Updated on 2024/08/10


OTA Kazusa
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
Center for Development and Support of Higher Education
Assistant Professor
博士(教育学) ( 3 2023   名古屋大学 )
Contact information
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Campus Career*
  • 4 2023 - Present 
    Center for Development and Support of Higher Education   Assistant Professor

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology of education

Research History

  • 4 2023 - Present 
    Rikkyo University

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  • 4 2022 - 3 2023 
    愛知教育大学   非常勤講師

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  • 4 2021 - 3 2023 
    Chukyo University

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  • 4 2021 - 3 2023 

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  • 10 2020 - 3 2022 
    愛知県厚生農業協同組合連合会更生看護専門学校   非常勤講師

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  • 4 2021 - 9 2021 
    Kinjo Gakuin University

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  • 4 2019 - 3 2023 
    名古屋大学大学院   教育発達科学研究科 博士後期課程

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  • 4 2017 - 3 2019 
    名古屋大学大学院   教育発達科学研究科 博士前期課程

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  • 4 2012 - 3 2017 
    名古屋大学   教育学部

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  • 7 2023  
    日本学生支援機構  第一種奨学金 特に優れた業績による返還免除(全額免除) 

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  • 6 2019  
    東海社会学会  優秀修士論文賞 

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  • 「グローバル人材」とは誰か?ーシンボリック・バウンダリーの視点から Peer-reviewed


    教育社会学研究113   5 - 26   12 2023

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  • 日本の大学における交換留学協定ー互恵関係や大学階層に着目してー Peer-reviewed

    加藤真紀, 太田知彩

    名古屋高等教育研究 ( 23 ) 183 - 206   3 2023

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  • 海外留学の社会学ー「グローバル人材」と社会的再生産 Peer-reviewed


    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 博士学位論文   3 2023

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    Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  


  • なぜ留学するのか?ー「グローバル人材」の再生産戦略に着目して Peer-reviewed


    教育社会学研究110   169 - 189   8 2022

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  • コロナ禍における国際教育交流分野の人事公募に関する調査研究

    藤井基貴, 太田知彩, 高木ひとみ, 星野晶成

    静岡大学教育研究18   119 - 127   3 2022

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  • 高校生の「海外留学/勤務」志向の規定要因ー進路選択とジェンダーとの関連を中心に Peer-reviewed


    異文化間教育55   121 - 137   3 2022

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  • 日本人学生の海外留学における大学階層間格差の実態とその推移 Peer-reviewed


    国際教育27   17 - 32   9 2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Changes in the Discourse on "Study Abroad" (ryugaku) in Contemporary Japan Peer-reviewed

      88 ( 2 ) 91 - 102   6 2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 部活動問題の社会的構成―部活動の語られ方からみる部活動改革推進の背景

    野村駿, 太田知彩, 内田良

    名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学67 ( 2 ) 109 - 119   3 2021

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  • 日本における国際教育交流分野の「第三領域」に関する研究動向

    藤井基貴, 太田知彩, 高木ひとみ, 星野晶成

    静岡大学教育研究17   111 - 119   3 2021

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  • Actual Situation of Club Activities in Junior High School and Teachers' Awareness of Them; Focusing on School Size

    OTA Kazusa, KAMIJI Koto, KATO Kazuaki, NOMURA Hayao, UCHIDA Ryo

      66 ( 2 ) 211 - 219   31 3 2020

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of club activities in junior high school and teachers' awareness of them by focusing on school size. Recently in Japan, there are a lot of discussions about work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and academic levels because many surveys showed that the working hours of teachers in japan have been too long. And club activities have been pointed out as the cause of overworking, however, there have been few studies of the working hours of teachers and actual situations of club activities by focusing on school size. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the actual situation of club activities and how the teachers think about them by focusing the class size which means the number of students. The results of this paper are as follows. First, there are differences regarding working hours and hours of club activities depending on school size, which suggests that teachers who work at larger schools work much longer. Secondly, the larger schools offer more types of club activities yet less rest days from club activities during holidays. And the ratio of teachers who teach club activities is equal but teachers who work at smaller school coach alone. Finally, teachers who work at larger schools tend to prefer to coach club activities much longer than teachers who work at smaller schools. Regarding this, we suggested that teachers who work at larger schools have more chances to coach club activities for which they have had experience through their own junior high school years; also, they are able to coach prefered activities as there is a larger number of activities to choose from in a larger school. Based on the above, this paper suggests that the school size and the number of club activities play an important role in securing a workload more acceptable for teachers and their duties with club activities.

