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クロサワ サヤカ
黒澤 彩
スポーツウエルネス学部 スポーツウエルネス学科
博士(スポーツ科学) ( 早稲田大学 )
  • 健康行動疫学

  • 学内職務経歴*
    • 2023年4月 - 現在 
      スポーツウエルネス学部   スポーツウエルネス学科   助教


    • ライフサイエンス / 栄養学、健康科学

    • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない

    • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む


    • 2023年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   スポーツウエルネス学部   助教


    • 2020年11月 - 2023年3月 
      早稲田大学   総合研究機構 アクティヴ・エイジング研究所   研究助手


    • 2020年6月 - 2020年11月 
      早稲田大学   スポーツ科学研究センター   研究助手



    • Cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index on metabolic syndrome in middle-aged Japanese adults under national health guidance: a cross-sectional study. 査読有り 国際誌

      Xiangyu Zhai, Susumu S Sawada, Sayaka Kurosawa, Sakura Koriyama, Serena A Dimitroff, Shinji Sato, Yuko Oguma, Yoshio Nakata, Kazushi Maruo, Motohiko Miyachi, Yuko Gando, Koichiro Oka, Duck-Chul Lee

      BMC public health24 ( 1 ) 2050 - 2050   2024年7月30日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      OBJECTIVES: Poor cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and high body mass index (BMI) increased the risk of developing metabolic Syndrome (MetS) mostly in Caucasians. However, the sex-specific combined association of CRF and BMI on MetS considering health-related behaviors has yet to be thoroughly examined in Japanese. This study aims to investigate the sex-specific independent and combined associations of CRF and BMI with MetS in middle-aged Japanese adults. METHODS: 421 participants were included in this cross-sectional study. CRF was estimated using a submaximal cycle ergometer. CRF and BMI were respectively divided into three categories according to tertile distribution. MetS was diagnosed based on five risk factors: waist circumference, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and fasting glucose. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to estimate independent and combined association of CRF and BMI with MetS. RESULTS: Results showed that 154 (57.5%) and 70 (45.8%) of men and women had MetS, respectively. Compared to men with lower CRF or higher BMI, men with middle and higher CRF or middle and lower BMI were less likely to have MetS. Compared with 'unfit and higher BMI' group, 'unfit and lower BMI', 'fit and higher BMI', and 'fit and lower BMI' groups in men showed statistically significant decreased prevalences of MetS. However, no significant associations were found in women. CONCLUSIONS: This study found significant independent and combined associations of CRF and BMI with MetS only in men, but not in women. However, prospective studies are warranted to confirm sex-specific associations of CRF and BMI with MetS.

      DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19544-0



    • Differences in Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Between Middle-Aged Men and Women in Japan: A Compositional Data Analysis. 査読有り 国際誌

      Shiho Amagasa, Shigeru Inoue, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Sayaka Kurosawa, Neville Owen, Koichiro Oka

      Journal of physical activity & health19 ( 7 ) 500 - 508   2022年7月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      BACKGROUND: Differences in accelerometer-measured sedentary behavior and different physical activity (PA) intensities between men and women have been poorly described. The authors examined gender differences in time-use activity composition and total volume of PA. METHODS: A cross-sectional mail survey was conducted from 2013 to 2015 with a randomized sample of 6000 middle-aged (40-64 y) community-dwelling Japanese adults living in urban and regional cities. Participants wore Active style Pro HJA-350IT on their waist for 7 consecutive days. Gender differences in activity time use was examined using compositional data analysis to control for time spent in all activity measures. RESULTS: In total, 757 participants (303 men, 52.3 [7.1] y) with valid data were included in the analysis. Women spent on average 12.6% less time in sedentary behavior and 23.4% more time in light-intensity PA than men, whereas no significant difference was found for moderate to vigorous PA. Women accumulated a significantly greater volume of PA than men (17.8 vs 15.0 metabolic equivalent of task h/d). CONCLUSIONS: Japanese middle-aged women showed higher levels of PA than men because they spent more time in light-intensity PA. Given the health benefits of light-intensity PA, evaluating only moderate to vigorous PA may lead to an underestimation of women's participation in PA.

      DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0098



    • Determinants of Resting Oxidative Stress in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men and Women: WASEDA'S Health Study. 査読有り 国際誌

      Takuji Kawamura, Kumpei Tanisawa, Ryoko Kawakami, Chiyoko Usui, Tomoko Ito, Hiroki Tabata, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Sayaka Kurosawa, Wonjun Choi, Sihui Ma, Zsolt Radak, Susumu S Sawada, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Kaori Ishii, Shizuo Sakamoto, Koichiro Oka, Mitsuru Higuchi, Isao Muraoka

      Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity2021   5566880 - 5566880   2021年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Previous studies have not investigated the determinants of resting oxidative stress, including physical fitness, as it relates to redox regulation. The present study therefore was aimed at identifying lifestyle and biological factors that determine resting oxidative stress, including objectively measured physical fitness. In 873 middle-aged and elderly men and women, age and anthropometric parameters, lifestyle-related parameters, medication and supplementation status, physical fitness, biochemical parameters, and nutritional intake status, as well as three plasma oxidative stress markers: protein carbonyl (PC), F2-isoprostane (F2-IsoP), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), were surveyed and measured. The determinants of PC, F2-IsoP, and TBARS in all participants were investigated using stepwise multiple regression analysis. In PC, age (β = -0.11, P = 0.002), leg extension power (β = -0.12, P = 0.008), BMI (β = 0.12, P = 0.004), and HDL-C (β = 0.08, P = 0.040) were included in the regression model (adjusted R 2 = 0.018). In the F2-IsoP, smoking status (β = 0.07, P = 0.060), BMI (β = 0.07, P = 0.054), and HbA1c (β = -0.06, P = 0.089) were included in the regression model (adjusted R 2 = 0.006). In TBARS, glucose (β = 0.18, P < 0.001), CRF (β = 0.16, P < 0.001), age (β = 0.15, P < 0.001), TG (β = 0.11, P = 0.001), antioxidant supplementation (β = 0.10, P = 0.002), and HbA1c (β = -0.13, P = 0.004) were included in the regression model (adjusted R 2 = 0.071). In conclusion, the present study showed that age, anthropometric index, lifestyle-related parameters, medication and supplementation status, objectively measured physical fitness, biochemical parameters, and nutritional intake status explain less than 10% of oxidative stress at rest.

      DOI: 10.1155/2021/5566880



    • Identifying typologies of diurnal patterns in desk-based workers' sedentary time. 査読有り 国際誌

      Sayaka Kurosawa, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Koichiro Oka

      PloS one16 ( 4 ) e0248304   2021年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      The purpose of this study was to identify typologies of diurnal sedentary behavior patterns and sociodemographic characteristics of desk-based workers. The sedentary time of 229 desk-based workers was measured using accelerometer devices. The within individual diurnal variations in sedentary time was calculated for both workdays and non-workdays. Diurnal variations in sedentary time during each time period (morning, afternoon, and evening) was calculated as the percentage of sedentary time during each time period divided by the percentage of the total sedentary time. A hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward's method) was used to identify the optimal number of clusters. To refine the initial clusters, a non-hierarchical cluster analysis (k-means method) was performed. Four clusters were identified: stable sedentary cluster (46.7%), off-morning break cluster (26.6%), off-afternoon break cluster (8.3%), and evening sedentary cluster (18.3%). The stable sedentary cluster had the lowest variations in sedentary time throughout the day and the highest amount of total sedentary time. Participants in the off-morning and off-afternoon break clusters had nearly the same sedentary patterns but took short-term breaks during non-workday mornings or afternoons. The evening sedentary cluster had a completely different pattern, with a longer sedentary time during the evening both on workdays and non-workdays. Sociodemographic attributes such as sex, household income, educational attainment, employment status, sleep duration, and residential area, differed significantly between groups. Initiatives to address desk-based workers' sedentary behavior need to focus not only on the workplace but also on the appropriate timing for reducing excessive sedentary time in non-work contexts depending on the characteristics and diurnal patterns of target subgroups.

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248304



    • Built environment correlates of objectively-measured sedentary behaviours in densely-populated areas. 査読有り 国際誌

      Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Sayaka Kurosawa, Akitomo Yasunaga, Tomoya Hanibuchi, Tomoki Nakaya, Suzanne Mavoa, Gavin R McCormack, Koichiro Oka

      Health & place66   102447 - 102447   2020年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Few studies examine associations between objectively-calculated neighbourhood built environment attributes and objectively-assessed sedentary behaviour in different geographical locations, especially in highly-populated environments. Additionally, no study, to our knowledge, has investigated associations between objective measures of neighbourhood built environment attributes and objectively-assessed sedentary behaviours in middle-aged adults, despite the fact that this is a critical stage of life when age-related functional decline begins. We examined the associations between neighbourhood built environment attributes with the total, and patterns of, objectively-assessed sedentary behaviours in a densely-populated area in Asia. Data from 866 adults (ages 40 to 64) living in Japan were included. Four classifications of sedentary behaviours, including daily total sedentary time, duration and number of long (≥30 min) sedentary bouts and breaks per sedentary hour, were estimated using hip-worn accelerometers. Individual (population density, availability of destinations, number of intersections, and distance to the nearest park) and composite (walkability and Walk Score®) neighbourhood built environment indices were calculated using geographic information systems. Covariate-adjusted multilevel linear mixed effects models were used to estimate the associations between the neighbourhood built environment attributes and sedentary behaviours. Population density and availability of destinations were positively associated with sedentary behaviours; however, the number of intersections was negatively associated with sedentary behaviours. No associations were observed between the distance to the nearest park and sedentary behaviours. There were positive associations between walkability and total sedentary time, and duration and the number of long sedentary bouts. Walk Score® was positively associated with total sedentary time and the number of long sedentary bouts. These findings suggest that urban design attributes supportive of walking (except for the number of intersections) may encourage sedentary behaviour among middle-aged adults living in densely-populated environments.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102447



