2024/11/01 更新


ムラタ ジロウ
村田 次郎
理学部 物理学科
理学研究科 物理学専攻 博士課程後期課程
理学研究科 物理学専攻 博士課程前期課程
博士(理学) ( 京都大学 )
  • ミリメートル以下の距離での重力の精密測定による、三次元を超える余剰次元の探索を進めると共に、原子核のβ崩壊の精密観測による、時間反転対称性の破れの探索をカナダのTRIUMF研究所において世界をリードする形で立教大学の学生を中心にしたチームで進めている。実験の精度を向上させるための新たな実験技術の開発研究も常に行っている。

  • 研究キーワード
  • 万有引力の法則の検証

  • 余剰次元

  • 時間反転対称性の破れ

  • ローレンツ対称性の破れ

  • 学内職務経歴*
    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      理学部   物理学科   教授
    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程前期課程   教授
    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程後期課程   教授
    • 2007年4月 - 2012年3月 
      理学部   物理学科   准教授
    • 2007年4月 - 2012年3月 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程前期課程   准教授
    • 2007年4月 - 2012年3月 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程後期課程   准教授
    • 2005年4月 - 2007年3月 
      理学部   物理学科   助教授
    • 2005年4月 - 2007年3月 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程前期課程   助教授
    • 2005年4月 - 2007年3月 
      理学研究科   物理学専攻 博士課程後期課程   助教授
    • 2003年4月 - 2005年3月 
      理学部   物理学科   専任講師




    • 自然科学一般 / 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理にする実験


    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   理学研究科 物理学専攻博士課程前期課程   教授


    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   理学研究科 物理学専攻博士課程後期課程   教授


    • 2012年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   教授


    • 2004年4月 - 現在 
      立教大学   放射線取扱主任者


    • 2019年4月 - 2021年3月 
      立教大学   理学研究科 物理学専攻博士課程前期課程   前期主任


    • 2018年4月 - 2019年3月 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   学科長


    • 2016年7月 - 2017年7月 
      カナダ国立TRIUMF研究所   訪問科学者


    • 2005年4月 - 2015年3月 
      立教大学   体育会山岳部長


    • 2011年4月 - 2012年3月 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   学科長


    • 2007年4月 - 2012年3月 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   准教授


    • 2010年5月 - 2011年2月 
      ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学(カナダ)   訪問科学者


    • 2005年4月 - 2007年3月 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   助教授


    • 2003年4月 - 2005年3月 
      立教大学   理学部 物理学科   専任講師


    • 2001年10月 
      理化学研究所   研究員


    • 2001年4月 - 2001年9月 
      米国 RIKEN BNL Research Center   RIKEN Spin Program Research Associate


    • 1999年4月 - 2001年3月 
      理化学研究所   基礎科学特別研究員(在米国 Brookhavan 国立研究所)


    • 1996年4月 - 1999年3月 
      日本学術振興会   日本学術振興会特別研究員




    • - 1999年3月 
      京都大学   理学研究科   物理学・宇宙物理学専攻


      国名: 日本国


    • - 1996年3月 
      京都大学   理学研究科   物理学第二専攻


      国名: 日本国


    • - 1994年3月 
      京都大学   理学部


      国名: 日本国



    • 2012年10月 - 2013年9月 
      日本物理学会   実験核物理領域 領域運営委員




    • 2008年4月 - 2009年3月 
      日本物理学会   第64回年次大会実行委員会副委員長




    • 2005年11月 - 2007年10月 
      日本物理学会   学会誌編集委員




    • 2005年5月 - 2006年4月 
      日本物理学会   領域1 領域運営委員





    • Identified charged-hadron production in p+ Al, He 3+ Au, and Cu+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV and in U+ U collisions at s NN= 193 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review C109 ( 5 ) 54910   2024年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Charm-and bottom-quark production in Au+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review C109 ( 4 ) 44907   2024年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Nonprompt direct-photon production in Au+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review C109 ( 4 ) 44912   2024年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Development of two-dimensional neutron imager with a sandwich configuration 査読有り

      Kamiya, Y; Nishimura, R; Mitsui, S; Wang, Z; Morris, CL; Makela, M; Clayton, SM; Baldwin, JK; Ito, TM; Akamatsu, S;

      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment1064   169390   2024年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • すべり台の動摩擦係数の実測研究 査読有り

      村田 次郎, 塩田 将基

      物理教育71 ( 2 ) 95 - 100   2023年1月


    • Measurements of second-harmonic Fourier coefficients from azimuthal anisotropies in p+ p, p+ Au, d+ Au, and He 3+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review C107 ( 2 ) 24907   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Low-p T direct-photon production in Au+ Au collisions at s NN= 39 and 62.4 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review C107 ( 2 ) 24914   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Transverse single-spin asymmetry of charged hadrons at forward and backward rapidity in polarized p+ p, p+ Al, and p+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review D108 ( 7 ) 72016   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Transverse single-spin asymmetry of midrapidity π 0 and η mesons in p+ Au and p+ Al collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review D107 ( 11 ) 112004   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Improving constraints on gluon spin-momentum correlations in transversely polarized protons via midrapidity open-heavy-flavor electrons in p↑+ p collisions at s= 200 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical Review D107 ( 5 ) 52012   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Measurement of ϕ-meson production in Cu+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV and U+ U collisions at s NN= 193 GeV 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical review C107 ( 1 ) 14907   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Measurement of direct-photon cross section and double-helicity asymmetry at s= 510 gev in p→+ p→ collisions 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      Physical review letters130 ( 25 ) 251901   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Testing Lorentz Invariance in Weak Decay Experiments 査読有り

      Jiro Murata

      APS Meeting Abstracts   C01. 002   2023年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Kinematic dependence of azimuthal anisotropies in p+ Au, d+ Au, and He 3+ Au at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Physical review C105 ( 2 ) 24901   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Systematic study of nuclear effects in p+ Al, p+ Au, d+ Au, and He 3+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV using π 0 production 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Physical Review C105 ( 6 ) 64902   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Transverse-single-spin asymmetries of charged pions at midrapidity in transversely polarized p+ p collisions at s= 200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Physical Review D105 ( 3 ) 32003   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Study of curling mechanism by precision kinematic measurements of curling stone’s motion 査読有り

      Jiro Murata

      Scientific Reports12 ( 1 ) 15047   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Transverse single spin asymmetries of forward neutrons in p plus p, p plus Al, and p plus Au collisions at root S-NN= 200 GeV as a function of transverse and longitudinal momenta 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Physical Review D105 ( 3 ) 32003   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • ϕ meson production in p+ Al, p+ Au, d+ Au, and He 3+ Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Physical Review C106 ( 1 ) 14908   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Measurement of psi (2S) nuclear modification at backward and forward rapidity in p plus p, p plus Al, and p plus Au collisions at root sNN= 200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C105 ( 6 ) 64912   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Highlights from the PHENIX experiment 査読有り

      NJ, Abdulameer

      29th International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions16 ( 1 ) 7   2022年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Probing Gluon Spin-Momentum Correlations in Transversely Polarized Protons through Midrapidity Isolated Direct Photons in p↑+p Collisions at s=200  GeV 査読有り

      U.{\hspace, m } }A. Acharya, C. Aidala, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, N. Apadula, H. Asano, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, N.{\hspace, m } }S. Bandara, K.{\hspace, m } }N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmon, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, L. Bichon, B. Blankenship, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Blau, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Bok, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C.{\hspace, m } }Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I.{\hspace, m } }J. Choi, J.{\hspace, m } }B. Choi, Z. Citron, M. Connors, R. Corliss, Y. Corrales Morales, N. Cronin, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, T.{\hspace, W. Danley, M.{\hspace, S. Daugherity, G. David, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E.{\hspace, m } }J. Desmond, A. Dion, D. Dixi, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Do, A. Drees, K.{\hspace, m } }A. Drees, J.{\hspace, M. Durham, A. Durum, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, R. Esha, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D.{\hspace, m } }E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, D. Fitzgerald, S.{\hspace, m } }L. Fokin, J.{\hspace, m } }E. Frantz, A. Franz, A.{\hspace, m } }D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, M. Giles, F. Giordano, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S.{\hspace, m } }V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J.{\hspace, S. Haggerty, K.{\hspace, m } }I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H.{\hspace, F. Hamilton, S.{\hspace, m } }Y. Han, J. Hanks, M. Harvey, S. Hasegawa, T.{\hspace, O.{\hspace, m } }S. Haseler, X. He, T.{\hspace, m } }K. Hemmick, J.{\hspace, C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R.{\hspace, S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotved, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, D. Ivanishchev, B.{\hspace, m } }V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, X. Jiang, B.{\hspace, m } }M. Johnson, D. Jouan, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Jumper, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A.{\hspace, m } }V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, A. Khatiwada, C. Kim, E.-J. Kim, M. Kim, D. Kincses, A. Kingan, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, Y. Kwon, J.{\hspace, m } }G. Lajoie, D. Larionova, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lee, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Leitch, Y.{\hspace, m } }H. Leung, N.{\hspace, m } }A. Lewis, X. Li, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lim, M.{\hspace, X. Liu, V.-R. Loggins, S. Lökös, D.{\hspace, m } }A. Loomis, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y.{\hspace, m } }I. Makdisi, M. Makek, V.{\hspace, m } }I. Manko, E. Mannel, M. McCumber, P.{\hspace, m } }L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, A.{\hspace, C. Mignerey, A. Milov, D.{\hspace, m } }K. Mishra, J.{\hspace, T. Mitchell, Iu. Mitrankov, M. Mitrankova, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, M.{\hspace, M. Mondal, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D.{\hspace, P. Morrison, B. Mulilo, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J.{\hspace, m } }L. Nagle, M.{\hspace, m } }I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, S. Nelson, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Nov{\'{a } }k, N. Novitzky, G. Nukazuka, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C.{\hspace, A. Ogilvie, J.{\hspace, m } }D., Orjuela Koo, J.{\hspace, m } }D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G.{\hspace, J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Park, S. Park, S.{\hspace, m } }F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D.{\hspace, V. Perepelitsa, G.{\hspace, D.{\hspace, N. Perera, D.{\hspace, m } }Yu. Peressounko, C.{\hspace, m } }E. PerezLara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R.{\hspace, m } }P. Pisani, M. Potekhin, A. Pun, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Purschke, P.{\hspace, m } }V. Radzevich, N. Ramasubramanian, K.{\hspace, m } }F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S.{\hspace, m } }D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Safonov, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Singh, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, K.{\hspace, m } }L. Smith, M. Snowball, R.{\hspace, m } }A. Soltz, W.{\hspace, m } }E. Sondheim, S.{\hspace, m } }P. Sorensen, I.{\hspace, m } }V. Sourikova, P.{\hspace, m } }W. Stankus, S.{\hspace, P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, Z. Sun, J. Sziklai, K. Tanida, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulen, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Towell, R.{\hspace, m } }S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H.{\hspace, m } }W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X.{\hspace, m } }R. Wang, Y.{\hspace, m } }S. Watanabe, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Wong, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Woody, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y.{\hspace, m } }L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I.{\hspace, m } }E. Yushmanov, W.{\hspace, m } }A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zharko, L. Zou and

      Physical Review Letters127 ( 16 ) 162001   2021年10月12日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.162001


    • Transverse single-spin asymmetries of midrapidity π0 and η mesons in polarized p+p collisions at s=200  GeV 査読有り

      U.{\hspace, m } }A. Acharya, C. Aidala, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, N. Apadula, H. Asano, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, N.{\hspace, m } }S. Bandara, K.{\hspace, m } }N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmon, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, L. Bichon, B. Blankenship, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Blau, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Bok, V. Borisov, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C.{\hspace, m } }Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I.{\hspace, m } }J. Choi, J.{\hspace, m } }B. Choi, Z. Citron, M. Connors, R. Corliss, N. Cronin, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, T.{\hspace, W. Danley, M.{\hspace, S. Daugherity, G. David, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E.{\hspace, m } }J. Desmond, A. Dion, D. Dixi, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Do, A. Drees, K.{\hspace, m } }A. Drees, J.{\hspace, M. Durham, A. Durum, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, R. Esha, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D.{\hspace, m } }E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, D. Firak, D. Fitzgerald, S.{\hspace, m } }L. Fokin, J.{\hspace, m } }E. Frantz, A. Franz, A.{\hspace, m } }D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, M. Giles, F. Giordano, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S.{\hspace, m } }V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J.{\hspace, S. Haggerty, K.{\hspace, m } }I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H.{\hspace, F. Hamilton, S.{\hspace, m } }Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T.{\hspace, O.{\hspace, m } }S. Haseler, X. He, T.{\hspace, m } }K. Hemmick, J.{\hspace, C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R.{\hspace, S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotved, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, D. Ivanishchev, B.{\hspace, m } }V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, X. Jiang, B.{\hspace, m } }M. Johnson, D. Jouan, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Jumper, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A.{\hspace, m } }V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, A. Khatiwada, C. Kim, E.-J. Kim, M. Kim, D. Kincses, A. Kingan, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, Y. Kwon, J.{\hspace, m } }G. Lajoie, D. Larionova, M. Larionova, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lee, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Leitch, Y.{\hspace, m } }H. Leung, N.{\hspace, m } }A. Lewis, X. Li, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lim, M.{\hspace, X. Liu, V.-R. Loggins, S. Lökös, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y.{\hspace, m } }I. Makdisi, M. Makek, V.{\hspace, m } }I. Manko, E. Mannel, M. McCumber, P.{\hspace, m } }L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, W.{\hspace, J. Metzger, A.{\hspace, C. Mignerey, A. Milov, D.{\hspace, m } }K. Mishra, J.{\hspace, T. Mitchell, Iu. Mitrankov, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, M.{\hspace, M. Mondal, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D.{\hspace, P. Morrison, S.{\hspace, m } }I. Morrow, B. Mulilo, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J.{\hspace, m } }L. Nagle, M.{\hspace, m } }I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, S. Nelson, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Nov{\'{a } }k, N. Novitzky, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C.{\hspace, A. Ogilvie, J.{\hspace, m } }D., Orjuela Koo, J.{\hspace, m } }D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G.{\hspace, J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Park, S. Park, S.{\hspace, m } }F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D.{\hspace, V. Perepelitsa, G.{\hspace, D.{\hspace, N. Perera, D.{\hspace, m } }Yu. Peressounko, C.{\hspace, m } }E. PerezLara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R.{\hspace, m } }P. Pisani, M. Potekhin, A. Pun, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Purschke, P.{\hspace, m } }V. Radzevich, N. Ramasubramanian, K.{\hspace, m } }F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S.{\hspace, m } }D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Safonov, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Singh, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, K.{\hspace, m } }L. Smith, M. Snowball, R.{\hspace, m } }A. Soltz, W.{\hspace, m } }E. Sondheim, S.{\hspace, m } }P. Sorensen, I.{\hspace, m } }V. Sourikova, P.{\hspace, m } }W. Stankus, S.{\hspace, P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, X. Sun, Z. Sun, J. Sziklai, K. Tanida, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulen, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Towell, R.{\hspace, m } }S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H.{\hspace, m } }W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X.{\hspace, m } }R. Wang, Y.{\hspace, m } }S. Watanabe, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Wong, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Woody, Y. Wu, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y.{\hspace, m } }L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I.{\hspace, m } }E. Yushmanov, W.{\hspace, m } }A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, Y. Zhai, S. Zharko, L. Zou and

      Physical Review D103 ( 5 ) 52009   2021年3月22日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.103.052009


    • Transverse momentum dependent forward neutron single spin asymmetries in transversely polarized p+p collisions at s=200  GeV 査読有り

      U.{\hspace, m } }A. Acharya, C. Aidala, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, N. Apadula, H. Asano, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, N.{\hspace, m } }S. Bandara, K.{\hspace, m } }N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmon, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, L. Bichon, B. Blankenship, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Blau, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Bok, V. Borisov, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C.{\hspace, m } }Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I.{\hspace, m } }J. Choi, J.{\hspace, m } }B. Choi, Z. Citron, M. Connors, R. Corliss, N. Cronin, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, T.{\hspace, W. Danley, M.{\hspace, S. Daugherity, G. David, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E.{\hspace, m } }J. Desmond, A. Dion, D. Dixi, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Do, A. Drees, K.{\hspace, m } }A. Drees, J.{\hspace, M. Durham, A. Durum, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, R. Esha, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D.{\hspace, m } }E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, D. Firak, D. Fitzgerald, S.{\hspace, m } }L. Fokin, J.{\hspace, m } }E. Frantz, A. Franz, A.{\hspace, m } }D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, M. Giles, F. Giordano, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S.{\hspace, m } }V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J.{\hspace, S. Haggerty, K.{\hspace, m } }I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H.{\hspace, F. Hamilton, S.{\hspace, m } }Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T.{\hspace, O.{\hspace, m } }S. Haseler, X. He, T.{\hspace, m } }K. Hemmick, J.{\hspace, C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R.{\hspace, S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotved, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, D. Ivanishchev, B.{\hspace, m } }V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, X. Jiang, B.{\hspace, m } }M. Johnson, D. Jouan, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Jumper, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A.{\hspace, m } }V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, A. Khatiwada, C. Kim, E.-J. Kim, M. Kim, D. Kincses, A. Kingan, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, Y. Kwon, J.{\hspace, m } }G. Lajoie, D. Larionova, M. Larionova, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lee, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Leitch, Y.{\hspace, m } }H. Leung, N.{\hspace, m } }A. Lewis, X. Li, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lim, M.{\hspace, X. Liu, V.-R. Loggins, S. Lökös, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y.{\hspace, m } }I. Makdisi, M. Makek, V.{\hspace, m } }I. Manko, E. Mannel, M. McCumber, P.{\hspace, m } }L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, W.{\hspace, J. Metzger, A.{\hspace, C. Mignerey, A. Milov, D.{\hspace, m } }K. Mishra, J.{\hspace, T. Mitchell, Iu. Mitrankov, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, M.{\hspace, M. Mondal, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D.{\hspace, P. Morrison, S.{\hspace, m } }I. Morrow, B. Mulilo, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J.{\hspace, m } }L. Nagle, M.{\hspace, m } }I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, S. Nelson, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Nov{\'{a } }k, N. Novitzky, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C.{\hspace, A. Ogilvie, J.{\hspace, m } }D., Orjuela Koo, J.{\hspace, m } }D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G.{\hspace, J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Park, S. Park, S.{\hspace, m } }F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D.{\hspace, V. Perepelitsa, G.{\hspace, D.{\hspace, N. Perera, D.{\hspace, m } }Yu. Peressounko, C.{\hspace, m } }E. PerezLara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R.{\hspace, m } }P. Pisani, M. Potekhin, A. Pun, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Purschke, P.{\hspace, m } }V. Radzevich, N. Ramasubramanian, K.{\hspace, m } }F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S.{\hspace, m } }D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Safonov, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Singh, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, K.{\hspace, m } }L. Smith, M. Snowball, R.{\hspace, m } }A. Soltz, W.{\hspace, m } }E. Sondheim, S.{\hspace, m } }P. Sorensen, I.{\hspace, m } }V. Sourikova, P.{\hspace, m } }W. Stankus, S.{\hspace, P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, X. Sun, Z. Sun, J. Sziklai, K. Tanida, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulen, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Towell, R.{\hspace, m } }S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H.{\hspace, m } }W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X.{\hspace, m } }R. Wang, Y.{\hspace, m } }S. Watanabe, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Wong, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Woody, Y. Wu, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y.{\hspace, m } }L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I.{\hspace, m } }E. Yushmanov, W.{\hspace, m } }A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, Y. Zhai, S. Zharko, L. Zou and

      Physical Review D103 ( 3 ) 32007   2021年2月26日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.103.032007


    • Production of π0 and η mesons in U+U collisions at sNN=192 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, H. Asano, E. T. Atomssa, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, X. Bai, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, S. Baumgar, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmon, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, L. Bichon, D. Black, B. Blankenship, D. S. Blau, J. S. Bok, V. Borisov, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, C.-H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, S. Choi, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, M. Connors, N. Cronin, N. Crossette, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, A. Datta, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, L. Ding, J. H. Do, L. D{\textquotesingle}Orazio, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, R. Esha, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, W. Fan, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, D. Firak, D. Fitzgerald, F. Fleure, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, K. Gainey, C. Gal, P. Garg, A. Garishvili, I. Garishvili, F. Giordano, A. Glenn, X. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, Y. Gu, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, K. Hashimoto, R. Hayano, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, A. Hodges, R. S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, J. Huang, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, Y. Imazu, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, A. Isinhue, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, S. J. Jeon, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, J. Jia, X. Jiang, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, J. Kamin, S. Kanda, B. H. Kang, J. H. Kang, J. S. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, J. A. Key, V. Khachatryan, P. K. Khandai, A. Khanzadeev, A. Khatiwada, K. M. Kijima, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E.-J. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, Y. K. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, M. Kofarago, B. Komkov, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, D. Kotov, F. Krizek, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Larionova, M. Larionova, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, G. H. Lee, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, S. H. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. Leitgab, B. Lewis, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, X. Li, S. H. Lim, M. X. Liu, S. Lökös, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, T. Majoros, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, A. Manion, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, A. Meles, M. Mendoza, B. Meredith, W. J. Metzger, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, A. C. Mignerey, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, Iu. Mitrankov, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, A. K. Mohanty, S. Mohapatra, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I. Morrow, M. Moskowitz, T. V. Moukhanova, B. Mulilo, T. Murakami, J. Murata, A. Mwai, T. Nagae, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, S. Nelson, P. K. Netrakanti, M. Nihashi, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Nov{\'{a } }k, N. Novitzky, A. S. Nyanin, E. O{\textquotesingle}Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Oide, K. Okada, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, I. H. Park, S. Park, S. K. Park, S. F. Pate, L. Patel, M. Patel, J.-C. Peng, W. Peng, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D. N. Perera, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. E. PerezLara, J. Perry, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Potekhin, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, H. Qu, P. V. Radzevich, J. Rak, N. Ramasubramanian, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Richford, T. Rinn, N. Riveli, D. Roach, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, J. Runchey, M. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, Y. Sekiguchi, A. Sen, R. Seto, P. Se, D. Sharma, A. Shaver, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Skolnik, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, K. L. Smith, S. Solano, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, M. R. Stone, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sun, X. Sun, Z. Sun, A. Takahara, A. Taketani, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, E. Tennan, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H. W. van Hecke, M. Vargyas, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veich, J. Velkovska, R. V{\'{e } }rtesi, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, F. Wei, S. Whitaker, S. Wolin, C. P. Wong, C. L. Woody, Y. Wu, M. Wysocki, B. Xia, Q. Xu, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, I. Yoon, Z. You, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, Y. Zhai, S. Zharko, S. Zhou, L. Zou and

      Physical Review C102 ( 6 ) 64905   2020年12月4日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.102.064905


    • Measurement of jet-medium interactions via direct photon-hadron correlations in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya, A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, H. Al-Ta{\textquotesingle}ani, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, Y. Aramaki, H. Asano, E. C. Aschenauer, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, S. Baumgar, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmon, R. Benne, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, J. H. Bhom, L. Bichon, A. A. Bickley, D. Black, B. Blankenship, D. S. Blau, J. S. Bok, V. Borisov, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, A. Caringi, P. Castera, C.-H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, S. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, Z. Conesa del Valle, M. Connors, P. Constantin, N. Cronin, N. Crossette, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, I. Danchev, K. Das, A. Datta, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, M. K. Dayananda, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, K. V. Dharmawardane, O. Dietzsch, L. Ding, A. Dion, J. H. Do, M. Donadelli, L. D{\textquotesingle}Orazio, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, D. Dutta, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En{\textquotesingle}yo, R. Esha, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, W. Fan, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, D. Firak, D. Fitzgerald, F. Fleure, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, K. Gainey, C. Gal, P. Garg, A. Garishvili, I. Garishvili, F. Giordano, A. Glenn, H. Gong, X. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, G. Grim, M. Grosse Perdekamp, Y. Gu, T. Gunji, L. Guo, H.-{\AA}. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, R. Han, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, E. P. Hartouni, S. Hasegawa, K. Hashimoto, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, S. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, A. Hodges, M. Hohlmann, R. S. Hollis, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, Y. Hori, D. Hornback, J. Huang, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, J. Ide, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, Y. Imazu, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, A. Isinhue, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanishchev, Y. Iwanaga, B. V. Jacak, M. Javani, Z. Ji, J. Jia, X. Jiang, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, T. Jones, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, S. Kaneti, B. H. Kang, J. H. Kang, J. S. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, M. Kasai, D. Kawall, M. Kawashima, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, J. A. Key, V. Khachatryan, P. K. Khandai, A. Khanzadeev, A. Khatiwada, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, A. Kim, B. I. Kim, C. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E.-J. Kim, H. J. Kim, K.-B. Kim, S. H. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, Y. K. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A } }. Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, L. Kochenda, Y. Komatsu, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, D. Kotov, A. Kozlov, A. Kr{\'{a } }l, A. Kravitz, F. Krizek, G. J. Kunde, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Larionova, M. Larionova, A. Lebedev, B. Lee, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. R. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, M. Leitgab, E. Leitner, B. Lenzi, B. Lewis, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, X. Li, P. Lichtenwalner, P. Liebing, S. H. Lim, L. A. Linden Levy, T. Li{\v{s } }ka, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, S. Lökös, B. Love, R. Luechtenborg, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, T. Majoros, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, A. Manion, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, H. Masui, S. Masumoto, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, N. Means, A. Meles, M. Mendoza, B. Meredith, W. J. Metzger, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, J. Midori, A. C. Mignerey, P. Mike{\v{s, K. Miki, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, Iu. Mitrankov, Y. Miyachi, S. Miyasaka, A. K. Mohanty, S. Mohapatra, H. J. Moon, T. Moon, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, S. I. Morrow, M. Moskowitz, S. Motschwiller, T. V. Moukhanova, B. Mulilo, T. Murakami, J. Murata, A. Mwai, T. Nagae, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, S. Nam, C. Nattrass, A. Nederlof, S. Nelson, P. K. Netrakanti, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, M. Nihashi, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, N. Novitzky, A. Nukariya, A. S. Nyanin, C. Oakley, H. Obayashi, E. O{\textquotesingle}Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, M. Oka, K. Okada, Y. Onuki, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, B. H. Park, I. H. Park, J. Park, S. Park, S. K. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, L. Patel, M. Patel, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, W. Peng, H. Pereira, D. V. Perepelitsa, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. E. PerezLara, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Potekhin, M. Proissl, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, P. V. Radzevich, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, N. Ramasubramanian, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Richford, T. Rinn, N. Riveli, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, C. A. Rosen, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosne, P. Rukoyatkin, J. Runchey, P. Ru{\v, i{\v{c } }ka, M. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, K. Sakashita, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sano, S. Sano, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, A. Sen, R. Seto, P. Se, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Skolnik, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, K. L. Smith, S. Solano, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, N. A. Sparks, P. W. Stankus, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sun, X. Sun, Z. Sun, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Takahara, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, P. Tarj{\'{a, E. Tennan, H. Themann, D. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, T. Todoroki, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, T. Tsuji, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, M. Vargyas, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veich, J. Velkovska, R. V{\'{e } }rtesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, B. Voas, A. Vossen, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. Whitaker, S. N. White, D. Winter, S. Wolin, C. P. Wong, J. P. Wood, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wrigh, Y. Wu, M. Wysocki, B. Xia, W. Xie, Q. Xu, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, I. Yoon, Z. You, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, Y. Zhai, C. Zhang, S. Zharko, S. Zhou, L. Zolin, L. Zou and

