Updated on 2024/07/17


*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Sociology Department of Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Doctoral Program in Sociology
Graduate School of Sociology Master's Program in Sociology
Ph.D. ( 9 2005   The University of Tokyo )
Research Theme*
  • 教育社会学、社会階層論が専門で、主として質問紙調査に基づくデータに統計的な分析を行うことで、日本社会の不平等、教育と労働市場の関係、教育をめぐる人々の意識などを解明することを目指してきた。近年は、日本の教育費(特に就学前教育と高等教育)の私費負担が非常に大きいことに着目し、そうした構造を生み出した歴史的経緯や原因について、人々の意識、教育と労働市場との関係などから探ることに重点を置いている。

  • Research Interests
  • 民主主義

  • 人口

  • 少子高齢化

  • 就職

  • 労働市場

  • 社会統計学

  • social mobility

  • quantitative methodology

  • expenditure on education

  • 社会調査

  • 社会階層

  • 教育社会学

  • Social survey

  • Social Stratification

  • Sociology of education

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2020 - Present 
      College of Sociology   Department of Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2020 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Master's Program in Sociology   Professor
    • 4 2020 - Present 
      Graduate School of Sociology   Doctoral Program in Sociology   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology of education

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology

    Research History

    • 4 2023 - Present 
      立教大学   学生部   部長

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    • 4 2020 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Social Relations Department of Social Relations   Professor

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    • 4 2018 - 3 2020 
      Osaka University   Graduate School of Human Sciences   Professor

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    • 4 2012 - 3 2018 
      Osaka University   Graduate School of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2011 - 3 2012 
      Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University   Associate Professor

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    • 4 2008 - 3 2011 
      Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University   Lecturer

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    • 4 2006 - 3 2008 
      Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo   Research Associate

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    • 4 2005 - 3 2006 
      Hyogo University of Teacher Education   Research Associate

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    • 4 2003 - 3 2005 
      The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Research Fellow

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    • 6 2004 - 12 2004 
      University of California, Berkeley   Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Sociology

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    ▼display all


    • 4 1998 - 3 2003 
      University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Department of Sociology of Education

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      Country: Japan


    • 4 1994 - 3 1998 
      Keio University   Faculty of Letters   Department of Human Science

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      Country: Japan


    Committee Memberships

    • 9 2023 - Present 
      日本教育社会学会   紀要編集委員会 副委員長

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 4 2023 - Present 
      一般社団法人 私立大学連盟   学生委員会 委員

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      Committee type:Other


    • 6 2020 - Present 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   講習会委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 11 2019 - Present 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   社員(代議員)

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 12 2021 - 11 2023 
      日本社会学会   奨励賞推薦委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 12 2021 - 11 2023 
      日本社会学会   『社会学評論』編集委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 10 2017 - 9 2023 
      日本教育社会学会   理事

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 8 2021 - 3 2022 
      日本学術振興会   人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進事業 運営委員会専門委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 2 2018 - 3 2022 
      社会学研究会   『ソシオロジ』編集委員

      More details

      Committee type:Other


    • 9 2019 - 9 2021 
      日本教育社会学会   企画部長

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 2018 - 2020 
      日本学術振興会   科学研究費審査第三部会第08010小委員会審査委員

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      Committee type:Other


    • 4 2015 - 3 2019 
      広島大学高等教育研究開発センター   客員研究員

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      Committee type:Other


    • 3 2016 - 12 2018 
      日本社会学会   社会学評論編集委員会専門委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 5 2015 - 5 2018 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   『社会と調査』編集委員

      More details

      Committee type:Academic society


    • 10 2013 - 10 2017 
      日本教育社会学会   紀要編集委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 4 2013 - 3 2016 
      茨木市教育センター   調査・所員会議特別講師

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      Committee type:Municipal


    • 5 2013 - 5 2015 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   第3回代議員選挙 選挙管理委員会委員長

      More details

      Committee type:Academic society


    • 1 2013 - 5 2015 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   『社会と調査』専門査読委員

      More details

      Committee type:Academic society


    • 10 2011 - 9 2013 
      日本教育社会学会   研究委員会委員

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 4 2008 - 3 2013 
      日本版総合社会調査(JGSS)研究センター   嘱託研究員

      More details

      Committee type:Other


    • 7 2011 - 11 2011 
      一般社団法人 社会調査協会   第2回代議員選挙 選挙管理委員

      More details

      Committee type:Academic society


    • 10 2007 - 9 2011 
      日本教育社会学会   会計部副部長

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      Committee type:Academic society


    • 2007 - 2009 
      杉並区教育委員会 学校運営協議会委員

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    • 4 2007 - 3 2008 
      東京大学社会科学研究所   パネル調査プロジェクト調査実施委員

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      Committee type:Other


    • 2006 
      杉並区教育委員会 第三者評価委員

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    • 10 2003 - 9 2005 
      日本教育社会学会   研究部員

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      Committee type:Academic society



    ▼display all


    • 11 2017  
      社会調査協会  社会調査協会賞優秀研究活動賞 
      中澤 渉

      More details

      Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan


    • 7 2015  
      大阪大学  大阪大学総長奨励賞(研究部門) 
      中澤 渉

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      Award type:Other 


    • 2 2015  
      大阪大学  大阪大学総長による表彰  サントリー学芸賞などの受賞による
      中澤 渉

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      Award type:Other  Country:Japan


    • 11 2014  
      Suntory Foundation  Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities  Why the Public Expenditure on Education Is Small in Japan?, Keiso Shobo
      NAKAZAWA Wataru

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      Award type:Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.  Country:Japan


    • 9 2014  
      日本教育社会学会  日本教育社会学会奨励賞(論文の部)  通塾が進路選択に及ぼす因果効果の異質性-傾向スコア・マッチングの応用
      中澤 渉

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    • 8 2013  
      大阪大学  総長奨励賞(研究部門) 
      中澤 渉

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    ▼display all


    • Self-reported academic grades in social surveys: implications and reliability during third year of junior high school Peer-reviewed

      Wataru Nakazawa

      Japanese Sociological Review72 ( 4 ) 487 - 503   3 2022

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.4057/jsr.72.487


    • Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Japanese Youths: Analysis of Longitudinal Survey Data

      Wataru Nakazawa, Sho Fujihara

      Sociological Theory and Methods36 ( 2 ) 244 - 258   3 2022

      More details

      Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.11218/ojjams.36.244


    • 私事化のもとでの公教育費負担のゆくえ Peer-reviewed


      教育学年報12   29 - 50   25 8 2021

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:世織書房  


    • The Comparison between Retrospective Surveys and Panel Surveys: Regarding the Issues of Education and Occupation Invited

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies61 ( 4 ) 64 - 68   4 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 公教育費政策の現状と課題―歴史的経緯と日本人の意識に着目して Invited

      中澤 渉

      季刊 個人金融 ( 2018秋 ) 2 - 10   11 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 教育政策・教育実践とエビデンス・ベースド・ポリシー:教育現場における調査のあり方を考える Invited

      中澤 渉, 倉石一郎

      社会と調査21   5 - 10   9 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • Validity of the Effectively Maintained Inequality Hypothesis in Japan

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

          113 - 134   3 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


      Other Link: http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/2015SSM-PJ/report5.html

    • Problems of Public Expenditure on Education in Japan Invited

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Journal of Poverty15 ( 15 ) 57 - 70   12 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • Shadow Education in Japan: Juku and Yobiko at the High School Level Invited

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Peking University Education Review13 ( 3 ) 17 - 28   7 2015

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      Language:Chinese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • パネル・データを利用した個人内変動のパターンの抽出

      中澤 渉

      石田浩編『現代日本における若年層のライフコース変容と格差の連鎖・蓄積に関する総合的研究』報告書   498 - 512   6 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 教育をめぐる日本人の意識構造-潜在クラス多項ロジットモデルによる推定

      中澤 渉

      全国無作為抽出調査による「教育体験と社会階層の関連性」に関する実証的研究(平成23~26年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究A研究成果報告書)   69 - 85   3 2015

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


    • Attitudes toward Education Expenditures in Japan: Comparison with Social Security and Welfare Services Expenditures Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook9   55 - 68   3 2015

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      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      DOI: 10.7571/esjkyoiku.9.55


    • Training and the Labor Market: A Comparison between Taiwan and Japan

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Panel Survey Project Discussion Paper Series ( 82 ) 1 - 23   8 2014

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Changes in the Support of Political Parties and political Attitudes: Focusing on Differences between Between-Subjects and Within-Subjects Effects

