Updated on 2024/10/07


OYAMA Toshio
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Economics Department of Economic Policy Studies
Graduate School of Business Administration Doctoral Program in Business Administration
Graduate School of Business Administration Master's Program in Business Administration
Associate Professor
博士(農学) ( 東京大学 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 研究テーマは、持続可能な農業を実現するための、農業経営・技術、加工・流通管理、それを可能とする社会経済制度である。また「農場からテーブルまで」をトータルに管理しようとするフードシステム論は有効なアプローチであり、食品安全の確保にくわえて、付加される情報が新たな価値を生み出しているからである。おもに日本、米国、スイスの有機農業を対象に、農業経営や表示認証制度等について実証的研究をしている。

  • Research Interests
  • Food-system Theory

  • Agricultural Policy

  • Agricultural Economics

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2010 - Present 
      College of Economics   Department of Economic Policy Studies   Associate Professor
    • 4 2017 - Present 
      Graduate School of Business Administration   Master's Program in Business Administration   Associate Professor
    • 4 2017 - Present 
      Graduate School of Business Administration   Doctoral Program in Business Administration   Associate Professor
    • 4 2015 - 3 2017 
      Graduate School of Economics   Master's Program in Economics   Associate Professor
    • 4 2013 - 3 2015 
      Graduate School of Business Administration   Master's Program in Business Administration   Associate Professor
    • 4 2013 - 3 2015 
      Graduate School of Business Administration   Doctoral Program in Business Administration   Associate Professor
    • 4 2010 - 3 2013 
      Graduate School of Economics   Master's Program in Economics   Associate Professor

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    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Agricultural and food economics

    Research History

    • 4 2017 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Business Administration Field of Study: Business Administration   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2017 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Business Administration Field of Study: Business Administration   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2010 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Economics Department of Economic Policy Studies   Associate Professor

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    • 7 2008 - 3 2010 
      Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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    • 4 2007 - 6 2008 
      社団法人 日本草地畜産種子協会   主幹

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    • 9 2006 - 6 2008 
      Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Switzerland   Visiting Researcher

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    • 4 1999 - 9 2006 
      財団法人 農政調査委員会   主任研究員

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    • 6 1990 - 3 1999 
      財団法人 農政調査委員会   研究員

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    • - 5 1990 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1987 
      The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1985 
      Sophia University   Faculty of Literature

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      Country: Japan



    • 環境保全型農業の推進と表示・認証システムの課題:ヨーロッパ諸国の経験から


      農業と園芸82 ( 1 ) 169 - 176   1 1 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 環境保全型農業の新展開―国際的な比較から―


      フードシステム研究13 ( 2 ) 10 - 21   10 2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • スイスにおける動物福祉規制と農業環境政策 Peer-reviewed


      農村研究 ( 100 ) 169 - 184   3 2005

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • コーデックス有機畜産ガイドラインと日本における有機畜産の論点 Peer-reviewed


      有機農業研究年報 ( 2 ) 49 - 62   12 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  



    • 多様な展開を見せるヨーロッパの有機酪農


      酪農ジャーナル60 ( 3 ) 16 - 18   1 3 2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:酪農学園大学エクステンションセンター  


    • Le consommateur japonais face aux produits biologiques: leçons d'un système de commercialisation diversifié

      OYAMA Toshio

      Ebisu - Études japonaises35   9 - 29   6 9 2006

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      Language:French   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:Maison franco-japonaise  


    • 有機畜産物JAS規格施行と有機畜産の将来展望


      酪農ジャーナル59 ( 2 ) 54 - 57   1 2 2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:酪農学園大学エクステンションセンター  


    • コーデックス有機畜産ガイドラインと国際的な動き


      畜産コンサルタント   14 - 20   10 2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)   Publisher:中央畜産会  


    Books and Other Publications

    • 有機食品市場の構造分析:日本と欧米の現状を探る

      大山利男, 酒井 徹, 谷口葉子, 李 哉泫, 横田茂永( Role: Edit)

      農山漁村文化協会  2 2022 

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    • 世界の食文化百科事典

      野林厚志編( Role: Contributor ,  有機農業・畜産)

      丸善出版  1 2021 

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    • 農業経済学事典

      日本農業経済学会編( Role: Contributor ,  有機農業の広がり)

