Updated on 2024/09/19


BABA Daisuke
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
Center for Foreign Language Education and Research
Adjunct Lecturer
Doctor of Philosophy ( 3 2019   Rikkyo University ) / Master of Arts ( 3 2015   Rikkyo University ) / Bachelor of Arts ( 3 2013   Rikkyo University )
Research Interests
  • German literature

  • Japanese literature

  • Comparative literature

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Adjunct Lecturer



    ★Papers from 2019 onwards will have abstracts in both English and Japanese★




    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / European literature

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese literature

    Research History

    • 10 2024 - Present 
      Niigata University   Faculty of Humanities   Part-Time Instructor

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    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   Center for Foreign Language Education and Research   Adjunct Lecturer

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    • 4 2019 - 9 2024 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts   Part-Time Instructor

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    • 4 2019 - 3 2021 
      Tokyo Metropolitan University   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences   Part-Time Instructor

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    • 4 2015 - 3 2019 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School of Arts   Field of Study: German Literature

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 2016 - 7 2016 
      University of Bonn   Institute for German Language, Comparative Literature, and Culture

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      Country: Germany


    • 4 2013 - 3 2015 
      Rikkyo University   Graduate School of Arts   Field of Study: German Literature

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 2008 - 3 2013 
      Rikkyo University   College of Arts   Department of Letters Course of German Literature

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    • 10 2010 - 6 2011 
      Humboldt University of Berlin   Faculty: Philosophy I   Field of Study: History

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      Country: Germany


    Committee Memberships

    • 4 2015 - Present 
      Society for the Course of German Studies, Rikkyo University   Secretary

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      Committee type:Other


    • 6 2021 - 5 2023 
      Japanese Association for German Studies   Secretary, General Affairs Committee

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 9 2015 - 3 2022 
      Japanese Association for German Studies   Executive Committee: the Workshop for German Academic Writing

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      Committee type:Academic society




    • A Boundary of National Identity Discourse: Karl Florenz’s Strategy for the Historical Writing of Japanese Literature Peer-reviewed International journal

      Daisuke Baba

      Journal of Foreign Language Education and Research3   3 - 16   12 2022

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Center for Foreign Language Education and Research, Rikkyo University  

      This study represents an attempt to illuminate the intellectual influence of Japanese national literary studies (koku-gaku) on the German Japanologist Karl Florenz (1865-1939) and his representative work, "A History of Japanese Literature" ("Geschichte der japanischen Litteratur", 1906). From 1889 to 1914, this lecturer of German literature at the Tokyo Imperial University established close relationships with his Japanese students and colleagues, some of whom cooperated on his studies of Japanese literature. Their knowledge about Japanese literature was based on the koku-gaku’s tradition that manifested its policy as a modern discipline. After describing the development of the koku-gaku at the Tokyo Imperial University during the modernizing Meiji era (1868-1912), the present study assesses both the manifestation and the function of national literature studies. In these historical contexts, this brief study points out Karl Florenz’s activity and limits of his study of Japanese literature in order to clarify his strategy of the historical writing of national literature as a German oriental philologist, especially in contrast to William G. Aston’s (1841-1911) "A History of Japanese Literature" (1899). The following textual analysis of "Geschichte der japanischen Literatur" demonstrates how Florenz transformed his knowledge of Japanese literature from the koku-gaku into the German historical writing of national literature. The conclusion of this study discusses Florenz’s philosophy of the national frames of German and Japanese literature and its boundary function in the context of national identity.

      Key words: German, Japanese, nation, civilization, culture


    • Selective Reception of the Classical Frame: Haga Yaichi’s Historical Writing of National Literature and the Institutionalization of Japanese Literary Studies Invited Peer-reviewed International journal

      Daisuke Baba

      Knowledge about Science. Fields - Formation - Mutation. Festschrift for Ryozo Maeda on his 65th Birthday   55 - 70   5 2021

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      Language:German   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Stauffenburg  

