Decolonizing Technology and Politics for Degrowth: Implications of Japanese Post-development Thought
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics
19 6 2024
Time and Localism: Interpreting Serge Latouche's recent book: L'abondance frugale comme art de vivre: bonheur, gastronomie, et décroissance.
Yoshihiro Nakano
The Environment and Peace Research Group
10 3 2024
Steps towards a Localism of the Mind: How I encountered Serge Latouche's ideas of post-development and degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Guest Lecture at Seigakuin Senior High School
26 2 2024
Climate Justice and Degrowth: Decolonizing the Imagination of Social Design Paradigm
Yoshihiro Nakano
Decolonizing Climate Justice
23 1 2024
Transition Design and Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Carbon Neutral Research Workshop by the Institute for Advanced Social Science, Waseda University
19 1 2024
From the Consumer Society to a Society of Frugal Affluence: Philosophical Exercises for Transition Design
Yoshihiro Nakano
The 21st Annual Conference of the Kyoto Association for Private High School and Junior High Schools
22 10 2023
Yoshihiro Nakano
UT-Basecamp AY2023 Spring Semester Session 8: Post-capitalism
13 6 2023
Food and Degrowth: In What Way Can the Green Growth Paradigm be Overcome?
Nakano, Yoshihiro
Peace Studies Association of Japan (PSAJ) Annual Conference
18 6 2022
Postdevelopment in Japan: From the Living Economy to Epistemologies of the South
43th Annual Congress of AJEL(Asociación Japonesa de Estudios Latnoamericanos): Special Talk Session with Prof. Arturo Escobar ‘Encountering Development’ Revisited: In Search of Pluriversal Transitions
4 6 2022
Social and Solidarity Economy in Perspective: Japan
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
Economic POlicies for the Global transition (EPOG+)
26 11 2021
European Union
From Consumerist Society to Degrowth
Nakano, Yoshihiro
The Architecture Institute of Japan Symposium 'Architecture and Architect in a Time of Degrowth'
1 10 2021
Futurology and Degrowth
Nakano, Yoshihiro
Summer School of Japan Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
15 9 2021
A Scenario of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Architectural Institute of Japan 2021 Tokai
8 9 2021
Degrowth in a Time of the Anthropocene and Artificial Intelligence
Yoshihiro Nakano
The 15th Annual Conference of Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology
19 6 2021
What is Pluriversal Design? From a Postdevelopment Perspective
Yoshihiro Nakano
On Arturo Escobar’s Designs for the Pluriverse: Roundtable on Design, Anthropology and Future
3 12 2020
Thinking about Planetary Health
Yoshihiro Nakano
Designing the Future After Globalization: Reflections on New Social Practices in a Time of Pandemic
21 11 2020
Autonomy of Civil Society and Possibilities of the Local
Yoshihiro Nakano
Designing the Future After Globalization: Reflections on New Social Practices in a Time of Pandemic
21 11 2020
Transition Design and Degrowth: Rethinking relationships between culture and economy
Yoshihiro Nakano
Kobe University's Study Group on Meta Technoscience Project
10 7 2020
Yoshihiro Tamanoi's Theory of Regionalism and its pertinence and possibility in the time of the Anthropocene
Yoshihiro Nakano
Peace Studies Association of Japan 2019 Annual Conference Autumn
3 11 2019
Metamorphosis of Wealth: From the Logic of Economy to the Logics of Culture and Life
Yoshihiro Nakano
Société franco-japonaise des sciences économiques
19 10 2019
What is a Relational Society? Non-market values and Alternative Social Activities
Yoshihiro Nakano
Public Lecture organized by NPO Participartory Systems Research Center
5 8 2019
Where will alternatives come from? Exploring Civic Experiments to Break with the Society of Consumers
Yoshihiro Nakano
Study Group of Catalogue (Research Center of Local Associations)
13 7 2019
The Wisdom of Snail and Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
The Second Research Seminar of The Japan University of the Earth
6 7 2019
Challenges of Degrowth Between the Past, the Present and the Future
Yoshihiro Nakano
The Fourth Conference on Altruistic Capitalism Research Project
25 3 2019