      丸善出版  11 2019 

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    • 有機農業がひらく可能性―アジア・アメリカ・ヨーロッパ―

      中島紀一, 大山利男, 石井圭一, 金氣興著

      10 2015 

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    • 農業と環境

      中島紀一, 古沢広祐, 横川洋編著( Role: Sole author ,  環境保全型農業の推進)

      農林統計協会  20 1 2005 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 有機農業と畜産

      大山利男( Role: Sole author)

      筑波書房  25 6 2004 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 環境保全型農業の課題と展望―我が国農業の新たな展開に向けて―

      大日本農会叢書( Role: Sole author ,  スイスを中心とするヨーロッパ諸国のIP農産物の生産・流通と表示の現状)

      大日本農会  7 2003 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 有機食品システムの国際的検証―食の信頼構築の可能性を探る―

      大山利男( Role: Sole author)

      日本経済評論社  7 2003 

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      Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


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    Professional Memberships

    Research Projects

    • Social Study on selection and deliberation regarding the application of advanced technologies such as genome editing to the field of food, agriculture, and environment

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2022 - 3 2026

      Grant number:22H00390

      Grant amount:\41990000 ( Direct Cost: \32300000 、 Indirect Cost:\9690000 )


    • Governance and Public Participatory Issues related to Gene-edited Crops

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Tachikawa Masashi

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      4 2016 - 3 2019

      Grant number:16H04992

      Grant amount:\9880000 ( Direct Cost: \7600000 、 Indirect Cost:\2280000 )

      This research project is divided into two parts; (1) extraction of problems in the formation of governance concerning the use of genome editing, (2) design and practice of participatory method considering regional and industrial characteristics. The results are as follows. In the 1st part, interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in the use of genome editing, and web questionnaire surveys were conducted for general consumers and researchers. There are high expectations and concerns about the agricultural use of genome editing, and regulation and labeling are considered desirable. In the 2nd part, group discussions on genome edited crops were conducted for consumers living in Hokkaido.The findings show that there is no significant difference between genome editing and genetic modification in terms of manipulating DNA, and it is recognized as having large risks and large benefits simultaneously. Many participants expressed their voices to require labeling on gene-edited food.


    • Zero-tolerance discourse in food safety and future agenda for common ground

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      TACHIKAWA Masashi, MIKAMI Naoyuki, SAKURAI Seiichi, YAMAGUCHI Tomiko, OOYAMA Toshio, MATSUO Makiko, TAKAHASHI Yuichiro

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      4 2012 - 3 2015

      Grant number:24380118

      Grant amount:\10400000 ( Direct Cost: \8000000 、 Indirect Cost:\2400000 )

      Food industry sometimes claim “zero” to make appeals to consumers that their products are free of something undesirable, such as GMOs and radioactive materials. These claims cause problems upstream and downstream. The purpose of the project is to elucidate various issues and impacts related to zero-tolerance discourses employed by food industry, and search for possible common ground to be reached to avoid undesirable impact of such discourses.
      We found that zero-tolerance discourses are not scientifically justified, but policy-makers sometimes employ a similar strategy to earn public trust. Based on statistical analysis of survey, we found major characteristics of consumers who are inclined to stick to “zero”. Female with abundant cultural capital tend to have this orientation. We also organized participatory session to find common ground for zero discourse. Role play discussions were employed with three kinds of stakeholder and various implications were drawn.


    • Research on conversion to agriculture that can coexsit with nature ; Organic agricuture at the maturity stage as a research subject

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      NAKAJIMA Kiichi, TANIGUCHI Yoshimitsu, TAKAHASHI Iwao, TAKAHASHI Taichi, IIZAWA Riichiro, NONAKA Masanori, HASEGAWA Hiroshi, MASAKAZU Komatsuzaki, HIDAKA Kazumasa, YAMAGISHI Kazuto, MINETA Takuya, MASUGATA Toshiko, HATANO Takeshi, KISHIDA Yoshiro, FURUSAWA Koyu, ISHII Keiichi, SAWANOBORI Sanae, NARISAWA Kazuhiko, OJIMA Kazushi, OYAMA Toshio

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      2009 - 2011

      Grant number:21380134

      Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )

      The resaearch hypothesizes that agriculturte and nature are not in antagonism each other but can be cooperative and in harmony ; that is, a concrete figure of developed organic agriculture is seeked in organic agriculture at the mature stage.