    DOI: 10.18999/nueduca.66.2.211

    CiNii Article


  • Club Activities for Beginners and Clubs for Experienced Students : What does the Expansion of Sports Opportunity from the Elementary School Age Bring?

    KATO Kazuaki, NOMURA Hayao, OTA Kazusa, KAMIJI Koto, UCHIDA Ryo

      66 ( 2 ) 199 - 209   31 3 2020

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    From 1960's, sports activities, such as Junior Sport Clubs Association and private sports club for elementary school age has been expanded. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the impact on junior high school extra-curricular club activities caused by the expansion of sports activities among elementary school age. Through analyzing the data acquired from questionnaire survey for junior high school teachers, we got the following results. 1. When looking at the athletic club as a whole, the clubs with few experienced students account for about 30 to 40%. However, there are about 20% of the clubs where almost all of them are made up of experienced students. And the clubs consisted by more experienced students practice more frequently and the participation frequency of practice games tend to be overheated. 2. The number of experienced people depends on the kind of sports, and there are many experienced students especially in baseball and soccer. There are few experienced players in badminton, tennis, "track and fields" and table tennis. The sports in which the more experienced students participate is likely to practice more frequently. From this result, it can be inferred that the expansion of sports opportunities at the elementary school level has increased the number of people already skilled at the time of entering junior high school, which has led to overheating. 3. However, even in the kind of sports with few experienced people, some clubs have many experienced students. As long as there are a lot of experienced people, there is a tendency to participate in high-level competitions. However, only in the case of baseball and soccer, practice time and practice game frequency correlate with the percentage of experienced players. In other kind of sports, there is no correlation between the number of experienced students and the time of activity or practice game frequency. For baseball and soccer, it is more common to experience in elementary school and then continue it in the junior high school sports club. This may have increased the impact of elementary school level experience not only on competition results but also on practice time or practice game frequency. Based on the above results, the importance of focusing on the continuity of sports from elementary school level to junior high school level was discussed.

    DOI: 10.18999/nueduca.66.2.199

    CiNii Article


  • Effects of a "Teacher's Family" on a Teacher's Way of Working; a Focus on Gender Differences

    KAMIJI Koto, KATO Kazuaki, NOMURA Hayao, OTA Kazusa, UCHIDA Ryo

      65 ( 2 ) 97 - 107   31 3 2019

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the existence of family for a teacher affects the way he/ she works, revealing gender differences. Recently in Japan a "work style reform" has been suggested in the hopes of alleviating overly long working hours as well as to better appreciate the diversity of working styles. This movement also includes adopting a more open attitude toward balancing childcare, nursing care, and career, so the reform also includes a focus on the family members of workers. This reform talk has encouraged active discussion about teachers' work styles. However, where previous research has clarified the situation of long working hours and the resultant mental health of teachers, there are few studies focusing on diversity among teachers. In particular, there are few studies that focus on gender differences or on differences in family relationships among teachers. This paper, which focuses on gender differences in teaching takes into consideration the family style of teachers and the effect it has on the actual condition of teachers' working styles. The following three has been clarified. (1) Working time commitment is shorter when a teacher has their own children. In addition, working hours tend to be shorter for female teachers. (2) Wheras women teachers express they feel busier when they have their own children, this tendency was not seen among male teachers with children. (3) Analyzing work hours and busyness, in general, teachers with children feel busier than teachers without children, with female teachers feeling four times busier than male teachers. This paper suggests a necessity to discuss the existence of teachers' families when discussing the "work style reform" that will affect them.

