2025/01/25 更新


ナガノ シュウサク
永野 修作
NAGANO Shusaku
理学部 化学科
理学研究科 化学専攻 博士課程後期課程
理学研究科 化学専攻 博士課程前期課程
博士(工学) ( 東京工業大学 )
  • 高分子化学、分子組織化学。高分子、液晶などのソフトマテリアルの協同性や増幅作用を利用し、分子配向制御や分子組織化に基づく新規分子材料システムを構築、様々な機能増幅や新規機能発現を目指す。分子設計・合成から、分子組織化、構造解析、物性・機能評価までの材料開発プロセスをすべて行う。

  • 研究キーワード
  • フォトポリマー

  • 高分子半導体

  • 液晶性高分子

  • 分子配向

  • 光化学

  • 学内職務経歴*
    • 2020年4月 - 現在 
      理学部   化学科   教授
    • 2020年4月 - 現在 
      理学研究科   化学専攻 博士課程前期課程   教授
    • 2020年4月 - 現在 
      理学研究科   化学専攻 博士課程後期課程   教授


    • ナノテク・材料 / 高分子材料

    • ナノテク・材料 / 有機機能材料

    • ナノテク・材料 / ナノ構造化学

    • ナノテク・材料 / 高分子化学


    • 2020年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   理学部化学科   教授


    • 2023年 - 2023年 
      大分大学   理工学部   非常勤講師


    • 2022年 - 2022年 
      東京工業大学   非常勤講師


    • 2017年4月 - 2020年3月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科 有機・高分子化学専攻   准教授


    • 2011年8月 - 2020年3月 


    • 2011年8月 - 2020年3月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科 共通/大学院工学研究科)   准教授


    • 2011年8月 - 2019年3月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科 物質制御工学専攻 有機材料設計   准教授


    • 2017年 - 2017年 
      山形大学   理学部   非常勤講師


    • 2015年 - 2015年 
      三重大学   大学院工学研究科   非常勤講師


    • 2009年10月 - 2013年3月 


    • 2007年4月 - 2011年7月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科   助教


    • 2007年4月 - 2011年7月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科 物質制御工学専攻   助教


    • 2002年11月 - 2007年3月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科   助手


    • 2007年3月 
      名古屋大学   大学院工学研究科 物質制御工学専攻   助手


    • 2001年4月 - 2002年10月 
      株式会社リコー 中央研究所 研究員


    • 1997年4月 - 1998年3月 
      日本パーカライジング株式会社 総合技術研究所 研究員




    • 1998年4月 - 2001年3月 
      東京工業大学   大学院 総合理工学研究科


      国名: 日本国


    • 1995年4月 - 1997年3月 
      学習院大学   大学院 自然科学研究科


      国名: 日本国


    • 1991年4月 - 1995年3月 
      学習院大学   理学部   化学科



    • 2024年3月 - 現在 
      日本化学会関東支部   幹事


    • 2022年9月 - 現在 
      高分子学会   男女共同参画委員


    • 2017年9月 - 2019年9月 
      日本液晶学会   行事担当理事




    • 2017年6月 - 2019年5月 
      高分子学会   「高分子」編集員




    • 2015年3月 - 2018年9月 
      応用物理学会   プログラム編成委員




    • 2016年9月 - 2017年9月 
      日本液晶学会   代議員




    • 2009年3月 - 2016年3月 
      日本液晶学会   液晶化学・材料フォーラム 委員




    • 2011年3月 - 2013年3月 
      応用物理学会   有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会 幹事






    • 2017年9月  
      高分子学会  高分子学会日立化成賞 




    • 2016年3月  
      永井科学技術財団  平成27年度(第33回)永井科学技術財団賞(奨励賞) 




    • 2015年9月  
      日本液晶学会  日本液晶学会論文賞(A部門) 




    • 2009年5月  
      日本化学会  日本化学会第89春季年会(2009)優秀講演賞(産業) 




    • 2009年  
      東海化学工業会  東海化学工業会賞 




    • 2008年  
      日本液晶学会  日本液晶学会論文賞(A部門) 




    • 2007年5月  
      高分子学会  高分子学会研究奨励賞 





    • 2002年  
      日本MRS学会  第15回日本MRS学術シンポジウム奨励賞 




    • 1999年  
      日本MRS学会  第10回日本MRS学術シンポジウム奨励賞 






    • Fabrication of amorphous lamellar freestanding poly(N‐dodecyl acrylamide) films and their mechanical properties

      Yuki Koizumi, Yoshimasa Matsuo, Akito Masuhara, Hinako Ebe, Yuya Ishizaki‐Betchaku, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      Polymer International   2024年11月12日



      DOI: 10.1002/pi.6718


    • Crystalline Formation Enhances Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Property of Copper Azaphthalocyanine on Carbon Electrodes

      Kosuke Ishibashi, Tengyi Liu, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano, Junya Yoshida, Shimpei Ono, Yasufumi Takahashi, Akichika Kumatani, Hiroshi Yabu

      ACS Applied Energy Materials   2024年11月8日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.4c02102


    • Effects of Alkyl Side Chain Length on the Structural Organization and Proton Conductivity of Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films

      Tetsuya Honbo, Yutaro Ono, Kota Suetsugu, Mitsuo Hara, Attila Taborosi, Kentaro Aoki, Shusaku Nagano, Michihisa Koyama, Yuki Nagao

      ACS Applied Polymer Materials   2024年10月21日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.4c02490


    • Formation of Conjugated Polymer Monolayer Networks on Water Surface and Nonlinear Charge Transport

      Yuya Ishizaki‐Betchaku, Naoki Hara, Taikai Matsuda, Jun Matsui, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      Advanced Electronic Materials   2024年9月17日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  


      Material‐networked conduction paths provide nonlinear electronic properties, which are essential components of computing and physically mimic the brain. In this study, the formation of conjugated polymer monolayer networks and their nonlinear charge transport is demonstrated. Poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) monolayer networks doped with 2,3,5,6‐tetrafluoro‐7,7,8,8‐tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) is fabricated using the co‐spread method with an amphiphilic liquid crystal molecule at the air–water interface. Atomic force microscopy and Ultraviolet–visible–near‐infrared absorption spectroscopy measurements reveal the network surface morphologies and doped electronic states. The correlation between the nonlinear electronic characteristics and network structures of the P3HT/F4TCNQ monolayer networks is further systematically investigated through current–voltage and voltage–time measurements for various doping levels, network densities, and numbers of transferred layers. The current–voltage characteristics of the P3HT/F4TCNQ monolayer network device with a simple two‐terminal structure exhibit nonlinear and ohmic conduction behavior, which depend strongly on the network density and geometric dimension (number of transferred layers). It is concluded that the nonlinear properties arise from the limited and unique network of 2D conduction passes. This study highlights the unique features of conducting polymer monolayer networks, paving the way for neuromorphic device applications including conjugated semiconducting polymer‐based material reservoirs with controllable nanostructures.

      DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400427


    • Order-Order Transition in Statistical Copolymer Thin Film Induced by LCST-Type Behavior 査読有り

      Mao Kikuchi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Hinako Ebe, Jun Matsui

      The Journal of Physical Chemistry B   2024年7月24日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c03123


    • Ultrathin Ionic Diodes with Electrostatically Heterogeneous Hybrid Interfaces of Nanoporous SiO<sub>2</sub> Nanofilms and Polymer Layer‐by‐Layer Multilayers 査読有り

      Yuya Ishizaki‐Betchaku, Narumi Kumakura, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Shusaku Nagano, Masaya Mitsuishi

      Small   2024年7月3日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  


      Nanofluidic ionic diodes have attracted much attention due to their unique functions as unidirectional ion transportation ability and promising applications from molecular sensing, and energy harvesting to emerging neuromorphic devices. However, it remains a challenge to fabricate diode‐like nanofluidic systems with ultrathin film thickness &lt;100 nm. Herein the formation of ultrathin ionic diodes from hybrid nanoassemblies of nanoporous (NP) SiO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms and polyelectrolyte layer‐by‐layer (LbL) multilayers is described. Ultrathin ionic diodes are prepared by integrating polyelectrolyte multilayers onto photo‐oxidized NP SiO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms obtained from silsesquioxane‐containing block copolymer thin films as a template. The obtained ultrathin ionic diodes exhibit ion current rectification (ICR) properties with high ICR factor = ≈20 under low ionic strength and asymmetric pH conditions. It is concluded that this ICR behavior arises from effective ion accumulation and depletion at the interface of NP SiO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms and LbL multilayers attributed to high ion selectivity by combining the experimental data and theoretical calculations using finite element methods. These results demonstrate that the hybrid nano assemblies of NP SiO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms and polyelectrolyte LbL multilayers have potential applications for (bio)sensing materials and integrated ionic circuits for seamless connection of human‐machine interfaces.

      DOI: 10.1002/smll.202404306


    • Assembly Structure Formation in Bulk and Ultrathin Films of Poly(substituted methylene) Having an Azobenzene Side Chain 査読有り

      Chikara Kawakami, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Hiroaki Shimomoto, Yoshitaka Yorimoto, Tomohiro Yamada, Shuichiro Oda, Eiji Ihara, Takahiro Seki

      Langmuir40 ( 21 ) 11297 - 11306   2024年5月16日



      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c01168


    • Influence of Humidity on Layer-by-Layer Growth and Structure in Coordination Networks 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Inorganic Chemistry63 ( 15 ) 6674 - 6682   2024年4月1日



      DOI: 10.1021/ACS.INORGCHEM.3C04526


    • Reversible photoswitching of proton conduction in hetero-smectic lamellar structures formed by side-chain liquid crystalline copolymer thin films

      Shusaku Nagano

      Polymer International   2024年



      DOI: 10.1002/PI.6741


    • Mechanism of High Proton Mobility in the Two-Dimensional Nanospace at the Interlayer of a Multilayer Polymer Nanosheet Film

      Shusaku Nagano

      The Journal of Physical Chemistry C   2023年12月21日



      DOI: 10.1021/ACS.JPCC.3C06848


    • Janus metallic film with gold and silver luster by electroless deposition of silver using poly(dopamine acrylamide) thin film. 査読有り 国際誌

      Mizuki Ohke, Ryoichi Akaishi, Kyoka Tachibana, Michinari Kohri, Shusaku Nagano, Hinako Ebe, Jun Matsui

      RSC advances13 ( 40 ) 28104 - 28111   2023年9月18日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Films that exhibit different metallic luster on the front and back, called Janus metallic films, have broad applications ranging from design materials to optical devices. However, the fabrication of these films is often a complicated process involving multiple metal deposition steps, thermal annealing, and calcination. Herein, we report the simple preparation of a Janus metallic film by electroless deposition of silver on a poly(dopamine acrylamide) (pDOPAm) thin film. pDOPAm was successfully synthesized via the controlled reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization of dopamine acrylamide without a protective group using dimethylformamide as the solvent. The synthesized pDOPAm was spin-coated onto a solid substrate, which was then immersed in an aqueous AgNO3 solution to achieve the electroless deposition of silver. Our preparation method will considerably simplify the fabrication of Janus metallic films, enabling their widespread application as decorative or authentication materials.

      DOI: 10.1039/d3ra05099h



    • Effect of the Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate (PEGDA) Molecular Weight on Ionic Conductivities in Solvent-Free Photo-Cross-Linked Solid Polymer Electrolytes 査読有り

      Manjit S Grewal, Kosuke Ishibashi, Mitsuo Hara, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano, Hiroshi Yabu

      Langmuir39 ( 29 ) 10209 - 10215   2023年7月12日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01146


    • Photoalignment and Photofixation of Chromonic Mesophase in Ionic Linear Polysiloxanes Using a Dual Irradiation System 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Crystals13 ( 2 ) 326   2023年2月



      DOI: 10.3390/CRYST13020326


    • Order-order transitions in poly(<i>N</i>-octadecyl acrylamide-<i>co</i>-hydroxyethyl acrylamide) statistical copolymer films

      Shusaku Nagano

      Soft Matter   2023年



      DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00265A


    • Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Property and Organized Structure in High Proton-Conductive Sulfonated Semialicyclic Oligoimide Thin Films 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      ACS Omega8 ( 8 ) 7470 - 7478   2023年



      DOI: 10.1021/ACSOMEGA.2C06398


    • Induction of Highly Ordered Liquid Crystalline Phase of an Azobenzene Side Chain Polymer by Contact with 4?-Pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl: An In Situ Study 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Langmuir39 ( 1 ) 619 - 626   2023年1月



      DOI: 10.1021/ACS.LANGMUIR.2C02950


    • Induced Smectic E Phase in a Binary Blend of Side‐Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers 査読有り

      Naoki Hida, Tatsunaga Nakajima, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      Macromolecular Rapid Communications   2200761 - 2200761   2022年11月23日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

      DOI: 10.1002/marc.202200761


      その他リンク: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1002/marc.202200761

    • Fast-Coating Process Based on Elongated Rodlike Preaggregate for Highly Oriented Thin Film of Donor–Acceptor π-Conjugated Polymer 査読有り

      Yu Minowa, Yuta Yabuuchi, Shusaku Nagano, Shuichi Nagamatsu, Akihiko Fujii, Masanori Ozaki

      ACS Applied Materials &amp; Interfaces   2022年10月25日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c13516


    • Water-Retentive/Lipophilic Amphiphilic Surface Properties Attained by Hygroscopic Polysiloxane Ultrathin Films 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Journal of Fiber Science and Technology78 ( 10 ) 169 - 177   2022年10月



      DOI: 10.2115/FIBERST.2022-0021


    • The Effect of a Topcoat with Amorphous Polymer Layers on the Mesogen Orientation and Photoalignment Behavior of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films 査読有り

      Mari Furuichi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Applied Sciences12 ( 19 ) 9410 - 9410   2022年9月20日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MDPI AG  

      The mesogen orientations of liquid crystals are sensitive to the nature of the contacting surface. For side chain liquid crystalline polymer (SCLCP) films, most investigations have been conducted for thin films formed on a solid substrate surface such as glass, quartz and metal oxides, and little knowledge has been accumulated for SCLCP films whose top surface is covered by amorphous polymers. This work presents the effect of a topcoat with amorphous polymers placed on SCLCP films on the mesogen orientation and photoalignment behavior. When an SCLCP film that adopts a homeotropic mesogen orientation is covered with a glass plate or polymer layer, the mesogens turns to a random planar orientation. This planar orientation is favorable for efficient in-plane photoalignment by irradiation with linear polarized light. An in-plane order parameter exceeding 0.5 is readily obtained. Unexpectedly, a significant stabilization of the liquid crystal phase by over 10 °C is observed above the isotropization temperature of the SCLCP. These fundamental sets of knowledge should be significant in the fabrication of various polymer LC devices.

      DOI: 10.3390/app12199410


    • Hydration and OH<sup>–</sup>/Br<sup>–</sup> Conduction Properties of Fluorene–Thiophene-Based Anion Exchange Thin Films Tethered with Different Cations 査読有り

      Fangfang Wang, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Yuki Nagao

      ACS Applied Polymer Materials4 ( 8 ) 5965 - 5974   2022年7月25日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c00811


    • Humidity-Induced Self-Assembled Nanostructures via Ion Aggregation in Ionic Linear Polysiloxanes 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Macromolecules55 ( 11 ) 4313 - 4319   2022年5月



      DOI: 10.1021/ACS.MACROMOL.2C00404


    • Crystallization-Induced Uniform Nanodot Formation of Titanium Dioxide Films 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan95 ( 2 ) 216 - 220   2022年2月



      DOI: 10.1246/BCSJ.20210391


    • Band-like Transport of Charge Carriers in Oriented Two-Dimensional Conjugated Covalent Organic Frameworks 査読有り

      Samrat Ghosh, Yusuke Tsutsui, Takahiro Kawaguchi, Wakana Matsuda, Shusaku Nagano, Katsuaki Suzuki, Hironori Kaji, Shu Seki

      Chemistry of Materials34 ( 2 ) 736 - 745   2022年1月25日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03533


    • Synthesis of π-extended oxacenes and their application to organic field-effect transistors

      Shusaku Nagano

      Organic Electronics   2022年



      DOI: 10.1016/J.ORGEL.2021.106335


    • Supramolecular Helical Assemblies of Dirhodium(II) Paddlewheels with 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane: A Remarkable Substituent Effect on the Helical Sense Preference and Amplification of the Helical Handedness Excess of Metallo-Supramolecular Helical Polymers

      Shusaku Nagano

      Journal of the American Chemical Society   2022年



      DOI: 10.1021/JACS.1C12652


    • Transition of Self-assembled Structures in Poly(N- octadecyl acrylamide-co-hydroxylethyl acrylamide) Random Copolymer Films

      Shusaku Nagano

      ChemRxiv   2022年



      DOI: 10.26434/CHEMRXIV-2022-PMSTK


    • State- and water repellency-controllable molecular glass of pillar[5]arenes with fluoroalkyl groups by guest vapors 査読有り

      Katsuto Onishi, Shunsuke Ohtani, Kenichi Kato, Shixin Fa, Yoko Sakata, Shigehisa Akine, Moe Ogasawara, Hitoshi Asakawa, Shusaku Nagano, Yoshinori Takashima, Motohiro Mizuno, Tomoki Ogoshi

      Chemical Science13 ( 14 ) 4082 - 4087   2022年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})  

      Molecular glasses are low-molecular-weight organic compounds that are stable in the amorphous state at room temperature. Herein, we report a state- and water repellency-controllable molecular glass by n-alkane guest vapors. We observed that a macrocyclic host compound pillar[5]arene with the C2F5 fluoroalkyl groups changes from the crystalline to the amorphous state (molecular glass) by heating above its melting point and then cooling to room temperature. The pillar[5]arene molecular glass shows reversible transitions between amorphous and crystalline states by uptake and release of the n-alkane guest vapors, respectively. Furthermore, the n-alkane guest vapor-induced reversible changes in the water contact angle were also observed: water contact angles increased and then reverted back to the original state by the uptake and release of the n-alkane guest vapors, respectively, along with the changes in the chemical structure and roughness on the surface of the molecular glass. The water repellency of the molecular glass could be controlled by tuning the uptake ratio of the n-alkane guest vapor.

      DOI: 10.1039/D2SC00828A


    • Simple linear ionic polysiloxane showing unexpected nanostructure and mechanical properties 査読有り 国際誌

      Mitsuo Hara, Yuta Iijima, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Scientific Reports11 ( 1 ) 17683 - 17683   2021年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Polysiloxanes are ubiquitous materials in industry and daily life derived from silicates, an abundant resource. They exhibit various properties, which depend on the main-chain network structure. Linear (1D backbone) polysiloxanes provide amorphous materials. They are recognized as fluid materials in the form of grease or oil with a low glass transition temperature. Herein we report that a simple linear polysiloxane, poly(3-aminopropylmethylsiloxane) hydrochloride, shows an elastic modulus comparable to that of stiff resins such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene). By introducing an ammonium salt at all the units of this polysiloxane, inter- and intramolecular ionic aggregates form, immensely enhancing the elastic modulus. This polysiloxane is highly hygroscopic, and its modulus can be altered reversibly 100 million times between moist and dry atmospheres. In addition, it works as a good adhesive for glass substrates with a shear strength of more than 1 MPa in the dry state. Despite its simple structure with a flexible backbone, this polymer unexpectedly self-assembles to form an ordered lamellar nanostructure in dry conditions. Consequently, this work reveals new functions and possibilities for polysiloxanes materials by densely introducing ionic groups.

      DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-97204-8



    • Reversible "On/Off" Chiral Amplification of Pillar[5]arene Assemblies by Dual External Stimuli

      Shusaku Nagano

      ACS Nano   2021年10月26日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/ACSNANO.1C06975


    • Photo-triggered surface relief formation of polystyrene films based on the Marangoni flow driven by a surface photoresponsive skin layer 査読有り

      Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals727 ( 1 ) 52 - 64   2021年9月22日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Informa {UK} Limited  

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2021.1946966


    • Effect of Surface Silanol Density on the Proton Conductivity of Polymer-Surface-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles 査読有り

      Kazuki Koseki, Toshihiko Arita, Keisuke Tabata, Tomohiro Nohara, Ryota Sato, Shusaku Nagano, Akito Masuhara

      ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering9 ( 30 ) 10093 - 10099   2021年8月2日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c01922


    • Direction‐Selectable Ultra‐Highly Oriented State of Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymer Induced by Slow Bar Coating Process 査読有り

      Yuta Yabuuchi, Yu Minowa, Hirotake Kajii, Shusaku Nagano, Akihiko Fujii, Masanori Ozaki

      Advanced Electronic Materials   2100313 - 2100313   2021年7月8日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

      DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202100313


      その他リンク: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1002/aelm.202100313

    • Molecular orientation and electrical properties in <i>tert</i>-butylated phthalocyanine thin film fabricated by uniaxial solution coating 査読有り 国際誌

      Shusaku Nagano

      Electronics and Communications in Japan104 ( 1 ) 113 - 119   2021年3月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

      Molecular orientation, molecular packing structure, and electrical properties of thermally stable phthalocyanine, tert-butylated phthalocyanine (t-BuPcH2) in the thin film fabricated by bar-coating method were investigated. The XRD patterns indicated that the columns composed of t-BuPcH2 molecules formed hexagonal structure, the axis of which was parallel to the bar-sweep direction, and t-BuPcH2 molecules were vertically aligned to the bar-sweep direction. Uniaxially oriented thin films of t-BuPcH2 were successfully fabricated on Si substrate covered with polyimide by bar-coating method, and the field effect mobility of t-BuPcH2 was estimated to be 1.32 x 10(-4) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) at maximum. The field effect mobility parallel to the bar-sweep direction was approximately three times higher than that perpendicular to the bar-sweep direction due to high electrical conduction along the column axis of t-BuPcH2.

      DOI: 10.1002/ECJ.12297


    • Photoisomerization-induced patterning of ion-pairing materials based on anionic azobenzene and its complex with a fluorescent pi-electronic system dagger 査読有り

      Ryohei Yamakado, Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Hiromitsu Maeda

      CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS57 ( 35 ) 4287 - 4290   2021年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      Large mass transport driven by the difference in the photoisomerization-induced surface tension was demonstrated in ion pairs of anionic azobenzene and a cationic polymer. This material motion enabled fluorescence patterning using a trace amount of photoisomerized azobenzenes in complex form with a pi-electronic system.

      DOI: 10.1039/d0cc07640f


    • Preparation and structural characterization of shear-aligned films in a high proton conductive alkyl-sulfonated polyimide with lyotropic liquid crystallinity

      Ryosuke Goto, Yutaro Ono, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Yuki Nagao, Shusaku Nagano

      Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals   2021年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Taylor and Francis Ltd.  

      Molecular-organized structures of polymer electrolytes have been extensively studied in recent years. Recently, we demonstrated that alkyl-sulfonated polyimide (ASPI) forms a lyotropic lamellar liquid crystalline (LC) phase under humid conditions and exhibits a high proton conductivity of 10−1 S cm−1 in the in-plane lamella direction at 95% relative humidity. In this work, we conducted precise structural evaluations of the lyotropic LC ASPI for in-plane aligned films prepared by a bar-coating method with a concentrated solution. The ASPI concentrated solution exhibited a birefringent feature and lyotropic LC properties. Humidity-controlled in situ polarized infrared spectroscopy confirmed the in-plane anisotropic structure of the aligned film with clear dichroism, and the dichroism did not change under humidification. Humidity-controlled in situ grazing-incidence X-ray scattering measurement revealed the hierarchical LC structure with main-chain smectic ordering in the lyotropic lamella structure of the shear aligned ASPI film.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2021.1946963



    • Photoswitchable Configuration of Nematic Liquid Crystal Droplets Embedded in a Honeycomb-Patterned Film 査読有り

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Hiroshi Yabu, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Advanced Materials Interfaces8 ( 20 ) 2100891 - 2100891   2021年


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

      Honeycomb-patterned polymer films prepared by the breath figure method exhibit unique shape features. These films have potential in various applications, but functional materials are rarely embedded into the arrayed cavity. Here, a photoswitchable function of a compartmented nematic liquid crystal (NLC) in a honeycomb array is proposed. Surface segregation and liquid crystal self-assembly processes cover curved honeycomb walls of polystyrene (PS) with a high-density polymer brush of an azobenzene side chain liquid crystalline polymer (SCLCP), producing honeycomb polymer films with isolated cavities. Spherical confinement of the cavities with the SCLC brush provides a bipolar nematic director (planar anchoring), whereas UV light irradiation induces a radial configuration (homeotropic anchoring) of NLC droplets. Photoisomerization of azobenzene UV and visible light irradiation repeatedly induces a photoswitchable change between the bipolar and radial modes.

      DOI: 10.1002/admi.202100891



    • Interfacial and Internal Proton Conduction of Weak-acid Functionalized Styrene-based Copolymer with Various Carboxylic Acid Concentrations 査読有り

      Athchaya SUWANSOONTORN, Katsuhiro YAMAMOTO, Shusaku NAGANO, Jun MATSUI, Yuki NAGAO

      Electrochemistry   2021年


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:The Electrochemical Society of Japan  

      DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.21-00042


    • Formation of Perpendicularly Aligned Sub-10 nm Nanocylinders in Poly(N-dodecylacrylamide-b-ethylene glycol) Block Copolymer Films by Hierarchical Phase Separation 査読有り

      Kohei Matsunaga, Wataru Kukai, Manabu Ishizaki, Masato Kurihara, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Masaya Mitsuishi, Hiroshi Yabu, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      Macromolecules53 ( 21 ) 9601 - 9610   2020年11月10日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00838


    • Molecular Orientation and Electrical Properties in <i>tert</i>-Butylated Phthalocyanine Thin Film Fabricated by Uniaxial Solution Coating

      Genya Uzurano, Yuta Yabuuchi, Ryo Ishiura, Makoto Yoneya, Shusaku Nagano, Hirotake Kajii, Akihiko Fujii, Masanori Ozaki

      IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems140 ( 11 ) 1182 - 1188   2020年11月1日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan)  

      DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.140.1182


    • Biobased Cycloolefin Polymers: Carvone-Derived Cyclic Conjugated Diene with Reactive exo-Methylene Group for Regioselective and Stereospecific Living Cationic Polymerization 査読有り

      Takenori Nishida, Kotaro Satoh, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Masazumi Tamura, Yingai Li, Keiichi Tomishige, Masami Kamigaito

      ACS Macro Letters9 ( 8 ) 1178 - 1183   2020年8月18日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.0c00479


    • Photo-triggered large mass transport driven only by a photoresponsive surface skin layer 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Scientific Reports10   12664   2020年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1038/S41598-020-69605-8


    • Hierarchical Photocomposition of Heteronanostructures in a Surfactant–Polysiloxane Hybrid Film toward Next-Generation Nanolithography 査読有り

      Mitsuo Hara, Naoyuki Wakitani, Atsuki Kodama, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      ACS Applied Polymer Materials2 ( 6 ) 2284 - 2290   2020年6月12日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.0c00253


    • Induction of Highly Ordered Smectic Phases in Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers by Means of Random Copolymerization 査読有り

      Ryota Imanishi, Yuki Nagashima, Keisuke Takishima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Macromolecules53 ( 6 ) 1942 - 1949   2020年3月24日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b02649


    • Coating speed dependence of main chain orientation and aggregation of PBTTT-C16 in the bar-coated thin film 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Japanese Journal of Applied Physics59   SDDA04-1 - SDDA04-7   2020年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.7567/1347-4065/AB51A8


    • Cross-correlated humidity-dependent structural evolution of Nafion thin films confined on a platinum substrate. 査読有り

      Shrivastava UN, Suetsugu K, Nagano S, Fritzsche H, Nagao Y, Karan K

      Soft matter   2020年



      DOI: 10.1039/C9SM01731C



    • Nanophase Separation of Poly(N-alkyl acrylamides): The Dependence of the Formation of Lamellar Structures on Their Alkyl Side Chains 査読有り

      Kazuki Ebata, Yuki Hashimoto, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Masaya Mitsuishi, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      Macromolecules52 ( 24 ) 9773 - 9780   2019年12月24日


      掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01817


    • Solution processed uniaxially oriented thin film of tert-butyl-substituted phthalocyanine 査読有り

      G. Uzurano, Y. Yabuuchi, R. Ishiura, M. Yoneya, S. Nagano, A. Fujii, M. Ozaki

      Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.59 ( SD ) SDDA05-1 - SDDA05-5   2019年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.7567/1347-4065/ab5177


      その他リンク: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.7567/1347-4065/ab5177/pdf

    • Cold Crystallization of Ferrocene-Hinged π-Conjugated Molecule Induced by the Limited Conformational Freedom of Ferrocene 査読有り 国際誌

      Yuki Tsujimoto, Tsuneaki Sakurai, Yuichiro Ono, Shusaku Nagano, Shu Seki

      Journal of Physical Chemistry B123 ( 39 ) 8325 - 8332   2019年10月3日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society. Crystallization that proceeds above the glass transition temperature upon heating the glassy or amorphous state is referred to as "cold crystallization", which has often been observed in supercooled phases of molecular materials followed by the transition to the thermodynamically stable crystalline phase. Although this behavior is common for the macromolecules with high structural flexibility among segments preserving the wide temperature range of corresponding glassy phases, cold crystallization of small molecules is relatively rare and there is still less knowledge on the design guideline of such molecules. Here we report a ferrocene-hinged molecule DC12 carrying two units of didodecyl-substituted pentathiophenes at the 1,1′-positions. Due to the rotational freedom of the ferrocene unit, DC12 forms amorphous solid on cooling from its isotropic melt. The amorphous state was realized even by slow cooling such as 0.1 °C min-1. The possible reason for the easy formation of the amorphous phase is the coexistence of various conformations of DC12 originating from the open conformers of the ferrocene. On heating from the amorphous phase, DC12 shows cold crystallization with the estimated activation energy of 61 kJ mol-1. The crystalline phase is composed of the closed form of DC12 molecules packed in a lamellar fashion, and the degree of crystallinity is remarkably high compared with the case of macromolecular materials. The crystallization is triggered by the intermolecular interactions among the dodecyl chains and rotational flexibility of the ferrocene unit. This work provides an unprecedented example that ferrocenes act as heat-controllable rotational hinges in condensed phases. Considering that the cold crystallization phenomenon is related to heat-storage materials, the design strategy presented in this work will be novel to realize both easily formed amorphous phases and highly crystalline phases formed through cold crystallization.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b06880




    • pi-Extension of electron-accepting dithiarubicene with a cyano-substituted electron-withdrawing group and application in air-stable n-channel organic field effect transistors 査読有り

      Tsukamoto, Kenji, Takagi, Koji, Nagano, Shusaku, Hara, Mitsuo, Ie, Yutaka, Osakada, Kohtaro, Takeuchi, Daisuke

      JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C7 ( 40 ) 12610 - 12618   2019年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      New pi-extended dithiarubicene derivatives with multiply cyano-substituted ethenyl groups at the molecular termini (BisDCNE and BisTCNE) and with a dicyanomethylene-substituted quinoidal structure (TCNQE) were synthesized for application in n-type organic semiconductors. In their absorption spectra, it was observed that their pi-conjugations are effectively extended in agreement with the quantum chemical calculation. Thanks to the existence of strong electron-withdrawing groups, BisTCNE and TCNQE exhibited low-lying LUMO energy levels at around -4.2 eV that allow easy electron injection and stable electron transfer under ambient conditions. BisTCNE exhibited the most excellent solubility probably due to the slightly twisted conformation. BisTCNE-based bottom-gate bottom-contact OFET devices exhibited the highest electron mobility (mu(e)) up to 5.5 x 10(-2) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) with an on-off current ratio (I-on/I-off) more than 10(5) under vacuum, and can be operated under ambient conditions without the detrimental decrease of electron mobility (mu(e) = 3.3 x 10(-2) cm(2) V-1 s(-1)). From GIXRD measurements, BisTCNE and TCNQE were found to show an edge-on molecular orientation on the HMDS-treated SiO2 substrate. It is a remarkable result that devices based on BisTCNE exhibited a much better performance compared to devices fabricated from TCNQE with a quinoidal structure often applied to superior n-type OFETs.