      Physical Review C102 ( 5 ) 54910   2020年11月19日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.102.054910


    • Evolution of pi (0) Suppression in Au+ Au Collisions from root s (NN)= 39 to 200 GeV (vol 109, 152301, 2012) 査読有り

      A. Adare

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS125 ( 4 ) 152301   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Production of b? b at forward rapidity in p+ p collisions at√ s= 510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration;

      Physical Review D102 ( 9 ) 92002   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Production of b (b) over-bar at forward rapidity in p plus p collisions at s= 510 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D102 ( 9 ) 92002   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    • Polarization and cross section of midrapidity J/Psi production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=510 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Phys.Rev.D102 ( 7 ) 072008   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.072008


    • Measurement of charged pion double spin asymmetries at midrapidity in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=510 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Phys.Rev.D102 ( 3 ) 032001   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.032001


    • J/Psi and Psi(2S) production at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=510 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Phys.Rev.D101 ( 5 ) 052006   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.052006


    • Measurement of J/Psi at forward and backward rapidity in p+p, p+Al, p+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      U. Acharya

      Phys.Rev.C102 ( 1 ) 014902   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.014902


    • Nuclear-modification factor of charged hadrons at forward and backward rapidity in p+Al and p+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      C. Aidala

      Phys.Rev.C101 ( 3 ) 034910   2020年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.034910


    • Beam Energy and Centrality Dependence of Direct-Photon Emission from Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, M. Alfred, A. Al-Jamel, H. Al-Ta'Ani, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, L. Aphecetche, Y. Aramaki, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, H. Asano, E. C. Aschenauer, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, C. Baumann, S. Baumgart, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmont, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, J. H. Bhom, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. G. Boissevain, J. S. Bok, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, J. Bryslawskyj, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, A. Caringi, P. Castera, J. S. Chai, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. L. Charvet, C. H. Chen, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, S. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, Z. Conesa Del Valle, M. Connors, P. Constantin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo

      Physical Review Letters123 ( 2 ) 022301   2019年7月10日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      © 2019 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. The PHENIX collaboration presents first measurements of low-momentum (0.4<pT<3 GeV/c) direct-photon yields from Au+Au collisions at sNN=39 and 62.4 GeV. For both beam energies the direct-photon yields are substantially enhanced with respect to expectations from prompt processes, similar to the yields observed in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200. Analyzing the photon yield as a function of the experimental observable dNch/dη reveals that the low-momentum (>1 GeV/c) direct-photon yield dNγdir/dη is a smooth function of dNch/dη and can be well described as proportional to (dNch/dη)α with α≈1.25. This scaling behavior holds for a wide range of beam energies at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider, for centrality selected samples, as well as for different A+A collision systems. At a given beam energy, the scaling also holds for high pT (>5 GeV/c), but when results from different collision energies are compared, an additional sNN-dependent multiplicative factor is needed to describe the integrated-direct-photon yield.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.022301




    • Measurement of two-particle correlations with respect to second- and third-order event planes in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C99 ( 5 ) 054903   2019年5月7日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.054903



    • Multiparticle azimuthal correlations for extracting event-by-event elliptic and triangular flow in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev.99 ( 2 ) 024903   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.024903


    • Measurements of mumumumu pairs from open heavy flavor and Drell-Yan in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D99 ( 7 ) 072003   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.072003


    • Creation of quark–gluon plasma droplets with three distinct geometries 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Nature Phys.15 ( 3 ) 214 - 220   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0360-0



    • Nonperturbative transverse momentum broadening in dihadron angular correlations in sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV proton-nucleus collisions 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C99 ( 4 ) 044912   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.044912


    • Measurement of charm and bottom production from semileptonic hadron decays in p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D99 ( 9 ) 092003   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.092003


    • Nuclear dependence of the transverse single-spin asymmetry in the production of charged hadrons at forward rapidity in polarized p+p, p+p+Al, and p+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev.Lett.12 ( - ) 122001   2019年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.122001


    • Lévy-stable two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in s NN =200 GeV Au+Au collisions 査読有り

      A. Adare, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, J. Alexander, M. Alfred, H. Al-Ta'Ani, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, Y. Aramaki, H. Asano, E. C. Aschenauer, E. T. Atomssa, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, M. Bai, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, S. Baumgart, A. Bazilevsky, R. Belmont, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, P. Castera, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, S. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, M. Connors, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, S. Dairaku, T. W. Danley, A. Datta, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. Deblasio, K. Dehmelt, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, K. V. Dharmawardane, O. Dietzsch, L. Ding, A. Dion, J. H. Do, M. Donadelli, L. D'Orazio, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, Y. Fukuda, T. Fusayasu, K. Gainey, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, A. Garishvili, I. Garishvili, H. Ge, A. Glenn, X. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, L. Guo, H. A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T. O.S. Haseler, K. Hashimoto, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R. S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, Y. Hori, T. Hoshino, N. Hotvedt, J. Huang, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, M. Issah, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, M. Javani, Z. Ji, J. Jia, X. Jiang, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, V. Jorjadze, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, J. Kamin, S. Kaneti, B. H. Kang, J. H. Kang, J. S. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, S. Karthas, M. Kasai, G. Kasza, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, B. I. Kim, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, H. J. Kim, K. B. Kim, M. Kim, M. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, Y. K. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kinney, Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, Y. Komatsu, B. Komkov, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, D. Kotov, A. Král, F. Krizek, S. Kudo, G. J. Kunde, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, B. Lee, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. R. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A.L. Leite, M. Leitgab, Y. H. Leung, B. Lewis, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, S. H. Lim, L. A. Linden Levy, M. X. Liu, S. Lökös, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, A. Manion, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, H. Masuda, S. Masumoto, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, B. Meredith, W. J. Metzger, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, A. C. Mignerey, D. E. Mihalik, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, G. Mitsuka, Y. Miyachi, S. Miyasaka, A. K. Mohanty, S. Mohapatra, H. J. Moon, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I. Morrow, S. Motschwiller, T. V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, A. Mwai, T. Nagae, K. Nagai, S. Nagamiya, K. Nagashima, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, A. Nederlof, M. Nihashi, R. Nouicer, T. Novák, N. Novitzky, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, K. Okada, J. D. Orjuela Koop, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, B. H. Park, I. H. Park, J. S. Park, S. Park, S. K. Park, S. F. Pate, L. Patel, M. Patel, H. Pei, J. C. Peng, W. Peng, H. Pereira, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D.N. Perera, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. E. Perezlara, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, H. Qu, P. V. Radzevich, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Richford, T. Rinn, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sano, M. Sarsour, K. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, B. K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. J. Skoby, M. Slunečka, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sun, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Takahara, A. Takeda, A. Taketani, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, E. Tennant, H. Themann, R. Tieulent, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, L. Tomášek, M. Tomášek, H. Torii, C. L. Towell, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, T. Tsuji, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, C. Vale, H. W. Van Hecke, M. Vargyas, S. Vazquez-Carson, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vértesi, M. Virius, A. Vossen, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Z. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, S. N. White, D. Winter, S. Wolin, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, B. Xia, C. Xu, Q. Xu, Y. L. Yamaguchi, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, P. Yin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, J. H. Yoo, Z. You, I. Younus, H. Yu, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zharko, L. Zou, PHENIX Collaboration

      Physical Review C97 ( 6 ) 064911   2018年6月14日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      We present a detailed measurement of charged two-pion correlation functions in 0-30% centrality sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The data are well described by Bose-Einstein correlation functions stemming from Lévy-stable source distributions. Using a fine transverse momentum binning, we extract the correlation strength parameter λ, the Lévy index of stability α, and the Lévy length scale parameter R as a function of average transverse mass of the pair mT. We find that the positively and the negatively charged pion pairs yield consistent results, and their correlation functions are represented, within uncertainties, by the same Lévy-stable source functions. The λ(mT) measurements indicate a decrease of the strength of the correlations at low mT. The Lévy length scale parameter R(mT) decreases with increasing mT, following a hydrodynamically predicted type of scaling behavior. The values of the Lévy index of stability α are found to be significantly lower than the Gaussian case of α=2, but also significantly larger than the conjectured value that may characterize the critical point of a second-order quark-hadron phase transition.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.064911



    • Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and He 3 + Au collisions at sNN =200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, N. Apadula, H. Asano, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, M. Bai, N. S. Bandara, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, S. Beckman, R. Belmont, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, T. Chujo, Z. Citron, M. Connors, N. Cronin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. W. Danley, A. Datta, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. Deblasio, K. Dehmelt, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Dion, P. B. Diss, D. Dixit, J. H. Do, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, A. Enokizono, H. En'Yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, F. Giordano, A. Glenn, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H. F. Hamilton, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T. O.S. Haseler, K. Hashimoto, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R. S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotvedt, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, J. Jia, X. Jiang, B. M. Johnson, V. Jorjadze, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, S. Kanda, J. H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, J. A. Key, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, G. W. Kim, M. Kim, M. H. Kim, B. Kimelman, D. Kincses, E. Kistenev, R. Kitamura, J. Klatsky, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, B. Komkov, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, B. Kurgyis, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, S. H. Lee, M. J. Leitch, Y. H. Leung, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, X. Li, S. H. Lim, M. X. Liu, V. R. Loggins, S. Lökös, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, A. Manion, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, H. Masuda, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, A. Meles, M. Mendoza, W. J. Metzger, A. C. Mignerey, D. E. Mihalik, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, A. K. Mohanty, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I. Morrow, T. V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, A. Mwai, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, P. K. Netrakanti, T. Niida, S. Nishimura, R. Nouicer, T. Novák, N. Novitzky, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, J. D. Orjuela Koop, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G. J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. S. Park, S. Park, S. F. Pate, M. Patel, J. C. Peng, W. Peng, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D.N. Perera, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. E. Perezlara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R. Pinson, R. P. Pisani, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, P. V. Radzevich, J. Rak, B. J. Ramson, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. G. Rubin, J. Runchey, A. S. Safonov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, K. Sato, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B. K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, P. Sett, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. J. Skoby, M. Slunečka, M. Snowball, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, M. Stepanov, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, J. Sziklai, A. Takeda, A. Taketani, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulent, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tomášek, C. L. Towell, R. Towell, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H. W. Van Hecke, S. Vazquez-Carson, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X. R. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, F. Wei, A. S. White, C. P. Wong, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, B. Xia, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y. L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, P. Yin, J. H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zharko, S. Zhou, L. Zou, Phenix Collaboration

      Physical Review C97 ( 6 ) 064904   2018年6月11日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      We present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η|&lt
      0.35), in 0%-5% central p+Au and He3+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v2(pT) in d+Au and He3+Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A+A) collisions, and a smaller splitting in p+Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low pT (&lt
      1.5GeV/c), but fail to describe various features at higher pT. In all systems, the v2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (KET/nq), which was also seen previously in A+A collisions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.064904



    • Measurements of Multiparticle Correlations in d+Au Collisions at 200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV and p+Au Collisions at 200 GeV and Implications for Collective Behavior 査読有り

      C. Aidala, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, H. Asano, C. Ayuso, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, N. S. Bandara, K. N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmont, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. S. Bok, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, C. Butler, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, Z. Citron, M. Connors, N. Cronin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. W. Danley, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. Deblasio, K. Dehmelt, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Dion, D. Dixit, J. H. Do, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, M. Dumancic, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, T. Elder, A. Enokizono, H. En'Yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, F. Giordano, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H. F. Hamilton, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T. O.S. Haseler, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. C. Hill, K. Hill, A. Hodges, R. S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotvedt, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, Y. Ito, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, X. Jiang, B. M. Johnson, V. Jorjadze, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, J. H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, M. Kim, M. H. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, K. Kurita, Y. Kwon, J. G. Lajoie, E. O. Lallow, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, S. H. Lee, M. J. Leitch, Y. H. Leung, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, S. H. Lim, L. D. Liu, M. X. Liu, V. R. Loggins, S. Lökös, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, M. Malaev, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, H. Masuda, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, W. J. Metzger, A. C. Mignerey, D. E. Mihalik, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I.M. Morrow, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Novák, N. Novitzky, R. Novotny, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, J. D. Orjuela Koop, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G. J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. S. Park, S. Park, S. F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D.N. Perera, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. E. Perezlara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, P. V. Radzevich, K. F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, A. S. Safonov, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, K. Sato, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B. K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. J. Skoby, M. Slunečka, K. L. Smith, M. Snowball, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, S. Syed, J. Sziklai, A. Takeda, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulent, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tomášek, C. L. Towell, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H. W. Van Hecke, S. Vazquez-Carson, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X. R. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, C. P. Wong, C. L. Woody, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y. L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, P. Yin, J. H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zharko, L. Zou, PHENIX Collaboration

      Physical Review Letters120 ( 6 ) 062302   2018年2月6日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      Recently, multiparticle-correlation measurements of relativistic p/d/He3+Au, p+Pb, and even p+p collisions show surprising collective signatures. Here, we present beam-energy-scan measurements of two-, four-, and six-particle angular correlations in d+Au collisions at sNN=200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV. We also present measurements of two- and four-particle angular correlations in p+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. We find the four-particle cumulant to be real valued for d+Au collisions at all four energies. We also find that the four-particle cumulant in p+Au has the opposite sign as that in d+Au. Further, we find that the six-particle cumulant agrees with the four-particle cumulant in d+Au collisions at 200 GeV, indicating that nonflow effects are subdominant. These observations provide strong evidence that the correlations originate from the initial geometric configuration, which is then translated into the momentum distribution for all particles, commonly referred to as collectivity.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.062302




    • Nuclear Dependence of the Transverse-Single-Spin Asymmetry for Forward Neutron Production in Polarized p+A Collisions at sNN =200 GeV 査読有り

      C. Aidala, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, V. Andrieux, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, H. Asano, C. Ayuso, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, N. S. Bandara, K. N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, R. Belmont, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. S. Bok, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, C. Butler, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, R. Cervantes, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, Z. Citron, M. Connors, N. Cronin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. W. Danley, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. Deblasio, K. Dehmelt, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Dion, D. Dixit, J. H. Do, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, M. Dumancic, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, T. Elder, A. Enokizono, H. En'Yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, F. Giordano, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H. F. Hamilton, S. Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T. O.S. Haseler, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. C. Hill, K. Hill, R. S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotvedt, J. Huang, S. Huang, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, Y. Ito, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, M. Jezghani, Z. Ji, X. Jiang, B. M. Johnson, V. Jorjadze, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, J. H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, M. Kim, M. H. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kistenev, J. Klatsky, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, K. Kurita, Y. Kwon, J. G. Lajoie, E. O. Lallow, A. Lebedev, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, Y. H. Leung, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, S. H. Lim, L. D. Liu, M. X. Liu, V. R. Loggins, S. Lökös, K. Lovasz, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, Y. I. Makdisi, M. Makek, M. Malaev, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, H. Masuda, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, M. Mendoza, W. J. Metzger, A. C. Mignerey, D. E. Mihalik, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, G. Mitsuka, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I.M. Morrow, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, T. Novák, N. Novitzky, R. Novotny, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, J. D. Orjuela Koop, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, G. J. Ottino, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. S. Park, S. Park, S. F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D.N. Perera, D. Yu Peressounko, C. E. Perezlara, J. Perry, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, P. V. Radzevich, K. F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, A. S. Safonov, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, K. Sato, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B. K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shioya, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. J. Skoby, M. Slunečka, K. L. Smith, M. Snowball, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, S. Syed, J. Sziklai, A. Takeda, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulent, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tomášek, C. L. Towell, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H. W. Van Hecke, S. Vazquez-Carson, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, N. Vukman, X. R. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, C. P. Wong, C. L. Woody, C. Xu, Q. Xu, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y. L. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, A. Yanovich, P. Yin, J. H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zharko, L. Zou, PHENIX Collaboration

      Physical Review Letters120 ( 2 ) 022001   2018年1月8日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      During 2015, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) provided collisions of transversely polarized protons with Au and Al nuclei for the first time, enabling the exploration of transverse-single-spin asymmetries with heavy nuclei. Large single-spin asymmetries in very forward neutron production have been previously observed in transversely polarized p+p collisions at RHIC, and the existing theoretical framework that was successful in describing the single-spin asymmetry in p+p collisions predicts only a moderate atomic-mass-number (A) dependence. In contrast, the asymmetries observed at RHIC in p+A collisions showed a surprisingly strong A dependence in inclusive forward neutron production. The observed asymmetry in p+Al collisions is much smaller, while the asymmetry in p+Au collisions is a factor of 3 larger in absolute value and of opposite sign. The interplay of different neutron production mechanisms is discussed as a possible explanation of the observed A dependence.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.022001




    • Measurement of Phi-meson production at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510  GeV and its energy dependence from sqrt(s)=200 GeV to 7 TeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D98 ( 9 ) 092006   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.092006


    • Measurement of emission angle anisotropy via long-range angular correlations with high pT hadrons in d+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C98 ( 1 ) 014912   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.014912


    • Cross section and longitudinal single-spin asymmetry AL for forward W+-→mu+-nyu production in polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D98 ( 3 ) 032007   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.032007


    • Single-spin asymmetry of J/Psi production in p+p, p+Al, and p+Au collisions with transversely polarized proton beams at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D98 ( 1 ) 012006   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.012006


    • Nonperturbative transverse-momentum-dependent effects in dihadron and direct photon-hadron angular correlations in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D98 ( 7 ) 072004   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.072004


    • Low-momentum direct photon measurement in Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C98 ( 5 ) 054902   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.054902


    • Production of pi0 and eta mesons in Cu+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C98 ( 5 ) 054903   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.054903


    • Pseudorapidity Dependence of Particle Production and Elliptic Flow in Asymmetric Nuclear Collisions of p+Al, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev.Lett.121 ( 22 ) 222301   2018年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.222301


    • Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy and charged-particle multiplicity in d + Au collisions at s NN =200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV 査読有り

      C. Aidala, PHENIX Collaboration, Y. Akiba, M. Alfred, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, C. Ayuso, V. Babintsev, A. Bagoly, K. N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, R. Belmont, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. S. Blau, M. Boer, J. S. Bok, M. L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, V. Bumazhnov, C. Butler, S. Campbell, V. Canoa Roman, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, M. Connors, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. W. Danley, M. S. Daugherity, G. David, K. Deblasio, K. Dehmelt, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, J. H. Do, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, M. Dumancic, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, T. Elder, A. Enokizono, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, W. Fan, N. Feege, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukuda, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, T. Gunji, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, S. Y. Han, S. Hasegawa, T. O.S. Haseler, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, K. Hill, A. Hodges, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotvedt, J. Huang, S. Huang, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, Y. Ito, D. Ivanishchev, B. V. Jacak, Z. Ji, B. M. Johnson, V. Jorjadze, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, J. H. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, S. Karthas, A. V. Kazantsev, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, C. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, M. Kim, M. H. Kim, D. Kincses, E. Kistenev, T. Koblesky, D. Kotov, S. Kudo, K. Kurita, J. G. Lajoie, E. O. Lallow, A. Lebedev, S. H. Lee, M. J. Leitch, Y. H. Leung, N. A. Lewis, X. Li, S. H. Lim, L. D. Liu, M. X. Liu, V. R. Loggins, S. Lökös, D. Lynch, T. Majoros, M. Makek, M. Malaev, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, H. Masuda, M. McCumber, D. McGlinchey, W. J. Metzger, A. C. Mignerey, D. E. Mihalik, A. Milov, D. K. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, G. Mitsuka, T. Moon, D. P. Morrison, S. I.M. Morrow, T. Murakami, J. Murata, K. Nagai, K. Nagashima, T. Nagashima, J. L. Nagle, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, R. Nouicer, T. Novák, N. Novitzky, R. Novotny, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, J. D. Orjuela Koop, J. D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, K. Ozawa, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. S. Park, S. Park, S. F. Pate, M. Patel, W. Peng, D. V. Perepelitsa, G. D.N. Perera, C. E. Perezlara, R. Petti, M. Phipps, C. Pinkenburg, A. Pun, M. L. Purschke, P. V. Radzevich, K. F. Read, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Richford, T. Rinn, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J. Runchey, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, K. Sato, S. Sato, B. Schaefer, B. K. Schmoll, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, M. J. Skoby, M. Slunečka, K. L. Smith, R. A. Soltz, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, S. Syed, A. Takeda, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, G. Tarnai, R. Tieulent, A. Timilsina, M. Tomášek, C. L. Towell, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Ueda, B. Ujvari, H. W. Van Hecke, S. Vazquez-Carson, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, X. R. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Watanabe, C. P. Wong, C. Xu, Q. Xu, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, P. Yin, J. H. Yoo, I. Yoon, H. Yu, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, S. Zharko, L. Zou

      Physical Review C96 ( 6 ) 064905   2017年12月26日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      We present measurements of the elliptic flow (v2) as a function of transverse momentum (pT), pseudorapidity (η), and centrality in d+Au collisions at sNN=200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV. The beam-energy scan of d+Au collisions provides a testing ground for the onset of flow signatures in small collision systems. We measure a nonzero v2 signal at all four collision energies, which, at midrapidity and low pT, is consistent with predictions from viscous hydrodynamic models. Comparisons with calculations from parton transport models (based on the ampt Monte Carlo generator) show good agreement with the data at midrapidity to forward (d-going) rapidities and low pT. At backward (Au-going) rapidities and pT&gt
      1.5GeV/c, the data diverges from ampt calculations of v2 relative to the initial geometry, indicating the possible dominance of nongeometry related correlations, referred to as nonflow. We also present measurements of the charged-particle multiplicity (dNch/dη) as a function of η in central d+Au collisions at the same energies. We find that in d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV the v2 scales with dNch/dη over all η in the PHENIX acceptance. At sNN=62.4, and 39 GeV, v2 scales with dNch/dη at midrapidity and forward rapidity, but falls off at backward rapidity. This departure from the dNch/dη scaling may be a further indication of nonflow effects dominating at backward rapidity.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.064905



    • BB-meson production at forward and backward rapidity in p+p and Cu + Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C96 ( 6 ) 064901   2017年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.064901


    • Short-range test of the universality of gravitational constant G at the millimeter scale using a digital image sensor 査読有り

      K. Ninomiya

      Class.Quant.Grav.34 ( 18 ) 185005   2017年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aa837f


    • Measurements of e+e− pairs from open heavy flavor in p+p and d+A collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C96 ( 2 ) 024907   2017年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.024907


    • Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry of muons from open heavy-flavor decays in polarized pp+pp collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D95 ( 11 ) 112001   2017年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.112001


    • Angular decay coefficients of J/Psi mesons at forward rapidity from p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D95 ( 9 ) 092003   2017年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.092003


    • Measurements of B→J/Psi at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev.95 ( 9 ) 092002   2017年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.092002


    • Nonperturbative-transverse-momentum effects and evolution in dihadron and direct photon-hadron angular correlations in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D95 ( 7 ) 072002   2017年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.072002


    • A new measurement of electron transverse polarization in polarized nuclear β-decay 査読有り

      H. Kawamura

      Mod.Phys.Lett. A32 ( 10 ) 1750058   2017年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1142/S0217732317500584


    • Measurement of the relative yields of Psi(2S) to Psi(1S) mesons produced at forward and backward rapidity in p+p, p+Al, p+Au, and 3He+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C95 ( 3 ) 034904   2017年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.034904


    • Measurement of long-range angular correlations and azimuthal anisotropies in high-multiplicity p+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C95 ( 3 ) 034910   2017年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.034910


    • The MTV Experiment: from T-violation to Lorentz-violation 査読有り

      J. Murata

      PoS INPC2016- ( - ) 185   2017年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.22323/1.281.0185


    • Measurements of double-helicity asymmetries in inclusive J/ψ production in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at s=510 GeV

