critical thinking
children's literature
young learners
English Language Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
English Language Teaching
teacher training
2023年4月 - 現在外国語教育研究センター 特任教授
2025/01/10 更新
critical thinking
children's literature
young learners
English Language Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
English Language Teaching
teacher training
Book Review: Jane Spiro and Amos Paran Becoming a Reading Teacher: Connecting Research and Practice 招待有り 査読有り
Alison Hasegawa
Children’s Literature in English Language Education (2024)12 ( 2 ) 102 - 105 2024年11月
Connecting Learners to Literature through Critical Thinking and Creativity 査読有り
Mary Hillis, Luke Draper, Alison Hasegawa, Martin Sedagha
Opening Windows to the World: Developing Children's Intercultural Understanding through Picturebooks in Japan 査読有り
Alison Hasegawa Emily MacFarlane Martin Sedagha, Karen Masatsugu
CLELE Journal10 ( 2 ) 2022年11月
Exploring the Power and the Potential of Interactive Picturebook Read-Alouds in the E.F.L. Classroom.
Alison Hasegawa
Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education56 2022年1月
Recommended Resource: Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT) Mini e-Lessons 招待有り 査読有り
Alison Hasegawa
CLELE Journal9.1 2021年
Using Picture Books to Engage and Inspire Young Learners, HASEGAWA Alison, et al. (2020) 査読有り
The Language Teacher44 ( 4 ) 35 - 38 2020年
Picture Book Resources 査読有り
Alison Nemoto
Younger Learners SIG publication: The School House27 ( 2 ) 2019年12月
Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT) - Reviews 招待有り 査読有り
Alison Nemoto
YLT SIG Teaching for Tomorrow Today, TEYLT Worldwide (IATEFL)2 68 - 70 2019年6月
Getting Ready for 2020: Changes and Challenges for English Education in Public Primary Schools in Japan 招待有り 査読有り
Alison Nemoto
The Language Teacher42 ( 4 ) 33 - 35 2018年7月
An Action Research Study Examining Primary School Pupils’ Opinions on Completing a Self-Reflection Card in English Class.
Alison Nemoto
Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education English Department9 55 - 64 2017年
Examining pupils’ image of English, before and after short storytelling sessions, in a Japanese primary school.
Alison Nemoto
Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education51 2017年1月
「梨の花プロジェクト」 ボランティアプログラム ・成果と課題
4 75 - 83 2016年3月
Putting an Active Learning Approach into Practice: The case study of a primary school English classroom in Japan.
Alison Nemoto
Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education50 2016年1月
‘From Teacher to Teacher Trainer: The Rewards of Professional Development,’ 査読有り
Alison Nemoto
Teacher Education & Development SIG Journal22 ( 2 ) 2015年
‘Categorizing Syllabus Changes for English Education in the Japanese Primary School Against Standard Models for Syllabus Design,’
Alison Nemoto
Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education English Department8 2015年
梨の花プロジェクトOkuma & M.U.E. Friendship Programme
1 45 - 53 2013年3月
鈴木渉, 西原哲雄( 担当: 分担執筆)
開拓者 2019年7月 ( ISBN:9784758922739 )
はじめての小学校外国語活動実践ガイドブック : 新学習指導要領対応 : 中学年用
大城, 賢, 萬谷, 隆一
開隆堂出版,開隆館出版販売 (発売) 2017年11月 ( ISBN:9784304051609 )
小学校英語早わかり実践ガイドブック : 新学習指導要領対応 : 高学年用
大城, 賢, 萬谷, 隆一
開隆堂出版,開隆館出版販売 (発売) 2017年7月 ( ISBN:9784304051593 )
Looking at Social Issues Through the Lens of the Picturebook
Alison Hasegawa
Tohoku ELT EXPO 2024年12月8日
Creating a Curriculum for Social-Emotional Learning (K1-K3)
Alison Hasegawa
JALT International Conference - Shizuoka 2024年11月16日
Enhancing the Use of Paper Picturebooks about Social Issues with Web-based Resources.
Alison Hasegawa
iTELL (Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) 2024年7月3日
Picturebooks as Learning Resources – providing ‘windows’ and ‘mirrors’ for young learners and young adults.