      DOI: 10.1039/c9tc04325j


    • Effect of Molecular Orientation to Proton Conductivity in Sulfonated Polyimides with bent backbones 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals686.   84 - 91   2019年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2019.1648041


    • Photo-responsive dimension-controlled ion-pairing assemblies based on anion complexes of π-electronic systems 査読有り

      Yamakado, R, Haketa, Y, Hara, M, Nagano, S, Seki, T, Maeda, H

      Chem. Commun.55 ( 69 ) 10269 - 10272   2019年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1039/c9cc05632g


    • Formation of High-Density Brush of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Block Associated with Dewetting Process on Amorphous Polymer Film 査読有り

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Langmuir35 ( 32 ) 10397 - 10404   2019年8月13日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01689


    • A High-Density Azobenzene Side Chain Polymer Brush for Azimuthal and Zenithal Orientational Photoswitching of a Nematic Liquid Crystal 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      ChemPhotoChem3 ( 6 ) 495-500   2019年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1002/CPTC.201800234


    • Thermochromic Behaviors and crystallinity estimations of poly(3-hexylthiophene) in fine nanoparticles prepared by reprecipitation method 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals686 ( 1 ) 104-111   2019年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2019.1648044


    • Homo/hetero-epitaxial growth in tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin derivative thin film fabricated by contact freezing method with seed crystal 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Applied Physics Express12 ( 5 )   2019年5月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.7567/1882-0786/AB15BB


    • Random Planar Orientation in Liquid-Crystalline Block Copolymers with Azobenzene Side Chains by Surface Segregation 招待有り 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Langmuir35 ( 17 ) 5673 - 5683   2019年4月30日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})  

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01824


    • Introducing planar hydrophobic groups into an alkyl-sulfonated rigid polyimide and how this affects morphology and proton conductivity 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Electrochimica Acta300   333-340   2019年3月20日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1016/J.ELECTACTA.2019.01.118


    • Photoinitiated Marangoni flow morphing in a liquid crystalline polymer film directed by super-inkjet printing patterns 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Scientific Reports9   2019年2月22日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-38709-1


    • Collective Competition between Two Mesogens showing Opposing Orientational Nature in Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      Chemistry Letters48 ( 2 ) 98-101   2019年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1246/CL.180879


    • Molecular-weight dependence of the formation of highly ordered lamellar structures of poly(N-dodecyl acrylamide) by humid annealing 査読有り

      Kazuki Ebata, Yuki Hashimoto, Kohei Ebara, Mayu Tsukamoto, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Masaya Mitsuishi, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      Polymer Chemistry10 ( 7 ) 835-842 - 842   2019年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})  

      <p>Highly oriented lamellar films of poly(<italic>N</italic>-dodecylacrylamide) with high molecular weights were formed by nanosegregation between alkyl side chains and a water-adsorbed main chain.</p>

      DOI: 10.1039/C8PY01660G


    • Surface and interface designs in side-chain liquid crystalline polymer systems for photoalignment 査読有り

      Nagano, S.

      Polymer Journal50 ( 12 ) 1107-1119   2018年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1038/s41428-018-0100-4



    • Selective crystal growth in bar-coating process of polymorphic pentyl-substituted phthalocyanine thin film 査読有り

      Nakatani Mitsuhiro, Ohmori Masashi, Nagano Shusaku, Fujii Akihiko, Ozaki Masanori

      ORGANIC ELECTRONICS62   241-247 - 247   2018年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2018.08.019


    • 斜入射X線散乱測定による薄膜の配向構造評価 招待有り 査読有り

      篠原佑也, 永野修作

      液晶22 ( 4 ) 246‐255   2018年10月





    • Synthesis and Field-Effect Transistor Application of π-Extended Lactam-Fused Conjugated Oligomers obtained by Tandem Direct Arylation 査読有り

      Takagi, K., Yamamoto, S.-Y., Tsukamoto, K., Hirano, Y., Hara, M., Nagano, S., Ie, Y., Takeuchi, D.

      Chemistry - A European Journal24 ( 53 ) 14137-14145   2018年9月20日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1002/chem.201801399



    • Proton-Rocking-Chair-Type Redox Capacitors Based on Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes with Multilayer Films Containing Ru Complexes 査読有り

      Yoshikawa, K., Motoyama, D., Hiruma, Y., Ozawa, H., Nagano, S., Haga, M.-A.

      ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces10 ( 32 ) 26990-27000   2018年8月15日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b05907



    • ミクロ相分離構造を光で並べる、動かす (特集 動け!高分子) 招待有り

      永野 修作

      高分子67 ( 6 ) 324-326   2018年6月



      CiNii Article


    • High Proton Conduction of Organized Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films with Planar and Bent Backbones 査読有り

      Yutaro Ono, Ryosuke Goto, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takashi Abe, Yuki Nagao

      Macromolecules51 ( 9 ) 3351 - 3359   2018年5月8日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society  

      Fast proton conduction was achieved in organized lamellar structures with in-plane oriented structure parallel to the substrate surface using a lyotropic liquid-crystalline (LC) property. Alkyl sulfonated polyimides (ASPIs) with bent main chain structure were newly synthesized to investigate relations between the higher order structure and proton transport properties. Proton conductivity of all polyimide thin films was greater than 10-2 S/cm. Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS) revealed that both planar and bent ASPI thin films exhibited humidity-induced lyotropic lamellar structure. Infrared p-polarized multiple-angle incidence resolution (pMAIR) studies revealed that main chain backbones of both planar and bent ASPI thin films show an in-plane orientation parallel to the substrate surface. Results demonstrate that sulfonated alkyl side chains contribute strongly to the lyotropic LC property, which enhances molecular orderings and proton conductivity by water uptake. This study extends knowledge of the molecular design for highly proton conductive polymers with humidity-induced lyotropic LC property.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b00301



    • Complexation of Anion-responsive pi-Electronic System with Alkyl-substituted Azobenzene Carboxylate Providing Ion-pairing Assemblies 査読有り

      Yamakado, Ryohei, Hara, Mitsuo, Nagano, Shusaku, Seki, Takahiro, Maeda, Hiromitsu

      CHEMISTRY LETTERS47 ( 4 ) 404 - 407   2018年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      A negatively charged pi-electronic system was prepared by the complexation of a dipyrrolyldiketone BF2 complex as an anion receptor with a trialkyl-substituted azobenzene carboxylate. The bulk-state properties and photo-responsive behaviors of the azobenzene carboxylate in the ion-pairing form were controlled by complexation with the receptor molecule. The formation of receptor-carboxylate complexes was found to modulate the sizes, shapes, and electronic states of the anionic pi-electronic systems, exhibiting the potential to form a variety of ion-pairing assemblies.

      DOI: 10.1246/cl.171128


    • Photocontrol of mesogen alignment in a side chain LC polymer film by means of random copolymerization of two mesogens of opposing orientation nature 査読有り

      Ryota Imanishi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals663 ( 1 ) 99 - 107   2018年3月4日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Taylor and Francis Inc.  

      In general, photoreorientive azobenzene (Az) mesogens in side chain liquid crystalline polymers (SCLCPs) adopt a homeotropic orientation in a thin film state, which can be a drawback for the azimuthal photoalignment. We report herein a SCLCP that shows a planar orientation of Az mesogen achieved by random copolymerization with a planarly orienting cyanobiphenyl (CB) mesogen. Using this planarly orienting SCLCP film, a homogeneous in-plane orientation can be readily achieved by irradiation with linearly polarized light, and further a metastable homeotropic orientation is attained by normal irradiation by non-polarized light. Thus, 3D mesogen alignment controls are achievable on demand. We propose here the utility of the random copolymerization strategy to extend the possibility of photoalignment procedures.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2018.1468136



    • Humidity-responsive phase transition and on-demand UV-curing in a hygroscopic polysiloxane-surfactant nanohybrid film 査読有り

      Mitsuo Hara, Taiki Orito, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Chemical Communications54 ( 12 ) 1457 - 1460   2018年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry  

      We developed a surfactant-directed dynamic hybrid film system containing a cationic hygroscopic polysiloxane whose mesostructure is rapidly altered between lamellar and hexagonal phases by the change in surrounding humidity. Immobilization of one phase is successfully achieved by UV-curing through a photoinitiated thiol-ene reaction. This strategy enables the instant activation of a curable LLC mesostructure on-demand by humidification from a dormant state in a dry atmosphere.

      DOI: 10.1039/c7cc09226a



    • Lyotropic ordering for high proton conductivity in sulfonated semialiphatic polyimide thin films 査読有り

      Takakura, K., Ono, Y., Suetsugu, K., Hara, M., Nagano, S., Abe, T., Nagao, Y.

      Polymer Journal51 ( 1 ) 31-39   2018年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1038/s41428-018-0111-1



    • Core-shell cylinder (CSC) nanotemplates comprising mussel-inspired catechol-containing triblock copolymers for silver nanoparticle arrays and ion conductive channels 査読有り

      Yabu Hiroshi, Nagano Shusaku, Nagao Yuki

      RSC ADVANCES8 ( 19 ) 10627-10632 - 10632   2018年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1039/c8ra00630j


    • Electron-transporting foldable alternating copolymers of perylenediimide and flexible macromolecular chains 査読有り

      Tsuneaki Sakurai, Naomi Orito, Shusaku Nagano, Kenichi Kato, Masaki Takata, Shu Seki

      Materials Chemistry Frontiers2 ( 4 ) 718 - 729   2018年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chinese Chemical Society 2018 Tuning the electrical conductivity of conjugated macromolecules by nanostructure ordering plays a key role in developing carrier transporting materials applicable to flexible organic electronic devices. Alternating copolymers of perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid diimide (PDI) and flexible macromonomers, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), or poly(propylene glycol) (PPG), were synthesized via simple polycondensation reactions between 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) and bis-amine-terminated corresponding macromonomers. Dynamic traces of absorption and fluorescence spectra of the series of alternating copolymers, with the indication of PDI chromophores, suggested the more foldable nature in tetrahydrofuran of the PDMS-based polymer than of the PEG- and PPG-based polymers. The folding capability of these polymers in solution was confirmed by fluorescence spectra and the absolute fluorescence quantum efficiency values. In the solid films, the condensed state of the polymers showed X-ray diffraction patterns of periodic structures, which depend on the type of macromolecular chains: PEG showed a highly crystallized state in contrast to the slightly crystalline PDI molecules in the PDMS and PPG-based polymers. Photoconductivity upon ultraviolet excitation has been screened by noncontact microwave measurements, and the mobility of electrons has also been characterized based on the kinetic traces of radical anions on the PDI chromophores. The negligible optical absorption observed from the PDMS-based polymers revealed the lowest photocarrier generation yield among the prepared polymers. The observed low conductivity for the PDMS-based, most foldable polymers possibly results from a lower photo-charge generation yield and thermal fluctuations of the flexible PDMS chains. The PEG-based polymer marked the largest electron mobility of 0.2 cm 2 V 1 s 1 , reflecting the highly crystalline nature of the PEG chains.

      DOI: 10.1039/c7qm00616k



    • Acid-Group-Content-Dependent Proton Conductivity Mechanisms at the Interlayer of Poly(N-dodecylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) Copolymer Multilayer Nanosheet Films 査読有り

      Takuma Sato, Mayu Tsukamoto, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Masaya Mitsuishi, Tokuji Miyashita, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      LANGMUIR33 ( 45 ) 12897 - 12902   2017年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The effect of the content of acid groups on the proton conductivity at the interlayer of polymer-nanosheet assemblies was investigated. For that purpose, amphiphilic poly(N-dodecylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) copolymers [p-(DDA/AA)] with varying contents of AA were synthesized by free radical polymerization. Surface pressure (70 area (A) isotherms of these copolymers indicated that stable polymer monolayers are formed at the air/water interface for AA mole fraction (n) &lt;= 0.49. In all cases, a uniform dispersion of the AA groups in the polymer monolayer was observed. Subsequently, polymer monolayers were transferred onto solid substrates using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of the multilayer films showed strong Bragg diffraction peaks, suggesting a highly uniform lamellar structure for the multilayer films. The proton conductivity of the multilayer films parallel to the direction of the layer planes were measured by impedance spectroscopy, which revealed that the conductivity increased with increasing values of n. Activation energies for proton conduction of similar to 0.3 and 0.42 eV were observed for n &gt;= 0.32 and n = 0.07, respectively. Interestingly, the proton conductivity of a multilayer film with n = 0.19 did not follow the Arrhenius equation. These results were interpreted in terms of the average distance between the AA groups (l(AA)), and it was concluded that, for n &gt;= 0.32, an advanced 2D hydrogen bonding network was formed, while for n = 0.07, 1 is too long to form such hydrogen bonding networks. The I-AA for n = 0.19 is intermediate to these extremes, resulting in the formation of hydrogen bonding networks at low temperatures, and disruption of these networks at high temperatures due to thermally induced motion. These results indicate that a high proton conductivity with low activation energy can be achieved, even under weakly acidic conditions, by arranging the acid groups at an optimal distance.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b03160


    • Phototunable Christiansen Color Filter Using Photoisomerization of Stilbene 査読有り

      Kensuke Ogawa, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Yukikazu Takeoka

      CHEMISTRY LETTERS46 ( 9 ) 1386 - 1389   2017年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      We report a fabrication of a phototunable color filter by combining the Christiansen filter effect and photoisomerization of stilbene. It is known that stilbene isomerizes by irradiation with light, but in that case the light absorption capacity changes only in the ultraviolet region. However, the change in the refractive index due to the isomerization is reflected in the visible light region. A system in which glass beads were dispersed in a solution containing dissolved stilbene as a photochromic dye exhibited a vivid color due to the Christiansen filter effect, in spite of the lack of pigment color. Additionally, we found that the hue of the system can be changed by the isomerization of stilbene upon irradiation with ultraviolet light.

      DOI: 10.1246/cl.170603


    • Photoalignment of Vertically Oriented Microphase Separated Lamellae in LC-LC Diblock Copolymer Thin Film 査読有り

      Koichiro Beppu, Yuki Nagashima, Mituo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      The microphase separation and photoalignment behavior of a diblock copolymer consisting of two kinds of side chain liquid crystalline (LC) polymers are investigated. Here, the mesogens of photoresponsive azobenzene and non-photoresponsive cyanobiphenyl are introduced in the side chains. The azobenzene and cyanobiphenyl mesogens orient homeotropically and planarly, respectively, in a thin film state. The combination of these contrasting orienting properties leads to a formation of vertically oriented lamella in the microphase separation structure. Irradiation with linearly polarized light onto this polymer film induces a highly oriented microphase separation structure having regularly elongated stripe morphology with 30 nm periodicity. The nearly defect-free morphology of this LC-LC diblock copolymer after the photoalignment is a distinct feature when compared with those of coil (amorphous)-LC diblock copolymer films possessing the same azobenzene side chain.

      DOI: 10.1002/marc.201600659


    • Facile preparation of transparent poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels with uniform microcrystalline structure by hot-pressing without using organic solvents 査読有り

      Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Suong-Hyu Hyon, Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura

      POLYMER JOURNAL49 ( 7 ) 535 - 542   2017年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

      Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels (PVA-Hs) are promising materials for various biomedical applications and have been studied extensively. Low-temperature crystallization is the most popular method used to prepare PVA-Hs with excellent mechanical properties. However, this method uses dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent, which is toxic and difficult to handle. In this study, a novel hot-pressing method was developed for preparing transparent PVA-Hs in order to eliminate the need of DMSO for solubilizing PVA during gelation. Unlike the conventional methods, this method used high initial concentrations of PVA, which made the molding of the gels easy and enhanced their gelation. The hydrogels prepared by hot-pressing showed rapid gelation of the PVA molecules along with an enhanced crystallinity, unlike the hydrogels prepared by freezing and thawing. The efficiency of different solvents (water and DMSO/water mixtures) for the preparation of PVA-Hs by the hot-pressing method was tested. The total amount of crystallites was the same for all the gels irrespective of the solvent used. However, the gels solubilized in only water showed a decrease in the net crystal size. This method not only eliminates the use of DMSO in preparing PVA-Hs but also produces gels with high mechanical properties for future use.

      DOI: 10.1038/pj.2017.18


    • Photo-Responsive Soft Ionic Crystals: Ion-Pairing Assemblies of Azobenzene Carboxylates 査読有り

      Yamakado, Ryohei, Hara, Mitsuo, Nagano, Shusaku, Seki, Takahiro, Maeda, Hiromitsu

      CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL23 ( 39 ) 9244 - 9248   2017年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      This report delineates the design and synthesis of negatively charged azobenzene derivatives that form photo-responsive ion-pairing assemblies. The azobenzene carboxylates possessing aliphatic chains were prepared as photo-responsive anions that promote the formation of ion-pairing dimension-controlled assemblies, including mesophases, when used in conjunction with a tetrabutylammonium (TBA) cation. The photo-responsive properties of the ion pairs and the precursory carboxylic acids in the bulk state were examined by polarized optical microscopy (POM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), demonstrating that liquid crystal (LC)-liquid and crystal-liquid phase transitions occurred, depending on the number and lengths of the aliphatic chains of each assembly. An ion pair exhibited photo-induced crystal-crystal phase transitions upon switching between two irradiation wavelengths (365/436 nm).

      DOI: 10.1002/chem.201701925


    • New strategies for light-induced alignment and switching in liquid crystalline polymers

      Takahiro Seki, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano

      Photon-Working Switches   421 - 441   2017年5月29日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:論文集(書籍)内論文   出版者・発行元:Springer Japan  

      The photoalignment processes in liquid crystal films are based on the occurrence of angular selective photoreactions by linearly polarized light or oblique incidence of light. Alignment of nematic liquid crystals by a surface photoreactive layer has recently become of industrial importance in the fabrication of liquid crystal display panels due to the advantages of non-contact and fine resolution processing. Efforts in this field have also been extending to develop other types of procedures with various liquid crystalline materials. This chapter introduces some new trends in the photoalignment studies including systems of (i) lyotropic chromonic and organic-inorganic hybrids, (ii) block copolymer systems, and (iii) new methods utilizing the free (air) surface for inducing the alignment. These new strategies are expected to provide new directions of materials chemistry and phototechnologies.

      DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-56544-4_21



    • SRG Inscription in Supramolecular Liquid Crystalline Polymer Film: Replacement of Mesogens 査読有り

      Shun Mitsui, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki

      CRYSTALS7 ( 2 )   2017年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MDPI AG  

      The photoinduced surface relief formation via mass transfer upon irradiation with patterned light has long been a subject of extensive investigation. In azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline materials, UV light irradiation that generates the cis isomer leads to the liquid crystal to isotropic photochemical transition. Due to this phase change, efficiency of the mass transfer to generate a surface relief grating (SRG) becomes markedly greater. We have previously indicated that azobenzene-colored SRG-inscribed film can be bleached by removing a hydrogen-bonded azobenzene mesogen. However, this process largely reduces the height feature of the SRG corrugation. Herein, we propose an extended procedure where a colorless mesogen is filled successively after the removal of the azobenzene side chain. The process involves four stages: (i) SRG inscription in a hydrogen-bonded supramolecular azobenzene material; (ii) crosslinking (insolubilization) of the SRG film; (iii) removal of azobenzene mesogen by rinsing with a solvent, and (iv) stuffing the hollow film with a different mesogen. Although the final stuffing stage was insufficient at the present stage, this work demonstrates the possibility and validity of the strategy of mesogen replacement.

      DOI: 10.3390/cryst7020052


    • Photo-modulations of surface wrinkles formed on elastomer sheets 査読有り

      Takahiro Seki, Daichi Yamaoka, Takahiro Takeshima, Yuki Nagashima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS644 ( 1 ) 52 - 60   2017年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      Surface wrinkle formation is ubiquitous in nature, and has become of great importance from the technological viewpoints of surface patterning and fabrications. To date, most of studies on the surface wrinkle formation have been achieved with surface thin films of fixed physical properties formed by deposition or lamination on elastomeric sheets such as poly(dimethyl siloxane) films. This article introduces our recent results on tunable surface wrinkle formation in response to light using azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymers. Two strategies are proposed: i) anisotropic wrinkle formation using a photoalignable radical initiator in UV-curable liquid crystal films, and ii) modulations of wrinkle formation using a series of azobenzene liquid crystalline polymers.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2016.1277329


    • Formation of unusual microphase-separated ultrathin films of poly(vinyl catechol-block-styrene) (PVCa-b-PSt) at the air-water interface by solution casting onto water 査読有り

      Hiroshi Yabu, Shusaku Nagano

      RSC ADVANCES7 ( 53 ) 33086 - 33090   2017年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      This report describes the preparation of ultrathin films possessing unusual fingerprint-like morphologies for poly(vinyl catechol-block-styrene) (PVCa-b-PSt) at the air-water interface by simply mixing a solution into water followed by solvent evaporation. Structural analysis and comparison with typical surface micelles of amphiphilic diblock copolymers indicated that precipitation and micelle aggregation played a significant role in the formation and unusual microphase separation of PVCa-b-PSt ultrathin films. In addition, the interior structures of the ultrathin films could be adjusted by adding homo-polystyrene (hPSt). Silver nanoparticle arrays were formed by immersing ultrathin films in aqueous AgNO3 and a microphaseseparated structure in the ultrathin films could act as a template for the arrays.

      DOI: 10.1039/c7ra06574d


    • In-plane oriented highly ordered lamellar structure formation of poly(N-dodecylacrylamide) induced by humid annealing 査読有り

      Yuki Hashimoto, Takuma Sato, Ryosuke Goto, Yuki Nagao, Masaya Mitsuishi, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      RSC ADVANCES7 ( 11 ) 6631 - 6635   2017年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      In this paper, we report that poly(N-dodecylacrylamide) (pDDA) formed a well-ordered lamellar structure by annealing in humid conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements of pDDA showed that the crystallized part of the dodecyl side chain in nanodomains melted at -28.5 degrees C and a glass transition temperature of 73.6 degrees C, indicating that pDDA is an amorphous polymer at room temperature (20 degrees C). Thin films of pDDA were prepared by spin coating. Two-dimensional grazing-angle incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD) measurements indicated that the film is composed of randomly oriented lamellar domains. When the film was annealed under 98% relative humidity at 60 degrees C for 24 h, the GI-XRD imaging plate showed spot-like diffraction in the out-of-plane direction with second-order and third-order peaks, indicating that the lamellar plane is oriented parallel to the substrate plane. The lamellar spacing was determined to be 3.25 nm from the Bragg peak. Fourier transform infrared measurements of lamellar structured films showed that the dodecyl side chains are aligned perpendicular to the lamellar plane.

      DOI: 10.1039/c6ra27994e


    • Liquid Crystal Phase Behavior of a Polymer Brush Film with Azobenzene Side Chains 査読有り

      Koji Mukai, Kenjiro Imai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU74 ( 1 ) 59 - 63   2017年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

      High density liquid crystalline (LC) polymer brushes with side chain LC azobenzene were synthesized via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. LC phase transition behavior was investigated by in situ UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS). The free LC polymer chains in a spincast film exhibited three distinct thermal transitions, glass phase-smectic C (SmC)-smectic A (S(m)A)-isotropic, which correspond to the phase change behavior in the bulk state. On the other hand, the brush film only exhibited the S(m)A phase in the LC temperature range and the S(m)A-SmC phase transition was inhibited. This fact indicates that the LC phase transition behavior in the LC polymer brush is different from that in the free LC polymer of the spincast film. The high density grafted polymer brush structure constrains the mobility of the main chains, which impedes the tilt of mesogenic side chains.

      DOI: 10.1295/koron.2016-0045


    • Free surface command layers for the photoalignment 査読有り

      Takahiro Seki, Kei Fukuhara, Daisuke Tanaka, Takashi Nakai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      The photoaglinment technologies of liquid crystalline (LC) materials are becoming more important in industries for the fabrication of LC display panels. The photoalignment is based on the anisotropic photoreaction taking place on the substrate surface. We recently proposed a new strategy of surface alignment of LC polymer films utilizing the free (air side) surface instead of solid substrate surface. This short review describes our recent advances of such approach using azobenzene- and cyanobiphenyl- containing side chain liquid crystalline polymers, focusing on the important role of the free surface to control the side chain mesogen orientation. Three series of results are introduced here: i) the first motivation to demonstrate the effect of free surface layer, ii) the alternation of orientation by the rigidity of main chain structure, which is governed by the free surface, and iii) the out-of-plane photocontrol of mesogens by the photoresponsive skin layer at the free surface.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2017.1351288


    • Effect of Casting Solvent on Interfacial Molecular Structure and Proton Transport Characteristics of Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films 査読有り

      Yuki Nagao, Karthik Krishnan, Ryosuke Goto, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano

      ANALYTICAL SCIENCES33 ( 1 ) 35 - 39   2017年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN SOC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY  

      Two sulfonated polyimide (SPI) thin films were prepared with water and THF/water mixed solvents, respectively. The SPI thin film prepared with THF/water showed more than 5 times higher proton conductivity than that prepared with water mixed solvent at low relative humidity (RH) and 298 K. In this study, polarized optical microscopy (POM), grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS), and p-polarized multiple angle incidence resolution spectrometry (pMAIRS) were carried out to investigate liquid crystalline (LC) optical ordered structure, organized structure, and molecular orientation. The molecular ordered parts using LC properties in the SPI thin films exhibited an almost identical structure under the low RH condition. On the other hand, the molecular orientation of the imide C=O groups in the non-ordered parts, which could not be detected by POM and GISAXS, showed different angles. The proton conductivity under low RH conditions is affected by the degree of the molecular orientation in the non-ordered parts of the SPI thin films.


    • Chemical surface modification of aluminum oxide nanoparticles with graft copolymer of aluminum oxide and poly(isobutyl vinyl ether) mechanochemically synthesized in vacuum at low temperature 査読有り

      Toshiyuki Motokawa, Masakazu Makino, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Takase, Shusaku Nagano, Yukiko Enomoto-Rogers, Tadahisa Iwata, Tatsumi Kawaguchi, Masato Sakaguchi

      ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY28 ( 1 ) 266 - 279   2017年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      Chemical surface modification of aluminum oxide (AO) nanoparticles with graft copolymer of AO and poly (isobutyl vinyl ether) (PIBVE) (AO-graft-PIBVE) was carried out by ball milling of AO nanoparticles with IBVE in vacuum at low temperature. The AO-graft-PIBVE was evidenced by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectra. The surface modified AO nanoparticles with mono-dispersed particle diameter exhibited structural blue color which was evidenced by photograph, optical spectroscopy (UV-Vis-NIR) and SEM image. The key atoms for the mechanochemical reactions were assigned by the net charge and the distribution of the HOMO and/or LUMO at each atom estimated by molecular orbital calculations. The reaction scheme is proposed; naked Al cations of AO (AO-Al+) were produced by ionic scission of aluminum-oxygen bond by ball milling and trapped at the surface of AO nanoparticles. The AO-Al+ reacted with IBVE, formed a novel bond between the Al-atom of AO-AP and the C-atom of IBVE, and resulted in AO-Al-IBVE+. The AO-AI-IBVE+ sequentially reacted to the C-atom of IBVE, and finally resulted in AO-graft-PIBVE. The PIBVE homopolymer was simultaneously produced by the ball milling of AO with IBVE in vacuum at low temperature. The key atoms for the reactions were assigned by the molecular orbital calculations. (C) 2016 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2016.09.031


    • アゾベンゼン側鎖を有するポリマーブラシ膜の液晶相転移挙動 査読有り

      向井 孝次, 今井 絢二郎, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子論文集74 ( 1 ) 59-63   2017年1月




    • Combinational Effects of Polymer Viscoelasticity and Immobilized Peptides on Cell Adhesion to Cell-selective Scaffolds 査読有り

      Rio Kurimoto, Kei Kanie, Koichiro Uto, Shun Kawai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuji Narita, Hiroyuki Honda, Masanobu Naito, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Ryuji Kato

      ANALYTICAL SCIENCES32 ( 11 ) 1195 - 1202   2016年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN SOC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY  

      Immobilization of functional peptides on polymer material is necessary to produce cell-selective scaffolds. However, the expected effects of peptide immobilization differ considerably according to the properties of selected polymers. To understand such combinational effects of peptides and polymers, varieties of scaffolds including a combination of six types of poly(epsilon-caprolactone-co-D,L-lactide) and four types of cell-selective adhesion peptides were fabricated and compared. On each scaffold, the scaffold properties (i.e. mechanical) and their biological functions (i.e. fibroblast-/endothelial cell-/smooth muscle cell-selective adhesion) were measured and compared. The results showed that the cell adhesion performances of the peptides were considerably enhanced or inhibited by the combination of peptide and polymer properties. In the present study, we illustrated the combinational property effects of peptides and polymers using multi-parametric analyses. We provided an example of determining the best scaffold performance for tissue-engineered medical devices based on quantitative data-driven analyses.