      A. Adare, C. Aidala, N.{\hspace, N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, M. Alfred, N. Apadula, Y. Aramaki, H. Asano, E.{\hspace, m } }T. Atomssa, T.{\hspace, m } }C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, N.{\hspace, m } }S. Bandara, B. Bannier, K.{\hspace, m } }N. Barish, S. Bathe, A. Bazilevsky, M. Beaumier, S. Beckman, R. Belmon, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, D. Black, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Blau, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Bok, K. Boyle, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Brooks, J. Bryslawskyj, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, S. Campbell, C.-H. Chen, C.{\hspace, m } }Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I.{\hspace, m } }J. Choi, J.{\hspace, m } }B. Choi, T. Chujo, Z. Citron, M. Csan{\'{a, T. Csörg{\H{o, T.{\hspace, W. Danley, A. Datta, M.{\hspace, S. Daugherity, G. David, K. DeBlasio, K. Dehmel, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E.{\hspace, m } }J. Desmond, L. Ding, A. Dion, P.{\hspace, B. Diss, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Do, A. Drees, K.{\hspace, m } }A. Drees, J.{\hspace, M. Durham, A. Durum, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, N. Feege, D.{\hspace, m } }E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, S.{\hspace, m } }L. Fokin, J.{\hspace, m } }E. Frantz, A. Franz, A.{\hspace, m } }D. Frawley, C. Gal, P. Gallus, P. Garg, H. Ge, F. Giordano, A. Glenn, Y. Goto, N. Grau, S.{\hspace, m } }V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, Y. Gu, T. Gunji, H. Guragain, T. Hachiya, J.{\hspace, S. Haggerty, K.{\hspace, m } }I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, H.{\hspace, F. Hamilton, S.{\hspace, m } }Y. Han, J. Hanks, S. Hasegawa, T.{\hspace, O.{\hspace, m } }S. Haseler, K. Hashimoto, X. He, T.{\hspace, m } }K. Hemmick, J.{\hspace, C. Hill, R.{\hspace, S. Hollis, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Hoshino, N. Hotved, J. Huang, S. Huang, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, Y. Imazu, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, D. Ivanishchev, B.{\hspace, m } }V. Jacak, S.{\hspace, m } }J. Jeon, M. Jezghani, J. Jia, X. Jiang, B.{\hspace, m } }M. Johnson, E. Joo, K.{\hspace, m } }S. Joo, D. Jouan, D.{\hspace, m } }S. Jumper, S. Kanda, J.{\hspace, H. Kang, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Kang, D. Kawall, A.{\hspace, V. Kazantsev, J.{\hspace, m } }A. Key, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanzadeev, K. Kihara, C. Kim, D.{\hspace, m } }H. Kim, D.{\hspace, m } }J. Kim, E.-J. Kim, G.{\hspace, m } }W. Kim, H.-J. Kim, M. Kim, Y.{\hspace, m } }K. Kim, B. Kimelman, E. Kistenev, R. Kitamura, J. Klatsky, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, T. Koblesky, M. Kofarago, B. Komkov, J. Koster, D. Kotov, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, R. Lacey, J.{\hspace, m } }G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, K.{\hspace, m } }B. Lee, S. Lee, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lee, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Leitch, M. Leitgab, X. Li, S.{\hspace, m } }H. Lim, M.{\hspace, X. Liu, D. Lynch, Y.{\hspace, m } }I. Makdisi, M. Makek, A. Manion, V.{\hspace, m } }I. Manko, E. Mannel, M. McCumber, P.{\hspace, m } }L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, A. Meles, M. Mendoza, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, A.{\hspace, C. Mignerey, A.{\hspace, J. Miller, A. Milov, D.{\hspace, m } }K. Mishra, J.{\hspace, T. Mitchell, S. Miyasaka, S. Mizuno, A.{\hspace, m } }K. Mohanty, P. Montuenga, T. Moon, D.{\hspace, P. Morrison, T.{\hspace, m } }V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, A. Mwai, S. Nagamiya, K. Nagashima, J.{\hspace, m } }L. Nagle, M.{\hspace, m } }I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, H. Nakagomi, K. Nakano, C. Nattrass, P.{\hspace, m } }K. Netrakanti, M. Nihashi, T. Niida, S. Nishimura, R. Nouicer, T. Nov{\'{a } }k, N. Novitzky, A.{\hspace, m } }S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, C.{\hspace, A. Ogilvie, J.{\hspace, m } }D., Orjuela Koo, J.{\hspace, m } }D. Osborn, A. Oskarsson, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J.{\hspace, m } }S. Park, S. Park, S.{\hspace, m } }F. Pate, L. Patel, M. Patel, J.-C. Peng, D.{\hspace, V. Perepelitsa, G.{\hspace, D.{\hspace, N. Perera, D.{\hspace, m } }Yu. Peressounko, J. Perry, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. Pinson, R.{\hspace, m } }P. Pisani, M.{\hspace, m } }L. Purschke, J. Rak, B.{\hspace, m } }J. Ramson, I. Ravinovich, K.{\hspace, m } }F. Read, D. Reynolds, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, T. Rinn, N. Riveli, D. Roach, S.{\hspace, m } }D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, Z. Rowan, J.{\hspace, m } }G. Rubin, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, V. Samsonov, M. Sarsour, S. Sato, S. Sawada, B. Schaefer, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Schmoll, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Sen, R. Seto, P. Se, A. Sexton, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, B.{\hspace, m } }K. Singh, C.{\hspace, m } }P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slune{\v{c } }ka, M. Snowball, R.{\hspace, m } }A. Soltz, W.{\hspace, m } }E. Sondheim, S.{\hspace, m } }P. Sorensen, I.{\hspace, m } }V. Sourikova, P.{\hspace, m } }W. Stankus, M. Stepanov, S.{\hspace, P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, T. Sumita, J. Sun, J. Sziklai, A. Takahara, A. Taketani, K. Tanida, M.{\hspace, m } }J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, R. Tieulen, A. Timilsina, T. Todoroki, M. Tom{\'{a, v{s } }ek, H. Torii, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Towell, M. Towell, R. Towell, R.{\hspace, m } }S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H.{\hspace, m } }W. van Hecke, M. Vargyas, J. Velkovska, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X.{\hspace, m } }R. Wang, D. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y.{\hspace, m } }S. Watanabe, F. Wei, S. Whitaker, A.{\hspace, m } }S. White, S. Wolin, C.{\hspace, m } }L. Woody, M. Wysocki, B. Xia, L. Xue, S. Yalcin, Y.{\hspace, m } }L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, J.{\hspace, m } }H. Yoo, I. Yoon, I. Younus, H. Yu, I.{\hspace, m } }E. Yushmanov, W.{\hspace, m } }A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, S. Zhou, L. Zou and

      Physical Review D94 ( 11 )   2016年12月29日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.94.112008


    • Azimuthally anisotropic emission of low-momentum direct photons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C94 ( 6 ) 064901   2016年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.064901


    • Measurements of directed, elliptic, and triangular flow in Cu+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C94 ( 5 ) 054910   2016年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.054910


    • The MTV experiment: searching for T-violation in polarized Li-8 at TRIUMF 査読有り

      J. Murata, H. Baba, J. A. Behr, F. Goto, S. Inaba, H. Kawamura, M. Kitaguchi, C. D. P. Levy, H. Masuda, Y. Nakaya, K. Ninomiya, J. Onishi, R. Openshaw, M. Pearson, Y. Sakamoto, H. Shimizu, Y. Shimizu, S. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, R. Tanuma, Y. Totsuka, E. Watanabe, M. Yokohashi

      HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS237 ( 1 ) 125   2016年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

      The MTV experiment (Mott Polarimetry for T-Violation Experiment) is running at TRIUMF, to search for a large T-violating transverse electron-polarization in polarized Li-8 beta-decay. We aim at reaching precision of 10(-4) for the R-correlation, which is defined as a T-violating triple vector correlation in the beta-decay rate function. A Mott polarimeter system using a CDC (Cylindrical Drift Chamber) is used to measure the left-right scattering asymmetry in the Mott scattering from a thin metal foil. In the present study, we aim to discuss systematic effects in Mott polarimetry using the CDC.

      DOI: 10.1007/s10751-016-1336-z


    • Measurement of the higher-order anisotropic flow coefficients for identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 5 ) 051902 - 283   2016年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.051902


    • Forward J/Psi production in U+U collisions at sqrt(sNN)=193 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 3 ) 034903   2016年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.034903


    • Single electron yields from semileptonic charm and bottom hadron decays in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 3 ) 034904   2016年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.034904


    • Centrality-dependent modification of jet-production rates in deuteron-gold collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.116 ( 12 ) 122301   2016年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.122301


    • Measurement of parity-violating spin asymmetries in W+- production at midrapidity in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D93 ( 5 ) 051103   2016年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.051103


    • Scaling properties of fractional momentum loss of high-pT hadrons in nucleus-nucleus collisions at sqrt(sNN) from 62.4 GeV to 2.76 TeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 2 ) 024911   2016年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024911


    • Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems from sqrt(sNN)=7.7 to 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 2 ) 024901   2016年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024901


    • Phi meson production in the forward/backward rapidity region in Cu+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 2 ) 024904   2016年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024904


    • Inclusive cross section and double-helicity asymmetry for pi0 production at midrapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D93 ( 1 ) 011501   2016年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.011501


    • Dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C93 ( 1 ) 014904   2016年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.014904


    • Measurement of higher cumulants of net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=7.7−200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev.93 ( 1 ) 011901   2016年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.011901


    • Phi meson production in d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C92 ( 4 ) 044909 - 310   2015年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044909


    • Measurements of elliptic and triangular flow in high-multiplicity 3He+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.115 ( 14 ) 142301   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.142301


    • Systematic study of charged-pion and kaon femtoscopy in Au + Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C92 ( 3 ) 051103   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.034914


    • Systematic Study of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Cu+Cu and Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=62.4 and 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C92 ( 3 ) 034913   2015年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.034913


    • Centrality dependence of low-momentum direct-photon production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C91 ( 6 ) 064904 - 280   2015年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.064904


    • Measurement of long-range angular correlation and quadrupole anisotropy of pions and (anti)protons in central d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.1114 ( 19 ) 192301 - 178   2015年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.192301


    • Heavy-quark production and elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C91 ( 4 ) 044907 - 426   2015年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.044907


    • Search for dark photons from neutral meson decays in p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)= 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C91 ( 3 ) 031901   2015年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.031901


    • Measurement of Υ(1S+2S+3S) production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C91 ( 2 ) 024913   2015年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.024913


    • Charged-pion cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries in polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D91 ( 3 ) 032001   2015年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.032001


    • A review of short-range gravity experiments in the LHC era 招待有り 査読有り

      Jiro Murata, Saki Tanaka

      CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY32 ( 3 ) 033001   2015年2月


      記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

      This paper briefly reviews recent short-range gravity experiments that were performed at below laboratory scales to test the Newtonian inverse square law of gravity. To compare the sensitivities of these measurements, estimates using the conventional Yukawa parametrization are introduced. Since these experiments were triggered by the prediction of the large extra-dimension model, experiments performed at different length scales are compared with this prediction. In this paper, a direct comparison between laboratory-scale experiments and the LHC results is presented for the first time. A laboratory experiment is shown to determine the best limit at M-D &gt; 4.6 TeV and lambda &lt; 23 mu m. In addition, new analysis results are described for atomic systems used as gravitational microlaboratories.

      DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/3/033001


    • Cross section for bb¯ production via dielectrons in d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C91 ( 1 ) 014907   2015年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.014907


    • Nuclear matter effects on J/Psi production in asymmetric Cu+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C90 ( 6 ) 064908   2014年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.064908


    • Comparison of the space-time extent of the emission source in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Nucl.Phys. A931 ( - ) 1082 - 1087   2014年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2014.08.054


    • Measurement of KS0 and K∗0 in p+p, d+Au, and Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C90 ( 5 ) 054905 - 322   2014年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.054905


    • Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry of etaeta mesons in p↑+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV at forward rapidity 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D90 ( 7 ) 072008   2014年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.072008


    • Centrality categorization Rp(d)+A in high-energy collisions 査読有り

      A. Adare, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, Y. Aramaki, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmont, R. Bennett, J. H. Bhom, D. S. Blau, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, A. Caringi, C. -H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, Z. Conesa del Valle, M. Connors, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, I. Danchev, K. Das, A. Datta, G. David, M. K. Dayananda, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, K. V. Dharmawardane, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, D. Dutta, L. D'Orazio, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, G. Grim, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A . Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, R. Han, J. Hanks, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, D. Ivanischev, Y. Iwanaga, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, X. Jiang, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, T. Jones, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, F. Kajihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, M. Kasai, D. Kawall, M. Kawashima, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, A. Kim, B. I. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. -J. Kim, Y. -J. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, D. Kleinjan, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. Li, P. Lichtenwalner, P. Liebing, L. A. Linden Levy, T. Liska, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, A. C. Mignerey, K. Miki, A. Milov, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, H. J. Moon, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, S. Nam, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, M. Nihashi, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, C. Oakley, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, M. Oka, K. Okada, Y. Onuki, J. D. Orjuela Koop, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, I. H. Park, S. K. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, D. Perepelitsa, D. Yu. Peressounko, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, M. L. Purschke, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, C. A. Rosen, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Ruzicka, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, S. Sano, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunecka, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, H. Themann, D. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wright, M. Wysocki, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, Z. You, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, S. Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C90 ( 3 ) 034902   2014年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      High-energy proton- and deuteron-nucleus collisions provide an excellent tool for studying a wide array of physics effects, including modifications of parton distribution functions in nuclei, gluon saturation, and color neutralization and hadronization in a nuclear environment, among others. All of these effects are expected to have a significant dependence on the size of the nuclear target and the impact parameter of the collision, also known as the collision centrality. In this article, we detail a method for determining centrality classes in p(d) + A collisions via cuts on the multiplicity at backward rapidity (i.e., the nucleus-going direction) and for determining systematic uncertainties in this procedure. For d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV we find that the connection to geometry is confirmed by measuring the fraction of events in which a neutron from the deuteron does not interact with the nucleus. As an application, we consider the nuclear modification factors Rp(d)+A, for which there is a bias in the measured centrality-dependent yields owing to auto correlations between the process of interest and the backward-rapidity multiplicity. We determine the bias-correction factors within this framework. This method is further tested using the HIJING Monte Carlo generator. We find that for d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV, these bias corrections are small and vary by less than 5% (10%) up to p(T) = 10 (20) GeV/c. In contrast, for p + Pb collisions at v root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV we find that these bias factors are an order of magnitude larger and strongly pT dependent, likely attributable to the larger effect of multiparton interactions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034902


    • System-size dependence of open-heavy-flavor production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C90 ( 3 ) 034903 - 479   2014年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034903


    • Low-mass vector-meson production at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D90 ( 5 ) 052002   2014年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052002


    • Measurement of transverse-single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity and forward-rapidity production of hadrons in polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 and 62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D90 ( 1 ) 012006 - 548   2014年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.012006


    • Development of a novel scintillation-trigger detector for the MTV experiment using aluminum-metallized film tapes 査読有り

      S. Tanaka, S. Ozaki, Y. Sakamoto, R. Tanuma, T. Yoshida, J. Murata



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      A new type of a trigger-scintillation counter array designed for the MTV experiment at TRIUMFASAC has been developed, which uses aluminum-metallized film tape for wrapping to achieve the required assembling precision of +/- 0.5 mm. The MTV experiment uses a cylindrical drift chamber (CDC) as the main electron-tracking detector. The barrel-type trigger counter is placed inside the CDC to generate a trigger signal using 1 min thick, 300 mm long thin plastic scintillation counters. Detection efficiency and light attenuation compared with conventional wrapping materials are studied. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.03.025


    • Inclusive double-helicity asymmetries in neutral-pion and eta-meson production in p⃗ +p⃗ collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D90 ( 1 ) 012007   2014年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.012007


    • Cold-Nuclear-Matter Effects on Heavy-Quark Production at Forward and Backward Rapidity in d+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.112 ( 25 ) 252301   2014年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.252301


    • Azimuthal-angle dependence of charged-pion-interferometry measurements with respect to second- and third-order event planes in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.112 ( 22 ) 222301   2014年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.222301


    • Transverse-energy distributions at midrapidity in p+p , d+Au , and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=62.4–200 GeV and implications for particle-production models 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C89 ( 4 ) 044905 - 650   2014年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.044905


    • Heavy-flavor electron-muon correlations in p+p and d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C89 ( 3 ) 034915 - 92   2014年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.034915


    • MTV-G experiment: Probing non-standard strong gravitational field at nuclear scale using geodetic precession 査読有り

      Saki Tanaka, Yusuke Nakaya, Kazufumi Ninomiya, Hironori Nishio, Junichi Onishi, Robert Openshaw, Matthew Pearson, Yumi Totsuka, Jiro Murata

      PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI45 ( 1 ) 237 - 240   2014年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER  

      A new experiment named MTV-G, probing a large electron spin-precession due to a possible strong gravitational field, which predicted by large extra dimension model, is started at TRIUMF from 2011. In an electron-nuclear scattering experiment, a strong gravitational field is tested as a large spin precession effect caused by geodetic precession predicted by general relativity theory as a result of a warped space-time around nuclei. Experimental design using spin polarized electron source and Mott-spin analyzer, commissioning experiment and the preliminary results are described.

      DOI: 10.1134/S1063779614011024


    • Development of nondestructive measuring technique of environmental radioactive strontium 査読有り

      Shuntaro Saiba

      JPS Conf.Proc.1 ( - ) 019003 - 317   2014年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.1.019003


    • MTV/MTV-G Experiment at TRIUMF Search of T-Violation and Gravity Signal at Nuclear Scale 査読有り

      Saki Tanaka

      JPS Conf.Proc.1 ( - ) 013063   2014年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.1.013063


    • Report of the Next Generation TRIUMF-MTV Experiment Run-IV Using Cylindrical Drift Chamber 査読有り

      R. Tanuma

      JPS Conf.Proc.1 ( - ) 013069   2014年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.1.013069


    • Nondestructive measurement of environmental radioactive strontium 査読有り

      Shuntaro Saiba, Tomohiro Okamiya, Saki Tanaka, Ryosuke Tanuma, Yumi Totsuka, Jiro Murata

      INPC 2013 - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, VOL. 266 ( - ) 10014   2014年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:E D P SCIENCES  

      The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident was triggered by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The main radioactivity concerns after the accident are I-131 (half-life: 8.0 days), Cs-134 (2.1 years), Cs-137 (30 years), Sr-89 (51 days), and Sr-90 (29 years). We are aiming to establish a new nondestructive measurement and detection technique that will enable us to realize a quantitative evaluation of strontium radioactivity without chemical separation processing. This technique is needed to detect radiation contained in foods, environmental water, and soil, to prevent us from undesired internal exposure to radiation.

      DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20146610014


    • T-Violation experiment at TRIUMF-ISAC using polarized 8Li. 査読有り

      J. Murata

      EPJ Web Conf.66 ( - ) 05017   2014年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)  

      DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20146605017


    • Search of non-standard strong gravity at nuclear scale using electron spin geodetic precession 査読有り

      Saki Tanaka, Yusuke Nakaya, Reiya Narikawa, Kazufumi Ninomiya, Junichi Onishi, Matthew Pearson, Robert Openshaw, Shuntaro Saiba, Ryosuke Tanuma, Yumi Totsuka, Jiro Murata

      INPC 2013 - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, VOL. 266 ( - ) 05021 - 208   2014年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:E D P SCIENCES  

      The MTV-G project was started in 2011 to explore a strong gravitational field at a nuclear scale in an electron double scattering experiment, utilizing an experimental technique of the MTV experiment, which searches a electron's T-Violating transverse polarization in nuclear beta decay at TRIUMF-ISAC. In addition to this new experiment, we have also performed a re-analysis of spectroscopic data of exotic atoms, in a gravitational point of view. From these two studies, we set new constraints on possible new Yukawa interaction at sub-mm scale, as a test of gravitational inverse square law.

      DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20146605021


    • Azimuthal anisotropy of π 0 and η mesons in Au + Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, Y. Aramaki, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmont, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, M. Connors, P. Constantin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, I. Danchev, K. Das, A. Datta, G. David, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, D. Dutta, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'Yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. A. Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, R. Han, J. Hanks, E. P. Hartouni, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, J. Ide, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, D. Kawall, M. Kawashima, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E. J. Kim, S. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Král, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A.L. Leite, E. Leitner, B. Lenzi, X. Li, P. Liebing, L. A. Linden Levy, T. Liška, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, B. Love, R. Luechtenborg, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, A. C. Mignerey, P. Mikeš, K. Miki, A. Milov, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, M. Oka, K. Okada, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, I. H. Park, J. Park, S. K. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, C. A. Rosen, S. S.E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ružička, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, S. Sano, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunečka, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, N. A. Sparks, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, P. Tarján, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomášek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. Van Hecke, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vértesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, J. P. Wood, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wright, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, Z. You, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics88 ( 6 ) 064910   2013年12月20日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      The azimuthal anisotropy coefficients v2 and v4 of π0 and η mesons are measured in Au + Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV as a function of transverse momentum pT (1-14 GeV/c) and centrality. The extracted v2 coefficients are found to be consistent between the two meson species over the measured pT range. The ratio of v4/v22 for π0 mesons is found to be independent of pT for 1-9 GeV/c, implying a lack of sensitivity of the ratio to the change of underlying physics with pT. Furthermore, the ratio of v4/v22 is systematically larger in central collisions, which may reflect the combined effects of fluctuations in the initial collision geometry and finite viscosity in the evolving medium. © 2013 American Physical Society.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.064910



    • Quadrupole Anisotropy in Dihadron Azimuthal Correlations in Central d+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.111 ( 21 ) 212301   2013年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.212301


    • Nuclear Modification of Psi',χc and J/Psi Production in d+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.111 ( 20 ) 202301   2013年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.202301


    • Inclusive cross section and single transverse spin asymmetry for very forward neutron production in polarized p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, K. Das, G. David, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A Gustafsson, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, X. Li, P. Liebing, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, A. Milov, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niida, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, M. Oka, K. Okada, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D88 ( 3 ) 032006   2013年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The energy dependence of the single-transverse-spin asymmetry, A(N), and the cross section for neutron production at very forward angles were measured in the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider for polarized p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. The neutrons were observed in forward detectors covering an angular range of up to 2.2 mrad. We report results for neutrons with a momentum fraction of x(F) = 0.45 to 1.0. The energy dependence of the measured cross sections were consistent with x(F) scaling, compared to measurements by an experiment at the Intersecting Storage Ring, which measured neutron production in unpolarized p + p collisions at root s = 30.6-62.7 GeV. The cross sections for large x(F) neutron production for p + p collisions, as well as those in e + p collisions measured at the Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator, are described by a pion exchange mechanism. The observed forward neutron asymmetries were large, reaching A(N) = -0.08 +/- 0.02 for x(F) = 0.8; the measured backward asymmetries, for negative x(F), were consistent with zero. The observed asymmetry for forward neutron production is discussed within the pion exchange framework, with interference between the spin-flip amplitude due to the pion exchange and nonflip amplitudes from all Reggeon exchanges. Within the pion exchange description, the measured neutron asymmetry is sensitive to the contribution of other Reggeon exchanges even for small amplitudes.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032006


    • Spectra and ratios of identified particles in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C88 ( 2 ) 024906   2013年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.024906


    • Medium modification of jet fragmentation in Au + Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV measured in direct photon-hadron correlations 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.111 ( 3 ) 032301   2013年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.032301


    • Direct photon production in d+d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C87 ( 5 ) 054907   2013年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.054907


    • υ(1S+2S+3S) production in d+d+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV and cold-nuclear matter effects 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C87 ( 4 ) 044909   2013年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.044909


    • Transverse-momentum dependence of the J/ψ nuclear modification in d+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, Y. Aramaki, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmont, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, J. H. Bhom, D. S. Blau, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, A. Caringi, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, Z. Conesa Del Valle, M. Connors, T. Csörgo, M. Csanád, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, I. Danchev, K. Das, A. Datta, G. David, M. K. Dayananda, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, K. V. Dharmawardane, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, L. D'Orazio, O. Drapier, K. A. Drees, A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, D. Dutta, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, H. En'Yo, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, G. Grim, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. Å Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, J. Hanks, R. Han, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, Y. Iwanaga, B. V. Jacak, X. Jiang, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, T. Jones, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, F. Kajihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, M. Kasai, D. Kawall, M. Kawashima, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, A. Kim, B. I. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, Y. J. Kim, E. Kinney, Á Kiss, E. Kistenev, D. Kleinjan, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, A. Král, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A.L. Leite, X. Li, P. Lichtenwalner, P. Liebing, L. A. Linden Levy, T. Liška, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, A. C. Mignerey, K. Miki, A. Milov, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, H. J. Moon, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, S. Nam, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, M. Nihashi, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, C. Oakley, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, K. Okada, M. Oka, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, I. H. Park, S. K. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu Peressounko, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, M. L. Purschke, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, C. A. Rosen, S. S.E. Rosendahl, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ružička, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, S. Sano, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunečka, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, H. Themann, D. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomášek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. Van Hecke, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vértesi, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wright, M. Wysocki, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, Z. You, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics87 ( 3 ) 034904   2013年3月14日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society  

      We present measured J/ψ production rates in d+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV over broad ranges of transverse momentum (pT=0-14 GeV/c) and rapidity (-2.2&lt
      2.2). We construct the nuclear-modification factor RdAu for these kinematics and as a function of collision centrality (related to impact parameter for the d+Au collision). We find that the modification is largest for collisions with small impact parameters and observe a suppression (RdAu&lt
      1) for pT&lt
      4 GeV/c at positive rapidities. At negative rapidity we observe a suppression for pT&lt
      2 GeV/c then an enhancement (R dAu&gt
      1) for pT&gt
      2 GeV/c. The observed enhancement at negative rapidity has implications for the interpretation of the observed modification in heavy-ion collisions at high pT. © 2013 American Physical Society.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.034904



    • Neutral pion production with respect to centrality and reaction plane in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C87 ( 3 ) 034911   2013年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.034911


    • Double Spin Asymmetry of Electrons from Heavy Flavor Decays in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D87 ( 1 ) 012011   2013年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.012011


    • Trigger electronics upgrade of PHENIX muon tracker 査読有り

      S. Adachi, T. Akiyama, K. Aoki, H. Asano, S. Ebesu, Y. Fukao, Y. Haki, M. Hata, Y. Ichikawa, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, M. Ikeno, K. Imai, Y. Imazu, K. Karatsu, M. Kasai, H. Kawamura, E. Kim, K. Kurita, T. Mibe, T. Murakami, J. Murata, I. Nakagawa, K. R. Nakamura, R. Nakanishi, K. Ninomiya, M. Nitta, N. Ogawa, J. Onishi, S. Park, Y. Sada, N. Saito, R. Sameshima, O. Sasaki, A. Sato, E. Seitaibashi, K. Senzaka, K. Shoji, A. Taketani, K. Tanida, T. Toyoda, K. Watanabe

      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment703 ( - ) 114 - 132   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) offers the unique capability to collide polarized protons at high energies. One of the highlights of the polarized proton program performed at s=500GeV is that it affords the direct measurement of sea quark contribution to the proton spin via W-boson production through the measurement of the parity violating single spin asymmetry. A new trigger electronics system for forward muons, which is especially capable of W-boson detection, was developed for the PHENIX experiment. The trigger was installed as an additional electronic circuit, and it was connected in parallel with the existing cathode readout electronics of the muon tracking chamber. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.11.088



    • Short-range Gravity experiment using digital image analysis 査読有り

      Kazufumi Ninomiya, Reiko Kishi, Haruna Murakami, Hironori Nishio, Naruya Ogawa, Atsushi Taketani, Jiro Murata

      Journal of Physics: Conference Series453 ( 1 ) 012007   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:Institute of Physics Publishing  

      According to a large extra dimension model, a deviation from Newton's inverse square law is expected at below sub-millimeter range. We have developed an experimental set up using a torsion balance pendulum and an online digital-image analysis system, aiming to test the Newtonian inverse square law at below millimeter scale. In addition, composition dependence of gravitational constant G is also tested at a millimeter scale, motivated to test the weak equivalence principle. In this paper, current status and results are described.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/453/1/012007



    • MTV-G experiment : probing a non-standard strong gravitational field at nuclear scale using geodetic precession 査読有り

      Saki Tanaka, Yusuke Nakaya, Kazufumi Ninomiya, Hironori Nishio, Junichi Onishi, Robert Openshaw, Matthew Pearson, Yumi Totsuka, Jiro Murata

      NEB 15 - RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN GRAVITY453 ( - ) 012018   2013年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