      The purpose of this study is to outline the modernization process of the development of Japanese literary studies (koku-gaku) in the late 19th century. The present study focuses on one of the scholarly pioneers in the field of Japanese national literature, Haga Yaichi (1867-1927), and his "Ten Lectures on a History of our National Literature" (1899). Haga adapted both English and German historical writing methods for Japanese literary studies in order to stabilize the field as a modern academic discipline, which developed into national literature studies (koku-bungaku) at the Imperial University of Tokyo. My hypothesis about the case is that Haga’s receiving of western standards was not a one-sided passive process, but rather a selective development according to the situation of koku-gaku during the Meiji-period. My description of this modernizing process includes comparing the meanings of “classic” between German (Klassik/klassisch) and Japanese (koten). After shortly introducing Haga’s academic career before his study in Berlin, from 1900 to 1902, this study concentrates on Karl Florenz’s (1865-1939) "A History of Japanese Literature" (1906) to analyze Florenz’s use of the classic in German. Through his relationship with this lecturer in the department of German studies at the Imperial University, Haga was likely to have been well-aware of Florenz’s use of the classic in German. Textual analysis points out which aspects of that meaning Haga did not apply to his own historical approach to Japanese national literature. As the main background of his selective process, this study will examine the development of Japanese literary studies from 1870 to 1890. For its institutionalization, Konakamura Kiyonori (1822-1895), Haga’s instructor of koku-gaku from 1892 to 1895, also played an formative role, defining the classical koten-frame in Japanese literature based on a civilization theory from England. The conclusion of this study shows what the theme of selective development means in terms of the international discourse about academic modernization in Japan.


    • Analogical Thinking on Hybridity. Karl Florenz's "A History of Japanese Literature" in the Exchange between German and Japanese Literary Studies Peer-reviewed International journal

      Daisuke Baba

      New Contributions to German Studies19 ( 161 ) 119 - 137   3 2021

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      Language:German   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Association for German Studies; Iudicium  

      ★This paper was awarded "The 20th Prize of Japanese Association for German Studies and German Academic Exchange Service" in June 2023★

      This study illuminates the academic exchange between Germany and Japan at the turn of the 20th century, specifically with regard to Karl Florenz's (1865-1939) "A History of Japanese Literature" (1906). The founder of German studies in Japan and Japanese studies in Germany seems to have incorporated the knowledge of Japanese literature imparted by his Japanese students and colleagues at the Imperial University into a scheme of German literary historiography known at the time. My thesis is, therefore, that his Japanese literary history is a hybrid product of the German and Japanese traditions of literary research. Following a definition of the key term "hybridity", this study presents Florenz's history of literature in comparison with one of the standard works of Gernan literary history in the late 19th century, Wilhelm Scherer's (1841-1886) "A History of German Literature" (1883). With a perspective on the parallel development of national literature between the German and Japanese traditions, the present study discusses Florenz's assessment of the Manyōshū, the oldest Japanese poetry collection from the 8th century. The textual analysis will clarify Florenz's analogical thinking to hybrid literary historiography, focusing on his insights into similarities and differences between the two traditions.


    • Exclusionary Inclusion of Japanese Literature in German Literary Historiography. Analogical Thinking in Karl Florenz's "A History of Japanese Literature" International journal

      Daisuke Baba

      Unity in Diversity? German Studies between Divergence and Convergence   146 - 154   1 2021

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      Language:German   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Iudicium  

      This article focuses on the academic exchange between the German-speaking areas, especially Germany, and Japan at the turn of the 20th century. Specifically, the present article examines Karl Florenz's (1865-1939) "A History of Japanese Literature" (1906) from the perspective of "inclusive exclusion or exclusionary inclusion". The lecturer in German studies at the Imperial University of Tokyo seems to have organized his knowledge of Japanese literature, which he gathered with the help of his Japanese students and colleagues, according to the premises of German literary historiography. In deciding which aspects of Japanese literature Florenz included in German literary historiography, his analogical thinking functions as a guiding principle. In order to make this thinking clear, after a brief description of Florenz's situation in Japan and a discussion of the concept of "national literature" in the German and Japanese traditions, this article will look at his Japanese literary history in comparison with Wilhelm Scherer's (1841-1886) History of German Literature (1883).


