Updated on 2024/09/26


NAKATA Tatsuya
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Intercultural Communication Department of Intercultural Communication
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication Doctoral Program in Intercultural Communication
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication Master's Program in Intercultural Communication
PhD in Applied Linguistics
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 主な研究テーマは第二言語語彙習得および英語教育であり、外国語の語彙習得に影響を与える要因(学習の間隔・種類・頻度など)や、コンピュータを使用して外国語学習を支援する方法に関して研究を行っている。また、外国語における文法習得や訂正フィードバックの効果に関する研究にも取り組んでいる。

  • Research Interests
  • Second language acquisition

  • Vocabulary acquisition

  • Distributed practice

  • Formulaic sequences

  • Computer-assisted language learning

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      College of Intercultural Communication   Department of Intercultural Communication   Professor
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Graduate School of Intercultural Communication   Master's Program in Intercultural Communication   Professor
    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Graduate School of Intercultural Communication   Doctoral Program in Intercultural Communication   Professor
    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      College of Intercultural Communication   Department of Intercultural Communication   Associate Professor
    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      Graduate School of Intercultural Communication   Master's Program in Intercultural Communication   Associate Professor
    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      Graduate School of Intercultural Communication   Doctoral Program in Intercultural Communication   Associate Professor
    • 4 2008 - 3 2009 
      College of Intercultural Communication   プログラム・コーディネーター

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    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education

    Research History

    • 4 2024 - Present 
      立教大学, 異文化コミュニケーション学部異文化コミュニケーション学科 学科長

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    • 4 2023 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Intercultural Communication   Professor

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    • 4 2022 - 3 2024 
      Rikkyo University   St.Paul's Institute of English Language Education   Director

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    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      Rikkyo University   College of Intercultural Communication   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2019 - 3 2020 
      Hosei University   Department of English, Faculty of Letters   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2016 - 3 2019 
      Kansai University   Faculty of Foreign Language Studies Department of Foreign Language Studies

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    • 4 2015 - 3 2016 
      Kansai University   Faculty of Foreign Language Studies

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    • 12 2009 - 12 2013 
      Victoria University of Wellington   School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies   Applied Linguistics

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      Country: New Zealand


    • 4 2003 - 3 2005 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of General Science   Language and Information Sciences

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    • 4 1998 - 3 2002 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts

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    • 4 1995 - 3 1998 

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    Committee Memberships

    • 11 2023 - Present 
      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)   編集委員

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    • 6 2023 - Present 
      Temple University, Japan Campus   PhD Dissertation Committee, External Examiner

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      Committee type:Other


    • 4 2023 - Present 
      大学英語教育学会   褒賞・学術出版物選考委員会選考委員(SLA分野)

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 11 2022 - Present 
      Tools for L2 Speech   Scientific Committee Member

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    • 2021 - Present 
      Vocabulary Learning and Instruction   Editorial Board member

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    • 5 2020 - Present 
      University of Barcelona   External member, PhD follow-up committee

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      Committee type:Other


    • 2020 - Present 
      Language Learning Early Career Research Grant (Wiley)   審査委員

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    • 11 2018 - Present 
      Vocab@Leuven Conference   Scientific Committee委員

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      Committee type:Other


    • 2017 - Present 
      University of Queensland   博士論文外部審査員

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    • 8 2019 - 8 2019 
      Modern Language Journal (Wiley)   Guest Editor

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      Committee type:Other


    • 4 2016 - 9 2016 
      Vocab@Tokyo Conference   Scientific Committee委員

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    • 11 2005 - 3 2006 
      文部科学省委託事業「e-learning教員研修システム開発委員会英語分科会」   協力委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 7 2003 - 3 2004 
      文部科学省委託事業「e-learning教員研修システム開発委員会英語分科会」   調査委員

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      Committee type:Government


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    • 8 2023  
      外国語教育メディア学会  学術賞  テクノロジーを使用した外国語語彙学習に関する研究

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    • 3 2023  
      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)  The Albert Valdman Award for outstanding publication in 2022  Domain-general auditory processing explains multiple dimensions of L2 acquisition in adulthood
      Saito, K, Sun, H, Kachlicka, M, Robert, J, Nakata, T, Tierney, A

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    • More details

    • 5 2013  
      Victoria University of Wellington  Victoria Doctoral Completion Award 

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    • 9 2012  
      European Second Language Association  EuroSLA Doctoral Award 

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    • 7 2008  
      Society for Testing English Proficiency  The 21st Eiken Research Grant, 

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    • 3 2007  
      European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning  EUROCALL Research Award 

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    ▼display all


    • On effective learning of English collocations: From perspectives of distributed practice and semantic restructuring Peer-reviewed

      Satoshi Yamagata, Tatsuya Nakata, James Rogers

      TESOL Journal (Wiley)15 ( 2 ) e767   13 5 2024

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


      Knowledge of collocations facilitates second language (L2) learning by enhancing accuracy and fluency. However, acquiring L2 collocations is often challenging for learners. One factor contributing to this difficulty is incongruency between first and second languages (e.g., draw distinctions in English corresponds to do distinctions in Japanese). One possible solution is to facilitate semantic restructuring, where learners develop their understanding of L2 words' semantic possibilities. For the restructuring of semantic knowledge to occur, repeated exposure to multiple collocations containing the same node word may be necessary (e.g., draw attention, draw a conclusion). However, how to facilitate semantic restructuring through repeated exposure is still unknown. Particularly, to what extent temporal distribution (i.e., spacing) of multiple collocations affects learning is an important issue to be examined. Based on recent research on collocation learning, the present article argues that a combination of massing and spacing can promote L2 collocation learning from the viewpoint of semantic restructuring. It also discusses some practical implications for effective L2 collocation learning.

      DOI: 10.1002/tesj.767


    • Optimizing distributed practice online: A conceptual replication of Cepeda et al. (2009) Peer-reviewed

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)   2024

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    • Efficiency trumps aptitude: Individualizing computer-assisted second language vocabulary learning Peer-reviewed

      Suzuki, Y, Nakata, T, He, X

      ReCALL (Cambridge University Press)   2024

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    • Costs and benefits of spacing for second language vocabulary learning: Does relearning override the positive and negative effects of spacing? Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata, Yuichi Suzuki, Xuehong (Stella) He

      Language Learning (Wiley)73 ( 3 ) 799 - 834   7 8 2023

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

      DOI: 10.1111/lang.12553


      Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/lang.12553

    • Effects of distributed practice on the acquisition of verb-noun collocations Peer-reviewed

      Satoshi Yamagata, Tatsuya Nakata, James Rogers

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)45 ( 2 ) 291 - 317   5 2023

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

      Given the importance of collocational knowledge for second language learning, how collocation learning can be facilitated is an important question. The present study examined the effects of three different practice schedules on collocation learning: node massed, collocation massed, and collocation spaced. In the node-massed schedule, three collocations for the same node verb were studied on the same day. In the collocation-massed schedule, three collocations for the same node verb were studied in different weeks. In the collocation-spaced schedule, participants encountered multiple collocations for the same node verb within a single day; at the same time, multiple collocations for the same node verb were repeated each week. To examine whether the knowledge of studied collocations could be transferred to unstudied collocations containing the same node, posttests included novel collocations that were not encountered during the treatment. Results suggested that the collocation-spaced schedule led to the largest gains for both studied and unstudied collocations.