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Panel Survey Project Discussion Paper Series ( 81 ) 1 - 16   6 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • 進路意識の母子間における一致と齟齬

      中澤 渉

      2013 年度課題公募型共同研究(二次分析研究会) 高校生の進路意識の形成とその母親の教育的態度との関連性 研究成果報告書(東京大学社会科学研究所)52   125 - 138   5 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


    • The Heterogeneous Causal Effect of Juku pn Educational Choices: An Application of Propensity Score Matching Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      The Journal of Educational Sociology (in Japanese)92   151 - 174   7 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The Educational Effect of Private Tutoring on the Progression to High Schools: An Application of Propensity Score Analysis

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

        ( 67 ) 1 - 23   3 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • A Log-Linear Analysis of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility Using Panel Data

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

        ( 66 ) 1 - 15   3 2013

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Why We Need to Analyze Panel Data?: Introduction of the Characteristics of Panel Data Analysis Invited Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Sociological Theory and Methods27 ( 1 ) 23 - 40   3 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Association For Mathematical Sociology  

      This paper demonstrates the importance of panel data analysis that has not yet been employed by several Japanese sociologists. Although we can build a longitudinal type of data from a cross-sectional retrospective survey, it may further reduce the reliability of responses because of incorrect recall and the sample selection bias. Causal inference becomes a significant task for social scientists, and we need to prepare the panel data that includes detailed information about changes in order to resolve this task. While we cannot obtain unbiased estimates from Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) owing to endogeneity, which means that there is a correlation between independent variables and unobserved heterogeneity, we can eliminate the bias from the unobserved heterogeneity if we employ an econometric fixed-effect regression model. In addition, this paper also introduces a hybrid model that applies the idea of group mean centering at multilevel modeling, and it enables us to obtain the within and between estimators simultaneously. Finally, I will introduce the future tasks for panel data analysis.

      DOI: 10.11218/ojjams.27.23

      CiNii Article


    • 出身地域による高卒後進学機会の不平等


      東京大学社会科学研究所 パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ ( 43 )   2011

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      Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 若年層の不安定雇用に関する成長曲線モデル分析


      東京大学社会科学研究所 パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ ( 39 )   2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • The contemporary Japanese youth labor market on the basis of panel survey data: who pursues unstable job careers? Invited

        125 ( 125 ) 143 - 165   2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • Regional inequality of opportunity for higher education

      Wataru NAKAZAWA

      The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University48 ( 2 ) 5 - 18   2011

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


    • 男女間のメンタルヘルスの変動要因の違いに関する分析


      東京大学社会科学研究所 パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ ( 31 ) 1 - 20   2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • JGSS-2009ライフコース調査にみる高等教育進学行動の分析-日本における相対リスク回避説の検証


      大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター編『日本版総合的社会調査共同研究拠点 研究論文集』10   217 - 227   2010

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


    • Panel data analysis of mental health

      Wataru NAKAZAWA

      The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University47 ( 2 ) 83 - 95   2010

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


    • Intergenerational comparative analysis of educational attainment in Japan

      Wataru NAKAZAWA

      The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University47 ( 1 ) 35 - 51   2010

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

      CiNii Article


    • 学歴の世代間移動の潜在構造分析 Peer-reviewed

      中澤 渉

      社会学評論61 ( 2 ) 112 - 129   2010

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • 職業的地位の変容に関する基礎分析 JLPS wave1とwave2の比較から


      東京大学社会科学研究所パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ ( 23 )   2009

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (other academic)  


    • 学校行事・特別活動の3カ国比較


      藤田英典編『教師の仕事と教師文化に関する比較研究‐日中英3カ国比較』平成13-15年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書・国際基督教大学教育研究所モノグラフシリーズ3   169 - 177   2009

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    • 教師の職業観に関する3カ国比較


      藤田英典編『教師の仕事と教師文化に関する比較研究‐日中英3カ国比較』平成13-15年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書・国際基督教大学教育研究所モノグラフシリーズ3   131 - 143   2009

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    • 母親による進学期待の決定要因-マルチレベル分析による検討


      ベネッセ教育開発センター(東京大学との共同研究)『学校教育に対する保護者の意識調査2008』報告書   82 - 93   2009

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    • Influences of tracking and entrance examination systems on students' aspirations for advancement to higher education

      Wataru NAKAZAWA

      The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University46 ( 2 ) 81 - 94   2009

      More details


      CiNii Article


    • Comparative analysis of education and job opportunity in East Asian countries: class origin, educational qualification, and first job in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan Invited

        ( 86 ) 65 - 89   2009

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • 若年層における意識とライフスタイル-JLPSとBHPSにおける日英の家事労働と性役割意識の比較

      東京大学社会科学研究所 パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ7   1 - 23   2008

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    • 若年労働市場の流動性とは-生存分析アプローチから-

      佐藤嘉倫編『流動性と格差の階層論』2005年SSM調査シリーズ15・科学研究費補助金特別推進研究報告書   113 - 131   2008

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    • 戦後高校教育の拡大と高校間格差構造の変容-進学高校の選択と出身階層の関係

      米澤彰純編『教育達成の構造』2005年SSM調査シリーズ5巻・科学研究費補助金特別推進研究成果報告書   37 - 55   2008

      More details

    • Has the Youth Labor Market in Japan Changed? : An Event History Analysis Approach Peer-reviewed

      Nakazawa Wataru

      International journal of Japanese sociology : IJJS17 ( 1 ) 129 - 146   2008

      More details

      Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      CiNii Article


    • 性別役割分業意識の日英比較と変動要因


      東京大学社会科学研究所 パネル調査プロジェクト ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ3   1 - 24   2007

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    • 教育改革プログラムに対する市民意識の構造 -意見表明の有無と賛否の分布の関係に着目して-

      東京大学大学院教育学研究科基礎学力研究開発センター『分権改革下の自治体教育政策と教育行政の課題』21世紀COE報告書   268 - 282   2007

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    • 福祉制度の知識と意見の表明の有無について-国民年金制度や老後の生活を中心に


      佐藤博樹編『若年者の就業行動・意識と少子高齢社会の関連に関する実証研究』平成16~18年度総合研究報告書・平成18年度総括研究報告書   150 - 163   2007

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    • 若年層の抱く将来への不安


      佐藤博樹編『若年者の就業行動・意識と少子高齢社会の関連に関する実証研究』平成16~18年度総合研究報告書・平成18年度総括研究報告書   138 - 149   2007

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    • The Relationship between the Number of Foreigners Residing in Japan and the Japanese Prejudices toward Foreigners:Multilevel Modeling by Using the JGSS Data Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      SOSHIOROJI52 ( 2 ) 75 - 91   2007

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SHAKAIGAKU KENKYUKAI  

      DOI: 10.14959/soshioroji.52.2_75

      CiNii Article


      Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JLC/20021755413?from=CiNii

    • 「90年代以降の高校多様化政策と進路選択-就職・進学決定行動と学科の関係」


      佐藤博樹編『若年者の就業行動・意識と少子高齢社会の関連に関する実証研究』厚生労働科研平成17年度総括研究報告書   89 - 102   2006

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    • 市民の意識・価値観はいかに教育改革に反映されているか


      分権改革下の自治体教育政策-市町村教育行政の可能性と改革課題-(東京大学大学院教育学研究科COEプロジェクト・報告書)   123 - 168   2004

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    • 教育政策が全国に波及するのはなぜか-業者テスト問題への対処を事例として


      東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要44   149 - 158   2004

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    • 日本における教育行政支出の問題点 -福祉国家レジーム論を手がかりにして Peer-reviewed


      日本教育行政学会年報30   145 - 157   2004

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


    • The influence of the recommendation system on the school choices : What is junior high school students' choice based on? Peer-reviewed


      bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance21 ( 1 ) 23 - 31   2003

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society for the Study of Career Education  

      The recommendation system is adopted by almost all of the prefectures in Japan. It was criticized that written examination promoted education-consciousness and it ignored the students' various strong points. The policy-makers and supporters who promote the recommendation system say that school can select students who have individuality and students can choose the qualified school for themselves. Until the recommendation system diffused, the criteria of school choice were the prestige of the school and the students' academic record. I administered a questionnaire survey to 913 high school students. The 13 items on the motives for selecting high schools were factor-analyzed. Five factors were extracted. And one more factor whether they think their own academic score as important was added. Their factors' item score set on dependent variable, and analysis of variance was carried out. These samples were divided into the academic course and vocational course. Some of the findings were as follows. 1) As a whole, motives for selecting high schools were strongly specified by academic records. 2) Vocational course students who got high academic records tended to consider their future occupations and not to think academic records as important. Academic course students have completely reverse tendency.

