Updated on 2024/07/17


SHUTO Wakana
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Economics Department of Economic Policy Studies
Graduate School of Economics Doctoral Program in Economics
Graduate School of Economics Master's Program in Economics
修士(家政学) ( 日本女子大学 ) / 博士(学術) ( 日本女子大学 )
Contact information
Mail Address
Research Theme*
  • 労使関係、女性労働を研究テーマとする。労働者間における職種と職務そしてキャリアの相違は、賃金水準や雇用保障の差につながる。職種とキャリアの違いは職域分離と呼ばれる。性別と雇用形態の差異によってもたらされる職域分離に焦点をあて、こうした分離が形成される過程、そして分離していた職域が統合される過程を労使関係の視角から研究している。

  • Research Interests
  • 女性労働論

  • Industrial Relations

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      College of Economics   Department of Economic Policy Studies   Professor
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      Graduate School of Economics   Master's Program in Economics   Professor
    • 4 2018 - Present 
      Graduate School of Economics   Doctoral Program in Economics   Professor
    • 4 2011 - 3 2018 
      College of Economics   Department of Economic Policy Studies   Associate Professor
    • 4 2011 - 3 2018 
      Graduate School of Economics   Master's Program in Economics   Associate Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

    Research History

    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Economics Field of Study: Economics   Professor

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    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Economics Department of Economic Policy Studies   Professor

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    • 4 2018 - Present 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   Graduate School of Economics Field of Study: Economics   Professor

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    • 4 2011 - 3 2018 
      RIKKYO UNIVERSITY   College of Economics Department of Economic Policy Studies   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2010 - 3 2011 
      Japan Women's University   Faculty of Human Sciences and Design

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2010 
      Japan Women's University   Faculty of Human Sciences and Design

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2007 
      Yamagata University

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    • 4 2000 - 3 2006 
      Yamagata University

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    • - 3 2001 
      Japan Women's University   Graduate School, Division of Human Living

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1998 
      Japan Women's University   Graduate School, Division of Home Economics

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      Country: Japan


    • - 3 1996 
      Otsuma Women's University   Faculty of Social Information

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      Country: Japan



    • 5 2019  
      社会政策学会  第24回社会政策学会奨励賞 

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    • 10 2018  
      労働政策研究・研修機構  労働関係図書優秀賞第40回 

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    • 3 2006  
      労働問題リサーチセンター  2005年度沖永賞 

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      Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


    • 5 2004  
      社会政策学会  第10回社会政策学会奨励賞 

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      Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan



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    Books and Other Publications

    • 福祉国家の転換 : 連携する労働と福祉

      石塚, 史樹, 加藤, 壮一郎, 篠田, 徹, 首藤, 若菜, 西村, 純(労働問題), 森, 周子, 山本, 麻由美

      旬報社  4 2020  ( ISBN:9784845116256

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      Total pages:257p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 物流危機は終わらない : 暮らしを支える労働のゆくえ

      首藤, 若菜

      岩波書店  12 2018  ( ISBN:9784004317531

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      Total pages:xi, 232p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • グローバル化のなかの労使関係 : 自動車産業の国際的再編への戦略

      首藤, 若菜

      ミネルヴァ書房  2 2017  ( ISBN:9784623079094

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      Total pages:iv, 287p   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 女性も男性も幸せに働く職場の交笑力

      アントレックス  2016 

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    • 統合される男女の職場

      首藤, 若菜( Role: Sole author)

      勁草書房  12 2003  ( ISBN:4326648597

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      Total pages:viii, 300p   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

      CiNii Books



    • 経済のグローバル化と企業別労働組合


      社会政策学会労働組合部会  26 5 2013 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 自動車産業における女性参入の実態――現場の労働体験から――


      社会政策学会第100回大会  27 5 2000 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • Revision of Protective Regulations for Women and Expansion of Women’s Occupations International conference

      Wakana SHUTO

      International Industrial Relations Association 12th World Congress  5 2000 

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      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 男女混合職化の進展


      1999年労使関係研究会議  16 3 1999 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    • 生活経済からみた高齢期男女の自立と共同――カップルとシングルの視点から――


      日本家政学会生活経営学部会  26 8 1998 

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      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    Professional Memberships

    Research Projects

    • キャリアの中断を前提とした教育訓練システム――女性技術者を対象として


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      10 2010 - Present

      Grant type:Competitive



    • グローバル化に対応した労使関係の構築

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      首藤 若菜

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      4 2017 - 3 2023

      Grant number:17K04163

      Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )



    • Changes to the Personnel Management System for Non-Regular Workers

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      Shuto Wakana

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      4 2012 - 3 2016

      Grant number:24710302

      Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

      I conducted interviews in a number of Japanese supermarkets and department stores. The employment structure has consisted of three strata: male regular employees; female regular employees; and part-timers. With the birth of part-timers who rise up the career ladder, it is in the stratum of female regular employees where hiring has been curtailed and the numbers have shrunk. The number of people in the stratum of male regular employees who are the candidates for managerial positions has remained basically the same throughout the twenty years. The change that has occurred in these twenty years can be phrased thus: personnel decisions which were made according to gender have changed, and now the tasks that were mostly carried out by female, regular employees have been taken over by full time, non-regular employees. There have been no qualitative changes to these jobs within the personnel management system, and thus this marks only a revision of the ‘status’ system.


    • グローバライゼーションとジェンダー――海外進出日系企業の女性雇用の実態分析

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

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      4 2007 - 3 2009

      Grant type:Competitive



    • From management of family life to collaboration of family life with society and local administration : Fact-finding research for new concepts of empowerment of quality of local life and social governance

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      HORIKOSHI Eiko, SUMIZAWA Hiroki, UEDA Keiko, TOKOYAMA Hiromi, HIMIZU Tosio, AMANO Haruko, TAKAMASU Masako, AKIMOTO Kenji, SYUTOU Wakana, OSHIMA Saeko, MITUMOTO Akiko, AKATUKA Tomoko, SUZUKI Naomi, WATANABE Kayo, USHIYAMA Kunihiko, KURATA Ayuko, SEKIYA Minobu, ABE Sumiko

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      2006 - 2008

      Grant number:18300248

      Grant amount:\14690000 ( Direct Cost: \11900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2790000 )


    • 女性労働政策の国際比較研究――性別職域分離の視点から

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

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      4 2004 - 3 2006

      Grant type:Competitive



    • 男女混合職化の国際比較研究

      民間財団等  新渡戸フェローシップ 

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      9 2003 - 8 2004

      Grant type:Competitive


    • The Economic Reform and the Formation of the Social Safety Network in Contemporary China

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

      KIMURA Takeshi, SHUTO Wakana, TAKAGI Ikuro

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      2001 - 2003

      Grant number:13430005

      Grant amount:\6200000 ( Direct Cost: \6200000 )

      With the Chinese transformation from the planned economy to the market economy the urban DANWEI system, which provided the employees of state-owned enterprises not only with a life-time employment but also with various kind of welfare and security has been destroyed and the labor market has been emerging. The Chinese Government has been retreating from planning and controlling the economy and, instead, launching on building up of a new social safety network in place of DANWEI system. This research project studied the features and problems of this network, with a special focus on the emerging three social systems, that is, the labor market system, the modern fiscal system and the social security systems.


    • ブルーカラー職種における男女混合職化の進展

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

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      4 2001 - 3 2002

      Grant type:Competitive



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