    • "Foreign" Literature in "Ordinary" Literary Historiography. Karl Florenz's "A History of Japanese Literature" from the Perspective of the Academic History Peer-reviewed International journal

      Daisuke Baba

      Religious Experience - Literary Habitus1   286 - 297   12 2020

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      Language:German   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Iudicium  

      This study deals with the contact of academic cultures between Germany and Japan at the turn of the 20th century. As an example of this contact, the present study will cite "A History of Japanese Literature" (1906). The author Karl Florenz (1865-1939) collected knowledge about Japanese literature with the help of his Japanese colleagues and students on the one hand and, on the other, built up his Japanese literary history according to the methods of German literary historiography. After a brief outline of his research on Japanese literature during his stay in Japan, this study will discusses his application of German methods of literary history to Japanese literature and then present my thesis with an explanation of the concepts of "academic culture" and "hybridity". Finally, the present study will illumitate similar contexts between German and Japanese literary research in the 18th and 19th centuries that enabled Florenz to make this application.


      Other Link: https://www.iudicium.de/katalog/86205-330.htm

    • Karl Florenz’s Scholarly Career and Situations in Germany and Japan Peer-reviewed

      Daisuke Baba

      The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities516 ( 14 ) 1 - 24   3 2020

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University  

      This paper represents a biographical study of Karl Florenz (1865-1939), considered the founding father of German literature in Japan and Japanese studies in Germany. After summarizing previous research on Florenz, the paper traces his footsteps in Japan and the German-speaking world, based on Japanese and German sources. His footsteps are divided into the periods: before his arrival in Japan (1865-1888), during his stay in Japan (1888-1914), during World War I (1914-1919), and after the war (1919-1939). The question is first how he learned Japanese language and culture in Leipzig and Berlin. Regarding his time in Japan, the focus is on Florenz's work as a teacher in the German literature department. Furthermore, based on a lecture which Florenz gave as the first professor of Japanese studies in German-speaking countries during World War I, the paper speculates on the situation where he was at the time. After the war, it describes the courses he taught as a professor at the University of Hamburg and the predicament where he found himself under the Nazi regime.


    • Karl Florenz’s Situation of Japanese Literary Studies

      Daisuke Baba

      WORT ( 40 ) 13 - 22   3 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Institute of German Studies, Rikkyo University  

      The purpose of this study is to show how German oriental philologist, Karl Florenz (1865-1939), studied Japanese literature during his 25-year life in Japan. After studying Sanskrit at the University of Leipzig between 1883 and 1886, he taught German literature at the Imperial University of Tokyo between 1889 and 1914, and Japanese literature at the University of Hamburg between 1914 and 1937. During his scholarly career, he was regarded as one of the most important intellectuals in the modern history of German-Japanese academic exchange. In this context, it was often understood that Florenz had written all of his works about Japanese literature by himself. However, according to some of his Japanese colleagues and students at the Imperial University, Florenz’s readings and translations of Japanese texts into German were dependent on their constant assistance. Because his handwritten notes were lost during World War II, it is only possible to reconstruct the process of his investigations through secondary reports and previous studies about Florenz. The thesis of my analysis is not to criticize his dependance on the assistance provided by his Japanese colleagues and students, but to outline his situation as a concrete example of modern academic exchange.


    • Self-Understanding through National Literature in the German Speaking Areas: A Study of Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" in Historical Perspective of Literary Studies

      Daisuke Baba

      WORT ( 38 ) 69 - 90   3 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Institute of German Studies, Rikkyo University  


    • Image of Super-GAU: A Semantic Analysis of Reports on Nuclear Accidents in the German Mass Media

      Daisuke Baba

      WORT ( 36 ) 27 - 39   3 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Institute of German Studies, Rikkyo University  


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    • Comment on the Award Winning (German Language Paper) Invited

      Daisuke Baba

      JGG-Info-Blatt / Herbst 2023   36 - 36   9 2023

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik e.V.  