      DOI: 10.20757/career.21.2_23

      CiNii Article


    • Problems Regarding Positivisim in the Sociology of Education : For the purpose of reflecting on the "sociology of education" Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

        72   151 - 169   2003

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      C. Wright Mills once criticized Lazarsfeld's work as abstracted empiricism. I understand the current state of the sociology of education in Japan as resembling this kind of empiricism. We want the sociology of education to be policy science or applied science, and empirical data, especially numerical values, seem to be useful. However, inside of the field of sociology, sociologists are divided according to their methodologies, so there is no common language or communication method. If they insist on one methodology, especially statistics or multivariate analysis, they will lose sight of the linkage between the empirical data and sociological theory, or forget the sociological significance for using that type of method. In addition, they may make statistical errors because the packages (for example, SPSS) enable people who do not understand statistical theory or are poor at mathematics to use statistical methods, and statistical methods have improved rapidly. Incidentally, sociologists who want sociology to be a policy science take some risk. Sociological data seem to be objective and scientific. If they want sociology to be useful, sociology will be influenced by power because power decides the criterion for usefulness. Ideologies always try to take advantage of objective and scientific data and theory. Furthermore, sociological knowledge, which seems to be objective and scientific, influences social conditions, sometimes changes people's actions and causes self-fulfilling prophecies. We sociologist must always be conscious of that kind of problem.

      CiNii Article


    • 「教育改革の社会学」のモデル構築-合理的選択理論と「失敗」の社会学の可能性


      東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要42   169 - 178   2002

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    • 高校入試改革普及の規定要因-イヴェント・ヒストリー分析を用いて Peer-reviewed


      教育制度学研究9 ( 9 ) 116 - 129   2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本教育制度学会  

      CiNii Article


    • Is High School Admission Using Junior High School Recommendations Successful? An Assessment of Rational Choice Theory Peer-reviewed

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

        70   203 - 223   2002

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

      This paper analyzes the effects of high school admissions based on junior high school recommendations. Educational reformers in Japan tend to believe in the importance of ideals and to ignore the facts, and they fail to consider the intentions of actors. As a result their plans and reforms, especially the reforms of the entrance examination system, often fail. According to Coleman, sociologists have failed to focus on micro-macro links. Though one actor may behave rationally, the aggregate of many people's acts often leads to unintended consequences. If we use rational choice theory, we can explain this missing link. However, some sociologists criticize rational choice theory as having no evidence, so I use my original data to check the validity of the theory. The intent of the policymakers is to select students who have original personality, break the hierarchical system in high school, and relax competition. However, to begin with, we cannot objectively evaluate students with different types of personality. Personality indexes are limited to experiences as student leaders, captains of sports clubs, sports tournament winners, excellent students who have abilities in art, etc. However, students who achieve high scores in academic subjects also tend to get such achievements. It is hard even for students who get high scores to pass the entrance exams, because other competitors also have excellent scores and good skills and these "indexes." The recommendation system does not include paper tests. Students who are not able to achieve high scores do not have rivals and competitors. Therefore, the recommendation system allows a relaxation of competition only for those students who cannot get high scores. On the other hand, the gap between students who get high scores and those who cannot get high scores tends to expand. It is possible that through the recommendation system, the problems involving the educational system in Japan will become worse and worse. It is impossible to avoid the occurrence of unintended consequences. There are a variety of ways to understand and grasp the social situation and environment surrounding oneself. So it is natural that different persons act in different ways. However, sociologists must consider and predict the perverse effects of social policy.

      CiNii Article


    • 推薦入試の中学生に及ぼすインパクト-導入の理念と意図せざる結果


      東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要40   47 - 58   2000

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京大学大学院教育学研究科  

      CiNii Article


    ▼display all


    • 書評・豊永耕平『学歴獲得の不平等-親子の進路選択と社会階層』 Invited


      社会と調査32   133 - 133   31 3 2024

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 公教育費を増やすことの政策的意義を考える Invited


      Beacon Authority 実践自治96   6 - 10   12 2023

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


    • 特集「ウィズ/アフターコロナの社会学-労働・福祉・教育分野から」によせて

      長松奈美江, 白波瀬達也, 中澤渉

      社会学評論74 ( 2 ) 196 - 208   9 2023

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • 教育現場はデータとどう向き合うべきか Invited

      中澤 渉

      教育(旬報社) ( 925 ) 84 - 91   2 2023

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      Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • 書評 尾嶋史章・荒牧草平『高校生たちのゆくえ』 Invited

      中澤 渉

      社会学評論70 ( 3 ) 303 - 305   12 2019

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 『教育と社会階層』を問う-教育の社会科学的実証分析 Invited

      中澤 渉

      UP47 ( 9 ) 6 - 11   9 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 失敗を運命づけられた改革『教育依存社会』(デイヴィッド・ラバリー著、倉石一郎・小林美文訳) Invited

      中澤 渉

      書評・共同通信配信   7 2018

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 執筆ノート『日本の公教育-学力・コスト・民主主義』 Invited

      中澤 渉

      三田評論 ( 1223 ) 74 - 74   6 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 2017年度社会調査協会賞 受賞のことば Invited

      中澤 渉

      社会と調査 ( 20 ) 114 - 115   3 2018

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  


    • 地位達成の因果的推論 Invited

      中澤 渉

      社会学理論応用事典   458 - 459   7 2017

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  


    • 地域・階層間の大学進学機会の不平等 Invited

      中澤 渉

      大学時報65 ( 368 ) 38 - 43   5 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:日本私立大学連盟  

      CiNii Article


    • ESSM2013職業コーディング作業記録

      中澤渉, 小川和孝

      全国無作為抽出調査による「教育体験と社会階層の関連性」に関する実証的研究(平成23~26年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究A研究成果報告書別冊) コーディング・基礎集計表   127 - 155   3 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  


    • 通塾は進学に有効だったのか-教育の「効果」を考える Invited

      中澤 渉

      SYNODOS   2 2016

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Other  

      「通塾が進路選択に及ぼす因果効果の異質性-傾向スコア・マッチングの応用」『教育社会学研究』92: 151-174(2013年)をわかりやすく書き改めたもの。


    • 書評 本田由紀著『もじれる社会-戦後日本型循環モデルを超えて』 Invited

      中澤 渉

      教育社会学研究97   169 - 171   11 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.   Publisher:東洋館出版社  

      CiNii Article


    • The Paradox of American Plenty Invited

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Asteion ( 83 ) 233 - 237   11 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

      CiNii Article


    • 日本ではなぜ教育にお金がかかりすぎるのか-中澤渉氏インタビュー Invited


      助産雑誌69 ( 8 ) 675 - 681   8 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)   Publisher:医学書院  


      CiNii Article


    • 末冨芳氏の『なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか-教育の公的役割を問いなおす』の書評に応えて Invited

      中澤 渉

      教育社会学研究96   385 - 386   5 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


    • 教育費について我々は何を考えるべきか Invited

      中澤 渉

      中央公論129 ( 6 ) 42 - 49   5 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


    • 日本人の意識から教育費の問題を考える Invited

      中澤 渉

      経済セミナー ( 682 ) 45 - 50   1 2015

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


    • 教育意識と社会階層 : ESSM2013データを用いた潜在クラス多項ロジットモデル(III-8部会 教育と意識,研究発表III)

      中澤 渉

      日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録 ( 66 ) 342 - 343   2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:不明  

      CiNii Article


    • Interpreting the Educational Data: Quantitative Methods in Sociology of Education Invited

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

        66 ( 1 ) 75 - 77   1 2014

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

      CiNii Article


    • 特集 社会学におけるパネルデータ分析の展開 Invited

      中澤 渉, 三輪 哲

      理論と方法27 ( 1 ) 19 - 22   3 2012

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      Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


    • 機会の平等と結果の平等


      日本社会学会社会学事典刊行委員会編『社会学事典』丸善   322 - 323   2010

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    • Latent Class Analysis of Intergenerational Educational Attainment (written in Japanese)

      Wataru Nakazawa

      Japanese Sociological Review61 ( 2 ) 112 - 129   2010

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    • 1. 日本の教育社会学における量的研究・量的調査 : 展開と課題(課題研究2 教育調査の在り方を問い直す-量的研究の課題と展望,課題研究報告)

      中澤 渉

      日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録 ( 62 ) 430 - 431   2010

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:不明  

      CiNii Article


    • Does the Japanese Scholarship Loan Program Reduce Inequality of Opportunities for Access to Universities?

