Updated on 2024/05/31


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Arts Department of Education
Graduate School of Arts Doctoral Program in Education
Graduate School of Arts Master's Program in Education
- ( Nihon University )
Research Theme*
  • 近現代の初等教育制度政策史を主な研究テーマとして、①初等教育に関わる制度の成り立ちや、関連する諸政策の検討、②児童の就学を継続させる様々な諸慣行の成立過程、を軸として研究を進めている。近年は日本における学齢概念の検討、アジア・太平洋戦後における児童生徒の不就学問題、近現代におけるリテラシー研究の一環として、文字・活字に関する研究を進めている。

  • Research Interests
  • 日本教育史

  • 教育制度

  • 教育政策

  • 教育史

  • 教育学

  • Educational Policy

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2021 - Present 
      College of Arts   Department of Education   Professor
    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Master's Program in Education   Professor
    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Graduate School of Arts   Doctoral Program in Education   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology of education

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education  / Japanese History of Education

    Research History

    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts Department of Education

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    • 4 2014 - 3 2021 
      Osaka City University   Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Human Behavioral Sciences Course   Professor

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    • 4 2004 - 3 2014 
      University of Hyogo   School of Economics Dapartment of Applied Economics

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    • 2003 - 2004 

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    • 2003  

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    Books and Other Publications

    • 教職論

      津田, 徹, 広岡, 義之( Role: Contributor ,  第2章 教員養成の歴史)

      ミネルヴァ書房  11 2021  ( ISBN:9784623089567

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      Total pages:vii, 233p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 和泉市の近現代

      和泉市史編さん委員会, 和泉市, 広川, 禎秀, 佐賀, 朝( Role: Contributor ,  第4部第2章 小学校の誕生と展開 第4部第3章 戦後学校教育の展開と隔週定時制)

      和泉市,ぎょうせい (発売)  3 2021  ( ISBN:9784324109878

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      Total pages:500p, 図版 [4] p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 教育学年報11 教育研究の新章

      柏木 敦( Role: Joint author ,  日本教育史 ―一九九〇年代から二〇一〇年代までの動向―)

      世織書房  8 201( ISBN:9784866860077

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      Total pages:468ページ  


    • 日本教育史

      平田, 諭治( Role: Contributor ,  第3章 なぜ学校に行かなければならないのか)

      ミネルヴァ書房  1 201( ISBN:9784623084517

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      Total pages:ix, 198p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 教育史研究の最前線Ⅱ

      教育史学会( Role: Contributor)

      六花出版  3 5 201

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      Total pages:307   Responsible for pages:34-46   Language:Japanese


    • 日本近代就学慣行成立史研究

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      学文社  2 201( ISBN:9784762022371

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    • 知の伝達メディアの歴史研究 : 教育史像の再構築

      辻本 雅史, 宮沢 康人, 佐藤 卓己, 八鍬 友広, 鈴木 理恵, 梶井 一暁, 柏木 敦, 青山 貴子, 小山 静子, 沖田 行司, 長谷川 精一, 西山 伸( Role: Joint author)

      思文閣出版  201( ISBN:9784784215003

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 地域教育の構想

      三上 和夫, 湯田 拓史( Role: Sole author)

      同時代社  201( ISBN:9784886836694

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『地域教育の構想』

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      同時代社  201

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 小学校令及び小学校令施行関係規則の沿革附・地方学事通則の沿革 : 自1890年10月至1900年8月

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      [兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所]  201

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 教育関係法令件名目録(稿) : 自昭和元年至昭和一〇年

      柏木敦( Role: Sole author)

      兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所  2009 

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『学校沿革史の研究 総説』

      ( Role: Joint author)

      財団法人野間教育研究所  2008 

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    • 『近代日本黎明期における「就学告諭」の研究』

      ( Role: Joint author)

      東信堂  2008  ( ISBN:9784887138148

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    • 『教育史研究の最前線』

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      日本図書センター  2007 

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 国民学校令及び国民学校令施行規則の沿革 : 附・国民学校関係法令の沿革

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      [兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所]  2007 

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 小学校令並に小学校令施行規則の沿革 : 自1900年8月 至1940年4月

      柏木 敦( Role: Sole author)

      [兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所]  2007 

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 『国家・共同体・教師の戦略 教師の比較社会史』(叢書・比較教育社会史)

      ( Role: Joint author)

      昭和堂  2006  ( ISBN:4812205441

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    • 教育の制度と社会

      花井, 信, 三上, 和夫(第11章 教育費と家計教育費の増大)

      梓出版社  4 2000  ( ISBN:4872626095

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      Total pages:v, 149p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 教育原理の探究 : 問い直しの教育学

      小川, 博久, 小笠原, 喜康, スペース新社保育研究室(第2章 学校って何?——学ぶところの問い直し)

      相川書房  5 1998  ( ISBN:4750102474

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      Total pages:vi, 166p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


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    Professional Memberships

    • 4 1999 - Present 

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      The Japan Society of Archives Institutions

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      The Japan Socierty for Studies of education

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      Japan society for the Historical Studies of Education

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      The Historical Science Society of Japan

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      Japan Society for Cultural of Chinese Characters

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      The Japanese History of Education Society

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      Kyoto Forum on History of Education

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    Research Projects

    • A empirical study on diversity of period to elementary school and school years of elementary education in Japan.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Kashiwagi Atsushi

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      4 2017 - 3 2020

      Grant number:17K04635

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 、 Indirect Cost:\600000 )

      The research for this study is search and collect Historical materials, articles of the educational journals and newspaper.
      As a result of investigation which continued for three years, the idea Japanese School age that prescribed in Meiji era was reexamined frequently, there were multiple ideas and attempt about the beginning and ending of school attendance period, the age of beginning compulsory education. And these ideas and attempt connected with the concept about compulsory education and image about time of enrollment in a school took shape Japanese characteristic style of compulsory education and school enrollment.