    DOI: 10.18999/nueduca.65.2.97

    CiNii Article


  • Why Teachers Actively Participate in the Coaching of Extracurricular Club Activities in Japan; A Relationship to Past Experiences

    NOMURA Hayao, OTA Kazusa, KAMIJI Koto, KATO Kazuaki, UCHIDA Ryo

      65 ( 2 ) 109 - 121   31 3 2019

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  • 社会的事実としての留学研究の可能性 : 日本人大学生の留学要因を理解するために


    教育論叢61   17 - 26   3 2018

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  • Transformations and Regional Differences in Special Needs Sociological Approach to Special Needs Education

      64 ( 1 ) 181 - 197   2017

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    CiNii Article


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  • 書評「教育社会学 アクティベーション的展開とその外部」


    教育論叢特別編(2020)   58 - 62   3 2020

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Books and Other Publications

  • 部活動の社会学 : 学校の文化・教師の働き方

    内田良編( Role: Contributor ,  第2章 部活動問題はどのように語られてきたのか、第6章 勝利至上主義にはどのような特徴があるのか)

    岩波書店  7 2021  ( ISBN:9784000614795

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    Total pages:xvi, 210p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 調査報告学校の部活動と働き方改革 : 教師の意識と実態から考える

    内田, 良, 上地, 香杜, 加藤, 一晃, 野村, 駿, 太田, 知彩( Role: Joint author)

    岩波書店  11 2018  ( ISBN:9784002709895

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    Total pages:84p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books



  • Capturing International Educational Exchange as "Third Space" and Its Dilemma-A Case of Faculty Staff Employment at Japanese Universities-

    68th Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society 2024  3 2024 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 「グローバル人材」とは誰か?ートビタテ生のシンボリック・バウンダリーに着目して


    日本教育社会学会第74回大会  9 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 見えない残業時間の研究ー公立小中学校教員対象のウェブ調査から

    内田良, 加藤一晃, 太田知彩, 西村祐二, 長谷川哲也

    日本教育社会学会第74回大会  9 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 誰が海外を志向するのか?ー留学期間と出身階層に着目して


    日本教育学会第81回大会  24 8 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 持ち帰り業務時間の分析―公立小中学校教員対象のウェブ調査から

    加藤一晃, 太田知彩, 元木廉, 西村祐二, 平野志乃, 長谷川哲也, 内田良

    中部教育学会第70回大会  7 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 休憩時間の分析―公立小中学校教員対象のウェブ調査から

    内田良, 太田知彩, 加藤一晃, 元木廉, 西村祐二, 平野志乃, 長谷川哲也

    中部教育学会第70回大会  7 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 国際教育交流分野における「第三領域」の研究-日本における近年の研究動向と人事公募の現状と課題について

    高木ひとみ, 藤井基貴, 太田知彩, 星野晶成

    異文化間教育学会第43回大会  6 2022 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高校生の「海外留学/就労」期待の規定要因 ー出身階層と価値志向に着目してー


    日本教育社会学会第72回大会(オンライン開催)  5 9 2020 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 留学言説の変容過程に見る留学の職業的レリバンス


    日本教育学会第79回大会(オンライン開催)  24 8 2020 

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    Event date: 24 8 2020 - 28 8 2020

    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日本人大学生の海外留学をめぐる大学間格差の実態とその変動


    日本教育社会学会第71回大会(於:大正大学)  13 9 2019 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 高校生の海外留学をめぐる意欲格差


    日本国際教育学会第30回大会(於:大谷大学)  7 9 2019 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 家庭環境と子どもの留学―『学校外教育活動に関する調査』の二次分析から―


    東海社会学会第12回大会(於:名古屋市立大学)  29 6 2019 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 部活動指導という舞台:中学校教員を対象とした全国調査の分析結果より

    内田良, 上地香杜, 加藤一晃, 野村駿, 太田知彩

    日本教育社会学会第70回大会(於:佛教大学)  3 9 2018 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 中学校教員の働き方に関する意識の男女間差異:質問紙調査をもとにした基礎分析