      The MTV-G project has started in 2011 to explore a strong gravitational field around nuclei utilizing an experimental technique developed to search time reversal symmetry violation in nuclear beta decay experiment at a radioactive beam facility. A large electron spin-precession due to a possible strong gravitational field, which has been predicted by a large extra dimension model, is investigated in an electron-nuclear scattering experiment at TRIUMF. The experimental design, which use a spin polarized electron source and a Mott-spin analyzer, the commissioning experiment, the preliminary results, together with an introduction to the next generation device, are described in this article.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/453/1/012018


    • Cold-nuclear-matter effects on heavy-quark production in d+d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.109 ( 24 ) 242301   2012年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.242301


    • J/PsiJ/Psi suppression at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=39 and 62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C86 ( 6 ) 064901   2012年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.064901


    • Cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of midrapidity inclusive charged hadrons in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D86 ( 9 ) 092006   2012年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.092006


    • Evolution of pi0 suppression in Au+Au collisions from sqrt(sNN)=39 to 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.109 ( 15 ) 152301   2012年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.152301


    • Direct-Photon Production in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV at Midrapidity 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D86 ( 7 ) 072008   2012年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.072008


    • Measurement of Direct Photons in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.109 ( 15 ) 152302   2012年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.152302


    • Observation of direct-photon collective flow in sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.109 ( 12 ) 122302   2012年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.122302


    • Nuclear-Modification Factor for Open-Heavy-Flavor Production at Forward Rapidity in Cu+Cu Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C86 ( 2 ) 024909   2012年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.024909


    • Deviation from quark-number scaling of the anisotropy parameter v2 of pions, kaons, and protons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C85 ( 6 ) 064914   2012年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.064914


    • Ground and excited charmonium state production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D85 ( 9 ) 092004   2012年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.092004


    • Measurements of Higher-Order Flow Harmonics in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.107 ( 25 ) 252301   2011年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.252301


    • J/Psi suppression at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C84 ( 5 ) 054912   2011年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.054912


    • Heavy Quark Production in p+p and Energy Loss and Flow of Heavy Quarks in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C84 ( 4 ) 044905   2011年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.044905


    • Production of ω mesons in p+p, d+Au, Cu+Cu, and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C84 ( 4 ) 044902   2011年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.044902


    • Suppression of back-to-back hadron pairs at forward rapidity in d+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.107 ( 17 ) 172301   2011年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.172301


    • Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/Psi Yields as a Function of Rapidity and Nuclear Geometry in Deuteron-Gold Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.107 ( 14 ) 142301   2011年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.142301


    • Suppression of away-side jet fragments with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C84 ( 2 ) 024904   2011年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.024904


    • Event Structure and Double Helicity Asymmetry in Jet Production from Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D84 ( 1 ) 012006   2011年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.012006


    • Identified charged hadron production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 and 62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C83 ( 6 ) 064903   2011年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.064903


    • Azimuthal correlations of electrons from heavy-flavor decay with hadrons in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C83 ( 4 ) 044912   2011年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.044912


    • Measurement of neutral mesons in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)= 200 GeV and scaling properties of hadron production 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D83 ( 5 ) 052004   2011年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.052004


    • Nuclear modification factors of Phi mesons in d+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) =200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C83 ( 2 ) 024909   2011年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.024909


    • Cross Section and Parity Violating Spin Asymmetries of W+- Boson Production in Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=500 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.106 ( 6 ) 062001   2011年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.062001


    • Cross section and double helicity asymmetry for eta mesons and their comparison to neutral pion production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D83 ( 3 ) 032001   2011年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.032001


    • Electron Transverse Polarimeter for the MTV experiment at TRIUMF 査読有り

      J. Onishi, H. Baba, M. Ikeda, H. Kawamura, R. Kishi, Y. Nakaya, K. Ninomiya, N. Ogawa, R. Openshaw, M. Pearson, E. Seitaibashi, Y. Totsuka, T. Toyoda, M. Uchida, J. Murata



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

      A new experimental project called MTV(Mott Polarimetry for T-Violation Experiment)-S1183 has started at TRIUMF, aiming to achieve the highest precision test of time reversal symmetry in polarized nuclear beta decay. In this experiment, existence of T-violating transverse polarization of electrons emitted from polarized nuclei is examined, using a multi-wire drift chamber (MWDC) as an electron tracking detector in order to measure Mott scattering asymmetries. In this paper, technical aspects of the electron polarimetry are described. The Mott polarimeter, MWDC, consists of six sense layers. In order to improve the real backward scattering event purity, a new intelligent triggering system using FPGA module to perform on-line hit pattern recognition was developed. The new triggering system was installed for the first commissioning experiment in November 2009 at TRIUMF-ISAC. In addition to the triggering system, a new buffering DAQ system was also developed in order to achieve the needed high triggering rate at ISAC. Details of their performance are also described.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/312/10/102012


    • Test of Time Reversal Symmetry using polarized (8)Li at TRIUMF-ISAC 査読有り

      J. Murata, H. Baba, J. A. Behr, M. Hata, Y. Hirayama, M. Ikeda, D. Kameda, H. Kawamura, R. Kishi, C. D. P. Levy, Y. Nakaya, K. Ninomiya, M. Nitta, N. Ogawa, J. Onishi, R. Openshaw, M. Pearson, E. Seitaibashi, Y. Totsuka, T. Toyoda, M. Uchida



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:IOP PUBLISHING LTD  

      A new experimental project called MTV (Mott Polarimetry for T-Violation Experiment), is running at TRIUMF. It aims to achieve the highest precision test of time reversal symmetry in polarized nuclear beta decay by measuring a triple correlation (R-correlation), motivated to search a new physics beyond the standard model. It is because the CKM predicts negligible effects on the u-d quark system. In this experiment, the existence of non-zero transverse electron polarization is examined utilizing the analyzing power of Mott scattering from a thin metal foil. Backward scattering electron tracks are measured using a multi-wire drift chamber event-by-event for the first time. The tracking device eliminates the largest systematic effect, which has been limiting the sensitivity of previous studies. The MTV experiment was commissioned at TRIUMF-ISAC in 2009 using an 80% polarized (8)Li beam at 10 Mpps resulting in 3.6% precision on the R-parameter, after performing a feasibility test at KEK-TRIAC in 2008 using an 8% polarized beam at 100 kpps yielding 41% statistical precision. In 2010, a physics production run is scheduled, aiming to reach below 0.1% precision. In this document, the preparation status for the 2010 run and results from the commissioning run are described.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/312/10/102011


    • Measurement of Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries for J/Psi Production in Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D82 ( 11 ) 112008,   2010年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.112008


    • High pT direct photon and pi0 triggered azimuthal jet correlations and measurement of kT for isolated direct photons in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D82 ( 7 ) 072001   2010年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.072001


    • Azimuthal anisotropy of neutral pion production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)= 200 GeV: Path-length dependence of jet quenching and the role of initial geometry 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.105 ( 14 ) 142301   2010年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.142301


    • Elliptic and hexadecapole flow of charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.105 ( 6 ) 062301   2010年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.062301


    • Transverse momentum dependence of J/psi polarization at midrapidity in p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, Z. Conesa Del Valle, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, K. Das, G. David, A. Denisov, D. d&apos;Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En&apos;yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, P. Liebing, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, A. Milov, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niita, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O&apos;Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D82 ( 1 ) 012001   2010年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We report the measurement of the transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/psi polarization in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV performed by the PHENIX Experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The J/psi polarization is studied in the helicity, Gottfried-Jackson, and Collins-Soper frames for p(T) &lt; 5 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar &lt; 0.35. The polarization in the helicity and Gottfried-Jackson frames is consistent with zero for all transverse momenta, with a slight (1.8 sigma) trend towards longitudinal polarization for transverse momenta above 2 GeV/c. No conclusion is allowed due to the limited acceptance in the Collins-Soper frame and the uncertainties of the current data. The results are compared to observations for other collision systems and center of mass energies and to different quarkonia production models.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.012001


    • Transverse momentum dependence of meson suppression eta suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C82 ( 1 ) 011902   2010年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.82.011902


    • Transition in Yield and Azimuthal Shape Modification in Dihadron Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, Y. Aramaki, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Belmont, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, J. S. Bok, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, C. -H. Chen, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, M. Connors, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, I. Danchev, K. Das, A. Datta, G. David, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, S. Edwards, Y. V. Efremenko, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, J. Hanks, R. Han, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, S. Hegyi, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, J. Ide, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, D. S. Jumper, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, M. Kawashima, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. Lee, K. S. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, E. Leitner, B. Lenzi, P. Liebing, L. A. Linden Levy, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, R. Luechtenborg, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, A. C. Mignerey, P. Mikes, K. Miki, A. Milov, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niita, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, K. Okada, M. Oka, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, I. H. Park, J. Park, S. K. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, C. A. Rosen, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, S. Sano, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, N. A. Sparks, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, J. P. Wood, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wright, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, Z. You, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS104 ( 25 ) 252301   2010年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Hard-scattered parton probes produced in collisions of large nuclei indicate large partonic energy loss, possibly with collective produced-medium response to the lost energy. We present measurements of pi(0) trigger particles at transverse momenta p(T)(t) = 4-12 GeV/c and associated charged hadrons (p(T)(a) = 0.5-7 GeV/c) vs relative azimuthal angle Delta phi in Au + Au and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The Au + Au distribution at low p(T)(a), whose shape has been interpreted as a medium effect, is modified for p(T)(t) &lt; 7 GeV/c. At higher p(T)(t), the data are consistent with unmodified or very weakly modified shapes, even for the lowest measured p(T)(a), which quantitatively challenges some medium response models. The associated yield of hadrons opposing the trigger particle in Au + Au relative to p + p (I-AA) is suppressed at high p(T) (I-AA approximate to 0.35-0.5), but less than for inclusive suppression (R-AA approximate to 0.2).

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.252301


    • Enhanced production of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV and implications for the initial temperature 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.104 ( 13 ) 132301   2010年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.132301


    • Detailed measurement of the e+e− pair continuum in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV and implications for direct photon production 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C81 ( 3 ) 034911   2010年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.034911


    • pi − / pi + Ratio Observed in the Central Collisions of 115 In+ 132 Xe Reaction at 400A MeV 査読有り

      T. Murakami

      Nucl.Phys. A834 ( 1-4 ) 593C - 595C   2010年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.01.101


    • Double-Helicity Dependence of Jet Properties from Dihadrons in Longitudinally Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D81 ( 1 ) 012002   2010年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.012002


    • High-p(T) pi(0) production with respect to the reaction plane in Au plus Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C80 ( 5 ) 054907   2009年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy of high-p(T) neutral pion (pi(0)) production in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV by the PHENIX experiment are presented. The data included in this article were collected during the 2004 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider running period and represent approximately an order of magnitude increase in the number of analyzed events relative to previously published results. Azimuthal angle distributions of pi(0) mesons detected in the PHENIX electromagnetic calorimeters are measured relative to the reaction plane determined event-by-event using the forward and backward beam-beam counters. Amplitudes of the second Fourier component (v(2)) of the angular distributions are presented as a function of pi(0) transverse momentum (p(T)) for different bins in collision centrality. Measured reaction plane dependent pi(0) yields are used to determine the azimuthal dependence of the pi(0) suppression as a function of p(T), R-AA(Delta phi,p(T)). A jet-quenching motivated geometric analysis is presented that attempts to simultaneously describe the centrality dependence and reaction plane angle dependence of the pi(0) suppression in terms of the path lengths of hypothetical parent partons in the medium. This set of results allows for a detailed examination of the influence of geometry in the collision region and of the interplay between collective flow and jet-quenching effects along the azimuthal axis.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.054907


    • Charged Kaon Interferometric Probes of Space-Time Evolution in Au plus Au Collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d&apos;Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En&apos;yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O&apos;Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS103 ( 14 ) 142301   2009年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons are used to probe Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV and are compared to charged pion probes, which have a larger hadronic scattering cross section. Three-dimensional Gaussian source radii are extracted, along with a one-dimensional kaon emission source function. The centrality dependences of the three Gaussian radii are well described by a single linear function of N-part(1/3) with a zero intercept. Imaging analysis shows a deviation from a Gaussian tail at r greater than or similar to 10 fm, although the bulk emission at lower radius is well described by a Gaussian. The presence of a non-Gaussian tail in the kaon source reaffirms that the particle emission region in a heavy-ion collision is extended, and that similar measurements with pions are not solely due to the decay of long-lived resonances.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.142301


    • Photoproduction of J/psi and of high mass e(+)e(-) in ultra-peripheral Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, Z. Conesa del Valle, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICS LETTERS B679 ( 4 ) 321 - 329   2009年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      We present the first measurement of photoproduction of J/psi and of two-photon production of high-mass e(+)e(-) pairs in electromagnetic (or ultra-peripheral) nucleus-nucleus interactions, using Au + Au data at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The events are tagged with forward neutrons emitted following Coulomb excitation of one or both Au* nuclei. The event sample consists of 28 events with m(e+e-) &gt; 2 GeV/c(2) with zero like-sign background. The measured cross sections at midrapidity of d sigma/dy (J/psi + Xn, y = 0) = 76 +/- 33 (stat) +/- 11 (syst) pb and d(2)sigma /dm dy (e(+) e(-) + Xn, y = 0) = 86 +/- 23(stat) +/- 16(syst) mu b/ (GeV/c(2)) for m(e+e-) epsilon vertical bar 2.0, 2.8 vertical bar GeV/c(2) have been compared and found to be consistent with models for photoproduction of J/psi and QED based calculations of two-photon production of e(+)e(-) pairs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.061


    • Photon-hadron jet correlations in p plus p and Au plus Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, C. -H. Chen, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, M. Connors, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, J. Kapustinsky, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, P. Liebing, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niita, B. E. Norman, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C80 ( 2 ) 024908   2009年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We report the observation at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider of suppression of back-to-back correlations in the direct photon+jet channel in Au+Au relative to p+p collisions. Two-particle correlations of direct photon triggers with associated hadrons are obtained by statistical subtraction of the decay photon-hadron (gamma-h) background. The initial momentum of the away-side parton is tightly constrained, because the parton-photon pair exactly balance in momentum at leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics, making such correlations a powerful probe of the in-medium parton energy loss. The away-side nuclear suppression factor, I-AA, in central Au+Au collisions, is 0.32 +/- 0.12(stat)+/- 0.09(syst) for hadrons of 3 &lt; p(T)(h)&lt; 5 in coincidence with photons of 5 &lt; p(T)(gamma)&lt; 15 GeV/c. The suppression is comparable to that observed for high-p(T) single hadrons and dihadrons. The direct photon associated yields in p+p collisions scale approximately with the momentum balance, z(T)equivalent to p(T)(h)/p(T)(gamma), as expected for a measurement of the away-side parton fragmentation function. We compare to Au+Au collisions for which the momentum balance dependence of the nuclear modification should be sensitive to the path-length dependence of parton energy loss.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.024908


    • Measurement of Bottom versus Charm as a Function of Transverse Momentum with Electron-Hadron Correlations in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.103 ( 8 ) 082002   2009年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.082002


    • Systematic studies of elliptic flow measurements in Au plus Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, A. Mignerey, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C80 ( 2 ) 024909   2009年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow (v(2)) measured over the pseudorapidity range vertical bar eta vertical bar &lt; 0.35 in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV. Results for v(2) are presented over a broad range of transverse momentum (p(T)=0.2-8.0 GeV/c) and centrality (0-60%). To study nonflow effects that are correlations other than collective flow, as well as the fluctuations of v(2), we compare two different analysis methods: (1) the event-plane method from two independent subdetectors at forward (vertical bar eta vertical bar=3.1-3.9) and beam (vertical bar eta vertical bar&gt;6.5) pseudorapidities and (2) the two-particle cumulant method extracted using correlations between particles detected at midrapidity. The two event-plane results are consistent within systematic uncertainties over the measured p(T) and in centrality 0-40%. There is at most a 20% difference in the v(2) between the two event-plane methods in peripheral (40-60%) collisions. The comparisons between the two-particle cumulant results and the standard event-plane measurements are discussed.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.024909


    • Gluon-Spin Contribution to the Proton Spin from the Double-Helicity Asymmetry in Inclusive pi(0) Production in Polarized p plus p Collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, P. Chand, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, K. Das, G. David, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, J. C. Hill, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, J. H. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, P. Liebing, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, A. Milov, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niita, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, V. Samsonov, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, S. Williamson, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS103 ( 1 ) 012003   2009年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The double helicity asymmetry in neutral pion production for p(T) = 1 to 12 GeV/c was measured with the PHENIX experiment to access the gluon-spin contribution, Delta G, to the proton spin. Measured asymmetries are consistent with zero, and at a theory scale of mu 2 = 4 GeV2 a next to leading order QCD analysis gives Delta G([0.02,0.3]) = 0.2, with a constraint of -0.7 &lt; Delta G([0.02,0.3]) &lt; 0.5 at Delta chi(2) = 9 (similar to 3 sigma) for the sampled gluon momentum fraction (x) range, 0.02 to 0.3. The results are obtained using predictions for the measured asymmetries generated from four representative fits to polarized deep inelastic scattering data. We also consider the dependence of the Delta G constraint on the choice of the theoretical scale, a dominant uncertainty in these predictions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.012003


    • Ground-state electric quadrupole moment of Al-31 査読有り

      D. Nagae, H. Ueno, D. Kameda, M. Takemura, K. Asahi, K. Takase, A. Yoshimi, T. Sugimoto, K. Shimada, T. Nagatomo, M. Uchida, T. Arai, T. Inoue, S. Kagami, N. Hatakeyama, H. Kawamura, K. Narita, J. Murata

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C79 ( 2 ) 027301   2009年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The ground-state electric quadrupole moment of Al-31(I-pi=5/2(+),T-1/2=644(25) ms) has been measured by means of beta-ray-detected nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using a spin-polarized Al-31 beam produced in the projectile fragmentation reaction. The obtained Q moment, |Q(exp)(Al-31)|=112(32) e mb, is in agreement with conventional shell model calculations within the sd valence space. Previous results on the magnetic moment also support the validity of the sd model in this isotope, and thus it is concluded that Al-31 is located outside of the island of inversion.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.027301


    • Dilepton mass spectra in p + p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV and the contribution from open charm 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, J. L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanád, T. Csörgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger Jr., F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H.-Å. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Král, A. Kravitz, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A.L. Leite, B. Lenzi, T. Liška, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Mašek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikeš, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P.T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S.E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunečka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarján, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomášek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkoška, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimányi, L. Zolin

      Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics670 ( 4-5 ) 313 - 320   2009年1月5日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      PHENIX has measured the electron-positron pair mass spectrum from 0 to 8   GeV / c2 in p + p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV. The contributions from light meson decays to e+ e- pairs have been determined based on measurements of hadron production cross sections by PHENIX. Within the systematic uncertainty of ∼20% they account for all e+ e- pairs in the mass region below ∼ 1   GeV / c2. The e+ e- pair yield remaining after subtracting these contributions is dominated by semileptonic decays of charmed hadrons correlated through flavor conservation. Using the spectral shape predicted by PYTHIA, we estimate the charm production cross section to be 544 ± 39 (stat) ± 142 (syst) ± 200 (model)   μb, which is consistent with QCD calculations and measurements of single leptons by PHENIX. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.10.064



    • Inclusive cross section and double helicity asymmetry for pi^0 production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=62.4 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D79 ( 1 ) 012003   2009年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.012003


    • Recent results on short-range gravity experiment 査読有り

      Maki Hata, Takashi Akiyama, Yuki Ikeda, Hirokazu Kawamura, Keigo Narita, Kazufumi Ninomiya, Naruya Ogawa, Toshiaki Sato, Etsuko Seitaibashi, Yuta Sekiguchi, Ryosuke Tsutsui, Kazumasa Yazawa, Jiro Murata

      Journal of Physics: Conference Series189 ( - ) 012019   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:Institute of Physics Publishing  

      According to the ADD model [1], deviation from Newton's inverse square law is expected at below sub-millimeter scale. Present study is an experimental investigation of the Newton's gravitational law at a short range scale. We have developed an experimental setup using torsion balance bar, and succeeded to confirm the inverse square law at a centimeter scale. In addition, composition dependence of gravitational constant G is also tested at the centimeter scale, motivated to test the weak equivalence principle. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/189/1/012019



    • New experimental technique for short-range gravity measurement 査読有り

      Kazufumi Ninomiya, Takashi Akiyama, Maki Hata, Yuki Ikeda, Hirokazu Kawamura, Keigo Narita, Naruya Ogawa, Toshiaki Sato, Etsuko Seitaibashi, Yuta Sekiguchi, Ryosuke Tsutsui, Kazumasa Yazawa, Jiro Murata

      Journal of Physics: Conference Series189 ( - ) 012026   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:Institute of Physics Publishing  

      A new experimental technique for short range gravity measurements using pico-precision displacement sensor using digital image analysis is presented. We have developed a new experimental setup using torsion balance pendulum, aiming to test the Newton's inverse square law at below millimeter scale. Weak equivalence principle can also be tested using the same experimental setup. Detector techniques and the detail of the experimental setup are described. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.

      DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/189/1/012026



    • Nuclear Structure Studies with Polarized Radioactive Beams 査読有り

      K. Asahi, H. Ueno, K. Shimada, T. Nagatomo, A. Yoshimi, D. Nagae, D. Kameda, M. Uchida, T. Inoue, M. Hatakeyama, S. Kagami, Y. Hasama, K. Suzuki, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, K. Narita, M. Ishihara

      SPIN PHYSICS1149 ( 1 ) 90 - +   2009年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Nuclear moment studies on nuclei far from the P-stability line, performed by taking advantage of the projectile fragmentation reaction, are reviewed. A method to produce spin polarization/alignment in the projectile fragments was developed and utilized for the beta-NMR/NQR measurements. Several new findings in nuclear structure physics were obtained from the nuclear moment experiments done with these techniques.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.3215790


    • Suppression Pattern of Neutral Pions at High Transverse Momentum in Au plus Au Collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV and Constraints on Medium Transport Coefficients 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS101 ( 23 ) 232301   2008年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      For Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV, we measure neutral pion production with good statistics for transverse momentum, p(T), up to 20 GeV/c. A fivefold suppression is found, which is essentially constant for 5 &lt; p(T) &lt; 20 GeV/c. Experimental uncertainties are small enough to constrain any model-dependent parametrization for the transport coefficient of the medium, e. g., &lt;(q) over cap &gt; in the parton quenching model. The spectral shape is similar for all collision classes, and the suppression does not saturate in Au + Au collisions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.232301


    • Onset of pi(0) Suppression Studied in Cu plus Cu Collisions at root s(NN)=22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, C. M. Camacho, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, C. R. Cleven, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, S. Dairaku, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, D. Ivanischev, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, J. Kapustinsky, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, J. Kikuchi, B. I. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, S. H. Kim, E. Kinney, K. Kiriluk, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, D. Layton, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, K. B. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, P. Liebing, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, N. Means, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. K. Mohanty, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, T. Niita, B. E. Norman, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, Y. Onuki, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, P. Ruzicka, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, K. Sakashita, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, S. Sato, T. Sato, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, J. Seele, R. Seidl, A. Yu. Semenov, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, A. Sukhanov, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, H. Themann, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, Y. Tomita, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. Vanhecke, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, F. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, K. Yamaura, R. Yang, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS101 ( 16 ) 162301   2008年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Neutral pion transverse momentum (p(T)) spectra at midrapidity (|y| less than or similar to 0.35) were measured in Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV. Relative to pi(0) yields in p + p collisions scaled by the number of inelastic nucleon-nucleon collisions (N-coll) the pi(0) yields for p(T) greater than or similar to 2 GeV/c in central Cu + Cu collisions are suppressed at 62.4 and 200 GeV whereas an enhancement is observed at 22.4 GeV. A comparison with a jet-quenching model suggests that final state parton energy loss dominates in central Cu + Cu collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV, while the enhancement at 22.4 GeV is consistent with nuclear modifications in the initial state alone.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.162301


    • Charged hadron multiplicity fluctuations in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions from sqrt(sNN)=22.5 to 200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C78 ( 4 ) 044902   2008年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.044902


    • J/psi production in root s(NN)=200 GeV Cu+Cu collisions 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. Van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS101 ( 12 ) 122301   2008年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Yields for J/psi production in Cu+Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV have been measured over the rapidity range |y|&lt; 2.2 and compared with results in p+p and Au+Au collisions at the same energy. The Cu+Cu data offer greatly improved precision over existing Au+Au data for J/psi production in collisions with small to intermediate numbers of participants, in the range where the quark-gluon plasma transition threshold is predicted to lie. Cold nuclear matter estimates based on ad hoc fits to d+Au data describe the Cu+Cu data up to N-part similar to 50, corresponding to a Bjorken energy density of at least 1.5 GeV/fm(3).

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.122301


    • Particle-species dependent modification of jet-induced correlations in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS101 ( 8 ) 082301   2008年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Measurements in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV of jet correlations for a trigger hadron at intermediate transverse momentum (p(T,trig)) with associated mesons or baryons at lower p(T,assoc) indicate strong modification of the away-side jet. The ratio of jet-associated baryons to mesons increases with centrality and p(T,assoc). For the most central collisions, the ratio is similar to that for inclusive measurements. This trend is incompatible with in-vacuum fragmentation but could be due to jetlike contributions from correlated soft partons, which recombine upon hadronization.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.082301


    • Dihadron azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C78 ( 1 ) 014901   2008年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Azimuthal angle (Delta phi) correlations are presented for a broad range of transverse momentum (0.4 &lt; p(T) &lt; 10 GeV/c) and centrality (0-92%) selections for charged hadrons from dijets in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. With increasing p(T), the away-side Delta phi distribution evolves from a broad and relatively flat shape to a concave shape, then to a convex shape. Comparisons with p + p data suggest that the away-side distribution can be divided into a partially suppressed "head" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi, and an enhanced "shoulder" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi +/- 1.1. The p(T) spectrum for the associated hadrons in the head region softens toward central collisions. The spectral slope for the shoulder region is independent of centrality and trigger p(T). The properties of the near-side distributions are also modified relative to those in p + p collisions, reflected by the broadening of the jet shape in Delta phi and Delta eta, and an enhancement of the per-trigger yield. However, these modifications seem to be limited to p(T)less than or similar to 4 GeV/c, above which both the hadron pair shape and per-trigger yield become similar to p + p collisions. These observations suggest that both the away- and near-side distributions contain a jet fragmentation component which dominates for p(T) greater than or similar to 5 GeV/c and a medium-induced component which is important for p(T) less than or similar to 4 GeV/c. We also quantify the role of jets at intermediate and low p(T) through the yield of jet-induced pairs in comparison with binary scaled p + p pair yield. The yield of jet-induced pairs is suppressed at high pair proxy energy (sum of the p(T) magnitudes of the two hadrons) and is enhanced at low pair proxy energy. The former is consistent with jet quenching; the latter is consistent with the enhancement of soft hadron pairs due to transport of lost energy to lower p(T).