      Wataru Nakazawa

      Social Science Japan Newsletter ( 40 ) 11 - 14   2009

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    • Poles Apart: The Stratification of the Japanese Workforce

      Wataru Nakazawa

      JapanInc ( 85 ) 17 - 19   2009

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    • Does the Japanese Scholarship Loan Program Reduce Inequality of Opportunities for Access to Universities?

      Wataru Nakazawa

      Social Science Japan Newsletter ( 40 ) 11 - 14   2009

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    • Poles Apart: The Stratification of the Japanese Workforce

      Wataru Nakazawa

      JapanInc ( 85 ) 17 - 19   2009

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    • Inequality of Opportunities for Access to Universities among the Japanese Young People: Focused on the Scholarship Loan Program

      NAKAZAWA, Wataru

      Discussion Paper Series, Panel Survey Project, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo ( 20 ) 1 - 9   2009

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    • Has the Youth Labor Market in Japan Changed? An Event History Analysis Approach

      Wataru Nakazawa

      International Journal of Japanese Sociology17 ( 1 ) 129 - 146   2008

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    • 書評・吉川徹『学歴と格差・不平等-成熟する日本型学歴社会』2006年、東京大学出版会


      理論と方法22 ( 2 ) 229 - 231   2007

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:数理社会学会  

      CiNii Article


    • Comparison of Gender-Role Attitudes in Japan and UK, and the Factors in Changing Their Attitudes - An Analysis Based on the British Household Panel Survey (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      Discussion Paper Series, Panel Survey, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo3   2007

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    • Relationship between the Density of Foreigners Residing in Japan and the People's Prejudice toward Foreigners - Based on the Multilevel Modeling using JGSS Dataset (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      SOSHIOROJI52 ( 2 ) 75 - 91   2007

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    • 「すべての生徒に良質な教育を:フィンランドと日本は,いかにして質の担保と公平性に対処してきたのか?」(ヴィリヤルヴィ著・翻訳)

      中澤渉 訳

      国際シンポジウム 教育の成果とその主要な規定要因-実証に基づく教育政策-(報告書)   224 - 250   2006

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    • 「生徒の教育達成を測る手がかりとして-視点を学校内部に」(ビッドゥエル著・翻訳)

      中澤渉 訳

      国際シンポジウム 教育の成果とその主要な規定要因-実証に基づく教育政策-(報告書)   155 - 171   2006

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    • 「学校の効果と教育の機会」(ハリナン著・翻訳)

      中澤渉 訳

      国際シンポジウム 教育の成果とその主要な規定要因-実証に基づく教育政策-(報告書)   112 - 129   2006

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    • 育児教育戦略から問う家族と現代社会


      教育社会学研究78   363 - 365   2006

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本教育社会学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 教育改革に対する教師の意識・態度-学校組織との関連を中心に


      総合教育技術(小学館) ( 6月 ) 50 - 53   2004

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    • The Problem of Financial Expenditure on Education in Japan: With Reference to Esping-Andersen's Welfare Regime (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      Bulletin of the Japan Educational Administration Society30   145 - 157   2004

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    • The Influence of the Recommendation System on the School Choices (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance21 ( 1 ) 23 - 31   2003

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    • Problems Regarding Positivism in the Sociology of Education (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      The Journal of Educational Sociology72   151 - 169   2003

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    • The Specified Factors of the High School Entrance Examination Reform Diffusion: Using Event History Analysis (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      Journal of the Japan Society for Educational System and Organization9   116 - 129   2002

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    • Is High School Admission Using Junior High School Recommendations Successful? (written in Japanese)

      Nakazawa, Wataru

      The Journal of Educational Sociology70   203 - 223   2002

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    • 教師の生活と意識の日中比較(共著)

      藤田英典, 油布佐和子, 紅林伸幸, 山田真紀, 中澤渉, 仁平典宏

      文部省科学研究費報告書   2001

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    • 高校入試の変化と高校生-とくに推薦入学の拡大に注目して


      IDE.現代の高等教育427 ( 427 ) 24 - 29   2001

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      Language:Japanese   Publisher:民主教育協会  

      CiNii Article


    ▼display all

    Books and Other Publications

    • 階層・教育

      筒井淳也, 相澤真一(編)( Role: Contributor ,  「高校入試における、通塾の『進学校』選択に及ぼす効果の検討」pp.129-149)

      岩波書店  22 4 2024  ( ISBN:4000114514

      More details

      Total pages:264  


    • 社会学の基礎 (単行本)

      松本康(監修), 小池靖・貞包英之(編)( Role: Contributor ,  第6章「社会階層」; コラム「社会変動」)

      有斐閣  29 3 2024  ( ISBN:4641174938

      More details

      Total pages:310  


    • 学校の役割ってなんだろう (ちくまプリマー新書, 383)

      中澤 渉( Role: Sole author)

      筑摩書房  9 9 2021  ( ISBN:4480684085

      More details

      Total pages:288  


    • 少子高齢社会の階層構造1 人生初期の階層構造 (シリーズ少子高齢社会の階層構造 1)

      中村, 高康, 三輪, 哲, 石田, 浩( Role: Contributor ,  第3章「戦後日本の教育拡大と階層・ジェンダー」)

      東京大学出版会  13 7 2021  ( ISBN:4130551418

      More details

      Total pages:272   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • 学ぶ・教える (シリーズ人間科学4)

      中澤渉, 野村晴夫( Role: Edit ,  153-170)

      大阪大学出版会  16 3 2020  ( ISBN:4872596218

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      Total pages:284  


    • 教える・学ぶ──教育に何ができるか (シリーズ・子どもの貧困3)

      佐々木 宏, 鳥山 まどか, 松本 伊智朗( Role: Contributor ,  「教育費の家庭依存を支える日本人の意識」175-196)

      明石書店  8 4 2019  ( ISBN:4750347906

      More details

      Total pages:324   Language:Japanese

      CiNii Books


    • Japanese education in a global age : sociological reflections and future directions

      米澤, 彰純, 北村, 友人, Yamamoto, Beverley, Tokunaga, Tomoko(“Japanese Public Education: A Comparative Perspective of Attitudes Toward Educational Inequality.” 13-33)

      Springer  16 8 2018  ( ISBN:9811315272

      More details

      Total pages:306   Language:English

      CiNii Books


    • 教育と社会階層: ESSM全国調査からみた学歴・学校・格差

      中村高康, 平沢和司, 荒牧草平, 中澤渉, 中村 高康, 平沢 和司, 荒牧 草平, 中澤 渉( Role: Joint editor ,  5章「大学進学率の上昇とメリトクラシー」)

      東京大学出版会  7 2018  ( ISBN:4130501933

      More details

      Total pages:231   Responsible for pages:87-105   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 日本の公教育 - 学力・コスト・民主主義 (中公新書)

      中澤 渉( Role: Sole author)

      中央公論新社  3 2018  ( ISBN:412102477X

      More details

      Total pages:296   Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 教育社会学事典

      日本教育社会学会, 日本教育社会学会( Role: Edit ,  第2部第1章 「計量分析」の編集(三輪哲と共編))

      丸善出版  31 1 2018  ( ISBN:4621302337

      More details

      Total pages:883   Language:Japanese Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia



    • 学問としての展開と課題 (教育社会学のフロンティア 1)

      日本教育社会学会, 日本教育社会学会, 本田 由紀, 中村 高康( Role: Contributor ,  5章「教育社会学と計量分析-到達点と今後の展開」)

      岩波書店  10 2017  ( ISBN:4000261347

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      Total pages:296   Responsible for pages:109-126   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 教育とキャリア (格差の連鎖と若者)

      石田浩, 石田 浩( Role: Contributor ,  第4章 正規/非正規雇用の移動障壁と非正規雇用からの脱出可能性)

      勁草書房  3 2017  ( ISBN:4326648821

      More details

      Total pages:286   Responsible for pages:147-170   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • Education in our society

      ( Role: Contributor)

      30 6 2016  ( ISBN:4000113925

      More details

      Total pages:288   Language:Japanese


    • Why Is Public Expenditure on Education in Japan Low?: Re-examining the Public Function of Education (Osaka University Humanities and Social Sciences Series)

      Wataru Nakazawa, 中澤 渉( Role: Sole author)

      大阪大学出版会 Osaka University Press  6 2016  ( ISBN:4872595475

      More details

      Total pages:284   Language:English Book type:Scholarly book


    • 計量社会学入門 ― 社会をデータでよむ

      数理社会学会監修, 筒井淳也, 神林博史, 長松奈美江, 渡邉大輔, 藤原翔編, 数理社会学会, 筒井 淳也, 神林 博史, 長松 奈美江, 渡邉 大輔, 藤原 翔( Role: Contributor ,  高等教育進学機会の不平等のコーホート間比較-トランジション・モデルから考える)