    上地香杜, 加藤一晃, 野村駿, 太田知彩, 内田良

    中部教育学会第67回大会(於:名古屋市立大学)  30 6 2018 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 何が中学校教員を部活動に関わらせているのか:学校組織の多層性に着目して

    加藤一晃, 上地香杜, 野村駿, 太田知彩, 内田良

    中部教育学会第67回大会(於:名古屋市立大学)  30 6 2018 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 教員の年代別多忙化メカニズムに関する一考察: 中学校を対象とした質問紙調査から

    野村駿, 上地香杜, 加藤一晃, 太田知彩, 内田良

    中部教育学会第67回大会(於:名古屋市立大学)  30 6 2018 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 留学を肯定するまなざしの変容―『留学ジャーナル』の言説分析から―


    中部教育学会第67回大会(於:名古屋市立大学)  30 6 2018 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日本人大学生の海外留学促進の政策過程


    大学教育改革フォーラムin東海2018(於:中京大学)  3 2018 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


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Teaching Experience

  • 10 2022 - 3 2023 
    教職論 ( 愛知教育大学 )

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  • 9 2022 - 3 2023 
    教育学 ( 中京大学 )

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  • 10 2021 - 3 2023 
    青少年問題の社会学 ( 中京大学 )

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  • 10 2021 - 3 2023 
    社会学概論 ( 中京大学 )

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  • 4 2022 - 9 2022 
    教育システム論 ( 愛知教育大学 )

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  • 10 2021 - 3 2022 
    教育学B ( 中京大学 )

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  • 10 2020 - 3 2022 
    社会学 ( 愛知県厚生農業協同組合連合会更生看護専門学校 )

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  • 4 2021 - 9 2021 
    教育制度論 ( 金城学院大学 )

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  • 4 2021 - 9 2021 
    教育社会学 ( 金城学院大学 )

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  • 4 2021 - 9 2021 
    教育学A ( 中京大学 )

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Professional Memberships

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Research Projects

  • 国際的な大学進学ー構造、選択プロセス、認識変容

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 

    加藤真紀, 朴澤泰男, 星野晶成, 松崎久美, 太田知彩

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    4 2024 - 3 2028



  • グローバル人材政策の帰結に関する研究ー交換留学協定と大学階層に着目して

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 


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    4 2024 - 3 2028

    Grant number:24K16636

    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 「グローバル人材」育成をめぐるポリティクスー国際教育交流担当教員の視点からー

    松下幸之助記念志財団  2023年度研究助成 


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    10 2023 - 9 2024


  • 「大学の国際化」を担う専門教職員の養成メカニズムに関する国際比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 

    高木 ひとみ, 秋庭 裕子, 星野 晶成, 筆内 美砂, 堀江 未来, 近藤 祐一, 平井 達也, 藤井 基貴, 新見 有紀子, 太田知彩

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    4 2020 - 3 2024

    Grant number:20H01695


    Grant amount:\15990000 ( Direct Cost: \12300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3690000 )



  • 「グローバル人材」のライフコースに関する教育社会学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費) 


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    4 2021 - 3 2023

    Authorship:Principal investigator 


Social Contribution

  • 海外留学をめぐる階層格差と社会的公正―国際教育交流担当者の役割を考える


    一般社団法人 国際教育研究コンソーシアム  国際教育夏季研究大会2024  7 8 2024 - 8 8 2024

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 大学は留学をめぐる格差にどう向き合うか?ー国際教育交流担当者の役割を考える


    一般社団法人 国際教育研究コンソーシアム  国際教育夏季研究大会2023  20 7 2023 - 21 7 2023

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    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 大学教員への道ー大学院の魅力と現実


    名古屋大学博士課程推進機構  博士へのトビラー名大大学院で過ごす5年間  18 2 2023

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  • 研究紹介&学生生活について


    愛知県立明和高等学校  名古屋大学教育学部ガイダンス  21 12 2020

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  • 博士前期課程(教育学系)における学修と研究~海外留学の拡大と多様化に関する研究~


    愛知県立明和高等学校  明和高校進学説明会  10 7 2017

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  • 専門社会調査士(認定番号 第002772号)

    10 2022

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