    • Dog ownership and adults' objectively-assessed sedentary behaviour and physical activity. 査読有り 国際誌

      Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Sayaka Kurosawa, Akitomo Yasunaga, Tomoya Hanibuchi, Tomoki Nakaya, Gavin R McCormack, Koichiro Oka

      Scientific reports10 ( 1 ) 17487 - 17487   2020年10月15日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Evidence suggests a positive effect of dog ownership on physical activity. However, most previous studies used self-reported physical activity measures. Additionally, it is unknown whether owning a dog is associated with adults' sedentary behaviour, an emerging health risk factor. In this study, physical activity and sedentary behaviour were objectively collected between 2013 and 2015 from 693 residents (aged 40-64 years) living in Japan using accelerometer devices. Multivariable linear regression models were used, adjusted for several covariates. The means of total sedentary time and the number of long (≥ 30 min) sedentary bouts were 26.29 min/day (95% CI - 47.85, - 4.72) and 0.41 times/day (95% CI - 0.72, - 0.10) lower for those who owned a dog compared to those not owning a dog, respectively. Compared with non-owners, dog-owners had significantly higher means of the number of sedentary breaks (95% CI 0.14, 1.22), and light-intensity physical activity (95% CI 1.31, 37.51). No significant differences in duration of long (≥ 30 min) sedentary bouts, moderate, vigorous, and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity were observed between dog-owners and non-owners. A novel finding of this study is that owning a dog was associated with several types of adults' sedentary behaviours but not medium-to-high-intensity physical activities. These findings provide new insights for dog-based behavioural health interventions on the benefits of dog ownership for reducing sedentary behaviour.

      DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-74365-6



    • Accelerometer-Measured Diurnal Patterns of Sedentary Behavior among Japanese Workers: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study. 査読有り 国際誌

      Sayaka Kurosawa, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Koichiro Oka

      International journal of environmental research and public health17 ( 11 )   2020年5月27日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      Increased sedentary behavior (SB) can adversely affect health. Understanding time-dependent patterns of SB and its correlates can inform targeted approaches for prevention. This study examined diurnal patterns of SB and its sociodemographic associations among Japanese workers. The proportion of sedentary time (% of wear time) and the number of breaks in SB (times/sedentary hour) of 405 workers (aged 40-64 years) were assessed using an accelerometer. SB patterns and sociodemographic associations between each time period (morning, afternoon, evening) on workdays and nonworkdays were examined in a series of multivariate regression analyses, adjusting for other sociodemographic associations. On both workdays and nonworkdays, the proportion of sedentary time was lowest in the morning and increased towards evening (b = 12.95, 95% CI: 11.28 to 14.62; b= 14.31, 95% CI: 12.73 to 15.88), with opposite trend for breaks. Being male was consistently correlated with SB. Other sociodemographic correlates differed depending on time-of-day and day-of-the-week. For instance, desk-based workstyles and urban residential area were associated with SB during workday mornings and afternoons, being single was related to mornings and evenings, workdays and nonworkdays. Initiatives to address SB should focus not only on work-related but time-of-day contexts, especially for at-risk subgroups during each period.

      DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17113814



    • 成人における座位行動および身体活動の日内パターン-システマティックレビュー- 査読有り

      黒澤彩, 柴田愛, 石井香織, 澤田亨, 樋口満, 岡浩一朗

      運動疫学研究   2019年




    • Compositional Analysis of the Association between 24-hour Movement Behaviour and Loneliness and Happiness in Japanese Adults

      Liu Y., Shibata A., Ishii K., Kurosawa S., Oka K.

      4th Asia-Pacific Physical Activity Conference   2024年11月


    • Workers’ 24-hour movement behaviours and musculoskeletal pain

      Liu Y., Shibata A., Ishii K., Kurosawa S., Oka K.