      DOI: 10.1017/S0272263122000225


    • 分散学習が第二言語語彙知識の発達に与える影響 ―自動化とコロケーション知識の観点から― Invited


      ことばの科学研究(ことばの科学会)21   9 - 11   4 2022

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  


    • Domain-general auditory processing explains multiple dimensions of L2 acquisition in adulthood. Peer-reviewed

      Kazuya Saito, Hui Sun, Magdalena Kachlicka, John Robert Carvajal Alayo, Tatsuya Nakata, Adam Tierney

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)44 ( 1 ) 57 - 86   3 2022

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Cambridge University Press (CUP)  


      In this study, we propose a hypothesis that domain-general auditory processing, a perceptual anchor of L1 acquisition, can serve as the foundation of successful post-pubertal L2 learning. This hypothesis was tested with 139 post-pubertal L2 immersion learners by linking individual differences in auditory discrimination across multiple acoustic dimensions to the segmental, prosodic, lexical, and morphosyntactic dimensions of L2 proficiency. Overall, auditory processing was a primary determinant of a range of participants’ proficiency scores, even after biographical factors (experience, age) were controlled for. The link between audition and proficiency was especially clear for L2 learners who had passed beyond the initial phase of immersion (length of residence > 1 year). The findings suggest that greater auditory processing skill benefits post-pubertal L2 learners immersed in naturalistic settings for a sufficient period of time by allowing them to better utilize received input, which results in greater language gains and leads to more advanced L2 proficiency in the long run (similar to L1 acquisition).

      DOI: 10.1017/s0272263120000467


    • Effects of spacing on contextual vocabulary learning: Spacing facilitates the acquisition of explicit, but not tacit, vocabulary knowledge Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata, Irina Elgort

      Second Language Research (SAGE)37 ( 2 ) 233 - 260   1 4 2021

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE Publications  

      Studies examining decontextualized associative vocabulary learning have shown that long spacing between encounters with an item facilitates learning more than short or no spacing, a phenomenon known as distributed practice effect. However, the effect of spacing on learning words in context is less researched and the results, so far, are inconsistent. In this study, we compared the effect of massed and spaced distributions on second language vocabulary learning from reading. Japanese speakers of English encountered 48 novel vocabulary items embedded in informative English sentences, inferred their meanings from contexts, and received feedback in the form of English synonyms and Japanese translation equivalents. To test the hypothesis that the effects of spacing might differentially affect the development of explicit or tacit word knowledge, spacing effects were measured using semantic priming as well as a meaning recall and a meaning–form matching posttest. Results showed an advantage of spaced over massed learning on the meaning recall and meaning–form matching posttests. However, a similar semantic priming effect was observed irrespective of whether an item was encountered in the massed or spaced distribution. These results suggest that the spacing effect holds in contextual word learning for the development of explicit vocabulary knowledge, but massing appears to be as effective as spacing for the acquisition of tacit semantic knowledge.

      DOI: 10.1177/0267658320927764


      Other Link: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full-xml/10.1177/0267658320927764

    • Effects of distributed retrieval practice over a semester: Cumulative tests as a way to facilitate second language vocabulary learning Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata, Saori Tada, Stuart Mclean, Young Ae Kim

      TESOL Quarterly (Wiley)55 ( 1 ) 248 - 270   21 2 2021

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

      DOI: 10.1002/tesq.596


      Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1002/tesq.596

    • Examining the validity of the LexTALE Test for Japanese college students Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya, Tamura Yu, Aubrey Scott

      The Journal of AsiaTEFL17 ( 2 ) 335 - 348   30 6 2020

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Journal of Asia TEFL  

      DOI: 10.18823/asiatefl.2020.


    • Empirical feasibility of the desirable difficulty framework: Toward more systematic research on L2 practice for broader pedagogical implications Invited


      The Modern Language Journal (Wiley)104 ( 1 ) 313 - 319   3 2020

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

      In the coda chapter of the special issue on second language (L2) practice and cognitive psychology, we proposed a theoretical framework for optimizing and researching L2 practice (Suzuki, Nakata, & DeKeyser, 2019). Rogers and Leow's commentary (this issue) raised three potential issues regarding this framework, and the present response article aims at addressing them. First, we introduce two recent studies to illustrate the importance of expounding on learning processes during L2 practice. Second, we argue that our framework can guide researchers to systematically investigate multiple key factors toward a more comprehensive picture of L2 learning. Last, we expect that L2 practice research can potentially lead to broader pedagogical implications beyond classroom teaching (material development and technology-mediated learning).

      DOI: 10.1111/modl.12625


      Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/modl.12625

    • Vocabulary and computer technology: A commentary on four studies for JALT Vocabulary SIG

      Nakata, T

      Vocabulary Learning and Instruction9   39 - 47   2020

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author  


    • The desirable difficulty framework as a theoretical foundation for optimizing and researching second language practice Invited

      Suzuki, Yuichi, Nakata,Tatsuya, DeKeyser, Robert

      The Modern Language Journal (Wiley)103 ( 3 ) 713 - 720   8 2019

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1111/modl.12585


    • Optimizing second language practice in the classroom: Perspectives from cognitive psychology Invited

      Suzuki, Yuichi, Nakata,Tatsuya, DeKeyser, Robert

      The Modern Language Journal (Wiley)103 ( 3 ) 551 - 561   8 2019

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1111/modl.12582


    • Mixing grammar exercises facilitates long-term retention: Effects of blocking, interleaving, and increasing practice. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata,Tatsuya, Suzuki, Yuichi

      The Modern Language Journal (Wiley)103 ( 3 ) 629 - 647   8 2019

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1111/modl.12581


    • Effects of massing and spacing on the learning of semantically related and unrelated words Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya, Suzuki Yuichi

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)41 ( 2 ) 287 - 311   7 2019

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1017/S0272263118000219


    • 復習間隔を少しずつ広げていくことは長期的な記憶保持を促進するか? 先行研究の批判的検証

      中田 達也

      外国語教育研究(関西大学外国語学部紀要)19   2018

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      Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Does repeated practice make perfect? The effects of within-session repeated retrieval on second language vocabulary learning Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)39 ( 4 ) 653 - 679   12 2017

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

      Although research shows that repetition increases second language vocabulary learning, only several studies have examined the long-term effects of increasing retrieval frequency in one learning session. With this in mind, the present study examined the effects of within-session repeated retrieval on vocabulary learning. The study is original in that it (a) gave posttests after a delay greater than 2 weeks, (b) employed a paired-associate format to exert strict control over the treatment, (c) considered time-on-task as a factor, and (d) used the same target items for different frequency levels. In this study, 98 Japanese learners studied 16 English-Japanese word pairs using one of the following four retrieval frequency levels: one, three, five, or seven. Results showed that five and seven retrievals contributed to significantly higher scores than one and three retrievals regardless of the posttest timing. When time-on-task was controlled, however, one retrieval led to the largest gain.

