会  15 6 2024 

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  • Continuing to Grow as a Japanese Language Teachers – Listening Comprehension Invited

    AGBJI The 3rd Safari Education International Seminar and Workshop  25 10 2023 

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  • ハンガリーの日本語学習者が書いたナラティブ作文の評価-上位群と下位群の比較から-

    影山陽子, 坪根由香里, トンプソン美恵子, 数野恵理

    第 26 回 AJE ヨーロッパ日本語教育シンポ ジウム  20 8 2023 

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  • 「ナラティブ作文の評価を考える―フローチャートの活用―」

    坪根由香里, 数野恵理, 影山陽子, トンプソン美恵子

    ハノイ日本語教師会 特別セミナー  4 3 2023 

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  • 東南アジアの大学で教える日本語教師によるナラティブ作文の評価―総合評価と項目別評価の結 果から―

    坪根由香里, 数野恵理, 影山陽子, トンプソン美恵子

    タイ国日本語教育研究会第 34回年次セミナー  19 3 2022 

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  • 「オンライン授業におけるグループ発表の試み―発展的評価による科目改善と再評価―」


    第58回日本語教育方法研究会  15 3 2022 

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  • 「日本語学習者が書いたナラティブ作文におけるgood writing ―日本語母語話者教師は評価時にどのような項目を重視するのか―」

    数野恵理, 影山陽子, 坪根由香里, トンプソン美恵子

    第57回日本語教育方法研究会  12 9 2021 

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  • JF 日本語スタンダード A2〜B1 の学生のための読解指導 第 1 回読み物を選ぼう・使おう Invited


    イ ンドネシア中学校・高校日本語教師会 2021年度第1回国際ウェビナー・シリーズ  7 2021 

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  • Utilization of developmental assessment for Japanese language education suitable for the next generation : Targeting academic Japanese classes for regular undergraduate international students

    6 2021 

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  • パンデミック中の日本語オンライン授業の方針・方法・評価―立教大学の取り組み Invited

    丸山千歌, 数野恵理

    インドネシア日本語中学校・高校日本語教師会 2020年度国際セミナー・ワークシ ョップ  8 2020 

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  • Incorporating Developmental Evaluation into a Japanese Language Program: For a New Kanji Class

    The 2018 International Conference on Japanese Language Education  4 8 2018 

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  • 「ある中国人留学生のレポートを書く力の変化―引用の仕方に注目して―」

    第50回日本語教育方法研究会  24 3 2018 

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  • 「小説の理解を深める中級前半日本語の演習コースの試み」

    数野恵理, 嶋原耕一

    第49回日本語教育方法研究会  16 9 2017 

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  • Narrative Writing 日本語のナラティブ作文評価のための支援ツール(Webサイト) Web Service

    坪根由香里, 影山陽子, 数野恵理, トンプソン美恵子

    8 2023

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    Work type:Web Service  


Research Projects

  • 日本語ライティングにおけるナラティブのGood Writing探究と評価法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

    坪根 由香里, 数野 恵理, トンプソン 美恵子, 鈴木 陽子

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    4 2019 - 3 2023

    Grant number:19H01274

    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )

    本研究は、第二言語としての日本語ライティング評価において「ナラティブ作文」を研究対象とし、ナラティブ作文のgood writingの探究と、評価基準・評価用フローチャート等の評価法の開発によって教師支援を行うことを目的としている。
    収集した作文データのうち、タイ人日本語学習者によるナラティブ作文を評価項目別に評価した上で日本語能力によって分析した。その結果、「マクロ構成」「パラグラフ意識」「結束性」「記述量のバランス」「多様性」は、日本語能力が高い学習者の作文がより高い評価を得ていること、「課題達成」「ポイントの明確さ」「一貫性」「順序立て」「スタイル」は全体的に高い反面、「過不足ない描写」「導入部とまとめ」は日本語能力に関係なく全体的に点数が低いことが明らかになった。この成果については、タイ日研究ネットワークThailand国際シンポジウム2019で口頭発表を行い、『タイ日研究ネットワークThailand研究論集』 (2020) に「ナラティブ作文の評価に関する探索的研究―タイ人日本語学習者を対象として―」(坪根由香里・影山陽子)が掲載された。