      DOI: 10.2116/analsci.32.1195


    • High-density liquid crystalline polymer brushes formed via surface segregation and self-assembly 査読有り

      K. Mukai, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Seki

      Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.128   14234-14238   2016年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1002/ange.201607786


    • High-Density Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Brushes Formed by Surface Segregation and Self-Assembly 査読有り

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Angewandte Chemie International Edition55 ( 45 ) 14028 - 14032   2016年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      High-density polymer brushes on substrates exhibit unique properties and functions stemming from the extended conformations due to the surface constraint. To date, such chain organizations have been mostly attained by synthetic strategies of surface-initiated living polymerization. We show herein a new method to prepare a high-density polymer brush architecture using surface segregation and self-assembly of diblock copolymers containing a side-chain liquid-crystalline polymer (SCLCP). The surface segregation is attained from a film of an amorphous base polymer (polystyrene, PS) containing a minor amount of a SCLCP-PS diblock copolymer upon annealing above the glass-transition temperature. The polystyrene portion of the diblock copolymer can work as a laterally mobile anchor for the favorable self-assembly on the polystyrene base film.

      DOI: 10.1002/anie.201607786


    • Proton Conductivities of Lamellae-Forming Bioinspired Block Copolymer Thin Films Containing Silver Nanoparticles 査読有り

      Hiroshi Yabu, Jun Matsui, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yasutaka Matsuo, Yuki Nagao

      LANGMUIR32 ( 37 ) 9484 - 9491   2016年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Size-controlled metal nanoparticles (NPs) were spontaneously formed when the amphiphilic diblock copolymers consisting of poly(vinyl catechol) and polystyrene (PVCa-b-PSt) were used as reductants and templates for NPs. In the present study, the proton conductivity of well-aligned lamellae structured PVCa-b-PSt films with Ag NPs was evaluated. We found that the proton conductivity of PVCa-b-PSt film was increased 10-fold by the addition of Ag NPs into the proton conduction channels filled with catechol moieties. In addition, the effect of humidity and the origin of proton conductivity enhancement was investigated.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02521


    • Metal-Organic Coordination Network Thin Film by Surface-Induced Assembly 査読有り

      Salinthip Laokroekkiat, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao

      LANGMUIR32 ( 26 ) 6648 - 6655   2016年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The growth of metal organic coordination network thin films on surfaces has been pursued extensively and intensively to manipulate the molecular arrangement. For this study, the oriented multilayer thin films based on porphyrinic nanoarchitecture were synthesized toward metal-organic coordination networks using surface-induced assembly (SIA). Nanoscale molecular thin films were prepared at room temperature using cobalt(II) ion and porphyrin building blocks as precursors. Stepwise growth with a highly uniform layer was characterized using UV-vis, AFM, IR, and XPS studies. The grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray reflectivity results remarkably suggested a periodic structure in in-plane direction with constant and high mass density (ca. 1.5 g/cm(3)) throughout the multilayer formation. We propose that orientation of the porphyrin macrocycle plane with a hexagonal packed model by single anchoring mode was tilted approximately 60 with respect to the surface substrate. It is noteworthy that the well-organized structure of porphyrin-based macrocyclic framework on the amine-terminated surface substrate can be achieved efficiently using a simple SIA approach under mild synthetic conditions. The synthesized thin film provides a different structure from that obtained using bulk synthesis. This result suggests that the SIA technique can control not only the film thickness but also the structural arrangement on the surface. This report of our research provides insight into the ordered porphyrin-based metal-organic coordination network thin films, which opens up opportunities for exploration of-unique thin film materials for diverse applications.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b01251


    • Fabrication and Characterization of Cross-Linked Organic Thin Films with Nonlinear Mass Densities 査読有り

      Md. A. Rashed, Salinthip Laokroekkiat, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao

      LANGMUIR32 ( 23 ) 5917 - 5924   2016年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The preparation of urea (bonded) cross-linked multilayer thin films by sequential deposition of bifunctional and tetrafunctional molecular building blocks is demonstrated. Multilayer growth as a. function of deposition cycles was inspected using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy.. From infrared results, three characteristic infrared bands of amide I, amide II, and asymmetric v(a)(N-C-N) strtching confirmed the formation of polyurea networks by alternate dipping into solutions of amine and isocyanate functionality monomers. The deconvoluted component of the C is and N is spectra obtained by X-ray photoelectron spctroscopy shows clear evidence of stable polyurea networks. The enhancement of structural periodicity with film growth was demonstrated by grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements. The thin film near the substrate surface seems to have an amorphous structure. However, molecular ordering improves in the surface normal direction of the substrate with a certain number of deposited layers. Constant mass density was not observed with deposition cycles. The mass density increased up to 16% within deposited layers from proximate layers to those extending away from the substrate surface. This difference in the packing density might derive from the different degrees of cross-linking among layers proximate to the substrate surface and extending away from the substrate surface.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00540


    • Evaluations of Mesogen Orientation in Thin Films of Polyacrylate with Cyanobiphenyl Side Chain 査読有り

      Daisuke Tanaka, Tasuku Mizuno, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Itsuki Saito, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR32 ( 15 ) 3737 - 3745   2016年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The orientation behavior of mesogens in a polyacrylate with cyanobiphenyl (CB) side chain in thin films was investigated in detail by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS) measurements using both high-energy X-rays of Cu K alpha line (lambda = 0.154 rim) and low-energy synchrotron X-rays (lambda = 0.539 nm). By changing the film thickness ranging 7-200 nm, it is concluded that the planar orientation is predominant for thin films with thickness below 10-15 nm. This planar mesogen orientation near the substrate surface coexists with the homeotropically aligned CB mesogens in films thicker than 30 nm. For the thinnest 7 nm film, the planar orientation is unexpectedly lost, which is in consort with a disordering of medic layer structure. Peculiar orienting characteristics of CB mesogen are suggested, which probably stem from the tendency to form an antiparallel arrangement of mesogens due to the strong dipole moment of the terminal cyano group.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00538


    • Silver Nanoparticle Arrays Prepared by In Situ Automatic Reduction of Silver Ions in Mussel-Inspired Block Copolymer Films 査読有り

      Yuta Saito, Takeshi Higuchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yasutaka Matsuo, Hiroshi Yabu

      MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS217 ( 6 ) 726 - 734   2016年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      Block copolymer phase separation has been employed to form templates for the fabrication of nanoscale patterns of metals due to their characteristic size scales that range from several nanometers to tens of nanometers. In the present work, poly(vinyl catechol-block-styrene) PVCa-b-PSt synthesized with various compositions forms unique microphase-separated structures. Silver nanoparticles are spontaneously formed inside of the PVCa phases due to the reductive properties of the catechol moieties. The alignment and formation of silver nanoparticle arrays is successfully achieved without the need for high-temperature thermal treatment or chemical reduction processes. The present system can be applied to the formation of nanoparticle arrays with a wide variety of metals by control of their arrangement.

      DOI: 10.1002/macp.201500504


    • Inducing Planar Orientation in Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Systems via Interfacial Control 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano

      CHEMICAL RECORD16 ( 1 ) 378 - 392   2016年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      For efficient photoresponses of liquid-crystal (LC) azobenzene (Az) polymer systems, planar LC orientation of the Az mesogenic group is required because the light irradiation process usually occurs with normal incidence to the film surface. However, LC molecules with a rodlike shape tend to orient perpendicularly to the film surface according to the excluded volume effect theory. This review introduces new approaches for inducing planar orientation in side-chain LC Az polymer films via interface and surface molecular designs. The planar orientation offers efficient in-plane photoalignment and photoswitching to hierarchical LC architectures from molecular LC mesogens and LC phases to mesoscopic microphase-separated structures. These approaches are expected to provide new concepts and possibilities in new LC polymer devices.

      DOI: 10.1002/tcr.201500232


    • 細胞培養基材においてマテリアル物性がコーティング分子機能に与える影響の検証

      栗本理央, 栗本理央, 蟹江慧, 宇都甲一郎, 原光生, 永野修作, 成田裕司, 内藤昌信, 内藤昌信, 荏原充宏, 荏原充宏, 加藤竜司

      再生医療15   332   2016年2月1日





    • Combinational Effect of Cell Adhesion Biomolecules and Their Immobilized Polymer Property to Enhance Cell-Selective Adhesion 査読有り

      Rio Kurimoto, Kei Kanie, Naokazu Idota, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takehiko Tsukahara, Yuji Narita, Hiroyuki Honda, Masanobu Naito, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Ryuji Kato



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:HINDAWI LTD  

      Although surface immobilization of medical devices with bioactive molecules is one of the most widely used strategies to improve biocompatibility, the physicochemical properties of the biomaterials significantly impact the activity of the immobilized molecules. Herein we investigate the combinational effects of cell-selective biomolecules and the hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity of the polymeric substrate on selective adhesion of endothelial cells (ECs), fibroblasts (FBs), and smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To control the polymeric substrate, biomolecules are immobilized on thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-carboxyisopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAAm-co-CIPAAm))-grafted glass surfaces. By switching the molecular conformation of the biomolecule-immobilized polymers, the cell-selective adhesion performances are evaluated. In case of RGDS (Arg-Gly-AspSer) peptide-immobilized surfaces, all cell types adhere well regardless of the surface hydrophobicity. On the other hand, a tri-Arg-immobilized surface exhibits FB-selectivity when the surface is hydrophilic. Additionally, a tri-Ile-immobilized surface exhibits EC-selective cell adhesion when the surface is hydrophobic. We believe that the proposed concept, which is used to investigate the biomolecule-immobilized surface combination, is important to produce new biomaterials, which are highly demanded for medical implants and tissue engineering.

      DOI: 10.1155/2016/2090985


    • Fused pi-conjugated imidazolium liquid crystals: synthesis, self-organization, and fluorescence properties 査読有り

      Koji Takagi, Koji Yamauchi, Seiko Kubota, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Kazuya Murakami, Yousuke Ooyama, Joji Ohshita, Masaharu Kondo, Hyuma Masu

      RSC ADVANCES6 ( 11 ) 9152 - 9159   2016年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      Fused pi-conjugated imidazolium compounds bearing two or three long alkoxy chains and various counter anions were systematically prepared following our reported synthetic route. On the basis of DSC measurements and POM observations, the combination of three alkoxy chains longer than the dodecyl group and moderately coordinating anions was important to obtain an enantiotropic mesophase. VT-XRD measurements coupled with a single crystal X-ray structure of a model compound revealed a hexagonal columnar structure supported by ionic interactions. The regularity of the self-organized nanostructure was governed by the alkoxy chain length and the coordinating ability of the counter anion. In the solution state, UV-vis and fluorescence peak maxima were influenced by the number of alkoxy chains and independent of the chain length and anion character. On the contrary, the alkoxy chain length and the coordinating ability of the counter anion had a large impact on the fluorescence spectra in the solid state. A longer wavelength emission at around 560 nm was observed for compounds with the highly regular hexagonal columnar structure. From the result of fluorescence lifetime measurements, the interaction between fused pi-conjugated imidazolium cations was suggested.

      DOI: 10.1039/c5ra25496e


    • Free Surface Command Layer for Photoswitchable Out-of-Plane Alignment Control in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films 査読有り

      Takashi Nakai, Daisuke Tanaka, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR32 ( 3 ) 909 - 914   2016年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      To date, reversible alignment controls of liquid crystalline materials have widely been achieved by photoreactive layers on solid substrates. In contrast, this work demonstrates the reversible out-of-plane photocontrols of liquid crystalline polymer films by using a photoresponsive skin layer existing at the free surface. A polymethacrylate containing a cyanobiphenyl side-chain mesogen adopts the planar orientation. Upon blending a small amount of azobenzene-containing side-chain polymer followed by successive annealing, segregation of the azobenzene polymer at the free surface occurs and induces a planar to homeotropic orientation transition of cyanobiphenyl mesogens underneath. By irradiation with UV light, the mesogen orientation turns into the planar orientation. The orientation reverts to the homeotropic state upon visible light irradiation or thermally, and such cyclic processes can be repeated many times. On the basis of this principle, erasable optical patterning is performed by irradiating UV light through a photomask.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b04325


    • Synthesis of multilayer organic thin film with variable densities by layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition technique

      Shusaku Nagano

      Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society   2016年




    • 液晶高分子薄膜の分子配向と自由界面の影響 招待有り 査読有り

      永野 修作, 田中 大介

      C & I commun : colloid & interface communication : newsletter from DCSC41 ( 1 ) 21-23 - 23   2016年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会  

      CiNii Article


    • Coulomb Blockade in a Two-Dimensional Conductive Polymer Monolayer 査読有り

      M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Okuaki, S. Nagano, T. Mitani, Y. Kuwahara

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS115 ( 19 )   2015年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Electronic transport was investigated in poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) monolayers. At low temperatures, nonlinear behavior was observed in the current-voltage characteristics, and a nonzero threshold voltage appeared that increased with decreasing temperature. The current-voltage characteristics could be best fitted using a power law. These results suggest that the nonlinear conductivity can be explained using a Coulomb blockade (CB) mechanism. A model is proposed in which an isotropic extended charge state exists, as predicted by quantum calculations, and percolative charge transport occurs within an array of small conductive islands. Using quantitatively evaluated capacitance values for the islands, this model was found to be capable of explaining the observed experimental data. It is, therefore, suggested that percolative charge transport based on the CB effect is a significant factor giving rise to nonlinear conductivity in organic materials.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.196801


    • Alternation of Side-Chain Mesogen Orientation Caused by the Backbone Structure in Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Thin Films 査読有り

      Daisuke Tanaka, Yuki Nagashima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR31 ( 42 ) 11379 - 11383   2015年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      In side-chain-type liquid-crystalline (LC) polymers, the main chain rigidity significantly affects the LC structure and properties. We show herein a relevant new effect regarding the orientation of side-chain mesogenic groups of LC polymers in a thin-film state. A subtle change in the main chain structure, i.e., polyacrylate and polymethacrylate, leads to a clear alternation of mesogens in the homeotropic and planar modes, respectively. This orientational discrimination is triggered from the free surface region (film air interface) as revealed by surface micropatterning via inkjet printing.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b02442


    • Photoresponsive Surface Wrinkle Morphologies in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films 査読有り

      Takahiro Takeshima, Wan-yu Liao, Yuki Nagashima, Koichiro Beppu, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES48 ( 18 ) 6378 - 6384   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Laminated bilayer films comprised of photoresponsive azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymer skin layers adhered on a thick elastomeric substrate were prepared, and the wrinkle formation upon uniaxial compression was investigated. Irradiation with UV light at 365 nm led to the disappearance of the wrinkle or reduction of wrinkle wavelength, depending on the content of azobenzene unit in the polymer. Such photoresponsive modulations of wrinkle formation could be well correlated with the photoinduced changes in the Young's modulus determined by indentation-retraction force curve measurements using an AFM cantilever. Additionally, the thickness modulation of the skin layer caused by the photoinduced mass migration can also be applied to modify the wrinkle wavelength. These photoresponsive surface wrinkle modulations are anticipated to offer new possibilities for the surface microfabrication technology.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b01577


    • Influence of Molecular Weight on Molecular Ordering and Proton Transport in Organized Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films 査読有り

      Karthik Krishnan, Hiroko Iwatsuki, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao

      JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C119 ( 38 ) 21767 - 21774   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The effect of molecular ordering and ordered domain size on molecular weight dependent proton conductivity in well-organized sulfonated polyimide (SPI) thin films has been investigated using both low molecular weight (LMw, M-w = 1.3 x 10(4)) and high molecular weight samples (HMw, M-w, = 2.6 x 10(5)). Analyses of the films by grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) revealed that the HMw, SPI film exhibits the higher degree of inherent liquid crystalline-like lamellar ordering, and that it is consistent with a preferential in-plane main chain packing. Such molecular ordering and the in-plane oriented structure can have considerable influence on the proton transport characteristics in thin films. The larger ordered domains in the HMw SPI thin film with a thickness of approximately 500 nm shows the significant proton conductivity enhancement to a value of 2.6 x 10(-1) S/cm (at 25 degrees C and 95% relative humidity), which is more than an order of magnitude higher value than that of the smaller ordered domains in the LMw SPI thin film with less molecular ordering. The larger ordered domains in the HMw, SPI thin film influence the conducting characteristics attributable to the fewer liquid crystalline-like domain boundaries relative to LMw, SPI films because the smaller ordered domains in the LMw, SPI thin film more obviously exhibit large-scaled domain boundaries, which can disrupt the fast ion transportation.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b03292


    • Property-tunable Polymer Platform for Optimizing Cell-adhesive Peptide Function

      R. Kurimoto, K. Kanie, N. Idota, K. Uto, T. Tsukahara, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Narita, H. Honda, M. Naito, R. Kato, M. Ebara

      TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A21   S303 - S303   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC  


    • Photo-switching Behavior of Microphase Separated Structure in Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Block Copolymers Possessing Different Poly(alkyl methacrylate) Blocks 査読有り

      Masami Sano, Tomoya Murase, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS617 ( 1 ) 5 - 13   2015年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2015.1075356


    • Photoalignment of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films Containing Mesostructures and a Free Surface Command Layer 査読有り

      Takahiro Seki, Kei Fukuhara, Masami Sano, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS614 ( 1 ) 118 - 123   2015年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      Investigations on the photoaglinment processes of liquid crystalline materials started around 25years ago, and currently great developments have been made in both academic and industrial areas. However, there remain many issues to be explored in this field. This short review introduces our recent advances regarding the photoalignment and realignment process using azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymer materials. Two topics are involved here: the photoalignment of microphase separation structures of block copolymer films, and photoalignment controls from the free surface of a liquid crystalline polymer film.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2015.1050284


    • High Proton Conductivity in the Molecular Interlayer of a Polymer Nanosheet Multilayer Film 査読有り

      Takuma Sato, Yuta Hayasaka, Masaya Mitsuishi, Tokuji Miyashita, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui

      LANGMUIR31 ( 18 ) 5174 - 5180   2015年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      High proton conductivity Was achieved in a polymer multilayer film with a well-defined two dimensional lamella structure The multilayer film was prepared by deposition of poly(N-dodecylacryamide-co- acrylic acid) (p(DDA/AA)) monolayers onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Grazing-angle incidence X-ray diffraction measurement of a 30 layer film Of,p(DDA/AA) showed strong diffraction peaks in the-out-of-plane direction at 2 theta = 2.26 degrees and 4.50 degrees revealing that the multilayer film had a highly uniform layered structure with a monolayer thickness of 2.0 nm. Tho proton conductivity Of the p(DDA/AA) multilayer film. parallel to the layer plane direction was 0.051 S/cm at 60 degrees C and 98% relative-humidity with a low activation energy of 0.35 eV, which is comparable to perfluorosulfonic acid membranes. The high conductivity and low activation energy resulted from the formation of uniform two-dimensional proton-conductive nanochannels in:the hydrophilic regions of the multilayer film. The proton conductivity of the multilayer film perpendicular to the layer plane was determined to be 2.1 X 10(-13) S/cm. Therefore, the multilayer film showed large anisotropic conductivity with an anisotropic ratio of 2.4 x 10(11).

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b00036


    • New Aspects for the Hierarchical Cooperative Motions in Photoalignment Process of Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Films 査読有り

      Masami Sano, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES48 ( 7 ) 2217 - 2223   2015年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The realignment process of azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline (LC) block copolymer films by irradiation with linearly polarized light (LPL) was investigated in detail by time-resolved grazing incidence X-ray scattering measurements using a synchrotron beam. By using a newly synthesized diblock copolymer possessing a poly(hexyl methacrylate (PHMA) block with a lowered glass transition temperature (T-g = -5 degrees C), intense X-ray scattering signals were obtained, which favorably provided precise and detailed time course profiles and information on the interplay between the hierarchical structures involved along the realignment process. The LC layers were softened and fluctuated at an early stage by LPL irradiation which induced shrinkage of the cylinder to cylinder distance of microphase separation patterns before the alignment change. Interestingly, the ordering process of the MPS cylinder array of larger hierarchical structure proceeded faster than that of the azobenzene LC layer of smaller feature size in the realigned state. Decisive evidence was obtained to support the subdomain rotation mechanism in the realignment process.

      DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b00299


    • Photoalignable Radical Initiator for Anisotropic Polymerization in Liquid Crystalline Media 査読有り

      Daichi Yamaoka, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES48 ( 4 ) 908 - 914   2015年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A rod-shaped azobenzene derivative possessing a 2-benzoyl-2-propanol moiety (Az-PIni) was synthesized. This molecule was highly compatible with calamitic nematic liquid crystal (LC) systems and showed dual photofunctions as a photocommander for the alignment of LCs upon linearly polarized light (LPL) irradiation and a photoinitiator for the radical polymerization in these media. The dual photofunctions were achieved simultaneously by irradiation with 365 nm LPL, or stepwisely with 436 nm LPL for the photoalignment, and successively with 254 nm light for the photoinitiated polymerization. In a nematic LC cell, these combined processes provided a persistent uniform alignment. When a polymerizable LC monomer film was coated on an elastomeric sheet, the anisotropic photopolymerization of the photoaligned monomer initiated by Az-PIni led to a uniformly aligned wrinkle formation via polymerization shrinkage.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma5025279


    • 液晶性高分子薄膜の自由界面からの配向制御 招待有り 査読有り

      永野 修作, 関 隆広

      液晶 : 日本液晶学会誌19 ( 1 ) 7-14 - 14   2015年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会事務局  

      CiNii Article


    • Dynamic photoinduced realignment processes in photoresponsive block copolymer films: effects of the chain length and block copolymer architecture 査読有り

      Masami Sano, Feng Shan, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki

      SOFT MATTER11 ( 29 ) 5918 - 5925   2015年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      A series of block copolymers composed of an amorphous poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) block connected with an azobenzene (Az)-containing liquid crystalline (PAz) block were synthesized by changing the chain length and polymer architecture. With these block copolymer films, the dynamic realignment process of microphase separated (MPS) cylinder arrays of PBMA in the PAz matrix induced by irradiation with linearly polarized light was studied by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, and time-resolved grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS) measurements using a synchrotron beam. Unexpectedly, the change in the chain length hardly affected the realignment rate. In contrast, the architecture of the AB-type diblock or the ABA-type triblock essentially altered the realignment feature. The strongly cooperative motion with an induction period before realignment was characteristic only for the diblock copolymer series, and the LPL-induced alignment change immediately started for triblock copolymers and the PAz homopolymer. Additionally, a marked acceleration in the photoinduced dynamic motions was unveiled in comparison with a thermal randomization process.

      DOI: 10.1039/c5sm01140j


    • Influence of Confined Polymer Structure on Proton Transport Property in Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films 査読有り

      Karthik Krishnan, Tomoaki Yamada, Hiroko Iwatsuki, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Kazuya Otsubo, Osami Sakata, Akihiko Fujiwara, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yuki Nagao

      ELECTROCHEMISTRY82 ( 10 ) 865 - 869   2014年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      The organized structure and proton transport property in sulfonated polyimide (SPI) thin film have been studied, much less is known at the interfacial charge transport during confinement of such materials. The proton conductivity of SPI thin film is correlated well with the highly oriented polymer structures as determined by infrared (IR) p-polarized multiple-angle incidence resolution spectrometry (p-MAIRS) and in situ RH dependent synchrotron grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD). The high proton conductivity of 2.8 x 10(-1)S cm(-1) at 80 degrees C and 90% RH was achieved in the highly oriented SPI thin film. In contrast, the bulk SPI showed the drop of conductivity value at high relative humidity region, which is due to the significant structural disorder accompanied by the strong interaction between the sulfonic acid side chains and water molecules. (C) The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.82.865


    • Pathways toward Photoinduced Alignment Switching in Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Films 査読有り

      Masami Sano, Shiyuko Nakamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES47 ( 20 ) 7178 - 7186   2014年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The pathways toward linearly polarized light (LPL)-induced alignment switching in a diblock copolymer film composed of liquid crystalline (LC) azobenzene (Az) and amorphous poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) blocks were studied in detail using polarized UVvis absorption spectroscopy, grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, and polarized optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations. The hierarchical structures of microphase-separated cylinders of PBMA in a smectic LC Az layer matrix were prealigned by LPL and then irradiated by orthogonal LPL, which resulted in alignment switching to the orthogonal direction. In this process, the large prealigned domains were divided into substantially smaller domains at the submicrometer level, and then the structures were realigned in the orthogonal direction in a strongly cooperative manner, most likely through the domain rotation mechanism. The alignment change consisted of three stages: (i) fluctuations in the smectic layer of LC Az side chains in the initial state and breaking up of smaller grains to the submicrometer level before the orientation change (induction period), (ii) actual rotation of the divided domains driven by the photoinduced reorientation of Az mesogens (action period), and (iii) slower fusion and growth of smaller domains in the orthogonally realigned direction (postgrowth period). New aspects of dynamic self-assembly behavior in which different hierarchical structures are involved are proposed.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma501803g


    • Macroscopic Alignment of Cylinders via Directional Coalescence of Spheres along Annealing Solvent Permeation Directions in Block Copolymer Thick Films 査読有り

      Guanghui Cui, Masamichi Fujikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Keisuke Shimokita, Tsukasa Miyazaki, Shinichi Sakurai, Katsuhiro Yamamoto

      MACROMOLECULES47 ( 17 ) 5989 - 5999   2014年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      We reported the long-range perpendicular and horizontal orientation of polystyrene cylinders in polystyrene-b-poly(methyl acrylate) (PS-b-PMA) films with thickness scale from hundreds micrometers to millimeters. Dissolving block copolymer (BCP) in selective solvents forms PS micelles in solution, which could be trapped in films after ordinary solvent casting. Controllable alignment of perpendicular and horizontal cylinders from the directional coalescences of PS spheres along permeation directions of annealing solvent into the film was achieved, i.e., solvent permeating from surface of film led to perpendicular PS cylinders while from edge resulted in horizontal cylinders. Polarizing optical micrographs and mu-beam SAXS confirmed the directional coalescences mechanism during the orientation process and that the cylindrical structure was achieved throughout a macroscopic scale. Solvent components influenced the orientation behavior, and the mixed solvents containing 2540% (volume fraction) methanol were favorable to form highly oriented cylinders.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma501033a


    • Free Surface-Induced Planar Orientation in Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Films: On the Design of Additive Surface Active Polymer Layer 査読有り

      Kei Fukuhara, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS601 ( 1 ) 11 - 19   2014年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      We recently demonstrated that addition of a surface active polymer (SAP) that segregates on the free (air) surface in liquid crystalline (LC) block copolymer films crucially alters the orientation of the mesogens and microphase separation domains. A block copolymer of poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) combined with an azobenzene LC polymer has been blended as SAP in a polystyrene-based LC block copolymer films possessing similar structure. The present work reveals that the polymer design, the blend ratio, and molecular weight of the surface active polymer significantly affect the orientational alternation for the block copolymer film. The orientational alternation effect by the free surface segregation becomes significantly efficient when SAPs with higher molecular weight is employed.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2014.940487


    • High Contrast Fluorescence Patterning in Cyanostilbene-Based Crystalline Thin Films: Crystallization-Induced Mass Flow Via a Photo-Triggered Phase Transition 査読有り

      Jin Wook Park, Shusaku Nagano, Seong-Jun Yoon, Tomoki Dohi, Jangwon Seo, Takahiro Seki, Soo Young Park

      ADVANCED MATERIALS26 ( 9 ) 1354 - 1359   2014年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      A facile and innovative method for the fabrication of highly fluorescent micro-patterns is presented, which operates on the principle of phototriggered phase transition and physical mass migration in the crystalline film of a cyanostilbene-type aggregation-induced enhanced emission (AIEE) molecule ((Z)-2,3-bis(3,4,5-tris( dodecyloxy) phenyl) acrylonitrile) with liquid-crystalline (LC) mesomorphic behavior.

      DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304250


    • Perpendicular oriented cylinders via directional coalescence of spheres embedded in block copolymer films induced by solvent annealing 査読有り

      Guanghui Cui, Masamichi Fujikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Masami Sano, Hiroshi Takase, Tsukasa Miyazaki, Shinichi Sakurai, Katsuhiro Yamamoto

      POLYMER55 ( 6 ) 1601 - 1608   2014年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

      Polystyrene-b-poly(methyl acrylate) (PS-b-PMA) block copolymer with PS volume fraction of 25.2 vol% was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization. Non-pretreated silicon wafers were used as the substrates to prepare perpendicular oriented PS cylinders in PMA matrix via solvent annealing which could induce the transformation of spheres to vertically oriented and hexagonally packed cylinders. The spherical microdomains were formed after the evaporation of solvents from the solutions of the block copolymer in selective solvents mixed from methanol, acetone and dichloromethane. The thickness of films could be as thick as 1000 nm, which were much thicker than usual cases and the cylinders came from the directional coalescence of the spheres, thus any pre-treatments of the substrates were not required for perpendicular orientation. The structures were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscope (TEM), atom force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.01.060


    • Free-surface molecular command systems for photoalignment of liquid crystalline materials 査読有り

      Kei Fukuhara, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki

      NATURE COMMUNICATIONS5   3320   2014年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

      The orientation of liquid crystal molecules is very sensitive towards contacting surfaces, and this phenomenon is critical during the fabrication of liquid crystal display panels, as well as optical and memory devices. To date, research has focused on designing and modifying solid surfaces. Here we report an approach to control the orientation of liquid crystals from the free (air) surface side: a skin layer at the free surface was prepared using a non-photoresponsive liquid crystalline polymer film by surface segregation or inkjet printing an azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline block copolymer. Both planar-planar and homoeotropic-planar mode patterns were readily generated. This strategy is applicable to various substrate systems, including inorganic substrates and flexible polymer films. These versatile processes require no modification of the substrate surface and are therefore expected to provide new opportunities for the fabrication of optical and mechanical devices based on liquid crystal alignment.

      DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4320


    • Proton conductivity enhancement in oriented, sulfonated polyimide thin films 査読有り

      Karthik Krishnan, Hiroko Iwatsuki, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao

      JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A2 ( 19 ) 6895 - 6903   2014年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      Studies of proton transport in confined thin polymer electrolytes are essential for providing additional information regarding the structure-property relationships of such materials. Using a combination of proton transport measurements and structural characterization, we explored the effect of proton conductivity in sulfonated polyimide (SPI) under both bulk and nanostructured thin film systems. A SPI film confined to a thickness of approximately 530 nm shows significant proton conductivity enhancement to a value of 2.6 x 10(-1) S cm(-1) (95% RH at 298 K), which is almost one order of magnitude more proton conductive than the bulk system (3.0 x 10(-2) S cm(-1) at 90% RH and 298 K). In thin films, the preferred chain packing along the in-plane direction can have considerable influence on the charge transport characteristics, which leads to the enhanced proton conductivity. Infrared (IR) p-polarized multiple-angle incidence resolution spectrometry (p-MAIRS) and in situ grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) were used to investigate the direction of polymer orientation and the changes in the internal polymeric structure under various humidity conditions, respectively. Under high-humidity conditions, the strong interaction between the side-chain sulfonic acid groups and water molecules causes an abrupt change in the internal structure in bulk SPI. Such a structural rearrangement results in a liquid-crystal-like ordered polymer structure. The RH dependent FTIR-ATR studies reveal that the accumulation of a large fraction of water molecules with stronger hydrogen bonding at high humidity regions causes the huge deviation in the internal morphology of the bulk samples.