      DOI: 10.1017/S0272263116000280


    • Effects of retrieval formats on second language vocabulary learning Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata

      International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter)54 ( 3 ) 257 - 289   9 2016

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH  

      The present study set out to examine how we can optimize pairedassociate learning of second language (L2) vocabulary. In paired-associate learning, retrieval, where learners are required to access information about an L2 word from memory, is found to increase vocabulary learning. Retrieval can be categorized according to dichotomies of (a) recognition versus recall and (b) receptive versus productive. In order to identify the optimal retrieval format, the present study compared the effects of the following four conditions: recognition, recall, hybrid (combination of recall and recognition), and productive recall only. In this study, 64 English-speaking college students studied 60 Swahili-English word pairs using computer-based flashcard software. Results suggested that for paired-associate learning of L2 vocabulary, (a) recall formats are more effective than recognition for the acquisition of productive knowledge of orthography and (b) recognition formats are more desirable than recall when knowledge of spelling is not required.

      DOI: 10.1515/iral-2015-0022


    • Does studying vocabulary in smaller sets increase learning? The effects of part and whole learning on second language vocabulary acquisition. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya, Stuart Webb

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)38, 523-552 ( 4 ) 677 - 711   2016

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1017/S0272263115000236


    • Effects of expanding and equal spacing on second language vocabulary learning: Does gradually increasing spacing increase vocabulary learning? Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)37 ( 4 ) 677 - 711   12 2015

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

      Although expanding spacing is often regarded as the most effective practice schedule, studies comparing equal and expanding spacing have yielded mixed results. The present study set out to examine whether the amount of spacing and the retention interval may influence the effects of expanding and equal spacing on second language (L2) vocabulary learning. One hundred and twenty-eight Japanese college students studied 20 English-Japanese word pairs. The type of spacing (expanding and equal) and the amount of spacing (massed, short, medium, and long) were manipulated. Results demonstrated a limited, yet statistically significant, advantage of expanding spacing. The finding is significant because this is the first L2 study to find the superiority of expanding over equal spacing. The main effect of the amount of spacing was also significant, producing large effect sizes. Taken together, the results suggest that expanding spacing may facilitate vocabulary learning, although introducing spacing may have a larger effect.

      DOI: 10.1017/S0272263114000825


    • Effects of feedback timing on second language vocabulary learning: Does delaying feedback increase learning? Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Language Teaching Research (SAGE)19, 416-434 ( 4 ) 416 - 434   2015

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

      Feedback, or information given to learners regarding their performance, is found to facilitate second language (L2) learning. Research also suggests that the timing of feedback (whether it is provided immediately or after a delay) may affect learning. The purpose of the present study was to identify the optimal feedback timing for L2 vocabulary learning. This study differs from previous feedback timing studies in two important respects. First, unlike some previous studies, feedback timing was not confounded with lag to test (interval between the last encounter with a given item and the posttest). Second, in order to test the view that delayed feedback may be particularly effective when learners make few errors during learning, the present study manipulated the frequency of practice to influence learning phase performance. In this study, 98 Japanese college students studied 16 English-Japanese word pairs. Immediate feedback was given immediately after each response, whereas delayed feedback was withheld until all target items were practised. Learning was measured by posttests administered immediately, 1 week, and 4 weeks after the treatment. Results suggested that when lag to test is controlled, feedback timing may have little effect on L2 vocabulary learning regardless of the frequency of errors during learning.

      DOI: 10.1177/1362168814541721


    • Do the cognacy characteristics of loanwords make them more easily learned than noncognates? Peer-reviewed

      James Rogers, Stuart Webb, Nakata Tatsuya

      Language Teaching Research (SAGE)19, 9-27 ( 1 ) 9 - 27   2015

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      Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

      This study investigates the effects of cognacy on vocabulary learning. The research expands on earlier designs by measuring learning of English Japanese cognates with both decontextualized and contextualized tests, scoring responses at two levels of sensitivity, and examining learning in a more ecologically valid setting. The results indicated that Japanese learners could successfully recall the L2 forms of more cognates than noncognates, supporting earlier findings. However, when scoring was sensitive to partial knowledge of written form, the results indicated that greater knowledge of noncognates was gained. Because there was greater potential for learning noncognates due to the higher pretest scores for cognates, relative gains were also examined. The relative gains were greater for cognates than noncognates on a form recall test. The results of a cloze test contrasted with those of the form recall test. Gains were significantly larger for noncognates than cognates immediately after the treatment although no statistically significant difference existed 1 week after learning. Taken together, the research indicates that although the L2 forms of cognates may be more easily learned, it may be more challenging for second language learners to use cognates than noncognates, at least shortly after learning.

      DOI: 10.1177/1362168814541752


    • Are learners aware of effective ways to learn second language vocabulary from retrieval? Perceived effects of relative spacing, absolute spacing, and feedback timing on vocabulary learning. Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Vocabulary Learning and Instruction.4, 66-73   2015

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.7820/vli.v04.1.nakata


    • Optimising second language vocabulary learning from flashcards


      PhD thesis submitted to Victoria University of Wellington   2013

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  


    • Computer-assisted second language vocabulary learning in a paired-associate paradigm: a critical investigation of flashcard software Peer-reviewed

      Tatsuya Nakata

      Computer Assisted Language Learning (Routledge)24 ( 1 ) 17 - 38   2011

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      The present study aims to conduct a comprehensive investigation of flashcard software for learning vocabulary in a second language. Nine flashcard programs were analysed using 17 criteria derived from previous studies on flashcard learning as well as paired-associate learning. Results suggest that in general, most programs have been developed in a way that maximises vocabulary learning. For instance, seven of the nine programs allow flashcard creation, offer multilingual support and allow learners to add contexts, audios or images to flashcards. Furthermore, eight programs provide various types of exercises, and nine programs support scheduling. At the same time, the present study has also shown that existing flashcard programs have some room for improvement. More specifically, most programs are limited in their ability to support data entry, increase retrieval effort and promote generative use of target words. When individual programs are compared, iKnow! seems to be the best program among those investigated. It offers the most comprehensive support for data entry, automatically generates distractors for multiple-choice exercises and increases retrieval effort by systematically introducing various types of exercises. The variations among the programs in their design suggest that there do not exist commonly accepted guidelines for how flashcard software should be designed.

      DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2010.520675


    • Development and examination of a test of English word meanings for Japanese learners: Scoring based on correctness and confidence level

      Nakata Tatsuya

      STEP Bulletin21, 78-95   11 2009

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The effects of positive evidence and metalinguistic information on L2 lexico-semantic development. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      JACET Journal49, 1-13 ( 49 ) 1 - 13   10 2009

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      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Association of College English Teachers  

      The present study set out to explore the role of positive evidence (exemplars), metalinguistic information (explicit explanations), and the combined treatment (a combination of positive evidence and metalinguistic information) for L2 lexico-semantic development, or the acquisition of L2 word meanings. 47 Japanese university students studied semantic differences between two members of 12 pairs of English words (e.g., big-large, learn-study, and borrow-rent) in one of the following four conditions: the control, positive evidence, metalinguistic, and combined conditions. Major findings can be summarized as follows: (1) positive evidence, metalinguistic information, and the combined treatment may foster semantic development at least temporarily, (2) effects of metalinguistic information and the combined treatment may be retained over two weeks, whereas those of positive evidence may not, and (3) metalinguistic information and the combined treatment might be more effective than positive evidence both in the short and long term. The limited effectiveness of positive evidence might be partially ascribed to the unique condition under which a L2 is learned, namely, the presence of an established L1 lexical system and the lack of access to internal assumptions about the lexicon.

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10501682

    • English vocabulary learning with word lists, word cards and computers: Implications from cognitive psychology research for optimal spaced learning. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      ReCALL (Cambridge University Press)20, 3-20   1 2008

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.1017/S0958344008000219


    • English collocation learning through meaning-focused and form-focused activities: Interactions of activity types and L1-L2 congruence.

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.154-168   6 2007

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      Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


    • English collocation learning through meaning-focused and form-focused tasks. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Bulletin of Foreign Language Teaching Association (University of Tokyo)11, 51-68   4 2007

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      Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Learning formulaic sequences with the Low-First Spaced Learning Method Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      anguage and Information Sciences (University of Tokyo)5, 165-180 ( 5 ) 165 - 180   2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


    • Implementing optimal spaced learning for English vocabulary learning: Towards improvement of the Low-First Method derived from the reactivation theory. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      The JALT CALL Journal (The Japan Association for Language Teaching CALL SIG)2, 19-36   8 2006

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      Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • English vocabulary learning based on the reactivation theory of spacing effects: Examination of the effects of structural elaboration as corrective feedback. Peer-reviewed

      Nakata Tatsuya

      anguage and Information Sciences (University of Tokyo)4, 229-242 ( 4 ) 229 - 242   2006

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


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    • 書評『AI・機械翻訳と英語学習 教育実践から見えてきた未来』 Invited


      雑誌英語教育(大修館書店)73 ( 5 ) 72   5 2024

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    • 立教大学英語教育研究所研究成果報告書第13号


          1 - 114   3 2023

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      Publishing type:Other  


    • 新しい日常における英語語彙指導(2):学習方略指導と語彙テストの観点 Invited

      中田達也, 内原卓海

      英語教育(大修館書店)69 ( 9 ) 68 - 69   11 2020

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • 新しい日常における英語語彙指導(1):カリキュラム計画の観点から Invited

      中田達也, 江口政貴, 柳沢明文

      英語教育(大修館書店)69 ( 8 ) 74 - 75   10 2020

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • 【学習法】最も効果的な「復習スケジュール」に関する驚きの研究結果 Invited


      現代ビジネス(講談社)   2 2020

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    • TOEIC L&R Testのための基礎演習

      土屋, 知洋, 中田, 達也, 中川, 右也


      More details

      Publisher:三修社, 2020.2  


    • その学習法は正しいか? 『うまくいっている』という幻想に要注意 Invited


      現代ビジネス(講談社)   1 2020

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    • 【研究結果】本当に何かを習得したいなら、学習ではなく〇〇が効果的 Invited


      現代ビジネス(講談社)   12 2019

      More details

      Authorship:Lead author  


    • ミミタン : TOEIC L&R testの必修単語がたった1往復の会話で身につく本

      中田, 達也, Tulloch, Ross


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    • TOEIC L&R TESTベーシックアプローチ

      土屋, 知洋, 中田, 達也, 中西, のりこ, 仁科, 恭徳, 中川, 右也, 安河内, 哲也

          10 2017

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    • - Invited


      English Teachers' Magazine65 ( 3 ) 19 - 21   2016

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      CiNii Article


    • 連想式にみるみる身につく語源で英単語

      清水, 建二, Currie, William Joseph, 中田, 達也


      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:[学研教育出版],[学研マーケティング (発売)]  


    • TOEIC TEST即効15日計画 : はじめてでも500点突破!!

      土屋, 知洋, 中田, 達也, 中西, のりこ, 仁科, 恭徳, 中川, 右也, 安河内, 哲也

          4 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:三修社  


    • English脳で覚える英単語ハンドブック

      入江, 泉, 中田, 達也

          6 2011

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    • 語彙と文法で攻略するTOEICテスト

      Stafford, Mark D., 中田, 達也, 水本, 篤

          1 2009

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    • 中田達也の英語学習法案内 Vol.3 語彙検索のテクニック Invited


      NHK テレビ新3か月トピック英会話:英単語ネットワーク~めざせ10,000語!~2008年 6月号(NHK出版)   130 - 137   5 2008

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • 中田達也の英語学習法案内 Vol.2 単語カードの効果的な活用法 Invited


      NHK テレビ新3か月トピック英会話:英単語ネットワーク~めざせ10,000語!~2008年 5月号(NHK出版)   106 - 115   4 2008

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      Authorship:Lead author  


    • 中田達也の英語学習法案内 Vol.1 英単語の覚え方 Invited


      NHK テレビ新3か月トピック英会話:英単語ネットワーク~めざせ10,000語!~2008年 4月号(NHK出版)   116 - 123   3 2008

      More details

      Authorship:Lead author  


    • 連想式にみるみる身につく語源で英単語

      清水, 建二, Currie, William Joseph, 中田, 達也


      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publisher:[学習研究社]  


    • 単語カードを使った英単語の効率的な学習法


      TEC Newsletter(東海大学教育開発研究所)   12 2007

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    ▼display all

    Books and Other Publications

    • Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd ed.)

      Nakata, T, Barge, D( Role: Contributor ,  Web-based lexical resources.)

      Wiley  2024 

      More details

    • 最新の第二言語習得研究に基づく究極の英語学習法 = The ultimate guide to English learning

      中田, 達也

      KADOKAWA  9 2023  ( ISBN:9784046063496

      More details

      Total pages:319p  

      CiNii Books


    • Practice and automatization in second language research: Theory, methods, and pedagogical implications

      ( Role: Contributor ,  Optimizing input and intake processing: A role for practice and explicit learning)

      7 2023 

      More details

    • 外国語教育研究ハンドブック【増補版】研究手法のより良い理解のために

      中田達也( Role: Contributor ,  相関分析入門(2)―関係や結果を予測するには)

      松柏社  5 2023  ( ISBN:9784775402948

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      Total pages:viii, 434p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 英語は決まり文句が8割 : 今日から役立つ「定型表現」学習法

      中田, 達也

      講談社  8 2022  ( ISBN:9784065293461

      More details

      Total pages:237p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 英語学習の科学

      中田, 達也, 鈴木, 祐一

      研究社  4 2022  ( ISBN:9784327453077

      More details

      Total pages:xii, 230p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 外国語学習での暗示的・明示的知識の役割とは何か

      中田達也( Role: Contributor ,  第4章 英単語の和訳はわかるのにコミュニケーションで使えないのはなぜなのか? 第二言語における明示的・暗示的な語彙知識の発達)

      大修館書店  9 2021 

      More details

    • The Cambridge handbook of corrective feedback in second language learning and teaching.