Alison Hasegawa
DIELE (Diversity in English Language Education) Conference 2024年5月12日
Questioning Techniques and Activities to Increase Cognitive and Emotional Engagement During an Interactive Picturebook Read-Aloud.
Alison Hasegawa
Thai TESOL 2024 - Chiang Mai 2024年1月27日
Social-Emotional Learning Through a Picturebook Read-Aloud Project with Young Learners
Alison Hasegawa
Thai TESOL 2024 - Chiang Mai 2024年1月27日
絵本の力で現在社会を変化することは可能でしょうか? 招待有り
外国語による総合系科目(F科目)の成果と課題 招待有り
立教大学2023年度全カリシンポジウム 2023年12月6日
全国語学教育学会(JALT) つくば市国際学会 2023年11月26日
全国語学教育学会(JALT) つくば市国際学会 2023年11月26日
Social-Emotional learning Through Picturebooks 招待有り
Alison Hasegawa
Tokyo Association of International Preschools Conference - Roppongi, Tokyo. 2023年10月14日
Using picturebooks effectively in English classes 招待有り
Alison Hasegawa
Miyagi University of Education, Sendai. 2023年10月11日
Social-Emotional Learning Through Picturebooks for Young Learners
Alison Hasegawa, Martin Sedagha
JALT Pan SIG Conference in Kyoto 2023年5月13日
Opening the Door to Learners’ Creativity Through Picturebooks and Poetry. 招待有り
Alison Hasegawa
Niigata University’s NEAR Conference 2021年8月
Enhancing the Emotional Wellbeing of Young Learners and Teachers Through Storytelling 招待有り
Alison Hasegawa & Chiyuki Yanase
National Geographic Learning and Cengage’s Young Learner Online Seminar 2021年3月
An introduction to Interactive Storytelling Techniques for All Ages 招待有り
Alison Hasegawa
Yamagata JALT Chapter Meeting 2021年2月
5 Top Tips for Teachers of Young Learners
Sendai JALT Teaching Younger Learners Seminar 2020年6月
Storytelling: How to change the image of English 招待有り
Matsuyama JALT Chapter Meeting 2020年1月
New Techniques for Interactive and Dialogistic Storytelling.
Alison Hasegawa
ETJ Tokoku Expo 2019年12月
Using Picture Books to Engage and Inspire Learners
Alison Hasegawa, Karen Masatsugu, Chiyuki Yanase, Lesley Ito.
JALT National Conference in Nagoya 2019年11月
Assessment Issues and Options for English in Primary School
Private Schools of Tohoku Conference 2018年6月
2020 – A New Era for Japanese Primary School English Education.
Pan SIG Conference in Tokyo 2018年6月
Getting Ready for 2020 – A New Era for Japanese Primary School English Education.
Tohoku University’s Professional Development for English Language Teachers Seminar 2018年3月
Examining the advantages and disadvantages, of doing short presentations in groups in large classes
ETJ Tokoku Expo 2017年12月
Storytelling: How to change the image of English.
JALT National Conference in Tsukuba 2017年11月
Teaching English to young learners through the six senses.
Sendai JALT Mini-Conference 2017年9月
Creating simple plays for children
JALT Pan SIG Conference in Akita 2017年6月
Examining pupils’ image of English, before and after short storytelling sessions, in a Japanese primary school.
ETJ Tokoku Expo 2016年12月
Putting an Active Learning Approach into Practice: The case study of a primary school English classroom
JALT National Conference in Nagoya 2016年11月
Using picturebooks effectively in primary English classes
JES National Conference in Sendai 2016年7月
Storytelling as a Springboard for Primary English Classes
JALT Pan SIG Conference in Okinawa 2016年6月
Storytelling as a Springboard for Primary English Classes
Sojo University, Kumamoto, Teaching & Learning Forum 2016年2月
To Experience or Reflect on learning: Which Focus?
JALT National Conference in Shizuoka 2015年11月
The Struggles of Community Resettlement: Nashi no Hana Volunteer Project 2012-2015
JALT National Conference in Shizuoka 2015年6月
From Teacher to Teacher Trainer
JALT Teacher Journeys Conference 2015年6月
Using Picture Books in English Classes at Primary School 招待有り
JES National Conference in Okinawa 2013年7月