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.014901


    • Source breakup dynamics in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV via three-dimensional two-pion source imaging 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. Van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS100 ( 23 ) 232301   2008年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      A three-dimensional correlation function obtained from midrapidity, low p(T), pion pairs in central Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV is studied. The extracted model-independent source function indicates a long range tail in the directions of the pion pair transverse momentum (out) and the beam (long). A proper breakup time tau(0) similar to 9 fm/c and a mean proper emission duration Delta tau similar to 2 fm/c, leading to sizable emission time differences (&lt;vertical bar Delta t(LCM)vertical bar &gt; approximate to 12 fm/c), are required to allow models to be successfully matched to these tails. The model comparisons also suggest an outside-in "burning" of the emission source reminiscent of many hydrodynamical models.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.232301


    • Quantitative constraints on the transport properties of hot partonic matter from semi-inclusive single high transverse momentum pion suppression in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Greiner de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Groose Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, J. Imrek, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C77 ( 6 ) 064907   2008年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The PHENIX experiment has measured the suppression of semi-inclusive single high-transverse-momentum pi(0)'s in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The present understanding of this suppression is in terms of energy loss of the parent (fragmenting) parton in a dense color-charge medium. We have performed a quantitative comparison between various parton energy-loss models and our experimental data. The statistical point-to-point uncorrelated as well as correlated systematic uncertainties are taken into account in the comparison. We detail this methodology and the resulting constraint on the model parameters, such as the initial color-charge density dN(g)/dy, the medium transport coefficient &lt;(q) over cap &gt;, or the initial energy-loss parameter epsilon(0). We find that high-transverse-momentum pi(0) suppression in Au+Au collisions has sufficient precision to constrain these model-dependent parameters at the +/- 20-25% (one standard deviation) level. These constraints include only the experimental uncertainties, and further studies are needed to compute the corresponding theoretical uncertainties.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.064907


    • Cold nuclear matter effects on J/psi production as constrained by deuteron-gold measurements at root S-NN=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, S. Campbell, P. Chand, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, J. P. Cussonneau, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, A. G. Hansen, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. K. Mohanty, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. M. Qualls, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, R. Vertesi, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, M. A. Volkov, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C77 ( 2 ) 024912,   2008年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present a new analysis of J/psi production yields in deuteron-gold collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV using data taken from the PHENIX experiment in 2003 and previously published in S. S. Adler [Phys. Rev. Lett 96, 012304 (2006)]. The high statistics proton-proton J/psi data taken in 2005 are used to improve the baseline measurement and thus construct updated cold nuclear matter modification factors (R-dAu). A suppression of J/psi in cold nuclear matter is observed as one goes forward in rapidity (in the deuteron-going direction), corresponding to a region more sensitive to initial-state low-x gluons in the gold nucleus. The measured nuclear modification factors are compared to theoretical calculations of nuclear shadowing to which a J/psi (or precursor) breakup cross section is added. Breakup cross sections of sigma(breakup)=2.8(-1.4)(+1.7) (2.2(-1.5)(+1.6)) mb are obtained by fitting these calculations to the data using two different models of nuclear shadowing. These breakup cross-section values are consistent within large uncertainties with the 4.2 +/- 0.5 mb determined at lower collision energies. Projecting this range of cold nuclear matter effects to copper-copper and gold-gold collisions reveals that the current constraints are not sufficient to firmly quantify the additional hot nuclear matter effect.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.024912


    • 26pZG-5 RHIC PHENIX実験における高運動量μ粒子トリガーのためのヒット信号収集回路の開発の状況(標的・データ収集・計算機ソフト,実験核物理領域)

      中村 克朗, 今井 憲一, 村上 哲也, 谷田 聖, 青木 和也, 庄司 幸平, 大樂 誠司, 唐津 謙一, 齊藤 直人, 佐々木 修, 池野 正弘, 三部 勉, 竹谷 篤, 中川 格, 一宮 亮, 深尾 祥紀, 栗田 和好, 村田 次郎

      日本物理学会講演概要集63.1.1   101   2008年


      記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

      DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

      CiNii Article


    • Transverse momentum and centrality dependence of dihadron correlations in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV: Jet quenching and the response of partonic matter 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V. -N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C77 ( 1 ) 011901   2008年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Azimuthal angle (Delta phi) correlations are presented for charged hadrons from dijets for 0.4 &lt; p(T)&lt; 10 GeV/c in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV. With increasing p(T), the away-side distribution evolves from a broad and relatively flat shape to a concave shape, then to a convex shape. Comparisons to p+p data suggest that the away-side can be divided into a partially suppressed "head" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi and an enhanced "shoulder" region centered at Delta phi similar to pi +/- 1.1. The p(T) spectrum for the head region softens toward central collisions, consistent with the onset of jet quenching. The spectral slope for the shoulder region is independent of centrality and trigger p(T), which offers constraints on energy transport mechanisms and suggests that it contains the medium response to energetic jets.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.011901


    • Measurement of single muons at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV and implications for charm production 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muehlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D76 ( 9 ) 092002   2007年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Muon production at forward rapidity (1.5 &lt;=|eta|&lt;= 1.8) has been measured by the PHENIX experiment over the transverse momentum range 1 &lt;= p(T)&lt;= 3 GeV/c in root s=200 GeV p+p collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. After statistically subtracting contributions from light hadron decays an excess remains which is attributed to the semileptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy flavor, i.e. charm quarks or, at high p(T), bottom quarks. The resulting muon spectrum from heavy flavor decays is compared to PYTHIA and a next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculation. PYTHIA is used to determine the charm quark spectrum that would produce the observed muon excess. The corresponding differential cross section for charm quark production at forward rapidity is determined to be d sigma(c (c) over bar)/dy|(y=1.6)=0.243 +/- 0.013(stat.)+/- 0.105(data syst.)(-0.087)(+0.049)(PYTHIA syst.) mb.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.092002


    • Detailed study of high-p(T) neutral pion suppression and azimuthal anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babinstev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berndnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C76 ( 3 ) 034904   2007年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Measurements of neutral pion (pi(0)) production at midrapidity in root s(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions as a function of transverse momentum, p(T), collision centrality, and angle with respect to reaction plane are presented. The data represent the final pi(0) results from the PHENIX experiment for the first RHIC Au+Au run at design center-of-mass energy. They include additional data obtained using the PHENIX Level-2 trigger with more than a factor of 3 increase in statistics over previously published results for p(T)&gt;6 GeV/c. We evaluate the suppression in the yield of high-p(T) pi(0)'s relative to pointlike scaling expectations using the nuclear modification factor R-AA. We present the p(T) dependence of R-AA for nine bins in collision centrality. We separately integrate R-AA over larger p(T) bins to show more precisely the centrality dependence of the high-p(T) suppression. We then evaluate the dependence of the high-p(T) suppression on the emission angle Delta phi of the pions with respect to event reaction plane for seven bins in collision centrality. We show that the yields of high-p(T) pi(0)'s vary strongly with Delta phi, consistent with prior measurements 1,2. We show that this variation persists in the most peripheral bin accessible in this analysis. For the peripheral bins we observe no suppression for neutral pions produced aligned with the reaction plane, whereas the yield of pi(0)'s produced perpendicular to the reaction plane is suppressed by a factor of similar to 2. We analyze the combined centrality and Delta phi dependence of the pi(0) suppression in different p(T) bins using different possible descriptions of parton energy loss dependence on jet path-length averages to determine whether a single geometric picture can explain the observed suppression pattern.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.034904


    • Measurement of density correlations in pseudorapidity via charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, H. W. van Hecke, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, R. du Rietz, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, A. Toia, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C76 ( 3 ) 034903   2007年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Longitudinal density correlations of produced matter in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV have been measured from the inclusive charged particle distributions as a function of pseudorapidity window sizes. The extracted alpha xi parameter, related to the susceptibility of the density fluctuations in the long-wavelength limit, exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior as a function of the number of participant nucleons, N-part. A local maximum is seen at N-part similar to 90, with corresponding energy density based on the Bjorken picture of epsilon(Bj)tau similar to 2.4 GeV/(fm(2)c) with a transverse area size of 60 fm(2). This behavior may suggest a critical phase boundary based on the Ginzburg-Landau framework.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.034903


    • Inclusive cross section and double helicity asymmetry for pi(0) production in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV: Implications for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, J. -L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d&apos;Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En&apos;yo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. -S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, E. O&apos;Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D76 ( 5 ) 051106   2007年9月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The PHENIX experiment presents results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider 2005 run with polarized proton collisions at root s=200 GeV, for inclusive pi(0) production at midrapidity. Unpolarized cross section results are given for transverse momenta p(T)=0.5 to 20 GeV/c, extending the range of published data to both lower and higher p(T). The cross section is described well for p(T)&lt; 1 GeV/c by an exponential in p(T), and, for p(T)&gt; 2 GeV/c, by perturbative QCD. Double helicity asymmetries A(LL) are presented based on a factor of 5 improvement in uncertainties as compared to previously published results, due to both an improved beam polarization of 50%, and to higher integrated luminosity. These measurements are sensitive to the gluon polarization in the proton. Using one representative model of gluon polarization it is demonstrated that the gluon spin contribution to the proton spin is significantly constrained.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.051106


    • Elliptic flow for phi mesons and (Anti)deuterons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J.-S. Chai, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S.-Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H.-A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. H. Li, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. vanHecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS99 ( 5 ) 052301   2007年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Differential elliptic flow (v(2)) for phi mesons and (anti)deuterons ((d) over bar )d is measured for Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The v(2) for phi mesons follows the trend of lighter pi(+/-) and K-+/- mesons, suggesting that ordinary hadrons interacting with standard hadronic cross sections are not the primary driver for elliptic flow development. The v(2) values for ((d) over bar )d suggest that elliptic flow is additive for composite particles. This further validation of the universal scaling of v(2) per constituent quark for baryons and mesons suggests that partonic collectivity dominates the transverse expansion dynamics.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.052301


    • J/Psi production versus transverse momentum and rapidity in p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.98 ( 24 ) 232002   2007年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.249902


    • Correlated production of p and (p)over-bar in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J.-S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J.-L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S.-Y Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y-S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y-S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V.-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICS LETTERS B649 ( 5-6 ) 359 - 369   2007年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      Correlations between p and (p) over bar at transverse momenta typical of enhanced baryon production in Au + Au collisions are reported. The PHENIX experiment has measured same and opposite sign baryon pairs in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Correlated production of p and p with the trigger particle from the range 2.5 &lt; p(T) &lt; 4.0 GeV/c and the associated particle with 1.8 &lt; p(T) &lt; 2.5 GeV/c is observed to be nearly independent of the centrality of the collisions. Same sign pairs show no correlation at any centrality. The conditional yield of mesons triggered by baryons (and anti-baryons) and mesons in the same p(T) range rises with increasing centrality, except for the most central collisions, where baryons show a significantly smaller number of associated mesons. These data are consistent with a picture in which hard scattered partons produce correlated p and (p) over bar in the p(T) region of the baryon excess. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2007.04.029


    • System size and energy dependence of jet-induced hadron pair correlation shapes in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at root S-NN 200 and 62.4 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, S. Campbell, J.-S. Chai, P. Chand, B. S. Chang, W. C. Chang, J.-L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, J. P. Cussonneau, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S.-Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier De Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H.-A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, A. G. Hansen, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G.-B. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y.-S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. K. Mohanty, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. M. Qualls, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjoe, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. vanHecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, R. Vertesi, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, M. A. Volkov, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS98 ( 23 ) 232302   2007年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present azimuthal angle correlations of intermediate transverse momentum (1-4 GeV/c) hadrons from dijets in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=62.4 and 200 GeV. The away-side dijet induced azimuthal correlation is broadened, non-Gaussian, and peaked away from Delta phi=pi in central and semicentral collisions in all the systems. The broadening and peak location are found to depend upon the number of participants in the collision, but not on the collision energy or beam nuclei. These results are consistent with sound or shock wave models, but pose challenges to Cherenkov gluon radiation models.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.232302


    • J/Psi Production vs Centrality, Transverse Momentum, and Rapidity in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Lett.B98 ( 24 ) 232301   2007年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.249902


    • Measurement of the electric quadrupole moment of 32Al 査読有り

      D. Kameda, H. Ueno, K. Asahi, M. Takemura, A. Yoshimi, T. Haseyama, M. Uchida, K. Shimada, D. Nagae, G. Kijima, T. Arai, K. Takase, S. Suda, T. Inoue, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, Y. Kobayashi, H. Watanabe, M. Ishihara

      Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics647 ( 2-3 ) 93 - 97   2007年4月5日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      The electric quadrupole moment Q for the ground state of 32Al has been measured using the β-NMR technique. Spin-polarized 32Al nuclei were obtained from the fragmentation of 40Ar projectiles at E / A = 95   MeV / nucleon, and were implanted in a single crystal α-Al2O3 stopper. The quadrupole moment was deduced from the measured quadrupole coupling constant. The obtained value, | Q (32Alg.s.) | = 24 (2)   mb, is remarkably small as compared with other Al isotopes, but is well explained by shell model calculations within the sd shell. The present result indicates that 32Al has a normal sd-shell structure, in contrast to the neighboring N = 19 isotone 31Mg for which a strongly deformed intruder ground state has been reported to occur. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2007.01.063



    • Scaling properties of azimuthal anisotropy in Au plus Au and Cu plus Cu collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J.-S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J.-L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S.-Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H.-A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kano, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y.-S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. L. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS98 ( 16 ) 162301   2007年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Differential measurements of elliptic flow (v(2)) for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV are used to test and validate predictions from perfect fluid hydrodynamics for scaling of v(2) with eccentricity, system size, and transverse kinetic energy (KET). For KET equivalent to m(T)-m up to similar to 1 GeV the scaling is compatible with hydrodynamic expansion of a thermalized fluid. For large values of KET mesons and baryons scale separately. Quark number scaling reveals a universal scaling of v(2) for both mesons and baryons over the full KET range for Au+Au. For Au+Au and Cu+Cu the scaling is more pronounced in terms of KET, rather than transverse momentum.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.162301


    • Energy loss and flow of heavy quarks in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, A. Al-Jamel, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, J.-S. Chai, B. S. Chang, J.-L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csoergo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. d'Enterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, S.-Y. Fung, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H.-A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. M. Heuser, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kano, H. Kanou, T. Kawagishi, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, J. Klay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, A. Kravitz, P. J. Kroon, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y.-S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, Y. Le Bornec, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, H. Lim, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X. Li, X. H. Li, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Masek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. C. McCain, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, M. Oka, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R. Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS98 ( 17 ) 172301   2007年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The PHENIX experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has measured electrons with 0.3 &lt; p(T) &lt; 9 GeV/c at midrapidity (\y\ &lt; 0.35) from heavy-flavor (charm and bottom) decays in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The nuclear modification factor R-AA relative to p + p collisions shows a strong suppression in central Au + Au collisions, indicating substantial energy loss of heavy quarks in the medium produced at RHIC energies. A large azimuthal anisotropy v(2) with respect to the reaction plane is observed for 0.5 &lt; p(T) &lt; 5 GeV/c indicating substantial heavy-flavor elliptic flow. Both R-AA and v(2) show a p(T) dependence different from those of neutral pions. A comparison to transport models which simultaneously describe R-AA(p(T)) and v(2)(p(T)) suggests that the viscosity to entropy density ratio is close to the conjectured quantum lower bound, i.e., near a perfect fluid.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.172301


    • Evidence for a long-range component in the pion emission source in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, P. Chung, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Nagy, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS98 ( 13 ) 132301   2007年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Emission source functions are extracted from correlation functions constructed from charged pions produced at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV. The source parameters extracted from these functions at low k(T) give first indications of a long tail for the pion emission source. The source extension cannot be explained solely by simple kinematic considerations. The possible role of a halo of secondary pions from resonance emissions is explored.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.132301


    • High transverse momentum eta meson production in p+p, d+d+ Au and Au+Au collisions at S(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C75 ( 2 ) 024909   2007年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.024909


    • Measurement of nuclear moments at RIKEN 査読有り

      H. Ueno, D. Kameda, D. Nagae, M. Takemura, K. Asahi, K. Takase, A. Yoshimi, T. Sugimoto, T. Nagatomo, T. Arai, M. Uchida, K. Shimada, T. Inoue, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, K. Narita

      TOURS SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS VI891 ( 1 ) 113 - +   2007年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Based on the technique of fragment-induced spin polarization combined with the beta-NMR method, we have recently carried out experiments at RIKEN to measure nuclear moments of neutron-rich aluminum isotopes. In the measurements, the nuclear magnetic-dipole moments of Al-30,Al- 32 and the electric-quadrupole moments of Al-31,Al-32 have been determined. The obtained magnetic moments, as well as the other known magnetic moments of aluminum isotopes, agree well with shell model calculations with the USD interaction. The obtained quadrupole moments are smaller than those of Al-27,Al- 28, suggesting spherical shapes of Al-31,Al- 32. These results seem to suggest that Al-31 and Al-32 are located outside the island of inversion. In near future, studies on nuclear moments will be extended further in the RIKEN RIBF project, in which medium- and heavy-mass regions come within our scope by using superconducting fragment separator BigRIPS. Also, an upgrade program for the existing fragment separator RIPS is in progress. In the RIBF project, nuclear moments will be measured for isomer states as well as ground states.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2713507


    • Electric quadrupole moments of neutron rich Al isotope 査読有り

      A. Yoshimi, H. Ueno, D. Kameda, K. Asahi, D. Nagae, M. Takemura, K. Shimada, K. Takase, T. Sugimoto, M. Uchida, T. Arai, T. Inoue, J. Murata, H. Kawamura



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      The electric quadrupole moment Q for the ground state of neutron-rich Al-31,Al-32 has been measured using beta-NMR method applied to spin-polarized projectile fragments. The obtained quadrupole moments are smaller than those of Al-27,Al-28, which suggests spherical shapes of Al-31,Al-32.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2746585


    • Beta neutrino correlation and T-Violation experiment in nuclear beta decay 査読有り

      J. Murata, K. Asahi, D. Kameda, H. Kawamura, D. Nagae, K. Narita, K. Shimada, T. Shimoyama, T. Shuehiro, T. Toyoda, M. Uchida, H. Ueno, A. Yoshimi



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Precision measurement of nuclear beta decay correlations at newly constructing RIKEN-RIBF and KEK-TRIAC is planned. Measurements of beta neutrino correlation and T-violating electron transverse polarization using spin polarized RI beams are aimed to be performed using slow radioactive nuclei.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750766


    • Nuclear-moment measurements at RIKEN and perspectives in RIBF 査読有り

      H. Ueno, D. Kameda, D. Nagae, M. Takemura, K. Asahi, K. Takase, A. Yoshimi, T. Sugimoto, T. Nagatomo, K. Shimada, M. Uchida, T. Arai, T. Inoue, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, K. Narita



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Based on the technique of fragment-induced spin polarization combined with the NMR method, a series of experiments has been carried out at RIKEN for the nuclear-moment measurement of light unstable nuclei. The measurement will be extended further in the RIKEN RIBF project, where radioactive-isotope beams in the medium- and heavy-mass regions will be produced at higher energies and with higher intensities compared with the RARF facility. Measurements of the isomeric-state nuclear moments of unstable nuclei will be started with BigRIPS by utilizing fragment-induced spin-orientation phenomena. Also, an upgrade program of the existing fragment separator RIPS is proposed in the phase-H program of RIBE Then, intense beams will be delivered to RIPS at E similar to 115 A MeV. This energy region is useful, not only because spin orientation is produced in the PF reaction but also they can be implanted into sample materials with limited thickness.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750908


    • Nuclear moment measurements of neutron-rich aluminum isotopes using spin-polarized RI beams: Determination of the boundary of the "Island of inversion" 査読有り

      D. Kameda, H. Ueno, K. Asah, M. Takemura, D. Nagae, K. Shimada, A. Yoshimi, Y. Kobayashi, T. Haseyama, M. Uchida, K. Takase, T. Arai, T. Inoue, S. Suda, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, H. Watanabe, M. Ishihara



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      The electric quadrupole moment Q for the ground state of Al-32 has been measured using the beta-NMR technique. Spin-polarized Al-32 nuclei were obtained from the fragmentation of 40 Ar projectiles at E/A = 95 MeV/nucleon, and were implanted in a single crystal alpha-Al2O3 stopper. The quadrupole moment was deduced from the measured quadrupole coupling constant. The obtained value, vertical bar Q(Al-32(g.s.))vertical bar = 24(2) mb, was well reproduced by shell model calculations within the sd shell, indicating that Al-32 is a normal sd-shell nucleus. The result is in sharp contrast to the strongly deformed nuclei Mg-32 and Mg-31 neighboring the Al-32 isotope.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750909


    • Developments of atomic beam resonance method with RI beams 査読有り

      A. Yoshimi, H. Ueno, T. Sugimoto, K. Shimada, D. Nagae, J. Murata, H. Kawamura, D. Kameda, K. Asahi



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      The new scheme to produce a spin-polarized RI beam is being developed, in which the atomic beam resonance method is utilized for spin polarization. A gas-filled chamber to stop the incoming RI ions and to drift them into vacuum area has been developed. The measurement of RI-stopping in the gas was performed, and experiments for drifting and extracting of the stopped ions are now being performed. The status of the R&D for realizing the scheme is reported in this letter.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750910


    • Production of polarized radioactive beams via the inverse-kinematics reactions and their applications 査読有り

      K. Shimada, D. Nagae, K. Asahi, T. Arai, M. Takemura, I. Inoue, K. Takase, S. Kagami, N. Hatakeyama, Y. Kobayashi, H. Ueno, A. Yoshimi, D. Kameda, T. Nagatomo, T. Sugimoto, S. Kubono, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Wakabayashi, G. Amadio, T. Hayakawa, J. Murata, H. Kawamura



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      The development of techniques to produce low-energy spin-polarized radioactive nucleon beams (RNBs) is reported. It employs the inverse-kinematics reactions of law energy heavy-ion beams for the RNB production with in-flight separator. Some plans of research are discussed that apply these well-focused, conveniently energetic spin-polarized RNB to nuclear structure physics and material science.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750912


    • Development of a new drift chamber based Mott polarimeter 査読有り

      H. Kawamura, D. Kameda, J. Murata, K. Narita, T. Shimoyama, T. Suehiro, T. Toyoda, M. Uchida



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      A new Mott polarimeter using multi-wire drift chamber has been developed. Time-reversal symmetry can be tested by using the Mott scattering. We have built and tested the performance of the prototype detector, and estimated the acceptance of the detector by the Monte-Carlo simulation.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.2750962


    • Measurement of High-p(T) single electrons from heavy-flavor decays in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      A. Adare, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, H. Al-Bataineh, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, J. Asai, E. T. Atomssa, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, G. Baksay, L. Baksay, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennet, Y. Berdnikov, A. A. Bickley, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, B. S. Chang, J. L. Charvet, S. Chernichenko, J. Chiba, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, T. Chujo, P. Chung, A. Churyn, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, M. B. Deaton, K. Dehmelt, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, D. dEnterria, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, F. Ellinghaus, W. S. Emam, A. Enokizono, H. Enyo, S. Esumi, K. O. Eyser, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, A. Franz, J. Frantz, A. D. Frawley, K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, S. Gadrat, I. Garishvili, A. Glenn, H. Gong, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, C. Haegemann, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, R. Han, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, X. He, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, D. Hornback, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. Kamin, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, H. Kanou, H. Kano, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazentsev, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, E. Linney, A. Kiss, E. Kisteney, A. Kiyomichi, J. Kay, C. Klein-Boesing, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, A. Kral, a. Kravitz, J. Kubart, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M, Lee, M. K. Lee, T. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, B. Lenzi, T. Liska, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, X Li, B. LOve, D Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, L. Malek, H. Masui, F. Matathias, M. McCumber, P.L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, P. Mikes, K. Miki, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, M. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, M. Mitrovski, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, J. Murata, M. Naglis, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, E. O'Brien, S. X. Oda, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, K. Okada, H. Okada, A. Oskarsson, O. O. Omiwade, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassilio, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. P. Pate, J. C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Y. Peressounko, C. Pinkenburg, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Ou, J. Rak, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, S. Rembeczki, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukovatkin, V. L. Rykov, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, H. Sakata, V. Samsonov, S. Sato, S. Sawada, J. Seele, R. Seidl, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shevel, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigati, M. Shmimomura, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, M. Slunecka, A, Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stamlis, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A, Taketani, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A, Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, A. Toia, J. Tojo, L. Tomasek, H. Torri, R. S. Towell, V. N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, C. Vale, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, R, Vertesi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. Virius, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, D. Walker, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yanovich, Z. Yasin, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S, Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS97 ( 25 ) 252002   2006年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The momentum distribution of electrons from decays of heavy flavor (charm and bottom) for midrapidity |y|&lt; 0.35 in p+p collisions at s=200 GeV has been measured by the PHENIX experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider over the transverse momentum range 0.3 &lt; p(T)&lt; 9 GeV/c. Two independent methods have been used to determine the heavy-flavor yields, and the results are in good agreement with each other. A fixed-order-plus-next-to-leading-log perturbative QCD calculation agrees with the data within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties, with the data/theory ratio of 1.71 +/- 0.02(stat)+/- 0.18(sys) for 0.3 &lt; p(T)&lt; 9 GeV/c. The total charm production cross section at this energy has also been deduced to be sigma(cc)=567 +/- 57(stat)+/- 193(sys) mu b.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.252002


    • Dense-medium modifications to jet-induced hadron pair distributions in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. -A. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS97 ( 5 ) 052301   2006年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Azimuthal correlations of jet-induced high-p(T) charged hadron pairs are studied at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV. The distribution of jet-associated partner hadrons (1.0 &lt; p(T)&lt; 2.5 GeV/c) per trigger hadron (2.5 &lt; p(T)&lt; 4.0 GeV/c) is found to vary with collision centrality, in both shape and yield, indicating a significant effect of the nuclear collision medium on the jet fragmentation process.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.052301


    • Common suppression pattern of eta and pi(0) mesons at high transverse momentum in Au plus Au collisions at root SNN=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. d'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H. - . Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Muhlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J. -C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosnet, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarjan, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, V. Veszpremi, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS96 ( 20 ) 202301   2006年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Inclusive transverse momentum spectra of eta mesons have been measured within p(T)=2-10 GeV/c at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. In central Au+Au the eta yields are significantly suppressed compared to peripheral Au+Au, d+Au, and p+p yields scaled by the corresponding number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. The magnitude, centrality, and p(T) dependence of the suppression is common, within errors, for eta and pi(0). The ratio of eta to pi(0) spectra at high p(T) amounts to 0.40 &lt; R-eta/pi(0)&lt; 0.48 for the three systems, in agreement with the world average measured in hadronic and nuclear reactions and, at large scaled momentum, in e(+)e(-) collisions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.202301