      Kamiya Nobuhiro, Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  Corrective feedback and the development of L2 vocabulary)

      Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.  2021 

      More details

      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies.

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  Learning words through flashcards and wordcards)

      New York, NY: Routledge.  2020 

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      Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 英語教師力アップシリーズ第5巻 授業力アップのための英語情報マニュアル

      中田 達也( Role: Contributor ,  第 1 章 海外留学に向けての出願・第 2 章 海外現地での授業参観)

      開拓社  11 2019 

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    • 英単語学習の科学

      中田, 達也

      研究社  4 2019  ( ISBN:9784327452896

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      Total pages:ix, 143p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 『実践例で学ぶ第二言語習得研究に基づく英語指導』

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  第9章 語彙指導)

      東京:大修館書店  11 7 2017  ( ISBN:4469246115

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      Total pages:205   Responsible for pages:124-140   Book type:Scholarly book


    • Corrective feedback in second language teaching and learning: Research, theory, applications, implications.

      Paul Quinn, Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  The timing of oral corrective feedback)

      New York, NY: Routledge  4 2017  ( ISBN:9781138657298

      More details

      Responsible for pages:35-47   Language:English Book type:Scholarly book

      CiNii Books


    • 朝倉日英対照言語学シリーズ 発展編 2 心理言語学

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  第2章 単語・語彙の獲得)

      東京:朝倉書店  31 3 2017  ( ISBN:4254516320

      More details

      Total pages:166   Responsible for pages:41-71   Book type:Scholarly book


    • Second language acquisition research and materials development for language learning

      Nakata Tatsuya, Stuart Webb( Role: Contributor ,  Vocabulary learning exercises: Evaluating a selection of exercises commonly featured in language learning materials.)

      New York, NY: Routledge.  2016 

      More details

      Responsible for pages:123-138   Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  Web-based lexical resources.)

      Oxford, UK; Wiley.  2013 

      More details

      Responsible for pages:6166-6177   Language:English Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia


    • A handbook of foreign language education and research

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  Regression analysis)

      Tokyo: Shohakusha.  5 2012  ( ISBN:4775402013

      More details

      Total pages:380   Responsible for pages:132-146   Book type:Scholarly book


    • On the frontiers of foreign language education: From four skills to intercultural communication

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  The role of positive evidence for L2 lexico-semantic development: From perspectives of prototype, item learning, and rule forming)

      Tokyo: Seibido.  1 2009  ( ISBN:479197140X

      More details

      Total pages:326   Responsible for pages:2-14   Book type:Scholarly book


    • How to make the best of JACET 8000: For educational and research application

      Nakata Tatsuya( Role: Contributor ,  English word lists for Japanese learners: JACET 8000 and SVL 12000)

      Tokyo: The Japan Association of College English Teachers.  3 2004 

      More details

      Responsible for pages:58-59   Book type:Scholarly book


    ▼display all


    • Teaching and learning multi-word items in English Invited

      Nakata, T

      30 10 2024 

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    • Research on second language vocabulary acquisition: Current status and future directions Invited

      Nakata. T

      6 2024 

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      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • 英語定型表現の検索と学習 Invited


      英語コーパス学会2024年度春季研究会  11 5 2024 

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    • Future-proofing language education: Human values, digital tools, and innovative strategies. Invited

      Patel, M, Reinders, H, Hafner, C, Nakata, T, Gerlach, D, Yeo, M

      58th RELC International Conference  3 2024 

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      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • Second language vocabulary learning using flashcards Invited

      58th RELC International Conference  3 2024 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (keynote)  


    • 第二言語語彙学習における効果的なPractice:どのような練習をいつ行うべきか? Invited


      外国語教育メディア学会(LET)関西支部 基礎理論研究部会主催 2023年度 公開講演会  24 2 2024 

      More details

    • Can spaced retrieval improve both explicit and tacit vocabulary knowledge in flashcard-based learning?

      Zheng Guangliang, Jon Clenton, Tatsuya Nakata, Thomas Boutorwick

      Vocab@Vic 2023 Conference  12 2023 

      More details

      Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • 英語定型表現への招待 Invited


      千葉大学英語教育開発センター講演会  6 11 2023 

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      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • 英語定型表現入門 Invited


      一般財団法人東京私立中学高等学校協会 文系教科研究会(外国語)研修会  30 6 2023 

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      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • クラウドにより収集された第二言語語彙習得データの質:Cepeda et al. (2009)のオンラインによる追試 Invited

      中田達也, John Rogers・Ming Ming Chiu

      第二言語語彙習得研究の最前線:英語語彙の学習・教材・テスト(立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部・英語教育研究所主催公開講演会)  17 6 2023 

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    • Data quality and validity of online vs. laboratory longitudinal experiments

      Rogers, J, Nakata, T, Chiu, M. M

      The 2023 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference  3 2023 

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    • 第二言語語彙学習の効果を高める方法-テスト効果と分散効果に着目して- Invited


      第 55 回日本言語テスト学会研究例会  3 2023 

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    • 分散学習が第二言語語彙知識の発達に与える影響:自動化とコロケーション知識の観点から Invited


      ことばの科学会オープンフォーラム  10 2021 

      More details

      Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


    • Effects of spacing and massing on the acquisition of verb-noun collocations: From item learning and system learning perspectives

      Satoshi Yamagata, Tatsuya Nakata, James Rogers

      7 2021 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Effects of distributed practice over a semester: Cumulative tests as a way to facilitate second language vocabulary learning

      Saori Tada, Tatsuya Nakata, Stuart McLean

      7 2021 

      More details

      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Effects of massed and spaced distribution on the acquisition of explicit and tacit vocabulary knowledge

      Tatsuya Nakata, Elgort Irina

      The 30th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA)  7 2021 

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      Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 第二言語習得研究から考える語彙の効果的な学び方・教え方 Invited


      認知科学に基づく語彙指導研究会  28 3 2021 

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      Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


    • 第二言語習得研究に基づく効果的な英語語彙指導 Invited

      中田 達也

      東京家政大学第 17 回英語教育シンポジウム  10 2019 

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    • 第二言語習得研究から考える効果的な英単語学習法-学習スケジュールおよび学習方式の効果- Invited

      中田 達也

      法政大学英文学会総会  10 2019 

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    • Does spacing facilitate contextual vocabulary learning? Effects of practice distribution on the acquisition of explicit and tacit vocabulary knowledge