Re-examinig Yoshirou Tamanoi's Theory of Regionalism from a Global Intellectual History
Yoshihiro Nakano
Study Group fro the Environment and Peace
23 3 2019
What is a sustainable community? Lessons from the cases of community building in the world
Yoshihiro Nakano
Rethinking Wealth in Murozumi Workshop
1 12 2018
The wisdom of snail and local power
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop on Local Future of Makinohara City
25 11 2018
Caring the World: Beyond the Impasse of Globalization
Yoshihiro Nakano
The36th Annual Conference of DEAR
4 8 2018
Epistemologies of the South and Rethinking Wealth in the 21st Century
Yoshihiro Nakano
Oriens Seminar
13 7 2018
Rethinking Wealth and Community in the 21st Century
Yoshihiro Nakano
Public Forum of Japan Assiation for NPO
26 3 2017
22 3 2017
Revisiting Yoshirou Tamanoi's Regionalism: In Search of the Dialogue between the Commons and Sensus Communis
Yoshihiro Nakano
Reinventing the Commons in the 21st Century: Alter-economy, Alter-democracy
14 1 2017
22 11 2016
Prospect of Conviviality in the 21st Century: On the Trajectory of Social Theories in Europe
Yoshihiro Nakano
Alter-Trade Study Group
2 7 2016
State and Prospect of Convivialism
Yoshihiro Nakano
22 1 2016
Convivialisme au Japon
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
Un autre monde se construit : théories et pratiques
26 10 2015
PEKEA, Université de Rennes
Après Fukushima, Innovation sociale au Japon
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
Conférence internationale sur Innovation sociale, économie sociale et solidaire, entrepreneuriat social
14 1 2015
Three concepts of autonomy in degrowth
Nakano, Yoshihiro
The Japan Society for Global System and Ethics
15 11 2014
Towards a dramaturgy of post-development thought
Yoshihiro Nakano
Peace Studies Association Japan Spring Conference
21 6 2014
The Crossroads of Civilisation and the Possibility of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Saitama Ecosystem Conservation Society
1 3 2014
Saitama Ecosystem Conservation Society
Sharing Words
Yoshihiro Nakano
PARC Freedom School
20 12 2013
Ecology and Peace
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop at Kawasaki Peace Museum
25 11 2013
The Potential of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Globalization Study Group
16 11 2013
Money and the Art of Saving Life: Ecology, Democracy, Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
PARC Free School Lecture
6 11 2013
What is Economic Growth? Its History and Limits
Yoshihiro Nakano
PARC Freedom School
26 9 2013
Farewell to the Society of Consumers: A Way to Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Guest Lecture at Kounan University
30 5 2013
Solidarity Economy and Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
PARC Freedom School
20 12 2012
Post-development and Questions Concerning Technology: Re-framing Development Ethics
Yoshihiro Nakano
The Annual Conference of Japan Society for International Development (Kobe University)
2 12 2012
The Crisis of Civilization and the Prospect of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Guest Lecture at Kounan University
29 11 2012
The Crisis of Civilization and the Prospect of Degrowth: Towards a New Solidarity Society
Yoshihiro Nakano
Annual Conference of Cooperatives
18 11 2012
Farewell to Growth: On Serge Latouche's Project of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
ICU SSRI Open Lecture
8 11 2012
Rethinking Ethical Foundations of Development: Towards a New Cosmopolis
Nakano, Yoshihiro
The Japan Sociological Society
3 11 2012
The Crisis of Civilization and the Prospect of Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Guest Lecture at Osaka City University
19 10 2012
On Degrowth
Yoshihiro Nakano
The 4th Development Education Seminar
13 10 2012
The Winter of Neoliberal Globalization
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
The ASCJ Annual Conference
7 2012
Japan after March 11: Rethinking an Ethcs of Living
Yoshihiro Nakano
Nanzan University
4 2012
Who has a right to resources?
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop at Japan Institute of Cooperative Research
3 2012
The economy for the living system
Yoshihiro Nakano
A Seed Japan Symposium 'The Future Life Now!'
