2024年4月 - 現在理学部 生命理学科 助教
2024/10/07 更新
ライフサイエンス / 分子生物学
The C-terminal disordered loop domain of Apc8 unlocks APC/C mitotic activation
Sarah Darling, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Kim Hou Chia, Juan Zou, Juri Rappsilber, Hiroyuki Yamano
Cell Reports43 ( 6 ) 114262 - 114262 2024年6月
CDK1-PP2A-B55 interplay ensures cell cycle oscillation via Apc1-loop300
Kim Hou Chia, Hiroko Takaki, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Sarah Darling, Juan Zou, Juri Rappsilber, Hiroyuki Yamano
Cell Reports43 ( 5 ) 114155 - 114155 2024年5月
Dynamic regulation of mitotic ubiquitin ligase APC/C by coordinated Plx1 kinase and PP2A phosphatase action on a flexible Apc1 loop. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hiroyuki Yamano
The EMBO journal40 ( 18 ) e107516 2021年9月15日
PP2A-B56 binds to Apc1 and promotes Cdc20 association with the APC/C ubiquitin ligase in mitosis. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hiroyuki Yamano
EMBO reports21 ( 1 ) e48503 2020年1月7日
Chromosomal location of the DnaA-reactivating sequence DARS2 is important to regulate timely initiation of DNA replication in Escherichia coli. 国際誌
Yukie Inoue, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Kazutoshi Kasho, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Taku Oshima, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms21 ( 9 ) 1015 - 23 2016年9月
Targeting of Fzr/Cdh1 for timely activation of the APC/C at the centrosome during mitotic exit. 国際誌
Francesco Meghini, Torcato Martins, Xavier Tait, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hiroyuki Yamano, David M Glover, Yuu Kimata
Nature communications7 12607 - 12607 2016年8月25日
Cyclin-dependent kinase 1-dependent activation of APC/C ubiquitin ligase. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Margaret Grimaldi, Hiroyuki Yamano
Science (New York, N.Y.)352 ( 6289 ) 1121 - 4 2016年5月27日
Timely binding of IHF and Fis to DARS2 regulates ATP-DnaA production and replication initiation. 国際誌
Kazutoshi Kasho, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Toshihiro Matoba, Taku Oshima, Tsutomu Katayama
Nucleic acids research42 ( 21 ) 13134 - 49 2014年12月1日
A synthetic lethal interaction between APC/C and topoisomerase poisons uncovered by proteomic screens. 国際誌
Manuel Eguren, Mónica Álvarez-Fernández, Fernando García, Andrés J López-Contreras, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hiroko Yaguchi, José Luis Luque-García, Oscar Fernández-Capetillo, Javier Muñoz, Hiroyuki Yamano, Marcos Malumbres
Cell reports6 ( 4 ) 670 - 83 2014年2月27日
Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome-mediated proteolysis of Ams2 in the G1 phase ensures the coupling of histone gene expression to DNA replication in fission yeast. 国際誌
Michelle Trickey, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hiroyuki Yamano
The Journal of biological chemistry288 ( 2 ) 928 - 37 2013年1月11日
Dephosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for its C-box-dependent activation of the APC/C. 国際誌
Helene Labit, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, N Sumru Bayin, Tohru Takaki, Julian Gannon, Hiroyuki Yamano
The EMBO journal31 ( 15 ) 3351 - 62 2012年8月1日
Suppressors of DnaA(ATP) imposed overinitiation in Escherichia coli. 国際誌
Godefroid Charbon, Leise Riber, Malene Cohen, Ole Skovgaard, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Tsutomu Katayama, Anders Løbner-Olesen
Molecular microbiology79 ( 4 ) 914 - 28 2011年2月
Regulation of the replication cycle: conserved and diverse regulatory systems for DnaA and oriC. 国際誌
Tsutomu Katayama, Shogo Ozaki, Kenji Keyamura, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu
Nature reviews. Microbiology8 ( 3 ) 163 - 70 2010年3月
Specific genomic sequences of E. coli promote replicational initiation by directly reactivating ADP-DnaA. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Takayuki Senriuchi, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes & development23 ( 10 ) 1221 - 33 2009年5月15日