      NAKATA,Tatsuya, ELGORT, Irina

      Vocab@Leuven Conference  7 2019 

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    • Effects of blocking and interleaving on second language grammar learning

      Nakata Tatsuya, Suzuki Yuichi

      Asia TEFL 2018  2018 

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    • How temporal spacing facilitates second language vocabulary learning: Some empirical evidence and directions for future research

      Nakata Tatsuya


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    • The effects of spacing on second language vocabulary learning Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Invited lecture at the Cognitive Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (CASLA) research group, The University of Amsterdam.  2017 

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    • Optimizing computer-based second language vocabulary learning Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Okayama JALT Monthly Meeting  2017 

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      Venue:Notre Dame Seishin University  


    • Does spacing reduce the interference effect? Effects of massing and spacing on the learning of semantically related and unrelated words

      Nakata Tatsuya, Suzuki Yuichi

      The 27th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA).  2017 

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    • Second language vocabulary learning from retrieval Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      International Forum on Second Language Lexical Processing and Acquisition  2017 

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    • 分散学習は意味的に関連した単語の習得を促進するか?-干渉効果と分散効果の検証- Invited

      中田達也, 鈴木祐一

      外国語教育メディア学会関西支部2017年度春季研究大会・関西英語教育学会2017年度研究大会  2017 

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    • 明示的指導の理論と実践-発音・語彙・文法習得への可能性を検証する- Invited

      斉藤一弥, 中田達也, 鈴木祐一, 新谷奈津子

      外国語教育メディア学会関西支部2017年度春季研究大会・関西英語教育学会2017年度研究大会(招待シンポジウム)  2017 

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    • 単語カードを使った英語語彙学習・IT を活用した英語語彙指導 Invited

      中田 達也

      宮城教育大学小学校英語教育研究センター公開講演会  2016 

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    • Effects of within-session repeated retrieval on second language vocabulary learning

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Vocab@Tokyo Conference 2016.  2016 

      More details

      Venue:Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo  


    • Optimizing second language vocabulary learning. Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Invited lecture at JACET Kanto Chapter Monthly Meeting  2015 

      More details

      Venue:Tokyo, Japan.  


    • Does studying vocabulary in smaller sets increase learning? Effects of whole and part learning on second language vocabulary acquisition.

      Nakata Tatsuya

      The 25th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA).  2015 

      More details

      Venue:Aix-en-Provence, France.  


    • Are learners aware of effective ways to learn second language vocabulary from retrieval? Perceived effects of relative spacing, absolute spacing, and feedback timing on vocabulary learning. Invited

      Nakata Tatsuya

      JALT Vocabulary Special Interest Group Symposium  2015 

      More details

      Venue:Fukuoka, Japan  


    • Does gradually increasing spacing increase second language vocabulary learning?

      Nakata Tatsuya

      Vocab@Vic 2013  2013 

      More details

      Venue:Wellington, New Zealand.  


    • Effects of expanding and equal spacing on second language vocabulary learning: Do the amount of spacing and retention interval make a difference?

      Nakata Tatsuya

      The 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA)  2012 

      More details

      Venue:Poznań, Poland.  


    • The effects of block size on L2 vocabulary learning.

      Nakata Tatsuya

      1st Auckland Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics  2011 

      More details

      Venue:Auckland, New Zealand.  


    • 第二言語語意習得における肯定証拠とメタ言語情報の役割

      中田 達也

      JACET全国大会  2008 

      More details

    • English collocation learning through meaning-focused and form-focused activities: Interactions of activity types and L1-L2 congruence.

      Nakata Tatsuya

      11th Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Conference  2006 

      More details

      Venue:Chuncheon, South Korea.  


    ▼display all

    Teaching Experience

    • 2021 
      Master's Thesis Supervision ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 2021 
      Exploring Intercultural Communication ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 2020 
      Master's Thesis Seminar ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 2020 
      海外留学研修 ( 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部 )

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    • 2020 
      Teaching Practicum ( Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Intercultural Communication )

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    • 2020 
      言語コミュニケーション研究入門 ( 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部 )

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    • 2020 
      専門演習 ( 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部 )

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    • 2020 
      英語科教育研究 ( 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部 )

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    • 2020 
      Theories of Second Language Acquisition(第二言語習得理論) ( Rikkyo University, College of Intercultural Communication )

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    • 2020 
      Introduction to the Study of English(英語学概論) ( Rikkyo University, College of Intercultural Communication )

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    • 2020 
      英語コミュニケーション教育学 ( 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部 )

      More details

    • 2020 
      言語コミュニケーション研究基礎論 ( 立教大学大学院異文化コミュニケーション研究科 )

      More details

    • 2020 
      言語教育研究特殊講義A ( 立教大学大学院異文化コミュニケーション研究科 )

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    • 2020 
      College Life Planning ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 2019 
      言語習得論演習 ( 法政大学文学部英文学科 )

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    • 2017 - 2018 
      英語科教育法IV ( 関西大学外国語学部、文学部 )

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    • 2015 - 2018 
      D応用研究法2:量的研究法 ( 関西大学大学院外国語教育学研究科 )

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    • 2018 
      卒業演習 ( 関西大学外国語学部 )

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    • 2017 
      専門演習 ( 関西大学外国語学部 )

      More details

    • 2015 
      基礎演習 ( 関西大学外国語学部 )

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      Grammar and Vocabulary Development ( 関西大学外国語学部 )

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    ▼display all

    Professional Memberships

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    Research Projects

    • 英語語彙習得における拡張分散学習の効果:クラウド実験による大規模かつ長期的な検証

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 

      中田 達也

      More details

      4 2022 - 3 2025

      Grant number:22K00743

      Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


    • Effects of massed and spaced practice on the acquisition of English collocations

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Nakata Tatsuya

      More details

      4 2019 - 3 2022

      Grant number:19K13306

      Authorship:Principal investigator 

      Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

      The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of massing and spacing on the acquisition of collocations in a second language. To this end, Japanese learners of English were asked to learn 27 verb-noun English collocations over 3 weeks. Posttest results showed that spaced learning resulted in higher scores than massed learning for both studied and unstudied collocations.


    • Costs and benefits of spacing for second language vocabulary learning: Does relearning override the positive and negative effects of spacing?