      第83回日本公衆衛生学会総会   2024年10月


    • 健康づくりのための身体活動・運動ガイド2023」の推奨事項遵守に関連する自宅近隣環境要因

      黒澤彩, 石井香織, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗

      第26回日本運動疫学会学術総会   2024年6月


    • Reliability of a newly developed cycle ergometer for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness

      Susumu S. Sawada, Serena A. Dimitroff, Fumi Sano, Yuki Nakazawa, Xiangyu Zhai, Sakura Koriyama, Sayaka Kurosawa

      2023 ACSM Annual Meeting & World Congresses   2023年6月


    • The Joint Association Of Physical Activity And Sedentary Behavior With Cardiorespiratory Fitness In Middle-aged Japanese: KZS Study

      Zhai, Xiangyu, Sawada, Susumu S., Kurosawa, Sayaka, Koriyama, Sakura, Dimitroff, Serena A., Moniwa, Yoshihide, Oka, Koichiro, Oguma, Yuko, Sato, Shinji, Maruo, Kazushi, Nakata, Yoshio, Miyachi, Motohiko, Gando, Yuko, Lee, I-Min, Sui, Xuemei

      2023 ACSM Annual Meeting & World Congresses   2023年5月


    • Sports fans and subjective happiness: a cross-sectional study in Japan

      Hirayama Reo, Susumu S. Sawada, Kohei Kawashima, Masaki Nishida, Kumpei, Tanisawa, Chiyoko Usui, Keita Kinoshita, Ryoko Kawakami, Sayaka Kurosawa, Xiangyu Zhai, Sakura Koriyama, Dimitroff A. Serena, Hirotaka Matsuoka

      2023 ACSM Annual Meeting & World Congresses   2023年5月


    • 予防・健康づくりに関する大規模実証事業の結果に基づく女性の健康に関わるエビデンス構築に係る研究 標準的な運動プログラムの効果検証

      澤田亨, 岡浩一朗, 小熊祐子, 丸藤祐子, 佐藤真治, 下光輝一, 丸尾和司, 中田由夫, 宮地元彦, 黒澤彩

      予防・健康づくりに関する大規模実証事業の結果に基づく女性の健康に関わるエビデンス構築に係る研究 令和4年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)   2023年


    • 厚生労働省大規模実証事業(健康増進施設研究)の概要


      日本体力医学会特別大会 2023東京シンポジウム   2023年


    • 「健康スポーツ医と健康増進施設の連携」 健康増進施設認定制度の概要

      黒澤 彩

      第41回日本臨床運動療法学会学術集会41回   35 - 35   2022年9月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本臨床運動療法学会  


    • 身体活動ガイドライン改定の方向性と内容 認知度調査と全身持久力以外の体力の基準及び新たな分野の基準作成レビュー班の取り組み

      澤田 亨, 原田 和弘, 門間 陽樹, 川上 諒子, 本田 貴紀, 松下 宗洋, 武田 典子, 黒澤 彩, 郡山 さくら, Sloan Robert A.

      第76回日本体力医学会71 ( 1 ) 18 - 18   2022年2月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本体力医学会  



    • Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of adults’ “couch potatoes” and “weekend warriors”

      Sayaka Kurosawa, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Susumu S. Sawada, Koichiro Oka

      American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting   2022年


    • 日本人における自覚的体力および主観的健康度と主観的幸福度の関係:横断研究

      郡山さくら, SERENA Dimitroff, 長阪裕子, 澤田亨, ZHAI Xiangyu, 茂庭佳秀, 黒澤彩

      日本疫学会学術総会講演集(Web)32nd   2022年


    • 標準的な運動プログラムの効果検証とその普及

      黒澤 彩, 澤田 亨

      第40回日本臨床運動療法学会学術集会40回   40 - 40   2021年9月


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本臨床運動療法学会  


    • 余暇身体活動と自覚的職業性ストレス保有率:日本人労働者を対象としたマルチレベル分析

      郡山さくら, 澤田亨, てき向宇, 黒澤彩, 浜谷啓三, 下光輝一

      日本臨床運動療法学会誌22 ( 1 )   2021年


    • 就労者の座位行動は1日のどの時間帯に蓄積されるのか?

      Kurosawa Sayaka, Shibata Ai, Ishii Kaori, Oka Koichiro

      第74 回 日本体力医学会大会8 ( 6 ) 374 - 374   2019年




    • 時間運動学に基づくうつ予防のために最適な座位行動・身体活動パターンの解明

      黒澤彩, 柴田愛, 石井香織, 岡浩一朗

      若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書 ( 34 )   2019年




    • 運動施設における運動指導の身体活動促進効果を規定する要因の解明

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 

      黒澤 彩


      2021年8月 - 2023年3月


      配分額:2730000円 ( 直接経費:2100000円 、 間接経費:630000円 )



    • 時間運動学に基づくうつ予防のために最適な座位行動・身体活動パターンの解明

      公益財団法人明治安田厚生事業団  第34 回若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成 


      2017年 - 2019年