    • Improved measurement of double helicity asymmetry in inclulsive midrapidity pi(0) production for polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, A. Al-Jamel, J. Alexander, K. Aoki, L. Aphecetche, R. Armendariz, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, F. Bauer, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, R. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, M. T. Bjorndal, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, S. Campbell, J. -S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, C. R. Cleven, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, M. P. Comets, P. Constantin, M. Csanad, T. Csorgo, J. P. Cussonneau, D. d&apos;Enterria, T. Dahms, K. Das, G. David, F. Deak, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, A. Devismes, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, J. L. Drachenberg, O. Drapier, A. Drees, A. K. Dubey, A. Durum, D. Dutta, V. Dzhordzhadze, Y. V. Efremenko, J. Egdemir, A. Enokizono, H. En&apos;yo, B. Espagnon, S. Esumi, D. E. Fields, C. Finck, F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, B. Forestier, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, S. -Y. Fung, S. Gadrat, F. Gastineau, M. Germain, A. Glenn, M. Gonin, J. Gosset, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, H. -A . Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, A. Hadj Henni, J. S. Haggerty, M. N. Hagiwara, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, H. Harada, E. P. Hartouni, K. Haruna, M. Harvey, E. Haslum, K. Hasuko, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, P. Hidas, H. Hiejima, J. C. Hill, R. Hobbs, M. Holmes, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Horaguchi, M. G. Hur, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, M. Inaba, M. Inuzuka, D. Isenhower, L. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, T. Isobe, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, J. Jin, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, F. Kajihara, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, M. Kaneta, J. H. Kang, K. Katou, T. Kawabata, T. Kawagishi, A. V. Kazantsev, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, E. Kim, G. -B. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. -S. Kim, E. Kinney, A. Kiss, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, R. Kohara, B. Komkov, M. Konno, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, G. J. Kunde, N. Kurihara, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, Y. Le Bornec, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, M. K. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, M. D. Malik, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, M. C. McCain, P. L. McGaughey, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, T. V. Moukhanova, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagata, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, T. Nakamura, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, B. E. Norman, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O&apos;Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, H. Okada, K. Okada, O. O. Omiwade, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, W. J. Park, S. F. Pate, H. Pei, V. Penev, J. -C. Peng, H. Pereira, V. Peresedov, D. Yu. Peressounko, A. Pierson, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, H. Qu, J. M. Qualls, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, P. Rosnet, P. Rukoyatkin, V. L. Rykov, S. S. Ryu, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, D. Sharma, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, M. Shimomura, T. Shohjoh, K. Shoji, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, S. Skutnik, W. C. Smith, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, C. Suire, J. P. Sullivan, J. Sziklai, T. Tabaru, S. Takagi, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, A. Taranenko, P. Tarjan, T. L. Thomas, M. Togawa, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, V-N. Tram, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjo, N. Tyurin, T. J. Uam, H. Valle, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, R. Vertesi, V. Veszpremi, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, M. Wagner, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, J. Wessels, S. N. White, N. Willis, D. Winter, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, M. Wysocki, W. Xie, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, O. Zaudtke, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, J. Zimanyi, L. Zolin, X. Zong

      PHYSICAL REVIEW D73 ( 9 ) 091102   2006年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present an improved measurement of the double helicity asymmetry for pi(0) production in polarized proton-proton scattering at root s=200 GeV employing the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The improvements to our previous measurement come from two main factors: Inclusion of a new data set from the 2004 RHIC run with higher beam polarizations than the earlier run and a recalibration of the beam polarization measurements for the earlier run, which resulted in reduced uncertainties and increased beam polarizations. The results are compared to a Next to Leading Order (NLO) perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) calculation with a range of polarized gluon distributions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.091102


    • Single electrons from heavy-flavor decays in p + p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, J-S Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, KE Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, S-Y Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, H-A Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, G-B Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, J-C Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, T-A Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS96 ( 3 ) 032001   2006年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The invariant differential cross section for inclusive electron production in p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV has been measured by the PHENIX experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider over the transverse momentum range 0.4 &lt;= p(T) &lt;= 5.0 GeV/c in the central rapidity region (vertical bar eta vertical bar &lt;= 0.35). The contribution to the inclusive electron spectrum from semileptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy flavor, i.e., charm quarks or, at high p(T), bottom quarks, is determined via three independent methods. The resulting electron spectrum from heavy-flavor decays is compared to recent leading and next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The total cross section of charm quark-antiquark pair production is determined to be sigma(c (c) over bar) = 0.92 +/- 0.15(stat) +/- 0.54(syst) mb.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.032001


    • Measurement of identified pi(0) and inclusive photon second-harmonic parameter v(2) and implications for direct photon production in root s(NN)=200 GeVAu+Au 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, KE Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS96 ( 3 ) 032302   2006年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The azimuthal distribution of identified pi(0) and inclusive photons has been measured in root s(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions with the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC). The second-harmonic parameter (v(2)) was measured to describe the observed anisotropy of the azimuthal distribution. The measured inclusive photon v(2) is consistent with the value expected for the photons from hadron decay and is also consistent with the lack of direct photon signal over the measured p(T) range 1-6 GeV/c. An attempt is made to extract v(2) of direct photons.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.032302


    • Nuclear modification of electron spectra and implications for heavy quark energy loss in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS96 ( 3 ) 032301   2006年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The PHENIX experiment has measured midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar &lt; 0.35) transverse momentum spectra (0.4 &lt; p(T)&lt; 5.0 GeV/c) of electrons as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Contributions from photon conversions and from light hadron decays, mainly Dalitz decays of pi(0) and eta mesons, were removed. The resulting nonphotonic electron spectra are primarily due to the semileptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy quarks. Nuclear modification factors were determined by comparison to nonphotonic electrons in p+p collisions. A significant suppression of electrons at high p(T) is observed in central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial energy loss of heavy quarks.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.032301


    • Measurements of double-helicity asymmetries in inclusive J/Psi production in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=510 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D94 ( 11 ) 112008   2006年1月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.112008


    • Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity production of neutral pions and charged hadrons in polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS95 ( 20 ) 202001   2005年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      Transverse single-spin asymmetries to probe the transverse-spin structure of the proton have been measured for neutral pions and nonidentified charged hadrons from polarized proton-proton collisions at midrapidity and root s = 200 GeV. The data cover a transverse momentum (pT) range 1.0-5.0 GeV/c for neutral pions and 0.5-5.0 GeV/c for charged hadrons, at a Feynman-x value of approximately zero. The asymmetries seen in this previously unexplored kinematic region are consistent with zero within errors of a few percent. In addition, the inclusive charged hadron cross section at midrapidity from 0.5 &lt; P-T &lt; 7.0 GeV/c is presented and compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD ( pQCD) calculations. Successful description of the unpolarized cross section above similar to 2 GeV/c suggests that pQCD is applicable in the interpretation of the asymmetry results in the relevant kinematic range.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.202001


    • Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX Collaboration 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, R Amirikas, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, TA Carey, JS Chai, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, CR Cleven, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, JP Cussonneau, D d'Enterriai, T Dahms, K Das, G David, F Deak, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, AK Dubey, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En' yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, C Finck, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Forestier, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, S Garpman, F Gastineau, M Germain, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, T Gunji, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, A Hadjhenni, JS Haggerty, MN Hagiwara, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, H Harada, EP Hartouni, K Haruna, M Harvey, E Haslum, K Hasuko, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, P Hidas, H Hiejima, JC Hill, DS Ho, R Hobbs, M Holmes, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, HM Hur, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, M Inuzuka, MS Ippolitov, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, T Isobe, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, J Jin, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, K Katou, T Kawabata, T Kawagishi, AV Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YS Kim, YG Kim, E Kinney, WW Kinnison, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, R Kohara, B Komkov, M Konno, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, N Kurihara, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MK Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Liu, X, Y Liu, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, Y Makdisi, A Malakhov, MD Malik, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, TV Moukhanova, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, Y Nagata, JL Nagle, M Naglis, Y Nakada, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, M Nguyen, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, B Norman, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, OO Omiwade, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, L Paffrath, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, H Pei, T Peitzmann, Penev, V, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, DY Peressounko, AN Petridis, A Pierson, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, H Qu, JM Qualls, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, AA Rose, SSE Rosendahl, P Rosnet, P Rukoyatkin, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, B Sahlmueller, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, D Sharma, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, M Shimomura, YH Shin, T Shohjoh, K Shoji, IG Sibiriak, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, S Skutnik, WC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, I, F Staley, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, C Suire, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, J Sziklai, T Tabaru, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, TJ Uam, T Ushiroda, H Valle, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, R Vertesi, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, M Wagner, H Wang, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, J Wessels, SN White, D Winter, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, M Wysocki, W Xie, K Yagi, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, Younus, I, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudkte, C Zhang, Z Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin, Zong, X

      NUCLEAR PHYSICS A757 ( 1-2 ) 184 - 283   2005年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

      Extensive experimental data from high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions were recorded using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The comprehensive set of measurements from the first three years of RHIC operation includes charged particle multiplicities, transverse energy, yield ratios and spectra of identified hadrons in a wide range of transverse momenta (PT), elliptic flow, two-particle correlations, nonstatistical fluctuations, and suppression of particle production at high PT. The results are examined with an emphasis on implications for the formation of a new state of dense matter. We find that the state of matter created at RHIC cannot be described in terms of ordinary color neutral hadrons. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.03.086


    • Measurement of single electron event anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, KE Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C72 ( 2 ) 024901   2005年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The transverse momentum dependence of the azimuthal anisotropy parameter v(2), the second harmonic of the azimuthal distribution, for electrons at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar &lt; 0.35) has been measured with the PHENIX detector in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The measurement was made with respect to the reaction plane defined at high rapidities (vertical bar eta vertical bar = 3.1-3.9). From the result we have measured the v(2) of electrons from heavy flavor decay after subtraction of the v(2) of electrons from other sources such as photon conversions and Dalitz decay from light neutral mesons. We observe a nonzero single electron v(2) with a 90% confidence level in the intermediate-p(T) region. The precision of the present data set does not permit us to conclude definitively that heavy quarks exhibit thermalization with the transverse flow of the bulk matter.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.0249001


    • Production of phi mesons at midrapidity in root S-NN=200 GeVAu+Au collisions at relativistic energies 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C72 ( 1 ) 014903   2005年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present the results of phi meson production in the K+K- decay channel from Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) =200 GeV as measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Precision resonance centroid and width values are extracted as a function of collision centrality. No significant variation from the Particle Data Group accepted values is observed, contrary to some model predictions. The phi transverse mass spectra are fitted with a linear exponential function for which the derived inverse slope parameter is seen to be constant as a function of centrality. However, when these data are fitted by a hydrodynamic model the result is that the centrality-dependent freeze-out temperature and the expansion velocity values are consistent with the values previously derived from fitting identified charged hadron data. As a function of transverse momentum the collisions scaled peripheral-to-central yield ratio R-CP for the phi is comparable to that of pions rather than that of protons. This result lends support to theoretical models that distinguish between baryons and mesons instead of particle mass for explaining the anomalous (anti) proton yield.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.014903


    • Saturation of azimuthal anisotropy in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=62-200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, R Amirikas, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, B Azmoun, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, R Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, K Boyle, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, S Campbell, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, CR Cleven, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, D d'Enterria, T Dahms, K Das, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, A Dion, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, AK Dubey, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Forestier, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, S Garpman, F Gastineau, M Germain, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, T Gunji, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, AH Henni, JS Haggerty, MN Hagiwara, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Harada, EP Hartouni, K Haruna, M Harvey, E Haslum, K Hasuko, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, H Hiejima, JC Hill, R Hobbs, M Holmes, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, HM Hur, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, T Isobe, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, J Jin, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, T Kawagishi, AV Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, YS Kim, E Kinney, WW Kinnison, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, B Komkov, M Konno, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, N Kurihara, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MK Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, MD Malik, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, TV Moukhanova, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagata, JL Nagle, M Naglis, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, M Nguyen, P Nilsson, B Norman, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, OO Omiwade, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, H Pei, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, DY Peressounko, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, H Qu, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, SSE Rosendahl, P Rosnet, P Rukoyatkin, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, B Sahlmueller, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, D Sharma, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, M Shimomura, T Shohjoh, K Shoji, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, S Skutnik, WC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, C Suire, JP Sullivan, J Sziklai, T Tabaru, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, H Valle, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, R Vertesi, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, M Wagner, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, J Wessels, SN White, N Willis, D Winter, FK Wohn, CL Woody, M Wysocki, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, Younus, I, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudkte, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS94 ( 23 ) 232302   2005年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      New measurements are presented for charged hadron azimuthal correlations at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=62.4 and 200 GeV. They are compared to earlier measurements obtained at root s(NN)=130 GeV and in Pb+Pb collisions at root s(NN)=17.2 GeV. Sizeable anisotropies are observed with centrality and transverse momentum (p(T)) dependence characteristic of elliptic flow (v(2)). For a broad range of centralities, the observed magnitudes and trends of the differential anisotropy, v(2)(p(T)), change very little over the collision energy range root s(NN)=62-200 GeV, indicating saturation of the excitation function for v(2) at these energies. Such a saturation may be indicative of the dominance of a very soft equation of state for root s(NN)similar to 60-200 GeV.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.232302


    • Centrality dependence of direct photon production in root S-NN=200 GeVAu+Aucollisions 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS94 ( 23 ) 232301   2005年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The first measurement of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV is presented. The direct photon signal is extracted as a function of the Au+Au collision centrality and compared to next-to-leading order perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations. The direct photon yield is shown to scale with the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions for all centralities.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.232301


    • Jet structure of baryon excess in Au+Au collisions at root SNN=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, R Amirikas, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, JP Cussonneau, D d'Enterria, K Das, G David, F Deak, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, Dzhordzhadze, V, YV Efremenko, KE Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, C Finck, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, S Garpman, M Germain, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, K Hasuko, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, P Hidas, H Hiejima, JC Hill, R Hobbs, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, M Inuzuka, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, T Kawabata, A Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kinney, WW Kinnison, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, R Kohara, B Komkov, M Konno, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, YL Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, WJ Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, H Pei, T Peitzmann, Penev, V, JC Peng, H Pereira, Peresedov, V, A Pierson, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Qualls, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, S Rosendahl, P Rosnet, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, M Shimomura, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, Tserruya, I, Y Tsuchimoto, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, TJ Uam, HW Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, N Willis, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin, Zong, X

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C71 ( 5 ) 051902   2005年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Two particle correlations between identified meson and baryon trigger particles with 2.5&lt;p(T)(T)(&lt;4.0 GeV/c and lower p) (charged hadrons have been measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC in p+p,d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at s)(NN) = 200 GeV. In noncentral Au+Au collisions, the probability of finding a hadron near in azimuthal angle to the trigger particles is almost identical for mesons and baryons and significantly higher than in p+p collisions. The associated yields for trigger baryons decrease in the most central collisions, consistent with some baryon production by thermal recombination in addition to hard scattering.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.71.051902


    • Deuteron and antideuteron production in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, D d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, Pantuev, V, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS94 ( 12 ) 122302   2005年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The production of deuterons and antideuterons in the transverse momentum range 1.1 &lt; p(T)&lt; 4.3 GeV/c at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV has been studied by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. A coalescence analysis, comparing the deuteron and antideuteron spectra with that of proton and antiproton, has been performed. The coalescence probability is equal for both deuterons and antideuterons and it increases as a function of p(T), which is consistent with an expanding collision zone. Comparing (anti)proton yields, (p) over bar /p = 0.73 +/- 0.01, with (anti)deuteron yields, (d) over bar /d = 0.47 +/- 0.03, we estimate that (n) over bar /n = 0.64 +/- 0.04. The nucleon phase space density is estimated from the coalescence measurement.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.122302


    • Systematic studies of the centrality and root s(NN) dependence of the dE(T)/d eta and dN(ch)/d eta in heavy ion collisions at midrapidity (vol C 71, art no 034908, 2005) 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Mendenhall, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C71 ( 4 ) 034908,   2005年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.71.049901


    • Mid-rapidity direct-photon production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. D71 ( 7 ) 071102   2005年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.071102


    • Systematic studies of the centrality andsNNdependence of thedET/dηanddNch/dηin heavy ion collisions at midrapidity

      S. S. Adler, S. Afanasiev, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, R. Amirikas, L. Aphecetche, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, R. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, A. Baldisseri, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, S. Batsouli, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, Y. Berdnikov, S. Bhagavatula, J. G. Boissevain, H. Borel, S. Borenstein, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. M. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, X. Camard, J.-S. Chai, P. Chand, W. C. Chang, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chujo, V. Cianciolo, Y. Cobigo, B. A. Cole, P. Constantin, D. G., d{\textquotesingle}Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmon, O. Dietzsch, O. Drapier, A. Drees, R. du Rietz, A. Durum, D. Dutta, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En{\textquotesingle}yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, D. E. Fields, F. Fleure, S. L. Fokin, B. D. Fox, Z. Fraenkel, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S.-Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, G. Gogiberidze, M. Gonin, J. Gosse, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, W. Guryn, H.-{\AA}. Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, E. P. Hartouni, M. Harvey, R. Hayano, X. He, M. Heffner, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, V. V. Ikonnikov, K. Imai, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, A. Isupov, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, Y. Jeong, J. Jia, O. Jinnouchi, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, S. Kametani, N. Kamihara, J. H. Kang, S. S. Kapoor, K. Katou, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. H. Kim, D. J. Kim, D. W. Kim, E. Kim, G.-B. Kim, H. J. Kim, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, K. Kiyoyama, C. Klein-Boesing, H. Kobayashi, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, M. Kopytine, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, C. H. Kuberg, K. Kurita, Y. Kuroki, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, V. Ladygin, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, S. Leckey, D. M. Lee, S. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, H. Lim, A. Litvinenko, M. X. Liu, Y. Liu, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Malakhov, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, H. Masui, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, M. Mendenhall, F. Messer, Y. Miake, J. Milan, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Mühlbacher, D. Mukhopadhyay, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, T. Nakamura, B. K. Nandi, M. Nara, J. Newby, P. Nilsson, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O{\textquotesingle}Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, K. Okada, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, K. Ozawa, D. Pal, A. P. T. Palounek, V. S. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, J. Park, A. Parmar, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, J.-C. Peng, V. Peresedov, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, F. Plasil, M. L. Purschke, A. K. Purwar, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, M. Reuter, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, G. Roche, A. Romana, M. Rosati, P. Rosne, S. S. Ryu, M. E. Sadler, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, M. Sakai, S. Sakai, V. Samsonov, L. Sanfratello, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, M. R. Shaw, T. K. Shea, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, F. Staley, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, M. Stepanov, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, P. Tarj{\'{a, J. D. Tepe, T. L. Thomas, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjö, N. Tyurin, H. W. van Hecke, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, L. Villatte, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, Y. Yang, A. Yanovich, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, C. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. J. Zhou, L. Zolin

      Physical Review C71 ( 3 )   2005年3月25日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.71.034908


    • Centrality dependence of charm production from a measurement of single electrons in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, R Granier de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, M Grosse Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, Veszpremi, V, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS94 ( 8 ) 082301   2005年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The PHENIX experiment has measured midrapidity transverse momentum spectra (0.4&lt;p(T)&lt;4.0 GeV/c) of single electrons as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN) = 200 GeV. Contributions from photon conversions and Dalitz decays of light neutral mesons are measured by introducing a thin (1.7% X-0) converter into the PHENIX acceptance and are statistically removed. The subtracted nonphotonic electron spectra are primarily due to the semileptonic decays of hadrons containing heavy quarks, mainly charm at lower p(T). For all centralities, the charm production cross section is found to scale with the nuclear overlap function, T-AA. For minimum-bias collisions the charm cross section per binary collision is N-c (c) over bar/T-AA=622+/-57(stat)+/-160(syst) mub.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.082301


    • Pico-precision displacement sensor using digital image analysis 査読有り

      J. Murata

      2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vols 1-5   675 - 679   2005年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:IEEE  

      A new digital image analysis method combined with statistical error analysis for precision position monitoring is described. Prime motivation was to monitor mechanical deformations of large tracking chambers. The author developed optical alignment system using light source beams and CCD cameras, combined with semi-offline digital image analysis software for muon tracking chambers for PHENIX experiment at RHIC. Obtained resolution of one micron precision is enough sufficient, however, the author developed a new analysis method in order to improve the resolutions without constructing new expensive devices. Applying the new method, it is shown that the position determination resolution can be improved from one micron to 10nm. This analysis method is applied to a new displacement sensor, which is a dedicated purpose new device. A prototype device has been constructed, showing extremely high resolution of around 100pm. The present device is now utilized in a table-top gravity experiment, motivated by the possible violation of Newtonian gravitational law. A prototype system using digital video camera and its applications are described.

      DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2005.1596349


    • Bose-Einstein correlations of charged pion pairs in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-s = 200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS93 ( 15 ) 152302   2004年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Bose-Einstein correlations of identically charged pion pairs were measured by the PHENIX experiment at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=200 GeV. The Bertsch-Pratt radius parameters were determined as a function of the transverse momentum of the pair and as a function of the centrality of the collision. Using the standard core-halo partial Coulomb fits, and a new parametrization which constrains the Coulomb fraction as determined from the unlike-sign pion correlation, the ratio R-out/R-side is within 0.8-1.1 for 0.25&lt;&lt;k(T)&gt;&lt;1.2 GeV/c. The centrality dependence of all radii is well described by a linear scaling in N-part(1/3), and R-out/R-side for &lt;k(T)&gt;similar to0.45 GeV/c is approximately constant at unity as a function of centrality.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.152302


    • Measurement of nonrandom event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in root S-NN=200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS93 ( 9 ) 092301   2004年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      Event-by-event fluctuations of the average transverse momentum of produced particles near midrapidity have been measured by the PHENIX Collaboration in roots(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au, and p+p collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The fluctuations are observed to be in excess of the expectation for statistically independent particle emission for all centralities. The excess fluctuations exhibit a dependence on both the centrality of the collision and on the p(T) range over which the average is calculated. Both the centrality and p(T) dependence can be well reproduced by a simulation of random particle production with the addition of contributions from hard-scattering processes.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.092301


    • Study on the transient field at very high velocities for the g-factor measurement of excited states in unstable nuclei 査読有り

      A Yoshimi, H Ueno, W Sato, H Watanabe, Y Kobayashi, J Murata, H Miyoshi, K Shimada, K Asahi

      NUCLEAR PHYSICS A738 ( - ) 519 - 522   2004年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      For the g-factor measurements of short-lived unstable nuclei, we have developed a setup for the transient field experiment at RIKEN. In order to carry out the g-factor measurement, we need to know the strengh of the transient field at high beam velocities. For this purpose, our setup was used to measure the transient filed acting on Ne-22 ions passing through the Gd layer at a beam velocity of v = w14v(0). We found that the obtained strength B-TF = 2.4(8) kT is much larger than the empirical expectation.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.04.101


    • Recent result from the nuclear moment measurements using a spin polarized radioactive beam 査読有り

      D Kameda, K Asahi, H Ueno, A Yoshima, H Watanabe, H Miyoshi, K Shimada, J Murata, Y Kobayashi, G Kato, S Emori, W Sato, H Ogawa

      NUCLEAR PHYSICS A734 ( - ) 481 - 484   2004年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      The first measurement of a magnetic moment of N-19 was performed by combining a beta-NMR method with a spin-polarized radioactive nuclear beam from the fragmentation reaction. As a result, the g value for the N-19 ground state, g = 0.61 +/- 0.03(preliminary), was obtained. The value was compared with those of N-15 and N-17. Contrary to shell-mode predictions that the g value should increase with increasing number of neutrons in the sd shell, the obtained g for N-19(g.s.). is significantly smaller than g(N-17(g.s.)) previously obtained.

      DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.01.090


    • Identified charged particle spectra and yields in Au plus Au collisions at root(SNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, D Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F MUhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C69 ( 3 ) 034909   2004年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The centrality dependence of transverse momentum distributions and yields for pi(+/-),K+/-,p, and (p) over bar in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=200 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. We observe a clear particle mass dependence of the shapes of transverse momentum spectra in central collisions below similar to2 GeV/c in p(T). Both mean transverse momenta and particle yields per participant pair increase from peripheral to midcentral and saturate at the most central collisions for all particle species. We also measure particle ratios of pi(-)/pi(+), K-/K+, (p) over bar /p, K/pi, p/pi, and (p) over bar/pi as a function of p(T) and collision centrality. The ratios of equal mass particle yields are independent of p(T) and centrality within the experimental uncertainties. In central collisions at intermediate transverse momenta similar to1.5-4.5 GeV/c, proton and antiproton yields constitute a significant fraction of the charged hadron production and show a scaling behavior different from that of pions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.69.034909


    • High pT charged hadron suppression in Au + Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. C69 ( 3 ) 034910   2004年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.69.034910


    • J/Psi production from proton proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 200-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.92 ( 5 ) 051802   2004年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.051802


    • Single identified hadron spectra from root s(NN)=130 GeVAu+Au collisions 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, RD Bames, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, KC Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, J Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Pietzman, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riaboc, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C69 ( 2 ) 024904   2004年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Transverse momentum spectra and yields of hadrons are measured by the PHENIX collaboration in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=130 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The time-of-flight resolution allows identification of pions to transverse momenta of 2 GeV/c and protons and antiprotons to 4 GeV/c. The yield of pions rises approximately linearly with the number of nucleons participating in the collision, while the number of kaons, protons, and antiprotons increases more rapidly. The shape of the momentum distribution changes between peripheral and central collisions. Simultaneous analysis of all the p(T) spectra indicates radial collective expansion, consistent with predictions of hydrodynamic models. Hydrodynamic analysis of the spectra shows that the expansion velocity increases with collision centrality and collision energy. This expansion boosts the particle momenta, causing the yield from soft processes to exceed that for hard to large transverse momentum, perhaps as large as 3 GeV/c.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.69.024904


    • G-factor measurement for N-19 査読有り

      D Kameda, K Asahi, H Miyoshi, K Shimada, G Kato, S Emori, G Kijima, H Ueno, A Yoshimi, H Watanabe, T Haseyama, Y Kobayashi, J Murata, W Sato, H Ogawa

      NEW ERA OF NUCLEAR STRUCTURE PHYSICS   231 - 235   2004年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD  

      The magnetic moment of N-19 was measured by using a beta-NMR method and a spin-polarized N-19 beam from the fragmentation reaction. As a result, the g value for the N-19 ground state, g = 0.61 +/- 0.03(preliminary), was obtained. The value was compared with those of N-15 and N-17. Contrary to shell-mode predictions that the g value should increase with increasing number of neutrons in the sd shell, the obtained g for N-19(g.s.) is significantly smaller than the g factor for N-17(g.s.).