    • A Study on the Fundamental Reorganization of Literacy in Japan Before and After Modernization

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 


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      4 2015 - 3 2020

      Grant number:15H03471

      Grant amount:\18070000 ( Direct Cost: \13900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4170000 )

      The purpose of this study was to clarify how modernization in the latter half of the 19th century was projected on changes in the consciousness and reality of Japanese literacy.
      By presenting concrete examples of the effectiveness of the literacy ability of the populace in pre-modern society, we have further accumulated individual concrete examples, which have been issues so far. The relationship with social change was also clarified.On the other hand, the introduction and penetration of the school system accompanying modernization has revealed a part of the aspect of the change that has brought about the reality of the learning of literacy, and while taking over the foundation of the pre-modern way, a considerable correction has been made. We pointed out what was seen.
      The above results are expected to be published in the next fiscal year.


    • Empirical Study on the Reorganization Policy of Compulsory Education System--Policy Processes of Extending Compulsory Education--

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KASHIWAGI Atsushi

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      4 2013 - 3 2017

      Grant number:25381088

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )

      The purpose of this research is to review policy of extending compulsory education and to clarify discussion about modification compulsory education prewar period in Japan. To achieve this purpose, This study conducted the following investigation.1st, Re-examination the task or issues Maintenance Compulsory education system. 2nd, Investigation about parallel class system in elementary school that carry out in Toyama city.
      The results of the above research are as follows, It was one of the issue to keep constant the age of enrollment at elementary school on the process of maintenance and reorganization compulsory education system. Parallel class system was institutionalize as proposed countermeasure for the issue of constant the age of enrollment at elementary school. Parallel class system needs maintenance of relation of connection with a higher-grade school is indispensable, We can find out validity promotion and employment after graduation under the parallel class system.


    • A Historic Formation Process of the Literacy in Japan and Substantial Study on Transformation of the Learning

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      OHTO Yasuhiro, YAKUWA Tomohiro, KIMURA Masanobu, KAWAMURA Hajime, OHTA Motoko, SUZUKI Rie, AMANO Haruko, KASIWAGI Atsushi, KARUB Katsuichiro, IKEDA Msanori, DAIMA Toshiyuki

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      4 2011 - 3 2015

      Grant number:23330224

      Grant amount:\13910000 ( Direct Cost: \10700000 、 Indirect Cost:\3210000 )

      It is a study sent to under the problem awareness that we elucidate a process of the transformation of the literacy and the learning in the shifts period from the early modern times to modern times. Generally, as for the literacy situation of Japanese people in pre-modern, a viewpoint to be supremeness in an international standard is dominant . However, as for the way, there was considerably a local difference not a thing with a homogeneous expanse, and it became clear that the necessarily economical situation was not a reflected thing. In addition , a development process of the literacy that has been discussed fragmentarily is considered substantially for the first time until now , and the process of the change of the literacy situation of Japan will be almost confirmed in pre-modern .


    • An empirical study on the formative process of educational policy before the Second World War in Japan.

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KASHIWAGI Atsushi

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      4 2008 - 2010

      Grant number:20530745

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )

      This study proceeded through the following objectives. (1) To collect information and historical materials of the Local Governor Conference. (2) Clarify the gormative process and Education Policies before the Second World War in Japan. This study clarify almost 70% of historical materials relating to Local Governor Conference.


    • 教育制度史、教育政策史、地方自治と教育政策


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      2008 - 2010

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 国民教育の編制・統合過程に関する実証的研究-地方官会議資料の収集と検討を通して-

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      柏木 敦

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      4 2005 - 2007

      Grant number:17730460

      Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2900000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 )

      なお史料調査と並行して,アジア・太平洋戦前期の初等教育政策を分析するための基礎法令資料集を,収集した史料を活用しつつ編纂した。これは『自一九〇〇年八月至一九四一年四月 小学校令並に小学校令施行規則の沿革』(平成19年6月)、『国民学校令及び国民学校令施行規則の沿革』附・国民学校関係法令の沿革』(平成19年12月)として,兵庫県立大学経済経営研究所から刊行した。これらの資料集はのべ50以上の研究者,資料所蔵機関,学会,研究会などに寄贈、配布し,研究成果の共有を期した。


    • Educational Policy

      Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      2005 - 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • Educational policy

      Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      2000 - 2007

      Grant type:Competitive


    • 日本における就学行為の慣行化に関する史的研究 ―ライフサイクルとアーティキュレーションの"融合"に着目して―

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      柏木 敦

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      2000 - 2002

      Grant number:00J02273

      Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 )



    • Historical Research of School and Society Collaboration

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HANAI Makoto, KASIWAGI Atsushi, TANI Yasumasa, MIKAMI Kazuo

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      1999 - 2001

      Grant number:11610253

      Grant amount:\3000000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 )

      Hino village is surrounded with mountains. In Hino village chief industries are rice, barley, wood and charcoal. Composition ,of Hino village's population under seven age are large upper fifty are small. Its shape is as kind of pyramid. Children's population is increasing accompanied by married.
      Calendar of school was fitted for people's life. For example school holiday was settled in busy season for farmers, or settled with a festival of a village shrine.
      Special class was organized for baby sitters. They couldn't attend school, so they were allowed to go to school with babies. Poor village needed special typed school. It was not charity but was fitted for people's needs.


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