Loss of Hda activity stimulates replication initiation from I-box, but not R4 mutant origins in Escherichia coli. 国際誌
Leise Riber, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Tsutomu Katayama, Anders Løbner-Olesen
Molecular microbiology71 ( 1 ) 107 - 22 2009年1月
Modes of overinitiation, dnaA gene expression, and inhibition of cell division in a novel cold-sensitive hda mutant of Escherichia coli. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Masayuki Su'etsugu, Yoko Yamaguchi, Kensaku Mazda, Nisi Fu, Hironori Kawakami, Tsutomu Katayama
Journal of bacteriology190 ( 15 ) 5368 - 81 2008年8月
The interaction of DiaA and DnaA regulates the replication cycle in E. coli by directly promoting ATP DnaA-specific initiation complexes. 国際誌
Kenji Keyamura, Norie Fujikawa, Takuma Ishida, Shogo Ozaki, Masayuki Su'etsugu, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Wataru Kagawa, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes & development21 ( 16 ) 2083 - 99 2007年8月15日
The exceptionally tight affinity of DnaA for ATP/ADP requires a unique aspartic acid residue in the AAA+ sensor 1 motif. 国際誌
Hironori Kawakami, Shogo Ozaki, Shigeo Suzuki, Kenta Nakamura, Takayuki Senriuchi, Masayuki Su'etsugu, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Tsutomu Katayama
Molecular microbiology62 ( 5 ) 1310 - 24 2006年12月
The DnaA homolog of the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima forms an open complex with a minimal 149-bp origin region in an ATP-dependent manner. 国際誌
Shogo Ozaki, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms11 ( 4 ) 425 - 38 2006年4月
Cell size and nucleoid organization of engineered Escherichia coli cells with a reduced genome. 国際誌
Masayuki Hashimoto, Toshiharu Ichimura, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, Kimie Tanaka, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Kenji Keyamura, Tomotake Ote, Takehiro Yamakawa, Yukiko Yamazaki, Hideo Mori, Tsutomu Katayama, Jun-ichi Kato
Molecular microbiology55 ( 1 ) 137 - 49 2005年1月
Novel heat shock protein HspQ stimulates the degradation of mutant DnaA protein in Escherichia coli. 国際誌
Toh-ru Shimuta, Kiyotaka Nakano, Yoko Yamaguchi, Shogo Ozaki, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Chika Matsunaga, Kenji Noguchi, Akiko Emoto, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms9 ( 12 ) 1151 - 66 2004年12月
Reactivation of DnaA by DNA sequence-specific nucleotide exchange in vitro. 国際誌
Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Tsutomu Katayama
Biochemical and biophysical research communications322 ( 2 ) 411 - 9 2004年9月17日
Transcriptional control for initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli: fluctuation of the level of origin transcription ensures timely initiation. 国際誌
Masayuki Su'etsugu, Akiko Emoto, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Kenji Keyamura, Tsutomu Katayama
Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms8 ( 9 ) 731 - 45 2003年9月
A nucleotide switch in the Escherichia coli DnaA protein initiates chromosomal replication: evidnece from a mutant DnaA protein defective in regulatory ATP hydrolysis in vitro and in vivo. 国際誌
Satoshi Nishida, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Kazuhisa Sekimizu, Tadahiro Ohmura, Tadashi Ueda, Tsutomu Katayama
The Journal of biological chemistry277 ( 17 ) 14986 - 95 2002年4月26日
Regulatory mechanism for replicational initiation by DiaA, a DnaA-binding factor
Tsutomu Katayama, Kenji Keyamura, Norie Fujikawa, Takuma Ishida, Shogo Ozaki, Masayuki Suetsugu, Kazuyuki Fujimitsu, Wataru Kagawa, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Hitoshi Kurumizaka
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS82 ( 6 ) 508 - 508 2007年12月
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藤光 和之
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
藤光 和之
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