      DOI: 10.1142/9789812702401_0035


    • J/psi production in Au-Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, A Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, SJ Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C69 ( 1 ) 014901   2004年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      First results on charm quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are presented. The yield of J/psi's measured in the PHENIX experiment via electron-positron decay pairs at midrapidity for Au-Au reactions at roots(NN) = 200 GeV is analyzed as a function of collision centrality. For this analysis we have studied 49.3x10(6) minimum bias Au-Au reactions. We present the J/psi invariant yield dN/dy for peripheral and midcentral reactions. For the most central collisions where we observe no signal above background, we quote 90% confidence level upper limits. We compare these results with our J/psi measurement from proton-proton reactions at the same energy. We find that our measurements are not consistent with models that predict strong enhancement relative to binary collision scaling.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.69.014901


    • Fundamental beta decay experiments at RIKEN-RIBF 査読有り

      J Murata

      CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS54 ( - ) B217 - B220   2004年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INST PHYSICS ACAD SCI CZECH REPUBLIC  

      Next generation precision beta decay experiments aiming test of the standard model using slow RI beams which is going to be produced with huge intensity at the RIKENRIBF is presented. Current design of the experimental setup for a measurement of beta neutrino angular correlation, consists of beta particle tracking detectors and the position sensitive recoil ion detectors, is shown.


    • Mid-rapidity neutral pion production in proton proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 200-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.91 ( 24 ) 241803   2003年12月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.241803


    • Scaling properties of proton and antiproton production in root s(NN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, G Grosse Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, A Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS91 ( 17 ) 172301   2003年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We report on the yield of protons and antiprotons, as a function of centrality and transverse momentum, in Au+Au collisions at rootS(NN)=200 GeV measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. In central collisions at intermediate transverse momenta (1.5&lt;p(T)&lt;4.5 GeV/c) a significant fraction of all produced particles are protons and antiprotons. They show a centrality-scaling behavior different from that of pions. The (p) over bar/pi and p/pi ratios are enhanced compared to peripheral Au+Au, p+p, and e(+)e(-) collisions. This enhancement is limited to p(T)&lt;5 GeV/c as deduced from the ratio of charged hadrons to pi(0) measured in the range 1.5&lt;p(T)&lt;9 GeV/c.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.172301


    • Elliptic flow of identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, M Grosse Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, A Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS91 ( 18 ) 182301   2003年10月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      The anisotropy parameter (v(2)), the second harmonic of the azimuthal particle distribution, has been measured with the PHENIX detector in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=200 GeV for identified and inclusive charged particle production at central rapidities (\eta\&lt;0.35) with respect to the reaction plane defined at high rapidities (\eta\=3-4 ). We observe that the v(2) of mesons falls below that of (anti)baryons for p(T)&gt;2 GeV/c, in marked contrast to the predictions of a hydrodynamical model. A quark-coalescence model is also investigated.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.182301


    • Suppressed pi(0) production at large transverse momentum in central Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV 査読有り

      SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, R Azmoun, Babintsev, V, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, Y Berdnikov, S Bhagavatula, JG Boissevain, H Borel, S Borenstein, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, Camard, X, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, J Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, Cianciolo, V, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, DG d'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, O Drapier, A Drees, KA Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, EP Hartouni, M Harvey, R Hayano, He, X, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, WY Jang, Y Jeong, J Jia, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kametani, N Kamihara, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, K Katou, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DH Kim, DJ Kim, DW Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, K Kiyoyama, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, M Kopytine, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, Ladygin, V, JG Lajoie, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, S Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, Y Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, Manko, VI, Y Mao, G Martinez, MD Marx, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, F Messer, Y Miake, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, JL Nagle, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, M Nara, J Newby, P Nilsson, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, K Okada, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, J Park, A Parmar, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, JC Peng, Peresedov, V, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, F Plasil, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, J Rak, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, P Rosnet, SS Ryu, ME Sadler, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, M Sakai, S Sakai, Samsonov, V, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, MR Shaw, TK Shea, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, SP Sorensen, Sourikova, IV, F Staley, PW Stankus, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, P Tarjan, JD Tepe, TL Thomas, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, Y Yang, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, S Zhou, L Zolin

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS91 ( 7 ) 072301   2003年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Transverse momentum spectra of neutral pions in the range 1&lt;p(T)&lt;10 GeV/c have been measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment at BNL RHIC in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=200 GeV. The pi(0) multiplicity in central reactions is significantly below the yields measured at the same roots(NN) in peripheral Au+Au and p+p reactions scaled by the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. For the most central bin, the suppression factor is similar to2.5 at p(T)=2 GeV/c and increases to similar to4-5 at p(T)approximate to4 GeV/c. At larger p(T), the suppression remains constant within errors. The deficit is already apparent in semiperipheral reactions and increases smoothly with centrality.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.072301


    • Centrality dependence of the high (PT) charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Kara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Ssingh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, AM Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICS LETTERS B561 ( 1-2 ) 82 - 92   2003年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      PHENIX has measured the centrality dependence of charged hadron p(T) spectra from Au +An collisions at root(s)NN = 130 GeV The truncated mean p(T) decreases with centrality for p(T) &gt; 2 GeV/c, indicating an apparent reduction of the contribution from hard scattering to high p(T) hadrdn production. For central collisions the yield at high p(T) is shown to be suppressed compared to binary nucleon-nucleon collision scaling of p + p, data. This suppression is monotonically increasing with centrality, but most of the change occurs below 30% centrality, i.e., for collisions with less than similar to140 participating nucleons. The observed p(T) and centrality dependence is consistent with the particle production predicted by models including hard scattering and subsequent energy loss of the scattered partons in the dense matter created in the collisions. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00423-4


    • Heavy ion collisions at collider energies—Insights from PHENIX 査読有り

      A. Drees, K. Adcox, S. S. Adler, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, L. Aphecetche, Y. Arai, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, J. Barrette, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, F. G. Bellaiche, S. T. Belyaev, M. J. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, S. Botelho, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, T. A. Carey, P. Chand, J. Chang, W. C. Chang, L. L. Chavez, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, R. K. Choudhury, T. Christ, T. Chujo, M. S. Chung, P. Chung, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, D. G. D’Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, B. V. Dinesh, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, K. Ebisu, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El. Chenawi, A. Enokizono, H. En’yo, S. Esumi, A. D. Frawley, S. -Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, A. L. Godoi, Y. Goto, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, S. K. Gupta, W. Guryn, H.-Å Gustafsson, T. Hachiya, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, H. Hara, E. P. Hartouni, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, D. S. Ho, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. S. Ippolitov, M. Ishihara, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, J. Jia, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, S. Kametani, J. H. Kang, M. Kann, S. S. Kapoor, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, H. J. Kim, S. Y. Kim, Y. G. Kim, W. W. Kinnison, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, S. Klinksiek, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, J. Lauret, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, Z. Li, D. J. Lim, M. X. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Liu, C. F. Maguire, J. Mahon, Y. I. Makdisi, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, S. K. Mark, S. Markacs, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, A. Masaike, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, M. Merschmeyer, F. Messer, M. Messer, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Mühlbacher, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagasaka, J. L. Nagle, Y. Nakada, B. K. Nandi, J. Newby, L. Nikkinen, P. Nilsson, S. Nishimura, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O’Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, L. Österman, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, L. Paffrath, A. P T. Palounek, V. S. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, A. N. Petridis, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, P. Pitukhin, F. Plasil, M. Pollack, K. Pope, M. L. Purschke, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, M. Rosati, A. A. Rose, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, A. Sakaguchi, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, T. Sakuma, V. Samsonov, T. C. Sangster, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, B. R. Schlei, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. -A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, Y. H. Shin, I. G. Sibiriak, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, J. Simon-Gillo, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, S. Sorensen, P. W. Stankus, N. Starinsky, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, M. Sugioka, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, Y. Sumi, Z. Sun, M. Suzuki, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, E. Taniguchi, M. J. Tannenbaum, J. Thomas, J. H. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, W. Tian, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, A. A. Tsvetkov, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjö, N. Tyurin, T. Ushiroda, H. W. van Hecke, C. Velissaris, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, A. Vorobyov, E. Vznuzdaev, H. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, C. Witzig, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, K. Yagi, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, Z. Zhang, S. Zhou

      Pramana60 ( 4 ) 639 - 650   2003年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

      DOI: 10.1007/bf02705164


      その他リンク: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02705164/fulltext.html

    • Optical alignment system for the PHENIX muon tracking chambers 査読有り

      J Murata, A Al-Jamel, RL Armendariz, ML Brooks, T Horaguchi, N Kamihara, H Kobayashi, DM Lee, TA Shibata, WE Sondheim



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      A micron-precision optical alignment system (OASys) for the PHENIX muon tracking chambers is developed. To ensure the required mass resolution of vector meson detection, the relative alignment between three tracking station chambers must be monitored with a precision of 25 mum. The OASys is a straightness monitoring system comprised of a light source, lens and CCD camera, used for determining the initial placement as well as for monitoring the time dependent movement of the chambers on a micron scale. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(03)00318-8


    • PHENIX detector overview 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, M Aizama, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, H Akikawa, J Alexander, A Al-Jamel, M Allen, G Alley, R Amirikas, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, JB Archuleta, Archuleta, JR, R Armendariz, Armijo, V, SH Aronson, D Autrey, R Averbeck, TC Awes, B Azmoun, A Baldisseri, J Banning, KN Barish, AB Barker, PD Barnes, J Barrette, F Barta, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, S Batsouli, VV Baublis, A Bazilevsky, R Begay, J Behrendt, S Belikov, R Belkin, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Bhaganatula, JC Biggs, AW Bland, C Blume, M Bobrek, JG Boissevain, S Boose, H Borel, D Borland, E Bosze, S Botelho, J Bowers, C Britton, L Britton, ML Brooks, AW Brown, DS Brown, N Bruner, WL Bryan, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, SA Butsyk, MM Cafferty, TA Carey, JS Chai, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, RB Chappell, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chiu, J Chiba, M Chiu, S Chollet, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, DJ Clark, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, P Constantin, R Conway, KC Cook, DW Crook, H Cunitz, R Cunningham, M Cutshaw, DG D'Enterria, CM Dabrowski, G Danby, S Daniels, A Danmura, G David, A Debraine, H Delagrange, J DeMoss, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, R du Rietz, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, MA Echave, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, MS Emery, D Engo, A Enokizono, K Enosawa, H En'yo, N Ericson, S Esumi, VA Evseev, L Ewell, O Fackler, J Fellenstein, T Ferdousi, J Ferrierra, DE Fields, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Fox, Z Fraenkel, S Frank, A Franz, JE Frantz, AD Frawley, J Fried, JP Freidberg, E Fujisawa, H Funahashi, SY Fung, S Gadrat, J Gannon, S Garpman, F Gastaldi, TF Gee, R Gentry, TK Ghosh, P Giannotti, A Glenn, AL Godoi, M Gonin, G Gogiberidze, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, SV Greene, Griffin, V, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, S Hahn, J Halliwell, H Hamagaki, RH Hance, AG Hansen, H Hara, J Harder, GW Hart, EP Hartouni, A Harvey, L Hawkins, RS Hayano, H Hayashi, N Hayashi, He, X, N Heine, F Heistermann, S Held, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JS Hicks, R Higuchi, JC Hill, T Hirano, DS Ho, R Hoade, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Honaguchi, CT Hunter, DE Hurst, R Hutter, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, MS Ippolitov, LD Isenhower, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, M Issah, Ivanov, VI, BV Jacak, G Jackson, J Jackson, D Jaffe, U Jagadish, WY Jang, R Jayakumar, J Jia, BM Johnson, J Johnson, SC Johnson, JP Jones, K Jones, KS Joo, D Jouan, S Kahn, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, Y Kamyshkov, A Kandasamy, JH Kang, MR Kann, SS Kapoor, J Kapustinsky, KV Karadjev, Kashikhin, V, S Kato, K Katou, HJ Kehayias, MA Kelley, S Kelly, M Kennedy, B Khachaturov, AV Khanzadeev, A Khomutnikov, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, DW Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kluberg, H Kobayashi, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, BG Komkov, ML Kopytine, K Koseki, L Kotchenda, D Kotchetkov, IA Koutcheryaev, A Kozlov, VS Kozlov, PA Kravtsov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, LG Kudin, M Kurata-Nishimura, VV Kuriatkov, K Kurita, Y Kuroki, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, JJ LaBounty, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, VA Lebedev, VD Lebedev, DM Lee, S Lee, M Leitch, M Lenz, W Lenz, XH Li, Z Li, B Libby, M Libkind, W Liccardi, DJ Lim, S Lin, MX Liu, Liu, X, Y Liu, Z Liu, E Lockner, N Longbotham, JD Lopez, R Machnowski, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, S Marino, SK Mark, S Markacs, DG Markushin, G Martinez, XB Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, MC McCain, J Mead, E Melnikov, Y Melnikov, WZ Meng, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, NM Miftakhov, S Migluolio, J Milan, TE Miller, A Milov, K Minuzzo, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, Y Miyamoto, AK Mohanty, BC Montoya, A Moore, T Moore, DP Morrison, GG Moscone, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, MM Murray, M Musrock, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, T Nakamura, BK Nandi, J Negrin, J Newby, L Nikkinen, SA Nikolaev, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, P O'Conner, F Obenshain, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, CE Pancake, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, R Petersen, AN Petridis, CH Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, T Plagge, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, R Prigl, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, JM Qualls, S Rankowitz, G Rao, R Rao, M Rau, Ravinovich, I, R Raynis, KF Read, K Reygers, G Riabov, VG Riabov, YG Riabov, SH Robinson, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, EV Roschin, AA Rose, P Rosnet, R Roth, R Ruggiero, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, S Sakai, H Sako, T Sakuma, S Salomone, VM Samsonov, WF Sandhoff, L Sanfratello, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, R Savino, S Sawada, BR Schlei, R Schleuter, Y Schutz, M Sekimoto, Semenov, V, R Seto, Y Severgin, A Shajii, Shangin, V, MR Shaw, TK Shea, Shein, I, Shelikhov, V, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, T Shimada, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, M Simpson, CP Singh, Singh, V, W Sippach, M Sivertz, HD Skank, S Skutnik, GA Sleege, DC Smith, GD Smith, M Smith, A Soldatov, GP Solodov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, Sourikova, I, F Staley, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, S Steffens, EM Stein, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, J Stewering, W Stokes, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki-Nara, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, Tarakanov, VI, OP Tarasenkova, JD Tepe, R Thern, JH Thomas, JL Thomas, TL Thomas, WD Thomas, GW Thornton, W Tian, R Todd, J Tojo, F Toldo, H Torii, RS Towell, J Tradeski, VA Trofimov, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tulli, G Turner, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, S Urasawa, A Usachev, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, M Van Lith, AA Vasiliev, Vasiliev, V, M Vassent, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, W Verhoeven, L Villatte, AA Vinogradov, Vishnevskii, VI, MA Volkov, W Von Achen, AA Vorobyov, EA Vznuzdaev, M Vznuzdaev, JW Walker, Y Wan, HQ Wang, S Wang, Y Watanabe, LC Watkins, T Weimer, SN White, BR Whitus, C Williams, PS Willis, AL Wintenberg, C Witzig, FK Wohn, K Wolniewicz, BG Wong-Swanson, L Wood, CL Woody, LW Wright, J Wu, W Xie, N Xu, K Yagi, R Yamamoto, Y Yang, S Yokkaichi, Y Yokota, S Yoneyama, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, C Zhang, L Zhang, Z Zhang, S Zhou



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

      The PHENIX detector is designed to perform a broad study of A-A, p-A, and p-p collisions to investigate nuclear matter under extreme conditions. A wide variety of probes, sensitive to all timescales, are used to study systematic variations with species and energy as well as to measure the spin structure of the nucleon. Designing for the needs of the heavy-ion and polarized-proton programs has produced a detector with unparalleled capabilities. PHENIX measures electron and muon pairs, photons, and hadrons with excellent energy and momentum resolution. The detector consists of a large number of subsystems that are discussed in other papers in this volume. The overall design parameters of the detector are presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01950-2


    • PHENIX Muon Arms 査読有り

      H Akikawa, A Al-Jamel, JB Archuleta, Archuleta, JR, R Armendariz, Armijo, V, TC Awes, A Baldisseri, AB Barker, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S Batsouli, J Behrendt, FG Bellaiche, AW Bland, M Bobrek, JG Boissevain, H Borel, ML Brooks, AW Brown, DS Brown, N Bruner, MM Cafferty, TA Carey, JS Chai, LL Chavez, S Chollet, RK Choudhury, MS Chung, Cianciolo, V, DJ Clark, Y Cobigo, CM Dabrowski, A Debraine, J DeMoss, BV Dinesh, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, MA Echave, YV Efremenko, H En'yo, DE Fields, F Fleuret, J Fried, E Fujisawa, H Funahashi, S Gadrat, F Gastaldi, TF Gee, A Glenn, G Gogiberidze, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, RH Hance, GW Hart, N Hayashi, S Held, JS Hicks, JC Hill, R Hoade, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, CT Hunter, DE Hurst, T Ichihara, K Imai, LD Isenhower, LD Isenhower, M Ishihara, WY Jang, J Johnson, D Jouan, N Kamihara, Y Kamyshkov, JH Kang, SS Kapoor, DJ Kim, DW Kim, GB Kim, WW Kinnison, S Klinksiek, L Kluberg, H Kobayashi, D Koehler, L Kotchenda, CH Kuberg, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, JJ LaBounty, JG Lajoie, DM Lee, S Lee, M Leitch, Z Li, MX Liu, Liu, X, Y Liu, E Lockner, JD Lopez, Y Mao, XB Martinez, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, AK Mohanty, BC Montoya, JM Moss, J Murata, MM Murray, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, J Newby, F Obenshain, APT Palounek, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, F Plasil, K Pope, JM Qualls, G Rao, KF Read, SH Robinson, G Roche, A Romana, P Rosnet, R Roth, N Saito, T Sakuma, WF Sandhoff, L Sanfratello, HD Sato, R Savino, M Sekimoto, MR Shaw, TA Shibata, KS Sim, HD Skank, DE Smith, GD Smith, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, F Staley, PW Stankus, S Steffens, EM Stein, M Stepanov, W Stokes, M Sugioka, Z Sun, A Taketani, E Taniguchi, JD Tepe, GW Thornton, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, J Tradeski, M Vassent, C Velissaris, L Villatte, Y Wan, Y Watanabe, LC Watkins, BR Whitus, C Williams, PS Willis, BG Wong-Swanson, Y Yang, S Yoneyama, GR Young, S Zhou



      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      The PHENIX Muon Arms detect muons at rapidities of \y\ = (1.2-2.4) with full azimuthal acceptance. Each muon arm must track and identify muons and provide good rejection of pions and kaons (similar to 10(-3)). In order to accomplish this we employ a radial field magnetic spectrometer with precision tracking (Muon Tracker) followed by a stack of absorber/low resolution tracking layers (Muon Identifier). The design, construction, testing and expected run parameters of both the muon tracker and the muon identifier are described. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01955-1


    • Flow measurements via two-particle azimuthal correlations in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS89 ( 21 ) 212301   2002年11月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Two-particle azimuthal correlation functions are presented for charged hadrons produced in Au + Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (roots(NN) = 130 GeV). The measurements permit determination of elliptic flow without event-by-event estimation of the reaction plane. The extracted elliptic flow values (upsilon(2)) show significant sensitivity to both the collision centrality and the transverse momenta of emitted hadrons, suggesting rapid thermalization and relatively strong velocity fields. When scaled by the eccentricity of the collision zone epsilon, the scaled elliptic flow shows little or no dependence on centrality for charged hadrons with relatively low p(T). A breakdown of this epsilon scaling is observed for charged hadrons with p(T) > 1.0 GeV/c.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.082301


    • Net charge fluctuations in Au+Au interactions root s(NN)=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, M Grosse Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS89 ( 8 ) 082301   2002年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Data from Au+ Au interactions at s(NN)=130 GeV, obtained with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider, are used to investigate local net charge fluctuations among particles produced near midrapidity. According to recent suggestions, such fluctuations may carry information from the quark-gluon plasma. This analysis shows that the fluctuations are dominated by a stochastic distribution of particles, but are also sensitive to other effects, like global charge conservation and resonance decays.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.082301


    • Event-by-event fluctuations in mean p(T) and mean e(T) in root s(NN)=130 GeVAu+Au collisions 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW C66 ( 2 ) 024901   2002年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Distributions of event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum and mean transverse energy near mid-rapidity have been measured in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=130 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider. By comparing the distributions to what is expected for statistically independent particle emission, the magnitude of nonstatistical fluctuations in mean transverse momentum is determined to be consistent with zero. Also, no significant nonrandom fluctuations in mean transverse energy are observed. By constructing a fluctuation model with two event classes that preserve the mean and variance of the semi-inclusive p(T) or e(T) spectra, we exclude a region of fluctuations in roots(NN)=130 GeV Au+Au collisions.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.66.024901


    • Measurement of Lambda and (Lambda)over-bar particles in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, D Pal, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS89 ( 9 ) 092302   2002年8月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present results on the measurement of Lambda and (Lambda) over bar production in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN)=130 GeV with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The transverse momentum spectra were measured for minimum bias and for the 5% most central events. The (Lambda) over bar/Lambda ratios are constant as a function of p(T) and the number of participants. The measured net Lambda density is significantly larger than predicted by models based on hadronic strings (e.g., HIJING) but in approximate agreement with models which include the gluon-junction mechanism.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.092302


    • Centrality dependence of pi(+/-), K-+/-, p, and (p)over-bar production from root(NN)-N-S = 130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS88 ( 24 ) 242301   2002年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Identified pi(+/-), K+/-, p, and (p) over bar transverse momentum spectra at midrapidity in roots(NN) = 130 GeV Au + Au collisions were measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC as a function of collision centrality. Average transverse momenta increase with the number of participating nucleons in a similar way for all particle species. Within errors, all midrapidity particle yields per participant are found to be increasing with the number of participating nucleons. There is an indication that K+/-, p, and (p) over bar yields per participant increase faster than the pi(+/-) yields. In central collisions at high transverse momenta (p(T) greater than or similar to 2 GeV/c), (p) over bar and p yields are comparable to the pi(+/-) yields.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.242301


    • Centrality Dependence ofπ+/−,K+/−,p, andp¯Production fromsNN=130GeVAu + Au Collisions at RHIC 査読有り

      K. Adcox, S. S. Adler, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, L. Aphecetche, Y. Arai, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, J. Barrette, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, F. G. Bellaiche, S. T. Belyaev, M. J. Benne, Y. Berdnikov, S. Botelho, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, T. A. Carey, P. Chand, J. Chang, W. C. Chang, L. L. Chavez, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, R. K. Choudhury, T. Chris, T. Chujo, M. S. Chung, P. Chung, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, D. G. D{\textquotesingle}Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmon, O. Dietzsch, B. V. Dinesh, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, K. Ebisu, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, H. En{\textquotesingle}yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, T. Ferdousi, D. E. Fields, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S.-Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, A. L. Godoi, Y. Goto, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, S. K. Gupta, W. Guryn, H.-{\AA}. Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, H. Hara, E. P. Hartouni, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. M. Heuser, M. Hibino, J. C. Hill, D. S. Ho, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. S. Ippolitov, M. Ishihara, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, J. Jia, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, S. Kametani, J. H. Kang, M. Kann, S. S. Kapoor, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, H. J. Kim, S. Y. Kim, Y. G. Kim, W. W. Kinnison, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, S. Klinksiek, L. Kochenda, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, D. Kotchetkov, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, J. Laure, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, Z. Li, D. J. Lim, M. X. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Liu, C. F. Maguire, J. Mahon, Y. I. Makdisi, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, S. K. Mark, S. Markacs, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, A. Masaike, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, M. Merschmeyer, F. Messer, M. Messer, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Mühlbacher, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagasaka, J. L. Nagle, Y. Nakada, B. K. Nandi, J. Newby, L. Nikkinen, P. Nilsson, S. Nishimura, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O{\textquotesingle}Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, L. Österman, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, L. Paffrath, A. P. T. Palounek, V. S. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, A. N. Petridis, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, P. Pitukhin, F. Plasil, M. Pollack, K. Pope, M. L. Purschke, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, M. Rosati, A. A. Rose, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, A. Sakaguchi, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, T. Sakuma, V. Samsonov, T. C. Sangster, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, B. R. Schlei, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, Y. H. Shin, I. G. Sibiriak, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, J. Simon-Gillo, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, S. Sorensen, P. W. Stankus, N. Starinsky, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, M. Sugioka, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, Y. Sumi, Z. Sun, M. Suzuki, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, E. Taniguchi, M. J. Tannenbaum, J. Thomas, J. H. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, W. Tian, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, A. A. Tsvetkov, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjö, N. Tyurin, T. Ushiroda, H. W. van Hecke, C. Velissaris, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, A. Vorobyov, E. Vznuzdaev, H. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, C. Witzig, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, K. Yagi, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, Z. Zhang, S. Zhou

      Physical Review Letters88 ( 24 ) 242301   2002年5月28日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:American Physical Society ({APS})  

      DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.88.242301


    • Transverse-mass dependence of two-pion correlations in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, A Enokizono, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS88 ( 19 ) 192302   2002年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      Two-pion correlations in roots(NN) = 130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC have been measured over a broad range of pair transverse momentum k(T) by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. The k(T) dependent transverse radii are similar to results from heavy-ion collisions at roots(NN) = 4.1 , 4.9, and 17.3 GeV, whereas the longitudinal radius increases monotonically with beam energy. The ratio of the outwards to sidewards transverse radii (R-out/R-side) is consistent with unity and independent of k(T) .