      DOI: 10.1039/c4ta00579a


    • Photoresponsive LB Films under Light Irradiation Observed by Time-Resolved XRR

      Shusaku Nagano

      Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances   2014年



      DOI: 10.1107/S2053273314098441


    • Nobody knows the right answer - There is no right answer

      Nagano, S.

      Kobunshi63 ( 11 ) 798 - 798   2014年





    • Solvent Annealing Induced Perpendicular Orientation of Microdomains in Block Copolymer Thin Films 査読有り

      Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Koji Ohara, Guanghui Cui, Ryo Tanaka, Daiki Shimada, Shusaku Nagano, Masami Sano, Shinichi Sakurai, Keisuke Shimokita, Tsukasa Miyazaki

      KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU71 ( 3 ) 104 - 111   2014年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC POLYMER SCIENCE JAPAN  

      The orientation of cylindrical and lamellar micro-phase separated structures of some block copolymers (BCP) in thin films was investigated by grazing incident small-angle X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy. The thin films were made from solution using selective solvents for the major component of the BCP. The spherical structure was arrested initially in the film with a thickness of 500 nm(-1) mu m. Solvent annealing, using common solvents, induced a morphology transition from spherical to a vertically oriented cylindrical (lamellar) structure. A neutral solvent for both components in the BCP was found to be effective for the perpendicular orientation of the micro-domains. (C) 2014, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

      DOI: 10.1295/koron.71.104


    • Individual photoreorientation of non-aggregated and aggregated azobenzene side chains tethered to a liquid-crystalline polymer determined by higher order derivative spectra 査読有り

      Kunihiro Ichimura, Shusaku Nagano

      RSC ADVANCES4 ( 94 ) 52379 - 52383   2014年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      Higher order derivative spectra were applied to UV-VIS spectral changes of a liquid-crystalline polymer with azobenzene side chains exposed to linearly polarised 436 nm light at an elevated temperature to reveal the participation of non-aggregated as well as two types of aggregated species in in-plane as well as out-of-plane photoreorientation individually.

      DOI: 10.1039/c4ra10151k


    • Isotropic charge transport in highly ordered regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) monolayer 査読有り

      M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Okuaki, S. Nagano, A. Saito, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara

      JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS46 ( 42 ) 425303   2013年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

      Charge transport anisotropy in pi-stacked poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) monolayers was investigated. The monolayers were prepared using a Langmuir-Blodgett technique and were uniaxial but homogeneous two-dimensional sheets. Nanoscale electrical measurements were carried out using metal electrodes with a submicrometre gap between them in order to exclude breaches that occasionally occur along the chains. A remarkable degree of isotropy in both the conductivity and mobility was found. The conductivity isotropy implies that charge transport is dominated by fatal defects in polymers arising at structural and electrical discontinuities, even in the absence of large morphological defects. It was found that the mobility along the pi-stacking direction can exceed that along the polymer chain in monolayers with good crystallinity. This high mobility along the pi-stacking direction is thought to be an inherent charge transport characteristic that has so far been obscured in solid state conjugated polymers with complex microstructures.

      DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/42/425303


    • Versatility of photoalignment techniques: From nematics to a wide range of functional materials 査読有り

      Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara

      POLYMER54 ( 22 ) 6053 - 6072   2013年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

      Alignment methods of nematic liquid crystals (LCs) by surface photoreactions on substrate surfaces were initially proposed around 1990, and the photoalignment technology of nematic LCs has recently been integrated into the LC device fabrication industry due to its profitable features. Accumulated efforts in this field have revealed that applications of photoalignment processes are not limited to conventional nematic LCs but that a variety of functional materials can also be manipulated according to this principle. Target materials have now been extended to thermotropic smectic LCs, discotic LCs, LC polymers, block copolymers, gel networks, conjugated polymers, and organic semiconductors and lyotropic systems including chromonic LCs and inorganic organic mesostructured hybrids. Through these photochemical approaches, many types of photopatterning for both topographical and orientational modulations have become feasible. This article reviews photoalignment processes applied to a wide range of materials, surveying relatively recent work. Some important related alignment and patterning processes are also introduced to clarify the significance of these photoalignment techniques. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.08.058


    • Perpendicular orientation of sub-10 nm channels in polystyrene-b-poly(4-hydroxyl styrene)/PEG oligomer blend thin films 査読有り

      Guanghui Cui, Satoshi Ohya, Taito Matsutani, Shusaku Nagano, Tomoki Dohi, Shiyuko Nakamura, Shinichi Sakurai, Tsukasa Miyazaki, Katsuhiro Yamamoto

      Nanoscale5 ( 15 ) 6713 - 6719   2013年7月11日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Vertically oriented cylinders via the directional coalescence of the spheres embedded in the blend thin films from polystyrene-b-poly(4-hydroxyl styrene) (PS-b-PHS) and PEG induced by solvent annealing were achieved. Removal of PEG water led to the formation of nanochannels throughout the films. The diameter of these channels could be as small as 9 nm which might enhance the applicability of the nano-porous films as size-selective membranes and controllable drug delivery systems for the objects less than 10 nm. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

      DOI: 10.1039/c3nr01491f




    • High-Density Liquid-Crystalline Azobenzene Polymer Brush Attained by Surface-Initiated Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization 査読有り

      Hafiz Ashraful Haque, Soutarou Kakehi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR29 ( 25 ) 7571 - 7575   2013年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      High-density polynorbornene azobenzene liquid-crystalline brushes are synthesized on quartz substrates by surface-initiated ring-opening metathesis polymerization (SI-ROMP) using Grubbs third-generation catalyst. The grafting process is controlled over the thickness of the brush from a solid-supported substrate in a stoichiometric manner. A highly ordered liquid-crystal arrangement was formed for such brushes as revealed by spectroscopic measurements and grazing angle X-ray diffraction analysis. Marked features of this method in the structure and photoalignment behavior are unveiled by comparison with brushes made by surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP).

      DOI: 10.1021/la4002847


    • 高分子液晶薄膜の光配向における空気界面の役割

      福原 慶, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      表面51 ( 2 ) 78 - 88   2013年2月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:広信社  

      CiNii Article


    • Photoinduced in-plane motions of azobenzene mesogens affected by the flexibility of underlying amorphous chains 査読有り

      Hafiz Ashraful Haque, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Macromolecules46 ( 20 ) 8275 - 8283   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Photoinduced in-plane motions are explored for a series of surface-grafted diblock copolymers comprising of an amorphous chain block and a liquid crystalline (LC) azobenzene (Az) side chain polymer block. In this architecture, amorphous polymers with different glass transition temperature (Tg) and the LC Az polymer are stepwisely grafted on substrate surfaces by the surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Amorphous polymers employed are poly(hexyl methacrylate) (PHMA), poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with Tg of -20, +27, and +110 C, respectively. The extent of photoinduced in-plane anisotropy of the LC Az layer by linearly polarized light irradiation at optimal temperatures are in the order of PHMA &gt
      PBMA &gt
      PMMA which coincides with that of lowering T g. Thus, the photoinduced motions of the LC Az blocks are coupled with the dynamic nature of the underlying amorphous chain anchored to the substrate. The structural information obtained by the grazing incidence angle X-ray diffraction measurements further shows the important role of the amorphous polymer layer in the ordering and photoalignment of LC mesogens on the top. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma401536r



    • Spontaneous formation of vertically aligned lamellae in thin films of block copolymer-silica hybrid material 査読有り

      Hara, M., Nagano, S., Seki, T.

      Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan86 ( 10 ) 1151-1157   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20130172



    • Effect of Flexible Chain Length on the Photoorientation Behavior of Surface-Grafted Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Block Copolymer Brush 査読有り

      Hafiz Ashraful Haque, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS583 ( 1 ) 10 - 20   2013年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      A liquid crystalline (LC) azobenzene homopolymer brush film of poly[4-(10-methacryloxydecyloxy)-4-pentylazobenzene] (P5Az10MA), and two diblock copolymer brushes consisting of the same LC azobenzene (Az) block connected with poly(hexyl methacrylate) block (PHMA-b-P5Az10MA) have been synthesized on initiator-immobilized quartz surfaces by atom transfer radical polymerization. In the diblock polymer brushes, the length of PHMA blocks tethering to the substrate surface were changed (26nm and 51nm). The orientation and structural features of the liquid crystalline block, containing an Az mesogenic group of the polymer brushes were evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy and grazing incident X-ray diffraction measurements. Upon irradiation with 436nm linearly polarized light (LPL), the levels of photoinduced in-plane anisotropy and reorienting behavior among the brushes showed significant differences as a result of degree of freedom of the flexible buffer chain spacers.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2013.843766


    • Liquid-Crystalline Polymer and Block Copolymer Domain Alignment Controlled by Free-Surface Segregation 査読有り

      Kei Fukuhara, Yasuyoshi Fujii, Yuki Nagashima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION52 ( 23 ) 5988 - 5991   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      DOI: 10.1002/anie.201300560


    • Lubricant Effect of Flexible Chain in the Photoinduced Motions of Surface-Grafted Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Polymer Brush 査読有り

      Hafiz Ashraful Haque, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES45 ( 15 ) 6095 - 6103   2012年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Poly(hexyl methacrylate)-block-poly[4-(10-methacryloxydecyloxy)-4'-pentylazobenzene] (PHMA-b-P5Az10MA) diblock copolymer brush was stepwisely synthesized on an initiator-immobilized quartz surface by atom transfer radical polymerization. In this chain design, a flexible PHMA chain was connected between a liquid crystalline (LC) azobenzene (Az) block and a solid substrate. The orientation and structural features of the smectic layer spacing of the azobenzene (Az) block at the outer surface were essentially the same as those of P5Az10MA homopolymer brush. Upon irradiation of 436 nm linearly polarized light (LPL) at a temperature of liquid crystalline (LC) state of the Az polymer, the block copolymer brush exhibited a significant improvement in the induction of in-plane optical anisotropy compared to a corresponding homopolymer brush as revealed by UV-vis spectroscopy and grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction measurements. The temperature dependence of the optical and structural anisotropy and photoreorientation behavior unveiled a significant lubricant role of the flexible chain block for the improvement of photoresponsive motions. This work proposes an idea to decouple the photoinduced motions of the upper photoresponsive block from the restriction by the substrate through introduction of a "buffer spacer" chain.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma300843x


    • Phototriggered Mass Migration Consorted with Surface Dewetting in Thin Films of a Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene-containing Dendrimer 査読有り

      Wenhan Li, Tomoki Dohi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Osamu Haba, Koichiro Yonetake, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES45 ( 16 ) 6618 - 6627   2012年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A dendritic molecule of poly(propylene imine) whose periphery is modified with photoresponsive mesogenic azobenzene units was synthesized. This compound exhibited highly ordered smectic B or smectic A layer structure orienting parallel to the substrate in the film state. When this film of 90 nm thickness on a hydrophilic substrate was exposed to UV (365 nm) light, the initial flat film morphology started to form holes followed by a drastic transformation to form separated dome structure of micrometer levels. Upon continuous UV light irradiation, the domain height increased and reached to a level of ca. 8-fold higher than that of the initial thickness, which can be correlated with the disordering of layer structures as revealed by grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction measurements. This phototriggered dewetting behavior depended on the film thickness. The thinner film resulted in local migrations to form the smaller and more homogeneous domes. The dewetting was observed below a threshold thickness of 100 nm. By UV light irradiation through a photomask, phototriggered migration at micrometer distances also occurred. By the combination of phototriggered migration and concerted dewetting, characteristic hierarchical morphologies were formed, depending on the initial film thickness. This work proposes a new possibility to control and design the dewetting processes of thin films using the dendritic material.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma301170x


    • A versatile photochemical procedure to introduce a photoreactive molecular layer onto a polyimide film for liquid crystal alignment

      Akira Sasaki, Hozumi Aoshima, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      POLYMER JOURNAL44 ( 6 ) 639 - 645   2012年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

      A polyimide film containing a cholesteryl moiety spin-coated on a solid substrate is treated with vacuum ultraviolet light from a Xe-2(*) excimer lamp at 20 Pa. This procedure generates oxidized chemically functional groups, such as hydroxyl groups, selectively on the top-most surface without changing the nature of the bulk polymer. Onto the chemically functionalized surface, photofunctional units such as azobenzene and cinnamate units are attached at a monolayer or sub-monolayer level. When nematic liquid crystal (LC) cells are fabricated, such photoresponsive surfaces work as effective 'command surfaces' for photoswitching the zenithal LC orientation and photoaligment layers to achieve the homogeneous azimuthal orientation applicable for vertical alignment mode LC devices. The proposed photochemical treatment provides a simple but versatile alternative process for the preparation of surface molecular films comparable to self-assembled monolayers or Langmuir-Blodgett films. Polymer Journal (2012) 44, 639-645; doi:10.1038/pj.2012.45; published online 28 March 2012

      DOI: 10.1038/pj.2012.45


    • Charge Transport Anisotropy due to Interfacial Molecular Orientation in Polymeric Transistors with Controlled In-Plane Chain Orientation

      Shun-ichiro Watanabe, Hisaaki Tanaka, Shin-ichi Kuroda, Akio Toda, Haruki Tomikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS5 ( 2 ) 021602-021604   2012年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS  

      We report charge transport anisotropy of ultrathin-film transistors of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) with controlled in-plane chain orientation prepared by a modified Langmuir-Blodgett method. The field-effect mobility of a five-monolayer transistor reached 3.0 x 10(-4) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) with a large anisotropy ratio of about 7.5 between parallel and perpendicular chain orientations. This is in sharp contrast to a nearly two-dimensional mobility anisotropy of the previously reported ultrathin poly(3-hexylthiophene) transistors having a pi-overlapped lamellar structure. The quasi-one-dimensional anisotropy of the present device is ascribed to a weak pi-pi stacking structure due to a flat-on-like orientation of MEH-PPV confirmed by atomic force microscopy. (C) 2012 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

      DOI: 10.1143/APEX.5.021602


    • Photoinduced volume transition in liquid crystalline polymer gels swollen by a nematic solvent 査読有り

      Yuki Hayata, Shusaku Nagano, Yukikazu Takeoka, Takahiro Seki

      ACS Macro Letters1 ( 11 ) 1357 - 1361   2012年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Nematic liquid crystalline (LC) cross-linked polymer gel sheets containing 3 mol % azobenzene (Az) unit were prepared and swollen by a nematic solvent of 4′-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). This 5CB-swollen gel sheet exhibited a discontinuous volume change around the nematic-isotoropic phase transition temperature of the LC gel (T NI G). UV irradiation at a temperature slightly lower than T NI G provoked a large volume transition (expansion) due to a loss of nematic order within the gel sheet caused by the trans-to-cis photoisomerization of Az. The volume was reverted by irradiation with 436 nm light. By templating the colloidal crystal film of monodispersed silica particles, a LC gel sheet possessing a microporous structure was also prepared. Due to the facilitated diffusion of 5CB, the microporous LC gel exhibited significant enhancements in the extent and rate of the photoinduced volume transition. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

      DOI: 10.1021/mz300447j



    • Synergy Effect on Morphology Switching: Real-Time Observation of Photo-Orientation of Microphase Separation in a Block Copolymer

      Shusaku Nagano, Yusuke Koizuka, Tomoya Murase, Masami Sano, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki

      ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION51 ( 24 ) 5884 - 5888   2012年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      DOI: 10.1002/anie.201201346


    • Photoinduced Dewetting in Thin Films of Liquid Crystalline Dendritic Azobenzene Derivatives 査読有り

      Wenhan Li, Shusaku Nagano, Koichiro Yonetake, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      We report in this paper photoinduced-dewetting phenomena observed for thin films (thickness &lt; 100 nm) of a series of dendritic liquid crystalline materials with different spacer length (carbon number changing from n = 6 to 12) at their azobenzene units in the periphery. Spincast films of these dendrimers were prepared and exposed to UV light (365 nm) at various photon doses at room temperature. Atomic force microscopic observations of the dewetting forming process were performed step by step with increasing the UV illumination time for the dendrimer with the shortest spacer (n = 6). We observed how the dewetting bumps appeared from an initially flat spincast film and finally reached ca. eightfold of the initial film thickness. The dendrimer with n = 8 exhibited dewetting but the mass migration distance was significantly limited than that of n = 6. Dendrimers with longer spacer lengths (n = 10 and 12) did not exhibit dewetting behavior in the same conditions. These differences were discussed in terms of thermophysical properties of the materials.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2012.689144


    • Synthesis and Isomerization of Conjugated Oligomers Containing Azoimidazole Unit 査読有り

      Koji Takagi, Takato Isomura, Yohei Ito, Masanori Sakaida, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY49 ( 23 ) 4993 - 5000   2011年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

      The Suzuki (for O1-O3) and Stille (for O4) coupling polymerization of 2-(phenylazo)imidazole bearing the benzyl protecting group at the 1-position gave conjugated oligomers. The transformation from the neutral imidazole in the conjugated oligomer O2, consisted of the alternating 2,5-didecyl-1,4-phenylene unit, to the cationic imidazolium salt O2S was performed. Depending on the chemical structure of coupling partners, the absorption maximum of conjugated oligomers showed red shift or blue shift from that of the model compound M with the benzene ring at the 4,5-positions. The absorption maximum wavelength of the cationic conjugated oligomer O2S showed a blue shift from that of the neutral conjugated oligomer O2. The trans-to-cis photoisomerization of the azoimidazole unit in conjugated oligomers was observed by irradiating the light at 436 nm, and the conversion degree to the cis structure had a rough correlation with the maximum absorption wavelength of materials. The trans-to-cis photoisomerization in the film state was sluggish. On the other hand, the cis-to-trans thermal isomerization of the azoimidazole unit was confirmed and the absorbance returned to the initial state before the photoisomerization. The trans-to-cis photoisomerization of the cationic conjugated oligomer O2S required large energy, and the prolonged light irradiation might decompose the azoimidazole unit. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49: 4993-5000, 2011

      DOI: 10.1002/pola.24958


    • 界面作用に基づく薄膜の構造形成と配向誘起

      関 隆広, 永野 修作

      高分子60 ( 9 ) 665 - 668   2011年9月1日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:高分子学会  

      CiNii Article


    • "Inversed" Surface Micelle Array Fabrication of an Amphiphilic Block Copolymer on Water Surface 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano, Tetsuya Kinumatsu, Yuki Ohnuma, Takahiro Seki

      JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY11 ( 4 ) 2973 - 2978   2011年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS  

      A mixed film of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) with 6-(4-[(4-hexylphenyl)azo]phenoxy}hexanoic acid (6Az5COOH) were prepared on water by co-spreading method. The resulting films were transferred onto mica at various surface pressures. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and pi-A isotherm measurements revealed that both PS and p4VP blocks in PS-b-P4VP forms spread monolayer on water with the assist of 6Az5COOH at low surface pressures. Upon compression on water, we observed that the P4VP/6Az5COOH parts in the hybrid film are collapsed selectively at an early stage and form dot array morphology. In addition, gold cluster dots were deposited selectively on the dots in the dot array film by metallization based on deposition of HAuCl4 to the P4VP chain and reduction with dimethylamino borane. These results strongly support the fact that the "inversed" surface micelles are formed on water via hybridization of PS-b-P4VP with 6Az5COOH.

      DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2011.3896


    • ミクロ相分離構造の光配向制御 招待有り 査読有り

      永野修作, 関隆広

      液晶15 ( 4 ) 288   2011年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Solid-state photoelectron transfer in powdery nanocomposites comprised of a sensitiser, photoacid generators and silica nanoparticles 査読有り

      Kunihiro Ichimura, Shinji Horie, Shusaku Nagano

      PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS13 ( 13 ) 5974 - 5980   2011年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      The dry beads milling of a mixture of 9,10-dipropoxyanthracene (DPA) as an electron donor and surface-modified silica nanoparticles was conducted in the absence or in the presence of a photoacid generator (PAG) as an electron acceptor to give powdery nanocomposites. Fluorescence measurements indicated no mechanochemical change in the crystal structure of DPA after the nanohybridisation. The co-milling with PAG resulted in solid-state fluorescence quenching, whereas quenching efficiency was considerably dependent on the nature of PAG. The solid-state sensitised photoacid generation through the electron transfer was demonstrated by the solid-state photocolouration of leuco-dye of crystal violet lactone.

      DOI: 10.1039/c0cp00034e


    • Light-Directed Anisotropic Reorientation of Mesopatterns in Block Copolymer Monolayers 査読有り

      Kenji Aoki, Takafumi Iwata, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS211 ( 23 ) 2484 - 2489   2010年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      Photoreorientation of a stripe pattern consisting of an MPS structure in a Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer by irradiation with linearly polarized light is achieved for the first time using a PDMS/poly(methacrylate) diblock copolymer with a liquid crystalline azobenzene-containing side chain. The stripe MPS pattern in the trans azobenzene state is diminished by photoisomerization to the cis form upon UV light irradiation. By the erasure of the MPS structure, the anisotropic photo-oriented stripe pattern is generated upon irradiation with linearly polarized visible light, the orientation of the stripe pattern being orthogonal to the electric vector of the light.

      DOI: 10.1002/macp.201000474


    • pi-pi Interaction-Induced Vertical Alignment of Silica Mesochannels Templated by a Discotic Lyotropic Liquid Crystal 査読有り

      Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY132 ( 39 ) 13654 - 13656   2010年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The development of vertically aligned mesochannels in organic/inorganic hybrid films is in high demand and a challenging issue. However, there are no clear guiding principles to attain the surface-mediated vertical alignment. This work proposes the first clear versatile strategy to achieve the vertical alignment by utilizing the pi-pi interaction between the organic template molecule of a planar discotic liquid crystalline and 2D a-plane of graphite. The crucial role of the pi-pi interaction can be verified by the exploration with other substrates such as silicon wafer surfaces with varied surface energy (water contact angle: 5 degrees-105 degrees), quartz plates, and polymer films, which provided common parallel alignment with respect to the substrate plane.

      DOI: 10.1021/ja106220J


    • Phototriggered Mass Migrating Motions in Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Polymer Films with Systematically Varied Thermal Properties 査読有り

      Jun Isayama, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES43 ( 9 ) 4105 - 4112   2010年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A family of homopolymers and random copolymers consisting of an azobenzene (Az)-containing methacrylate and hexyl acrylate were synthesized varying the copolymerization ratio. With increasing the content of hexyl acrylate, the temperature range of the liquid crystalline (LC) state was monotonously lowered. These polymer films were subjected to an exposure to the patterned irradiation to evaluate the mass transport behavior. This approach revealed that the efficient mass migration is strongly coupled with the thermal properties. Under the optimized conditions, two types of irradiation procedures were adopted: (i) two-step irradiation involving the UV (365 nm) light illumination and subsequent patterned visible light (488 nm of argon ion laser or 436 nm Hg line) and (ii) one-step patterned irradiation with UV light. After the irradiation with a photomak, the former method caused the mass transfer from the illuminated regions to shaded ones, whereas the latter led to the migration in the inversed direction. In both procedures, the migration consistently proceeded at the boundaries from the smectic A phase regions to the isotropic ones in the photochemically generated phase patterns. More general guidelines are proposed to exert the efficient mass transport in the LC Az polymers by adjusting the polymer design and temperature.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma100328e


    • Electron spin resonance observation of field-induced charge carriers in ultrathin-film transistors of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) with controlled in-plane chain orientation 査読有り

      Shun-ichiro Watanabe, Hisaaki Tanaka, Shin-ichi Kuroda, Akio Toda, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Atsushi Kimoto, Jiro Abe

      APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS96 ( 17 ) 173302-173302   2010年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Ultrathin-film polymeric transistors with controlled in-plane chain orientation have been fabricated based on Langmuir-Blodgett technique by cospreading liquid crystal molecule with regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene). The mobilities parallel to the chain direction reached 0.001-0.01 cm(2)/V s for 1 to 5 monolayer thick transistors. Mobility ratio was about 2 for the parallel and perpendicular directions. Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals of the field-induced polarons exhibited clear in-plane anisotropies due to unpaired pi-electrons. The anisotropic ESR spectra together with the optical dichroism determine the detailed molecular orientations in the channel of such ultrathin transistors.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.3421538


    • 注目の論文:並べるだけで全く別の材料に・・・-ポリエチレン鎖の配向・配列で熱伝導性が金属に匹敵


      化学65   63-64   2010年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Properties of core-shell structured nanopowders of molecular crystals fabricated by dry grinding 査読有り

      Kunihiro Ichimura, Ken'ichi Aoki, Haruhisa Akiyama, Shin Horiuchi, Shusaku Nagano, Shinji Horie

      JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY20 ( 21 ) 4312 - 4320   2010年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      A generic way to prepare nano-sized molecular crystals in large scale is described. The dry mechanical grinding of a mixture of molecular crystals with surface-modified Stober silica nanoparticles gave voluminous hybridised powders with core-shell nanostructures, which were revealed by TEM and EFTEM measurements. Fluorescence spectra of the hybrids of emissive crystals suggested that crystal structures of the bulk are preserved even after the milling. Calorimetric measurements disclosed that melting points of crystals are lowered as a result of the nanohybridisation and that the depression of melting point and heat of fusion are reversibly proportional to shell thickness.

      DOI: 10.1039/b925120k


    • Time-resolved X-ray reflectometry in the multiwavelength dispersive geometry 査読有り

      Tadashi Matsushita, Etsuo Arakawa, Tetsuo Harada, Tadashi Hatano, Yasuo Higashi, Yohko F. Yano, Yasuhiro Niwa, Yasuhiro Inada, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      AIP Conference Proceedings1234   927 - 930   2010年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      A new method of measuring specular X-ray reflectivity curves with a time resolution of milliseconds to seconds is developed. A horizontally convergent X-ray beam having a one-to-one correlation between its direction and energy is realized by a curved crystal or a laterally graded multilayer on an elliptic substrate. The X-ray beam is then incident on the surface of the specimen placed at the focus in such a way that the glancing angle in the vertical direction is the same for all X-ray components, which are reflected in the vertical direction by the surface and diverge in the horizontal plane. The perpendicular momentum transfer continuously changes as a function of the horizontal ray direction since the wavelength change similarly. The normalized linear intensity distribution across the beam direction measured downstream of the specimen represents the X-ray reflectivity curve. Examples of time-resolved measurements of X-ray reflectivity curves are shown. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.3463368



    • Two dimensional nano-dot array engineering of block copolymer surface micelles on water surface 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano, Yu Matsushita, Satoshi Shinma, Takashi Ishizone, Takahiro Seki

      THIN SOLID FILMS518 ( 2 ) 724 - 728   2009年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA  

      When an amphiphilic block copolymer is directly spread from an organic solution, the morphology of the surface micelles is not in general controlled because the structure is rapidly frozen after the solvent evaporation. In contrast, we have developed a new versatile method to generate highly regular ordered nanopatterns of the surface micelles on water, which involves the process of two dimensional (2D) hybridization with a polar liquid crystal molecule, 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) [Langmuir 22 (2006) 5233]. The present work extends this approach using a family of diblock copolymers of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) changing the chain length of the two polymer blocks. It is found here that the dot-to-dot distance and the dot size can be precisely controlled on-demand by the length of the polymer blocks. Such structural regulations cannot be attained without the 5CB hybridization. Due to the high reproducibility of the morphology formation, this process should be of practical significance to 'engineer' the 2D patterns in the range of some tens of nanometers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.07.078


    • Novel Liquid Crystalline Organic-Inorganic Hybrid for Highly Sensitive Photoinscriptions 査読有り

      Kaori Nishizawa, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS21 ( 13 ) 2624 - 2631   2009年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A new class of organic-inorganic liquid crystalline hybrid materials consisting of an azobenzene derivative and titanium oxide (6Az5COO-TiO and 6AzlCOO-TiO) was synthesized. 6Az5COO-TiO with a C5 spacer showed a smectic liquid crystalline phase. The organic 6Az5COO and TiO inorganic components in the hybrid film were oriented perpendicular and parallel 10 the Substrate plane, respectively, to form a layered structure. The structure of the liquid crystalline hybrid material was formed via nanophase separation of the organic and inorganic components. This film wits then subjected to the inscription of surface relief structure formation by patterned UV irradiation. The efficiency of the phototriggered mass transfer showed a clear temperature dependency. The optimal temperature range was around 130 degrees C, which corresponds to the lower edge of the endothermic peak in the differential scanning calorimetric profile. The mass transfer was initiated at a surprisingly small energy dose of irradiation [40 mJ cm(-2) (8 mW cm(-2) for 5 s)] in this hybrid material, as has been observed for fully organic soft liquid crystalline polymer systems. It is anticipated that this new type of hybrid material have potential for microfabrication of optical and photocatalytic elements.

      DOI: 10.1021/cm900970p


    • Ideal spread monolayer formation and surface pressure induced orientation in poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) via hybridized with liquid crystal molecule on water 査読有り

      Akio Toda, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      SYNTHETIC METALS159 ( 9-10 ) 835 - 838   2009年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA  

      Hydrophobic poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) [F8BT] formed an ideal spread monolayer on a water surface by the cospreading method with liquid crystal molecule, 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl [5CB]. The F8BT/5CB hybrid monolayers were characterized by surface pressure-area (pi-A) isotherm measurements and atomic force microscopy (AFM). F8BT does not form a homogeneous monolayer by direct spreading on water from a single solution. The mixed film of two components, F8BT and 5CB, gave a characteristic pressure lift-off attributed to the hybrid monolayer above the 5CB plateau. AFM observation revealed that the spread monolayer of the F8BT formed on the top of the 5CB monolayer on water with the thickness of ca. 1.7 mn. The F8BT/5CB hybrid monolayers could be fully transferred onto a solid substrate, and pure F8BT monolayers were obtained after volatilization of 5CB by gentle hearing. Polarized UV-vis absorption spectra showed that the main chain of F8BT preferentially oriented perpendicular to the compressive direction at the surface pressure of 10 mN m(-1) on water. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2009.01.021


    • Highly ordered in-plane photoalignment attained by the brush architecture of liquid crystalline azobenzene polymer 査読有り

      Uekusa, T., Nagano, S., Seki, T.