    • A Report on the Workshop for German Academic Writing in 2021

      Daisuke Baba

      JGG-Info-Blatt / Frühling 2022   34 - 35   4 2022

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • My Publication and the Iwasaki-Scholarship Invited

      Website of Japanese Association for German Studies: Culture Column   1 - 4   4 2021

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • A Hybrid Origin of Modern Historical Writing of Japanese Literature. Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" and the German-Japanese Contact of Academic Cultures Peer-reviewed

      Daisuke Baba

      Doctoral dissertation, Rikkyo University   1 - 154   3 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  


    • German Memory Culture: A History of the Rebuilding of Dachau Concentration Camp

      Aspekt ( 52 ) 14 - 15   3 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Magazine as a Subject of Cultural Studies: "Moderní revue" in Praha

      Aspekt ( 51 ) 25 - 26   3 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Medieval Music in the German Speaking Areas: A Process of the Representation Based on Sheet Music

      Aspekt ( 51 ) 21 - 23   3 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Image of Super-GAU: A Semantic Analysis of German Reports on Nuclear Accidents Peer-reviewed

      Herder-Studien ( 21 ) 183 - 185   8 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


    • What Fukushima symbolizes in the leading German media: Discourse-analytically oriented investigation of an article from the newspaper "Die Welt" Peer-reviewed

      Daisuke Baba

      Thesis for the degree of Master of Arts, Rikkyo University   1 - 67   3 2015

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      Language:German   Publishing type:Other  


    • Culture and Notion: A Report on the Lecture of Professor Tilman Borsche

      Daisuke Baba

        ( 47 ) 63 - 66   3 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


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    Books and Other Publications

    • Vagrant Religiosity and National Cultures: Aspects of Myth and Religion in Modernizing German and Japanese Societies

      Baba Daisuke( Role: Joint translator ,  "Living Past as the Personality of the Nation": The Jinnō shōtōki in the Völkisch Nationalism of the Early Shōwa Period and Hermann Bohner's Comparison with the Work "Das Dritte Reich")

      Benseisha  20 2 2024  ( ISBN:4585325395

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      Total pages:256   Responsible for pages:44-78   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

      CiNii Books


    • A Hybrid Origin of Modern Historical Writing of Japanese Literature. Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" and the German-Japanese Contact of Academic Cultures

      Baba Daisuke( Role: Sole author)

      Sangensha  20 12 2020  ( ISBN:4883035190

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      Total pages:324   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

      The subject of this book is the aspect of contact in academic exchange between Germany and Japan. As a specific object of this discussion, the present book concentrates on "A History of Japanese Literature" (1906) published by Karl Florenz (1865-1939), a teacher at the Imperial University of Tokyo, who is regarded as the founder of German literature in Japan and Japanese studies in Germany. This book examines the writing of this literary history and discusses how the knowledge of Japanese literature brought by the cooperation of Florenz's Japanese colleagues and students, and the German concepts of language and literature studies that he himself had mastered, mingled and transformed. In doing so, the similarities and differences that Florenz finds between Japanese and German literature are the key to interpreting what elements of Japanese and German literature he is discarding and selecting. This book consists of four chapters, beginning with an introduction that organizes previous research on Florenz in Japan and Germany based on postcolonial cultural theories. Chapter 1 describes Florenz's career, research collaboration by Japanese scholars, and trends in the drafting of Japanese literary history during the Meiji period. Chapter 2 traces the concept and chronological description of "A History of Japanese Literature" and discusses Florenz's specific critiques of literary works in relation to discourses belonging to the Japanese and German academic traditions. Chapter 3 sketches theoretical and institutional aspects of German studies in the 19th century Germany, the Department of Oriental Language Studies at the University of Leipzig, where Florenz studied before coming to Japan, and national studies in the Meiji era, as far as the formation of Florenz's hybrid description of literary history is concerned. Chapter 4 summarizes the entire discussion and interdisciplinarily questions the significance of interpreting the hybridity of German-Japanese academic trends in the origins of contemporary Japanese literary studies.