      立教大学  学術推進特別重点資金(国際研究論文掲載経費補助) 

      More details


      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • 第二言語スピーキングの評価および発達における語彙知識の役割

      関西大学  若手研究者育成経費 

      中田 達也

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      4 2018 - 3 2019

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • 明示的・暗示的語彙知識の習得における集中学習と分散学習の効果

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 若手研究(A) 

      中田 達也

      More details

      4 2016 - 3 2019

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • 分散効果/意味ネットワークを援用した動詞-名詞コロケーション学習リストの開発

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      山形 悟史, 中田 達也

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      2019 - 2019

      Grant number:19H00115

      Grant amount:\420000 ( Direct Cost: \420000 )

      本研究は、第2言語コロケーション(以下、コロケーション)学習に大きな影響を与えることが知られている、動詞の意味ネットワーク構造と分散/集中学習要因に焦点を当て、コロケーションの効果的な学習順序の提案とそのリスト作成を目的とした。2019年度に取り組んだ研究内容は次の3点に集約される。1. 関連領域の文献調査、2. 実験計画の立案・実験で使用するコロケーション、それらを提示・テストする英文テキスト、および教材・テストの作成、3. 約100人の日本人高校生を対象とした授業実践と効果測定。これら3点をもとに現在、学術論文1本を執筆中で、国際学会でも1件、口頭発表採択をされた。


    • 帰納的な英語語彙習得における集中学習と分散学習の効果

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 研究活動スタート支援 

      中田 達也

      More details

      9 2015 - 3 2016

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • Optimising second language vocabulary learning from flashcards

      Victoria University of Wellington  Faculty Research Grant 


      More details

      2010 - 2012

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    • 日本人学習者の英語語意知識測定テストの開発と検証:正答率・自信尺度・反応時間による評価

      公益財団法人日本英語検定協会  英検研究助成 

      中田 達也

      More details

      2008 - 2009

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


    ▼display all

    Academic Activities

    • Psychology in the Schools

      Peer review

      Wiley  9 2024 - Present

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      Type:Peer review 


    • Language Assessment Quarterly (Taylor and Francis)

      Peer review

      9 2024 - Present

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      Type:Peer review 


    • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (American Psychological Association)

      Peer review

      7 2024 - Present

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      Type:Peer review 


    • Journal of Educational Psychology (American Psychological Association)

      Peer review

      American Psychological Association  5 2024 - Present

      More details

      Type:Peer review 


    • Acta Psychologica (Elsevier)

      Peer review

      12 2023 - Present

      More details

    • International Journal of Multilingualism (Taylor and Francis)

      Peer review

      11 2023 - Present

      More details

      Type:Peer review 


    • Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences(言語科学会)

      Peer review

      9 2023 - Present

      More details

    • Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (Cambridge University Press)

      Peer review

      8 2023 - Present

      More details

    • JACET Journal(大学英語教育学会)

      Peer review

      7 2023 - Present

      More details

    • Foreign Language Annals (Wiley)

      Peer review

      7 2023 - Present

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    • RELC Journal (SAGE)

      Peer review

      3 2023 - Present

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    • Second Language Research (SAGE)

      Peer review

      3 2023 - Present

      More details

    • JALT Journal (Japan Association for Language Teaching)

      Peer review

      10 2022 - Present

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    • International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (De Gruyter)

      Peer review

      8 2022 - Present

      More details

    • TESOL Journal (Wliey)

      Peer review

      8 2022 - Present

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    • Reading Research Quarterly (Wiley)

      Peer review

      7 2022 - Present

      More details

    • Practice and automatization in second language research: Theory, methods, and pedagogical implications (Routledge)

      Peer review

      2022 - Present

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    • The Journal of Japanese Linguistics (Walter de Gruyter)

      Peer review

      10 2021 - Present

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    • Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Input Processing (Routledge)

      Peer review

      9 2021 - Present

      More details

    • Frontiers in Psychology

      Peer review

      4 2021 - Present

      More details

    • Memory & Cognition (Springer)

      Peer review

      2021 - Present

      More details

    • 米国National Science Foundation

      Peer review

      2021 - Present

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    • ことば・文化・コミュニケーション(立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部)

      Peer review

      2021 - Present

      More details

    • EuroSLA (European Second Language Association)

      Peer review

      2020 - Present

      More details

    • Language Awareness (Taylor & Francis)

      Peer review

      2020 - Present

      More details

    • Computers & Education (Elsevier)

      Peer review

      2020 - Present

      More details

    • 異文化コミュニケーション論集(立教大学異文化コミュニケーション研究科)

      Peer review

      2020 - Present

      More details

    • Applied Cognitive Psychology (Wiley)

      Peer review

      1 2020 - Present

      More details

    • Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition series (Routledge), Book proposal

      Peer review

      2019 - Present

      More details

    • International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Wiley)

      Peer review

      2019 - Present

      More details

    • ReCALL (Cambridge University Press)

      Peer review

      2019 - Present

      More details

    • International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality

      Peer review

      2018 - Present

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    • American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference

      Peer review

      2018 - Present

      More details

    • Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge University Press)

      Peer review

      2018 - Present

      More details

    • TESOL Quarterly (Wiley)

      Peer review

      2018 - Present

      More details

    • 言語科学会年次国際大会

      Peer review

      2017 - Present

      More details

    • Language Learning (Wiley)

      Peer review

      2017 - Present

      More details

    • Applied Linguistics (Oxford University Press)

      Peer review

      2016 - Present

      More details

    • The Modern Language Journal (Wiley)

      Peer review

      2016 - Present

      More details

    • Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press)

      Peer review

      2016 - Present

      More details

    • Reading in a Foreign Language (National Foreign Language Resource Center and The University of Hawai’i)

      Peer review

      2016 - Present

      More details

    • Language Teaching Research (SAGE)

      Peer review

      2015 - Present

      More details

    • System (Elsevier)

      Peer review

      2013 - Present

      More details

    • The Language Learning Journal (Routledge)

      Peer review

      2013 - Present

      More details

    • Vocab@Vic Conference

      Peer review

      2013 - Present

      More details

    • Computer Assisted Language Learning (Routledge)

      Peer review

      2011 - Present

      More details

    • Language Learning & Technology (The University of Hawai’i and Michigan State University)

      Peer review

      2011 - Present

      More details

    • Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Wiley)

      Peer review

      2010 - Present

      More details

    • Discourse Processes (Routledge)

      Peer review

      2009 - Present

      More details

    ▼display all

    Social Contribution

    • 「英語コーチング・アワード」審査員

      一般社団法人日本英語コーチング協会  11 2023 - 12 2023

      More details



    • 今こそ究極の英語学習方法を身につけよう


      ELSA Japan  27 10 2023

      More details



    • 英語定型表現学習法


      TAC株式会社  9 2023

      More details



    • 英単語・英語定型表現学習法


      TAC株式会社  3 2023

      More details

    • 本当に効果的な語彙学習と、指導者として出来ること


      アルク  第113回 英語の先生応援セミナー(ONLINE)  10 2022

      More details



    • 単語カードによる英語語彙学習


      いいずな書店  28 9 2022

      More details



    • NHK教育テレビおよびNHKラジオ第2「ニュースで英会話」製作 協力(e-learningシステムの監修および問題作成担当)

      4 2013 - 3 2018

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    • NHK教育テレビおよびNHKラジオ第2「ニュースで英会話」製作 協力(e-learningシステムの監修および問題作成担当)

      4 2009 - 11 2009

      More details

    • NHK教育テレビ「新3か月トピック英会話:英単語ネットワーク~めざせ10,000語!」製作協力(英文データ解析およびコンテンツ作成担当 )