      Macromolecules42 ( 1 ) 312-318   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


      DOI: 10.1021/ma802010x



    • Micropatterning of titanium oxide film via phototactic mass transport 査読有り

      Kaori Nishizawa, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY19 ( 39 ) 7191 - 7194   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      A thin film of a new liquid crystalline azobenzene-titania precursor hybrid shows sensitive phototactic motions to form a relief structure. This topologically patterned film can be directly converted to a micropatterned anatase-type crystalline TiO2 film by photodecomposition and pyrolysis.

      DOI: 10.1039/b916494d


    • Photoresponsive Liquid Crystals for Tuning and Aligning Nanostructures 査読有り

      Takahiro Seki, Yuichi Morikawa, Takayuki Uekusa, Shusaku Nagano



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      The photoalignment of liquid crystalline azobenzene-containing polymers has been an active area of research, which intends to apply for optical elements such as rewritable optical memory, photorefractive and photomechanical devices. However, the photoalignment behavior is hardly studied in nano-confined environments. We introduce herein our current activities on the new types of photoalignment controls of azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymer materials; (i) polymer chains tethered (grafted) onto a substrate and (ii) nanostructures formed by a block copolymer. New platforms for the photoalignment technologies are anticipated in these photoactive thin film systems.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421400903057827


    • A photoresponsive liquid crystal based on (1-cyclohexenyl)phenyldiazene as a close analogue of azobenzene 査読有り

      Masanao Sato, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS ( 25 ) 3792 - 3794   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      A new photoresponsive calamitic liquid crystal molecule possessing (1-cyclohexenyl)phenyldiazene as a close analogue of azobenzene was synthesized and a comparative study with the corresponding azobenzene analogue carried out.

      DOI: 10.1039/b906716g


    • Photo-crosslinkable liquid-crystalline azo-polymer for surface relief gratings and persistent fixation 査読有り

      Wenhan Li, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY33 ( 6 ) 1343 - 1348   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      Highly efficient migration has been observed for soft liquid-crystalline azobenzene-containing polymer films to form surface relief gratings (SRGs). The efficient migration is probably driven by the interfacial instability at boundaries between the smectic liquid-crystalline phase and photoinduced isotropic one. However, this migration system suffers from long-term and heat stability. This work proposes a new post-fixation method by utilizing the [2 + 2] photo-dimerization reaction of a cinnamoyl unit introduced into the polymer. The polymer synthesis, the properties of SRG formation, and drastic improvement of the stability towards heating and solvent exposure are described.

      DOI: 10.1039/b900146h


    • Synthesis and characterization of TiO<sub>2</sub>/MoO<sub>3</sub>/carbon clusters composite material

      Shusaku Nagano

      Current Applied Physics   2009年



      DOI: 10.1016/J.CAP.2008.05.007


    • Ideal spread monolayer and multilayer formation of fully hydrophobic polythiophenes via liquid crystal hybridization on water 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano, Seiichiro Kodama, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR24 ( 18 ) 10498 - 10504   2008年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The spread monolayer formation of hydrophobic poly (3-alkylthiophene)s (P3ATs), regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (HT-P3HT), regioregular poly(3-dodecylthiophene) (HT-P3DT), and regioirregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (RI-P3HT), were attained on the water surface via cospreading with a liquid-crystal molecule, 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). The spread monolayers were characterized by R-A isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The molecular area for the cospread mixtures of P3ATs and 5CB expanded more than that of pure P3ATs as shown from the pi-A isotherms. BAM revealed that the mixed film forms the monomolecularly uniform and flat films on water. AFM elucidated that the spread monolayer of the hydrophobic P3ATs formed on the top of the 5CB monolayer on water with thicknesses of ca. 1.6 and ca. 2.6 nm for the two P3HTs and HT-P3DT, respectively. The P3AT/5CB hybrid monolayers could be fully transferred onto a solid substrate, and pure P3AT monolayers were obtained after volatilization of 5CB by gentle heating. The multilayer formation of pure MAT monolayers was prepared by layer-by-layer deposition involving repeating horizontal deposition and successive volatilization of 5CB. Grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the lamella plane of the P3ATs is perfectly oriented parallel to the substrate plane in the resulting thin films. This shows a marked contrast with those obtained by spin casting using the identical polymer, where both in-plane and out-of-plane lamellae are involved. These thin films with perfectly controlled lamella orientation should be of great significance as the model system for evaluating the charge mobility for organic polymer electric devices.

      DOI: 10.1021/la801899f


    • Light-directed dynamic structure formation and alignment in photoresponsive thin films

      Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      CHEMISTRY LETTERS37 ( 5 ) 484 - 489   2008年5月


      記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      Light provides practical and versatile tools for structure formation and its tuning of soft materials. This article briefly over-views recent developments of photoalignment and phototuning of nanostructured materials focusing onto the 2D material systems. Two topics are involved; i) phototuning and alignment of microphase-separated nanostructures in block copolymers containing a photoisomerizable unit and ii) photoalignment of organic/silica nanohybrids prepared on a polymer film with photocrosslinkable unit.

      DOI: 10.1246/cl.2008.484


    • Chromic slide-ring gel based on reflection from photonic bandgap 査読有り

      Harumi Murayama, Abu Bin Imran, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Masatoshi Kidowaki, Kohzo Ito, Yukikazu Takeoka

      MACROMOLECULES41 ( 5 ) 1808 - 1814   2008年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Here we report on a chromic slide-ring gel consisting of polyrotaxane by using a close-packed colloidal crystal as a template. In the slide-ring gel, the polymer chains with bulky end groups are not covalently cross-linked like chemical gels nor do they interact attractively like physical gets, but are topologically interlocked by figure-of-eight cross-links. The slide-ring gel has freely movable cross-links, which have a pulley effect on tensile deformation. This effect improves the mechanical properties of polymer gels. In this work, this physically and mechanically optimized polymer gel was used to make stimuli-responsive photonic band gap materials. Our gel exhibits solvatochromic behavior based on the change in structural color.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma0715627


    • Surf ace-mediated photoalignment of organic/inorganic nanohybrids 招待有り

      Takahiro Seki, Harnhiko Fukumoto, Mitsuo Hara, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, Shusaku Nagano

      JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN116 ( 1351 ) 361 - 368   2008年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CERAMIC SOC JAPAN-NIPPON SERAMIKKUSU KYOKAI  

      Light irradiation provides significant tools for material structuring and processing. In this article, the photo-orientation processes of the organic/inorganic hybrid materials recently achieved in our laboratory are briefly introduced. Irradiation of linearly polarized light to a polymer film containing a photoisomerizabke azobenzene or photocrosslinkable cinnamoyl unit leads to the induction of anisotropic molecular orientations on the surface. This molecular anisotropic surface structure can be transferred to a controlled orientation of nanostructures of organic/inorganic. hybrid films at macroscopic scales. Two classes of lyotropic/silica systems have been applied to the photo-orientation procedures, i.e., ordinary surfactant systems and chromonic ones. These processes can be regarded as the extended applications of the so-called command surface systems, which photochemically regulate the molecular orientations of liquid crystals. (C) 2008 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.


    • Surface-mediated photoalignment of organic/inorganic nanohybrids(<Feature>Global Innovation in Advanced Ceramics)

      Seki Takahiro, Fukumoto Haruhiko, Hara Mitsuo, KAWATSUKI Nobuhiro, NAGANO Shusaku

      日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi = Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan116 ( 1351 ) 361 - 368   2008年3月1日


      記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人日本セラミックス協会  

      Light irradiation provides significant tools for material structuring and processing. In this article, the photo-orientation processes of the organic/inorganic hybrid materials recently achieved in our laboratory are briefly introduced. Irradiation of linearly polarized light to a polymer film containing a photoisomerizabke azobenzene or photocrosslinkable cinnamoyl unit leads to the induction of anisotropic molecular orientations on the surface. This molecular anisotropic surface structure can be transferred to a controlled orientation of nanostructures of organic/inorganic hybrid films at macroscopic scales. Two classes of lyotropic/silica systems have been applied to the photo-orientation procedures, i.e., ordinary surfactant systems and chromonic ones. These processes can be regarded as the extended applications of the so-called command surface systems, which photochemically regulate the molecular orientations of liquid crystals.

      DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.116.361

      CiNii Article


      その他リンク: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00310202569?from=CiNii

    • Photo-triggered surface relief grating formation in supramolecular liquid crystalline polymer systems with detachable azobenzene units 査読有り

      Nobuyuki Zettsu, Toshinobu Ogasawara, Norihiro Mizoshita, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      ADVANCED MATERIALS20 ( 3 ) 516 - +   2008年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      The efficient photo-triggered surface relief formation in the H-boned supramolecular liquid crystalline system was performed for the first time. This supramolecular framework leads to facile and successful detachment of azobenzene unit from the SRG inscribed film with exact retention of the morphological periodicity.

      DOI: 10.1002/adma.200701110


    • Photoalignment and patterning of a chromonic-silica nanohybrid on photocrosslinkable polymer thin films 査読有り

      Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, Takahiro Seki

      JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY18 ( 27 ) 3259 - 3263   2008年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY  

      We recently found that the chromonic mesophase structure of an azo dye can be immobilized by a silica network to form a chromonic-silica nanohybrid. This work reports the first demonstration of the macroscopic photoalignment and photopatterning of this nanohybrid via surface-mediated orientational transfer from a photocrosslinkable liquid crystalline polymer (PPLC). Irradiation with linearly polarized light (LPL) 300 nm above the PPLC film followed by an appropriate annealing process led to strong in-plane molecular orientation in the film. The precursor sol solution containing a chromonic forming azo dye and tetraethoxysilane in the presence of an anionic surfactant and 2-(2-aminoethoxy) ethanol was placed onto this aligned film by the static deposition or dipping method. After drying, the chromonic columns hybridized with silica were macroscopically oriented orthogonal to the LPL direction, namely the orientation of the dye molecule being parallel to it. In the dip coating process, a combination of photoalignment and flow induced orientation allowed clear micropatterning of the column orientations, which could be readily discerned when observed with a polarizing film.

      DOI: 10.1039/b802145g


    • Behavior of a multiple spans cable-stayed bridge

      Shusaku Nagano

      Tailor Made Concrete Structures: New Solutions for Our Society   2008年




    • Chromonic/Silica nanohybrids: Synthesis and macroscopic alignment 査読有り

      Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Norihiro Mizoshita, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR23 ( 24 ) 12350 - 12355   2007年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Some dye molecules self-aggregate to exhibit a lyotropic columnar liquid crystal state (chromonic liquid crystal) via pi stacking in relatively highly concentrated aqueous solutions. In this work, the chromonic liquid crystal structure was immobilized, for the first time, with silica networks by way of the sol-gel condensation process. The immobilization of the columnar structure was successfully attained in the presence of 2-(2-aminoethoxy)ethanol, which favorably mediates the interface between the anionic charge of the dye aggregates and the silica network. Without this molecule, the sol-gel process gave rise to a transformation from columnar to lamellar structure. Both spin-coating and dip-coating methods gave essentially the same results. In the dip-coated films, the dye molecules were aligned over a large area with orientation orthogonal to the lifting direction.

      DOI: 10.1021/la701557q


    • Photoresponsive slide-ring gel 査読有り

      Taiga Sakai, Harumi Murayama, Shusaku Nagano, Yukikazu Takeoka, Masatoshi Kidowaki, Kohzo Ito, Takahiro Seki

      ADVANCED MATERIALS19 ( 15 ) 2023 - +   2007年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      Slide-ring topological gels with mobile cross-linking units are a new class of soft materials that exhibit distinct features differing from those of conventional chemically or physically crosslinked gels. Photoresponsive behavior arising from the dynamic nature of the cross-linkers is demonstrated for a slide-ring, gel prepared by adding azobenzene units to the mobile a-cyclodextrin units of a poly(ethylene oxide)based polyrotaxane (see figure).

      DOI: 10.1002/adma.200700457


    • Highly photosensitive surface relief gratings formation in a liquid crystalline azobenzene polymer: New implications for the migration process 査読有り

      Nobuyuki Zettsu, Toshinobu Ogasawara, Ryusuke Arakawa, Susaku Nagano, Takashi Ubukata, Takahiro Seki

      MACROMOLECULES40 ( 13 ) 4607 - 4613   2007年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      We have recently demonstrated a markedly photosensitive surface relief gratings (SRG) formation in thin films of liquid crystalline azobenzene-containing polymers, which proceeds from a cis-rich state of the azobenzene [Zettsu et al. Adv. Mater. 2001, 13, 1693; Macromolecules 2004, 37, 8692]. Such polymers exhibited unexpected enhancements in the sensitivity to light for the completion of SRG formation, the required energy dose being similar to 10(3)-fold lower than that for other azobenzene polymers systems widely employed. Here we report detailed results on the systematic explorations for understanding the migration mechanism. The cis-isomer content at the initial state and irradiation intensity crucially influenced the migration efficiency and the resulting relief structure in nonlinear manners. The Zisman plot showed that the light irradiation leads to a large change in the critical surface tension. Such results strongly suggest that the photochemically induced phase transition and the resulting spatial modulations in the physical properties in the film play the essential roles for the SRG formation. On the basis of this knowledge, the SRG formation via a sensitized excitation was demonstrated for the first time by incorporation of a near-infrared absorbing dye.

      DOI: 10.1021/ma0706428


    • Unique molecular orientation in a smectic liquid crystalline polymer film attained by surface-initiated graft polymerization 査読有り

      Takayuki Uekusa, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR23 ( 8 ) 4642 - 4645   2007年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Liquid crystalline (LC) polymer brushes containing a mesogenic azobenzene (Az) moiety are synthesized on a quartz or silicon substrate by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. The molecular orientation of the Az units and the LC properties in the grafted chains are evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy, polarized optical microscopy, and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements. The Az side chains of the grafted chains exhibited a smectic LC phase in which the smectic layers are oriented perpendicular to the substrate with a parallel orientation of the mesogens. In contrast, a spincast film of the identical LC polymer without grafting to the surface shows layer structures parallel to the substrate. A drastic effect of tethering one end to the substrate on the LC orientation is demonstrated.

      DOI: 10.1021/la063467h


    • Photoinduced 3D ordering and patterning of microphase-separated nanostructure in polystyrene-based block copolymer 査読有り

      Yuichi Morikawa, Takeshi Kondo, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS19 ( 7 ) 1540 - 1542   2007年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      DOI: 10.1021/cm0630845


    • Surface design for precise control of spatial growth of a mesostructured inorganic/organic film on a large-scale area 査読有り

      Atsushi Hozumi, Satoshi Kojima, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki, Naoto Shirahata, Tetsuya Kameyama

      LANGMUIR23 ( 6 ) 3265 - 3272   2007年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A microfabrication technique is presented to fabricate a mesostructured inorganic/organic composite film, i.e., silica/cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) film, with near-perfect site-selectivity on a large surface area based on a spatially regulated growth method. To precisely regulate the site-selective growth of this mesocomposite film at the solid/liquid interface, we designed a novel microtemplate consisting of a "dual-component" self-assembled monolayer (SAM) with alternating hydrophobic trifluorocarbon (CF3) and cationic amino (NH2) groups. First, (heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyl)trimethoxysilane (FAS)-SAM was formed onto Si substrate covered with native oxide (SiO2/Si) from vapor phase. The substrate was then photolithographically micropatterned using 172 nm vacuum UV light. Finally, the micropatterned FAS-SAM was immersed in a solution of 1 vol % (aminoethylaminomethyl)phenethyltrimethoxysilane (AEAMPS) in absolute toluene. Due to these treatments, a dual-SAM microtemplate with CF3- and NH2-terminated surfaces was fabricated, as evidenced by lateral force microscopy, ellipsometry, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using this template, the microfabrication of a mesocomposite film was demonstrated. As a control, the micropatterned hydrophobic FAS-SAM template (composed of CF3- and OH-terminated surfaces) was also treated under the same conditions. Optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy confirmed that the formation of the continuous mesocomposite film proceeded only on the FAS-SAM-covered regions, while the AEAMPS-SAM-covered regions remained free of deposits. This shielding effect also remained constant regardless of the pattern's geometry, i.e., the interval distance between the FAS-SAM-covered areas in the pattern. Through this approach, we were able to obtain well-defined 5-, 10-, and 20-mu m wide mesocomposite microlines over the entire 10 x 10 mm(2) area with high area-selectivity. On the other hand, when the SiO2 regions were not terminated with the cationic NH2 groups, cluster formation proceeded not only on the hydrophobic CF3 regions but also on the SiO2 regions, particularly with an increase in the pattern interval distance, resulting in lower final pattern resolution.

      DOI: 10.1021/la0614051


    • Optical Control of Microphase Separated Nanostructures in Polystyrene-Based Liquid Crystalline Diblock Copolymer Thin Films 査読有り

      Yuichi Morikawa, Takeshi Kondo, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Transactions of the Materials Research Society Japan32 ( 2 ) 363-366   2007年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • *3D Photoalignment and Patterning of Microphase Separated Nanostructure in Polystyrene-Based Block Copolymer 査読有り

      Yuichi Morikawa, Takeshi Kondo, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Chem. Mater.19 ( 7 ) 1540-1542   2007年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  



    • Morphological conversions of nanostructures in monolayers of an ABA triblock copolymer having azobenzene moiety 査読有り

      Sohei Kadota, Kenji Aoki, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      We report herein the microphase separation structures (nanostructures) observed in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers of an ABA block copolymer comprising of azobenzene-containing methacrylate and poly(ethylene oxide) as A and B block, respectively. After spreading this polymer on water in the trans and cis form of azobenzene, the monolayer is transferred onto mica at 1 mN m(-1). The morphological features are observed by atomic force microscopy. The features of the nanostructures formed in the monolayers have obviously different features in the isomerization state of azobenzene. The conversions of the morphological features accompanied by the isomerization of azobenzene are attempted by light irradiation and dark adaptation. This paper focuses on the features in morphological conversions attained in the photo- and thermal processes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2005.10.081


    • Role of liquid crystallinity of the photo-crosslinkable polymer film in the photo-alignment of mesoporous silica 査読有り

      Haruhiko Fukumoto, Shusaku Nagano, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      A new photo-aligning technique for mesochannels of a silica thin film transferred from a liquid crystalline photo-crosslinkable polymer (poly[6-(4-(4'-methoxycinnamoyloxy)biphenyloxy)hexylmethacrylate] (PMBCi)) film has been developed in our group. Herein, we also adopt a non-liquid crystalline photo-crosslinkable polymer, poly(vinyl cinnamate) (PVCi), to evaluate the role of liquid crystallinity for inducing the alignment of mesochannels of the silica films. Optical anisotropy of the thin films of the two photo-crosslinkable polymers (PVCi and PMBCi) was induced by irradiation with linearly polarized UV (LPUV) light. The photo-induced anisotropy of both films were sufficient for alignment of nematic liquid crystal molecules, however, mesoporous silica films were aligned only on the liquid crystalline PMBCi film as revealed by in-plane X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and optical microscopy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2005.10.072


    • Sharp temperature dependency of 2D spreading behavior in amphiphilic block copolymer at the air-water interface 査読有り

      Takayuki Uekusa, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      We report herein characteristic spreading behavior of amphiphilic block copolymer, polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) at the air-water interface. When the polymer was spread from cyclohexane, a theta solvent for PS and a poor solvent for P4VP, onto the air-water interface, an unexpected sharp temperature dependent change was observed in the surface pressure-area curves. In contrast, when non-theta solvents such as chloroform were used, only negligible temperature dependency was observed. In the cyclohexane solution, the aggregate size of the block copolymer strongly depends on the solution temperatures as revealed by dynamic light scattering measurements. The phenomena observed for cyclohexane should involve the coil-globule conformational transition taking place in the theta solvent. To our knowledge this work presents the first clear example that the aggregation state of polymers in solution is directly reflected to the two-dimensional spreading behavior at the air-water interface. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2005.10.080


    • Formation of a highly ordered dot array of surface micelles of a block copolymer via liquid crystal-hybridized self-assembly 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano, Yu Matsushita, Yuki Ohnuma, Satoshi Shinma, Takahiro Seki

      LANGMUIR22 ( 12 ) 5233 - 5236   2006年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      A highly ordered dot array pattern of surface micelles on water is formed by a spread monolayer of an amphiphilic block copolymer, polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-4VP), via hybridization with a liquid crystal molecule, 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB), on water. Simple co-spreading of PS-4VP with 5CB provides a flat homogeneous monolayer of PS-4VP on water without the aggregation of PS blocks. With increasing surface pressure, well-defined dots of the PS blocks start to grow and are arrayed in a highly ordered hexagonal structure. The exact coincidence of the surface pressure-area curves for the hybrid monolayer in the compression and expansion processes confirms that the flat spread monolayer and the dot array are formed on water in the equilibrium state by a self-assembly process.

      DOI: 10.1021/la060350k


    • Optical alignment and patterning of nanoscale microdomains in a block copolymer thin film 査読有り

      Y Morikawa, S Nagano, K Watanabe, K Kamata, T Iyoda, T Seki

      ADVANCED MATERIALS18 ( 7 ) 883 - +   2006年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      Optical 3D alignment of nanocylinders has been successfully attained for thin films of a block copolymer (see figure) comprising azobenzene-containing liquid-crystalline polymers and poly(ethylene oxide) via photoinduced massive migration. ne out-of-plane and inplane alignments are achieved by controlling the film thickness and selection of linear polarization direction upon illumination, respectively.

      DOI: 10.1002/adma.200502573


    • Photo-alignment behavior of mesoporous silica thin films synthesized on a photo-cross-linkable polymer film 査読有り

      H Fukumoto, S Nagano, N Kawatsuki, T Seki

      CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS18 ( 5 ) 1226 - 1234   2006年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      Two-dimensional-hexagonal mesoporous silica thin films with aligned mesochannels in one direction at large scales will be favorably applied in optics, electronics, separation technologies, and so forth. We propose herein a new photo-aligning and micropatterning technique for mesochannels of a silica thin film using a photo-cross-linkable polymer film with a cinnamoyl group. The polymer film was uniaxially photo-oriented by exposure to the linearly polarized UV (LPUV) light. On this film, the mesoporous silica thin film was synthesized by various preparation methods. The orientation of the mesochannels was evaluated by in-plane X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. It was shown that the mesochannels were aligned perpendicular to the polarized direction of the irradiated LPUV light. In-plane XRD measurements and transmission electron microscopic and optical microscopic observations of the silica films revealed that photo-orientation of the mesochannels is controlled over the whole surface area of the film. In addition, micropatterning of the photo-aligned mesoporous silica films was readily attained by exposure to the LPUV light passed through a photomask.

      DOI: 10.1021/cm052359y


    • In situ polymerization of liquid crystalline monomers within photdaligned mesoporous silica thin film 査読有り

      H Fukumoto, S Nagano, T Seki

      CHEMISTRY LETTERS35 ( 2 ) 180 - 181   2006年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      Photopolymerization of liquid crystalline monomers was achieved within photoaligned mesoporous silica film. After resolving the template of silica networks, bundles of nanofibers containing polymer chains with a narrow molecular weight distribution were obtained.


    • ブロック共重合体ミクロ相分離構造の光制御 招待有り

      関 隆広, 永野修作

      日本ゴム協会誌79   237   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Photocontrol of microphase separation in monolayers of block copolymers bearing azobenzene side chain

      Kenji Aoki, Takahumi Iwata, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 2 ) 3312 - 3313   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We have synthesized ABA triblock copolymers consisting of azobenzene polymers as A block and poly(dimethylsiloxane) as B block by atom transfer radical polymerization method. The monolayers of the triblock copolymers were spread on a water surface from a chloroform solution and transferred onto mica. The triblock copolymer monolayer in the trans form exhibited fingerprint patterns. After the UV light was Irradiated to the monolayer film at a highly humidified condition, the patterns about disappeared. Successive irradiation with the linearly polarized visible light brought the anisotropic reorientation of the azobenzene moiety. This led to the formation of the uniaxial stripe patterns in the microphase-separated structure.



    • On the Mass Transfer Mechanism of Phototriggered Surface Relief Formation in Liquid Crystalline Azobenzene Copolymers

      Jun Isayama, Toshinobu Ogasawara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 2 ) 3907 - 3908   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We have newly designed and synthesized a family of copolymers containing a hexyl acrylate and an azobenzene monomer prepared at various mixing ratios. In this series, the phototriggered relief formation of the polymers could be discussed simply on the basis of their thermal properties because complicated factors such as nanophase separation and aggregation of azobenzenes are suppressed for the polymers. When the polymer films were irradiated with UV light through a photomask, the polymers showed migrations from dark regions to bright regions, resulting in a formation of "hill" structures. Such behavior is in contrast to that found in our previous work.



    • Varied morphologies of block copolymer monolayers with the assist of low-molecular-weight amphiphile

      Shusaku Nagano, Yu Matsushita, Yuki Ohnuma, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 2 ) 3308 - 3309   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared mixed monolayers of polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) with low molecular weight compounds, 6-{4-[(4-hexylphenyl)azo] phenoxy}hexanoic acid (6Az5-COOH) and 4′-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB), by cospreading on pure water from chloroform solutions. The resulting films were characterized by π - A isotherms and transferred onto mica substrates. The morphologies of the transferred films were evaluated by atomic force microscope. It was confirmed that hydrophobic PS block in PS-b-P4VP was spread with the assist of low molecular weight compounds as indicated by π - A isotherm and AFM. In the case of PS-b-P4VP/5CB hybrid, the highly regular dot array pattern of surface micelles grew with increasing surface pressure from an initially smooth monolayer. The various compositions of block copolymer segments provided the variation of the dot spacing and height in the nano dot array patterns of the PS-e-P4VP/5CB hybrids. On the other hand, PS-b-P4VP/6Az5-COOH hybrid exhibited the striped patterns with the both blocks spreading on water monomolecularly.



    • Monolayer and multilayer formation of hydrophobic poly(3-alkylthiophene)s

      Seiichiro Kodama, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 2 ) 3316 - 3317   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared mixed monolayers of hydrophobic regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene)s [HT-P3ATs], poly(3-hexylthiophene) and poly(3-dodecylthiophene) with a liquid crystal molecule, 4′-pentyl-4- cyanobiphenyl [5CB] by cospreading on water. The resulting mixed films were transferred onto a fused silica substrate and mica. Brewster angle microscope and atomic force microscope measurements on the mixed films revealed that spread monolayers of the hydrophobic PSATs could form on the 5CB monolayer. Pure P3AT Langmuir-Blodgett [LB] multilayers were obtained by stepwise horizontal deposition with removal of 5CB molecule by gentle heating. Absorbance at 555 nm due to P3AT chains was proportional to the number of layers in the multilayer films by UV-vis spectroscopy, indicating that the multilayer structure were built up homogeneously. The layer structure of the multilayer films was evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements. From a comparison of the layer ordering with the spincast films, the LB multilayer films exhibit the extended conformation of the backbones and the highly ordered layer structure with the layer sheet parallel to the substrate.



    • Immobilization and in-plane alignment of columnar assemblies of lyotropic liquid crystals

      Mitsuo Hara, Norihiro Mizoshita, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 2 ) 5132 - 5133   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The lyotropic discotic liquid crystal TP6EO2M, in aqueous solution, assembles into columnar aggregates. In order to immobilize the columnar assemblies of TP6EO2M, we prepared silica thin films hybridized with TP6EO2M by dip-coating of sol mixtures onto a glass substrate. The hybrid films were characterized by X-ray diffraction measurement and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The hybrid films had the immobilized columnar assemblies of TP6EO2M which were aligned in parallel to the dipping direction. Thus, we achieved the in-plane alignment of the nanostructured films in large area.



    • On the migration mechanism of phototriggered surface relief formation in liquid crystalline azobenzene copolymers containing alkyl chain

      Jun Isayama, Toshinobu Ogasawara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1423   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We have newly designed and synthesized a family of copolymers containing a hexyl acrylate and an azobenzene monomer polymerized at various mixing ratios. In this series, the photoinduced relief formation of the polymers could be discussed simply on the basis of their thermal properties because complicated factors such as nanophase separation and aggregation of azobenzenes are suppressed. The thermal properties of polymers varied with the azobenzene containing ratios. Effective PSR formation was observed for the polymer showing SmA phase in writing temperature. This paper reports the details of this approach.



    • Swelling behavior of polyrotaxane gels exhibiting structural colors

      Harumi Murayama, Shusaku Nagano, Kohzo Ito, Yukikazu Takeoka, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1772   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      A new type of gel called topological gel having mobile cross-links can be obtained by using polyrotaxanes as gel components. In the present study, polyrotaxane gels with inverse opal structures were prepared by templating a colloidal crystal of silica. The preparative conditions such as selection of crosslinking reagent, temperature, solvent are investigated in detail. As the consequence, polyrotaxane gels showing a structural color were obtained. The reflection wavelength was exactly correlated with the degree of swelling.



    • Preparation of crosslinked azobenzene liquid crystalline polymer films and their direct evaluation by UV-Vis absorption spectrum

      Yuki Hayata, Shusaku Nagano, Yukikazu Takeoka, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1420   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Crosslinked side-chain liquid crystalline polymers films containing azobenzene moieties were prepared by photopolymerization in the liquid crystalline state. Due to the small amount of azobenzene moieties introduced, the liquid crystalline phase transition and photoisomerization behavior of this film could be directly evaluated by UV-Vis absorption spectrum.



    • Functionalization of silica hybrid films with a chromonic lyotropic liquid crystal

      Mitsuo Hara, Haruhiko Fukumoto, Norihiro Mizoshita, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1787   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared silica films hybridized with a chromonic lyotropic liquid crystal, C. I. Direct Blue (B67), by spin-coating method. The hybrid films containing 2-(2-aminoethoxy)ethanol (AEE) formed ordered structures templated by the columnar assemblies of B67. Such structure of the hybrid films was not obtained without AEE. We also prepared the hybrid films by dip-coating method in order to induce long range orientation of the columnar assemblies of B67. As a result, the B67 columns were aligned in the direction parallel to the dipping direction and we attained the uniaxial orientation of the B67 columnar assemblies in the hybrid films.



    • Preparation of hydrophobic polythlophene monolayer and estimation of polymer structure near the substrate surface

      Seiichiro Kodama, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1261   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Fully hydrophobic polymers can be spread as a monolayer when hybridized with a polar liquid crystal. Utilizing this method, polythiophene monolayer and multilayers were prepared on substrates by LB method. The structure and properties of the LB films were characterized by atomic force microscopy, UV-vis absorption spectros.copy and X-ray diffraction measurements, and compared with those obtained by spincoating. The extension of the chain conformation and its improved thermal stability in the vicinity of the surface was indicated.