      CiNii Books



    • Describing German-Japanese Hybridity: Commentary on My Book Invited

      Daisuke Baba

      Summer Research Meeting: Japanese Association for Herder Studies. Special Program: Contact between the German and Japanese Academic Cultures. A Review of Baba Daisuke's "A Hybrid Origin of the Modern Historical Writing of Japanese Literature"  6 8 2023 

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      Event date: 5 8 2023 - 6 8 2023

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


    • Selective Reception as a Hybridizing Process: Haga Yaichi's Examination of August Boeckh's Philological Concept International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      18th German-speaking Japanology Day  26 8 2022  Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

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      Event date: 24 8 2022 - 26 8 2022

      Language:German   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (public)  


      Haga Yaichi (1867-1927), one of the founders of modern Japanese literary research, who studied literature and philology at Berlin University from 1900 to 1902, introduced concepts of German philology into Japanese literary studies. In doing so, he probably drew in particular on August Boeckh's (1785-1867) then prominent Encyclopaedia and Methodology of the Philological Sciences (1877). This "modernization" of Japanese literary studies took place within the framework of its institutionalization as kokubungaku, which built on the pre-modern research tradition of kokugaku, at a faculty within the imperial university system. My thesis is that Haga not only passively translated Boeckh's concept, but also consciously received it selectively and partially reinterpreted it. This selective reception, which seems to be strongly conditioned by Haga's competence, position and situation as a Western or German-oriented heir of Japanese national philology, led to a hybridization of the two research traditions. Taking into account Haga's curriculum vitae and his diary of his one-and-a-half-year stay in Berlin, my lecture will address the open question of which aspects of the German concept Haga deliberately did not adopt, by comparing Haga's lecture "Japanese Philology" (Nihon Bunkengaku, 1907) with Boeckh's remarks on philology.


    • German-Japanese Contact of Cultural Studies: Karl Florenz's Analogical Thinking in the History of Japanese Literature International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      Asian German Studies Conference 2019 in Sapporo  28 8 2019  Japanese Association for German Studies, German Academic Exchange Service

      More details

      Event date: 26 8 2019 - 29 8 2019

      Language:German   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      Um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert erfährt der kulturwissenschaftliche Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Japan eine Hochkonjunktur: Der Ausbau der ostasiatischen Sprach- und Völkerkunde führte beim deutschen Publikum zu einem vertieften Interesse an japanischer Kultur. Die Erforschung der japanischen Literatur folgte hierbei häufig den Methoden der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft. Aus diesem Kontext geht Karl Florenz (1865–1939) hervor, der einerseits in engem Kontakt mit japanischen Literaturwissenschaftlern Kenntnisse über die japanische Literatur sammelte. Andererseits verfasste er seine Geschichte der japanischen Litteratur (1906) nach dem Schema der damals als Standardwerke geltenden deutschen Literaturgeschichten, um die Aufmerksamkeit seiner Leser auf Ähnlichkeiten in der Entwicklung der deutschen und der japanischen Literatur zu lenken. In meinem Vortrag gehe ich vor dem Hintergrund des deutsch-japanischen Wissenschaftsaustausches den Fragen nach, welche Aspekte Florenz in seiner Literaturgeschichtsschreibung als ähnlich herausarbeitet, und was er durch dieses Verfahren ausschließt oder übersieht.


    • Hybridity of the German and Japanese Academic Traditions: Theory of Cultural Development in Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature"

      Daisuke Baba

      Spring Research Meeting: Japanese Assocition for German Studies  8 6 2019  Japanese Assocition for German Studies

      More details

      Event date: 8 6 2019 - 9 6 2019

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • "Foreign" Literature in "Ordinary" Literary Historiography. Karl Florenz' History of Japanese Literature from the Perspective of the academic History International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      61st Cultural Seminar: Japanese Association for German Studies  21 3 2019  Japanese Association for German Studies

      More details

      Event date: 17 3 2019 - 22 3 2019

      Language:German   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Hybridity of German-Japanese Academic Cultures in the Modern Description of Japanese Literary History: Absence of Historical Description of Shinto in Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" Invited

      Daisuke Baba

      "National Culture" and Religiosity in the German and Japanese Modernizations  16 2 2019 

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      Event date: 16 2 2019 - 16 2 2019

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Rikkyo University  


    • German Literary Historiography and Japanese Literature Invited International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      Interpretation after the "Digital Turnaround"  25 2 2017 

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      Event date: 25 2 2017 - 26 2 2017

      Language:German   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Rikkyo University  