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.192302


    • Measurement of single electrons and implications for charm production in Au+Au collisions at root(NN)-N-S=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, T Hachiya, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS88 ( 19 ) 192303   2002年5月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSICAL SOC  

      Transverse momentum spectra of electrons from Au+Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 GeV have been measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The spectra show an excess above the background from photon conversions and light hadron decays. The electron signal is consistent with that expected from semileptonic decays of charm. The yield of the electron signal dN(e)/dy for p(T) &gt; 0.8 GeV/c is 0.025 +/- 0.004(stat) +/- 0.010( syst) in central collisions, and the corresponding charm cross section is 380 +/- 60(stat) +/- 200(syst ) mub per binary nucleon-nucleon collision.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.192303


    • Overview of PHENIX results from the first RHIC run 査読有り

      WA Zajc, K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, W Allen, G Alley, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, JB Archuleta, Archuleta, JR, Armijo, V, SH Aronson, Atatekin, I, D Autrey, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, J Behrendt, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, DD Bluhm, M Bobrek, JG Boissevain, S Boose, S Botelho, J Branning, CL Britton, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, WL Bryan, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, C Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, MM Cafferty, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, RB Chappell, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DW Crook, H Cunitz, DG D'Enterria, SQ Daniel, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, MA Echave, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, MS Emery, H En'yo, MN Ericson, S Esumi, Evseev, V, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, SS Frank, A Franz, AD Frawley, J Fried, SY Fung, J Gannon, S Garpman, TF Gee, TK Ghosh, P Giannotti, Y Gil, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, SF Hahn, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, J Harder, GW Hart, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, N Heine, F Heistermann, TK Hemmick, J Heuser, M Hibino, JS Hicks, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, Hutchins, JR, R Hutter, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, U Jagadish, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, JP Jones, KS Joo, S Kahn, S Kametani, YA Kamyshkov, A Kandasamy, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, KV Karadjev, S Kato, MA Kelley, S Kelly, M Kennedy, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, A Khomoutnikov, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, D Kochetkov, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, B Komkov, A Kozlov, Kozlov, V, P Kravtsov, PJ Kroon, Kuriatkov, V, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, VA Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, R Lind, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, LJ Marek, SK Mark, S Markacs, D Markushin, C Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, W McGahern, PL McGaughey, DE McMillan, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, N Miftakhov, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, BC Montoya, JA Moore, DP Morrison, CG Moscone, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, SA Nikolaev, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, L Otterlund, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, C Pancake, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, B Pasmantirer, SF Pate, C Pearson, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, R Prigl, ML Purschke, S Rankowitz, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, G Richardson, SH Robinson, M Rosati, E Roschin, AA Rose, R Ruggiero, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsanov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IC Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, FW Sippach, M Sivertz, HD Skank, GA Sleege, DE Smith, G Smith, MC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, Tarakanov, V, O Tarasenkova, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, WD Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Trofimov, V, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, AA Vasiliev, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, W Verhoeven, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, JW Walker, H Wang, S Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, BR Whitus, AL Wintenberg, C Witzig, FK Wohn, BG Wong-Swanson, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      NUCLEAR PHYSICS A698 ( - ) 39C - 53C   2002年2月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

      Results from the PHENIX experiment for the first RHIC run with Au-Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 GeV are presented. The systematic variation with centrality of charged particle multiplicity, transverse energy, elliptic flow, identified particle spectra and yield ratios, and production of charged particles and pi(0)'s at high transverse momenta are presented. Results on two-pion correlations and electron spectra are also provided, along with a discussion of plans for the second run at RHIC.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01347-1


    • Construction of the PHENIX south muon arm 査読有り

      J Murata

      NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY610 ( 1 ) 947 - 951   2002年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:AMER INST PHYSICS  

      Installation of the south PHENIX muon arm was completed in January 2001. The role of the muon arm is to track and identify muons, providing good rejection of pions; and kaons. In order to accomplish this, we employ a radial field magnetic spectrometer with precision tracking (muon tracker) followed by a stack of absorber/low resolution tracking layers (muon identifier). We report the design, construction and performance of the muon tracker and the muon identifier.

      DOI: 10.1063/1.1470067


    • Suppression of hadrons with large transverse momentum in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 130-GeV 査読有り

      PHENIX Collaboration

      Phys.Rev. Lett.88 ( 2 ) 022301   2002年1月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.242301


    • Beyond the standard model physics at RHIC in polarized pp collision 査読有り

      J Murata

      CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS52 ( - ) C125 - C133   2002年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INST PHYSICS ACAD SCI CZECH REPUBLIC  

      An polarized hadron collider experiment must have a great discovery potential for a search of physics beyond the standard model. Experimental data of various symmetry tests at RHIC are going to be obtained within a few years. The author developed a simulation tool, studying a sensitivity of hunting contact interaction at RHIC by measuring parity violating spin asymmetries.

      DOI: 10.1007/s10582-002-0103-3


    • Measurement of the midrapidity transverse energy distribution from root(NN)-N-S=130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Yang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kann, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, D Kochetkov, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavssiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, RJ Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdaev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS87 ( 5 ) 052301   2001年7月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      The first measurement of energy produced transverse to the beam direction at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory is presented. The midrapidity transverse energy density per participating nucleon rises steadily with the number of participants, closely paralleling the rise in charged-particle density, such that (E-T)/(N-ch) remains relatively constant as a function of centrality. The energy density calculated via Bjorken's prescription for the 2% most central Au + Au collisions at rootS(NN) = 130 GeV is at least epsilon (Bj) = 4.6 GeV/fm(3), which is a factor of 1.6 larger than found at rootS(NN) = 17.2 GeV (Pb + Pb at CERN).

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.052301


    • Centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicity in Au-Au collisions at root(S)NN=130 GeV 査読有り

      K Adcox, SS Adler, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, J Alexander, L Aphecetche, Y Arai, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, KN Barish, PD Barnes, J Barrette, B Bassalleck, S Bathe, Baublis, V, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, FG Bellaiche, ST Belyaev, MJ Bennett, Y Berdnikov, S Botelho, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, Bumazhnov, V, G Bunce, J Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, TA Carey, P Chand, J Chang, WC Chang, LL Chavez, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, RK Choudhury, T Christ, T Chujo, MS Chung, P Chung, Cianciolo, V, BA Cole, DG D'Enterria, G David, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, O Dietzsch, BV Dinesh, A Drees, A Durum, D Dutta, K Ebisu, YV Efremenko, K El Chenawi, H En'yo, S Esumi, L Ewell, T Ferdousi, DE Fields, SL Fokin, Z Fraenkel, A Franz, AD Frawley, SY Fung, S Garpman, TK Ghosh, A Glenn, AL Godoi, Y Goto, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, SK Gupta, W Guryn, HA Gustafsson, JS Haggerty, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Hara, EP Hartouni, R Hayano, N Hayashi, He, X, TK Hemmick, J Heuser, M Hibino, JC Hill, DS Ho, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Ichihara, K Imai, MS Ippolitov, M Ishihara, BV Jacak, WY Jang, J Jia, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, S Kametani, JH Kang, M Kam, SS Kapoor, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, HJ Kim, SY Kim, YG Kim, WW Kinnison, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, S Klinksiek, L Kochenda, D Kochetkov, Kochetkov, V, D Koehler, T Kohama, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, J Lauret, A Lebedev, DM Lee, MJ Leitch, XH Li, Z Li, DJ Lim, MX Liu, Liu, X, Z Liu, CF Maguire, J Mahon, YI Makdisi, Manko, VI, Y Mao, SK Mark, S Markacs, G Martinez, MD Marx, A Masaike, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, PL McGaughey, E Melnikov, M Merschmeyer, F Messer, M Messer, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, RE Mischke, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, F Muhlbacher, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagasaka, JL Nagle, Y Nakada, BK Nandi, J Newby, L Nikkinen, P Nilsson, S Nishimura, AS Nyanin, J Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, M Ono, Onuchin, V, A Oskarsson, L Osterman, Otterlund, I, K Oyama, L Paffrath, APT Palounek, VS Pantuev, Papavassiliou, V, SF Pate, T Peitzmann, AN Petridis, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, P Pitukhin, F Plasil, M Pollack, K Pope, ML Purschke, Ravinovich, I, KF Read, K Reygers, Riabov, V, Y Riabov, M Rosati, AA Rose, SS Ryu, N Saito, A Sakaguchi, T Sakaguchi, H Sako, T Sakuma, Samsonov, V, TC Sangster, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, BR Schlei, Y Schutz, Semenov, V, R Seto, TK Shea, Shein, I, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, T Shiina, YH Shin, IG Sibiriak, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, J Simon-Gillo, CP Singh, Singh, V, M Sivertz, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, S Sorensen, PW Stankus, N Starinsky, P Steinberg, E Stenlund, A Ster, SP Stoll, M Sugioka, T Sugitate, JP Sullivan, Y Sumi, Z Sun, M Suzuki, EM Takagui, A Taketani, M Tamai, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, E Taniguchi, MJ Tannenbaum, J Thomas, JH Thomas, TL Thomas, W Tian, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, Tserruya, I, H Tsuruoka, AA Tsvetkov, SK Tuli, H Tydesjo, N Tyurin, T Ushiroda, HW van Hecke, C Velissaris, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, A Vorobyov, E Vznuzdnev, H Wang, Y Watanabe, SN White, C Witzig, FK Wohn, CL Woody, W Xie, K Yagi, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, Z Zhang, S Zhou

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS86 ( 16 ) 3500 - 3505   2001年4月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      We present results for the charged-particle multiplicity distribution at midrapidity in Au-Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 GeV measured with the PHENIX detector at RHIC. For the 5% most central collisions we find dN(ch)/d eta (|eta =0) = 622 +/- 1(stat) +/- 41(syst). The results, analyzed as a function of centrality show a steady rise of the particle density per participating nucleon with centrality.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.3500


    • Measurement of proton–proton bremsstrahlung at 389 MeV 査読有り

      K. Yasuda, T. Hotta, M. Kato, M. Kawabata, Y. Maeda, N. Matsuoka, T. Matsuzuka, Y. Mizuno, M. Nomachi, T. Noro, Y. Sugaya, K. Takahisa, K. Tamura, H.P. Yoshida, M. Yoshimura, Y. Yokota, Y. Yuasa, K. Imai, T. Murakami, J. Murata, I. Nakagawa, T. Tamae, H. Tsubota, H. Akiyoshi

      Nuclear Physics A684 ( 1-4 ) 400 - 402   2001年3月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier {BV}  

      DOI: 10.1016/s0375-9474(01)00432-8


    • First results from RHIC-PHENIX 査読有り

      Tarun Kanti Ghosh, K. Adcox, S. S. Adler, N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, J. Alexander, L. Aphecetche, Y. Arai, S. H. Aronson, R. Averbeck, T. C. Awes, K. N. Barish, P. D. Barnes, J. Barrette, B. Bassalleck, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, A. Bazilevsky, S. Belikov, F. G. Bellaiche, S. T. Belyaev, M. J. Bennett, Y. Berdnikov, S. Botelho, M. L. Brooks, D. S. Brown, N. Bruner, D. Bucher, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, J. Burward-Hoy, S. Butsyk, T. A. Carey, P. Chand, J. Chang, W. C. Chang, L. L. Chavez, S. Chernichenko, C. Y. Chi, J. Chiba, M. Chiu, R. K. Choudhury, T. Christ, T. Chujo, M. S. Chung, P. Chung, V. Cianciolo, B. A. Cole, D. G. D'Enterria, G. David, H. Delagrange, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, O. Dietzsch, B. V. Dinesh, A. Drees, A. Durum, D. Dutta, K. Ebisu, Y. V. Efremenko, K. El Chenawi, H. En'yo, S. Esumi, L. Ewell, T. Ferdousi, D. E. Fields, S. L. Fokin, Z. Fraenkel, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, S. Y. Fung, S. Garpman, T. K. Ghosh, A. Glenn, A. L. Godoi, Y. Goto, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, S. K. Gupta, W. Guryn, H. Å Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, H. Hamagaki, A. G. Hansen, H. Hara, E. P. Hartouni, R. Hayano, N. Hayashi, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, J. Heuser, J. C. Hill, D. S. Ho, K. Homma, B. Hong, A. Hoover, T. Ichihara, K. Imai, M. S. Ippolitov, M. Ishihara, B. V. Jacak, W. Y. Jang, J. Jia, B. M. Johnson, S. C. Johnson, K. S. Joo, S. Kametani, J. H. Kang, M. Kann, S. S. Kapoor, S. Kelly, B. Khachaturov, A. Khanzadeev, J. Kikuchi, D. J. Kim, H. J. Kim, S. Y. Kim, Y. G. Kim, W. W. Kinnison, E. Kistenev, A. Kiyomichi, C. Klein-Boesing, S. Klinksiek, L. Kochenda, D. Kochetkov, V. Kochetkov, D. Koehler, T. Kohama, A. Kozlov, P. J. Kroon, K. Kurita, M. J. Kweon, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, J. G. Lajoie, J. Lauret, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, M. J. Leitch, X. H. Li, Z. Li, D. J. Lim, M. X. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Liu, C. F. Maguire, J. Mahon, Y. I. Makdisi, V. I. Manko, Y. Mao, S. K. Mark, S. Markacs, G. Martinez, M. D. Marx, A. Masaike, F. Matathias, T. Matsumoto, P. L. McGaughey, E. Melnikov, M. Merschmeier, F. Messer, M. Messer, Y. Miake, T. E. Miller, A. Milov, S. Mioduszewski, R. E. Mischke, G. C. Mishra, J. T. Mitchell, A. K. Mohanty, D. P. Morrison, J. M. Moss, F. Mühlbacher, M. Muniruzzaman, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, Y. Nagasaka, J. L. Nagle, Y. Nakada, B. K. Nandi, J. Newby, L. Nikkinen, P. Nilsson, S. Nishimura, A. S. Nyanin, J. Nystrand, E. O'Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, H. Ohnishi, I. D. Ojha, M. Ono, V. Onuchin, A. Oskarsson, L. Österman, I. Otterlund, K. Oyama, L. Paffrath, A. P.T. Palounek, V. S. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, S. F. Pate, T. Peitzmann, A. N. Petridis, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, P. Pitukhin, F. Plasil, M. Pollack, K. Pope, M. L. Purschke, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, M. Rosati, A. A. Rose, S. S. Ryu, N. Saito, A. Sakaguchi, T. Sakaguchi, H. Sako, T. Sakuma, V. Samsonov, T. C. Sangster, R. Santo, H. D. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sawada, B. R. Schlei, Y. Schutz, V. Semenov, R. Seto, T. K. Shea, I. Shein, T. A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, T. Shiina, Y. H. Shin, I. G. Sibiriak, D. Silvermyr, K. S. Sim, J. Simon-Gilio, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Sivertz, A. Soldatov, R. A. Soltz, S. Sorensen, P. W. Stankus, N. Starinsky, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, A. Ster, S. P. Stoll, M. Sugioka, T. Sugitate, J. P. Sullivan, Y. Sumi, Z. Sun, M. Suzuki, E. M. Takagui, A. Taketani, M. Tamai, K. H. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, E. Taniguchi, M. J. Tannenbaum, J. Thomas, J. H. Thomas, T. L. Thomas, W. Tian, J. Tojo, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, H. Tsuruoka, A. A. Tsvetkov, S. K. Tuli, H. Tydesjö, N. Tyurin, T. Ushiroda, H. W. Van Hecke, C. Velissaris, J. Velkovska, M. Velkovsky, A. A. Vinogradov, M. A. Volkov, A. Vorobyov, E. Vznuzdaev, H. Wang, Y. Watanabe, S. N. White, C. Witzig, F. K. Wohn, C. L. Woody, W. Xie, K. Yagi, S. Yokkaichi, G. R. Young, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, Z. Zhang, S. Zhou

      Pramana - Journal of Physics57 ( 2-3 ) 355 - 369   2001年


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:Indian Academy of Sciences  

      The PHENIX experiment consists of a large detector system located at the newly commissioned relativistic heavy ion collider (RHIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The primary goal of the PHENIX experiment is to look for signatures of the QCD prediction of a deconfined high-energy-density phase of nuclear matter quark gluon plasma. PHENIX started data taking for Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 130 GeV in June 2000. The signals from the beam-beam counter (BBC) and zero degree calorimeter (ZDC) are used to determine the centrality of the collision. A Glauber model reproduces the ZDC spectrum reasonably well to determine the participants in a collision. Charged particle multiplicity distribution from the first PHENIX paper is compared with the other RHIC experiment and the CERN, SPS results. Transverse momentum of photons are measured in the electro-magnetic calorimeter (EMCal) and preliminary results are presented. Particle identification is made by a time of flight (TOF) detector and the results show clear separation of the charged hadrons from each other.

      DOI: 10.1007/s12043-001-0045-5



    • Fragment Emission Source Geometry and Temperature in 12-GeV and 8-GeV Proton Induced Multifragmentation 査読有り

      J. Murata

      Nuclear Physics A654 ( 1 ) 807 - 810   1999年7月26日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier  

      The fragment emission-angle dependence of the nuclear temperature and free nucleon density has been studied in 8-GeV and 12-GeV proton-induced target multi-fragmentation reactions on various targets. The temperature and free-nucleon density have been extracted from the isotope-yield ratios. "U-Shape" angular distributions have been observed for both of them, suggesting that the temperature and density distributions in the emission source of intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) should not be uniform. The existence of nonuniformity could be the origin of the reported sideward-yield enhancement of the IMF production.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(00)88551-6



    • Measurement of proton-proton bremsstrahlung at 389 MeV 査読有り

      K Yasuda, H Akiyoshi, T Hotta, K Imai, M Kato, M Kawabata, Y Maeda, N Matsuoka, T Matsuzuka, Y Mizuno, T Murakami, J Murata, Nakagawa, I, M Nomachi, T Noro, Y Sugaya, K Takahisa, T Tamae, K Tamura, H Tsubota, Y Yokota, HP Yoshida, M Yoshimura, Y Yuasa

      PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS82 ( 24 ) 4775 - 4778   1999年6月


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC  

      Proton-proton bremsstrahlung cross sections have been measured at 389 MeV incident energy. A two-arm spectrometer and a liquid hydrogen target system have been used to measure the proton-proton bremsstrahlung events with small background. At the present kinematical conditions, an enhancement of the cross sections due to the Delta current contribution is predicted. The measured cross sections are larger than the theoretical predictions including the a current contribution.

      DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.4775


    • Data-acquisition system for a target multifragmentation experiment with large solid angle detectors 査読有り

      Y. Tanaka, M. Haseno, H. Hara, Y. Nagasaka, S. Tsuji, K. Satake, K. H. Tanaka, J. Murata, R. Muramatsu, T. Murakami, Y. J. Tanaka, Y. Ohkuma, H. Ochiishi, F. Kosuge, Y. Shibata, R. Kubohara, K. Yasuda, Y. Sugaya, M. Nomachi

      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment425 ( 1 ) 323 - 331   1999年4月1日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier Science B.V.  

      We have developed a CAMAC data-acquisition system that is capable of handling not only high-rate interruptions, but also over one hundred inputs within a single CAMAC crate in order to perform exclusive measurements of target multifragmentation induced by 8 and 12 GeV primary proton beams on heavy nuclei. The system is run under PC-Linux and a CAMAC auxiliary crate controller. Since we have selected the UNIDAQ data-acquisition system for our DAQ software, which only uses standard UNIX technology, we expect easy migration to another platform in a future system upgrade.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(98)01335-7



    • Subthreshold antiproton production in pA, dA and αA reactions 査読有り

      Y. Sugaya, D. Ashery, J. Chiba, H. Ito, K. Kimura, Yu T. Kiselev, S. Kouda, K. Miyano, T. Murakami, J. Murata, T. Nagae, Y. Nakai, M. Nomachi, M. Numajiri, H. Ochiishi, S. Sawada, M. Sekimoto, T. Shibata, T. Suzuki, K. H. Tanaka, M. K. Vlasov, Y. Yamanoi, K. Yasuda, Y. Yoshimura

      Nuclear Physics A634 ( 1-2 ) 115 - 140   1998年5月4日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier  

      An enormous enhancement of antiproton production in deuteron-and α-induced reactions has been observed in the subthreshold energy region between 2 and 5 GeV/nucleon. Antiprotons produced at 5.1° with a momentum range of between 1.0 and 2.5 GeV/c were measured by a beam-line spectrometer and identified by the time-of-flight method. The production cross sections in the deuteron-and α-induced reactions at an incident energy of 3.5 GeV/nucleon were 2 and 3 orders of magnitude larger than those in proton-induced reaction at the same energy. The enhancement in light-ion reactions could not be explained by the internal motion in the projectile and target nuclei. The target-mass dependence (C, Al, Cu and Pb) of the cross sections has also been studied. Further, the cross sections of π and K productions were measured. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(98)00122-5



    • First experiment at RCNP on pp-bremsstrahlung at 400 MeV 査読有り

      M. Nomachi, T. Hotta, M. Kato, M. Kawabata, Y. Maeda, N. Matsuoka, Y. Mizuno, T. Noro, Y. Sugaya, K. Takahisa, K. Takanashi, K. Tamura, H. Toki, K. Yasuda, H. Yoshida, M. Yoshimura, Y. Yuasa, K. Imai, T. Murakami, J. Murata, I. Nakagawa, T. Tamae, H. Tsubota, H. Akiyoshi

      Nuclear Physics A629 ( 1-2 ) 213 - 217   1998年2月2日


      記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier  

      Proton-proton bremsstrahlung events were measured at 400 MeV proton energy. Two arm spectrograph and a liquid-hydrogen target system with well tuned beam provided good event identification.

      DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(97)00690-8





    • 滑り台は大人の方が速い⁉(後編) 招待有り


      科学94 ( 6 ) 567 - 573   2024年6月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • 滑り台は大人の方が速い⁉(前編) 招待有り


      科学94 ( 5 ) 463 - 468   2024年5月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • 曲がるもの大研究! 招待有り


      科学94 ( 2 ) 161 - 171   2024年2月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • フレミングの左手の法則と左右対称性 招待有り


      科学93 ( 10 ) 905 - 914   2023年10月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • 鏡の世界が左右反対なのはなぜか 招待有り


      科学93 ( 8 ) 714 - 721   2023年8月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • カーリングの石はなぜ曲がるか 招待有り


      科学93 ( 3 ) 194 - 199   2023年3月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:岩波書店  


    • 重力逆二乗則の実験検証 招待有り 査読有り


      日本物理学会誌73 ( 11 ) 762 - 770   2018年11月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  


    • 高次元の世界 招待有り 査読有り

      浅井祥仁, 橋本幸士, 村田次郎, 寺師弘二, ミケランジェロ・マンガノ, セルジオ・ベルトルッチ, 執筆, 福田伊佐央

      Newton36 ( 1 ) 56 - 59   2016年1月7日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(商業誌、新聞、ウェブメディア)  


    • 余剰次元探索を目指した近距離重力実験 招待有り 査読有り

      村田次郎, 田中佐季, 二宮一史, 村上遥菜

      高エネルギーニュース32 ( 3 ) 233 - 240   2014年2月22日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  


    • 「見えない次元」を探し出せ! 招待有り 査読有り

      村田次郎, 向山信治, 陣内修

      Newton33 ( 7 ) 106 - 111   2013年7月7日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(商業誌、新聞、ウェブメディア)  


    • 余剰次元を探る 招待有り 査読有り

      中島林彦, 村田次郎

      日経サイエンス43 ( 1 ) 44 - 53   2013年1月1日


      記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(商業誌、新聞、ウェブメディア)   出版者・発行元:日経サイエンス ; 1990-  

      CiNii Article




    • 相対論と宇宙の事典

      安東正樹他( 担当: 分担執筆)

      朝倉書店  2020年6月1日 


      記述言語:日本語 著書種別:学術書


    • “生きる”時間のパラダイム

      関礼子, 村田次郎( 担当: 分担執筆)

      日本評論社  2015年3月1日  ( ISBN:9784535586840


      記述言語:日本語 著書種別:一般書・啓蒙書


    • 「余剰次元」と逆二乗則の破れ

      村田次郎( 担当: 単著)

      講談社  2011年2月22日  ( ISBN:9784062577168


      記述言語:日本語 著書種別:一般書・啓蒙書


    • Muons: New Research

      J. Murata( 担当: 共著)

      Nova Science Publishers  2004年1月1日 


      記述言語:英語 著書種別:学術書


    • Micron-Precision Optical Alignment System for Muon Tracking Chambers

      J. Murata( 担当: 共著)

      Nova Science Publishers  2004年1月1日  ( ISBN:1594541752


      記述言語:英語 著書種別:学術書



    • カナダTRIUMF研究所 qLV実験 実験代表者



    • J-PARC μLV実験 実験代表者



    • カナダTRIUMF研究所 MTV実験 実験代表者 その他






    • ベータ崩壊を用いた基本対称性の研究



      2003年4月 - 現在



    • 近距離重力の研究



      2003年4月 - 現在



    • 時間反転対称性の新展開・再三世代MTV実験(基盤研究B)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2016年4月 - 2021年3月


      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金



    • 次世代時間反転対称性の破れ探索実験(TRIUMF-MTV実験)(国際共同研究強化)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2016年4月 - 2019年3月


      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金



    • 次世代時間反転対称性の破れ探索実験(TRIUMF-MTV実験)(基盤研究B)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2013年4月 - 2016年3月


      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金



    • 原子核スケールでの重力現象の探求(挑戦的萌芽研究)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2012年4月 - 2014年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金


    • TRIUMFにおける世界最高精度での時間反転対称性の破れ探索実験(若手研究A)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2009年4月 - 2013年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金



    • 偏極陽子衝突を用いた核子スピン構造研究の新展開(学術創成研究:代表 齊藤直人)



      2006年4月 - 2011年3月



    • 宇宙環境を利用した近距離重力実験(萌芽研究)




      2008年4月 - 2010年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金



    • 単光子イメージング検出器を用いたベータ・ニュートリノ相関観測実験(若手研究A)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2006年4月 - 2009年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金


    • 小さなもののあいだの重力を測ろう!

      文部科学省  学術振興会ひらめきときめきサイエンス 


      2007年4月 - 2008年3月




    • ピコ精度デジタル画像処理型変位計を用いた近距離重力の研究(萌芽研究)




      2006年4月 - 2008年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金


    • ベータ・ニュートリノ相関超精密観測装置の開発(若手研究B)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 



      2003年4月 - 2006年3月

      担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金


    • 時間反転対称性の破れ検索実験用β線飛跡検出器の開発

      立教大学  立教大学学術推進特別重点資金(立教SFR) 


      2003年4月 - 2005年3月



    • Mg同位体の励起状態の磁気モーメント測定(代表 上野秀樹)

      日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 


      2003年4月 - 2005年3月





    • 動摩擦係数を測定するための方法、装置及びプログラム




      特許番号/登録番号:特許第7313054号  登録日:2023年7月13日 


    • ねじれ秤による微小力測定装置及び微小力測定方法並びに埋没物体の探査方

      村田次郎, 二ノ宮一史


      出願番号:特願2010-122928  出願日:2010年5月28日

      特許番号/登録番号:特許第5578667号  発行日:2014年7月18日



    • 原発事故復興支援の為の放射能測定

      2011年3月 - 2019年3月


    • 大学入試センター試験問題作成者

      2013年4月 - 2015年3月


    • KEKサマーチャレンジ 演習担当委員

      2008年4月 - 2014年8月