    • Syntheses and spreading behavior of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(4- vinylpyridine) on water

      Takeshi Kondo, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1254   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We synthesized diblock copolymers consisting of poly(4-vinylpyridine) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) by atom transfer radical polymerization method starting from a siloxane macroinitiator. These block copolymers were spread on a water surface and transferred onto a mica surface. The morphologies of the resulting films were observed by atomic force microscopy. It is found that these copolymers do not form a lateral microphase separated structure. Most probably, the polysiloxane block chain is located on top of a monolayer of poly(4-vinylpyridine) chain on water.



    • Alignment control of microphase separation of block copolymer on substrates of different chemical nature

      Yuichi Morikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Tomokazu Iyoda, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan55 ( 1 ) 1262   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The thin films of a diblock copolymer consisting of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and an azobenzene-containing polymer were prepared on hydrophobic and hydrophilic substrate surfaces. The surface morphologies of thin films were investigated of atomic force microscopy. The phase separated PEO cylinders oriented perpendicular and parallel to the substrate plane on the hydrophobic and hydrophilic substrate surfaces, respectively. Thus, alignment, control of microphase separation using substrates of different chemical nature was successfully attained.



    • Temperature dependent aggregation behavior of polystyrene-based amphiphilic block copolymers at the air-water interface 査読有り

      Takayuki Uekusa, Satoshi Shimma, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      We report characteristic spreading behavior of amphiphilic block copolymers, polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PSm-P4VPn) at the air-water interface. When the polymers were spread from cyclohexane, a theta solvent for PS and a poor solvent for P4VP, onto the air-water interface, unexpected sharp temperature dependent changes were observed in the surface pressure-area curves. In the cyclohexane solution, the aggregate sizes of the block copolymers strongly depended on the solution temperature as revealed by transmittance measurements. These phenomena observed for cyclohexane should be attributed to the coil-globule conformational transition taking place in the theta solvent. The phase transition temperature in solution and at the air-water interface linearly enhanced with the increase of the molecular weight of PS segments. To our knowledge this work presents the first clear example that the aggregation state of polymers in solution is directly reflected to the two-dimensional spreading behavior at the air-water interface.


    • Liquid crystal-assisted photo-triggered mass migration in liquid crystalline diblock copolymer 査読有り

      Yuichi Morikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Kazuhito Watanabe, Kaori Kamata, Tomokazu Iyoda, Takahiro Seki



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      Photo-triggered mass migration in thin films of photoresponsive azobenzene (Az)-containing polymers leads to development-free formation of surface relief structure. This work shows that this method can be applied to a thin film of a diblock copolymer consisting of an Az-containing liquid crystalline segment and poly(ethylene oxide). A corrugated surface structure following the interference periodicity was efficiently formed with the assist of 4'-phenyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). The content of 5CB greatly influenced the migration efficiency which was evaluated by both the first-order diffraction and surface topology measurements.


    • Photocontrolled microphase separation of block copolymers in two dimensions 査読有り

      S Kadota, K Aoki, S Nagano, T Seki

      JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY127 ( 23 ) 8266 - 8267   2005年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      DOI: 10.1021/ja051200j


    • Photo-orientation of mesoporous silica thin films on photocrosslinkable polymer films 査読有り

      H Fukumoto, S Nagano, N Kawatsuki, T Seki

      ADVANCED MATERIALS17 ( 8 ) 1035 - +   2005年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH  

      A photocrosslinkable polymer liquid crystal (PPLC) can be used to form aligned mesoporous silica thin films. Crosslinking the biphenyl mesogens with linearly polarized UV light results in a photo-oriented film whose orientational order is subsequently increased by annealing. Addition of a precursor sol produces high-quality silica films (see Figure) which can be used for optical devices that incorporate functional dyes or metal clusters into the channels.

      DOI: 10.1002/adma.200401418


    • Synthesis of Photo-aligned Mesoporous Silica Thin Films on Photo-crosslinkable Polymer Film 査読有り

      Haruhiko Fukumoto, Shusaku Nagano, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki, Takahiro Seki

      Transactions of the Materials Research Society Japan30 ( 2 ) 361   2005年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • 2D Nanophase Separation in Monolayers of Triblock Copolymer Having Azobenzene Moiety 査読有り

      Sohei Kadota, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Transactions of the Materials Research Society Japan30 ( 3 ) 659   2005年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Ideal Spread Monolayer of Fully Hydrophobic Polysilane, Poly(methyloctylsilane), with the Assist of Liquid Crystal Monolayer 査読有り

      Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Transactions of the Materials Research Society Japan30 ( 3 ) 663   2005年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Light-driven organized layer materials 査読有り

      T Seki, S Nagano, Y Kawashima, N Zettsu, T Ubukata



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      Organized molecular systems provide alluring light-driven actuation systems. They can be migrated or deformed themselves or control states of other ordered materials. This paper presents our two recent topics on light-driven organized monolayers and thin films comprising photochromic azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymers; i) photo- alignment of nanochannels in mesoporous silica film, and ii) light-triggered instant mass migration in a thin film state, which can be utilized as a conveyance system for micropatterning of light-inert molecules and materials.

      DOI: 10.1080/15421400590946235


    • Surface morphologies of block copolymer monolayer hybridized with liquid crystal molecule

      Yu Matsushita, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1563   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared mixed films of polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-P4VP) and 4′-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) on water by co-spreading method. The resulting films could be transferred onto mica at various surface pressures ranging from 0 to 4 mN m -1. The morphologies of the transferred films were characterized by atomic force microscope. As a result, the highly homogeneous dot array pattern of surface micelles grew with increasing surface pressure from a initially smooth monolayer with monomolecularly expanded polystyrene segment. The various compositions of block copolymer segments provided the variation of the dot spacing and height in the nano dot array patterns.



    • Highly ordered surface nano-pattern of block copolymer monolayer through hybridization with liquid crystal molecules

      Yu Matsushita, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4219   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared mixed films of polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-P4VP) and 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) on water by co-spreading method. The resulting films could be transferred onto mica at various surface pressures ranging from 0 to 20 mN m -1. The morphologies of the transferred films were characterized by atomic force microscope. As a result, the highly regular dot array pattern of surface micelles grew with increasing surface pressure from an initially smooth monolayer. The various compositions of block copolymer segments provided the variation of the dot spacing and height in the nano dot array patterns.



    • Photoinduced surface relief formation in liquid crystalline azobenzene copolymers containing alkyl chain

      Jun Isayama, Toshinobu Ogasawara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1620   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We have found a highly efficient photoinduced surface relief (PSR) formation in thin films of liquid crystalline azobenzene copolymers containing a flexible oligo(ethylene oxide) side chain. The highly efficient PSR could be attributed to the phase transition accompanied with photoisomerization for the liquid crystalline copolymers during PSR formation. However, to get further insights into this phenomenon, such polymers are not adequate because they show complicated behavior such as nanophase separation, aggregation of azobenzene etc. due to its amphiphilic nature. In this work, we have newly designed another homologous family in which hexyl acrylate is copolymerized. In this series, photoinduced mass migration may be correlated only with the thermal properties. This paper reports the details of this approach.



    • Characteristic surface morphology in hybrid monolayers of block copolymer/low molecular weight compounds

      Yuki Ohnuma, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4220   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Mixed films of 6-{4-[(4-hexylphenyl)azo]phenoxy}hexanoic acid (6Az5-COOH)/polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) were prepared by co-spreading on pure water from a chloroform solution and transferred onto substrates. It was confirmed that PS segment in PS-b-P4VP was spread with the assist of 6Az5-COOH as indicated by π - A isotherm and AFM. 6Az5-COOH in transferred monolayers was removed by washing with hexane. The monolayers were immersed into a Pd(OAc)2 solution (pH2, HCl), rinsed with pure water and treated with a (CH3)2NH·BH3 aqueous solution. Selective deposition of Pd particles was observed only in the P4VP phase by AFM, and signals corresponding to Pd were detected by XPS spectra. Thus, it was found that Pd particles were deposited on P4VP preferentially in nano-phase separated structure.



    • Nano-phase separation structure of monolayer of triblock copolymer having azobenzene moiety

      Souhei Kadota, Kenji Aoki, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1012   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We studied the 2D microphase separation behavior a novel azobenzne-containing ABA triblock copolymer on a substrate. The target polymers with narrow polydispersity were synthesized from polyethylene glycol and azobenzene methacrylate via ATRP method. The micro-phase separation in the monolayer of trans-Az gave a mixture of dod and rod. The cis-Az monolayer gave elongated flat stripes. In the cis-Az, stripe morphology was converted to dot by thermal reversion for 6 days. This fact suggests that the PEO block preferentially adopts loop conformations.



    • Photo-control of spatio-temporal oscillation in a gel system with light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

      Shuichi Shinohara, Shusaku Nagano, Yukikazu Takeoka, Takahiro Seki, Ryo Yoshida

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1786   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      A gel that is prepared by the copolymerization of ruthenium complex as a light sensitive catalyst for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction and N-isopropylacrylamide has been known to convert spatio-temporal chemical oscillation into physical motion with the BZ-reaction. We are concerned about the control of the physical motion using the light sensitive BZ-reaction. The physical motion was observed with the change in the structural colors that depend on the swelling of the gel. For the alteration in the physical motion by light irradiation, the spectral changes with the structural colors and the images will be reported.



    • Photocontrol of microphase separation in monolayers of azobenzene triblock copolymers with polysiloxane chain

      Kenji Aoki, Souhei Kadota, Takahumi Iwata, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4040   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We synthesized ABA triblock copolymers with A blocks of azobenzene polymers and a central B block of poly(dimethylsiloxane) by atom transfer radical polymerization method starting from a siloxane macroinitiator. The monolayers of the block copolymers were prepared by spreading on water from chloroform solution and transferred onto mica. The morphologies of the resulting films were observed by atomic force microscopy. The triblock copolymer in the trans form formed clear network-like patterns. The cis formed block polymers showed homogeneous morphologies without microphase separation. It was found that the block copolymers significantly change their microphase separation structure with the photoisomerization in the monolayer state.



    • Control of nanocylinder alignment of liquid crystalline diblock copolymer thin film via photoinduced mass transfer

      Yuichi Morikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Kazuhito Watanabe, Tomokazu Iyoda, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1321   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The photoinduced mass transfer was applied to a liquid crystalline diblock copolymer film consisting of an Az-containing liquid crystalline polymer and polyethylene oxide). Irradiation of interference Ar+ laser beam to this thin film resulted in a formation of surface relief structure. In this film, microphase separated PEO cylinders were aligned parallel or perpendicular to the substrate plane corresponding to the relief structure. Thus, the photo-control of nanocylinder alignment was achieved.



    • Photoresponsibility of slide-ring gels modified with azobenzene at α-cyclodextrin

      Taiga Sakai, Shusaku Nagano, Masatoshi Kidowaki, Kohzo Ito, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4030   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The slide-ring gel is composed of chemically cross-linked polyrotaxanes(PR) having poly(ethyleneglycol)(PEG) main chain and α-cyclodextrin(α- CD) rings. In this study, we prepared the slide-ring gels modified with azobenzene at α-CD by isocyanate linkage. These gels show the volume change in response to the photoisomerization of azobenzene by UV irradiation. We evaluated aggregating behavior of azobenzene in the slide-ring gel and the effect of photoisomerization of azobenzene on the swelling properties of the gel.



    • Photoresponsive swelling behavior of hydrogel with azobenzene-modified surface

      Mamoru Satoh, Naoki Taniguchi, Taiga Sakai, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4045   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We prepared hydrogels having 2-hydroxyethyl methacryrate (HEMA) unit by photopolymerization. Azobenzene-containing acid chloride was attached only to the surface of HEMA in the hydrogels. We confirmed that the chemical modification were restricted to the surface of the hydrogels by fluorescence microscope observation of the stained hydrogels with a lipophilic dye and spectroscopic data. We observed the swelling behavior of the unmodified and modified hemisphere gels. The swelling was largely affected by the surface modification with the azobenzene derivative. In the modified hydrogels, the swelling rate became larger in the cis form than in the trans one. This can be ascribed to the increased polarity of the azobenzene moiety.



    • Synthesis of new azobenzene polymers by acyclic diene metathesis polymerization and their photoresponsive behavior

      Yasuyuki Okamura, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1849   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      A series of azobenzene polymers were synthesized by acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization of α,ω-dienemonomers in the presence of second generation Grubbs' metathesis catalyst. The structure of polymers was evaluated by defferential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction measurement and polarized optical microscope observation. The results indicated that the azobenzene polymer showed the smectic A phase in a wide temperature range including room temperature. We also measured the UV spectral change during UV irradiation by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The polymer films showed the absorption maximum at 352 nm, which agrees with that in solution. The azobenzene moiety in the polymer film underwent photoisomerization at high efficiency.



    • In-situ photopolymerization within mesoporous silica film

      Haruhiko Fukumoto, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1621   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We propose herein the fabrication of nanofibers via Photopolymerization in the mesopores of silica. Firstly, photo-polymerizable monomers were incorporated into the mesochannels of silica thin films. After irradiation of ultraviolet light (at 365 nm), the monomers were photopolymerized in the mesochannels. By removing silica frameworks with a buffered HF solution, fiber-like polymer was obtained on the substrate.



    • Photoresponsive slide-ring gels modified with azobenzene at α-cyclodextrin

      Taiga Sakai, Shusaku Nagano, Masatoshi Kidowaki, Kohzo Ito, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 1619   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The slide-ring gel is composed of chemically cross-linked polyrotaxanes having poly(ethyleneglycol)(PEG) main chain and α-cyclodextrin(α-CD) rings. In this study, we prepared the slide-ring gels modified with azobenzene at α-CD by ether and isocyanate linkage. We evaluated aggregating behavior of azobenzene in the slide-ring gel and the effect of photoisomerization of azobenzene on the swelling properties of the gels.



    • Characteristic phase separated structures in block copolymer monolayers by co-spreading with low molecular weight compound

      Yuki Ohnuma, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 1 ) 985   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Mixed films of 6-{4-[(4-hexylphenyl)azo]phenoxy}hexanoic acid (6Az5-COOH)/polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP)/were prepared by co-spreading on pure water from a chloroform solution. The resulting films were evaluated from π - A isotherms and UV-Vis absorption spectra. 6Az5-COOH and PS-b-P4VP were compatible with each other on water. The mixed films were transferred onto a mica substrate. The morphology of the mixed film was observed by atomic force microscope. It was found that the morphologies of the mixed monolayer were obviously different from those of pure PS-b-P4VP.



    • Photo micro-patterning of alignment of microphase separation in liquid crystalline diblock copolymer thin film

      Yuichi Morikawa, Shusaku Nagano, Kazuhito Watanabe, Tomokazu Iyoda, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4811 - 4812   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      The photoinduced mass transfer was applied to a diblock copolymer film consisting of an azobenzene(Az)-containing liquid crystalline polymer and poly(ethylene oxide). Irradiation of interference Ar+ laser beam to this thin film resulted in a formation of surface relief structure. In this film, microphase separated PEO cylinders were aligned parallel or perpendicular to the substrate plane corresponding to the relief structure. Thus, the photo micro-patterning of nanocylinder alignment was achieved.



    • Conformation of triblock copolymer having azobenzene moiety in 2D state

      Souhei Kadota, Kenji Aoki, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 4312 - 4313   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      We studied the monolayer nano-phase separation structure of an ABA triblock copolymer comprising of azobenzene-containing methacrylate and poly(ethylene oxide) as A and B block, respectively. The micro-phase separation in the monolayer of trans-Az gave a mixture of dod and rod. The cis-Az monolayer gave elongated flat stripes. We observed the morphological change of the monolayer on mica induced by photoisomerization of azobenzene under high humidity. In the cis-Az, stripe morphology was converted to dot by thermal reversion for 6 days. This fact suggests that the PEO block preferentially adopts loop conformations.



    • Photoinduced surface relief formation in supramolecular liquid crystalline polymer film

      Toshinobu Ogasawara, Nobuyuki Zettsu, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 3760 - 3761   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Photoinduced surface relief formation via massive displacement is achieved in thin films of polymers possessing covalently bonded an azobenzene unit. We report herein a new finding that a polymer connecting the azobenzene unit through non-covalent "hydrogen bond" also shows rapid photoinduced mass migration. This knowledge indicates that the covalent bond is not necessary and that the photoinduced mass migration is highly collective and cooperative in nature. The surface relief film could be chemically cross-linked with HCl and HCHO vapor. After removal of the azobenzene chromophore by eluting with ethanol from the cross-linked film, a colorless relief was obtained.



    • Monolayer formation of hydrophobic π-conjugated polymers assisted on liquid crystal monolayer

      Shusaku Nagano, Seiichiro Kodama, Takahiro Seki

      Polymer Preprints, Japan54 ( 2 ) 2913 - 2914   2005年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      Hybrid monolayers consisting of hydrophobic π-conjugated polymers with liquid crystal (LC) molecule were prepared by co-spreading method on water. We evaluated the polymer chain conformation in hybrid monolayer transferred onto a quartz substrate by UV absorption spectroscopy. It was found that the conformation of the conjugated polymers in the hybrid monolayer were significantly different from that in a bulk film. We also explored the conformational state in ultrathin spincast films and observed the similar spectrum to that of the hybrid monolayer. The hybrid monolayers revealed conformational behavior of the polymer chain located near adjacent to a solid surface.



    • メソポーラス材料の光配向制御 招待有り

      関 隆広, 川島康裕, 福本晴彦, 永野修作

      ゼオライト学会誌3   73   2004年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • 疎水性ポリシラン単分子膜と超薄膜 招待有り


      ケイ素化学協会誌7   16   2003年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Liquid crystal-assisted engineering of polymer thin films 査読有り

      T Seki, S Nagano, N Zettsu, T Ubukata

      LIQUID CRYSTALS VII5213   154 - 168   2003年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING  

      The hybridization of different types of materials frequently leads to specific performances and structure formation. Our current interest is focused onto dynamic performances photofunctional polymers assisted by hybridized liquid crystal molecules. In this paper, two current topics undergoing in our laboratory are presented. In the former part, monolayer formation of hydrophobic polysilanes assisted by polar calamitic liquid crystal molecules is described, This is the first example of monolayer formation of a fully dydrophobic polymer on water. The latter part shows the marked acceleration of lateral mass migration promoted by photoirradiation in azobenzene-containing polymers. Both systems utilize common and general features of liquid crystals, namely, dynamic properties (fluidity) maintaining orientational order in the molecular assemblies. We show herein the high validity of liquid crystals for thin film processing of polymers.

      DOI: 10.1117/12.509180


    • Abrupt interfacial transitions of hydrophobic polysilanes as probed via liquid crystal-assisted stepwise deposition

      S Nagano, T Seki

      JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY124 ( 10 ) 2074 - 2075   2002年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      DOI: 10.1021/ja012105n


    • Monolayer formation of hydrophobic polysilane on water through hybridization with liquid crystal molecules 査読有り

      S Nagano, T Seki, K Ichimura

      LANGMUIR17 ( 7 ) 2199 - 2205   2001年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

      The monolayer formation of a hydrophobic polymer, poly(dihexylsilane) (PDHS), on the water surface was performed for the first time through cospreading with a liquid crystal molecule, 4 ' -pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). The spread monolayer formation of PDHS was confirmed by surface pressure-area (pi -A) isotherm measurements, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and W-visible absorption spectroscopy. The cospread film of PDHS and 5CB on water exhibited isotherms giving a new sharp pressure increase attributable to the hybridization of PDHS/5CB. The lift-off area corresponding to this pressure increase was in exact proportion to the mixing ratio (R = [Si unit of PDHS]/[5CB]). BAM revealed a highly homogeneous feature of the hybrid monolayers on water at the lift-off area of the PDHS/5CB hybrid film. The AFM images of these hybrid monolayers transferred onto mica indicated that the thickness of the spread PDHS film on the 5CB monolayer ranges from 1 to 1.5 nm. Most probably, the molecularly spread PDHS backbone is positioned on top of the 5CB monolayer. The hybrid films could be transferred onto a solid substrate. W-visible absorption spectra showed that the Si main chain of PDHS adopts only a helical-gauche (disordered) conformation on both water and a quartz substrate, which shows a sharp contrast with that of the bulk film. On the solid substrate, a preferential orientation of the Si chain was observed in the lifting direction depending on the surface pressure applied for deposition.

      DOI: 10.1021/la001469a


    • Conformational and alignment behavior of polysilane film mixed with liquid crystal molecule

      S Nagano, T Seki, Kunihiro, I

      MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS367   3141 - 3148   2001年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

      Mixed films containing poly(dihexylsilane) (PDHS) and liquid crystal (LC) molecule were prepared onto a rubbed poly(vinyl alcohol) film by spin-casting. The conformational state and the alignment of the PDHS backbone were investigated by polarized UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. The absorption band ascribed to the crystalline state of PDHS in the mixed film showed a red shift from that of a pure PDHS film. The PDHS backbone in the mixed film was aligned parallel to the rubbing direction. The magnitude of the red shift and the alignment order of PDHS was enhanced by annealing at 60 degreesC in the mixed film with some LC molecules.


    • Monolayer formation of a hydrophobic polysilane on water surface assisted by liquid crystal molecule 査読有り

      S Nagano, T Seki, K Ichimura

      CHEMISTRY LETTERS ( 6 ) 612 - 613   2000年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      A mixed solution of poly(dihexylsilane) and 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) was spread on pure water. Surface pressure-area isotherm data and Brewster angle microscopy showed that a monomolecular stretching of this hydrophobic polysilane is performed with the assist of 5CB molecule.


    • ポリジヘキシルシランのコンフォメーションに及ぼす棒状液晶分子の添加効果 査読有り

      永野修作, 関 隆広, 市村國宏

      高分子論文集56   406-409   1999年


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Effects of addition of calamitic liquid crystal molecule on the poly(di-n-hexylsilane) conformation

      Nagano, S., Seki, T., Ichimura, K.

      Kobunshi Ronbunshu56 ( 6 )   1999年



      DOI: 10.1295/koron.56.406



    • Electronic transport in phenyl-substituted polygermane homopolymers and copolymers with polygermanes and polysilanes 査読有り

      K Mochida, S Nagano

      INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS1 ( 8 ) 289 - 291   1998年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      Phenyl-substituted polygermane homopolymers (PhMeGe)(n) and copolymers with polysilanes (PhMeGe)(n)(PhMeSi)(m) are found to be excellent photoconductors with a well-defined mobility of about 10(-5) cm(2)/V s. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


    • Micropattern of GeO2/GeC lines prepared by UV irradiation and heat treatment of polygermane copolymers of methylphenylgermylene/phenylgermyne units 査読有り

      K Mochida, S Nagano, H Kawata, M Wakasa, H Hayashi

      APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY11 ( 12 ) 949 - 955   1997年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD  

      Upon ultraviolet irradiation of polygermane copolymers of methylphenylgermylene/phenylgermyne units (PhMeGe)(n)(PhGe)(m) in air, the germanium-germanium bond in the copolymer film changed into a digermoxane chain, Laser flash photolysis of the copolymer film showed the intermediacy of polygermyl radicals generated by Ge-Ge bond homolysis, The XPS showed the formation of germanium carbide (GeC) and germanium dioxide (GeO2) upon heating the unirradiated and irradiated copolymer (PhMeGe)(n)(PhGe)(m) films, respectively, A relatively high-resolution micropattern of GeC/GeO2 was obtained by combining the photochemical and thermal properties of the copolymers of methylphenylgermylene/phenylgermyne units. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


    • Photodegradation of thin films of polygermanes 査読有り

      K Mochida, S Nagano, H Kawata, M Wakasa, H Hayashi

      JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY542 ( 1 ) 75 - 79   1997年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE  

      Upon ultraviolet irradiation of thin films of linear polygermanes in air, the germanium-germanium bond in thin films of polygermanes changed into digermoxane chains. The laser flash photolysis of the linear polygermane films showed the formation of polygermyl radicals generated by germanium-germanium bond homolysis as reactive intermediates during photodegradation. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


    • Nonlinear optical susceptibility of oligo- and polygermanes 査読有り

      K Mochida, S Nagano, S Maeyama, T Kodaira, A Watanabe, O Ito, M Matsuda

      BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN70 ( 3 ) 713 - 716   1997年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

      Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities (chi((3))) for thin films of oligo- and polygermanes were measured in the range of 0.6-86x10(-12) esu. A measured chi((3)) of 86 x 10(-12) esu for a polygermane-polysilane random copolymer, coploy(methylphenylsilylene/methylphenylgermylene), was the largest ever reported for transparent polymers in the visible spectral region.


    • Third-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Thin Film of Organogermane Homopolymers and Copolymer with Organosilane 査読有り

      T. Kodaira, A. Watanabe, O. Ito, M. Matsuda, S. Tokura, M. Kira, S. Nagano, K. Mochida

      Adv. Mater.7   917-918   1995年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Third‐order nonlinear optical properties of thin films of organogermane homopolymers and organogermane‐organosilane copolymers

      Kodaira, T., Watanabe, A., Ito, O., Matsuda, M., Tokura, S., Kira, M., Nagano, S.?S., Mochida, K.

      Advanced Materials7 ( 11 )   1995年



      DOI: 10.1002/adma.19950071110





    • 低分子液晶存在下における液晶性光配向膜のin situ構造解析

      河上知良, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(Web)103rd   2023年


    • Catechol誘導体薄膜を用いた銀ナノ粒子形成に基づくヤヌス光沢膜

      大毛瑞貴, 赤石良一, 橘京香, 桑折道済, 永野修作, 松井淳

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)70th   2023年


    • サブフェーズにおけるイオン結合を用いた水溶性高分子LB膜の形成

      村野佑馬, CHE Dock-Chil, 永野修作, 松本卓也

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)70th   2023年


    • 低分子液晶との接触で誘起される液晶性光配向膜の構造転移現象

      原光生, 河上知良, 永野修作, 関隆広

      繊維学会予稿集(CD-ROM)78 ( 1 )   2023年


    • 薄膜イオンダイオードを志向した液晶ブロック共重合体の合成と多孔質薄膜化

      森本虎太郎, 石崎裕也, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • 自己ドープ型ポリチオフェンのリオトロピック液晶性と脱ドープ薄膜の非線形電気特性

      大西質彬, 石崎裕也, 箭野裕一, 奥崎秀典, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • ポリ(3-ヘキシルチオフェン)と金ナノ粒子を用いた単分子膜ネットワークの形成と非線形I-V特性

      松田大海, 石崎裕也, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • 共役高分子単分子膜の精密集積と分子間エネルギー移動

      石崎裕也, 石井熙乃, 大東千紘, 関隆広, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • スメクチック液晶性を示す側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜の配向と熱拡散率

      小林栞菜, 石崎裕也, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • ドープされた疎水性導電性高分子単分子膜および多層膜の調製と非線形電気特性

      原直希, 石崎裕也, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)84th   2023年


    • 光配向を利用したプロトン伝導異方性の制御

      石崎裕也, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作

      Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (Web)34 ( 2 )   2023年


    • D-A型π共役高分子の溶液中における凝集体形成と高速バーコート法による高配向薄膜

      蓑輪裕, 籔内湧太, 永野修作, 永松秀一, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)69th   2022年


    • 2D/3Dヘテロ構造中のDion-Jacobson型2Dペロブスカイトの配向制御

      鶉野弦也, 阿部健太郎, 桑原直, 齋藤智樹, 永野修作, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)69th   2022年


    • 液晶性高分子薄膜と低分子液晶の界面から形成される高次液晶相

      河上知良, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      繊維学会予稿集(CD-ROM)77 ( 1 )   2022年


    • 溶液中の凝集体形成と高速バーコートに基づくD-A型π共役高分子の高配向薄膜の作製

      蓑輪裕, 籔内湧太, 永野修作, 永松秀一, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)83rd   2022年


    • ランダムプレーナー配向性側鎖型液晶高分子ブロック共重合体の調製と光配向

      廣瀬陸, 肥田直己, 関隆広, 永野修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子ブレンドによるハイブリッド液晶相のスペーサーの効果

      中島龍長, 肥田直己, 関隆弘, 永野修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • 液晶性高分子薄膜の表面にて形成される高次液晶相

      河上知良, 滝島啓介, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • モノマー単位にジアンモニウム塩をもつ直鎖状ポリシロキサンの湿度応答液晶相

      児玉篤樹, 鷲山祥平, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • 側鎖型液晶ランダム共重合で発現するSmE相におけるスペーサーの考察

      渋谷優真, 肥田直己, 関隆広, 永野修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • 側鎖型液晶高分子ハイブリッドの相溶系-非相溶系光スイッチング

      小久保伎, 中島龍長, 肥田直己, 関隆広, 永野修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • カラミチック-ディスコチック双液晶性アルコキシアゾベンゼン-トリフェニレンエステル結合体のUV光照射下の液晶相転移

      中村啓人, 真田ひかる, 北川剛史, 田中大介, 古市真梨, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広, 河合壯, 服部陽平, 内田欣吾, 清水洋

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • 高プロトン伝導性スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における半脂環式主鎖と組織構造の検討

      長尾祐樹, 高倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)82nd   2021年


    • サーモトロピック液晶性とプロトン伝導性を両立するアゾベンゼン高分子の調製と光配向

      平田和也, WANG Fangfang, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2021   2021年


    • バーコート法により作製したtert-ブチル置換フタロシアニン薄膜における電気特性 II

      鶉野弦也, 籔内湧太, 石裏遼, 米谷慎, 永野修作, 永野修作, 梶井博武, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)81st   2020年


    • 液晶側鎖とアモルファス側鎖を持つランダム共重合体のラメラ構造の構築および配向制御

      東瞭太, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      繊維学会予稿集(CD-ROM)74 ( 1 )   2019年


    • 液晶-アルキル側鎖からなるランダム共重合体が構築する長距離秩序ヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造

      滝島啓介, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      繊維学会予稿集(CD-ROM)74 ( 1 )   2019年


    • バーコート法で作製したtert-ブチル置換フタロシアニン薄膜における分子配向特性

      鶉野弦也, 籔内湧太, 石裏遼, 米谷慎, 永野修作, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)80th   2019年


    • 高分子電解質膜への導入を指向したCore-Shell型ナノ粒子のShell厚制御とプロトン伝導性能

      田端恵介, 野原智裕, 小関和喜, 佐藤亮太, 有田稔彦, 永野修作, 増原陽人, 増原陽人

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)80th   2019年


    • 光応答性液晶高分子へのプロトン伝導性付与と配向スイッチング

      末次輝太, 原光生, 関隆広, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作

      繊維学会予稿集(CD-ROM)74 ( 1 )   2019年


    • 結晶化度の異なるP3HTナノ粒子とPCBMの相溶性

      末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 志藤慶治, 佐藤駿実, 増原陽人, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)65th   2018年


    • 気液界面を用いたカテコール前駆体ブロックコポリマーの構造化とポストトリートメントによるテンプレートへの応用

      伊藤祥穂, 松井淳, 永野修作, 藪浩

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)65th   2018年


    • 種結晶添加バーコート法により作製したペンチルフタロシアニン分子配向薄膜の結晶構造評価

      中谷光宏, 大森雅志, 永野修作, 藤井彰彦, 尾崎雅則

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)65th   2018年


    • 光応答性液晶基とアクリル酸のランダム共重合体が形成するスメクチック相の配向制御とプロトン伝導度

      末次輝太, 後藤峻介, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)79th   2018年


    • スメクチック液晶側鎖とかご型シロキサン側鎖を持つランダム共重合体の長距離秩序ラメラ構造の発現と配向制御

      永野修作, 永井美帆, 原光生, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)79th   2018年


    • 高プロトン伝導性スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における構造規則性と分子量の相関

      長尾祐樹, 小野祐太朗, 高倉健作, 後藤崚介, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)79th   2018年


    • 再沈法によるP3HTナノ粒子のサーモクロミズムと結晶化度

      末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 志藤慶志, 佐藤駿実, 増原陽人, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)64th   2017年


    • 加湿アニール法を用いた非晶性高分子ブロックからなる両親媒性高分子によるナノ相分離構造薄膜の作製

      松永康平, 松井淳, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)78th   2017年


    • 表面偏析と自己集合作用を利用した液晶性ポリマーブラシ構造

      向井孝次, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)78th   2017年


    • 再沈法によるP3HTナノ粒子の調製とn型有機半導体との複合膜の形成

      末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 志藤慶治, 佐藤駿実, 増原陽人, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)78th   2017年


    • アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜の吸湿挙動のX線散乱および赤外吸収による解析とプロトン伝導性

      後藤崚介, 原光生, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)64th   2017年


    • スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜の組織構造規則性・周期性が高プロトン伝導性へ与える影響

      長尾祐樹, KARTHIK Krishnan, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)78th   2017年


    • 導電性高分子薄膜の分子配向構造の深さ方向解析

      水野佑, 大野慶太, 原光生, 永野修作, 山本勝宏, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)63rd   2016年


    • アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド主鎖一軸配向膜の吸湿により発現する液晶構造解析

      後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)63rd   2016年


    • ポリ(3-ヘキシルチオフェン)の基板界面近傍の分子配向

      水野佑, 大野慶太, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)62nd   2015年


    • アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜のライオトロピック液晶性により誘起された規則構造とプロトン伝導性の相関

      後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)62nd   2015年


    • 混合膜系のp型およびn型導電性高分子の分子配向

      大野慶太, 水野佑, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)62nd   2015年


    • 薄膜表面・界面近傍でのポリ(3-ヘキシルチオフェン)の分子配向構造

      水野佑, 大野慶太, 原光生, 永野修作, 山本勝宏, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)76th   2015年


    • p型およびn型導電性高分子混合膜の分子配向と光電荷分離

      大野慶太, 水野佑, 山内光司, 永野修作, 原光生, 高木幸治, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)76th   2015年


    • 半導体高分子のナノ粒子調製と前駆体とした薄膜の配向構造

      佐藤駿実, 水野佑, 大野慶太, 永野修作, 関隆広, 増原陽人

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)76th   2015年


    • PA17 異方場における液晶相転移を利用した有機-無機複合ナノ構造の垂直配向制御と機能化(液晶化学材料,ポスター発表,2015年日本液晶学会討論会)

      脇谷 尚幸, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2015   _PA17 - 1_-_PA17-2   2015年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      As Brij 56 (a typical non-ionic surfactant consisting of polyoxyethylene cetyl ether) exhibits a lyotropic liquid crystalline nature in a water system, we used the lyotropic phase as a nanotemplate via a sol-gel reaction. Submicron-thick Brij 56/silica hybrid films were prepared from Brij 56/tetraethoxysilane precursors with various molar ratios onto glass or silicon substrates by spincast method. The resulting films were characterized by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, and transmission electron microscope observations. As a result, the films had ordered-nanostructures derived from the lyotropic phase of Brij 56. In particular, the nanostructures aligned perpendicular to the substrate in case that the weight content of Brij 56 in the hybrid film was equal to the amounts between a micellar cubic phase and a hexagonal phase.

