Updated on 2024/08/29


DAVIS, Scott T.
*Items subject to periodic update by Rikkyo University (The rest are reprinted from information registered on researchmap.)
College of Business Department of Global Business
Graduate School of Business Doctoral Program in Business
Graduate School of Business Master's Program in International Business
Research Theme*
  • 経営戦略による社会価値創造に関する理論と実践を研究テーマとする。日本における社会的責任経営を中心にポジティブ・ビジネスモデル・イノベーション(戦略、組織、社会的関係性などのリフレーミング)の問題を分析する。

  • Campus Career*
    • 4 2006 - Present 
      College of Business   Department of Global Business   Professor
    • 4 2011 - Present 
      Graduate School of Business   Master's Program in International Business   Professor
    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Graduate School of Business   Doctoral Program in Business   Professor
    • 4 2006 - 3 2011 
      Graduate School of Business   Master's Program in Business   Professor

    Research Areas

    • Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration

    Research History

    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Rikkyo University

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    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Rikkyo University

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    • 4 2006 - Present 
      Rikkyo University   College of Business   Professor

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    • 2001 - 2006 
      Reitaku University   Business Ethics and Compliance Research Center

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    • 2001 - 2006 
      Reitaku University

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    • 1993 - 2001 
      Reitaku University   Faculty of Economics   Associate Professor

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    • 1990 - 1993 
      特殊法人 日本労働研究機構   研究所   専任研究員

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    • - 1986 
      University of New South Wales   Post Graduate School

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      Country: Australia


    • - 1982 
      国公立ニュー・サウス・ウェールス大学   社会学部   社会学科

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      Country: Australia


    Committee Memberships

    • 2006 
      21世紀社会デザイン研究学会   常任理事

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      Committee type:Academic society



    • 2006 
      Japan Academy of Social Design   Permanent Director

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      Committee type:Academic society

      Japan Academy of Social Design



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    Books and Other Publications

    • Innovative CSR: From Risk Management to Value Creation

      ( Role: Sole author)

      Greenleaf Publishing  2010  ( ISBN:9781906093358

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    • 入門ビジネス・リーダーシップ (共著)

      日本評論社  2007  ( ISBN:9784535554955

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    • An Introduction to Business Leadership

      2007  ( ISBN:9784535554955

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    • 企業の社会的責任 求められる新たな経営観

      日本規格協会  2003 

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    • 日英 人事・賃金用語辞典

      経営書院  2001 

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    • Human Centered Problem Solving: The Management of Improvements

      ( Role: Sole translator ,  Asian Productivity Organization)

      2001  ( ISBN:9283311396

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    • 倫理法令遵守マネジメント・システム

      麗澤大学出版会  2000 

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    • The R&D Workers-Managing Innovation in Britain, Germany, Japan and the United States, New York,

      Greenwood Press,  1995 

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    • 米国における研究開発技術者の供給・就業構造

      日本労働研究機構  1993 

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    • Global Management and Innovation Strategies: Towards a New Frontier in Theory and Practice Tokyo

      Chikura Shobo Press  1993 

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    Professional Memberships


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      Japan Academy of Social Design

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    Research Projects