      世界思想社  11 12 2015  ( ISBN:4790716716

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      Total pages:284   Responsible for pages:76-87   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • 格差社会の中の高校生: 家族・学校・進路選択

      中澤渉, 藤原翔, 中澤 渉, 藤原 翔( Role: Joint editor)

      勁草書房  12 9 2015  ( ISBN:4326602813

      More details

      Total pages:184   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 教育の社会学 (放送大学教材)

      近藤 博之, 岩井 八郎( Role: Contributor ,  10章「入試と選抜」、11章「資格社会化と就職」)

      放送大学教育振興会  3 2015  ( ISBN:4595315376

      More details

      Total pages:262   Responsible for pages:157-182   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか: 教育の公的役割を問いなおす

      中澤 渉( Role: Sole author)

      勁草書房  6 2014  ( ISBN:4326653884

      More details

      Total pages:394   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book



    • 越境する家族社会学

      渡辺秀樹, 竹ノ下弘久編, 渡辺秀樹, 竹ノ下弘久( Role: Contributor ,  第4章 教育機会の不平等と教育選択の責任の所在)

      学文社  2 2014  ( ISBN:4762024325

      More details

      Total pages:276   Responsible for pages:56-70   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • よくわかる教育社会学 (やわらかアカデミズム・わかるシリーズ)

      酒井 朗, 中村 高康, 多賀 太, 酒井 朗( Role: Contributor ,  「機会の平等と結果の平等」「合理的選択としての教育達成」「教育政策と社会階層」「量的調査法」を担当)

      ミネルヴァ書房  4 2012  ( ISBN:4623062937

      More details

      Total pages:200   Responsible for pages:34-37, 42-43, 180-81   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • 現代の階層社会1 格差と多様性

      佐藤嘉倫, 尾嶋史章, 佐藤 嘉倫, 尾嶋 史章( Role: Contributor ,  第4章「分断化される若年労働市場」、51-64)

      東京大学出版会  9 2011  ( ISBN:4130551310

      More details

      Total pages:330   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book


    • 社会学のつばさ―医療・看護・福祉を学ぶ人のために

      早坂 裕子, 天田 城介, 広井 良典( Role: Contributor)

      ミネルヴァ書房  3 2010  ( ISBN:4623056309

      More details

      Total pages:260   Language:Japanese Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction


    • キャリア研究を学ぶ:25冊を読む

      日本キャリアデザイン学会( Role: Contributor)

      10 2009  ( ISBN:4793003680

      More details

      Total pages:187   Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


    • 地域社会における総合選抜制実施と影響に関する実証研究

      科学研究費補助金(若手研究B)研究成果報告書  2009 

      More details

    • 入試改革の社会学

      中澤 渉( Role: Sole author)

      東洋館出版社  3 2007  ( ISBN:4491022461

      More details

      Total pages:313  


    • 高校入試改革のプロセスと帰結に関する社会学的研究 : 推薦入学制度の変容に着目して

      東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士学位論文  2005 

      More details

    ▼display all


    • 追跡調査における郵送回答/ウェブ回答の回答傾向の違いについて


      2023年度課題公募型二次分析研究会報告会  27 3 2024  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Event date: 27 3 2024 - 27 3 2024

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 二次分析研究会報告会20240327中澤.pdf


    • Social Class and Gender in a Solitary Society: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan International conference

      Wataru Nakazawa

      26 6 2023  International Sociological Association

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

      Venue:Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre  

      File: ISA World Congress 2023 Nakazawa.pdf


    • パンデミックのもとでのメディア接触と不安


      2022年度二次分析研究会課題公募型研究成果報告会  22 3 2023 

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      File: 二次分析報告会(中澤20230322).pdf


    • 専⾨教育は労働市場で有利に働くのか:東⼤社研パネル調査(JLPS)データの分析(4)


      日本社会学会第95回大会(追手門学院大学)  12 11 2022  日本社会学会

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 日本社会学会95回大会(中澤).pdf


    • 進路の希望と現実-特に進路不確定者に着目して


      2021年度二次分析研究会報告会  22 3 2022  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 成果報告会20220322(中澤).pdf


    • 中3時自己評価成績とは何を測っているのか


      2020年度二次分析研究会報告会  15 3 2021  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 二次分析研究会報告会(20210315中澤).pdf


    • 就職間もない若年世代の受けたCOVID-19の影響-「高校生と母親調査」の追跡調査から Invited


      東大社研パネルシンポジウム2021  19 2 2021 

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      File: 社研パネルシンポ2021 中澤.pdf


    • Poverty Risk among the Japanese International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      11th International Convention of Asia Scholars  18 7 2019 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Leiden University  

      File: ICAS 2019 Nakazawa.pptx


    • 親の子育て戦略と教育達成

      中澤 渉

      2018年度東京大学社会科学研究所二次分析研究会報告会  27 3 2019  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 二次分析研究会報告会(20190327)中澤.pptx


    • 公教育システムの社会的意義を考える Invited

      中澤 渉

      第27回人間科学セミナー  6 12 2018  大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科附属未来共創センター

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


      File: 人間科学セミナー(20181206).pptx


    • Gender Difference in Fields of Study in Higher Education: Impact of Decreasing Number of Youths in Japan Invited International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting  26 3 2018  Comparative and International Education Society

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

      Venue:Mexico City (Hilton Reforma, Fiesta Inn)  

      File: CIES2018 Nakazawa.ppt


    • Comment on “Making Accessible Longitudinal Administrative Data Worldwide” Invited International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      World Education Research Association Focal Meeting  1 12 2017  World Education Research Association and Hong Kong Education Research Association

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

      Venue:The Education University of Hong Kong  

      File: Discussion (Nakazawa).pptx


    • Economic Barrier against Going on to Higher Education Using Longitudinal Survey Data in Japan International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      World Education Research Association Focal Meeting  1 12 2017  World Education Research Association and Hong Kong Education Research Association

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:The Education University of Hong Kong  

      File: WERA2017 Nakazawa.pptx


    • 教育拡大と機会の不平等 SSM2015年調査データを用いたEMI仮説の検証

      中澤 渉

      第69回日本教育社会学会大会  22 10 2017  日本教育社会学会

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 教育社会学会2017中澤.pptx


    • Persistent Inequality in Educational Attainment in Japan: Between Decreasing Youth Population and Increasing Private Cost for Education International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Summer Meeting 2017  9 8 2017  Columbia University in New York

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Columbia University in New York  

      File: RC28_2017Nakazawa.pptx


    • Stagnation and Persistent Inequality in University Education in Japan Owing to Market-Based Policies Invited International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association  27 4 2017  American Educational Research Associatio

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

      Venue:San Antonio, Texas  

      File: AERA Paper Nakazawa.pdf


    • 結婚・子どもの誕生のタイミングとその要因

      中澤 渉

      二次分析研究会2016課題公募型研究成果報告会  22 3 2017  東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 二次分析研究会(中澤).pptx


    • The New Aspects of Gender Inequality in Education: Focusing on the Case of Japan Invited International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      The 13th Japanese German Frontier of Science Symposium  8 10 2016  Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  

      Venue:Steigenberger Hotel Sanssouci in Potsdam  

      File: JGFoS presentation_nakazawa.pptx


    • Income Disparity and People’s Attitudes toward Educational Inequality in Cross-National Research Invited International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      The 13th Japanese German Frontier of Science Symposium  7 10 2016  Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Poster presentation  

      Venue:Steigenberger Hotel Sanssouci in Potsdam  

      File: JGFoS Poster.pdf


    • The Role of Public University in Japan Reexamined: Have Public Universities Expanded Disadvantaged People's Opportunity for University Education International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Spring Meeting 2016  27 5 2016  National University of Singapore

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:National University of Singapore  

      File: RC28 Singapore 2016 Nakazawa.pptx


    • Decreasing Population, Educational Expansion, and Inequality of Opportunity : Japan as a Low-Fertility Society International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, Summer Meeting 2015  18 8 2015  University of Pennsylvania

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Inn at Penn  

      File: RC28 Summer 2015 Nakazawa.pptx


    • 進学希望意識はどこで育まれるのか―母子間における接触と意見の一致/不一致に着目して

      中澤 渉

      2014年度二次分析研究会 課題公募型研究 成果報告会  28 3 2015  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Impact of High School Tracking on Educational Choices: A Quantitative Analysis of Japanese Data International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      59th Comparative and International Educational Society, Annual Conference  10 3 2015  Comparative and International Educational Society

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Hilton in Washington D.C.  