2 2012
Thinking about a New Form of Wealth: Growth or De-growth?
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop at Research Institute for Advanced Studies of Living Standards
2 2012
Japan after March 11: Towards a Convivial Society
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop at Catholic Shinsei Kaikan
2 2012
A Global Society and the Future of the Representation of the Culture of Non-Western Music
Yoshihiro Nakano
Symposium at Tokyo Art University
1 2012
Global Education in an Age of De-growth/ Post-development
Yoshihiro Nakano
Symposium at Utsunomiya University
11 2011
De-growth and denuclearization
Yoshihiro Nakano
Open Lecture at International Christian University
5 9 2011
La voie de la décroissance, autour de la pensée de Serge Latouche
Yoshihiro Nakano
PARC Freedom School
8 2011
Denuclearization and Radical Democracy
Yoshihiro Nakano
ATTAC Kyoto Study Group
7 2011
Rethinking Modern Politics through De-growth
Yoshihiro Nakano
Annual Conference of The Society for Global System and Ethics
7 2011
Reframing Social Justice through De-growth
Yoshihiro Nakano
ATTAC Kyoto Study Group
5 2011
What kind of society do we hope for after March 11?
Yoshihiro Nakano
ATTAC Kyoto Study Group
4 2011
On Serge Latouche's theory of de-growth
Yoshihiro Nakano
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
1 2011
Rethinking Globalization
Yoshihiro Nakano
Workshop at Heian High School of Ryukoku University
1 2011
What is De-growth?
Yoshihiro Nakano
ATTAC Kyoto Study Group
12 2010
Is it possible to construct a prosperity without growth?
Yoshihiro Nakano
Special Lecture at Nihon University
11 2010
11 2010
The Ethics of Post-development Thought
Yoshihiro Nakano
Open Lecture at Keio University SFC
10 2010
From Capabilities to Degrowth: Toward a New Concept of Global Justice
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
11 7 2010
Degrowth and Questions of Subjectivity and Justice
International conference
Yoshihiro Nakano
Symposium of Societe franco-japonaise, University of Paris 13
3 2010
Post-development?: The Future of Global Capitalism (Round Table)
International conference
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2010
2 2010
6 2009
6 2009
Post-development and the Question of Technology: an Alternative Strategy towards Economic Democratization
International conference
International Conference on Reframing Development: Post-development, Globalization andthe Human Condition (coordinated by GLOCOL Osaka University), (2009 年4 月8 日~10 日/於:大阪大学銀杏会館)
4 2009
1 2009
Post-development and Question of Technology: An Alternative Strategy toward Economic Democratisation
Reframing Development: Globalization, Post-development, and the Human Conditions (GLOCOL, Osaka University)
単独性概念としての近隣性:la decroissance理論における社会的紐帯構築の論理について
10 2008
講演会:ポスト開発思想のフロンティア:Serge Latouche の思想を中心に
6 2008
日仏経済学会総会研究会(2008 年3 月21 日;早稲田大学)
3 2008
Experience of Plurality: between the political and the ethical
8th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Essex)
5 2007
Ethical Injunction in Post-development Politics
the annual BISA conference (University College of Cork, Ireland)
12 2006
The singular, the absolute, the universal: taking Laclau to theory of signature
7th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Essex)
5 2006
Ethical Injunction of Post-development Politics
British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference (University College of Cork)
On the singular name of post-development: its mode of the Subject
Workshop in Political Theory (Manchester Metropolitan University)
9 2005
On the singular name of post-development
6th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Essex)
5 2005
The people, memory, radical democracy: a manuscript for transnational Politics
5th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Essex)
5 2004
Radical Politics of Post-development: Hegemony and Sublimation
the annual BISA conference (University of Warwick)
4 2004
Tolerance and Intolerance of Radical Democracy: Expanding the Pluralist-Egalitarian Horizon to Global Sovereigns
the annual PSA conference (University of Lincoln)
4 2004
Power of Market and the Ethics of Development
4th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Essex)
5 2003