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2015.0__PA17

      CiNii Article


    • LS法によるn型導電性高分子とp型導電性高分子の主鎖配向交互積層膜の調製

      大野慶太, 岩附紘子, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)61st   2014年


    • 超微細インクジェット法による微少液滴内高分子ブレンドの相分離構造

      水野佑, 福原慶, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)61st   2014年


    • 光応答性側鎖型液晶ブロック共重合体が示す動的光配向挙動の考察

      佐野誠実, 原光生, 永野修作, 篠原裕也, 雨宮慶幸, 関隆広

      応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)61st   2014年


    • 超微細インクジェット法により作製した微小液滴から形成される導電性ポリマーブレンド

      水野佑, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)75th   2014年


    • リオトロピック液晶相を鋳型とした垂直配向性チタニアメソ多孔膜の調製法の開発と応用

      小栗 良太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2014   PB13   2014年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      <p> Organic/inorganic hybrid films were prepared onto substrates by spin-coating of mixtures of an amphiphilic block copolymer, polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) dib lock copolymer, and alkoxy titanium via evaporation-mediated direct templating process. After calcination of the resulting films, field emission-scanning electron microscope observations and grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements were performed. As a result, the calcinated films possessed the vertically aligned mesopores. The vertically aligned mesoporous titania films are used as a titania electrode in a dye-sensitized solar cell. Incident photon -to-current efficiency of the vertically -aligned mesoporous titania films have approximately 4 times improvement as compared to one of non-mesostructured titania films.</p>

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2014.0_PB13

      CiNii Article


    • 気-水界面を用いたF8T2主鎖配向膜の調製とそのFET特性

      岩附紘子, 永野修作, 田中久暁, 黒田新一, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)74th   2013年


    • 液晶性アゾベンゼンポリマーの弾性変調による表面リンクルパターンの光制御

      武島隆宏, LIAO Wan-yu, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)74th   2013年


    • 空気界面からの液晶ブロックポリマー薄膜の配向制御と光応答

      福原慶, 永島悠樹, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)74th   2013年


    • 液晶性ブロック共重合体が示す動的光配向の速度論的考察

      佐野誠実, 原光生, 永野修作, 篠原裕也, 雨宮慶幸, 関隆広

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)74th   2013年


    • 界面を利用した高分子集合体の配向制御と構造形成

      関 隆広, 原 光生, 永野 修作

      表面50 ( 5 ) 165 - 175   2012年5月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:広信社  

      CiNii Article


    • 2011年度液晶化学・材料研究フォーラム講演会報告「無機・ナノ材料・液晶とのコラボレーション」

      永野 修作

      液晶 : 日本液晶学会誌 = Ekisho16 ( 2 ) 155 - 156   2012年4月25日



      CiNii Article


    • 22pTG-9 面内配向性を有するMEH-PPV超薄膜トランジスタの移動度異方性(22pTG 界面デバイス・有機表面界面,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

      渡辺 峻一郎, 尾藤 芳彦, 田中 久暁, Ito H., 黒田 新一, 冨川 晴貴, 戸田 章雄, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本物理学会講演概要集66 ( 2 ) 871 - 871   2011年8月24日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本物理学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 23pRL-8 高配向性を有する高分子超薄膜トランジスタの電場誘起ESR(23pRL 界面デバイス1,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

      渡辺 峻一郎, 尾藤 芳彦, 田中 久暁, Ito H., 黒田 新一, 冨川 晴貴, 戸田 章雄, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本物理学会講演概要集65 ( 2 ) 786 - 786   2010年8月18日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本物理学会  

      CiNii Article


    • ブロック共重合体表面ミセルの高精度形成と応用 (特集 未来社会を支える技術戦略)

      永野 修作, 関 隆広

      化学工業61 ( 8 ) 590 - 595   2010年8月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:化学工業社  

      CiNii Article


    • ブロック共重合体表面ミセルの高精度形成と応用 (特集 未来社会を支える技術戦略)

      永野 修作, 関 隆広

      化学工業61 ( 8 ) 590 - 595   2010年8月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:化学工業社  

      CiNii Article


    • 21pGS-9 電場誘起ESR観測による面内配向性を有する高分子FETの分子配向評価(21pGS 界面デバイス1,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

      渡辺 峻一郎, 田中 久暁, 伊東 裕, 黒田 新一, 戸田 章雄, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本物理学会講演概要集65 ( 1 ) 889 - 889   2010年3月1日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本物理学会  

      CiNii Article


    • 液晶性アゾベンゼン高分子高密度ブラシ膜の構造と光応答

      今井絢二朗, 植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 篠原佑也, 雨宮慶幸, 関隆広

      PFシンポジウム要旨集27th   2010年


    • 高配向ポリチオフェン単分子膜の電気伝導特性の評価とクーロンブロッケードの発現について

      奥秋裕介, 赤井恵, 齋藤彰, 永野修作, 桑原裕司

      精密工学会関西地方定期学術講演会講演論文集2010   2010年


    • 光を利用した高分子薄膜のメソ/ミクロ構造制御

      関 隆広, 永野 修作

      光化学 = Photochemistry40 ( 3 ) 188 - 192   2009年12月16日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:光化学協会  

      CiNii Article


    • 26aYD-3 立体規則性ポリヘキシルチオフェン超薄膜を用いたFETデバイスの電場誘起ESR観測(界面・分子デバイス1,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)

      渡辺 峻一郎, 田中 久暁, 伊東 裕, 黒田 新一, 戸田 章雄, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本物理学会講演概要集64 ( 2 ) 748 - 748   2009年8月18日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本物理学会  

      CiNii Article


    • フォトクロミズムを利用した2次元ナノ構造と配向の光制御 ([機能材料]創刊26周年特集 有機フォトクロミズムの新機軸)

      関 隆広, 永野 修作

      機能材料27 ( 8 ) 26 - 33   2007年8月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:シーエムシー出版  

      CiNii Article


    • 液晶性アゾベンゼン高分子ブラシのスメクティック相の配向と光応答

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 関隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)2007   2007年


    • アゾベンゼンを有する液晶性高分子ブラシの特異な液晶配向状態と光配向

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 関隆広, 関隆広

      日本化学会講演予稿集87th ( 1 )   2007年


    • 液晶性高分子グラフト基板における特異なメソゲン配向挙動

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 関隆広, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)56 ( 1 Disk1 )   2007年


    • 光応答性液晶高分子ブラシのスメクティック相の配向と光応答

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)56 ( 2 Disk1 )   2007年


    • 何がしたいの? : 疎水性高分子単分子膜の研究を通して学んだこと

      永野 修作

      高分子55 ( 11 ) 904 - 904   2006年11月1日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:The Society of Polymer Science, Japan  

      DOI: 10.1295/kobunshi.55.904

      CiNii Article


    • 低分子のアシストによる疎水性高分子の広がった単分子膜形成

      永野 修作

      高分子学会予稿集55 ( 1 ) 31 - 33   2006年5月24日



      CiNii Article


    • ブロック共重合体単分子膜を用いた高信頼性ナノドットアレイ形成と高密度光記録媒体への応用


      村田学術振興財団年報 ( 20 )   2006年


    • アゾベンゼンを有する高分子ブラシのゲル表面への導入

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 関隆広, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)55 ( 1 Disk1 )   2006年


    • 光応答性を有する液晶性高分子グラフト基板の作製と配向挙動

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 関隆広, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)55 ( 2 Disk1 )   2006年


    • ATRP法によるハイドロゲル表面への光応答性高分子ブラシの導入

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 永野修作, 関隆広, 関隆広

      日本化学会講演予稿集86th ( 2 )   2006年


    • 液晶性アゾベンゼンポリマーにおける光誘発物質移動とその移動機構

      諫山 純, 小笠原 利信, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2006   177 - 177   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:THE JAPANESE LIQUID CRYSTAL SOCIETY  


      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2006.0.177.0

      CiNii Article


    • ゾルゲル法を用いたリオトロピック液晶/シリカハイブリッド薄膜の作製と液晶構造の配向制御

      原 光生, 溝下 倫大, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2006   156 - 156   2006年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:THE JAPANESE LIQUID CRYSTAL SOCIETY  


      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2006.0.156.0

      CiNii Article


    • アゾベンゼン液晶ゲルの液晶溶媒中におけるフォトメカニカル効果

      早田 祐貴, 永野 修作, 竹岡 敬和, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2006 ( 0 ) 175-175 - 175   2006年



      アゾベンゼン部位をもつ液晶ゲルの薄膜を合成し、低分子液晶溶媒(5CB)中にてアゾベンゼンの光異性化による体積変化を観察した。この光応答性液晶ゲルは、紫外光照射下、液晶溶媒の等方点付近 (36℃)では収縮、液晶ゲルの相転移点以下近傍 (46℃)では膨潤を示した。また、液晶ゲル中のアゾベンゼン含有量を3%と少なくすることで照射光が全体に透過し、液晶ゲル全体の変化を誘起できた。

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2006.0.175.0

      CiNii Article


    • PB19 リオトロピック液晶性色素とシリカからなるナノ構造ハイブリッド膜(トピカルセッション-液晶物性計測の最前線-, 2005年日本液晶学会討論会)

      原 光生, 福本 晴彦, 溝下 倫大, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 ( 2005 ) 327 - 328   2005年9月5日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      We prepared silica films hybridized with a chromonic lyotropic liquid crystal, C. I. Direct Blue (B67), by spin-coating. The hybrid films with 2-(2-aminoethoxy) ethanol (AEE) had ordered structures templated by the columnar assemblies of B67. Such structure of the hybrid films was not observed without AEE. Moreover, we studied the hybrid films by dip-coating. As a result, the hybrid films possessed preferred orientation. The columnar assemblies of B67 were aligned to parallel to dipping direction.

      CiNii Article


    • 気水界面上での両親媒性ブロック共重合体の凝集挙動制御

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)54 ( 2 Disk1 )   2005年


    • 気水界面における両親媒性ブロック共重合体の温度に伴う凝集挙動変化

      植草貴行, 永野修作, 関隆広

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)54 ( 1 Disk1 )   2005年


    • PB27 光架橋性高分子液晶による高配向性メソポーラスシリカ薄膜の作成と応用(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)

      福本 晴彦, 永野 修作, 川月 喜弘, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 ( 2004 ) 382 - 383   2004年9月26日


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      Mesoporous silica thin films with aligned mesochannels in one direction at large scales will be applied in optics, electronics, separation technologies etc. We propose herein a new photo-aligning and micro-patterning technique for mesochannels of a silica thin film using a photo-crosslinkable polymer liquid crystal (PPLC) film. The PPLC film was uniaxially oriented by exposure to linearly polarized UV (LPUV) light and annealed at a liquid crystal phase temperature. On the PPLC film, a mesoporous silica thin film was prepared. The orientation of the mesochannels was evaluated by in-plane XRD measurements. It was confirmed that the mesochannels was aligned parallel to the polarized direction of the irradiated LPUV light.

      CiNii Article


    • 真空紫外光照射によるメソポーラスシリカ薄膜のフォトパターニング

      小島 智之, 穂積 篤, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2004   185 - 185   2004年



      高分子テンプレートを用いたメソポーラスシリカ前駆体薄膜に、真空紫外光(172 nm)によるパターニングを行い、光分解されたメソポーラス部とテンプレートの残った有機_-_無機ハイブリッド部のマイクロパターンを形成した。また、そのメソポーラス部への色素の染色も試みた。

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2004.0.185.0

      CiNii Article


    • アゾベンゼンを有するトリブロック共重合体の二次元ナノ相分離構造

      門田 総平, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2004   186 - 186   2004年




      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2004.0.186.0

      CiNii Article


    • 1C04 液晶分子のアシストによる疎水性共役高分子の単分子膜形成

      永野 修作, 関 隆広

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2001   59 - 60   2001年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      A hydrophobic polymer alone does not form a spread monolayer on water, but our recent work showed that monolayer formation of a fully hydrophobic polysilane is attained when they are co-spread with a cyanobiphenyl type liquid crystal molecule (5CB). We report herein some extended results of this work using poly(alkylthiophen)s and polystyrene. Spreading behavior and AFM observations revealed the monolayer formation of these polymers, indicating the wide applicability of the liquid crystal-assisted process.

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2001.0_59

      CiNii Article


    • 2C04 液晶分子の作用による疎水性高分子の単分子膜形成現象

      永野 修作, 関 隆広, 市村 國宏

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2000   147 - 148   2000年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      Hydrocarbon-based hydrophobic polymers on water generally form aggregated particles and do not form spread monolayers. Our recent work showed that hydrophobic polysilanes form all ideal monolayer with the assist of liquid crystal molecule on water. Co-spreading of hydrophobic polysilanes and 4'-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) provides a hybrid monolayer in which the polymer forms a spread monolayer on top of the 5CB monolayer. This pictue can be verified by the behavior of the surface pressure-area isotherm, Brewster angle microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. The hybrid monolayer can be deposited onto solid substrates having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Onto a hydrophobic substrate surface, only PDHS is deposited and 5CB is expelled from the resulting LB film. This method may open a new clue to the study of ultrathin polymer films.

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.2000.0_147

      CiNii Article


    • PBb03 ラビング処理を施した高分子膜上でのポリシラン/液晶混合キャスト膜の配向挙動

      永野 修作, 関 隆広, 市村 國宏

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集1999   204 - 205   1999年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本液晶学会  

      The mixed film of a poly(dihexylsilane) (PDHS) with liquid crystal (LC) molecules were prepared by spin-casting of a mixed solution. PDHS was miscible with LC molecules without phase separation to a certain ratio as revealed by DSC analysis and polarized microscope. The PDHS backbone and LC molecule in the mixed film were aligned parallel to the rubbing direction on the rubbed poly(vinyl alcohol) surface as indicated by polarized UV absorption measurements. The order parameter of PDHS backbone in the mixed film was dependent on film thickness. The thinner films gave the better alignment of PDHS main chain. The alignment of PDHS in the mixed fltm with some LC molecules was improved by annealing at 60℃.

      DOI: 10.11538/ekitou.1999.0_204

      CiNii Article




    • 液晶ブロック共重合体薄膜におけるミクロ相分離構造の動的光配向制御”, 光機能性有機・高分子材料における新たな息吹(市村國宏監修)

      永野修作( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2019年 


    • 光配向テクノロジーの開発動向 第4編光配向の新たな展開 第2章有機無機メソ組織体の光配向制御

      原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2010年1月 


      担当ページ:102-115   記述言語:日本語


    • 光配向テクノロジーの開発動向 第3編光配向における材料 第2章 高分子超薄膜とナノ構造の光配向制御

      永野修作, 関隆広( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2010年1月 


      担当ページ:68-77   記述言語:日本語


    • 次世代共役ポリマーの超階層制御と革新機能 第2編 第12章 疎水性共役高分子の新規分子組織化手法の開発と界面超階層構造の構築

      永野修作, 児玉 誠一郎, 戸田 章雄( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2009年 


      担当ページ:190-195   記述言語:日本語


    • 多孔体の精密制御と機能・物性評価,“ポーラスシリカ薄膜”,

      原光生, 永野 修作, 関隆広( 担当: 共著)

      サイエンス&テクノロジー  2008年 


      担当ページ:27-35   記述言語:日本語


    • 光機能性高分子材料の新たな潮流-最新技術とその展望-(市村國宏監修), “液晶相を利用したナノ構造体の光配向制御”

      永野修作( 担当: 単著)

      シーエムシー出版  2008年 


      担当ページ:317-327   記述言語:日本語


    • 有機薄膜形成とデバイス応用展開(大森 裕 監修),“疎水性共役高分子の単分子膜およびLangmuir-Blodgett集積膜の形成”

      永野修作, 関隆広( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2008年 


      担当ページ:119-126   記述言語:日本語


    • 自然に学ぶ材料プロセッシング“ 3.5.3 光を用いた材料プロセッシング”

      永野修作( 担当: 共著)

      三共出版  2007年 


      担当ページ:196-206   記述言語:日本語


    • 機能物質の集積膜と応用展開 「二次元相分離パターンの形成と光制御」

      関 隆広, 永野修作( 担当: 共著)

      シーエムシー出版  2006年 




    • 機能物質の集積膜と応用展開 「低分子にてアシストされた疎水性高分子の単分子膜展開法」

      永野修作( 担当: 単著)

      シーエムシー出版  2006年 






    • 溶液中の凝集体形成と高速バーコートに基づくD- A型π共役高分子の高配向薄膜の作製 国際会議

      蓑輪 裕, 籔内 湧太, 永野 修作, 永松 秀一, 藤井 彰彦, 尾﨑 雅則,

      第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2024年3月23日 



      開催地:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス  


    • 二元メソゲン側鎖型高分子ブレンドの光相転移における分子量および主鎖構造の効果 国際会議

      横田 優乃, 小久保 伎, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広,

      第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2024年3月23日 



      開催地:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス  


    • ナノ多孔質超薄膜と高分子電解質交互積層膜からなる薄膜イオンダイオードの作製 国際会議

      石崎 裕也, 熊倉 成水, 山本 俊介, 永野 修作,三ツ石 方也,

      第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2024年3月23日 



      開催地:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス  


    • 液晶混合展開法によるドープされた導電性高分子ネットワーク構築と非線形電気特性 国際会議

      原 直希, 石崎 裕也, 永野 修作

      第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2024年3月23日 



      開催地:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス  


    • スメクチック相を示す側鎖型液晶高分子の配向薄膜における熱拡散率 国際会議

      小林 栞菜, 石崎 裕也, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2024年3月23日 



      開催地:東京都市大学 世田谷キャンパス  


    • Preparation of Conducting Polymer Monolayer Networks with Nonlinear Electronic Characteristics

      Yuya Ishizaki, Naoki Hara, Shusaku Nagano,

      The 5th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware  2024年3月2日 



      開催地:RIHGA Royal Hotel Kokura, Kitakyushu  


    • Synthesis and Porous Thin Film Formation of Silsesquioxane-Containing Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers

      Kotaro Morimoto, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2023)  2023年11月16日 



      開催地:Keio Plaza Hotel, 札幌  


    • Out-of-Plane Orientation Properties and Lithium Ion Conductivity in Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer Thin Films

      Mahiro Shimada, Yuya Ishizaki, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano,

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2023)  2023年11月16日 



      開催地:Keio Plaza Hotel, 札幌  


    • Formation and Nonlinear I-Vproperties of Poly(3-hexyl thiophene)-Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer Networks

      Taikai Matsuda, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2023)  2023年11月16日 



      開催地:Keio Plaza Hotel, 札幌  


    • Shear-Induced Anisotropic Conductivity of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Self-Doped Polythiophene in Thin Films

      Motoaki Onishi, Yuya Ishizaki, Hirokazu Yano, Hidenori Okuzaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2023)  2023年11月16日 



      開催地:Keio Plaza Hotel, 札幌  


    • Synthesis and photo-alignment of POSS-containing microphase separated structure in photo-responsive liquid crystal block copolymers thin film

      Shoto Suzuki, Yuya Ishizaki, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano,

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2023)  2023年11月16日 



      開催地:Keio Plaza Hotel, 札幌  


    • Formation and Nonlinear I-V properties of Poly(3-hexyl thiophene)-Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer Networks

      Taikai Matsuda, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      In-material Computing Workshop for Young Researchers (インマテリアルコンピューティング若手研究会)  2023年11月14日 



      開催地:Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan, 札幌  


    • Synthesis and Porous Thin Film Formation of Silsesquioxane-Containing Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers

      Kotaro Morimoto, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      In-material Computing Workshop for Young Researchers (インマテリアルコンピューティング若手研究会)  2023年11月14日 



      開催地:Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan, 札幌  


    • Fabrication and Nonlinear Current-Voltage Characteristics of Doped Hydrophobic Conductive Polymer Monolayers by the Co-spread Method with Liquid Crystal Molecules

      Naoki Hara, Yuya Ishizaki, Shusaku Nagano,

      In-material Computing Workshop for Young Researchers (インマテリアルコンピューティング若手研究会)  2023年11月14日 



      開催地:Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan, 札幌  


    • Dedoping and Nonlinear Electrical Characteristics of LyotropicLiquid Crystalline Self-Doped PEDOT Thin Films

      Motoaki Onishi, Yuya Ishizaki, Hirokazu Yano, Hidenori Okuzaki Shusaku Nagano,

      In-material Computing Workshop for Young Researchers (インマテリアルコンピューティング若手研究会)  2023年11月14日 



      開催地:Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan, 札幌  


    • アクリル酸側鎖を有する液晶性高分子薄膜の光配向とプロトン伝導性の制御 国際会議

      石崎 裕也, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • 面外配向性の異なる側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜のミクロ相分離構造とリチウムイオン伝導性 国際会議

      島田 真博, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • リオトロピック液晶性を示す自己ドープ型ポリチオフェン薄膜の脱ドープと非線形電気特性 国際会議

      大西 質彬, 石﨑 裕也, 箭野 裕一, 奥崎 秀典, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • スメクチック液晶性を示す側鎖型高分子液晶の薄膜における配向と熱拡散率 国際会議

      小林 栞菜, 石崎 裕也, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • 二元メソゲン側鎖型高分子ブレンドの光相分離における分子量および主鎖構造の効果 国際会議

      横田 優乃, 小久保 伎, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • ピリジン側鎖を有する液晶性超分子ブロック共重合体の合成と薄膜の構造解析 国際会議

      町田 優希, 石崎 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • かご型シルセスキオキサンを有する液晶ブロック共重合体を前駆体とした多孔質薄膜の作製 国際会議

      森本 虎太郎, 石﨑 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • ドープされた疎水性導電性高分子単分子膜ネットワークの作製と非線形電流-電圧特性 国際会議

      原 直希, 石崎 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • ポリ(3-へキシルチオフェン)と金ナノ粒子からなる単分子膜ネットワークの形成と非線形電流-電圧特性 国際会議

      松田 大海, 石崎 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月27日 





    • 水和-脱水和に伴う両親媒性コポリマーの秩序構造転移 国際会議

      菊地真魚, 大毛瑞貴, 江部日南子, 永野修作, 西辻祥太郎, 松井淳,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月26日 





    • catechol誘導体薄膜が形成するヤヌス光沢膜と形成機構の解明 国際会議

      大毛瑞貴, 赤石良一, 橘京香, 桑折道済, 永野修作, 江部日南子, 松井 淳,

      第72回高分子討論会  2023年9月25日 





    • ポリ(3-へキシルチオフェン)と金ナノ粒子を用いた単分子膜ネットワークの形成と非線形電気特性 Formation and Nonlinear I-V Characteristics of Poly(3-hexyl thiophene)/Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer Networks 国際会議

      松田 大海、石﨑 裕也、永野 修作,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月22日 





    • 薄膜イオンダイオードを志向した液晶ブロック共重合体の合成と多孔質薄膜化 Synthesis and Porous Thin Film Formation of Silsesquioxane-Containing Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers 国際会議

      森本 虎太郎、石﨑 裕也、永野 修作,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月22日 





    • ドープされた疎水性導電性高分子単分子膜およびと多層膜の調製と非線形電気特性応答 Preparation and Nonlinear Electronic Characteristics of Doped Hydrophobic Conducting Polymer Monolayers and Multilayers 国際会議

      原 直希、石崎 裕也、永野 修作,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月22日 





    • 自己ドープ型ポリチオフェンのリオトロピック液晶性と脱ドープ薄膜の非線形電気特性 Nonlinear Electrical Characteristics of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Self-Doped Polythiophene Thin Films by Dedoping 国際会議

      大西 質彬、石﨑 裕也、箭野 裕一、奥崎 秀典、永野 修作,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月22日 





    • スメクチック液晶性を示す側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜の配向と熱拡散率 Orientation and Thermal Diffusivity in Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polymer Thin Films with Smectic Phase 国際会議

      小林 栞菜、石崎 裕也、永野 修作、関 隆広,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月19日 





    • 共役高分子単分子膜の精密集積と分子間エネルギー移動 Preparation and Intermolecular Energy Transfer of Conjugated Polymer Hetero-multilayered Films 国際会議

      石崎 裕也、石井 熙乃、大東 千紘、関 隆広、永野 修作,

      第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2023年9月19日 





    • 光応答性液晶高分子鎖を導入したPOSS含有ブロック共重合体薄膜の光配向 Photo-alignment of POSS-containing block copolymer thin films with photo-responsive liquid crystalline polymer chains 国際会議

      鈴木 翔斗, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • シルセスキオキサン鎖を有する液晶ブロック共重合体の合成と多孔質薄膜化 Synthesis and Porous Thin Film Formation of Silsesquioxane-Containing Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers 国際会議

      森本 虎太郎, 石﨑 裕也, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • 液晶混合展開法を利用した導電性高分子単分子膜および多層膜のドーピングと非線形電気特性 Nonlinear Electrical Properties of Doped Conducting Polymer Monolayers and Multilayers by a Co-spread Method with Liquid Crystal Molecules 国際会議

      原 直希, 石﨑 裕也, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • 自己ドープ型ポリチオフェンのリオトロピック液晶性と非線形電気特性 Nonlinear Electrical Characteristics of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Self-Doped Polythiophene Thin Films 国際会議

      大西 質彬, 石﨑 裕也, 箭野 裕一, 奥崎 秀典, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • 液晶混合展開法を用いた金ナノ粒子/導電性高分子複合単分子膜ネットワークの形成と非線形応答 Formation and Nonlinear Electrical Properties of Gold Nanoparticle / Conductive Polymer Composite Monolayer Networks by The Co-spread Method with Liquid Crystal Molecules 国際会議

      松田 大海, 石﨑 裕也, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • アクリル酸を有する側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜のプロトン伝導異方性 Anisotropic proton conductivity of acrylic acid-containing side-chain liquid crystalline polymer thin films 国際会議

      石﨑 裕也, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • 面外配向性の異なる側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜のミクロ相分離構造制御とリチウムイオン伝導性 Microphase-Separated Structures and Lithium Ion Conductivity of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer Thin Films with Different Out-of-Plane Orientation Properties 国際会議

      島田 真博, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • スメクチック液晶相を示す側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜の分子配向と熱拡散率 Molecular Orientation and Thermal Diffusivity of Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polymer Thin Films with Smectic Phases 国際会議

      小林 栞菜, 石崎 裕也, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • 異種メソゲン側鎖型高分子ブレンドの光相分離における分子量および主鎖構造の効果 Effects of Molecular Weight and Main Chain Structures on Photoinduced Phase Separation in Liquid Crystalline Binary Polymer Blends 国際会議