      File: CIES2015(Nakazawa).pptx


    • パネルデータで個人の変化を追跡する Invited

      中澤 渉

      東京大学社会科学研究所パネル調査プロジェクト研究成果報告会2015  27 2 2015  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


      File: パネル調査報告会(中澤).pptx


    • なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか-教育の公的役割を問いなおす Invited

      中澤 渉

      第36回サントリー学芸賞受賞者と語る(第30回サントリー文化財団フォーラム)  21 1 2015  サントリー文化財団

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Media coverage  


      File: サントリー文化財団フォーラム(20150121).pptx


    • 教育意識と社会階層-ESSM2013データを用いた潜在クラス多項ロジットモデル

      中澤 渉

      日本教育社会学会第66回大会(松山大学)  13 9 2014  日本教育社会学会

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


      File: 教育社会学会(愛媛・中澤).pptx


    • Impact of the Long Recession on Japanese Career International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology at Pacifico Yokohama  18 7 2014  International Sociological Association

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Pacifico Yokohama  

      File: ISA Yokohama.pptx


    • 進路意識の母子間比較

      中澤 渉

      2013年度二次分析研究会 課題公募型研究 成果報告会  29 3 2014  東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



    • Educational Systems and Job Career Histories: A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 Summer Meeting, University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia  18 7 2013 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      File: RC28 2013 (nakazawa).pptx


    • The Support Structure for Public Expenditure on Education in Japan: A Comparative Perspective International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      World Congress of Comparative Education Society (in Buenos Aires)  25 6 2013 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      File: WCCES2013 Nakazawa.pptx


    • 教育システムと職業経歴の関連性-日本・台湾の比較 Invited

      中澤 渉

      東京大学社会科学研究所パネル調査プロジェクト研究成果報告会2013  27 2 2013  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


      File: パネル報告(中澤).pptx


    • Institutional Linkage between Schools and the Labor Market in Japan: Safety Net or Root of Inequality International conference

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 summer meeting, University of Virginia  8 2012 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      File: Nakazawa (ISA RC28 summer).pptx


    • 労働時間とメンタルヘルスに関する パネルデータ分析 ─ Japanese Life Course Panel Survey (JLPS) の分析(3)─

      中澤 渉

      日本社会学会第84回大会(関西大学)  9 2011 

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      File: 日本社会学会2011中澤ver2.pptx


    • Nonstandard Educational Trajectories and Their Impact on School-to-Work Transition in Japan

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 Summer Meeting at University of Iowa  2011 

    • Regional Inequality in the Opportunity for Higher Education in Japan: Estimating the Causal Effect using Propensity Scores

      Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (in Montreal, Canada)  2011 

      More details

    • 若年層の正規/非正規労働の地位と離転職傾向の関係-JGSS-2009ライフコース調査の職業経歴を用いた分析

      第51回数理社会学会大会(沖縄国際大学)  2011 

    • Nonstandard Educational Trajectories and Their Impact on School-to-Work Transition in Japan

      International Sociological Associaiton, Research Committee 28 Summer Meeting at University of Iowa  2011 

      More details

    • Regional Inequality in the Opportunity for Higher Education in Japan: Estimating the Causal Effect using Propensity Scores

      Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (in Montreal)  2011 

      More details

    • Internal Labor Market Theory and School-to-Work Transition in Japan International conference

      12 2010 

      More details

      Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

      Venue:Macquarie University  

      File: TASA 2010 paper.pdf


    • 若年非正規・無業に関する成長曲線モデル-JLPS (Japanese Life Course Panel Survey) の分析

      日本社会学会第83回大会(名古屋大学)  2010 

    • 二極化する若年労働市場-学校を介した「制度的連結」が初期キャリアに及ぼす影響

      日本行動計量学会第38回大会(埼玉大学)  2010 

    • 日本の教育社会学における量的研究・量的調査-展開と課題-

      日本教育社会学会第62回大会(関西大学)課題研究  2010 

    • The Working Conditions and Attitudes of Teachers in the Age of Educational Reform in Japan

      World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg, Sweden, International Sociological Association (with Sawako Yufu)  2010 

      More details

    • JGSS-2009ライフコース調査にみる高等教育進学行動の分析-日本における相対的リスク回避説の検証-

      JGSS研究発表会2010(大阪商業大学)  2010 

    • Internal Labor Market Theory and School-to-Work Transition in Japan

      The Australian Sociological Association 2010 Conference at Macquarie University  2010 

      More details

    • The Working Conditions and Attitudes of Teachers in the Age of Educational Reform in Japan

      World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg, Sweden, International Sociological Association (with Sawako Yufu)  2010 

      More details

    • メンタル・ヘルスの変動要因と観察できない個人特性-JLPS(Japanese Life Course Panel Survey)の分析(2)

      日本社会学会第82回大会(立教大学)  2009 

    • The Changing Japanese Employment System: An Increase in the Fluidity of the Youth Labor Market and in the Number of Non-Standard Employees

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 at Renmin University of China, Beijing  2009 

      More details

      Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • The Changing Japanese Employment System: An Increase in the Fluidity of the Youth Labor Market and in the Number of Non-Standard Employees

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 at Renmin University of China, Beijing 2009  2009 

      More details

      Presentation type:Poster presentation  


    • 若年層における意識とライフスタイル-JLPSとBHPSによる日英比較- Invited

      第1回社研パネル調査研究成果報告会(東京大学社会科学研究所)  15 2 2008  東京大学社会科学研究所

      More details

      Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


      File: 若年層における意識とライフスタイル.ppt


    • 東アジアにおける女性の高等教育進学と階層-SSM2005を用いた日本・韓国・台湾の比較-

      第81回日本社会学会大会(東北大学)  2008 

      More details

    • JLPS(社研パネル調査)に見る若年者の意識変化(1)

      日本教育社会学会第60回大会(上越教育大学、石田浩,大島真夫,元治恵子,佐藤香,深堀聰子,三輪哲と共同)  2008 

      More details

    • Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Social Origin on Progression to Higher Education in East Asian Countries: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 at European University Institute, Florence  2008 

      More details

    • Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Social Origin on Progression to Higher Education in East Asian Countries: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 at European University Institute, Florence  2008 

      More details

    • 学校社会学研究のこれまでとこれから

      第25回学校社会学研究会(中央大学)  2007 

    • 若年者のキャリアと意識に関する実証研究-変化する意識/変化しない意識

      日本教育社会学会第59回大会(茨城大学、石田浩,大島真夫,元治恵子,佐藤香,深堀聰子,三輪哲と共同)  2007 

      More details

    • Intergenerational Educational Attainment in the Process of Educational Expansion in Japan

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 Spring Meeting at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic  2007 

      More details

    • Intergenerational Educational Attainment in the Process of Educational Expansion in Japan

      International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 Spring Meeting at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic  2007 

      More details

    • The Impact of Recent Educational Reforms on the Japanese High school Tracking System

      Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association, International Conference 2006, The Hong Kong Institute of Education  2006 

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    • 高卒者の進路選択と意識に関する実証研究

      日本教育社会学会第58回大会 (大阪教育大学、石田浩,佐藤香,元治恵子,深堀聰子,長尾由希子と共同)  2006 

      More details

    • The Impact of Recent Educational Reforms on the Japanese High school Tracking System

      Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association, International Conference 2006, The Hong Kong Institute of Education  2006 

      More details

    • 社会政策としての教育-福祉国家再編のなかでの教育

      第4回SPSN(社会政策研究ネットワーク)関西研究会  2005 

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    • Fairness and Satisfaction: The Paradoxical Effects of Social Status and Gender-Role Attitudes in Japan

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 at UCLA (with Mio Hayashi, and Yuka Uzuki)  2005 

      More details

    • Fairness and Satisfaction: The Paradoxical Effects of Social Status and Gender-Role Attitudes in Japan (with Mio Hayashi and Yuka Uzuki)

      International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 at UCLA  2005 

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    • 教職の専門性と教師文化に関する研究 -日本・中国・イギリスの3カ国比較-

      日本教育社会学会第55回大会 (明治学院大学、藤田英典,名越清家,油布佐和子,紅林伸幸,山田真紀と共同)  2003 

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    • 高校間格差の中での推薦入学 -質問紙調査の分析から-

      日本社会学会 第74回大会 (一橋大学)  2001 

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    • 高校入試改革の普及過程 -高校教育改革との関連から・推薦入学を中心に-