    • The Application of 19th Century German Literary Historiography to Japanese Literature. A Case Study by Karl Florenz International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      Asian German Studies Conference 2016 in Seoul  24 8 2016  Korean Association for German Studies

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      Event date: 23 8 2016 - 26 8 2016

      Language:German   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Image of Super-GAU: A Semantic Analysis of German Reports on Nuclear Accidents Invited

      Daisuke Baba

      Spring Research Meeting: Japanese Association for Herder Studies  16 5 2015  Japanese Association for Herder Studies

      More details

      Event date: 16 5 2015 - 17 5 2015

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  



    • Fukushima in the German Media International conference

      Daisuke Baba

      56th Cultural Seminar: Japanese Association for German Studies  25 3 2014  Japanese Association for German Studies

      More details

      Event date: 23 3 2014 - 29 3 2014

      Language:German   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



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    Teaching Experience

    • 10 2024 - Present 
      Lectures on German Literary Theories ( Niigata University )

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    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Lectures on Literature 117 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Comprehensive German 1 / 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2024 - Present 
      German A / B ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2024 - Present 
      German 1 / 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Basic German 1 / 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2021 - 3 2024 
      Intermediate German 1 / 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 10 2020 - 3 2021 
      Advanced German Listening and Reading 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 10 2020 - 3 2021 
      Reading German Texts 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 10 2019 - 3 2021 
      Introductory German 3a / 4a ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 4 2019 - 3 2021 
      German 1 ( Tokyo Metropolitan University )

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    • 10 2019 - 3 2020 
      Advanced German 2 ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 10 2019 - 3 2020 
      Preliminary Seminars in German 4a ( Rikkyo University )

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    Professional Memberships

    • 4 2021 - Present 
      Japan Comparative Literature Association

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    • 4 2014 - Present 
      Japanese Association for Herder Studies

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    • 4 2013 - Present 
      Japanese Association for German Studies

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    Research Projects

    • Japanese Studies of National Language and Literature in Contact with German Studies

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Daisuke Baba

      More details

      4 2023 - 3 2027

      Grant number:23K12093

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

      The research project represents an attempt to illuminate the contact with German philological concepts and methods in the Japanese studies of national language and literature between 1890 and 1910. This project focuses on the works of Haga Yaichi (1867-1927) and Ueda Kazutoshi (1867-1937), both of whom were deeply involved in the modernization of Japanese language and literature studies by introducing German theories and methods. The purpose of this project is to clarify 1) under what circumstances Haga and Ueda were placed; 2) what choices they made with respect to German research methods; 3) what foundations of Japanese studies of national language and literature they established. Therefore, this project will empirically and comprehensively examine the contexts that may have conditioned the selective introduction of Haga and Ueda, from both the Japanese and German perspectives. As an empirical approach, this project will specifically analyze Haga's and Ueda's writings, the German works to which they referred, and records related to their study in Germany. As a comprehensive perspective, it will clarify the ideological, social, and institutional aspects of Japanese and German studies of language and literature since the 18th century, based on specialized research in Japanese, English, and German.


    • A Hybrid Origin of Modern Historical Writing of Japanese Literature. Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" and the German-Japanese Contact of Academic Cultures

      Japanese Association for German Studies  Iwasaki-Scholarship 

      Daisuke Baba

      More details

      4 2020 - 3 2021

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • Karl Florenz’s "A History of Japanese Literature" in Hybrid Perspectives of Academic Cultures

      Rikkyo University  Special Fund for Research 

      Daisuke Baba

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      4 2018 - 3 2019

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • An Understanding of Japanese Literary Studies in the German Speaking Areas of the 19th Century

      Rikkyo University  Special Fund for Research 

      Daisuke Baba

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      4 2017 - 3 2018

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • Description of German Literary History and Japanese Literature

      German Academic Exchange Service  German Language, Literature, and Culture: Institutional Partnerships Worldwide 

      Daisuke Baba

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      4 2016 - 7 2016

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


    • German-Japanese Academic Exchange and Its Problems: Karl Florenz’s Japanese Literary Studies and Scholarly Thinking of Japan

      Rikkyo University  Special Fund for Research 

      Daisuke Baba

      More details

      4 2015 - 3 2016

      Authorship:Principal investigator 


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