      横田 優乃, 小久保 伎, 石崎 裕也 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      2023年日本液晶学会討論会  2023年9月11日 





    • Anisotropic Proton Transport in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films

      Y. Ishizaki, K. Hirata, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano,




      開催地:World Forum, Den Haag, The Netherlands  


    • 薄膜イオンダイオードを指向した液晶ブロック共重合体の設計と多孔質薄膜化 国際会議

      森本虎太郎, 石﨑裕也, 永野修作,

      第24回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2023年7月1日 





    • 液晶混合展開法によるドープされた疎水性導電性高分子単分子ネットワーク膜形成 国際会議

      原直希, 石﨑裕也, 永野修作,

      第24回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2023年7月1日 





    • 側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜における配向と熱拡散率 国際会議

      小林栞菜, 中島龍長, 石﨑裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野修作,

      第24回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2023年7月1日 





    • 高分子ナノシート積層体層間が形成する高速プロトン輸送チャネルに及ぼすアニール温度の影響 国際会議

      大毛瑞貴, 斎藤百々香, 長尾祐樹, 源明誠, 片桐洋史, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月26日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 分光学的手法を用いた両親媒性コポリマーの相分離構造解析 国際会議

      菊地真魚, 大毛瑞貴, 江部日南子, 永野修作, 西辻祥太郎, 松井淳,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月26日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 共役高分子単分子膜の精密集積と配向制御による分子間エネルギー移動 国際会議

      石崎 裕也, 大東 千紘, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月26日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 薄膜イオンダイオードの構築へ向けた液晶ブロック共重合体の合成と多孔質薄膜化 国際会議

      森本 虎太郎, 石崎 裕也, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 側鎖型スメクチック液晶高分子の薄膜における配向と熱拡散率 国際会議

      小林 栞菜, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 液晶混合展開法によるドープされた疎水性導電性高分子単分子膜と多層膜の調製 国際会議

      原 直希, 石崎 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 液晶混合展開法を用いた疎水性ポリチオフェンの金ナノ粒子複合単粒子膜多層膜の作製と電気伝導 国際会議

      松田 大海, 石﨑 裕也, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 自己ドープ型ポリチオフェンのリオトロピック液晶性と伝導特性 国際会議

      大西 質彬, 石﨑 裕也, 箭野 裕一, 奥崎 秀典, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 両親媒性液晶ブロック共重合体の膜厚に依存した面外配向と強ホメオトロピック配向性液晶ブロック鎖の開発 国際会議

      島田 真博, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月25日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • 高温液晶相を有する光応答性液晶ブロック共重合体の合成とミクロ相分離構造の光配向制御 国際会議

      鈴木 翔斗, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野修作,

      第72回高分子学会年次大会  2023年5月24日 



      開催地:Gメッセ群馬, 高崎  


    • Anisotropic Proton Transport in Acrylic Acid Containing Liquid Crystalline Polymer Thin Films

      Y. Ishizaki, K. Hirata, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano

      The 4 th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware  2022年12月14日 


      開催年月日: 2022年12月14日 - 2022年12月14日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

      開催地:Art Hotel Kokura New Tagawa, Fukuoka  


    • Thickness-dependent out-of-Plane Orientation Properties in LC azobenzene block copolymers with oligo ethylene glycol side-chain polymer block 国際会議

      島田 真博, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第32回日本MRS年次大会  2022年12月5日 


      開催年月日: 2022年12月5日 - 2022年12月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:産業貿易センタービル, 神奈川  


    • Induced highly ordered smectic phase in polymer blends and copolymer with heterogeneous mesogen 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第32回日本MRS年次大会  2022年12月5日 


      開催年月日: 2022年12月5日 - 2022年12月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:産業貿易センタービル, 神奈川  


    • Synthesis and photoalignment control of photoresponsive liquid crystal-POSS block copolymers with high liquid crystal temperature 国際会議

      鈴木 翔斗, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第32回日本MRS年次大会  2022年12月5日 


      開催年月日: 2022年12月5日 - 2022年12月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:産業貿易センタービル, 神奈川  


    • Photoresponsive Liquid Crystal Polymer Chains Exhibiting Random Planar Orientation and Their Application to In-plane Photoalignment for Microphase Separation Structure

      Shoto Suzuki, Yuya Ishizaki, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022)  2022年11月10日 


      開催年月日: 2022年11月10日 - 2022年11月10日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Induced highly ordered smectic phase in side-chain liquid crystalline copolymers and polymer blends with heterogeneous mesogenic interactions

      T. Nakajima, N. Hida, T. Seki, S. Nagano

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022)  2022年11月10日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2022年11月10日 - 2022年11月10日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Proton Conductive Liquid Crystalline Polymer Thin Films with Acrylic Acid Side Chains

      Y. Ishizaki, K. Hirata, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano

      36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022)  2022年11月9日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2022年11月9日 - 2022年11月9日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

      開催地:JR Hotel Clement Tokushima, Japan  


    • アクリル酸側鎖有する液晶性ランダム共重合体薄膜のプロトン伝導性 国際会議

      石﨑 裕也, 平田 和也, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      2022年日本液晶学会討論会  2022年9月14日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月14日 - 2022年9月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • オリゴエチレングリコール側鎖ブロックとアゾベンゼン側鎖ブロックを有する液晶ブロック共重合体の膜厚に依存した面外配向性 国際会議

      島田 真博, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      2022年日本液晶学会討論会  2022年9月14日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月14日 - 2022年9月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダムプレーナー配向を示す光応答性側鎖型液晶ブロックコポリマーの調製と光配向 国際会議

      廣瀬 陸, 肥田 直己, 小林 未歩, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      2022年日本液晶学会討論会  2022年9月14日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月14日 - 2022年9月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 2元系異種メソゲン側鎖基の共重合および高分子ブレンドによるハイブリッド液晶相の誘起 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      2022年日本液晶学会討論会  2022年9月14日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月14日 - 2022年9月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダム共重合化による側鎖型液晶高分子のプレーナー配向および高温液晶相の 発現とPOSSブロック共重合体の光配向制御 国際会議

      鈴木 翔斗, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      2022年日本液晶学会討論会  2022年9月14日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月14日 - 2022年9月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アクリル酸側鎖を有する液晶性高分子薄膜のプロトン伝導性 国際会議

      石﨑 裕也, 平田 和也, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月7日 - 2022年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

      開催地:北海道大学, 北海道  


    • 側鎖型液晶共重合体および高分子ブレンドにおける異種メソゲン間相互作用によるスメクチックE相の誘起 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 石﨑 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 自己ドープ型ポリチオフェンのリオトロピック液晶性と配向膜の作製 国際会議

      大西 質彬, 箭野 裕一, 奥崎 秀典, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日 


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶混合展開法を用いた疎水性ポリチオフェンの単分子膜および金ナノ粒子複合膜 国際会議

      松田大海, 石崎裕也, 永野修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 異種メソゲン側鎖型液晶高分子ブレンドによる ハイブリッド液晶相の発現と光相分離 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 石崎 裕也, 原 光生, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  

      開催地:北海道大学, 北海道  


    • 面外配向性の異なる光応答性側鎖型液晶高分子の調製とミクロ相分離の光配向への応用 国際会議

      島田真博, 石崎裕也, 原光生, 関隆広, 永野修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダムプレーナー配向を示す光応答性液晶高分子を有するブロック共重合体の調製と光配向 国際会議

      鈴木翔斗, 石崎裕也, 原光生, 関隆広, 永野修作

      第71回高分子討論会  2022年9月5日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年9月5日 - 2022年9月5日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:北海道大学, 北海道  


    • Photoalignment of random planer orientated photoresponsive liquid crystalline block copolymers with organic-inorganic hybrid structure

      Shoto Suzuki, Naoki Hida, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      Radtech Asia 2022  2022年8月25日  RadTech


      開催年月日: 2022年8月25日 - 2022年8月25日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:つくば国際会議場, 茨城  


    • アゾベンゼン高分子薄膜表面にて誘起される高次液晶相 国際会議

      河上 知良, 滝島 啓介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月26日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月26日 - 2022年5月26日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • スメクチック液晶性ラメラ構造を形成する高分子薄膜の光配向とプロトン伝導異方性 国際会議

      平田和也、Wang Fangfang、長尾 佑樹、末次 輝太、永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月26日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2022年5月26日 - 2022年5月26日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 主鎖が異なる側鎖型液晶高分子ブレンドによるハイブリッド相の誘起 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月25日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月25日 - 2022年5月25日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • エーテル結合をスペーサーに導入した側鎖型液晶高分子の液晶相と液晶構造 国際会議

      島田 真博, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月25日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月25日 - 2022年5月25日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子のランダム共重合で誘起される高次液晶相のスペーサー長の検討 国際会議

      渋谷 優真, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月25日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月25日 - 2022年5月25日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 高温液晶相を示すランダムプレーナー配向性光応答性側鎖型液晶コポリマーの調製と光配向 国際会議

      廣瀬 陸, 小林 未歩, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月25日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月25日 - 2022年5月25日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 光応答性側鎖型液晶高分子相溶系ブレンドの光制御 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第71回高分子年次大会  2022年5月25日 


      開催年月日: 2022年5月25日 - 2022年5月25日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Introducing proton conductivity to an azobenzene side-chain liquid crystalline polymer and photoalignment 国際会議

      Kazuya Hirata, Fangfang Wang, Yuki Nagao, Shusaku Nagano

      The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting (2022)  2022年3月23日  日本化学会


      開催年月日: 2022年3月23日 - 2022年3月23日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • Induced random planar orientation of liquid crystalline copolymer with amphiphilic side-chains by surface segregation of block copolymer 国際会議

      平田 和也, Wang fangfang, 長尾 祐樹, 永野 修作

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photocontrol of compatible and incompatible phases in photoresponsive side-chain liquid crystalline polymer blends 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Effect of spacer lengths on appearance of the highly ordered Smectic phases by random copolymerization in side-chain liquid crystalline polymers with binary mesogens 国際会議

      渋谷 優真, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Induced highly ordered smectic phase in binary polymer blends of liquid crystal polymers with different spacers 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Induction of anisotropic mass transfer by controlling liquid crystal orientation and mass transfer direction 国際会議

      金津 怜央奈, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Appearances of highly ordered smectic phase by mixing heterogeneous mesogens i n side chain liquid crystal polysiloxane 国際会議

      肥田 直己, 中島 龍長, 小久保 伎, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第31回日本MRS年次大会  2021年12月14日  日本MRS


      開催年月日: 2021年12月14日 - 2021年12月14日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Surface designs of side-chain liquid-crystalline polymer films by surface segregation 招待有り 国際会議

      永野 修作

      2021年ナノ構造・物性-ナノ機能・応用部会 合同シンポジウム  2021年12月2日 


      開催年月日: 2021年12月2日 - 2021年12月2日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  



    • Induced highly ordered smectic phases in side-chain liquid crystal polysiloxanes with binary mesogen mixtures by copolymerization and blending

      Naoki Hida, Tatsunaga Nakajima, Takumi Kokubo, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Anisotropic SRG formation systems in monoaxially oriented liquid crystalline polymer films

      Reona Kanazu, Mitsuo Hara, Syusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Lyotropic liquid crystal property and organized structure in sulfonated polyimide thin films with oligooxyethylene side chains

      Yuze Yao, Miaomiao Liu, Hayato Watanabe, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Induced smectic E phase in binary polymer blends of in side-chain liquid crystal polymers

      Tatsunaga Nakajima, Naoki Hida, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Proton conductive side-chain liquid crystalline polymer system and photoalignment

      Kazuya Hirata, Wang Fangfang, Yuki Nagao, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Effect of spacer length on induced SmE phase in side-chain liquid crystalline copolymers by random copolymerization

      Yuma Shibuya, Naoki Hida, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoinduced phase transition of compatible polymer blends of side-chain liquid crystalline polymers containing azobenzene mesogens

      Takumi Kokubo, Tatsunaga Nakajima, Naoki Hida, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021)  2021年10月29日  応用物理学会


      開催年月日: 2021年10月29日 - 2021年10月29日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Designed surfaces of side-chain liquid-crystalline polymer films by surface segregation 招待有り 国際会議

      永野 修作

      2021年高分子コロキウム  2021年10月2日 


      開催年月日: 2021年10月2日 - 2021年10月2日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  



    • 液晶性高分子薄膜の表面にて形成される高次液晶相 国際会議

      河上知良, 滝島啓介, 原 光生, 永野修作, 関 隆広

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月16日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月16日 - 2021年9月16日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • カラミチックーディスコチック双液晶性アルコキシアゾベンゼンートリフェニレンエステル結合体のUV光照射下の液晶相転移 国際会議

      中村啓人, 真田ひかる, 北川剛史, 田中大介, 古市真梨, 原 光生, 永野修作, 関 隆広, 河合 壯, 服部陽平, 内田欣吾, 清水 洋

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • モノマー単位にジアンモニウム塩をもつ直鎖状ポリシロキサンの湿度応答液晶相 国際会議

      児玉篤樹, 鷲山祥平, 原 光生, 永野修作, 関 隆広

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子ブレンドによるハイブリッド液晶相のスペーサーの効果 国際会議

      中島龍長, 肥田直己, 関 隆広, 永野修作

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダムプレーナー配向性側鎖型液晶高分子ブロック共重合体の調製と光配向 国際会議

      廣瀬 陸, 肥田直己, 関 隆広, 永野修作

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶高分子ハイブリッドの相溶系―非相溶系光スイッチング 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島龍長, 肥田直己, 関 隆広, 永野修作

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • オリゴオキシエチレン側鎖を有するスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜におけるリオト ロピック液晶性とプロトン伝導 国際会議

      姚 禹澤, Liu Miaomiao, 渡邉隼人, 原 光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹

      2021年日本液晶学会討論会  2021年9月15日  日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月15日 - 2021年9月15日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶性アゾベンゼン高分子薄膜における温度に依存した光物質移動方向 国際会議

      金津 怜央奈, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 異種メソゲンの混合による誘起スメクチック相の発現と液晶配向 国際会議

      肥田 直己, 中島 龍長, 小久保 伎, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 異種メソゲンのランダム共重合化にて発現する側鎖型液晶性高分子の誘起液晶相の構造解析 国際会議

      渋谷 優真, 肥田 直己, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • プロトン伝導性液晶高分子を志向したアゾベンゼンメソゲン-アクリル酸共重合体の液晶構造 国際会議

      平田 和也, 末次輝太, Wang Fangfang, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子ブレンドによるハイブリッド液晶相の発現と構造解析 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 光応答性側鎖型液晶高分子ブレンドの相溶-非相溶スイッチング 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子討論会  2021年9月7日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年9月7日 - 2021年9月7日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoresponsive liquid crystalline polymer brush via block copolymer surface segregation in a binary mixture film

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Shusaku Nagano

      The 38th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology  2021年6月15日 


      開催年月日: 2021年6月15日 - 2021年6月15日

      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • アゾベンゼンを側鎖に有するポリ(置換メチレン)のキャラクタリゼーション 国際会議

      河上 知良, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 寄本 佳孝, 下元 浩晃, 井原 栄治, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 吸湿性官能基を導入したメソポーラスシリカ薄膜の調製 国際会議

      児玉 篤樹, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 配向した液晶性アゾベンゼン高分子膜による異方的な光誘起物質現象 国際会議

      金津 怜央奈, 北村 一晟, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼンメソゲンを含む側鎖型液晶高分子の相溶系ブレンドの光相転移 国際会議

      小久保 伎, 中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 異種メソゲンのランダム共重合化による高次スメクチック相の誘起 国際会議

      渋谷 優真, 牛久 知佳, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶高分子ブレンドによるスメクチック E 相の誘起 国際会議

      中島 龍長, 肥田 直己, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子へのプロトン伝導性の付与と光配向 国際会議

      平田 和也, 末次 輝太, Wang Fangfang, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野修作

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月28日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月28日 - 2021年5月28日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • コポリマー化およびポリマーブレンドによる異種メソゲンを混合した液晶性ポリシロキサンの高秩序液晶相の誘起 国際会議

      肥田 直己, 中島 龍長, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第70回高分子学会年次大会  2021年5月27日  高分子学会


      開催年月日: 2021年5月27日 - 2021年5月27日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 高分子薄膜の表面エンジニアリング 招待有り 国際会議

      永野 修作

      高分子鎖デザインがもたらすポリマーサイエンスの再創造 ~ 進化する高分子材料表面・界面制御 Advanced  2021年3月11日 


      開催年月日: 2021年3月11日 - 2021年3月11日

      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  



    • 高プロトン伝導性スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における半脂環式主鎖と組織構造の検討

      長尾祐樹, 高倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2021年 


      開催年月日: 2021年 - 2021年


    • オリゴオキシエチレン側鎖を有するスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜におけるリオトロピック液晶性とプロトン伝導

      姚 禹澤, Liu Miaomiao, 渡邉 隼人, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 長尾 祐樹

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集  2021年  一般社団法人 日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年 - 2021年



    • サーモトロピック液晶性とプロトン伝導性を両立するアゾベンゼン高分子の調製と光配向

      平田 和也, Wang Fangfang, 長尾 祐樹, 関 隆広, 永野 修作

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集  2021年  一般社団法人 日本液晶学会


      開催年月日: 2021年 - 2021年



    • 光応答性液晶高分子へのプロトン伝導性付与と配向スイッチング

      末次輝太, 原光生, 関隆広, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作

      繊維学会予稿集  2019年6月5日 


      開催年月日: 2019年6月5日 - 2019年6月5日



    • Influence of Organized Structure and High Proton Conduction by Hydrophobic Group Introduction in Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films

      NAGAO Yuki, TANAKA Teppei, SUETSUGU Kota, HARA Mitsuo, NAGANO Shusaku

      日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2019年3月1日 


      開催年月日: 2019年3月1日 - 2019年3月1日



    • Effect of alkyl side chain lengths on organized structure and proton transport in sulfonated polyimide thin films

      HONBO Tetsuya, ONO Yutaro, SUETSUGU Kota, HARA Mitsuo, NAGANO Shusaku, NAGAO Yuki

      日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2019年3月1日 


      開催年月日: 2019年3月1日 - 2019年3月1日



    • Influence of humidity for the Layer‐by‐layer film growth of MOFs

      MATSUZAWA Toshitaka, SUETSUGU Kota, HARA Mitsuo, NAGANO Shusaku, NAGAO Yuki

      日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2019年3月1日 


      開催年月日: 2019年3月1日 - 2019年3月1日



    • 導電性高分子薄膜の分子配向構造の 深さ方向解析 招待有り 国際会議


      第2回 シンクロトロン光産業利用セミナー  2019年1月28日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  



    • 高プロトン伝導性半脂環式スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜におけるリオトロピック液晶性と組織構造

      YAO Yuze, 渡邉隼人, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹

      日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2019年 


      開催年月日: 2019年 - 2019年


    • POSS側鎖とアゾベンゼン側鎖からなるランダム共重合体の高秩序スメクチック相 国際会議


      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 液晶アゾベンゼン側鎖とオリゴメチルメタクリレート側鎖を持つブラシ型ランダム共重合体の液晶性とラメラ構造 国際会議

      東 瞭太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • キラル部位を有するアゾベンゼン液晶ブロックコポリマーの光配向挙動 国際会議

      上田 茉莉菜, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶高分子薄膜上で形成される光クレーター挙動 国際会議

      大石 和明, 北村 一晟, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 水溶性ポリシロキサンにおけるリオトロピック液晶のオンデマンド相転移と光固定化 国際会議

      飯島 雄太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 光応答性液晶基とアクリル酸が形成するヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造の配向制御とプロトン伝導性 国際会議

      末次 輝太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶基および液晶基を有するスメクチック液晶ランダム共重合体によって誘起される距離秩序ヘテロラメラ構造 国際会議

      滝島 啓介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 自己集合形成する液晶性高分子高密度ブラシ構造の高分子賦形表面への導入 国際会議

      向井 孝次, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第28回日本MRS年次大会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶高分子へのプロトン伝導性付与と配向スイッチング 招待有り 国際会議


      表面技術協会 関東支部 第95回講演会  2018年12月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

      開催地:信州大学 国際科学イノベーションセンター  


    • Photoinduced Mass Transfer by the Surface Tension Difference Fabricated by Inkjet Printing on Polymer Films

      Issei Kitamura, Kazuaki Oishi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      The 12th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2018)  2018年12月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Alignment and morphology inductions of liquid crystalline polymer films commanded from the free surface

      Takahiro Seki, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano

      The 12th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2018)  2018年12月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 光応答性液晶基とアクリル酸からなるランダム共重合体が形成する長距離秩序スメクチック相の配向制御とプロトン伝導度

      末次輝太, 後藤陵介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広

      中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会講演予稿集  2018年11月3日 


      開催年月日: 2018年11月3日 - 2018年11月3日



    • 表面・界面から考える液晶性高分子の配向構造 招待有り 国際会議


      第12回超分子若手懇談会  2018年10月11日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

      開催地:ゆのくに天祥, 加賀市, 石川  


    • 調湿下のプロトン伝導性高分子薄膜の構造 ~中性子反射率測定と斜入射X線散乱測定~ 招待有り 国際会議


      CROSS 第2回調湿環境下ポリマーサイエンス研究会  2018年10月1日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

      開催地:八重洲 東京  


    • Surface and interface designs of side-chain liquid-crystalline polymer films for photoalignment by block copolymer surface segregation 招待有り 国際会議

      Shusaku Nagano

      18th International Symposium on Advanced Organic Photomics(ISAOP-18)  2018年9月25日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  



    • スメクチック液晶側鎖とかご型シロキサン側鎖を持つランダム共重合体の長距離秩序ラメラ構造の発現と配向制御 国際会議

      永野 修作, 永井 美帆, 原 光生, 関 隆広

      第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2018年9月18日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 自己集合形成する液晶性高分子高密度ブラシ膜の高分子賦形構造表面への導入 国際会議

      向井 孝次, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 藪 浩, 関 隆広

      第67回高分子討論会  2018年9月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 高分子薄膜上の微細インクジェット描画パターンを起点とする表面誘起物質移動現象 国際会議

      北村 一晟, 大石 和明, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第67回高分子討論会  2018年9月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 湿度応答性ポリシロキサンを利用した有機無機複合膜中のリオトロピック液晶相制御 国際会議

      原 光生, 折戸 大輝, 脇谷 尚幸, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第67回高分子討論会  2018年9月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 高プロトン伝導性スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における構造規則性と分子量の相関

      長尾祐樹, 小野祐太朗, 高倉健作, 後藤崚介, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆

      応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)  2018年9月5日 


      開催年月日: 2018年9月5日 - 2018年9月5日



    • Vertical Orientation of Organic-Inorganic Mesostructures via CubicCylinder Phase Transition

      Mitsuo Hara, Yuko Kama, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Construction of composite liquid crystalline polymer brushes by surface segregation and self-assembly of amphiphilic copolymers

      Bingie Wang, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Fixation of Humidity-Responsive Azobenzene Aggregates

      Yuta Iijima, Mitsuo Hara, Nagano Shusaku, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Long-range Ordered Lamellar Structure Induced by Hetero Smectic LC Random Copolymers with Mesogenic and Non-mesogenic Side Chain

      Keisuke Takishima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Hetero-Smectic Structure of Random Copolymers with Azobenzene and Oligo(Methyl Methacrylate) Side Chains

      Ryota Higashi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoinduced Cratering Behavior Formed on Liquid Crystalline (LC) Polymer Thin Film

      Kazuaki Oishi, Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Unique Wettability of Humidity-Sensitive Polysiloxane Ultrathin Film

      Yuuma Ueno, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Thermochromic behavior and the degree of crystallinity for P3HT nanoparticles by reprecipitation

      Kota Suetsugu, Ryosuke Goto, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Considerations of Photoreorientation Behaviors in Photoresponsive LC Block Copolymer Thin Films with Molecular Chirality

      Marina Ueda, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Sek

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Orientation control azobenzene cyanobiphenyl higher ordering smectic phase photoresponsive liquid crystal polymer

      Ryota Imanishi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • High-density polymer brushes via surface segregation of liquid-crystalline azobenzene block copolymers

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoinduced Crater Pattern by the Surface Tension Difference Fabricated by Inkjet Printing on Photoresponsive Liquid Crystalline Polymer

      Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018)  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 側鎖型液晶性高分子のランダム共重合体により発現する高秩序構造 国際会議

      永野 修作, 永井 美帆, 今西 亮太, 原 光生, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • キラリティを導入したアモルファス-液晶ブロック共重合体薄膜における光再配向挙動 国際会議

      上田 茉莉菜, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼンモノマーとアクリル酸のランダム共重合体が形成するヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造の配向制御とプロトン伝導度 国際会議

      末次 輝太, 後藤 崚介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダム共重合化により発現する長距離秩序ヘテロスメクチック構造 国際会議

      滝島 啓介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶アゾベンゼン側鎖とオリゴメチルメタクリレート側鎖をもつブラシ型ランダム共重合体の合成と液晶ラメラ構造 国際会議

      東 瞭太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 異なる配向性を有するメソゲンの共重合化による光応答性液晶高分子の液晶高次構造の発現と配向制御 国際会議

      今西 亮太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      2018年日本液晶学会討論会  2018年9月4日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における主鎖剛直性とプロトン伝導

      長尾祐樹, 高倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆

      高分子学会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2018年8月29日 


      開催年月日: 2018年8月29日 - 2018年8月29日



    • 吸湿性を有するアゾベンゼン誘導体薄膜の光配向制御と固定化 国際会議

      飯島雄太, 増田彩花, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      第165回東海高分子研究会講演会  2018年8月24日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:蒲郡市 鈴岡旅館  


    • ランダム共重合化により誘起される長距離秩序ヘテロスメクチック相 国際会議

      滝島啓介, 原光, 永野修作, 関隆広

      第165回東海高分子研究会講演会  2018年8月24日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:蒲郡市 鈴岡旅館  


    • 液晶アゾベンゼン側鎖とオリゴメチルメタクリレート側鎖を持つランダム共重合体の液晶性とラメラ構造 国際会議

      東瞭太, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広

      第165回東海高分子研究会講演会  2018年8月24日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:蒲郡市 鈴岡旅館  


    • Photoinduced cratering behavior in liquid crystalline polymer heterointerfaces

      Kazuaki Oishi, Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • High-density polymer brush formation by surface segregation and self-assembly of liquid-crystalline block copolymer

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Orientation in SCLC random copolymers composed of different orientation mesogens and utilization to free surface command system

      Ryota Imanishi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoinduced Crater Pattern by the Surface Heterostructure Fabricated by Inkjet Printing on Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films

      Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Hetero-Smectic Structure of Random Copolymers with Azobenzene and Oligo(Methyl Methacrylate) Side Chains

      Ryota Higashi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Consideration of optical reorientation behavior of photoresponsive LC block copolymer with chirality

      Marina Ueda, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Sek

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Long-range Ordered Hetero Lamellar Structure Induced by Random Copolymers with Mesogenic and Non-mesogenic Side Chain

      Keisuke Takishima, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoalighnment and Proton Conductivity of Hetero-Smectic Lamellar Structure of LC Random Copolymer with Azobenzene monomer and acrylic acid

      Kota Suetsugu, Ryosuke Goto, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018)  2018年7月22日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Perparation of P3HT nanoparticles and the composite films with n-type organic semiconductor

      Kota Suetsugu, Mitsuo Hara, ShusakuNagano, Akito Masuhara, Takahiro Seki

      22th International Symposion Advanced Display Materials and Devices (ADMD2018)  2018年7月11日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoorientation behaviors of liquid crystalline azobenzene block copolymers with chrality

      Marina Ueda, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      22th International Symposion Advanced Display Materials and Devices (ADMD2018)  2018年7月11日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • Photoinduced Crater Pattern by the Surface Heterostructure Fabricated by Inkjet Printing on Photoresponsive Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films

      Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      The 3rd International Conference on Photoalignment and Photopatterning in Soft Materials (PhoSM 2018)  2018年6月11日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:Tampere, Finland  


    • Orientation in SCLC random copolymers composed of two contrasting orientation mesogens and utilization to free surface command system

      Ryota Imanishi, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      The 3rd International Conference on Photoalignment and Photopatterning in Soft Materials (PhoSM 2018)  2018年6月11日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:Tampere, Finland  


    • High-density polymer brush formation via surface segregation and self-assembly of liquid-crystalline block copolymer

      Koji Mukai, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      The 3rd International Conference on Photoalignment and Photopatterning in Soft Materials (PhoSM 2018)  2018年6月11日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

      開催地:Tampere, Finland  


    • Photoinduced crater pattern formation by surface heterostructure fabricated by inkjet printing on polymer films 国際会議

      Issei Kitamura, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • ランダム共重合により発現する長距離秩序スメクチック相 国際会議

      滝島 啓介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • メソゲンの共重合化による光応答性液晶高分子の液晶高次構造の発現と配向制御 国際会議

      今西 亮太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼンモノマーとアクリル酸のランダム共重合体のヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造の形成と光配向制御 国際会議

      末次 輝太, 後藤 峻介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 液晶高分子薄膜表面に形成した高分子ヘテロ細線の光クレーター形成挙動 国際会議

      大石 和明, 北村 一晟, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • キラルメソゲンを有する光応答性液晶高分子の光配向挙動 国際会議

      上田 茉莉菜, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼン側鎖とオリゴメチルメタクリレート側鎖をもつランダム共重合体の合成と液晶ラメラ構造 国際会議

      東 瞭太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • 吸湿性アゾベンゼン誘導体薄膜の調製と分子配向評価 国際会議

      増田 彩花, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 脱濡れした液晶性ブロック共重合体が高分子表面で形成するポリマーブラシ構造 国際会議

      向井 孝次, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      高分子学会年次大会  2018年5月23日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  



    • キラルメソゲンを有する光応答性液晶高分子の光配向挙動 国際会議

      上田 茉莉菜, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第22回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2018年5月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • 光応答性液晶高分子薄膜上のヘテロ界面での光有機クレーターパターン形成 国際会議

      北村 一晟, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第22回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2018年5月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼン側鎖とオリゴメチルメタクリレート側鎖をもつランダム共重合体の合成と液晶ラメラ構造 国際会議

      東 瞭太, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第22回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2018年5月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • ランダム共重合により発現する長距離秩序スメクチック相 国際会議

      滝島 啓介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第22回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2018年5月12日 


      記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



    • アゾベンゼンモノマーとアクリル酸からなるランダム共重合体のヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造の形成と光配向制御 国際会議

      末次 輝太, 後藤 峻介, 原 光生, 永野 修作, 関 隆広

      第22回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム  2018年5月12日 