      日本教育社会学会第53回大会 (上智大学)  2001 

      More details

    • 高校入試改革普及の構造的規定要因 -イヴェント・ヒストリー分析を用いて-

      数理社会学会第32回大会 (群馬大学)  2001 

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    • 高校入試における推薦制導入のプロセスに関する研究 -学科と地域に注目して-

      日本教育社会学会第52回大会 (北海道大学)  2000 

      More details

    • 公立高校の推薦入試に関する社会学的研究

      第18回 学校社会学研究会(愛知教育大学)  2000 

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    ▼display all

    Teaching Experience

    • 4 2024 - Present 
      Reading Sociology in English ( Rikkyo University )

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    • 9 2021 - Present 
      社会調査法2 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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    • 9 2020 - Present 
      卒業研究 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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    • 4 2020 - Present 
      卒業論文演習1・2 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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      Level:Undergraduate (specialized) 


    • 4 2020 - Present 
      専門演習2 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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    • 4 2022 - 3 2023 
      社会階層論 ( 立教大学大学院社会学研究科 )

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    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      教育社会学演習 ( 立教大学大学院社会学研究科 )

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    • 4 2020 - 3 2023 
      現代社会変動論 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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    • 9 2020 - 1 2021 
      基礎演習 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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    • 4 2020 - 7 2020 
      専門演習1 ( 立教大学社会学部 )

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      現代の教育問題-公教育の役割を考える ( 東京大学大学院教育学研究科 )

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      学校の社会学 ( 関西学院大学社会学部 )

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      教育社会学特別研究(論文指導) ( 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 )

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      卒業研究・卒業演習 ( 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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      教育環境学実験実習 ( 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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      教育社会システム論 ( 京都大学大学院教育学研究科, 教育学部 )

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      生徒指導・進路指導論 ( 大阪大学(教職課程) )

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      教育社会学特講 ( 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 )

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      人間科学基礎 ( 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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      教育環境学概論 ( 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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      教育と社会 ( 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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      教育政策科学演習 ( 東北大学教育学部 )

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      社会学特論 ( 東洋大学大学院社会学研究科 )

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      教育社会学(特別)演習・教育社会学特殊研究 ( 中央大学大学院文学研究科, 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 )

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      学校社会学 ( 中央大学文学部 )

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      キャリアデザイン学基礎演習 ( 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部 )

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      社会学基礎演習 ( 東洋大学社会学部 )

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      社会学演習 ( 東洋大学社会学部 )

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      社会調査および実習 ( 東洋大学社会学部 )

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      教育社会学 ( 東洋大学社会学部, 中央大学文学部, 千葉大学教育学部, 大阪大学人間科学部 )

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    Professional Memberships

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    Research Projects

    • Social scientific research using large-scale surveys to understand and resolve social disparities, inequalities, and divisions

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 

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      4 2023 - 3 2030

      Grant number:23H05402


      Grant amount:\610740000 ( Direct Cost: \469800000 、 Indirect Cost:\140940000 )


    • A Panel Survey on Status Attainment and Life Style of Youths and Causal Inference

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 

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      4 2022 - 3 2027

      Grant number:22H00069

      Grant amount:\41730000 ( Direct Cost: \32100000 、 Indirect Cost:\9630000 )


    • A Comprehensive Study of Life Course and Inequality Using the Framework of Cumulative Advantages and Disadvantages

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research 

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      4 2018 - 3 2025

      Grant number:18H05204

      Grant amount:\612040000 ( Direct Cost: \470800000 、 Indirect Cost:\141240000 )


    • Longitudinal Survey of Japanese Youths after School : Regarding Works and Family

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 

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      4 2019 - 3 2024

      Grant number:19H00608

      Authorship:Principal investigator 

      Grant amount:\37310000 ( Direct Cost: \28700000 、 Indirect Cost:\8610000 )


    • A cross-disciplinary study of inequality using data from a panel survey of parents and children

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

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      4 2019 - 3 2023

      Grant number:19H01637


      Grant amount:\17030000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3930000 )


    • Follow-up survey on educational choice of high school students

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 

      Fujihara Sho

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      4 2016 - 3 2018

      Grant number:16K13545


      Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )

      This project conducted a follow-up survey of respondents (mothers) who responded to the Survey of High School Students and Mothers 2012. Of 1,070, 778 mothers answered the survey (response rate is 72.7%). In this survey, we collected information on educational attainment of the focused child, mother's attitude, socio-economic characteristics. Using the data, we analyzed the bias due to non-response, differences between educational expectation and actual educational attainment, and drop-out rates. We also examined the determinants of differences between expectation and attainment and found that mother's expectation and household income affects educational paths after high school graduation. The data will be deposited to the SSJDA.


    • New directions in the study of "educational experience and social stratification"

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      Nakamura Takayasu, Yoshida Takashi, Fujihara Sho, Taki Hirofumi, Higeta Takeshi, Sudo Kosuke, Ogawa Katunori, Aramaki Souhei

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      4 2015 - 3 2018

      Grant number:15H03482


      Grant amount:\8060000 ( Direct Cost: \6200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1860000 )

      This study aims to new directions in the study of "educational experience and social stratification" based on ESSM2013(Survey of Education, Social Stratification, and Social Mobility in Japan, 2013). We dealt with several educational variables such as preschool system, bullied experience, educational consciousness, educational level of relatives, in relation to social stratification. Many findings from our project were published as papers, reports, or article on our web site. Our book is going to be published in 2018.


    • Actual state and perception of teacher's workload under globalization

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      YUFU Sawako

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      4 2015 - 3 2018

      Grant number:15H03490


      Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4020000 )

      The purpose of this research is : (1) to clarify the current situation and change regardingf the teacher's life and the concept toward teachers' role by questionnaire survey, and (2) to explore the cause of Japanese teachers’ long working hours of by comparing with the results of overseas interview survey.
      The results are as follows: (1) The teacher's social status and economic situation are not very good, but the teachers are satisfied with their teaching life. It can be seen that this trend is gradually increasing with reference to past survey. (2) The primary cause of teacher 's long working hours is that teachers have no idea as a labor agreement or labor management. The background is that In Japan, the number of teachers belonging to teachers unions is less than 30%, and teachers unions have little function to improve working conditions


    • 教育の公共的機能に関する意識の潜在構造の解明

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金(基盤C) 

      中澤 渉

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      4 2015 - 3 2018

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )


    • A comparative study of the impact of instituional factors on stratification and attitudes

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 

      Miwa Satoshi, NAKAZAWA Wataru, KOBAYASHI Daisuke, HAYASHI Yusuke, AOYAMA Yuki, KUDO Saki, SHIMOSEGAWA Minami

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      4 2013 - 3 2016

      Grant number:25380635

      Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

      Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

      The aim of this study is to explore a new class theory and class schema, to investigate the trends in structure of social mobility and class composition using longitudinal data analysis, and to conduct policy research on social stratification. We show the possibility and limitation of micro-class schema for analyzing contemporary Japan. Besides, we conclude the stability of inequality of opportunity between class origins, and find that it is more likely to affect the degree of inequality between classes by industrialization process rather than by policy factors such as welfare regime.


    • Quantitative Analysis of Educational Effects and Development Process Based on Longitudinal Data

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kiban-C 

      NAKAZAWA Wataru

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      4 2012 - 3 2015

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 、 Indirect Cost:\690000 )


    • An Empirical Research on Education, Social Stratification, and Social Mobility

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 

      NAKAMURA Takayasu, KIKKAWA Tohru, MIWA Satoshi, WATANABE Tsutomu, SUDO Naoki, KOBAYASHI Daisuke, SHIRAHASE Sawako, ARITA Shin, HIRASAWA Kazushi, ARAMAKI Souhei, NAKAZAWA Wataru, YOSHIDA Takashi, FURUTA Kazuhisa, FUJIHARA Shou, TAKI Hirofumi, HIGETA Takeshi, SUDOU Kousuke, OGAWA Katsunori, NODA Suzuko, MOTOHAMA Naoko, KONAKA Takenori

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      4 2011 - 3 2015

      Grant number:23243083

      Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

      Grant amount:\30290000 ( Direct Cost: \23300000 、 Indirect Cost:\6990000 )

      We conducted a nationwide survey named "Survey of Education, Social Stratification, and Social Mobility in Japan, 2013"(an abbreviated name of the survey is ESSM2013), which contained many school or education variables. These variables were inclined to be not contained in sociological nationwide survey so far. The response rate of this survey was 60.3%, which was higher than many recent similar surveys in Japan. By the survey data, we were able to analyze effects of educational experiences to social status and effects of social origin to educational experiences more exactly than before.