      7 2007 - 9 2007

      More details

    ▼display all

    Media Coverage

    • いいずな書店「言語教育動画」(大津由紀雄氏との対談、全5回) Internet

      いいずな書店  9 2024

      More details

    • どうしてあんなに早く外国語を習得できるの? Newspaper, magazine

      リクルート  スタディサプリ通信制大学 2024年度版  p. 14  1 2024

      More details

    • 英語定型表現入門 Internet

      アルク  英語の先生応援マガジンWeb版  12 2023

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    • 目的に合わせた効果的な学習法を 科学に基づく英語学習法とは? Newspaper, magazine

      学校法人先端教育機構  月刊先端教育  11 2023

      More details



    • 「英語はネイティヴに習ったほうがいい」とは限らない…英会話スクールの謳い文句にダマされてはいけない理由 Internet

      プレジデント社  プレジデントオンライン  22 10 2023

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    • 「英語で何をしたいか」によって学び方は変わる…シンプルかつ最強の学習理論「転移適切性処理説」をご存じか Internet

      プレジデント社  プレジデントオンライン  10 2023

      More details



    • 「日本人の英語力は世界最低クラス」は本当か…TOEFLの国別ランキングを根拠にする人が見落としていること Internet

      プレジデント社  プレジデントオンライン  10 2023

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    • 単語テストを語彙指導に活用する Internet

      アルク  英語の先生応援マガジンWeb版  9 2023

      More details

    • 英語語彙指導の基本 Internet

      アルク  英語の先生応援マガジンWeb版  7 2023

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    • ポッドキャスト「ゆかいな知性」金曜日パーソナリティ(全24回)

      Amazon Audible  6 2023

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    • 英語定型表現の豊かな世界(隔週連載、全26回) Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞社  朝日ウイークリー  4 2023

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    • 【図説】あなたの給料と日本を救うのは「英語」だ Internet

      株式会社ニューズピックス  News Picks  1 2023

      More details

    • 英単語はどうやって覚えるのが効果的? 7つのポイント Internet

      バイリンガルサイエンス研究所  12 2022

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    • Q. 英語の勉強法を教えてください。 Internet

      株式会社ナガセ  東進ドットコム  12 2022

      More details

    • Q. どうすれば伸び悩みは解決できますか。 Internet

      株式会社ナガセ  東進ドットコム  12 2022

      More details

    • Q. 英語の効率の良い勉強の仕方はありますか。 Internet

      株式会社ナガセ  東進ドットコム  12 2022

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    • 『英語は決まり文句が8割』を意識すると上達する データ分析で英語の決まり文句の重要性が浮上 Internet

      東洋経済新報社  東洋経済オンライン  10 2022

      More details



    • 英語力を上げるには、多くの『定型表現』を身につけることがカギ Internet

      講談社  現代ビジネス  9 2022

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    • 【英語学習】多くの定型表現を知っている人はスピーキング力も高かった! 英語の発信には定型表現が欠かせない Internet

      講談社  現代ビジネス  8 2022

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    • 英語は『決まり文句』が8割! 第二言語習得の専門家が説く、定型表現を学ぶ『8つの利点』 Internet

      講談社  現代ビジネス  8 2022

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    • 日本人によくある英単語・文法偏重の勉強法の意外な落とし穴 いま注目を集める定型表現とは何か Internet

      講談社  現代ビジネス  8 2022

      More details

    • 英会話特集 TV or radio program

      ABCテレビ  雨上がりのAさんの話  4 2016

      More details

    • 今週のBEST10 携帯プレーヤーで学ぶ英会話 Newspaper, magazine

      文藝春秋  週刊文春  11 2009

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    • 最新電子辞書&ネット辞書 本当に便利なのはどっちだ? Newspaper, magazine

      小学館  DIME  4 2009

      More details

    • いまどきの英語レッスン TV or radio program

      J-WAVE  Paradiso Cheer You Up  4 2008

      More details

    • 通勤時間は"学び天国” Promotional material

      アルク  マガジンアルク  2 2008

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    • 最強の勉強法:英会話スクールの上手な使い方 Newspaper, magazine

      日経BP  日経ビジネスアソシエ  12 2007

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    • 最強の勉強法:Learning materials 20分野を学ぶ最適の教材 Newspaper, magazine

      日経BP  日経ビジネスアソシエ  12 2007

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    • トレンドたまご:ラクラク学習機 TV or radio program

      テレビ東京  ワールドビジネスサテライト  3 2007

      More details

    • 新TOEFL・TOEICを狙え 達人に聞く対策法のツボ Promotional material

      東京大学新聞社  週刊東京大学新聞  9 2006

      More details

    • 変わるビジネス英語検定 話し、書く能力も評価対象に Other

      時事通信社  フィーチャー・特信サービス  9 2006

      More details

    • 短文を繰り返し聞くだけの『1分間英語上達法』 Newspaper, magazine

      日経BP  日経ビジネスアソシエ  3 2006

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    • 『BARATAN』120%活用法!! Newspaper, magazine

      アスコム  雑誌「NHK英語でしゃべらナイト」  1 2006

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    • できる人の英単語帳&ノート術 Newspaper, magazine

      アスコム  雑誌「NHK英語でしゃべらナイト」別冊 #4  10 2005

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    • 英単語集 今昔物語 Promotional material

      日本英語教育協会  STEP英語情報  9 2005

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    • Theory & Method あの話題の英語学習法を徹底分析しました! Newspaper, magazine

      アスコム  雑誌「NHK英語でしゃべらナイト」  9 2005

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    • 絶対に使える!できる人の英単語帳を公開します! Newspaper, magazine

      アスコム  雑誌「NHK英語でしゃべらナイト」  1 2005

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    • 大楽人 Newspaper, magazine

      毎日新聞社  毎日新聞  7 2004

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    • 『英語試験大国』日本の歩き方 Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞社  AERA English  62-63  3 2004

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    • 英会話上達&初めての外国語入門法 Newspaper, magazine

      マガジンハウス  ダカーポ  3 2004

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    • TOEIC500点必勝学習法 Newspaper, magazine

      宝島社  月刊宝島  7 2003

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    • 資格の勉強法 Newspaper, magazine

      青春出版社  BIG tomorrow  5 2003

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    • 通訳者・翻訳者のための資格活用法 Newspaper, magazine

      イカロス出版  通訳翻訳ジャーナル  22-23  3 2003

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    • 英語の達人伝(第5回)『NHKラジオ講座で実力飛躍』 Newspaper, magazine

      コアミックス  RAIJIN  3 2003

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    • なりたい自分が必ず見つかる『OL』の学校 Newspaper, magazine

      青春出版社  SAY  2 2003

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    • Improving Your English Newspaper, magazine

      ジャパン・タイムズ社  週刊ST  21  10 2002

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    • 特選英語学習サイト調査隊 Newspaper, magazine

      株式会社アルク  English Network  2 2002

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    • English特集 Internet

      NTT-X  goo  9 2001

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    • キャリアアップ特集 Newspaper, magazine

      ジャパン・タイムズ社  週刊ST  8 2000

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