    • 第2回高校生とその母親の教育意識に関する全国調査

      大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科  ヒューマン・サイエンス・プロジェクト(HSP) 

      中澤 渉

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      4 2012 - 3 2013

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3588000


    • Empirical Analysis of Educational Choices on the Basis of Rational Choice Theory

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Wakate-B 

      http, kaken.nii.ac, j

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      4 2009 - 3 2012

      Grant number:21730679

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2080000 ( Direct Cost: \1600000 、 Indirect Cost:\480000 )

      Using the Japanese General Social Surveys, the Social Stratification and Social Mobility Surveys, and the Japanese Life Course Panel Survey, I conducted quantitative data analyses concerning educational and occupational choices. According to my analyses, the relative risk aversion hypothesis, which is based on the rational choice theory, is not supported in Japan, and the analyses also revealed a stable intergenerational pattern of educational attainments. In addition, I have prepared commentaries on the rational choice theory in the sociology of education and the methodology of panel data analysis.


    • The Changing in the Working Conditions and Attitudes of Teachers in the Age of Educational Reform

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 

      YUFU Sawako, OCHI Yasushi, KUREBAYASHI Nobuyuki, NAKAZAWA Wataru, KAWAMURA Akira, YAMADA Maki

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      2008 - 2010

      Grant number:20330174


      Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )

      The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of neo-liberal educational reform on teachers' attitudes and activities. The results are as follows : teachers' attitudes toward neo-liberal educational reform affects teachers' daily activities and teachers' role. And a teacher becomes to take an active part in the school organization under the working conditions of educational reform, as a member of school organization rather than an autonomous profession. However he/she would not favor with the idea of neo-liberal educational reform. The criterion of evaluation used for evidence of the educational reform makes the role and range of teachers' activities rather clear. Therefore he/she would agree to a situation wherein the educational reform tried to the make the work of teachers known to everyone.


    • Research about the effect of Sogo-Senbatsu-sei (Random Assignment Entrance Examination System) in the local community

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, wakate-B 

      NAKAZAWA, Wataru

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      4 2006 - 3 2009

      Grant number:18730523

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\3930000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\330000 )


    • 入試改革の社会学

      日本学術振興会  研究成果公開促進費(学術図書) 

      中澤 渉

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      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\1800000



    • Sociological Research on Unintended Consequences of Educational Reform in Japan

      Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Research Fellowship for Young Scientists 

      NAKAZAWA, Wataru

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      4 2003 - 3 2005

      Grant number:03J10250

      Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

      Grant amount:\2200000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 )


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    Media Coverage

    • 高校入学募集 見直す動き 公立一貫校 高倍率の中学と比べ定員割れも Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞社  朝日新聞(朝刊)  地域総合(神奈川)  22 6 2024

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    • 大学のいま 新入生と対話、学び方支援 Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞(朝刊)  倉品武文編集委員執筆記事の中のインタビュー  8 5 2024

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    • 「教育貧国」の未来は? 格差は分断とエゴ生む Newspaper, magazine

      中日新聞  「考える広場」 4月3日には「東京新聞」で掲載。  1 4 2024

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    • 高校「完全無償化」の波紋 持続可能な支援へ 議論を Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞(夕刊)  アナザーノート(池尻和生記者によるインタビュー)  19 2 2024

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    • 無料塾 広がる志 :日本,公的支出少なく Newspaper, magazine

      毎日新聞社  毎日新聞朝刊  特集 未来をつくるSDGs  25 6 2023

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    • データで読む教育・中学受験は「過熱」してない? Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞社  朝日新聞朝刊  東京B 地域総合  3 6 2023

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    • うちのセンセイ 教育は「公共の利益」立教大社会学部教授・中澤渉さん Newspaper, magazine

      毎日新聞(東京・朝刊)  27 2 2023

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    • 日本の小学校にはいくらかかるか Internet

      フェニックステレビ  リー・ミャオの日本ウォッチ(中国語放送)  8 2 2023

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    • 「10万円助成」に賛否 東京 “私立志向” なぜ強い? Internet

      ABEMA TV(テレビ朝日系インターネットテレビ)  ABEMAヒルズ  25 1 2023

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    • 新奨学金制度について TV or radio program

      TOKYO MX  堀潤モーニングFLAG  29 4 2022

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    • BOOKガイド『学校の役割ってなんだろう』 Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞(夕刊)  BOOK ガイド  15 1 2022

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    • 学生 コロナ困窮続く Newspaper, magazine

      読売新聞(大阪版)  記事へのコメント  21 6 2020

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    • 家庭の学校化、親ら悲鳴 「多すぎる」宿題みる負担が母親に偏り Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞(夕刊)  記事へのコメント  27 5 2020

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    • 八幡南高入試 顧問枠全員が合格 16年度推薦20人以上 Newspaper, magazine

      読売新聞(西部)  記事へのコメント  19 12 2019

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    • 大学入試 共通テスト 迷走の影響は TV or radio program

      NHK 大阪放送局  おはよう関西  5 12 2019

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    • 【教育はいま】仕事時間、世界最長 日本の先生、授業外で疲弊 Newspaper, magazine

      産経新聞(大阪・夕刊)  【教育はいま】仕事時間、世界最長 日本の先生、授業外で疲弊(記事内でコメント)  18 7 2019

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    • 参院選2019私の一票 教育 待機児童対策に注力を Newspaper, magazine

      産経新聞 夕刊  10 7 2019

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    • 社会で支える意義再考を-公教育費、最下位の日本 Newspaper, magazine

      共同通信  教育交差点  15 3 2019

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    • どう思いますか『教育支援『世帯の年収』に違和感』 Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞  「相応の私費負担は必要」と題してコメント  1 8 2018

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    • 私の本棚 中澤渉著『日本の公教育』同志社大学 太田肇氏 Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞社  日経産業新聞  6 7 2018

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    • 『日本の公教育』中澤渉 Newspaper, magazine

      週刊文春  文春図書館 新刊推薦文  24 5 2018

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    • 『日本の公教育』中公新書 Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞  書評 新書紹介記事  12 5 2018

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    • 大機小機「『教育無償化』の議論を深めよう」 Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞(朝刊)  大機小機 『なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか』から引用。  5 12 2017

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    • 【衆院選】各党公約の教育無償化や待機児童の解消…「ホントにできるの?」有権者は見極め必要 Newspaper, magazine

      産経新聞  記事へのコメント  21 10 2017

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    • 『18歳』 将来どうする 保育所増の難しさ実感、介護身近に Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞 東京版  「教育どうする? 『無償化』は矛盾ないか?」としてコメント  21 10 2017

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    • 子育て支援 掛け声先行 公約横並び 議論深まらず 衆院選2017 暮らしの現場から(上) Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞  記事へのコメント  17 10 2017

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    • 越境入学違反問題検討会 「部活実績のため」正当性焦点 Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞 三重版  記事へのコメント  22 7 2017

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    • ニッポンの宿題 教育への投資 Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞 朝刊  インタビュー  5 1 2017

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    • 規制改革で成長促せ、雇用・消費税巡り議論――慶応義塾大学教授土居丈朗(経済論壇から) Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞社  日本経済新聞(朝刊)  経済論壇から アステイオン執筆の論考の引用 土居丈朗氏による  19 11 2015

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    • 公的教育費 日本また最下位 OECD調査 Newspaper, magazine

      読売新聞  記事へのコメント  13 9 2015

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    • 日本ではなぜ教育にお金がかかりすぎるのか-中澤渉氏インタビュー Newspaper, magazine

      助産雑誌  69(8) 675-681 河合蘭氏によるインタビュー  8 2015

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    • 旬英気鋭『学べば夢描ける社会を』 Newspaper, magazine

      共同通信  カルチャー・学芸記事としてインタビューが配信  27 2 2015

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    • サントリー学芸賞フォーラム・教育、不利な人に目向きにくい(中澤さん) Newspaper, magazine

      京都新聞  文化欄  20 2 2015

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    • 大学進学は『私事』の認識-『なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか』 Newspaper, magazine

      読売新聞 朝刊  文化欄 インタビュー  16 2 2015

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    • 第36回サントリー学芸賞贈呈式 Promotional material

      週刊読書人  授賞式のスピーチ  16 1 2015

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    • 学びを語る 大学進学・社会的意義訴えて Newspaper, magazine

      朝日新聞 朝刊  27 8 2014

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    • 書評(小塩隆士氏)『なぜ日本の公教育費は少ないのか』「国民意識を分析、福祉とも比較」 Newspaper, magazine

      日本経済新聞社  書評  17 8 2014

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